
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:06
lotuspsychjehey OerHeks02:09
lotuspsychjetomreyn: updated bug #183897902:13
ubot5bug 1838979 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "[i915] framebuffer console flickers on 5.0.0 kernel" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183897902:13
ducassegood morning07:59
lotuspsychje<john60> Hi guys. I am running Ubuntu 18.04.3 with Kernel: 5.0.0-23-generic x86_64 and my laptop is hard freezing 2-3x /hr. Here is my inxi -Fz output https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xNTRCwc2ts/08:03
lotuspsychjeanother fun of kernel 508:03
marcoagpintolotuspsychje: Any idea when the Kernel 5 will be fixed? I am scared to turn on the VMs08:52
lotuspsychjemarcoagpinto: not everyone is experiencing issues on 5.0 live dangerous try a test?08:53
marcoagpintoI don't like to live dangerously08:53
tomreyntry with one, downgrade  if needed.09:37
marcoagpintotomreyn: I am little and scared09:38
marcoagpintoa little cola demon09:38
tomreynit's not like it wont boot anymore. as long as you can access grub (and haven't uninstalled past kernel images, which won't happen automatically while there aren't multiple 5.0 kernel images, yet), you can just switch back to the previous kernel image from grub menu.09:40
tomreynso it's actually better to test earlier than later.09:40
OerHeksbut kernel 4.8 is heavier than 5.0.0-23, package size 2.4kb vs 2.2kb09:40
TJ-kernel 2.4KB? no way!09:43
jeremy31meta package09:43
TJ-indeed :P09:43
BluesKajHey folks09:49
marcoagpintoBluesKaj!!!! Hello!!!!09:54
marcoagpintoIt is your brother demon here09:54
BluesKajI'm no demon:-)10:19
marcoagpintosorry... I had to go to the store to buy cola10:43
lotuspsychjewelcome lastebill111:06
lotuspsychjelastebill1: wich ubuntu are you running on it11:06
lastebill1I'm running disco dingo11:06
lotuspsychjerunning like a charm?11:07
lastebill1yes, my only real issue is the trackpad working better on windows.  It tends to mess up my typing.  Can probably be fixed with a little bit of tweaking11:08
lastebill1I get like 4 hours of battery life on windows and 8 on ubuntu 1911:09
lastebill1it's my first go at standard ubuntu, I've been using lubuntu so far mostly11:09
lastebill1I installed synclient yesterday, since the standard trackpad driver didn't seem to support coasting11:12
lastebill1the drawback is that now it seems like the touchpad is much more vulnerable to my palm touching it, leading to mistyping11:13
lastebill1seemed like the standard ubuntu touchpad drivers had that part figured out better11:13
lotuspsychjelastebill1: there are some settings in gnome-tweak-tool and/or dconf-editor if you like lastebill111:14
lastebill1hmm, yeah, I did install the dconf-editor yesterday to disable the password requirement when in hibernation.  I've got to check out the gnome-tweak-tool though11:15
lastebill1lotuspsychje you wouldn't happen to be able to direct me to information about how notebook users tend to set up their trackpads by chance?   Would be nice to see that rather than trying to hit and miss set it up11:21
lotuspsychjelastebill1: setup to do what?11:23
JimBuntulastebill1, if Synaptic - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad11:23
lastebill1JimBuntu thanks!11:25
JimBuntuYou're welcome lastebill1 , my guess is it's the sensitivity that needs adjusting.11:25
lastebill1lotuspsychje my right arm tend to start hurting rather quickly if the track pad isn't comfortable.   Got to be other people with simular sensitivity when it comes to using notebooks, that have already figured it out.  Honestly, windows have figured it out, but well, double battery life is a big motivation for me to use ubuntu11:27
lotuspsychjelastebill1: did you actually test the battery life, or does it show 8h remaining?11:28
lotuspsychjei had some laptop brands making weird battery jumps on bionic11:29
JimBuntuMy solution to touchpad issues is to not use the touchpad, lol.11:29
lastebill1ok, I need to actually check it out I guess11:29
lastebill1I honestly had to disable the grapics card (mx150) to improve the battery to comfortable levels11:30
lastebill1before that the battery life seemed windowsy11:30
lotuspsychjelastebill1: you can also checkout laptop-mode-tools11:30
lastebill1I've also disabled the grapics card in windows, but it doesn't seem to do the trick11:31
JimBuntuIf that MX150 is a N17S-G1-A1, that would explain the power draw as that model is a 25W GPU11:32
JimBuntuThe N17S-LG-A1 is only 10W, so not as bad, but also performs like a lesser card/chip too.11:32
lastebill1right.  It's really easy to disable it in ubuntu.  I had to go into the device manager of windows to disable it though, since the whole nvidea grapics driver thing in windows is very bloated11:34
