
sexy1233genii Sounds like a solid plan. I'm gonna try the trinity rescue first and if that doesn't fix it, i'm gonna buy a bigger hard drive and try to troubleshoot from there00:00
sexy1233genii sarnold thank you both for the help00:00
sarnoldgood luck sexy1233 :)00:00
slingamni'm on bionic, i updated to systemd 237-3ubuntu10.25 and it caused a restart of systemd-networkd. is that expected?00:10
slingamnall my tcp-over-ipv6 connections got dropped00:10
sarnoldslingamn: ew. that sounds worth a bug00:13
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pennTellerHi guys, what is the "most correct" way to get my top bar to stop turning brown whenever I maximize a window? I would prefer the top bar to take the color of my windows or to stay transparent00:21
slingamnhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1839231 reported00:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1839231 in systemd (Ubuntu) "updating bionic to 237-3ubuntu10.25 restarts systemd-networkd" [Undecided,New]00:22
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sarnoldthanks slingamn00:25
sarnoldslingamn: did you happen to notice if it changed interface names or anything similar?00:25
slingamnlooks like the name was ens5 before and after00:26
slingamnbut it purged all the privacy extensions addresses00:26
sarnoldalright; that's for the best, but I'm reaching for anything about *why* it might have done what you saw ;)00:26
slingamnmmm, yeah00:26
slingamnyeah i'm down to provide more information if you think of anything00:27
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slingamnlooks like the /64 didn't change either, since the non-preferred SLAAC address remained the same as well00:28
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=== ezra is now known as nicekiwi
leonardushow do I get these packages automatically installed? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/5Nkk4pcW/01:07
sarnoldleonardus: try apt install ./gplates....01:08
leonardussarnold https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/vPgmtKvu/01:09
nicekiwiis there a way to modify the title of gnome-terminal when the user's sudo session is active?01:09
sarnoldleonardus: alright, first one is libgdal2001:10
OerHeksnicekiwi, i think a script to detect that, would be a security risc01:11
leonardussarnold: ok, just installed that01:11
nicekiwi@OerHeks yeah it probabily would be01:12
OerHeksand as there is a timer on the sudo session, that would be really interesting..01:12
sarnoldleonardus: libglew2.0 and libproj12, try those manuall too01:12
pragmaticenigmanicekiwi: Depending on the terminal emulator, some will monitor an environment variable for setting the title of the window.01:13
leonardusE: Unable to locate package libglew2.001:13
leonardusE: Unable to locate package libproj1201:13
sarnoldnicekiwi: maybe this? https://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/xterm-title-bar-manipulations.html01:13
OerHeks!info  libglew2.001:13
ubottulibglew2.0 (source: glew): OpenGL Extension Wrangler - runtime environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.0-5 (bionic), package size 132 kB, installed size 638 kB01:13
genii!info libglew2.001:13
OerHeks sudo add-apt-repository universe && sudo apt update01:14
rfmnicekiwi, you can set PROMPT_COMMAND to send the escape signals to set the title.  an example I found  is http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Xterm-Title-4.html01:14
nicekiwihmmm will have a look :) ty01:14
geniileonardus: As the bot's resonse indicates, you need to enable the optional repository of universe01:14
pragmaticenigmanicekiwi: if you are in fact using gnome-terminal... when you launch it, you can launch it with the parameter --title="SOME TITLE TEXT"01:14
leonardus'universe' distribution component is already enabled for all sources.01:14
tomreynleonardus: which ubuntu release are you running?01:15
leonardusi dunno01:15
sarnoldgenii: but somehow libgdal20 installed fine. I'm pretty confused01:15
nicekiwiyeah, just I need some way of detecting when SUDO session is active and updating the title, then removing the change when the setting expired. SO I dont accidently leave sudo enabled sessions opten01:16
tomreynleonardus: lsb_release -ds01:16
leonardustomreyn: 19.0401:16
sarnoldnicekiwi: oh, you mean when your sudo *tickets* are still valid?01:16
tomreyn!info libglew2.0 disco01:16
ubottuPackage libglew2.0 does not exist in disco01:16
sarnoldnicekiwi: it probably doesn't make much difference. if you leave an unpriv shell unattended, it'd be easy for someone to get your sudo password using that01:16
geniisarnold: Weird01:16
tomreyninfo libproj12 disco01:17
sarnoldnicekiwi: just lock your screen every time to walk away01:17
tomreyn!info libproj12 disco01:17
ubottuPackage libproj12 does not exist in disco01:17
nicekiwisarnold: im not down with the *tickets* lingo, but.. wait what? someone can get my sudo password from an unprivillaged terminal01:17
tomreynleonardus: you should not mix packages made for one ubuntu version with your (different) ubuntu version01:17
tomreynleonardus: there are are exceptions where this is possible, but this is for advanced users only.01:18
OerHeksgplates-ubuntu-bionic on disco, odd01:18
tomreynleonardus: generally, when you download .deb packages from some website in an attempt to install them you are most likely doing it wrong.01:18
gimmelHi all, I just uninstalled pihole that was running within a docker instance. As a result, dns is not working on my workstation. I've gone and set dns servers through nmcli and executed /etc/init.d/network-manager restart - but I still can't resolve. Obviously the pihole install has disabled something else. Where can I start? (SSH access only to this box)01:19
sarnoldnicekiwi: sure; mkdir ~/bin ; vim ~/bin/sudo # (write three line shell script) ; chmod 755 ~/bin/sudo -- done. they'll have your password next time you use it'01:19
tomreynleonardus: instead, find a PPA whjich is compatible to your ubuntu release (19.04, also called "disco dingo")01:19
tomreyn...or use a snap01:19
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge01:19
tomreynleonardus: ^01:19
nicekiwi0_o; only if they have access to the system again or have an account on the system01:20
tomreyn!snap | leonardus01:20
ubottuleonardus: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io01:20
leonardusI don't think there are any gplates PPAs or snaps01:20
tomreynleonardus: so you know there are no gplates PPAs nor snaps, but you do not know your ubuntu release? that's hard to believe.01:21
OerHeksgplates, is that just GIS software?01:21
leonardusI googled "g plates ppa"01:21
pragmaticenigmanicekiwi: it's better to have best practice of closing the sudo session as soon as you are done with it, rather than relying on a program to alert you. That program may fail, or in this case, a later update could disable or remove the feature you were using to check for the session. Thus possiblying giving you the false belief you're not in a sudo session01:21
nicekiwiok cool :)01:22
tomreynleonardus: i agree, there don't seem to be any gplates deb's which are compatible to ubuntu 19.04, nor a snap.01:24
OerHekshttps://www.gplates.org/download.html Instructions on how to compile GPlates from source may be found in the GPlates source-code releases, in the files: DEPS.Linux and BUILD.Linux01:24
leonarduswill I be able to build it without those dependencies01:25
OerHeksThe pyGPlates binaries currently require Python 2.7, however the pyGPlates source code now works with Python 301:25
OerHeksso that sounds good01:25
pragmaticenigmanicekiwi: personally, I launch the application I need with sudo, such that when the application closes, the sudo session ends as well. This method is changing though, as there are now different ways to access sudo priveleges. I.e. Gnome use the admin:// scheme in front of the file name which triggers a sudo prompt01:25
OerHeksif you read the instructions, maybe.. or run a VM with 18.0401:25
OerHekswhen you are successfull, you might want to put this in a snap. interactive visualisation of plate-tectonics is pretty amazing01:27
tomreynleonardus: the gplates package you have downloaded is for ubuntu 18.04 LTS "bionic beaver", it is not compatible to ubuntu 19.04 "disco dingo". as OerHeks hinted you can build gplates from source code instead, or use the existing 'bionic' package in a virtual server or container.01:27
tomreynleonardus: for now i recomend you uninstall the package using    sudo apt purge gplates01:29
leonardusE: Unable to locate package gplates01:29
OerHeksit is not build yet01:30
tomreynso probably the package didn't install yet, due to dependency issues.01:32
tomreynthen there's nothing to do (other than uninstalling other packages you manually installed while trying to make gplates install)01:32
geniiDependency Hell is hard to reach Purgatory from01:36
RandomGuyOnIrcI am using ubuntu 18.04 and I am trying to install the most recent build of virtualbox 6 for bionic. I added the virtual box downloads for bionic to my sources.list file, did an upgrade, installed virtualbox-6,  but guest additions gives me problems: https://bpaste.net/show/rgeZ01:43
RandomGuyOnIrcthe upgrade also gave warning messages01:43
RandomGuyOnIrcDoes anyone know how to fix this?01:43
naccRandomGuyOnIrc: that sounds like a question for the virtualbox folks, not #ubuntu01:43
naccRandomGuyOnIrc: as it's not from ubuntu01:43
RandomGuyOnIrcperchance is there a way to update xserver-xorg-core to the most recent version?01:44
ausjkecan I configure a handler for file:// the uri scheme01:44
RandomGuyOnIrcI asked in virtualbox, they are all asleep now01:44
RandomGuyOnIrcor quiet01:44
ausjkedon't want chrome to view the whole filesystem at will sometimes01:44
RandomGuyOnIrcnacc, nevermind, they just woke up01:45
WoCRandomGuyOnIrc, could be an old module still in memory from the old version01:46
geniiRandomGuyOnIrc: You might want to append deb [arch=amd64]  before the URL in whatever repo file virtualbox added into the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory01:47
