
mborzeckithat's a new none - Download snap "test-snapd-openvswitch-support" (11) from channel "stable" (stream error: stream ID 1; PROTOCOL_ERROR)05:40
zygagood morning06:24
zygamborzecki: how are you :)06:24
mborzeckizyga: hey06:24
zygamborzecki: we saw some of that last week, cause unknown but not investigated either06:24
mborzeckizyga: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/bboozzoo/snapcraft/06:25
mborzeckipackaged the damned thing eventually06:25
zygawhat's your plan for flock?06:26
mborzeckizyga: we've updated the slide deck, snapcraft is kind of packaged, i got the snapcore/go-gettext package approved and need sponsoring (got some reviews to do)06:28
mborzeckizyga: other than that, cover the important bits and improvise06:29
zygamborzecki: if someone asks, what's the outlook for using snapcraft on fedora using fedora bases06:29
jameshzyga: hi.  Was there supposed to be some review comments with https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7197#issuecomment-517256824 ?06:29
mupPR #7197: usersession: track connections to session agent for exit on idle and peer credential checks <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7197>06:29
zygajamesh: hey, I don't know from the top of my head06:29
mborzeckizyga: tbh, the question is what's the outlook for non-ubuntu bases06:29
zygajamesh: last week was rather busy, and I had little chance to look at PRs06:30
jameshzyga: it looks like you might have had unsaved review comments at some point and clicked send06:30
zygajamesh: oh, it still shows pending here.06:30
mborzeckizyga: this topic seems to be progressing really slow https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/base-runtime-freedesktop-sdk-runtime-19-08/1115306:30
zygajamesh: github UX snafu, I'm sorry about that06:30
jameshzyga: fair enough.  I know you were busy last week06:31
zygaI just sent it, it is only one comment though06:31
zygajamesh: I didn't go deeper than that function06:31
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
pstolowskihey zyga, welcome back!07:10
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:12
zygapstolowski: hey, it's good to be back :)07:28
zygapstolowski: ETOOMANYMILES07:28
pstolowskihey mborzecki07:29
zygapstolowski: one idea from the sprint https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/720507:33
mupPR #7205: rfc: introduce confinement options failsafe flag <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7205>07:33
zygapstolowski: it's not fleshed out fully07:33
zygabut should help when we have bugs that we don't know about07:34
pstolowskizyga: right, i saw this PR, was wondering if there was any discusson behind it, good!07:35
zygapstolowski: only at the sprint07:35
zygapstolowski: one more aspect to explore is to allow a specific interface endpoint to fail07:36
zygawithout failing all of the device setup07:36
zyga(in failsafe mode)07:36
zygae.g. allow serial-port-abc to fail without breaking snapd/core07:36
pstolowskizyga: added a comment07:47
jameshzyga: for the mount namespace case, it might just mean that problems in the non fail-safe never get reported because they appear to work07:47
zygajamesh: indeed, we can expand it to talk to the error tracker if needed07:55
zygajamesh: but we also need to be mindful of a single error down in the guts propagating to effective DOS on snapd07:55
* dot-tobias says hi09:16
dot-tobiassergiusens: Can you give me a quick hint here please? (outdated snapcraft homebrew formula) https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/install-snapcraft-on-macos/9607/409:27
mborzeckigoogle:debian-sid-64:tests/main/sbuild keeps failing09:45
mborzeckithe debug log isn't helpful :/09:46
zygamborzecki: do you have a sample?09:46
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yjjz4S9ndQ/09:46
mborzeckizyga: heh E: Build failure (dpkg-buildpackage died)09:47
zygais this on master or on your branch?09:47
mborzeckion my branches09:52
mupPR snapd#7209 opened: firstboot: queue service cmds before mark-seeded <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7209>09:56
zygamborzecki: are you changing dependencies?10:02
zygamborzecki: network failed?10:06
mborzeck1zyga: duh, graphics froze, cpu fan 100%10:06
mborzeck1zyga: i.e. the year of linux desktop is upon us10:06
zygamborzeck1: laptop or desktop?10:06
mborzeck1zyga: laptop10:07
zygaor x250?10:07
mborzeck1zyga: 25010:08
=== mborzeck1 is now known as mborzecki
zygamborzecki: does ohmygiraffe work for you on arch?10:34
zygamborzecki: it crashes on TW10:35
* zyga needs to update to 2.4010:35
mborzeckizyga: used to work10:37
mborzeckizyga: yup works10:38
* pstolowski lunch11:33
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
mborzeckizyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/721012:39
mupPR #7210: packaging/debian-sid: set GOCACHE to a known writable location <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7210>12:40
mupPR snapd#7210 opened: packaging/debian-sid: set GOCACHE to a known writable location <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7210>12:40
zygamborzecki: what is that -pkgdir?12:59
zygamborzecki: I have slight preference for /tmp/ for GOCACHE12:59
zygabut not strong one12:59
mborzeckizyga: -pkgdir is set by dh-golang13:00
mborzeckizyga: and afaiu dh-golang sets GOCACHE to point to _build as well13:00
