
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
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xubuntu5whi all. should i upgrade from 18.04?05:41
xubuntu5whi all05:52
diogenes_ hi05:53
xubuntu5wshould i upgrade from 18.04?05:53
diogenes_if there's something that doesn't work right on your system, then it would be a reason.05:55
xubuntu5wworks great though05:55
diogenes_then i'd rather not.05:55
xubuntu5wany cool features of Ubuntu u can recommend?05:56
xubuntu5wi am a newbie to linux05:56
xubuntu5woh i have a question05:57
xubuntu5wi am running on a 4k monitor05:57
xubuntu5wand everything is so small05:57
xubuntu5wis there an easy way to scale up the size05:57
xubuntu5wlike in windows or mac05:57
diogenes_if you wanna test the 19.04 without installing it and compare to your current 18.04, go here, pick 19.04 and hit start: https://distrotest.net/Xubuntu05:57
xubuntu5wthank you diogenes05:57
diogenes_you can increase the font and the upcoming final release of xfce promises a better scaling.05:59
diogenes_you can as well write a usb stick with 19.04 nd run it off of that usb in live session and see if the scaling has imprved.05:59
Juan86Hi guys, I had a quick question. Would voyager xfce be good for a low power laptop?06:01
xubuntu5wso i can only increase the font and not scaling for 18.0406:01
diogenes_xubuntu5w, afaik so, also you can lower down the resolution.06:02
xubuntu5wthank you very much diogenes06:03
Juan86my laptop us running a Intel(R) Core(TM) M-5Y71 CPU @ 1.20GHz06:03
xubuntu1whow can i transfer xubuntu to usb ?06:39
xubuntu1wand boot this sh1t06:39
diogenes_xubuntu1w, first download the iso.06:40
diogenes_then use etcher06:41
=== marcc is now known as kub
=== marcc is now known as kub
CrazyLikeAFoxSo, I enabled the bottom panel again, but my wm doesn't seem to be repecting it's existance when placing windows21:39
CrazyLikeAFoxxubuntu 18.04.2lts here21:39
Spass[m]CrazyLikeAFox: do you have "Don't reserve space on borders" option enabled maybe?21:45
CrazyLikeAFoxSpass[m]: Should I not have that?21:47
CrazyLikeAFoxokay, thank you21:47
CrazyLikeAFoxThat option does not do what I thought it did.21:47
Spass[m]yeah it should be disabled21:47
Spass[m]that function is not 100% clear, I agree21:48
Spass[m]but when you hover over it it shows some more info21:49
CrazyLikeAFoxLast time I had to set it was when I first installed xubuntu on here, and that was the prior LTS version :s21:50
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