RandomGuyOnIrcgenii: thanks01:47
WoCbtw support for i386 has been dropped01:47
geniiThe Chrome repo has a similar issue01:48
WoCx86-32 rip ;P01:48
gimmelHi all, I just uninstalled pihole that was running within a docker instance. As a result, dns is not working on my workstation. I've gone and set dns servers through nmcli and executed /etc/init.d/network-manager restart - but I still can't resolve. Obviously the pihole install has disabled something else. Where can I start? (SSH access only to this box)01:49
RandomGuyOnIrcgenii: that cleaned up the first warning01:49
OerHekshttps://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/dists/bionic/ 64 bit only ..01:49
tomreynnacc: the package RandomGuyOnIrc tried to install, virtualbox-guest-x11, is available in ubuntu's repository, so i think that's the one RandomGuyOnIrc tried to install. not a #vbox topic then01:50
OerHeksonly  19.04 / DIsco gives i386.. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox/6.0.6-dfsg-101:51
tomreyn(i don't think it's compatible to virtualbox 6, though, so IMO the right thing to do is to just install the guest additions from the guest mountable ISO virtualbox provides. which is what i told RandomGuyOnIrc in #vbox)01:52
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Kendos-KenlenHi !02:11
tomreyngreetings Kendos-Kenlen, any ubuntu issues?02:11
Kendos-Kenlentomreyn unfortunately, yes :(02:12
tomreynsorry to hear this. please discuss the !details02:12
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.02:13
Kendos-KenlenI am confronted to a weird issue: I am building a custom ISO using Cubic now and when I try to upgrade the system, I have errors from whoopsie and gdm3 that cannot find their respective groups. The groups indeed exists in /etc/group, I can add myself to these groups (using addgroup), but the postinstall scripts seems not to be able to find them.02:13
pennTellerAny i3 users here? When I open some programs the text in them looks huge and this wasn't happening when using ubuntu/gnome desktop. Any ideas?02:13
Kendos-KenlenpennTeller what program are they? Are they by chance Qt or GTK programs?02:15
pennTellerKendos-Kenlen, one of them is blender, the other one is HexChat (the irc client I am using). Also, using Nautilus I noticed my folders looked bigger than on Ubuntu as well.02:16
pennTellerKendos-Kenlen, Firefox for example looks fine.02:17
Kendos-KenlenpennTeller they are all GTK programs if I am right. do you have a .gtk* folder in your home?02:18
tomreynKendos-Kenlen: sorry, i have to sleep now, hope you can get some help from soemone else.02:19
Kendos-Kenlentomreyn no problem, good night :)02:19
pennTellerKendos-Kenlen, no .gtk* in my home dir02:19
tomreynKendos-Kenlen: thanks, just some food for thought here: so you're certain these groups exist on the very system these commands run on and at the very time they run? personally i'd prefer to use adduser to add an existing user to a group (or multiple groups).02:19
* tomreyn zzz02:20
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Kendos-Kenlentomreyn I am sure yes. And actually, it's the postinstall script of whoopsie and gdm that try these commands but fail, not mine.02:23
pennTellerbrb need to reboot02:23
Kendos-KenlenSeems like an issue with group manipulation: despite whoopsie being listed in /etc/group, tools such as groupmod or groupdel does not work. I tried to create a zorb group with groupadd, and then change its gid to 117 (whoopsie previous gid) but groupmod tells me the zorb group I just created does not exists...03:03
[rg]so tools like muon and aptitude have categories for packages, are those available via apt/dpkg?03:04
OerHeksrg same sources, yes03:04
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Gallomimiawould anyone care to speculate why my run of brasero on this ubuntu 19.04 laptop is basically non functional? clicking burn enters a state of non function, infinite wait. two tries on a disk and not marking the surface03:32
chieta why my terminal always lost the commands history https://dpaste.de/OUEa ?03:33
Gallomimiasuggests non-writable .bash_history03:33
Gallomimialikely given you have some kind of chroot going on03:34
guiverc2Gallomimia, no idea; but I've had a few burners no longer operate, some caused errors others just did nothing (except replacing drive fixed issue)03:36
Gallomimiathis one seems to recognize a blank disk but after that....03:38
Gallomimiait is rather old... unsure03:39
Gallomimiaa restart of it will disconnect me.03:39
guiverc2i can't advise; if you have a drop-in-replacement drive try it (the only thing that proved what I was describing)03:40
Gallomimiaif i had any alternatives, i'd be using that03:41
Gallomimiaguiverc2, odd. after a reboot, using the built in dvd/cd creator allows me to make a data disc. not desired as i need an audio CD for a trip tomorrow. perhaps the brasero will work post-reboot03:57
guiverc2it [drive] getting old & tired,  but I don't think a good kick would help :(   no ideas sorry04:00
Gallomimiai'm of the opinion some drivers were installed but never loaded until i did a reboot04:02
guiverc2no idea - but you've had progress so :)04:05
Gallomimiait finished. now to try with brasero again04:15
Gallomimiastill unsure as to what changed. it could be the what-for i gave the lens and inner workings i gave it with a Q-tip and isopropanol04:18
Gallomimiait goes. phew. thought i was going to be doomed to radio and scratched oldies thru a mountain drive all day04:19
Gallomimiajeeze. and all the jewel cases are cracked so the cover falls off at the hinge. the 90s called.... they want their problems back.04:30
OerHekscarefull with writing something on it ..04:32
k_szeMost of the themes at gnome-look.org are no longer usable with recent releases of Ubuntu, right?06:20
k_szee.g. Ubuntu 18.0406:20
k_szebecause it's on GNOME 3, whereas those themes are for GNOME 2 or GTK 2?06:21
OerHeksk_sze, odd question, gnome-look gives a gtk3 themes section06:29
k_szeOerHeks, ah.06:31
k_szebummers, there's no star trek inspired theme for gtk3 there.06:31
k_szeI want LCARS, heh06:31
k_szeHmm, what does "plinged" mean on that site?06:36
lotuspsychjek_sze: wich site?06:39
lotuspsychjeoh i see it ontop06:40
lotuspsychjek_sze: seems like its some kind of rating, high plings06:40
carogahi all! Yesterday I left work where I had 2 monitors attached and working. I come back, connect the monitors to my laptop and nothing is responding. Running xrandr -q shows less than regular output, and my onboard screen has changed names as well (eDP-1 to eDP-1-1). What could have caused such a change? Running ubuntu 18.04, with nvidia drivers (blacklisted nouveau)06:46
lotuspsychjecaroga: wich chipset & driver loaded please?06:47
carogaHi lotuspsychje! loaded driver is nvidia, checked with prime-select query06:47
lotuspsychjecaroga: can you pastebin plz: sudo lshw -C video && nvidia-smi06:48
carogalotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xX56JT4f4r/  and  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8X4jFzG5dT/06:50
lotuspsychjecaroga: ah, 390 is too low for a gtx 1060, can you check: ubuntu-drivers list please? see if other driver versions are available06:51
carogasure, hold on06:51
carogaI see 390 and 43006:51
lotuspsychjecaroga: ok try to install the 430, you can also switch it from software&sources/tab additional drivers06:52
lotuspsychjecaroga: then reboot after switch06:52
carogalotuspsychje: what would the preffered way be? Purge nvidia drivers, and install afterwards or just upgrade from gui ?06:52
lotuspsychjecaroga: the users choice, from apt you can see the progress better06:53
carogacheck. will update.06:53
heller_hey guys06:56
heller_my server rebooted yesterday evening. Any tips where to look for the issue?06:56
heller_or to see if it was a hardware error06:56
lotuspsychjeheller_: come join to #ubuntu-server please06:56
carogalotuspsychje: gonna restart now, hopefully see you in a bit xD06:56
carogalotuspsychje: thank you! It worked !07:03
lotuspsychjecaroga: welcome mate07:04
carogaI think I might have updated my system. Installing the newest driver fixed my issues.07:04
lotuspsychjecaroga: we reccomend later drivers for the GTX models07:04
lotuspsychjecaroga: in some cases the ubuntu graphics ppa is needed, but your card seemed to have a later driver suggested already07:05
carogalotuspsychje: im just super happy I got three screens working again, it was such a battle last time to figure out what to do. Eventually blacklisting nouveau and switching between intel and nvidia seemed to be my resolve. Anyway, once again thank you for your help, much appreciated.07:06
manitaggarwalDoes anyone here use workspace feature?07:07
OerHeksmanitaggarwal, ask your real question to find out?07:10
manitaggarwalTrying to find out use cases while coding in java for workspace07:23
OerHeksmanitaggarwal, that is a specific task, i have no clue about that, maybe someone else reading this07:32
manitaggarwalHow do you mention me in your text?07:45
ws2k3where can i find the package list for ubuntu 14.0407:47
ws2k3cant find it here https://packages.ubuntu.com/ or http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/trusty/ but maby its me?07:47
lotuspsychjews2k3: are you using ESM ?07:48
ws2k3lotuspsychje:  what does that has to do with it?07:48
lotuspsychjews2k3: 14.04 is end of life07:48
ws2k3lotuspsychje: i know. what has that to do with anything?07:48
lotuspsychjews2k3: = its not supported anymore07:48
ws2k3lotuspsychje:  i know. so?07:49
ws2k3does the fact its eol caused the package list to disspear or?07:49
EoflaOEmanitaggarwal: we write your name, and it will be mentioned. Do you have your Ubuntu question?07:50
manitaggarwalEoflaOE, thanks... Not right now.07:51
EoflaOEmanitaggarwal: Welcome.07:51
ws2k3lotuspsychje:  if a ubuntu release is eol is not does not make a difference to the package list.07:52
carogaws2k3: be aware that 14.04 is not supported in this channel.07:53
