
bluesabre(I'll let them simmer for a day or two in case mapreri uploads them)00:02
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
bluesabreUnit193: are you able to sponsor packages into debian?12:07
bluesabreI remembered that mapreri is usually pretty busy12:07
bluesabreUnit193: would you be interested in uploading catfish and mugshot?12:09
Unit193I can't push to their git repos, but sure.12:12
bluesabreThat, I can do :)12:13
bluesabreI'll provide some dsc files then (no hurry, I think this is usually when you go to sleep?)12:14
bluesabreWill take a little bit, grabbing unstable archive to test build quickly12:21
bluesabreUnit193: https://bluesabre.org/sponsoring/catfish_1.4.8-1.dsc and https://bluesabre.org/sponsoring/mugshot_0.4.2-1.dsc12:34
bluesabreUnit193: Let me know if there's anything else you need :)12:35
Unit193I'm actually up already, I have slept a few hours.12:35
Unit193I'd likely drop Jackson off at this point, but eh.12:39
Unit193Debian 93286712:44
ubottuDebian bug 932867 in mugshot "mugshot: not in Buster" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/93286712:44
bluesabreYeah, it was FTBFS for a bit when they changed python packaging, so I tried to get it uploaded. It got ignored for weeks until about a week after buster was frozen, so it got dropped from the archive.12:46
Unit193Oops, I meant to link the catfish bug, not that one..12:46
bluesabreThe catfish one is still outstanding12:48
bluesabreUnit193: thanks!13:23
Unit193bluesabre: Sure thing!14:22
Unit193bluesabre: Don't forget to push tags for mugshot and catfish.22:00

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