
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:11
marcoagpintoThe cola demon!!!!10:43
BluesKajHowdy folks10:48
lotuspsychjefirst clevo customer called, ill see if its about the kernel 5 flickering..10:51
lotuspsychjemail from my reseller he suggests to switch to 4.18 again and purge 5*10:55
marcoagpintoBluesKaj! lotuspsychje! Hello my dear beloved brothers!11:01
BluesKajhi marcoagpinto11:02
marcoagpintoI am drinking some cola11:02
ubot5UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:16
pragmaticenigmawell, that escalated quickly13:50
pragmaticenigmaI don't think I'm wrong in that we shouldn't be attempting to support compiling in main... esepcially something like DKMS, shouldn't that be handled in #ubuntu-dev or similar? where there would be people more skilled for that topic?13:53
TJ-pragmaticenigma: the problem was the user's own dkms.conf was wrong but that was due to a really poor Intel-provided Makefile14:15
TJ-pragmaticenigma: if bviktor returns point them to http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6pj2hFYwXV/14:15
jeremy31Easier to fix dkms.conf than the Makefile14:27
pragmaticenigmaThat's sort of my thought... we can help resolve a configuration file issue, but to help someone along with a compile of a system resource like that is really pushing the outer limits of the rooms purpose.14:32
pragmaticenigmaI'd hate for a new user to come in, right in the middle of a topic like that and figure their problem isn't important enough and leave (or worse, decide Ubuntu isn't for them)14:32
jeremy31The Makefile and dkms.conf in rtl8812au-dkms might still be wrong14:35
tomreynlotuspsychje: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/183897914:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1838979 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "[i915] framebuffer console flickers on 5.0.0 kernel" [Undecided,New]14:51
tomreyn"[i915] framebuffer console flickers on 5.0.0 kernel"14:51
lotuspsychjetomreyn: wow, nice find mate15:16
lotuspsychjetomreyn: we should ask him to apport-collect right15:20
lotuspsychjeupdated bug #183897915:23
ubot5bug 1838979 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "[i915] framebuffer console flickers on 5.0.0 kernel" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183897915:23
lotuspsychjefood time first :p15:24
tomreyngood that you asked. :)15:24
lotuspsychjetnx for the notice tomreyn15:25
tomreynmodel/type of computer will be in DMI: in the kernel log if he'll apport-collect, i guess. but it's probably good you asked in case he doesn't want to provide logs.15:25
lotuspsychjebbl in a bit15:25
tomreynyou're welcome.15:25
Bashing-omUWN590 is on the streets: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue590 :D20:09
tomreynsarnold: here's what i wrote to Intelo 7.5 hours ago after they posted those screenshots for the first time:23:24
tomreynlooks like bios bugs, is newer firmware available? this should tell you the exact model name and BIOS version:   journalctl -b | grep 'DMI:'    # then you check on the computer support section of the website of the vendor for bios updates for this very model. the current firmware version is also listed during early boot (unless full screen logo is enabled, which can be disabled in bios setup or by hardware specific keys), as well as in23:24
tomreynthe bios setup. please consult the manual of the computer you acquired, this is not an #ubuntu but a ##hardware topic.23:24
tomreynIt is clearly a communication / focus issue, as Sven_vB pointed out.23:25
tomreynthis chat has been evolving in circles ever since. i gave up at some point, then EriC tried, and yet others. i don't see a solution.23:26
tomreyncertainly there's a solution to the technical issues.23:26
sarnoldtomreyn: thanks -- nice to know that my initial reaction matched yours :)23:27
sarnoldtomreyn: and I suspect you've saved me a fair chunk of future time, hehe23:27
jeremy31Anyone know why sudo apt update downloads some Content amd64 and others that are fairly large files?23:27
tomreynsarnold: i'd be glad if so. ;)23:28
tomreynjeremy31: maybe they aren't compressed on this apt repo? i think it's up to the repo maintainer to decide on compression (or not)23:29
jeremy31tomreyn: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic amd64 Contents (deb) [39.5 MB]23:29
tomreyncorrect sized, and it's compressed23:30
jeremy31Is there a way to disable this?23:31
tomreynapt-file needs this, do you have it installed?23:31
jeremy31tomreyn: I believe I installed apt-file23:31
tomreyni assume it registers an apt hook so this is refreshed automatically on updates23:32
tomreynbut i don't know for sure23:32
tomreynyes, exactly, it's in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50apt-file.conf23:33
jeremy31no wonder why it was hard to find23:33
sarnoldwhile you're there, look around for the appstream stuff. I disabled that ages ago because it kept downloading huge tarballs of icons I never viewed23:34
sarnoldif you're curious about this, you seem likely to be curious about that, too :)23:35
tomreynoh nice, i was always wondering what that was23:38
tomreynjust the icons for the software store23:38
tomreynin (up to, i assume) 5 formats + metadata.23:39
tomreynwohoo, apt is fast again!23:44
sarnoldyay :D23:49
sarnoldI feel a bit bad about that -- I'm *really* not seeing what our users see. On the other hand, my god that was terrible and I have literally never seen those icons in use.23:50
tomreynwell i did. i want to understand what novice users get to see. and as it stands now, when they want to install additional software, they get to see icons from snap store and apt repos (snaps first), and that's how they then make choices.23:54
tomreynassuming all is equal, of course23:54
tomreyni assume ubuntus (canonicals) new single-brand software store will be more performant / efficient. (i'm not sure it will do better in terms of informing users about the results of their choices.)23:56
OerHeksi would love to see a menu 'apt/snap/flatpack/git*' in synaptic23:58

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