carogaAlso, if you check packages.ubuntu.com you will see that 14.04 is not available in the distributions list to search through.07:53
OerHeksws2k3, tone down, it is EOL, but the lists are there  https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty-updates/allpackages -- https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty-backports/allpackages --https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/allpackages07:53
EoflaOEws2k3: The packages for that eol version will be moved to old-releases.ubuntu.com. We recommend upgrading to latest version if possible, as eol versions are not supported07:53
ws2k3caroga: see previous anser. yeah i just found it https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty-backports/allpackages07:54
OerHeksi am not sure why we answer, but oke07:54
carogaws2k3: good luck.07:55
EoflaOEHello OerHeks07:55
ws2k3lotuspsychje:  caroga OerHeks EoflaOE i realy do get ur point. and ofcrouse i will upgrade asap. but i just Hate when people Keep going on and on that its eol. yes i know its eol. that doesnt magicly cause it to stop working.07:55
EoflaOEws2k3: eol versions still boot, just no support and no security updates.07:56
OerHeksall you need is the EOL upgrade factoid07:56
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades07:56
OerHeksbut with these huge changes, systemd and such, i would do a fresh install07:56
ws2k3OerHeks: you dont think im already working on that? secondly maby we use software that we just just pop onto newer versions of ubuntu. like the need for php 5.5 so keep pointing out the obvious is realy pointless.08:00
OerHekslolz, that machine should stay of the internet then08:00
ws2k3its in production. servied 200 tb publicly connected to the internet.08:02
ws2k3linux does not magicly get hacked once it eol. the risk just increases08:02
carogaws2k3: don't be so toxic, people in here are giving advice and don't know/understand your specifics.08:12
Mathisenwhat would be the smartest way to purge all packets from a 3.rd party repo when you forgot exactly what is installed from that repo ?08:21
cgunderssonMathisen: look into ppa-purge08:27
EoflaOEMathisen: You can remove all packages from a specified repo using https://askubuntu.com/questions/37531/how-do-i-remove-all-packages-from-a-certain-repository08:28
fradwhat do I need to read cbr files?08:48
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fradany recommendation besides mcomix?08:50
manitaggarwalfrad: calibre09:11
codecutterafter updating ubuntu to version 18 https://pastebin.com/uBnu9UQp09:42
tarzeaucodecutter: and bash -x /etc/init.d/solr start ?09:43
tarzeaucodecutter: you run it as root or not?09:47
codecutteri usually do sudo systemctl start09:47
codecuttersudo systemctl start solr09:47
tarzeaubecome root, then run it09:47
tarzeauand run the command i told you not systemctl whatever09:48
* tarzeau is 1999, no sudo, no systemctl09:48
tarzeaucodecutter: having copy pasted the output, didn't you read it?09:50
codecutterwell i was hioping you will help me fix the prob09:50
tarzeauobviously some code in /etc/default/solr.in.sh is so retarded it thinks 11.0.4+11 is older than 1.8, just remove that code09:50
tarzeaui don't have that file. and i removed all adobe flash, sun/oracle java.09:51
tarzeaumaybe setting JAVA_HOME helps, maybe patching the file, no idea really09:51
codecutterjava -version09:51
codecutteropenjdk version "11.0.4" 2019-07-1609:51
codecutterOpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.4+11-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.3)09:51
codecutterOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 11.0.4+11-post-Ubuntu-1ubuntu218.04.3, mixed mode, sharing)09:51
codecutterwhere is JAVA_HOME?09:53
codecutterthat probably needs to be updated09:53
tarzeauis it set to anything?09:54
codecutterthats what i'm trying to figure out09:55
tarzeauwell grep JAVA_HOME inwhateverfile09:55
tarzeauprobably not, you'll only need JAVA_HOME if you don't want to use the system one, or a 2nd one not the default09:56
codecutterecho $JAVA_HOME09:56
codecutterblank line09:56
tarzeauthat's normal09:56
codecutterwhat does that mean? its not set?09:57
tarzeauis that apache solr stuff from a package or you installed it somehow?09:57
tarzeaucodecutter: it's not needed be set09:58
codecutteri installed quote some time ago09:58
tarzeauif you read the latest pastebin carefull it complains not about JAVA_HOME it complains it wants Java 1.809:58
tarzeauwhich is 8 really. retarded sun solaris naming09:58
codecutterright, 'java -v' gives me openjdk version "11.0.4" 2019-07-1609:59
codecutterso i need to update something09:59
codecuttersomething being some file09:59
tarzeaujust install java 810:00
tarzeauand be done with it10:00
tarzeaureminds me of the java meme, one doesn't just run the latest java version, heh10:00
tarzeauor this one "i told him i can't open the jar", he said "download and install java"10:01
codecutterok, do do apt-get?10:01
codecutterhow do override the currently install version with 8?10:02
codecutterdo i go*10:02
yankovicHi. During Ubuntu installation we have to answer a lot of question: choose language, user, make partition, etc. Is it possible to bypass this, for example, by passing file with this info to installer? Packer somehow does it.10:03
tarzeaucodecutter: apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk ?10:03
codecutterwill that override java 11 that is currently installed?10:03
tarzeaucodecutter: i'd search with dpkg -l |grep jre |grep 11 # and try jdk instead of jre10:04
tarzeaucodecutter: no, that's why you'll remove all ove java 11 :)10:04
Habbieyankovic, https://wiki.debian.org/AutomatedInstallation10:04
codecutterapt-get installed java?10:04
tarzeaucodecutter: or you use the cumbersome alternatives system, but believe me easier just remove 1110:04
Habbieyankovic, i trust most of this will work for ubuntu, and i bet there's such a page for ubuntu too10:04
codecutterok i'll remove it first10:05
codecutterapt-get uninstalled java?10:05
tarzeaucodecutter: no, run dpkg -l |grep jre |grep 11    and run dpkg -l |grep jdk |grep 1110:05
tarzeaucodecutter: remove all that packages, and install openjdk-8-jdk10:05
Habbieyankovic, ^ what OerHeks said10:06
yankovicHabbie: thanks10:07
yankovicOerHeks: thanks10:07
geirhait's not that cumbersome to use alternatives ...10:12
codecuttertarzeau how do i check the solr version?10:12
geirhasudo update-java-alternatives --set java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd6410:12
codecuttercurrently installed10:13
codecuttergeirha: thanks10:13
codecutterthat looks much simpler10:13
geirhaand   update-java-alternatives --list   to list the ones you can choose from10:14
tarzeaucodecutter: did you m ake a solr debian package or just install it somehow?10:14
codecutterits been awhile since i installed it10:14
codecutterStarted Solr server on port 8983 (pid=2836). Happy searching!10:15
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cnnxhi fellow ubutians10:24
cnnxI had ubuntu installed and then installed windows on another partition and it was booting into windows by default, now I want to boot back to ubuntu from default, is there an easy way I can do this change without messing anything up?10:25
cnnxis it cause the master board record now points to windows?10:25
OerHeksTHat is why we say install windows first, but you can restore grub again10:26
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub210:26
EriC^^cnnx: it depends if you were using uefi or not10:27
OerHeksoh, that too ..10:27
EriC^^cnnx: which laptop model is it? some let you choose which efi entry to boot when the pc starts if you press the right key in case you're using uefi10:27
dan01is it worth it to buy a new laptop with ubuntu preintalled vs installing it if I know hardware is compatible?10:29
tarzeauif you trust the installation, and it's not extra cost10:29
tarzeauwhat version do they pre-install? nothing outdated?10:29
dan01tarzeau: yeah but I guess... good question! My question is: is there a chance I'll get better performance?10:30
tarzeauwhat hw you plan to buy? with what budget?10:30
codecuttergeirha: > Could not find tools.jar. Please check that /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 contains a valid JDK installation10:32
tarzeaucodecutter: you don have /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/lib/tools.jar ?10:34
tarzeaucodecutter: install openjdk-8-jdk-headless10:34
geirhathough openjdk-8-jdk already depends on that package10:35
codecutterlib folder is missing from /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/10:35
codecuttergeirha what do you mean?10:36
geirhaare you sure you installed the openjdk-8-jdk package?10:36
codecutterTo switch i did: sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd6410:36
codecutternothing more10:37
geirhayes, but that only works if you actually have that java version installed10:37
codecutterthen it was already installed10:37
geirhaupdate-java-alternatives only switches between installed java versions10:37
codecutterbefore update it was all workiing10:37
codecutterupdated ubuntu10:38
codecutteroh, there are 2 versions10:38
codecutterthey both missing lib folder10:40
geirhacodecutter: update-java-alternatives --list10:41
geirhaperhaps in your attempt to remove java 11 you also removed java 8 and haven't installed it java 8 again after that?10:42
codecutteri did not remove it10:42
codecutterthankfully you came in kjust in time10:43
geirhaaha, peraps you only have the jre installed then..?10:43
codecutterjava-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64      1111       /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd6410:43
codecutterjava-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64       1081       /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd6410:43
geirhaif so, ignore the warnings from update-java-alternatives. It just tries to symlink all java stuff10:44
geirhadpkg -l openjdk-8-\*10:46
cnnxEriC^^: I think its using uefi, I'm ssh'ed into the machine now remotely, how can I check?10:48
