
tomreynoikasd: thanks, looks good. may i quote some of what you told us here on this bug report (i can replace the nickname if you like)?00:02
oikasdfine by me, you can use my nick00:02
infotekakemlenovo: tanks!00:11
DOSfanbbl . switching computers00:24
scienteswoah, ubuntu automatically figured out i was in a differn't country00:26
sarnoldhey scientes :)00:26
scientessarnold, hey00:27
eelstreborBashing-om, i get an error message that gpt is corrupted01:08
eelstrebori looked at using gdisk but i get the impression that it'll mess up my installation no matter what i do01:09
eelstreborgparted wasn't able to fix it either01:10
OerHeksfix it with a live iso, disks > repaire filesystem.01:10
OerHeksor windows disk01:10
eelstrebori tried to do that with a gparted live disk01:12
eelstreborlive iso01:12
OerHeksmake sure you booted in UEFI mode?01:13
Bashing-omeelstrebor: Show us in a pastebin ' sudo parted -l ' - maybe we can repair with 'fsck' ?01:15
iamfreeHello, I just fresh install ubuntu from ubuntu-budgie and notice that gnome is install through snap, why? things just freeze on me during update, the gnome is the system is fine... do i need to reinstall gnome?01:15
iamfreeI dont like snap cuz it slow...01:16
tomreyniamfree: which ubuntu budgie version did you install and what's the output of: snap list | nc termbin.com 999901:17
tomreynlsb_release -ds     will answer the first question01:17
tomreynnote there is also #ubuntu-budgie01:18
iamfree@tomreyn: I mean i used ubuntu budgie before now i reinstall ubuntu gnome..01:19
tomreyniamfree: what's the output of:   lsb_release -ds01:26
iamfreeubuntu 19.0401:27
mystic22i have big trouble with 1901:27
iamfreeI just notice  that gnome sys mon is snap package, no wonder slow as hell LMAO01:28
tomreyniamfree: so your main gnome desktop is not really installed via snap. what you see in "snap list" output is single applications which were installed as snaps (but should still be available via apt), as well as backward compatibility libraries for older gnome versions.01:28
OerHeksi wonder if snaps slow down your system.01:29
tomreyniamfree: you can possibly just uninstall all snaps and purge snapd and budgie will still work fine. this is a guess, i have not tried it on budgie. i tried it on ubuntu 19.04 in a VM only, where it seemed to work fine.01:30
iamfreesnap will slow down your system, but the app that install through gnome is slow to start..01:30
iamfree*will not01:30
tomreynwhihc one did you try on this installation?01:30
iamfree@tomreyn: i did not use ubuntu budgie anymore. I just fresh install ubuntu gnome.01:31
tomreyni see.01:32
tomreynmy question still stands, though01:32
cnnxI just installed ubuntu 18.04 on my computer on a 43" 4k display as monitor.. the default drivers are nouveau I think, I have an nvidia card, if I install the nvidia meta package driver will the fonts and graphics look sharper you think or no difference?01:32
iamfreewhich one what? i install it on my laptop, Ubuntu 19.0401:33
iamfreei'm gonna go and tweak my gnome. bye01:34
tomreyniamfree: you said snaps are slow to start. i'm asking which of these apps you have installed as snaps are slower to start than their apt counter parts on your 19.04 installation? gnome-calculator, gnome-characters, gnome-logs or gnome-system-monitor01:34
tomreyncnnx: i don't know for sure but it's well possible.01:37
tomreyncnnx: nouveau is considered to be a rather basic driver, there is a large gap of functionality between it and that of the proprietary nvidia drivers (because nvidia does not provide this information to driver developers and does not produce an open source driver themselves)01:39
eelstreborBashing-om, Error: The backup GPT table is corrupt, but the primary appears OK, so that will be used.01:45
Bashing-omeelstrebor: Humm .. "but the primary appears OK," does not make sense then that there is a issue - what command did you run to get that result ?01:47
Bashing-omeelstrebor: Sorry - I have no experience with xfs. I no longer know what to advise.01:53
OerHeksBashing-om, me neither, and seems important to mention when seeking help01:54
OerHekswhat does s.m.a.r.t. say?01:55
=== Guest93032 is now known as karstensrage
FaTaL_Ghello (anyone online nor or in the near future). I have been having a problem recently (I presume it was after an update), where my ubuntu server (acting as my home router), drops connectivity to the internet. I can ifdn/up the interface and it comes back to life. The other nic's work, so an ssh session stays alive. What can I look for in syslog to hint at a case?02:24
antimatroidis there any way to get text documents to open as a new tab rather than a new window in gedit?03:11
antimatroidand what happened to being able to make a new text document when right clicking in a directory? that was really handy03:11
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: as user/community you have the power to change things, file a bug and convert it to a wishlist?03:19
OerHeksisn't that a plugin for nautilus, nautilus-admin or such?03:20
