[00:01] sticki: i suggest to boot the usb stick in uefi mode, if possible [00:01] then reinstall. [00:10] what is it.. an odroid? [00:10] oh sorry thought iw as in the server chan [01:02] Is there a program for composing music that actually works? I found lists of Linux programs on the internet, but couldn't figure out how to get any of them working (and one called Qtractor makes a high-pitched squealing sound which will probably cause hearing loss). So far I've tried LMMS, (Amuc is no longer available), Rosegarden, MusE, Qtractor, and so far they've been a complete waste of time. I just want to select an instrument (like a Piano) in a [01:02] track and start laying down notes. [01:10] Hmm, I guess I'll have to go back to Windows for now. People keep saying that Linux is great for composing music, and although most offerings on Windows are garbage, it seems that I can't find them on Linux -- programs like Audacity are not what I'm looking for because they serve a different purpose (and do it well). :( [01:13] ranzpirat: #ubuntu-studio - as they specialize in media. [01:14] ranzpirat: sorry -- he, Randolf, left :( [01:25] I installed ChaletOS on my wife's laptop and for the most part it's been running fine, but she keeps getting these notifications that make absolutely no sense. she has xfce4-notify installed and she's gotten repeated mcafee notifications, notifications about windows having a virus, etc... where are these notifications coming from? [01:27] IanTLopp: you joined #ubuntu [01:31] yes, and ChaletOS is based on Ubuntu running XCFE4 [01:32] IanTLopp: i see. but we really only support ubuntu on this very channel [01:32] you could try ##linux if they don't have their own [01:32] there is no #chaletos channel, so I went with the closest alternative - which I assume *should* have the same answer as running the same xfce4-notify on either shouyld have the same response. [01:32] or install ubuntu, and we'll be happy to help. [01:33] okay, we could try this - "I installed Ubuntu running XFCE4 and a veneer to make it look like Windows 7, on my wife's laptop, etc.." does the answer change? [01:33] no, but the problems you are experiencing I assume only happen when the browser is open [01:33] install uBlock Origin and watch the viruses popups magically disappear [01:34] no, you're still not running ubuntu, and we still only support ubuntu here. [01:34] Gaming4JC I think so too, but she's running ublock origin already, and they happen rarely enough that we can't determine if it's happening with or without the browser - she rarely uses the computer without firefox running [01:35] so if someone had a problem with xubuntu, they wouldn't come here? [01:35] no they would be on #xubuntu [01:35] ...where only xubuntu is supported [01:35] my apologies - I thought they were close enough that it would fall under the same umbrella [01:35] correct ^ [01:36] I would say try and capture a screenshot of it and the pages that were/are open, uBlock Origin forums can probably help [01:36] gl [01:37] i would say: install ubuntu or xubuntu [01:39] minor note: official derivatives like xubuntu are supported here [01:39] the rest of it is right [01:39] why am i still opped o.o [01:39] (s/derivatives/flavors/ as desired) [01:46] How do I get multiple desktops on Gnome? === [b0b] is now known as b0b === BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK [03:23] what are some features in v19.04 that makes it worthwhile to upgrade? [03:23] new wallpapers [03:25] I have "Screen Lock" equal to "off" and then the screen locked [03:25] why is ubuntu lying to me [03:27] @humanbird BIOS settings? [03:35] this is a vm [03:37] humanBird: it's a bug, disabling the gnome-shell lock screen is not currently possible [03:38] wow.. [03:39] something so simple. i need to run this background sikuli task.. i will have to code additional mouse movement now. [03:40] you can try this, but i'm not sure it works: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1048774/disabling-lock-screen-18-04 [03:43] "None of the answers seem to actually completely turn off that slider screen that appears when idle." [03:43] ah those comments didnt show for me [03:43] that is really really terrible. is ther at least a timer setting i can set to 99999999999 ms? [03:43] actually they did show, i just missed this one. [03:44] http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2019/01/set-custom-blank-screen-lock-screen-time-ubuntu-18-04/ [04:30] my Ubuntu 18.04 doesn't seem to be treating .JPG (in capital case) as images. Only .jpg . Is something missing? [04:36] RonWhoCares: personally, I'd rename your *.JPG files to *.jpg. [04:58] Is the user-interface Evince (Document Viewer) presents in 18.04 (Xubuntu) typical of Gnome applications in general - that is, cryptic icon/buttons in title-bar (in this case TWO cog icons at right with different options on them!) and so small they're impossible to decipher with good eyes let alone if one is visually impaired and no supporting text ? [05:01] TJ-: im on 18.04, want me to test something in evince? [05:03] lotuspsychje: I'm just interested if this is typical of the GTK3/Gnome style now? Because I hit the same poor UI with the 3rd party Font-Manager package and the user experience was so counter-intuitive it was painful. I had been planning on patching Font-Manager to fix the UX issues but if this style is typical of 'modern' Gnome I'll use QT instead! [05:04] If it is typical I cannot think what the Accessibility developers at Gnome were doing expect away on vacation for years, because it is a nightmare for screen-readers and text-to-speech support systems [05:04] TJ-: if you mean the upper right corner compact menu and options icons, yes nautilus has also this style compact mode [05:06] lotuspsychje: thanks! I'll use QT then! [05:06] TJ-: https://imgur.com/a/iyFO9Nk [05:07] lotuspsychje: Yuk! [05:12] TJ-, yes, it is not clear how that UI is advantageous. And it worries me that changing it is non-trivial. [05:14] Ipsilon: if you're interested we're talking more about it in #ubuntu-discuss :) === macroprep_ is now known as macroprep [05:42] If I ssh to VPS and run a command (task), what will be happened for the command if the connection be interrupted? Does the task continue? [05:50] How to make the font smaller? [05:50] The panel pop up, whenever I right click any icon in the dash-to-dock? [06:20] tomreyn [06:33] jojero, install gnome-tweak-tool, that gives a font selector [06:34] yes sir I did that already. but the font icon in the pop up whenever I right click on the icons on the dock / dash is still huge. [06:34] ( one reason why Linus is right about this tool should be standard) [06:36] https://imgur.com/a/wzNCPHT [06:36] here sir [06:37] maybe there is a setting in dconf-editor, i could not find it [06:37] something like org->gnome->shell->extensions->dash-to-dock === macroprep_ is now known as macroprep [06:47] anyone uses gnucash for their personal finance management [06:49] frenda: no you need to run it in "screen" program to continue [06:50] HaMsTeRs, well known application, there is #gnucash here on #freenode too [08:20] Stupid question but how come the guys from eclipse and lots of other software vendors don't make .desktop files for their Linux installers [08:21] Whenever you install something on Mac or Windows via the official installer it puts a desktop icon, how come Linux is second class here? [08:22] dan01: recent ubuntu versions have stopped making icons to desktop, also some snaps could possible not create an icon [08:23] dan01, err, ubuntu provides a snap for eclipse, that gives a desktop file [08:23] lotuspsychje: ok, so then how do applications appear on search [08:24] so, if you use a 3rd party repo, ask them? [08:24] OerHeks: Ok, but the official eclipse installer doesn't [08:24] OerHeks: that's the problem, official installer is not third party :) [08:24] "official" ? it is not in our repos, except the snap version [08:25] it is OerHeks [08:25] !info eclipse [08:25] eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.1-11 (bionic), package size 15 kB, installed size 99 kB [08:25] i guess our repo version gives a .desktop file? [08:25] dan01: is this the version you installed? [08:25] OerHeks: correct [08:26] No, see when I say official I mean the one I get from eclipse.org [08:26] so, ask them? [08:26] dan01: well we reccomend using package versions from the official ubuntu repos [08:27] eclipse.desktop: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yGmdp8v3Jk/ [08:27] OerHeks: Correct, it's not a complain on Ubuntu's part, it's just an observation how some vendors treat Linux [08:27] Same goes for InteliJ [08:28] dan01: like oerheks says, try to contact the maintainers about that [08:28] good find TJ- .. that is the repo eclipse version? [08:28] OerHeks: yes [08:31] all howto's that handle the eclipse.org install, gives an example for a desktop file. [08:31] OerHeks: I know I know, it's just that the experience should be normal... you download, you install, boom you have an icon on gnome dash [08:32] dan01: there are several install methods on linux, they dont work all the same way [08:41] Hi guy,s trying to find some help with netplan and bridges, [08:42] I used to work with /etc/network/interfaces for my bridge configuration, for libvirt and so, but with a new install of ubuntu server I am now using netplan. [08:42] And I have got a bridge working, but It's not the way I intended it to work. [08:45] circ-user-dFjby: see also #ubuntu-server for likeminded volunteers mate [08:45] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ky3NHkkQFR/ [08:51] circ-user-dFjby: idle here a bit ok, its sunday and volunteers might wake a bit later [08:51] circ-user-dFjby: i mean in -server [08:51] hah that's fine, I am used to it on IRC. [08:51] ok cool [08:51] I am reading through some guides on how to do it, see if I can fix it myself. But it's all different from the old ubuntu [10:10] Where do I get the proper shiftfs patch from? === im0nde_ is now known as im0nde [10:21] how do I make ssh pretty? like this -> https://imgur.com/a/QkR3Z9d [10:30] How do I extract shiftfs from this 15M patch? -> https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.19.63/0001-base-packaging.patch [10:31] this is way too much [10:32] Hello. GoldenDict is currently built without support for some formats (compressed slob). But it works in upstream version. Where to file a feature request to enable this support? [10:33] tkzv: if you find a bug in ubuntu please file it with ubuntu-bug goldendict [10:36] tkzv: if its a wish/feature you can ask an admin to change your bug into a 'wishlist' [10:37] lotuspsychje: Thanks. [10:37] fling: try #ubuntu-kernel they are used to this [10:37] lotuspsychje: thanks [11:05] Hi folks [11:06] Hi everyone [11:07] tkzv: you didnt use ubuntu-bug to file your bug? [11:08] lotuspsychje: I did, but it opened an empty page. [11:08] tkzv: did you wait long enough, cause thats the point it needs time to collect your data [11:09] tkzv: try apport-collect bugID see if you can still add it [11:09] lotuspsychje: How long? I waited several minutes, less than 10. [11:09] thats extreme long indeed [11:11] lotuspsychje: Which ID? e52628e0-b6a3-11e9-b34a-002481e7f48a? [11:12] tkzv: apport-collect 1838873 [11:13] lotuspsychje: I just did. It's still waiting for Launchpad to answer. [11:13] Opened 3 mostly empty pages. [11:13] weird, are you logged in tkzv [11:13] Yes. [11:13] tkzv: wich browser is your default? [11:14] Firefox. [11:14] tkzv: ok not sure then [11:15] tkzv: anyway i asked an admin to change your bug to a wishlist ok [11:16] lotuspsychje: I'm using KDE, if it matters. [11:17] tkzv: not sure why it blanks for you, maybe test a reboot, try again? [11:19] lotuspsychje: I'll try that, when Goldendict finished rebuilding indexes. [11:19] allrighty [11:21] how do I make ssh pretty? like this -> https://imgur.com/a/QkR3Z9d [11:22] emOne: that looks just like a configured shell prompt [11:22] it was like that in the debian build [11:24] emOne: doesn't matter - it's a shell prompt that's been configured to show colours [11:25] e.g. PS1 on bash, or PROMPT on zsh, or ... on ... [11:26] can I do the same for the ubuntu terminal? [11:27] emOne: the shell, you mean - and yes, you can configure your shell prompt to show colours [11:30] I tried uncommenting force_color_prompt=yes in -bashrc [11:30] it gave me a tiny little bit of colour [11:30] but it still isn't pretty :/ [11:30] maybe I will just ignore trying to add colours [11:31] but that debian shell is more exciting to work with [11:31] idk [11:31] emOne: you can modify what elements are shown in the prompt (and with what colours) - search for `bash PS1` on your favourite Web search engine, and you can find tonnes of examples (and even generators) === Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray [11:32] thank you ayekat [11:32] favourite search engine^ [11:32] heh [11:48] hi [11:48] What is the difference between: [11:49] 1) systemctl restart apache2 [11:49] 2) /etc/init.d/apache restart [11:50] Rojola: systemctl is for interacting with the systemd init system; /etc/init.d is for interacting with a SysV-style init system [11:51] Rojola: systemctl is part of systemd, the init system that is used by ubuntu 15.04 and higher [11:51] oh, ayekat is faster than i [11:51] before systemd it used upstart, and before that the older sysv-init [11:52] What is vim? [11:52] vim is a text editor [11:52] ayekat, Cheez - thank you for answering, but I did not understand it [11:52] can I use both of them interchangably? [11:53] Rojola: There are many ways of running services, Ubuntu uses systemd but for backwards compatibility still offers that style of