geirhacodecutter: Right, so that's why. You only have the jre (which is all you need when all you want to do is run a java program).10:48
OerHekscnnx, you would know, during install ubuntu and windows10:49
cnnxOerHeks: Al lI know is to get into ubuntu now I press F12 from the boot bios stage and choose UBUNTU instead of WINDOWS10:49
cnnxis that EUFI?10:49
geirhacodecutter: update-java-alternatives is a bit dumb in that it doesn't bother to check if you installed jre or jdk, it naively tries to symlink all of the java commands.10:49
geirhacodecutter: so you're good.   java -version   should say 1.8.0 now10:50
EriC^^cnnx: yeah that's uefi10:51
EriC^^cnnx: type "sudo efibootmgr -v | nc termbin.com 9999"10:51
OerHekscnnx, the disk will have GPT and there is a small UEFI partition at the beginning of the disk10:51
OerHeksand again, you would know how you started the installer, uefi mode or legacy10:51
cnnxEriC^^: https://termbin.com/5vu110:52
codecuttergeirha did i miss anything? i'm still getting Could not find tools.jar. Please check that /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 contains a valid JDK installation.10:53
geirhacodecutter: that's because you haven't installed jdk, so it'll only manage to symlink the jre stuff; printing useless warnings about all the jdk stuff10:54
cnnxEriC^^: so I just need to install grub2?10:54
cnnxEriC^^: which will install a default boot loader for ubuntu to load first?10:54
EriC^^cnnx: yeah "sudo grub-install" should fix it10:54
cnnxEriC^^: thats all? cause I'm remotely connected, so if i REBOOT and doesnt come back Im not physically there10:55
cnnxand isnt it grub2-install?10:55
codecuttergeirha well, ubuntu update must have made some changes.10:55
EriC^^cnnx: if you want to confirm running 'efibootmgr -v' again should list ubuntu first in boot order 000....10:55
geirhacodecutter: in other words, just ignore the message about tools.jar10:55
EriC^^cnnx: same thing10:55
cnnxEriC^^: I run efibootmgr -v before installing grub?10:56
EriC^^no, afterwards if you just want to be sure it got put first10:56
codecuttergeirha: i see what you mean. I can't because i'm using gradle to build a java application and it complains that it can't find that jar so it fails10:56
codecutterfails to build the app10:57
geirhacodecutter: right, so to build java appliactions you need the jdk, so install that.   sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk10:57
cnnxEriC^^: https://termbin.com/ufgc10:57
OerHeksdefault-jdk # this doesn't contain some file, like tools.jar...10:57
EriC^^cnnx: looks good10:58
geirhaOerHeks: true, but it depends on one that does10:58
cnnxEriC^^: I'm still gonna wait till i get back to my apartment, cause its a mining rig so i will loose money if it doesnt come back online right away10:58
cnnxEriC^^: thanks for your help10:58
EriC^^cnnx: no problem10:58
geirhaerr wait, default-jdk? no idea what that is10:58
EriC^^i thought mining stopped being profitable cnnx ?10:59
cnnxEriC^^: Its more of a hobby, i get about 5$ aday from it today10:59
cnnxor 150$ a month10:59
EriC^^after electricity bills and all? cnnx10:59
cnnxyeah i live in the lowest cost elecrtricy per kw/h i n the world11:00
EriC^^cnnx: what card and hash and algo/coin if you dont mind me asking?11:00
cnnxEriC^^: 5x1660ti and 1x1070, nothing fancy, i always mine the best, right now Im mining ycash (YEC)11:00
cnnxEriC^^: -algo 192_7 -11:00
EriC^^ah cool, thanks11:01
cnnxnp, you mine too?11:01
EriC^^i was mining eth on rx580's about 2 years ago, i stopped last summer when it got break-even for me11:01
cnnxyeah eth and etc is lower11:01
geirhacodecutter: In case you're unaware about the abbreviations   jre - java runtime environment, the stuff needed to run java programs.  jdk - java development kit, the stuff needed to compile java programs11:01
cnnxnvidia gives you more freedom of algos11:01
EriC^^i see11:02
cnnxim in a discord group called gpumining11:02
cnnxwe always look for new altcoins to mine11:02
EriC^^sounds like it could be good if one goes big?11:03
cnnxthe reason I want to reboot back into ubunt is someone spent 3-4 hours yesterday setting up windows10/awesome miner, but i dont like it so im going back to linux mining11:03
cnnxEriC^^: yeah thats the idea11:03
EriC^^ah i see11:04
cnnxEriC^^: are you in usa?11:04
EriC^^nope, lebanon11:04
cnnxEriC^^: is power expensive?11:04
cnnxi pay 0.045 usd11:05
EriC^^wow nice11:05
cnnxEriC^^: do you do any programming?11:07
EriC^^nope, just some dabbling in random projects sometimes11:10
EriC^^what about you?11:11
cnnxEriC^^: yeah I'm trying to start working on a personal project11:12
EriC^^gotcha, i'm always on the look out for stuff like that personally11:12
cnnxEriC^^: what do you mean11:12
EriC^^i mean if i come across something that potentially could do well, as a kind of income, or just fun stuff that i'd like to see out there11:13
EoflaOEHello EriC^^11:14
EriC^^hey EoflaOE o/11:14
EoflaOEEriC^^: Is this a bug that Nautilus freezes everytime I try to restore hidden file from the trash?11:15
EriC^^EoflaOE: seems to be working fine for me here, on ubuntu 16.0411:16
EoflaOEEriC^^: I am running Ubuntu Eoan. I know it should be asked on #ubuntu+1 but it is not active.11:17
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OerHekswhat is the filesystem it wants to writeback to? NTFS?11:18
BluesKajHowdy folks11:31
lalitmeeHey Guys, I am facing a weird problem in Lubuntu? Can you help me? Its related to adaptive screen brightness.11:32
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:33
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/11:33
JimBuntulalitmee, what they are saying is basically to add more detail about your issue and then wait for someone experienced to respond. The exact Lubuntu version as well as details about what you are looking to discover about adaptive screen brightness would be great to share in advance of someone asking for more details. The exact model of computer in question probably wouldn't hurt either.11:58
lalitmeeJimBuntu: Lubuntu: 18.04, Laptop: Dell Inspiron 758012:09
lotuspsychjelalitmee: you did not say what was wrong with brightness yet?12:23
BluesKajwonder why they run Lubuntu on an i7 cpu12:33
lalitmeeActually the problem is that brightness is not constant it varies on the basis of the content of the window.. Which we call Adaptive brightness.. I don't want that adaptive brightness12:35
lalitmeeSo I tried some solutions from stackoverflow and askubuntu forum. but nothing is chaning12:35
lalitmeeSo I came here12:36
lotuspsychjelalitmee: is that auto-brigtness you mean?12:37
lalitmeeyeah something like that12:37
lalitmeeAnd its very irritating12:37
lalitmeeI have tried every possible solution12:37
lotuspsychjelalitmee: try dconf-editor there's a value for auto-brightness on/off12:38
lalitmeelotuspsychje: I will send you links of all the solutions which I have tried12:38
lalitmeeoh.. I will try that12:38
lotuspsychje!info dconf-tools | lalitmee12:38
ubottulalitmee: dconf-tools (source: d-conf): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.26.0-2ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 1 kB, installed size 19 kB12:38
lalitmeelotuspsychhe: in which option I have to go in dconf-editor12:39
lotuspsychjelalitmee: there's a nice search box now, type brightness12:40
lotuspsychjelalitmee: and try auto-brightness perhaps12:40
lalitmeelotuspsychje: yeah I got it, but its alreay off12:41
lalitmeeI am on Lubuntu12:41
lalitmeeDell Inpsiron12:41
lotuspsychjeso thats not the option you need then?12:41
lalitmeeI searched on google.. So I found out that there are search quries related to dell inspiron auto brightness problem12:42
lalitmeelotuspsychje: yeah I think this is something else.12:42
lotuspsychjemaybe try the option brightness-needs-hardware-default12:42
lalitmeeyeah its ON.. should I change it?12:42
lotuspsychjelalitmee: try a few values, you can easy change it back12:43
lalitmeelotuspsychje: okk I will try12:43
lotuspsychjelalitmee: maybe its an acpi problem at your bootup aswell12:43
lalitmeelotuspsychje: so do I need to reboot after chaning the value?12:44
lotuspsychjelalitmee: dont think so12:44
lotuspsychjelalitmee: whats your value on idle-brightness? 30 here12:45
lalitmeelotuspsychje: yeah 30 here too12:46
iorialalitmee, if you already checked in Power settings, i'd say it's a BIOS thing12:47
lalitmeelotuspsychje: I will check it is fixed.. later I will tell you.. Thank you so much guys12:48
lotuspsychjegood luck lalitmee12:48
lalitmeeioria: I am also thinking that it is something related to BIOS12:48
lotuspsychjelalitmee: if you cant get it right, share your dmesg with us later12:48
iorialalitmee, it's the 'Ambient Light Sensor' -> check Video settings (in bios)12:48
lalitmeelotuspsychje: okk I will share.. if it is not right.12:49
lalitmeeioria: I will have a look at the BIOS options too. Will I be finding an auto brightness option there too?12:50
iorialalitmee,  'Ambient Light Sensor'12:50
parak0vskyHow to see exact error reported by the Gnome whet it says System program problem detected do you want to report the problem now?12:51
lotuspsychjeparak0vsky: normally you can unfold the details to see12:52
lotuspsychjeparak0vsky: check also your settings/privacy/manual bugs or automatic bugs send12:55
parak0vskylotuspsychje: thx12:56
mnk0hello! is anyone familiar with KONG ?13:17
lotuspsychjemnk0: is it related to ubuntu?13:17
mnk0running in ubuntu container13:17
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cyp3dsarnold: It looks like lockd got sucked up into the kernel, I've gone ahead and enabled rpc.statd and will do some more testing today. Thanks14:28
B|ack0pi am sorry asking again but how can i restore grub after fresh installing dual boot with windows?14:30
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V7Hey all14:35
V7Is it possible here to ask about AwesomeWM?14:35
tomreynV7: if it runs on any of the ubuntu versions listed in /topic, I don't see why not.14:37
tomreyntype: /topic14:39
V7The main thing is to be able group elements in AwesomeWM's tasklist like https://i.stack.imgur.com/9kV90.png14:39
