=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK [09:56] does current 19.04 lubuntu iso also have kernel ? [10:01] you can check: https://distrotest.net/Lubuntu [11:42] my uname -a: Linux dev-pc 5.0.0-23-generic [11:42] just updated [18:34] what is the lubot? [18:34] some sort of bridge? [18:35] Doctor_Tau: yes. It is a bridge to Telegram. [18:35] Ahhhhhh, cool. [18:37] It is pretty handy. The Telegram link is in the topic. === testuser is now known as Sandy77a [23:45] Hi, using Lubuntu 16.04 LTS on an Asus Eee PC Flare series. I just installed the updates via the update centre today and now when I boot I can see the decrypt screen fine, but the login screen is all black. If I use the Fn keys to ak the machine hiberanate then upon pressing the 'on' button it resumes and screen is fine. I didn't have this issue before, but perhaps I should mention that the decrypt screen is always too dim unless I use the brightness keys. [23:45] The brightness keys have no effect on this new problem though. Any thoughts? Thanks!