lastebill1didn't seem to turn it properly off or something though11:34
lastebill1very bloated without useful functionality...11:34
tomreyndid anyone other than TJ- see hydrian say anythng in #ubuntu after this?  <hydrian> That's with the 4GB version of the problem VM running.14:59
tomreyni assume hydrian must be using notices to respond.14:59
daftykinsthat's an incredibly annoying way to use IRC15:00
tomreyni'm just wondering whteher it's just me, maybe a client misconfiguration.15:01
TJ-I don't see any replies either15:01
JimBuntutomreyn, my logs do not show hydrian posting after that15:01
tomreynoh ok15:01
TJ-It's so bright here I can barely make out some conversations anyhow due to colours15:02
tomreyni was puzzled since TJ- said "hydrian: lots of # comments in those configs," but i didn't see any configs posted15:02
* JimBuntu turns down TJ-'s monitor brightness levels... on all of them15:02
* TJ- is finally getting rather tired of hitting bugs that interfere with work on a basic level, on 18.04!15:02
TJ-Grrr, that was JimBuntu ... dark blue on black! but if I switch to black-on-white theme, I lost tomryn in yellow!15:03
daftykinsTJ-: back into the darkened rooms you go ;)15:03
* TJ- mulls over which15:03
TJ-daftykins: I'm debating it but its a lovely 35C here!15:03
TJ-even got a fan going to keep the notebook cool :)15:04
daftykinshaha, you're braver than me - i'm done in the low 20s15:04
TJ-great, ANOTHER bug! no mouse clicks passing through in virt-manager/libvirt, but movement is! This worked 2 days ago, grrr bloody grrr15:05
TJ-so what was supposed to be a 5 minute VM test as to whether xubuntu 1910 build has fixed a nasty thunar hanging bug... is turning into a half-day marathon !15:05
TJ-I think I'll go combine the wheat... at least it stays harvested!15:06
tomreynunless there are any gnomes running aroun din the fields15:08
JimBuntuTJ-, I seldom say anything, so go with the scheme that makes mine invisible ;p15:13
daftykinsamusingly Jim is also dark blue on black for me15:13
TJ-not even sure where to start on this mouse no-click issue!15:13
daftykinsstealth-Jim i shall consider him15:13
TJ-daftykins: I think the colours are calculated based on a hash of the nickname15:14
daftykinshmm, think it's just character length here with nickcolor.pl in irssi15:14
daftykinsas i often see people with the same nickname length get the same colour15:15
TJ-hmmm, seems a strange way to decide, although fast15:15
daftykinssometimes i unload and reload that plugin if the choices are annoying me15:16
TJ-I use my 'follow' script to break out indivudual (support) conversations into a separate buffer so those aren't a problem for me15:17
TJ-general chat on the other hand...!15:17
TJ-OK, it was the VNC client link to the guest, switched to Spice protocol and it is working15:23
TJ-hmmm, seeing this in journal "... automount ... triggered by 21339 (gmain)" assumed 21339 is a PID but there is no such process and the message keeps repeating... any ideas?15:41
TJ-oh doh, it's a thread, needed "ps -eFl" to show it15:46
* JimBuntu grabs the popcorn... pours everyone some on their own plates... this might get interesting.16:35
leftyfbyeah, totally done with that one16:37
JimBuntu!cookie leftyfb for not going off the deep end.16:40
ubot5JimBuntu: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:40
JimBuntu!cookie | leftyfb for not going off the deep end.16:40
ubot5leftyfb for not going off the deep end.: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:40
daftykinsanother undesirable customer eh?16:40
tomreynubot more into metal parts, just ubottu likes cookies.16:57
tomreynor i just didnt read properly16:58
pragmaticenigmaI think ubot is on a cookie bender17:00
lotuspsychjewelcome BriggsE18:15
lotuspsychjeBriggsE: here we discuss & idle to make #ubuntu better, also discuss relevant bugs about ubuntu etc18:15
lotuspsychjeBriggsE: the ubuntu developers sit in #ubuntu-devel you might also go take a look18:16
BriggsEThank you18:17
=== BriggsE is now known as BriggsE2
=== BriggsE2 is now known as BriggsE3
EoflaOEHello lotuspsychje18:23
lotuspsychjehey there EoflaOE18:23
lotuspsychjehow are you doing?18:23
EoflaOEI am doing fine18:24
EoflaOEAnd you?18:24
lotuspsychjeall good on this side tnx18:24
EoflaOENice. I reported another bug about man-db and the fix is released. did you see that?18:25
=== lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjecool, dconf can set dash to the left on dock19:04
naccTJ-: i wouldn't bother, based upon what I've read so far, they seem not interested in getting help20:41
TJ-nacc: oh I know but that particular person needs countering at times.20:41
naccTJ-: ack :)20:42

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