tomreynit does say "18.04" there, so, yes, :)14:39
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V7Thank you14:48
V7So, if any have any knowledge how to group elements in AwesomeWM's tasklist it would be wonderful14:48
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AlentoGhostflameHey, I did the full disk encryption with LVM when I installed Ubuntu. 19.04 I tried changing my password via gnome-disks, and it seems to have deleted the only key I had, and failed to create a new one. I have not rebooted yet though, any chance to recover?15:13
pragmaticenigmawhile you still have access to your data... I hope you're backing it all up15:14
AlentoGhostflamesigh, that's great. Any explanation why gnome-disks not only deleted my only key, but failed to create a new one?15:15
pragmaticenigmaAlentoGhostflame: Typically, encrypted volumes don't change the encryption key used to encrypt the volume. When you change your password, it only changes the passphrase used to unlock the key used to unlock the drive. In short, changing your password for your encrypted drive, doesn't really do anything to protect your data, only the key that is used to decrypt your data15:15
b1ack0phelp. just finished installing ubuntu 18.04.2 on an old laptop and screen is flickering\15:16
b1ack0palso my desktop looks like this; https://i.postimg.cc/8zr3MYth/Screenshot-from-2019-08-07-18-16-08.png15:17
b1ack0pscreen is corrupting while loging also15:17
AlentoGhostflameseems like either driver or hardware issue?15:17
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: kernel
b1ack0pwell it is an old ThinkPad T60\15:17
b1ack0plotus yes15:17
AlentoGhostflamepragmaticenigma: hmm, I guess that makes sense. Still weird that the official Ubuntu UI would fail at switching passphrases15:17
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: still got an older kernel to test on?15:18
b1ack0pnormally thinkpad t60 cpu doesnt support 64bit but i upgraded to core2duo t7200 whch supports 64bit and to try i just installed ubuntu 18.04.215:18
pragmaticenigmayeah, that I'm not certain of, but because of the scenario I just mentioned, something they may not have tested fully15:18
b1ack0plotus i fresh installed i am not sure if i have old kernel\15:18
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: is your desktop flickering?15:18
b1ack0plotus yes it is15:19
b1ack0pterribly flickering15:19
b1ack0pi hope my laptop doesnt explode15:19
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: what kind of graphics driver and chipset please?15:19
b1ack0pATI mobility radeon x130015:19
b1ack0plaptop is from 2006 - thinkpad t60 model15:19
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: could you try a !mainline kernel 5.3 please?15:20
b1ack0psorry is that a command15:20
lotuspsychje!mainline | b1ack0p15:20
ubottub1ack0p: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds15:20
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.3-rc3/15:21
b1ack0plotus should i install it?15:21
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: yes, as a test try to install the headers, modules and unsigned15:22
b1ack0pi dont know how to install it15:22
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: if you click the .deb software centre will open15:22
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: under amd6415:23
b1ack0parm64 ?15:23
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: not arm, under the amd6415:24
b1ack0punder amd64 there is arm6415:26
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: https://pastebin.com/WP2rptpx15:27
b1ack0psorry i cant view pastebin15:28
b1ack0pi installed https://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.3-rc3/linux-headers-5.3.0-050300rc3_5.3.0-050300rc3.201908042232_all.deb ths15:28
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: yes now also the modules and unsigned15:28
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: done?15:29
b1ack0pnot yet i just installed header15:30
b1ack0pnow downloading modules and unsigned15:30
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: after you installed them: sudo update-grub15:30
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: and if 5.3 shows in your list, you did it correctly15:30
b1ack0plotus what about image?15:31
b1ack0pand low-latency?15:32
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: linux-image-unsigned-5.3.0-050300rc3-generic_5.3.0-050300rc3.201908042232_amd64.deb15:32
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: low-latency not15:32
b1ack0plotuspsychje    https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zzn6xMrsWc/15:36
b1ack0pstill flickering15:37
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: yep looks good! now reboot into grub and boot kernel 5.315:37
b1ack0pok brb15:37
b1ack0plotuspsychje no change :/15:40
b1ack0pstill same15:40
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: uname -a15:41
b1ack0pit boots very strange. slow laggy and all black screen and then very corrupted login screen. i type password by chance and then login15:41
b1ack0plotuspsychje :~$ uname -aLinux uthink-t60 5.3.0-050300rc3-generic #201908042232 SMP Mon Aug 5 02:36:00 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:42
lotuspsychjeok tnx15:42
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: can you pastebin your dmesg please15:42
b1ack0plotuspsychje https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wSHQfskJv2/15:43
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: meanwhile, i see you have kernel 4.18 also, can you boot into there too plz?15:44
b1ack0plotuspsychje in grub menu there is no option to choose kernel. it just shows ubuntu and memtest+15:44
b1ack0pand windows15:44
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: you just chosen 5.3?15:45
b1ack0pi chosen ubuntu and it booted recent kernel it seems15:45
b1ack0pit doesnt give me option for kernels15:45
b1ack0pjust written `Ubuntu` there15:45
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: what about advanced options?15:46
b1ack0pi dont remember seeing it15:47
b1ack0pi can check if u want?15:47
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: yes please15:47
b1ack0pi need to reboot for that15:47
b1ack0pok brb15:47
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: any luck?15:50
b1ack0plotuspsychje  i am on kernel 4.18.0-15 generic but same15:50
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: ok, do you have multiple screens?15:50
b1ack0pyes external monitor. but it was same without external monitor as well15:51
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: ok, do you have time to file a bug?15:51
lotuspsychjeb1ack0p: reboot into first of you want15:51
B|ack0phi lotuspsychje i cant login with kernel 5.0.2316:01
B|ack0pi am on Linux uthink-t60 5.3.0-050300rc3-generic #201908042232 SMP Mon Aug 5 02:36:00 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:01
B|ack0pi removed laptop from docking station/external monitor16:02
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: boot into 4.18 then16:03
B|ack0plotuspsychje:  :~$ uname -a16:07
B|ack0pLinux uthink-t60 5.0.0-23-generic #24~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 29 16:12:28 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:07
B|ack0pthis time i could login on
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: from a terminal: ubuntu-bug linux-hwe16:08
B|ack0pafter removing from dock/external monitor, no more login screen corruption but desktop corruption still exists. also it is a bit laggy, loading slower, and heating16:08
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: then describe your bug and you tested kernel 5.3 and 4.18 too16:09
B|ack0pProblem cannot be reported: This report is about a package that is not listed.16:10
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: ubuntu-bug linux then16:10
temhawkHi, is there a way to get a system summary?16:10
pomehaHello, I suspect that my ubuntu goes to sleep, although I forbid it to. How to check it?16:15
tomreynpomeha: untested, but i guess:   journalctl -t PM16:24
cavemanhow can i install gpg-agent?16:24
tomreynpomeha: actually, if you just want the current boot:   journalctl -t PM -b16:24
cavemanapt-get install gpg-agent says cannnot be reached.16:25
tomreynpomeha: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspend16:26
tomreyncaveman: please show the full output on a !pastebin16:26
cavemanpt = apt.16:27
tomreyncaveman: what is gnu-agent?16:27
B|ack0plotuspsychje: bug report is done16:27
B|ack0pis it because of my old laptop or something wrong with kernel?16:28
cavemantomreyn: dunno.16:28
cavemantomreyn: https://weechat.org/download/debian/16:28
tomreyncaveman: what are you trying to do, which ubuntu version are you running?16:29
cavemantomreyn: Description:    Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS16:30
cavemantrying to install latest weechat16:30
cavemantomreyn: trying this https://weechat.org/download/debian/16:30
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leftyfbcaveman: sudo apt install weechat16:31
tomreyncaveman: so your goal is to have a newer version than weechat 1.4-2ubuntu0.1 on Ubuntu 16.04?16:31
cavemanyep.  tomreyn16:31
cavemanleftyfb: that's v1.4 on xenial lts 16.16:31
leftyfbcaveman: is there a specific reason you need newer than 1.4?16:31
cavemanleftyfb: ya.  more features.  neater.  a lot of stuffies.  i'm used to it.  i'm from archlinux.  but this lame vps doesn't support arch, so i am stuck with ubuntu.16:33
tomreyncaveman: just follow this guide you linked, to the word, and it should work out.16:34
cavemantomreyn: it does not.  it says install gpg-agent, but xenial 16 says "NOT FOUND"16:35
cavemanapt install gnu-agent16:35
cavemanReading package lists... Done16:35
cavemanBuilding dependency tree16:35
cavemanReading state information... Done16:35
cavemanE: Unable to locate package gnu-agent16:35
tomreyncaveman: again, please use a pastebin. you're still mixing up "gnu-agent" with "gpg-agent". it's correct that there is no "gpg-agent" package in xenial, though. i think it's part of gpg there.16:36
