
spiceyhello, creating my bootable usb stick with ubuntu studio here, i wonder does ubuntu studio 19.04 uses GNOME? and if so, can Unity also be installed on ubuntu studio like i just did with my ubuntu 18.04 lts distro?09:45
M_aDspicey: no, Xfce09:51
spiceyow ok09:52
spiceyi wonder if i will like it09:52
spiceyi'm about to replace ubuntu 18.04 lts with unity desktop by ubuntu studio09:53
M_aDit's a great thing we can have a look through a live session and then decide to install it or not09:53
spiceycreating my usb stick now09:53
M_aDgood luck09:54
spiceyyeah well i read enough i know i want it for the software alone would save me some time and nice to have all interesting stuff i want to try together09:55
spiceythx hehe09:55
spiceytruth is i only have one stick available lol09:57
spiceyso had to erase ubuntu 18.04 lts09:57
spiceyi can always switch back with some extra efforts :p09:57
spiceywould have tried the live session otherwise09:58
TJ-you can install studio 'on top' of any Ubuntu install, using the package "ubuntustudio-desktop"10:29
spiceyow thanx10:37
M_aDTJ-:  wrong, if you want to install Ubuntu Studio on top of another flavor you need ubuntustudio-installer10:51
M_aDubuntustudio-desktop pulls in xfce too which means you end up with multiple DE's10:52
TJ-M_aD: well that works for me! I use Xubuntu :)10:53
M_aDspicey used plain ubuntu 18.04 lts which is gnome :)10:53
cjokeI have this message when I start ardour, [ERROR]: LADSPA: cannot load module "/usr/lib/ladspa/lsp-plugins-ladspa.so" (/usr/lib/ladspa/lsp-plugins-ladspa.so: undefined symbol: _ZN3lsp17builtin_resourcesE) , I installed the whole lsp-plugins package. that includes lv2, vst aswell. Will I miss something if I dont install ladspa package, isnt everything in lv2 (as in ported over)? Or do I want that21:04
cjokepackage ? :->21:04
cjoke 1.1.10~ubuntu18.04.121:06
OvenWerksyou may wish to rename /usr/lib/ladspa to /usr/lib/ladspa.disabled22:02
OvenWerksThere are some applications that can only use ladspa plugin like lmms22:03
cjokeOvenWerks: ahh, sorry, I ment lsp-plugins-ladspa22:14
cjokemaby I should just locate sleepgear  | grep pillow :]22:15
OvenWerksthere are a number of ladspa plugins that have trouble being in the same machine as the lv2 version22:16
OvenWerksmost of those bugs have sinse been fixed, but in general if the ladspa plugins are not needed I don't install them. But then, I don't use lmms because my particular workflow doesn't work with lmms. For many computer music makers it does.22:20
OvenWerksIt is also ok to use only the ladspa plugins and not install the lv2 version, but that does mean no gui besides the generic one.22:21
cjokeI looked up lsp-plug.in and there was some options while compiling. I havent looked into it yet, but if I can compile without ladspa I guess I get all the plugins using only lv2 format. I am using ardour mainly, since Im a livemusician with wood and strings22:21
OvenWerksalso, ladspa does not support synths, it just effects audio22:22
OvenWerksfor Ardour, LV2 is the right choice22:22
cjokewell, if I need ladspa, I can run the application in a virtualenv and route it to the compiledversion they desire :)22:22
cjokethanks :)22:23
OvenWerksas I said, just renaming the ladspa directory will make it vanish temporarily22:23
cjokeyea, probably easiest choice :D22:24
cjokenow, im gonna make out with pillow , gn! thanks ! :)22:26
spiceyok managed to install ubuntu studio, still not sure if i like this xcfe desktop thing, i need to find ways to make it look more atttractive.22:42
spiceynot sure if making 'starters' is what i should do if i want all icons of my favorite programs together22:42
OvenWerksspicey: xfce is pretty much similar to gnome222:42
spiceyi wished i could add them to a tool bar or something like that not sure if i use correct english here22:43
OvenWerksspicey: you can make a second panel either horizontal or vertical22:43
spiceyow nice22:43
OvenWerksthen stuff it with starters22:43
spiceythat's what i want22:43
OvenWerksor groups of starters22:44
spiceylemme see22:44
OvenWerksspicey: ^ that is the botton left of my screen22:45
spiceyow yes this i need22:45
OvenWerksYou can basically drag icons from the menu to the panel22:45
spiceyfirst find out how to add a panel22:46
OvenWerksright click on the panel22:46
OvenWerkschoose panel-> pereferences22:46
OvenWerksAt the top it probably says Panel 022:47
OvenWerksbeside that is a + use that to add a second panel22:47
OvenWerkssorry gotta run for a bit. Gotta get a chicken in the oven22:47
spiceyow yes i got it22:47
spiceythx for the help22:48
spicey_ok nice, creating a right panel with my favorite programs' icons23:16
spicey_i think i could get used to this23:16

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