=== interrupt is now known as leftist === Mrokii_ is now known as Mrokii [05:45] hi. is there an easy way to create a desktop starter to a website, a kind of "webapps"? meaning another way like creating a .desktop file under /usr/share/applications/ ? [05:47] didn't get that. [05:52] I mean like the "ice" application in peppermint os for example [05:52] screenshot [06:17] diogenes_: just a second.. [06:44] "Peppermint's handy cloud & web application management tool 'Ice' continues to put web applications on an equal footing with locally installed apps by allowing them easy integration into system menus, and delivery to the desktop via SSB's so they mimic locally installed applications." (from http://peppermintos.com/) [06:44] https://zeroc.com/downloads/ice#linux [06:45] carefull, it is not supported here [06:50] yes, its exact this what I meant: https://peppermintos.com/guide/ice/ [06:50] I think its a good thing these days. Would be great if kde could adopt/create something similar. [06:55] pragomer, you can also use html+javascript and create such type of apps, for instance, for discord, you create a file called discord.html with the following content: http://dpaste.com/0XHMDY3 [06:55] and allow your browser to open pop up javascript dialogs. [06:56] then you can create a .desktop file or even bookmark it in your browser or add it to the main menu, you can do whatever. [07:06] we do have the webslice applet [07:07] oh, plasma now calls them widgets [07:19] webslice? that name sounds interesting. going to look up for this. :-) [07:22] also going to try out the script thing [07:23] thank you so far. going to give you feedback what worked best for me [07:56] the program "ice", using this deb-file, worked perfectly on kubuntu: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=TxiCzmjjp-D6QIb-N3HTZF-B7fh8MTU2NDk5MTc2NEAxNTY0OTA1MzY0&q=https%3A%2F%2Flaunchpad.net%2F%7Epeppermintos%2F%2Barchive%2Fubuntu%2Fp9-release%2F%2Bfiles%2Fice_5.3.4_all.deb&v=vOsoi4mKcQM&event=video_description === MANIAC is now known as Guest12562 [08:03] pragomer, have fun! [09:32] hi. I got a - just personally for me - annoying issue with dolphin: when using split view (f3) and wanting return back to a single view I have to first click on that side/window that I dont want to stay. This is completly unlogical to me. Is it somehow possible to set this vice-versa? [09:40] mm, its exactly this topic here: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?t=151449 [11:05] Hi folks === sysop is now known as Guest11467 === juboxi is now known as jubo2 === viv`d is now known as vivid === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life