tomreyncaveman: have you considered a newer ubuntu version?16:36
cavemantomreyn: well, not sorry.  the site says gpg-agent.  not gnu-agent.16:38
tomreynactually the package is called "gnupg-agent" in xenial16:38
cavemantomreyn: well i also tried gpg-agent too.  same16:38
cavemanE: Unable to locate package gpg-agent16:38
tomreyncaveman: please re-read what i wrote16:38
cavemanso site says gpg-agent, i should install gnupg-agent?16:39
tomreynthat's what i'm suggesting, yes.16:39
tomreynthat's if "site" is https://weechat.org/download/debian/16:39
cavemannow this fails:  https://pastebin.com/tR63wavy16:40
tomreyni don't see why you'd need g(nu)pg-agent to carry out the steps discussed in this guide, though.16:40
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: thanks for taking your time to file the bug16:41
cavemantomreyn: apt update fails16:41
cavemantomreyn: it says signatures wer not verified16:42
cavemantomreyn: i think this command should work (but it is failing with me):  apt-key adv --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 11E9DE8848F2B65222AA75B8D1820DB22A11534E16:42
B|ack0plotuspsychje:  no problem but is it because of my old laptop or something related with ubuntu?16:42
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: older ati cards have corrupted screen issues sometimes on ubuntu, hence we tested 3 kernels and its all the same16:43
tomreyncaveman: use this instead: curl https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/11E9DE8848F2B65222AA75B8D1820DB22A11534E | sudo apt-key add -16:43
B|ack0plotuspsychje: waiting bug to be resolved may take long time :/16:43
cavemantomreyn: can i replace curl with wget?16:44
tomreyncaveman: in case you do not have "curl" available, use this instead: wget -qO- https://keys.openpgp.org/vks/v1/by-fingerprint/11E9DE8848F2B65222AA75B8D1820DB22A11534E | sudo apt-key add -16:44
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: maybe upload also your dmesg to the bug please16:44
cavemantomreyn: ty.  finally.  so complex.16:44
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: a few hints to make bug solving faster: find other users with the same bug to affect them, and keep updating your bug/testing16:44
cavemanin archlinux, i just do pacman -Syu, then i live on the bleeding edge.16:45
tomreyncaveman: the guide is written for debian, minor changes were needed for ubuntu xenial.16:45
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: another idea could be testing 16.04.6 too16:45
B|ack0plotuspsychje:  i dont think there are more ppl like me who is testing and old laptop :p16:45
tomreyncaveman: to everyone's surprise, different distributions work differently.16:46
B|ack0pall this effort upgrading cpu ..etc was for ubuntu 18.04 64-bit16:46
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: we dont know that yet, more people are running older hardware on ubuntu16:46
B|ack0pand ubuntu will stop 32bit releases16:46
cavemantomreyn: imo archlinux is better.  but sadly this vps only has ubuntu as the least evil distro.16:46
B|ack0pactually ubuntu is getting bigger and expecting more modern laptops recently16:46
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: older graphics cards, you can also test lubuntu/xubuntu16:48
B|ack0plotuspsychje:  i tested lubuntu but doesnt taste like ubuntu16:51
B|ack0pi love original ubuntu with purple/orange colors and most importantly the feel is perfect16:51
B|ack0pby the way how can i delete a comment?16:51
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: its just for testing im proposing, your choice to use/not use16:52
B|ack0pi pasted "dmesg" but i better attach it as text file16:52
B|ack0plotuspsychje:  well i was hoping it not to run slow. it is fast but that graphics card issue is not expected16:52
B|ack0pi wanna use it instead of testing16:52
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p:right now you have a bug, nothing the volunteers can change right?16:53
B|ack0phow can i delete the comment in launchpad?16:54
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: not16:54
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: you can click, show full output of dmesg in the comment16:54
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: did you have this on a liveusb too?17:11
B|ack0plotuspsychje: yes17:13
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: also corrupt?17:13
B|ack0pyep also corrupted desktop17:13
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: ok, then try a 16.04.6 live too, so maybe we can prove its gnome related?17:14
B|ack0pi thought it is because of live usb but then when i logged in to actual installation, i got it is graphics issue..17:14
B|ack0phmm good idea17:14
B|ack0pactually i tried 16.04 - 32bit before CPU upgrade. it didnt have corrupted desktop but it was hell too slow17:14
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: if unity would work, you could try installing unity desktop ontop of 18.0417:15
B|ack0plet me download 16.04-64bit17:15
B|ack0pand try live usb17:15
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: ok good luck, and keep updating your bug with your tests ok17:15
FreezeSHi guys! I'm trying to install 19.04-desktop-amd64 as a KVM guest (host is 18.04) and getting a lot of errors at boot. Is this a known issue? I can install 18.04 just fine.17:18
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FreezeSso, anyone tried to install 19.04 as a KVM guest?17:28
ioriaFreezeS, qemu qemu-kvm libvirt-bin  bridge-utils  virt-manager are installed ?17:30
Sven_vBit seems my debmirror script broke since I moved it to my new server which runs bionic. here's my command, and the output: http://paste.debian.net/plainh/d2ad3869 any ideas?17:30
V7caveman, also there are same situations in arch when keychains are bad17:30
Sven_vBoh I see now, it fails ALL sections if ANY of them has an error. nevermind.17:32
srickHi guys, thank you for your excellent work on Ubuntu. Been running it for > 12yrs and it has worked great. I do have a problem now with a recurring forced ro-mount of the btrfs fs. I have submitted a bug report but would like to ask if someone here can take a look and see if there are any ideas? It might very well be user error so perhaps the bug report should be deleted..17:34
srick the bug report is at https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=204417 and includes all info, please ask me if anything is unclear or if the info is scarce. I'll be AFK from time to time but will respond as soon as I can17:34
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 204417 in btrfs "Upon writes to fs, kworker crashes and renders the fs readonly" [Blocking,New]17:34
FreezeSioria yes, they are installed. I can boot and install 18.04 without problems. If I try 19.04 I get these errors. Funny thing is that 19.04 is listed in virt-manager as a guest OS.17:35
FreezeSit boots from the CD, it asks me the language, then if I want to try or install and after that it's only the progressbar. If I click on Delete, I see the errors in the screenshot17:36
ioriaFreezeS, i tried 19.04 on kvm some weeks ago, and it was fine (the iso was on the disk not on dvd)17:37
FreezeShmm, let me try it as usb17:37
FreezeSSame problem. Tried downloading the ISO several times...17:40
FreezeS18.04 boots without a problem17:41
FreezeSdamn, need to go now17:42
eps_delgood morning guys18:08
eps_delI'm having an issue with updating18:08
eps_delwhen I do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade I get an error18:08
Habbiewhat's the error?18:09
eps_delsaying that a repo doesn't have a readfile... getting the actual output18:09
eps_delafter reading package list it prints this out on the terminal18:09
eps_delE: The repository 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu disco Release' does not have a Release file.18:09
eps_delN: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.18:09
eps_delN: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.18:09
EoflaOEeps_del: Which Ubuntu version you're running?18:10
eps_delEoflaOE, I have 19.0418:11
EoflaOEeps_del: Looking at http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu/dists, the folder "disco" is not found, meaning that the maintained didn't update for your system. Contact the maintainer.18:13
royal_screwup21I just did netstat -t | grep "$8000" and I didn't get any results that were of the form *8000 - I'm very confused. Shouldn't $8000 match on everything that has 8000 as a substring?18:13
daxno, that'd be just 800018:14
royal_screwup21ah okay...I wonder why I thought of $18:15
EoflaOEeps_del: Meanwhile, replace the string "disco" in this PPA line with "devel". It's in /etc/apt/sources.list.18:15
eps_dellet me access it...18:15
eps_delEoflaOE all of the instances of disco?18:18
EoflaOEeps_del: No, the disco in a line that starts with "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu"18:19
eps_delEoflaOE there is no line like that in the list file18:20
EoflaOEeps_del: How did you install the PPA? The usual add-apt-repository?18:22
daxit's probably in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ somewhere, then18:22
EoflaOEeps_del: Pastebin the output of the directory that dax mentioned18:24
eps_delEoflaOE & dax : looking in sources.list.d18:25
eps_delhow do I pastebin?18:25
eps_delthere is no sources.list.d18:25
eps_delEoflaOE I'm not sure how it got installed18:26
eps_delI don't remember explicitly adding it myself18:26
EoflaOEeps_del: Can you open "Software and Updates" and go to Other Software? The PPA should be listed.18:28
eps_delit is18:28
eps_delthere are two18:28
EoflaOEeps_del: Which one is about this ppa: http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu? The first or the last?18:29
eps_delno, I mean there are two of the same (ish)18:29
eps_delthere first one's like this:18:29
eps_delhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu disco main18:29
eps_delthere second one says this:18:30