lotuspsychjethere are few nautilus plugins to edit things, but not sure creating new document is one of the features03:21
lotuspsychjethere is ctrl+l to open nautilus in admin:/// mode too03:22
OerHeksif i hit the [+] button, a new tab opens03:22
lotuspsychjedid you try that antimatroid ?03:23
antimatroidyep you can open a new tab that way, but if you open a file from nautilus or whatever it opens in a new window rather than a new tab03:46
antimatroidyou can use ctrl t for a new tab too fyi03:46
antimatroidyou can drag a file to the menu part of gedit to open it in a new tab, but it's a pain03:47
antimatroidon older versions of ubuntu (I just upgraded from 14.04 everything started to stop working unsurprisingly)03:47
XRS1i just plugged in an asus USB wifi-ac adapter and im not getting a wifi icon on the upper right near the power and volume like i was expecting.   what now?03:47
antimatroidit used to open in new tabs03:47
XRS1i did lsusb and i am seeing a listing for asustek03:48
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: nautilus changed a lot since 14.04..03:49
antimatroidI've noticed, I'm not sure I'm sold on the changes03:49
antimatroidI use gnome-session-flashback too03:49
antimatroidstill better than osx/windows03:50
antimatroidyou can't put the date in the top bar thing anymore which sucks03:52
XRS1rebooted the machine and im still not seeing anything anywhere that says wifi or looks like signal bars03:53
antimatroidpita having to move the cursor all the way up to the netherworld and click twice to get the date and back to what you were doing03:53
lotuspsychjeantimatroid: lets have this channel clear for the support questions, come to #ubuntu-discuss ?03:53
XRS1so fix it03:53
eelstreborOerHeks, smart shows all drives passed03:58
XRS1.....okay i think maybe i found the problem.    it needs those stupid broadcom wireless lan drivers but it still wont work out of the box.  you have to re-compile something to get it to work04:08
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XRS1i should just return it. i dont wanna have to go through that everything i plug it in04:09
lotuspsychjeXRS1: broadcom drivers are restricted04:27
XRS1and have been troublesome from me in the past04:28
XRS1i have a brain injury and need something that just works04:29
lotuspsychjeXRS1: i always enable restricted extras and updates during setup, cant say i had broadcom troubles recently04:29
lotuspsychjeXRS1: there's no magic red button in ubuntu that solves everything, sometimes settings and tweaks are needed, like in any Os04:30
XRS1will that work if i re-install ubuntu with the thing plugged in?   something tells me it wont and i dont have access to ethernet04:30
lotuspsychjeXRS1: if somehow the broadcom driver doesnt pick up, you can still installt he driver with the offline method, on your live media in /pool04:31
XRS1i bought it because it looked just like the other 4 ASUS usb wifi thingies i've had in the past. and those were plug and play with everything starting as early as WinME04:32
XRS1lotuspsychje,  id rather just return the device.  i've tangled with that broadcom driver in the past and know im no longer capable of understanding the way people write linux tutorials04:34
lotuspsychjeXRS1: if i was you, i would try a liveusb setup, enable restricted and updates and see what happens04:35
XRS1its worth a shot04:35
creichhi there. i am running a headless ubuntu server and use a luks encrypted disk as data storage for services like gitlab etc... since the data disk is still encrypted during boot time, i decrypt it manually via ssh after the first bootup. the question is: do i have to restart services using the data storage after decrytion?04:40
creichi noticed that e.g. the home folders still show old content until i relogin after the same way of decrypting them04:41
creichso, it also raises the question if i should disable those services from autostarting at all04:41
creichto prevent them looking (maybe even writing) data into the mount point of the 'not yet' decrypted data storage04:42
gshahHey guys, I need help.04:57
gshahI "accidentally" enabled the "User Session Defaults" option in gnome-disk on my /home partition.04:58
gshahTherefore I can't manage to access my desktop environment after a reboot.04:58
gshahHow can I disable that option within the tty shell?04:58
gshahNevermind. I just mounted the partition to /home and able to access the desktop.05:04
iamfree@tomreyn: sys monitor, slow to start. when i used ubuntu budgie i install vlc snap, it was slow like hell, take 7-8 sec to start. but vlc from repo only takes about 2-3 sec to start. that's why i dont like snap or flatpak that much...05:07
sam_newbieHello, I'm Having a issue with Ubuntu-Server installation through PXE server, I'm using kickstart file, host is CentOS server and client will be Ubuntu Server. when i reboot the client its taking IP from the DHCP pool and pass through and straight went to installation but i'm getting error right after partition screen. " Installation Setup Failed,07:57