management as well. [11:53] Rojola: really you should use the systemctl, lots of packages still install scripts into /etc/init.d but that's for backwards compatibility [11:53] Does ubuntu have vim installed on its own? [11:53] All the tutorials online are talking about Vim and i'm not sure if it's installed [11:53] Kevin199: yes. [11:53] kk ty [11:54] a more common alternative in tutorials is nano, as it's slightly easier to use out of the box than vim. but isn't ultimately as powerful as vim is [11:55] Okay, I think I'll stick to vim tho. Practically every tutorial online talks about it [11:56] Cheez, ikanobori so, to keep it simple: /etc/init.d/... is the wrong way [11:56] Cheez, ikanobori systemctl is the right way [11:56] correct? [11:56] Correct. [11:56] thank you! [11:56] Not wrong, but for this context, sure. [11:56] I should get my knowledge up two date every now and then [11:56] You want to be using the latter and some packages will not provide init scripts in /etc/init.d anymore. [11:56] i would hesitate to say wrong, but it's deffinitely deprecated not really to be used by users for modern ubuntu versions [11:57] yeah [11:57] offtopic, but did the same happen to Debian? [11:57] or is this a Ubuntu-specific thing to use systemctl? [11:57] Most distributions including Debian have started using systemd. [11:57] Most probably means a lot in this case. [11:57] ikanobori, systemd means I need systemctl ? [11:58] Yes. [11:58] thank you [12:00] "systemctl edit " will create/edit a service definition using the default editor. Various options to that like --full, --system, see "man systemctl" and the "edit NAME" paragraphs [12:01] ... is that a question? [12:01] Probably an elaboration on systemd unit files. === Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray [12:02] thank you TJ- [12:03] if you're interested in just looking at unit files, `systemctl cat {blabla}` is probably easier [12:04] thank you ayekat [12:04] I was just reading on systemd [12:04] My today's task is to set up a safe Apache + PHP + MySQL server [12:04] So, I have been reading a lot about how to secure a server, and best practices [12:05] one thing that I am not sure about is my vhost's config [12:05] A while ago, somebody told me I used "old, deprated syntax" [12:05] but I wasn't told what it was [12:05] I asked in #httpd but there's nobody active at the moment [12:05] this is my vhost config: [12:05] https://dpaste.de/wYSO/raw [12:06] ^ can I go with this, or is anything wrong about it? [12:06] oh, and there are 2 lines which I wasn't sure about (+ or no +) [12:08] I thought the former example was invalid syntax for Apache? [12:09] ikanobori, which former syntax? [12:09] Having only one item start with a + or a -. [12:09] ikanobori, I don't know. In the past, I always used + [12:09] Regardless, why do you have two Options directives both with FollowSymLinks? [12:09] but then somebody told me I should not use + [12:10] ikanobori, because I did not know if I need the + [12:10] so I put them both there, hoping somebody would know [12:10] It's pretty specific, it's documentation is here: https://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.4/mod/core.html#options [12:10] thank you - opening [12:10] And the important quote is this: if all the options on the Options directive are preceded by a + or - symbol, the options are merged. Any options preceded by a + are added to the options currently in force, and any options preceded by a - are removed from the options currently in force. [12:11] oh! so + is a good thing [12:11] And especially: Mixing Options with a + or - with those without is not valid syntax and will be rejected during server startup by the syntax check with an abort. [12:11] Which is why I thought the first bit where you have an Options directive where one isn't prefixed with either + or - and the other one is would be invalid syntax. [12:11] so, I want + then so that it gets added? [12:11] I think explicit is better than implicit so I would prefix all Options with +/-. [12:11] thank you [12:11] what about the rest of the config? [12:12] is there anything I should change? [12:12] I would remove having the duplicate Options directive otherwise sure, it's a config. [12:13] thank you ikanobori ! [12:13] I am now starting setting up the server. I will write down every step. [12:13] if anything goes wrong, I will let the channel know ;) [12:13] thank you! [12:13] It's always good to document, good luck. [12:17] so, I just stared with "apt update" and "apt upgrade" [12:17] now I got a promt, and I should configure "postfix" [12:18] can I decide not to use a mailserver on this server at this moment? [12:19] https://filebin.net/cuz609oaq1z3ivhf/postfix.png?t=qiff4th0 [12:20] I guess "L" (Local Only) is the safest bet? [12:21] How do I make it so when I open terminal, it'll just resize the screen rather than overlap eachother [12:23] Kevin199: C-a f [12:25] it says to install module assistant [12:25] is that correct? [12:26] Kevin199, maybe you want a tiling wm [12:27] AH YES TY [12:27] that's the name I was looking for [12:27] aight I'm good I'll find a tutorial [12:27] I thought we are talking about resizing screen… [12:27] gnu screen haha [12:31] Rojola: for apache, you should know about "apache2ctl" and options like "apache2ctl configtest" [12:34] TJ-, yes, I just ran "apache2ctl configtest" [12:34] How can I know, which services I should disallow in "ufw" ? [12:34] https://dpaste.de/MBQu/raw [12:35] Bind9 is a nameserver... but do I need this? I guess not? [12:35] the domain's a-record points to the server [12:35] but the domain is managed somewhere else [12:35] OpenSSH I will need to log in [12:35] Postfix... I think I want to block Postfix... [12:35] And there are 3 entries for Apache [12:36] are the apache entries something like "apache-full", "apache" etc? [12:36] dazage, yes. "Apache", "Apache Full", "Apache Secure" [12:36] the domain will run via https (SSL) [12:36] so I probably only need secure? [12:37] if you want to enable http as well you should select apache-full [12:37] no http for this server [12:37] if you only want to allow https then use apache secure [12:37] ok [12:37] do I need bind9 ? [12:37] https://dpaste.de/MBQu/raw [12:39] Rojola: bind9 would only usually be used if you've operating an SOA or zonefile for a domain - if that is done elsewhere then you wouldn't expose port 53 or even have bind running [12:39] TJ-, so I can safely remove bind9 from the allowed list? [12:39] and: I have a problem deleting rules: https://dpaste.de/MtPd/raw [12:41] Rojola: need to read ufw's man-page I guess, this seems pretty clear what you need "ERROR: Need 'to' or 'from' clause" [12:47] I figured it out! [12:47] that was only the list of available apps, not the list of allowed apps [12:47] so, I allowed ssh now: "ufw allow ssh" [12:47] But, when I want to start "ufw