eps_delhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu disco main (Source Code)18:30
EoflaOEeps_del: That means you have both the binary and the source code repos. Can you edit them to replace "disco" with "devel"?18:30
eps_dellet me see...18:31
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eps_delwhy devel? that is devel?18:31
eps_delI was able to do it, this is now mainly out of curiosity...18:32
EoflaOEeps_del: Because the maintainer didn't update for 19.04. Can you press "Close" and "Reload?"18:32
b1ack0phi again.18:33
b1ack0plotus is not here i guess18:33
EoflaOEhi b1ack0p18:34
eps_delEoflaOE doing it18:34
eps_delsimply closed18:34
eps_dellet me update && upgrade to see what happened18:34
b1ack0pThinkPad T60 - core2duo t7200 - ati mobility radeon x1300 is working fine on 16.04.6=64bit18:34
b1ack0pno screen corruption or flickering18:34
EoflaOEeps_del: and pastebin the output of them18:34
eps_delwhat is pastebin?18:35
EoflaOEeps_del: A website that hosts text as pastes.18:35
b1ack0pi am not sure why it does corruption on 18.04.218:35
b1ack0pmaybe gnome issue18:35
eps_dellet me see how to do that18:35
AdriuhnHey friends! I have a question: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5qftkkdS5p/18:35
EoflaOEeps_del: You can use either "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade | nc termbin.com 9999" or "sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade | pastebinit"18:37
eps_delok thanks... it'll look a bit weird but it's just because of an alias18:37
sarnoldAdriuhn: did you really store your script in the root directory with name .script.sh?18:37
EoflaOEeps_del: You're welcome.18:37
b1ack0pcan anybody help me please?18:37
eps_delsorry... gotta install it first18:38
Adriuhnsarnold: It's not a server used for anything 'real' -- just playing around and trying to learn a little linux :)18:38
b1ack0pearlier lotus tried to help me and i posted a bug report on launchpad18:38
eps_delEoflaOE http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5jJjnCrDGR/18:38
sarnoldAdriuhn: that's fine, it's just.. odd :)18:38
sarnoldAdriuhn: what's the output of ls -l /.script.sh18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1839353 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "Login screen and desktop corruption (18.04.2)" [Undecided,New]18:38
EoflaOEeps_del: You just ran upgrade. Pastebin the output of both apt update and apt full-upgrade18:39
Adriuhnls: cannot access '/.script.sh': No such file or directory18:39
AdriuhnIt does exist though, I promise, I can run it through ./script.sh from root dir :(18:39
eps_delEoflaOE http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j2c7HJSffH/18:41
eps_delfor some reason that's what it's pastebinit-ing18:41
eps_delbut I see a lot more in the terminal18:41
eps_dela lot more that's not on the pastebin url18:41
EoflaOEeps_del: OK. Can you do "sudo apt update |& pastebinit"? Does it miss anything?18:42
eps_delit does18:43
eps_delW: Conflicting distribution: http://ppa.launchpad.net/gezakovacs/ppa/ubuntu devel InRelease (expected devel but got bionic)18:43
sarnoldAdriuhn: aha! note that .script.sh is not the same as script.sh :)18:44
EoflaOEeps_del: OK. Can you go back to "Software and Updates," go to Other software, change "devel" to "bionic", and pastebin the output again in the above command that I posted?18:45
EoflaOEHi EriC^^18:45
EriC^^hey EoflaOE18:45
Adriuhnsarnold: So my assumption is that whatever I type into cron will be executed just as if I wrote it into the terminal myself, so if I can run something by typing ./script.sh (and it is in my root folde) shouldn't @reboot ./script.sh work?18:45
pgndHi.  I'm running snapd on a couple of ubuntu desktops.  Nice way to manage some apps!18:45
pgndIIUC, each snap is "self contained"; I'd expect that only what I intentionally install is installed.18:45
pgndYet, there are snaps that have been installed that I did not manually install.18:45
pgndE.g., atm, I've got "core", "core18", "gtk-common-themes" & "gtk2-common-themes" snaps (all from canonical ....) installed.18:45
pgndAre *all* of those expected/necessary?  Is there a snap option to list the pulling dependencies of installed snaps?18:45
eps_delEoflaOE yes, gimme a sec18:46
blasterwhat's the difference between using `service something start` and `/etc/init.d/something start'?18:47
sarnoldAdriuhn: well, you *might* have gotten it to work if it was ./script.sh, but it was /.script.sh -- but no, that's not a safe assumption to make. cron's PATH is usually different than what you have at a login shell18:47
rud0lfcould you help me find a clue how to find what causes my ubuntu to kill user session after lid is closed? this is my journalctl --system from event "lid closed": https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/R5snBrS7GC/18:47
eps_delEoflaOE v18:47
eps_delno conflicts18:47
EoflaOEeps_del: Perfect. Can you try "sudo apt full-upgrade |& pastebinit"?18:48
rud0lflid of laptop*18:48
eps_delyes... quick question: is "|&" a typo?18:48
Adriuhnsarnold: oh my god it was a typo all along...18:48
EoflaOEeps_del: No. This redirected both stderr and stdin to pipe.18:48
Adriuhnsarnold: I just double-checked and I didn't pay attention to the fact that I wrote /. and not ./, by my own logic this should definitely work now18:49
eps_delEoflaOE gotcha... then I might've sent you the wrong information at some point18:49
sarnoldAdriuhn: this time, yes :) but you also learned to double-check things by eg ls -l <copy-paste> :) and learned that cron's PATH is different than your shell's path...18:49
eps_delI thought you had typo-ed it18:49
eps_dellooks like it didn't matter though18:49
Adriuhnsarnold: I sure did, if it doesn't work after this typo fix I'll see if I can set the path manually or something :) Thanks a LOT <318:50
sarnoldAdriuhn: with cron the usual best practice is to give full paths to EVERYTHING18:50
EoflaOEeps_del: If nothing upgrades, then all of the packages are up to date.18:50
eps_delgotcha... hold on18:50
eps_delEoflaOE no upgrades done18:51
eps_delthank you very much! it looks like everything's good now18:51
EoflaOEeps_del: You are welcome.18:51
eps_delis there anything that I should watch out for later? devel... bionic... those are all previous versions, right?18:51
eps_delshould I at some point change them? or will they be changed automatically once the 19.10 update comes along?18:52
EoflaOEeps_del: The do-release-upgrade disables your PPA, but "bionic" stays "bionic".18:52
Adriuhnsarnold: But if it's in root isn't ./script.sh technically referring to the root path?18:53
eps_delthe "do-release-upgrade"?18:53
eps_delsorry, still learning a lot18:53
sarnoldAdriuhn: it's referring to whatever the cron current working directory is18:53
eps_delif there's a good source for me to read let me know18:53
sarnoldAdriuhn: probably cron will chdir("/") nearly instantly at startup, but there's no guarantee18:54
Adriuhnsarnold: I think I get what you're saying, regardless you provided me with very helpful tool :)18:54
EoflaOEeps_del: Yes. do-release-update disables all of your PPAs, but keeps Ubuntu repos enabled to upgrade the whole system, but once it's upgraded, you should go back to "Software and Updates" and enable them manually.18:54
sarnoldAdriuhn: woot :)18:55
ioriaeps_del, piece of advice: first check if that ppa is still supported by the new release18:55
eps_delEoflaOE I guess I'm just not as familiarized with how PPAs work and their overall roll (I have an idea, but I'm still learning to Linux)18:57
eps_delioria gotcha... but like I said, I'm still learning so I'm not sure what that encompasses18:57
EoflaOEeps_del: Let me get some informational article about how PPAs work... One minute.18:57
eps_delEoflaOE I appreciate it. I wouldn't know where to start :P18:57
ioria!ppa | eps_del18:58
ubottueps_del: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:58
EoflaOEeps_del: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ubuntu-ppa-technology-explained/18:59
eps_delioria: did you just "pipe" information about ppa? xD that's cool18:59
eps_delto the both of you18:59
eps_del!ppa | ioria18:59
ubottuioria: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:59
ioriaeps_del, thank you18:59
EoflaOEeps_del: Welcome! BTW the messages that start with ! are factoids.18:59
eps_deljaja nice! ioria, just wanted to make sure you knew what PPAs are as well ;) jk19:00
eps_delEoflaOE that's pretty cool, factoids are nice19:00
eps_delnow, aren't ubuntu repos a buncha PPAs, in a way?19:00
ioriaeps_del, in your case, for example (gezakovacs ppa) it's not supported by disco 19.0419:01
eps_delsorry... gotta step out, brb19:01
EoflaOEeps_del: Ubuntu repos and PPAs are the same thing. Not all PPAs follow the latest version, while the official repos and some of the PPAs will follow.19:01
eps_delso Ubuntu Repos are PPAs that are included in the overall OS?19:02
eps_delalso, brb...19:02
Adriuhnsarnold: It still doesn't work :( I tried tinkering a bit and ended up changing it to @reboot sleep 60; /root/./script.sh'19:11
sarnoldAdriuhn: aha, then it wasn't in / :)  you should have success with /root/script.sh19:11
Adriuhnsarnold: Ill try : )19:12
Adriuhnsarnold: It still doesn't work, but when I run /root/script.sh in the terminal it works so I'm getting a little confused : (19:15
sarnoldAdriuhn: what's the contents of the script? what's the output of ls -l /root/script.sh?19:16
Adriuhnsarnold: /root/./script.sh works too, but since removing the dot makes it run anyway I suppose it's superfluous anyways19:16
Adriuhnsarnold: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 64 Aug  7 18:03 /root/script.sh19:17
Adriuhnsarnold: The script itself contains: #!/bin/bash19:18
Adriuhntmux new -s server 'cd testserver && ./start.sh'19:18
sarnoldAdriuhn: aha! :D we're making good process19:18
sarnoldman you can tell what I type way too often19:19
sarnoldso, change that 'cd testserver' to 'cd /root/testserver' (if that's where that directory is :) and try again :D19:19