* zyga goes for lunch13:29
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
mborzecki- Fetch and check assertions for snap "test-snapd-tools_6" (6) (cannot fetch assertion: got unexpected HTTP status code 408 via GET to "https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/assertions/snap-declaration/16/eFe8BTR5L5V9F7yHeMAPxkEr2NdUXMtw?max-format=3")13:37
mborzeckibtw. PROTOCOL_ERROR has this in debug log:  DEBUG: Not retrying: http.http2StreamError{StreamID:0x1, Code:0x1, Cause:error(nil)}13:38
mborzeckisoo that does look like HTTP2 level issue13:38
mborzeckiwell, at least the sbuild fix PR didn't fail in sbuild :)13:39
cachiomborzecki, did you see that today?13:43
mborzeckicachio: yes, 3-4 times already13:48
mborzeckicachio: last time in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/721013:49
mupPR #7210: packaging/debian-sid: set GOCACHE to a known writable location <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7210>13:49
cachiomborzecki, good, I'll see that with the store team13:50
cachiomborzecki, thanks for the info13:51
zygacachio: I'll get back to you on the 2.40 release plan soon13:53
cachiozyga, ok13:56
cachiozyga, I' have an app with my accountant in 30 minutes13:56
cachiozyga, just ping me and I'll ping you back once I am back13:57
sil2100zyga: hey! Since we'll be preparing the 18.04.3 point-release ubuntu-core images soon (both for 16 and 18), just wanted to touch base if the current snapd in stable is good to go to the new official stable images14:13
sil2100zyga: is the current stable snapd good for refreshed image release? ;)14:14
* cachio afk14:14
pstolowskiogra: hey, i've a task to look at failure scenarios where a device fails at first boot setup and is rebooted, and doesn't come back (doesn't boot anymroe); i've heard you experienced such issues before, do you have any concrete examples, reproducers, or logs?14:51
pstolowskialso ondra ^ ?14:53
ondrapstolowski yeah it's easy one14:55
ondrapstolowski when anything fails during first boot seeding, we do revert 'uninstall' all snaps14:55
ondrapstolowski this actually removes kernel and core snap sym links from 'vat/lib/snapd/snap'14:56
ondrapstolowski I think to make first boot more robust, we should do two changes, in snapd and initrd.14:56
ondrapstolowski when we look for core and kernel snap, we should consider two locations '/var/lib/snapd/snaps' '/var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps'14:57
ondrapstolowski so we have fallback when snaps are removed14:57
pstolowskiondra: ack, thanks, i need to look at the code14:59
ondrapstolowski easy way to reproduce is to make gadget snap with malformed gadget.yaml, and build image with it15:03
ondrapstolowski e.g. and non supported role:15:04
ograpstolowski, ondra there is also the core18 case where snapd doesnt properly get seeded and you end up with an error from console-conf "snap command not found" or some such15:07
ogracoe18 is a lot more fragile in that due to the singling out of snapd15:07
zygacachio: postponed till next week15:19
zygasil2100: current as in 2.39.x?15:19
zygasil2100: I think anything in stable is good, I don't know of any blockers that would affect images15:20
zygasil2100: what's the time frame? we will publish 2.40 to stable next week15:20
sil2100zyga: it's all happening this week, with a ETA for the release this Thursday15:22
ondraogra yes this is same case15:23
sil2100zyga: thanks for the heads up then o/15:23
zygasil2100: In that case do use 2.39.x, 2.40 will bake and we can try next time :)15:23
pstolowskiondra, ogra thanks, i need to digest it and think about this15:23
zygawillcooke: help, I cannot create topics on the WSL category15:47
zygaI wrote the whole thing and saved it to clipboard15:47
zygawillcooke: when I attempt to save all I get is "You are not permitted to view the requested resource."15:47
willcookezyga, zoiks!  One sec...15:49
zygamborzecki: udev rewrite tests running, I think it will be green15:49
zygamborzecki: I will need to sit down and think how to test it, I will start by writing simple unit tests tomorrow15:49
willcookezyga, hm.  "everyone" can create/reply/see.  Investigating15:50
willcookezyga, I think this might have been a "user trust level" thing.  I've bumped you up, can you try now?15:54
zygawillcooke: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/using-snapd-in-wsl2/1211315:55
willcookezyga, \m/ \m/ thank you!15:55
zygapleasure :)15:55
zygadiddledan: ^ I think you have more experience with this15:55
zygaperhaps you can expand on the topic15:56
cachiozyga, ok, thanks for the update16:00
* zyga EODs16:08
pstolowskicachio: ping16:08
cachiopstolowski, yes16:27
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
mupPR snapd#7211 opened: tests: add more debug information to see the root cause of the protocol error <⛔ Blocked> <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/7211>17:55
ograjdstrand, pocketbeagle is my gadget ... no need to notify me about it ;)18:27
jdstrandogra: ah, I missed that. can you request a manual review?18:28
ograwill do :)18:28
diddledanpopey: you about?19:03
diddledanooh, ello, pm a sec, popey ?20:03
popeySho thang20:04
* diddledan /msgs20:04
mupPR snapcraft#2654 opened: click: update to 7.0 <Created by cjp256> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2654>20:22

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