enable", I get a warning: [12:47] "Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)?" [12:48] can I ignore this warning? [12:48] yeah [12:48] ok thx [12:48] guys I did an oopsie [12:48] So i installed i3 and now everything is gone [12:48] If you're toying with firewalls and are remote-only an age old trick is to add a cronjob that opens up the firewall to run every x minutes. [12:49] If you then break something you can get in after that time again. [12:49] Just be sure to remove it again ;) [12:49] lol [12:49] Kevin199: how is everything gone? [12:49] The desktop is gone [12:50] idk how to access any of my files [12:50] Google is saying to install Ranger [12:50] well, you did install i3! [12:50] F [12:51] ikanobori, thank you for the great advice! [12:51] ikanobori, you wouldn't happen to have a script for that in place, would you? [12:51] Kevin199: Did you install i3 and not know i3 functions? It doesn't generally show a desktop as its a tiling window manager. [12:52] I'm looking over the commands on their website, I just don't know how to access my applications [12:52] Generally you can open a new terminal by using your mod key + enter, which you can then use to revert your window manager. [12:52] mod key could be alt or control, I don't know the default config. [12:52] Perhaps even your meta key. [12:53] I'm gonna watch a Youtube video on it brb [12:53] If ubuntu comes with dmenu you can use mod+d to open dmenu and enter the name of the program you want to open. [12:54] ty it worked [12:55] You should probably have a computer or phone open with the documentation for the first bits when you play with one of these types of window managers, they work very differently from the point and click ones. [12:55] At least in regards to opening/closing/moving windows :) [12:56] Kevin199: best thing to do with these things is experiment in a virtual machine first [12:59] you guys told me before I should use "systemctl" in Ubuntu. [12:59] # systemctl fail2ban restart [12:59] Unknown operation fail2ban. [12:59] however, this seems to work: "service fail2ban restart" [12:59] can anyone please enlighten me? [12:59] Rojola: it's `systemctl {action} {unit}` [13:00] Rojola: it's # systemctl restart fail2ban [13:00] thank you ayekat and dazage [13:00] Rojola: maybe append .service at the end if it doesn't work [13:00] I would like to try from an other server if fail2ban works [13:01] can I delete the banned host afterwards? [13:08] TJ-, so i3 wm removes the existing DE, or is there a choice at the login page ? [13:12] BluesKaj: you can have multiple DEs and WMs installed side by side [13:12] BluesKaj: I doubt it removes anything but once it is in use it can be a problem to discover how to escape/log-out :) [13:12] if a DE/WM installs a file to /usr/share/xsessions, the display manager ("login page") also gives you an option to start that one === dmt is now known as Guest72452 === Guest72452 is now known as dazage [13:19] Please help me... so, fail2ban is installed, and it works. [13:19] But I have no command called "fail2ban-client" [13:19] so I can not administer fail2ban [13:19] and I can not unban an IP because I have no "fail2ban-client" [13:20] this is also not a separate package as far as I can tell by searching through apt [13:20] Where does this task that you were given come from, Rojola? [13:21] Rojola: package fail2ban: /usr/bin/fail2ban-client [13:21] Rojola, just check iptables "sudo iptables -L" [13:22] ikanobori, I am not sure if I understood your question... I am following this tutorial: https://bobcares.com/blog/fail2ban-unban-ip/ [13:22] TJ-, thank you I am trying it [13:22] TJ-, # /usr/bin/fail2ban-client [13:22] -bash: /usr/bin/fail2ban-client: No such file or directory [13:22] Rojola: which Ubuntu release are you using? [13:23] 16.04 [13:23] wait, I have a suspicion [13:23] Rojola: what does "apt list --installed fail2ban*" report ? [13:23] give me a moment, I think I was in the wrong shell [13:23] one moment please, I need 2-3 minutes [13:23] My question comes from the fact that it seems you are in over your head you should stop for a bit and try to understand what you've been doing so far so I was wondering why you were given the task of 'setting up a safe apache2+php+mysql webserver' when you are having trouble understanding the basics. [13:24] Rojola: the command is there on 16.04: [13:24] root@u1604:~# apt-file search fail2ban-client [13:24] fail2ban: /usr/bin/fail2ban-client [13:25] fail2ban uses iptables for blocks so no need for the client to "unban" or adding rules really [13:25] ok ,ayekat, TJ- , thanks, good to j=know [13:27] Mathisen: It'd be unwise to start fiddling with rules and chains that another program expects to exist in the best case they handled it correctly and in a worse case the program might just crash or turn into skynet :) [13:27] Mathisen: while technically true, that tends to mess with f2b if you use iptables to remove the ban. [13:31] anyone got a USB 3.0 laptop dock that works in ubuntu? [13:32] I'm thinking the rest of the dock is just USB devices on a hub and should work fine. [13:32] solved [13:32] TJ-, I was working in the wrong shell [13:32] Rojola: 'wrong' ? in what way wrong? [13:32] TJ-, I opened an other tab to connect to the old server [13:32] Rojola: were you on a remote SSH to the system and using the wrong terminal? [13:33] magic_ninja: we use Dell TB16 USB3.0 / thunderbolt docks at work that run fine with both Ubuntu and Arch [13:33] from there I connected via SSH to the new server [13:33] Rojola:aha [13:33] because I wanted to see if fail2ban works [13:33] and I overlooked that I was in the old server's ssh shell [13:33] Rojola: :) ... I have a system with 6 monitors here to help me avoid doing that! one remote system per monitor [13:34] wow :) [13:34] TJ-: i wish... though I do get around it by using a bunch of workspaces ;p [13:34] ikanobori, I feel indimitated by your question. I am still learning. [13:34] dazage: I tried workspaces and got lost in them [13:35] yeah i've never gotten on with workspaces [13:35] i just use multiple monitors instead [13:35] wow really? from day 1 they've always made sense to me. i can never go back cause they make laptops so much better to work on for me [13:35] dazage: very often I'm on a remote session on 1 monitor, using another for web-page docs and searching, and another into a local VM guest testing operations before executing them on the 'production' system [13:36] dazage: tried them many times, i always end up just not using them [13:36] dazage: I need to be able to see everything all at once [13:36] tried multiple implementations etc [13:36] Rojola: It wasn't meant to intimidate it was meant as a 'take a step back and re-read what ive done so far' so you can continue learning on a better base. If you keep learning things you're bound to forget what you've learned