Adriuhnsarnold: I'm pretty curious as to why that would work when I run the script manually instead of having it run automatically from crontab but for that kind of help I should probaly pay you :D I'll give it a try19:20
Adriuhnsarnold: still no luck unfortunately :(19:24
sarnoldAdriuhn: processes inherit their current working directory from their parent; cron's current working directory is probably / but your shell's current working directory was probably /root -- so giving an explicit path should fix the cd issue19:24
Adriuhnsarnold: That is very very good info, in the future I'll pay my respects to always specifying dir regardless of the situation just to be safe :)19:25
sarnoldAdriuhn: what's in the /root/testserver/start.sh script? my guess is it might expect PATH ..19:25
Adriuhnsarnold: #!/bin/sh19:26
Adriuhnjava -Xms1G -Xmx1G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -jar server.jar19:26
Adriuhnsarnold: based on the st uff you taught me I think I may ahve better success with something else19:27
Adriuhnsarnold: In the first script that refers to the other i use the "cd folder && ./start.sh" thing, but instead of that I could do tmux new -s server '/root/testserver/./start.sh'?19:28
sarnoldAdriuhn: you'd need to adapt the /root/testserver/start.sh to change directory in that case19:29
Adriuhnsarnold: yeah i tried that and it broke the script for some reason, even when just running it in the terminal19:31
_Trullowhich is the best file transfer program for ubuntu? I'm transfering files from a windows client to the ubuntuserver20:03
tarzeau_Trullo: i like rsync best, putty/pscp is what i usually us in the command line20:05
Habbiethere are several scp/sftp gui clients for windows20:06
_Trullois rsync for desktop?20:07
tarzeauno, it's for the command line20:13
_TrulloI can't share folders in ubuntu.. don't see any shareing option..20:16
tarzeaui use /etc/exportfs NFS, but windows doesn't speak NFS20:16
_Trulloia it possible to reset the password for samba admin? I use the password I log in with to the desktop. but that doesn't work..20:29
b1ack0plotus are u around?21:05
b1ack0pwhat do u think about this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-signed-hwe/+bug/183935321:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1839353 in linux-signed-hwe (Ubuntu) "Login screen and desktop corruption (18.04.2)" [Undecided,New]21:14
jiqirenseems LTS kernel (4.15.0) doesn't have MPTCP support? is that right?21:19
sarnoldjiqiren: do you know the kernel config name for it? I can't spot CONFIG_MPTCP in our kernel configs at all21:21
sarnoldjiqiren: .. this post is where I got the name: https://lwn.net/Articles/791376/  -- if you know if it got merged into mainline kernel with a different name, I can search around for it21:22
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DOSfanback :)21:59
leonardusis blender 2.8 in the 19.04 repos?22:06
OerHeks!info blender disco22:07
ubottublender (source: blender): Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.79.b+dfsg0-6ubuntu1.19.04.1 (disco), package size 24679 kB, installed size 90239 kB22:07
OerHeksbut it seems the fixes are backported?22:08
Bashing-omleonardus: See: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/07/blender-2-80-released-download-linux .22:14
OerHeksoh snap, i forgot about snap22:14
OerHeksleonardus, then you did not look into softwarecenter, huh?22:14
OerHeksubottu should add the snaps to the answer22:16
ubottuOerHeks: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:16
wondowsReally weird bug. Second time this happens. Was debugging an application on gdb in the terminal and once it hits a breakpoint I lose all my keyboard input, except for one (special) key in this particular kb (which  does a right click) and I also can't move nor resize windows, but I can click the square to maximize. The screen keyboard also does not22:17
wondows work (it appears but does nothing). Closing the terminal brought the keyboard back.22:17
wondowsseems like a very specific combination of factors that messes things up22:18
infotekdoes anyone know how to enable screen sharing without a mouse and keyboard (ie. remotely via ssh)22:29
infotekthe box is in an odd location and i want to play with kodi settings22:29
akemlenovoinfotek, run x11vnc with something like DISPLAY=:0.0 x11vnc22:36
akemlenovox11vnc -speeds lan -scale 0.8 -passwd azerty -noxdamage -verbose -noxrecord, this works fine for me.22:40
manchahi. anyone know a program that can change a PDF's aspect ratio? I want to just shrink the width. This isn't rasterized so I don't want an PDF->image->re-aspect->PDF solution.22:48
eelstreboris there a way to repair gpt without destroying the data?22:50
Bashing-omeelstrebor: " repair gpt " is very open ended - what is the issue you are faceing ?22:52
angelopagnottajust installed an irc client pn my ubuntu touch phone...so wanted to test with ubuntu channel22:57
ubottuInformation about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports23:01
oikasdWhen trying to apt-get upgrade i get stuck on some snapd related stuff: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Ffsx6GjdKc/ How do i fix this? Im running 18.0423:07
tomreynthese just seem to be warnings.23:08
tomreynmaybe if you changed the full output we could help more23:08
oikasdIts stuck on this for a really long time23:08
tomreynyou could try hitting ctrl-c23:09
oikasdYea, that stops the command. But running sudo apt-get upgrade should work and not give me this everytime i run it23:10
tomreyni agree. if you'd like to get assitence with understanding what is wrong, post this:   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog23:10
tomreynoikasd: you have a pending snapd upgrade. i suggest installing this first.23:14
oikasdThats where this stuff occurs, its just stalling23:15
oikasdIm waiting for several minutes now23:15
OerHekssudo apt install --reinstall snapd # might fix issues with snapd.snap-repair.service, or see this post https://askubuntu.com/questions/1037431/receiving-the-error-snapd-snap-repair-service-is-a-disabled-or-a-static-unit-n23:15
tomreynoikasd: actually, you don't, sorry.23:15
oikasdOerHeks Ive read through this and tried the solution but i just got other errors from that one so it didnt work23:16
oikasdWait, i got the same error running your command. Hold on, lemme send23:17
tomreynso what does fuser say about the lock?23:18
oikasdNot sure what you mean, should i run this: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - Should i run something like this?23:18
tomreynyes, run this23:19
oikasdOkay, i ran that one, and i ran "sudo apt install --reinstall snapd" but now i got this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xCnNP6Mx5k/23:20
oikasdSo i ran *sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock* and then the *sudo apt install --reinstall snapd* and now i got *E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. *23:21
oikasdI cant believe this is happening to me23:22
tomreynjust follow the steps in https://askubuntu.com/a/1039685 - there's a good chance this will solve the issue.23:23
oikasdThis is a freshly installed ubuntu, and instantly gets messed up23:23
tomreynhttps://termbin.com/1cdz suggests it is not freshly installed.23:24
oikasdLol, how so? I literally installed this ubuntu half an hour ago23:24
oikasdAnd following those steps, i just get into the same loop as now23:24
tomreynthe packages it wants to autoremove. did you not install those initially?23:25
oikasdI dont know, dont think so23:26
tomreynhow did you install, and what (type of ubuntu installer, exact version) did you install exactly?23:27
oikasdI used the hyper-v quick create23:28
oikasdIn windows 10 190323:28
tomreyni'm afraid this only very partially answers those questions.23:29
oikasdOkay, i think i solved it now.23:29
tomreynif you look at the sceenshots at https://ubuntu.com/blog/optimised-ubuntu-desktop-images-available-in-microsoft-hyper-v-gallery or https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/118110-hyper-v-quick-create-setup-ubuntu-linux-virtual-machine.html you see it lists the very ubuntu version you're about to install. 18.04.1 in those screenshots.23:32
oikasdyea, thats the one23:32
oikasdOr no, i checked now. Its 18.04.223:33
sarnoldoikasd: ooh.. does this mean this is "easy" to reproduce? install windows, install hyper v, install ubuntu, upgrade, and *BAM* snapd fails?23:33
oikasdyea, its happened both times ive done it.23:34
gambl0reim using chrome and i switched the view to mobile view but now i cant switch it back to desktop view. every time i try reloading the page, it always loads the mobile view23:34
tomreynsarnold: windows 10 1903 specifically then23:34
tomreynoikasd: that's good to know. i'm not sure how to file bug reports against those images, but they seem to be done by caonoical, so i guess they may appreciate those.23:35
tomreynoikasd: if you're happy to help with reporting this, please run:   ubuntu-bug snapd23:38
oikasdokay, did23:39
tomreynoikasd: thanks! but, hmm, this doesn't seem to have worked - or i need to wait for the list to refresh - do you have a bug id?23:44
oikasdnot sure23:50
tomreynoikasd: after running "ubuntu-bug snapd" (on the ubuntu system), what should have happened is that you got some window popping up in ubuntu, asking you to confirm you want to report this bug, then the web browser in the ubuntu system should have launched and loaded up the launchpad.net website.23:54
tomreynthere, you would have had a chance to provide more details. when submitting this, you should have finished the bug reporting process, and ended up on a URL with the bug id in it.23:55
tomreynis this what happened?23:55
oikasdyea, this happened. but i just closed the web browser cause it wanted me to login23:55
oikasdi guess ill register and login23:55
tomreynah, so you didn't submit the bug report then. you indeed would need to register once.23:55
tomreynthis account can be used for all kinds of things, though, including getting kernel updates installed without rebooting.23:56

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