so far because you didn't give it conscious thought yet :) [13:36] Cheez, I don't have a thunderbolt connection [13:37] magic_ninja: it's USB 3.0 [13:37] Thanks for the info though. I'm looking for a universal one with a 3.0 connection. [13:37] which matches the thunderbolt spec [13:37] iirc they are the same thing [13:37] I thought thunderbolt was usb c [13:38] oh crap, yes. it is usb-c, sorry i'm getting all mixed up [13:38] just ignore me, lol >_> [13:38] I appreciate the response. [13:38] but! it does work on ubuntu and arch :) [13:39] I have an older laptop. Dell 7559. It isn't exactly a business class mobile workstation, but it runs so well I really don't want to replace it. [13:39] A host's USB type-C port *may* have a thunderbolt chipset behind it, or may not :) [13:39] Even after getting soaked by a 6" water main [13:39] you're not supposed to do that to laptops :p [13:40] magic_ninja: does it have an expresscard slot? My 6-monitor system is a Dell XPS with expresscard connected to an nvidia nvs420 dual-GPU with 4 heads [13:40] HVAC guys trying to doing pluming work. I was doing a pumphouse and was wrapping up the controls. Turned on the pump and the line blew apart. [13:40] I pulled it apart immediately and took a heat gun to it to dry it out. [13:41] although i freaked someone out at the pub the other day, someone knocked our table and spilt beer on my phone, so i picked it up took it to the toilet and washed it under the tap. This other guy was staring at me dumbfounded "what on earth are you doing?!" "it's waterproof..." "i've never seen anyone do that with a phone" [13:41] TJ-, no express card. Just USB 3.0 and HDMI [13:41] magic_ninja: I guess for additional monitors, you'd need a DisplayLink adapter [13:41] That is awesome. Thing is, the entire phone would have not have no buttons or ports to be water-proof. [13:42] TJ-, well, there are displaylink usb 3.0 docks and a displaylink driver for ubuntu [13:42] magic_ninja: indeed, that was what I'm referring to [13:42] I'm operating under this assumption that the other devices in the dock will be seen as a USB hub, right? [13:42] as long as they are *genuine* DL devices not cheap clones [13:42] They will be enumerated as such. [13:43] magic_ninja: yes [13:43] Well, I guess that includes the displaylink device. [13:43] we've had a few users with cloned DL and upset when the DL drivers don't work with their device [13:43] I won't be using the ethernet port, so that frees up some bandwidth. [13:43] Good to know. I was thinking a targus dock. From what I've used of their other products, they seem to be high-quality. [13:43] DL works well over USB2 so with USB3 will be fine [13:44] ** famous last words ** :) [13:44] I have had two back packs and they are solid as a rock. Not a dock, but it shows that their company pays attention to quality. [13:45] China is getting on to the quality bandwagon and starting to implement better manufacturing practices, and even engineer their own products. So, I'll do my due dilligence here. [14:04] hi. interwebs say: plasma on ubuntu? install tasksel, then tasksel kubuntu-desktop. so far, so good. says too: you need to switch to sddm. true? [14:05] sddm question would be part of the installation process, yes [14:07] I cannot keep using gdm3? [14:08] not sure about that, i guess not? [14:11] I am trying to find and remove the alternate file like "find . -name "*+rpt1*" | sed "s/+rpt1//g" -exec rm -rf {} \;" and it is giving me "sed: -e expression #1, char 2: extra characters after command" ?? [14:12] pavlushka: that command-line syntax is totally wrong [14:12] pavlushka: what are you actually trying to do? [14:12] TJ-: please tell me the right one [14:12] TJ-: trying to find files and then remove the alternate files [14:13] pavlushka: you cannot drop a pipe to 'sed' into the middle of a 'find' command-line [14:13] of the same name but without the rpt1 extension [14:14] pavlushka: give me some examples of the file-names... oh, so file1.rpt1 should cause file1 to be deleted ? [14:14] TJ-: So I have to save the result and work on that? like while read file; do rm "$file"; done < duplicates.txt [14:14] ? [14:14] https://la.wentropy.com/zhKC [14:14] TJ-: yes [14:14] hmm, why this executable is not executable [14:15] amosbird, try ./filename [14:15] or sh ./filename [14:15] amosbird: you forgot the . [14:15] no [14:15] that file is under / [14:16] pavlushka: yes, it would be easier to do it in two stages [14:19] pavlushka: you might also be able to do something like: "find . -name '*.rpt1' | sed 's/rpt1$//' | xargs rm -i" [14:19] nice [14:48] How do I make Ubuntu/printer force printing when black is down to 10%? [14:48] Or force it to use color to print in black [14:50] rapidwave: that's a printer ( driver ) limitation I'd guess [14:52] amosbird: is that a 64-bit machine? [15:01] how do i see my network printers? [15:01] on ubuntu 18.04 [15:10] I am trying to print a pdf [15:11] the printer I want to use is networked and shows up in printers section of settings [15:11] on ubuntu 18.04 [15:11] but when i try to print using it, it says error "printer is missing" === dmt is now known as Guest50997 === Guest50997 is now known as dazage [15:28] I am unable to type in my password on firefox.... again. [15:30] Hi guys, I can't get "tap-to-click" to work correctly on 18.04. When I boot tap to click works fine for about 5 mins then randomly stops working. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. [15:36] I have a problem with my locales: [15:36] https://dpaste.de/qmiq/raw [15:37] I tried fixing it like this: [15:37] locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 [15:37] update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8 [15:37] is that enough? Or will the changes be gone by the next reboot? [15:42] So, I am not able to type my password into firefox, again [15:42] I've chased it down to an 8 month old bug with ibus [15:43] I can't seem to find a more recent but report about this... [15:46] JPSman, could be this issue ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1765304 [15:46] Launchpad bug 1765304 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Bionic) "Ubuntu 18.04's ibus package breaks password fields in Firefox (by lowering & raising window whenever they're focused)" [High,Fix released] [15:47] ioria, it looks more like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-flashback/+bug/1836659 [15:47] Launchpad bug 1836659 in gnome-flashback (Ubuntu Disco) "Ubuntu 18.04's ibus package breaks password fields in Firefox again" [Undecided,Fix committed] [15:47] and its a gnome-flashback issue? [15:48] both cases should be fixed [15:48] hmm, I'm looking into it now.... [15:49] JPSman, are you using flashback ? [15:49] ioria, I am :) [15:49] ok [15:52] ioria, pardon me, but I am not understanding what I need to do on that link I just shared to fix the issue. [15:54] JPSman: which ubuntu version are you running, did you install all available updates? [15:56] JPSman, the bug in gnome-shell 18.04 is marked as fixed (and there's a wa in #23); for flashback the fix is only committed === juboxi is now known as jubo2 [16:03] <[itchyjunk]> If I have a bootable flashdrive. Is there a way to see if it's working without restarting my laptop and trying to boot into it? :s === macroprep_ is now known as macroprep [16:04] one can do a md5sum, to see if it is written 100% [16:04] else:no [16:04] or boot a vm off it [16:07] hi, what should I use to read opus file ? [16:07] better a cli [16:10] !info opus-tools [16:11] opus-tools (source: opus-tools): Opus codec command line tools. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.10-1 (bionic), package size 73 kB, installed size 214 kB [16:11] OerHeks: thx [16:11] several alternatives: play from SoX, ffplay -nodisp from FFmpeg, or audacious -Hq with a new enough version of Audacious [16:12] ffplay looks good [16:13] tomreyn, sorry, disconnected [16:13] Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS [16:15] and yes, i'm fully uptodate [16:15] I am currently following the direction on the link to enable proposed [16:15] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-flashback/+bug/1836659 [16:15] Launchpad bug 1836659 in gnome-flashback (Ubuntu Disco) "Ubuntu 18.04's ibus package breaks password fields in Firefox again" [Undecided,Fix committed] [16:15] JPSman, a bionic-proposed version gnome-flashback it's dais to fix it [16:16] *said === viv`d is now known as vivid [16:16] ioria, yeah... first time doing a "proposed" so I'm trying that now... never done it before [16:17] JPSman, not very safe, i must say [16:18] ioria, so, I enabled proposed and did "apt update" and 94 packages want to be updated --- and I don't think I want to do that... so I'd just do apt install gnome-flashback ? [16:19] JPSman, if you enable proposed and upgrade the system, gnome-flashback will be upgraded too (but i advice againsta that ) [16:20] ioria, yeah, I am advising against that too :D [16:20] JPSman, you can use gnome-shell with the look of gnome-classic [16:20] I think I just want to do the one package [16:20] make sure you have firefox 68 [16:21] i'm PRETTY sure I have firefox 68 [16:21] yes, I do [16:22] JPSman, are you using flashback for lack of resources or for the look it gest ? === beaver_ is now known as beaver [16:33] * eelstrebor has 3 packages waiting to be upgraded but apt upgrade won't upgrade them [16:33] they're all python3-* [16:35] ioria, I started using flashback when that abomination known as unity came out [16:35] https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/G2YHPmT9Y9/ [16:35] ahaha [16:35] I need my customizable panels and COMPIZ [16:41] <[itchyjunk]> ah man i should learn vm's better :P [16:41] <[itchyjunk]> i got lazy and just booted a laptop to test my ubs. thanks for the tips earlier [16:59] ioria, It worked :) [16:59] JPSman, good job [17:08] ioria, I have now disabled the "proposed" checkbox in my repository options, so that no other proposed packages get installed, just the one I needed. [17:23] what is the right way to bugfix ufw? [17:23] my rules seem to be ignored [17:23] I only allowed ssh and https [17:23] however, on port 80, apache serves a default page [17:23] but port 80 is http, not https [17:27] I ran nmap, and I get this: [17:27] PORT STATE SERVICE [17:27] 22/tcp open ssh [17:27] 80/tcp open http [17:28] Rojola: ufw is really just a frontend to iptables. check what's configured there (iptables -L) and compare it to what you configured in ufw. [17:28] ok [17:29] tomreyn, can I report back to you? [17:29] you can post to a pastebin and share the output here. and anyone who's around can take a look at it and assist you. if i'll be there, i'll do it. [17:30] thank you [17:32] https://dpaste.de/8Lvz/raw [17:32] this is ufw's output [17:32] "iptables -L" comes in a moment [17:34] tomreyn, what part of "iptables -L" is relevant? [17:34] there are a lot of adresses and IP's in the output which I should proably not all paste [17:39] https://dpaste.de/9m6i/raw [17:41] Rojola: what are the chans called you have in itables -L output? [17:41] *chains [17:43] and which policies are set for inbound and outbound traffci in UFW? [17:44] tomreyn, I am trying to figure out what to paste [17:44] please hold on for a moment [17:44] if you have inbound traffic allowed by default, then traffic to all ports will be allowed by default, whether or not you have more specific allow rules set. [17:44] yes, sum things up first to give a complete picture, then post it here. [17:45] tomreyn, I will mask all the IP's [17:45] then I paste it [17:50] tomreyn, can I please send you the output as PM ? [17:50] I am not sure how much information I am giving away [17:50] it's packed with a lot of stuff that I don't fully understand [17:51] Hi, plasma-workspace is supposed to Provide: x-session-manager; it does in Debian Buster but not in Ubuntu Bionic; where can I see if this was fixed in 19.04+, to request an SRU, otherwise to file a bug report? [18:01] alkisg, sorry, where do you see that file ?: https://packages.debian.org/buster/amd64/plasma-workspace/filelist [18:02] ioria: apt show plasma-workspace | grep Provides [18:02] I ended up booting an Ubuntu 19.04 live CD, and it looks like they fixed it, so an SRU is needed [18:03] ioria: it's not a file, it's a "virtual package" that other packages have to provide [18:04] alkisg, ah, ok (it's a file in my system, a link to gnome-session) [18:05] ioria: update-alternatives --config x-session-manager => allows sysadmins to select the default one for the system => so you're seeing the "alternatives" symlink [18:06] alkisg, yes [18:06] The problem is that other packages which Depend: x-session-manager, like e.g. ltsp-server-standalone, aren't satisfied by plasma-workspace, so they pull mate or other DEs instead :/ [18:06] I.e. if one has plasma, and installs ltsp, it pulls mate :( [18:06] oh, oh [18:18] alkisg, https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco/x-session-manager [18:21] Rojola: yes you can PM, got you whitelisted for now. [18:23] looks like you got help in #ubuntu-de, alright. (please don't cross post) [18:23] tomreyn, but I am also getting help in ... [18:23] yes - was just about to say that [18:25] ioria: great, thank you [18:25] alkisg, you're welcm === bracham_ is now known as bracham [19:17] Hi [19:17] Hi [19:17] I am not sure if this is teh right place, but I am looking for help upgrading my distro to 18.04 [19:17] and I can't find any info on errors I am getting [19:18] my current distro is 16.04 [19:18] Hi @Luna [19:18] go ahead and ask and i can try to help [19:19] Reading package lists... Done [19:19] Building dependency tree [19:19] Reading state information... Done [19:19] Restoring original system state [19:19] Aborting [19:19] Reading package lists... Done [19:19] pastebin [19:19] !pastebin [19:19] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [19:19] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_16.04_LTS_or_17.10 [19:20] hmm [19:20] let me try that [19:20] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ysNMTzwDkY/ [19:20] sorry here's my text from terminal [19:20] luna [19:20] and [19:22] bo2bo2, the do-release-upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 should be smooth unless you did something weird or you're not fully updated [19:22] next time, paste the command too [19:25] that's the do-release-upgrade command [19:25] output and log [19:26] bo2bo2, i don't see the log ... run : grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades [19:28] it's just lts [19:28] Prompt=lts [19:28] bo2bo2, uname -r [19:29] 4.4.0-157-generic [19:29] bo2bo2, cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:29] https://termbin.com/750g [19:30] not sure what should I be looking for on this log [19:31] 21:27:25,244 Abort called [19:31] ! [19:31] bo2bo2, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:31] ok [19:32] https://termbin.com/g7vj9 [19:32] that's just the upgrade [19:34] a bug... snap related [19:35] like snapd? [19:35] bo2bo2, systemctl status snapd [19:35] kudos : failed [19:35] let me try reinstalling that [19:38] bo2bo2, restart snap and re-try [19:39] yes trying that [19:39] YES ioria went further than any time before [19:40] continuing the upgrade [19:40] thank you [19:40] ok [19:41] hey guys , i have a weird problem , when i try to connect to my Ubuntu Desktop through VNC ( Vino server, Default Vnc server), after authentication i only get black screen with the mouse cursor. anyone knows what is causing this and how to resolve it ? [19:42] ioria started downloading packages [19:42] thank you again [19:42] bo2bo2, no problem === viju_ is now known as viju [19:43] hi folks. I'm running Snap on a non-Ubuntu distro ; my environment isn't GNOME3. It works fine in command-line. What graphical package manager do you recommand for Snap ? [19:44] (I looked for "Snap Store" but it looks like a Ubunu-specific things) [19:47] Tarnyko: idk if it's possible but you might be able to add snap functionality into synaptic [19:48] Tarnyko, maybe you can use snap store, i browse snaps on snapcraft.io [19:48] dazage: thanks [19:48] snapstore is just snaps, universal [19:48] OerHeks: yeah looks like I could just install Snap Store with... Snap ^^. Let me try it [19:48] jups, it is a snap indeed [19:50] * OerHeks keeps an eye on blogs and https://ubuntu.com/blog/fresh-snaps-for-april-2019 and on [19:51] Can someone tell me what is wrong here? Trying to run a graphical snap-app: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SXWXnx25sM/ [19:55] Aavar, do not start that snap from cli, use the icon/starter [19:56] OerHeks, looks to still crash. Trying to start, but never starts. [19:59] indeed, "snap install snap-store" did the trick. Thanks ! [20:00] OerHeks, I ran "export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgtk3-nocsd.so.0" and got rid of the libgtk-eror, but it still "complains" about permissions to the display [20:24] does anyone know how can i add the user's default desktop session (like icons and files in desktop) to tightVNC ? instead of having a empty session each time [20:32] SaEeDIRHA: apt show x11vnc [20:32] or vino [20:35] tomreyn, i tried vino , but it only works if i enable the auto login for the user [20:35] otherwise the service wont event run [20:35] but even i add the auto login to gdm3 i can connect to vino but it only shows black screen with mouse cursor [20:36] this used to work fine when i had the pc connected to monitor [20:37] Did a screencast on my HyperList VIM plugin: https://isene.org/2019/08/HyperListVIM.html [20:37] !ot | isene [20:37] isene: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [20:38] SaEeDIRHA: hmm not sure, havent used it with gnome-shell yet [20:52] So, in xubuntu 18.04.02, I tried to install restricted extras via apt-get. It hung up on the msfonts EULA when I was trying to decline it- esc brought it back up every time, and ctrl+c did nothing [20:53] I killed it, and went to try and apt-get install -f to fix what i just broke, but it did not release the lock on dpkg [20:54] i have a laptop with one or two hard drives in it, at least one is corrupted and i will be using dd or ddrescue. How do I locate which they are? like is it sda etc ? [20:54] i have booted an ubuntu usb [20:55] barg: sudo parted -ls [20:56] it should be /dev/sda or /dev/sdb , see the sizes and stuff to figure it out [20:57] barg: dmesg will tell sda / sdb etc. [20:57] I have no idea what's holding the lock right now [20:58] then use parted to understand which of these is which physical disk, as EriC explained (look for serial numbers, too) [20:58] CrazyLikeAFox: do you still have dpkg processes running? [20:58] as best as I can tell, no [20:59] CrazyLikeAFox: how do you tell? ps auxw | grep dpkg or pgrep dpkg or something else? [21:00] looking at the list of running processes [21:00] thanks i'll try that [21:00] CrazyLikeAFox: lsof against the lock file should tell which process has a lock on it. [21:00] also the pid should be in it [21:01] tomreyn: interesting, that returned 4 lines [21:02] none of them were displayed when I looked at processes [21:02] maybe you only looked at those you own [21:03] something is borked with task manager then [21:03] wow that sudo parted -ls is an absolutely brilliant command! it was sdc. sda is my external usb drive, sdb is is the usb stick i'm booting ubuntu off of. And sdc is the culprit hard drive. thanks EriC^^ [21:04] CrazyLikeAFox: https://i.imgur.com/bep8oIf.png [21:08] I will be writing an image , copying sdc to my external hard drive.. my external hard drive is sda and ntfs , how do i check that sda/sda1 is mounted? [21:10] barg: Terminal command ' mount ' :) [21:11] tomreyn: ah, mine looks way different, but I didn't even know that setting existed [21:11] thanks [21:12] CrazyLikeAFox: then you probably don't run ubuntu 18.04 or a different !flavor [21:12] barg: Be aware I have reservations about copying an ubuntu (ext4) file system to Windows (NTFS) file system - and able then to operate on the result :( [21:14] barg: also you should really create an image using ddrescue if the disk is broken. [21:14] That likely won't function normally [21:15] tomreyn: Ah, xubuntu here, so xfce4-taskmanager [21:15] but the option was still there [21:16] i see [21:16] Alright, so for future refference, how I decline the msfonts eula from a terminal so this doen't happen again? :P [21:16] The terminal seems to assume accepting it is the only option [21:16] to proceed === Ben65 is now known as Ben64 [21:18] Bashing-om: there is a program called testdisk that can read the image created by dd or ddrsecue [21:19] the source and target are both ntfs [21:19] i've just booted ubuntu for the sake or running ddrescue. and yeah the source disk is messed up [21:21] i want to mount my good external drive, it's sda1.. should i do this command i found from google- sudo mount -t ntfs -o nls=utf8,umask=0222 /dev/sda1 /media/windows [21:22] actually the target drive , sda1 isn't ntfs [21:22] it's dos/ fat32 [21:23] Searching, I don't see anything on how to /decline/ the eula, and it wasn't obvious how to in the terminal installer [21:24] i could try mount /dev/sda1 /media/externaldisk -t vfat does that look right? [21:25] to mount sda1 which is fat32 [21:27] barg: Rethink - as fat32 has a 4 Gig limitation on the file size :( [21:27] ah good point [21:28] heh, finally run into the 4GB limitation being an issue! I will reformat the drive [21:29] putting aside that though just so i understand moutning.. suppose i did want to mount it, how would i do that? [21:30] the mount command i tried above didn't work 'cos that directory didn't exist, and creating it with sudo mkdir didn't help. [21:31] barg: What is the host operating system you will work from ? [21:32] what do you mean? right now i have booted ubuntu and will run ddrescue from there. [21:32] after that I will have an image file that testdisk can read. i'm not sure what program i'd run testdisk from, it has been a while since i used testdisk [21:33] maybe ubuntu again [21:33] but i'm not worried about running testdisk now, i'm just looking at doing the image at the moment. [21:33] and mounting the external usb hard drive [21:34] right now i'd like to know how to mount the fat32 usb hard drive, just so i have a better idea re mount.. then i'll reformat it as ntfs and try to mount that [21:41] sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/blahh <-- gives error. ntfs-3g-mount: failed to access moutnpoint /media/blahh no such file or directory [21:42] that's a pretty good hint on what needs to change, isn't it? [21:43] mkdir /media/blahh [21:43] i tried something similar before but i'll try that [21:43] actually /media is more for automated / user mounts, you should manually mountto /mnt instead [21:44] (or subdirectories of /mnt/) [21:44] if you have a graphical deaktop with a file browser, this may be the easiest way to mount [21:45] that worked, thanks.. [21:48] the reason why a similar thing hadn't worked earlier was i had done -t vfat. this time i did no -t and just let mount autodetect [21:48] thanks [23:07] Hello, i have multiple issues with a AMD VII gpu 1. blackscreen with 5.* kernel on 18.04. 2. no access to opencl, when i install the amd for linux amdgpu-pro it appears the old driver still keeps in place. [23:15] ikatamoonshots: lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use' ->amdgpu will be listed ^^ because the AMDGPU driver is the base for the AMDGPU-PRO driver, which is just AMDGPU with a proprietary overlay for some of the goodies. [23:16] for mining for example, what is the correct way to get opencl working on 18.04 ? headless pro? [23:18] ./amdgpu-pro-install --opencl=legacy,pal --headless like this? And what kernel is the working one? [23:18] ikatamoonshots: I do not mine so I have not the experience there to advise. [23:18] or any other application ... [23:20] ikatamoonshots: Have you verified that your card is late enough to support that -Pro overlay ? [23:20] its the AMD VII VEGA 20 [23:21] probably the other way around, too new lol [23:22] In 18.04 you need to manually install the ocl-icd-libopencl1 package. [23:22] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032430/opencl-with-nvidia-390-on-ubunut-18-04 [23:23] oh, AMD .. [23:24] does anybody know if palemoon is in the 19.04 repos? [23:24] thats nvidia iguess, i have read again and again its supposed to work with one way of installing amdgpu from amd website, but no explicit kernel vers or install opt mentioned, guess ill have to trail and error [23:24] https://askubuntu.com/questions/1121782/radeon-vii-and-ubuntu-problems [23:25] maybe a help [23:25] CrazyLikeAFox: Ask the repo ' apt search palemoon ' ? [23:26] hi [23:27] ehm, whats the matter with mtp? [23:27] Bashing-om: I'm on 18.04.2 [23:27] thx oerheks "Caution: If you reboot at this point, the new kernel will give you a black screen when you try to log in. To get around that you need to temporarily add the kernel boot parameter 'nomodeset' into grub. ..... " interesting :) need to try that [23:27] !find palemoon [23:27] Found: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 377 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=palemoon&searchon=names&suite=bionic§ion=all [23:28] what is palemoon, CrazyLikeAFox ? [23:29] im on 18.04.2 Kubuntu, but mounting my mobile with mtp is a hell of slow, doesnt open some folders... [23:31] is there a way around that? I had to reboot to windows to move files... [23:32] mattfly, keep the filemanager on filenames, not previews of pics and such [23:32] sorry *pale moon [23:34] launchpad + disco + *pale moon [23:34] kind of spinoff of firefox, that looks like the old one does and trys to stay customizable and stick to web standards and be more security focused [23:36] nope, not in our repos, find a repository / ppa or a snap? [23:37] CrazyLikeAFox: Found: https://software.opensuse.org/download.html?project=home:stevenpusser&package=palemoon // Not checked if disco is supported. [23:39] Hi, using Lubuntu 16.04 LTS on an Asus Eee PC Flare series. I just installed the updates via the update centre today and now when I boot I can see the decrypt screen fine, but the login screen is all black. If I use the Fn keys to ak the machine hiberanate then upon pressing the 'on' button it resumes and screen is fine. I didn't have this issue before, but perhaps I should mention that the decrypt screen is always too dim unless I use the brightness keys. The [23:39] brightness keys have no effect on this new problem though. Any thoughts? Thanks! [23:43] Bashing-om: yeah, I just found that, they did have an ubuntu 18.04 repo [23:46] CrazyLikeAFox: ?? "palemoon is in the 19.04 repos? [23:46] " where 19.04 is codenamed disco --- 18.04 is bionic :) [23:47] no, an opensuse repo, good luck with that! [23:47] OerHeks: It's on opensuse's website, but has debian and ubuntu repos on the page [23:47] *shrug* [23:48] it is linked from pale moon's official site [23:48] interesting, but not officially supported here [23:49] like: filing a bug in launchpad [23:54] between getting less and less easy to make look decent, and the patronizing pictures instead of real error messages, about had it with firefox :T [23:55] used palemoon on a laptop win7, but wanted to try it on a daily use machine that dosn't have a potato for a cpu [23:56] palemoon is still on ESR 52? [23:56] we use ESR 60 iirc [23:58] ESR?