sam_newbieyou can try to run the failing item again from the menu or,  skip it or choose something else. The Failing is "Install the System"07:57
sam_newbiei apologize if i asked very basic question.. i tried google but still could not find anything ... yet07:58
AavarI am using backups (duplicity) on my laptop, and I am having problems with restoring a backup. It is asking for a "GnuPG passphrase" and I cant remember that I have set one anywhere. Will it ask for a passphrase even if i have not used encryption? The command I am using is: duplicity restore file:///path_to_folder_contains_backups/ path_where_to_extract_it/07:58
AavarI am just testing to be ready if I actually have a crash :)07:59
EoflaOEsam_newbie:Does this help you? https://serverfault.com/questions/715162/ubuntu-netboot-installation-crashes08:00
sam_newbieEoflaOE, let me take a look.. thanks.08:00
EoflaOEsam_newbie: You are welcome. Let me know if it works08:01
sam_newbieEoflaOE, hard luck same error still, so it went all the way to partition. i select LVM based, then it asked me to write the configuration permenantly so i hit yes, then same error again.08:11
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Can you go to CTRL+ALT+F4 and point out the obvious errors?08:13
sam_newbiei don't know how to copy that from ther :S08:14
sam_newbieEoflaOE, i took the snap and upload it on website do you mind if you can have a look?08:17
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Let me have a look at the error logs.08:18
sam_newbiecan i post a link here?08:18
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Yes.08:19
EoflaOEsam_newbie: It means that it couldn't find the live image. I will look into it.08:21
sam_newbiebut i share the whole image through vsftpd server08:21
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Did you make changes to the preseed file? Did you make it so it connects to your ftp server? Did you specify ftp:// before the address?08:26
sam_newbiegive me a sec i will upload my preseed file08:26
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Use pastebin to avoid flooding, though.08:27
sam_newbieEoflaOE, https://pasteboard.co/IrInqJC.png08:31
sam_newbiethat's how my seed file looks08:31
EoflaOEsam_newbie: I will have a look and report back. Meanwhile, is your ftp server accessible anonymously (username: anonymous)? Or just your username and password?08:32
sam_newbieanonymous enable08:33
sam_newbieits definitely picking up the kickstart file from ftp then start the installation.. error is somewhere else i can't figure it out.08:34
EoflaOEsam_newbie: OK. Let me look.08:34
sam_newbiei mean i can access my ftp server from windows box too as anonymous user08:34
sam_newbiealright thanks08:34
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Are you sure that you have set the Network setting in VBox as Bridged or NAT?08:38
sam_newbieallow VMS08:38
sam_newbiei mean its local installation using FTP server and image is mounted in /var/ftp/pub08:39
Coolervlc cannot play .mp4 files08:40
Coolerubuntu 19.04        vlc mpeg-4 aac decoder are required to play the file, but are not installed08:40
Coolerthis blog suggests installing certain packages https://websiteforstudents.com/how-to-enable-ubuntu-18-04-lts-beta-to-play-videos-files/08:41
Coolersudo apt install libdvdnav4 libdvdread4 gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly libdvd-pkg08:41
Coolersudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:41
Coolerthe package names have bad and ugly in the name08:41
Coolerdo i really have to install these?08:41
CoolerI am on ubuntu 18.04 btw not  19.0408:41
Coolervlc also cannot play .avi files08:46
OerHeksaac .. some DRM aac files will never play, indeed08:47
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Is your PXE and FTP server hosted in a machine that has your VM on? Or on the separate machine?08:47
OerHeksvlc can play avi, depends what is in that container08:47
OerHekssome avi files need the DVD decoder08:47
sam_newbieEoflaOE, Same machine same network,08:47
CoolerOerHeks, what08:51
Coolerthat was not the question08:51
OerHekssome avi files are made from dvd material08:53
OerHeksjust naming the most likely solutions08:53
CoolerI was asking about the package names08:54
OerHeksthose are correct, i pointed to the same information08:54
CheezCooler: i would probably install ffmpeg and set vlc to use that, and then the appropriate libraries for ffmpeg08:55
Coolerwhy are they named like that? sounds like they are broken or worse could brick my system08:55
Cheezi would also be leery of those packages08:55
Cheezi doubt they'd brick it, but they don't sound ideal do they08:55
Cheezi wouldn't want to install them08:55
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Can you retry installing, but in bridged mode? Does it give same error?08:56
CoolerCheez, ffmpeg will install the correct codecs?08:56
OerHeksbad and ugly, those are plugins that should not be written that way, and are under no guarantee/support08:56
OerHeksbut work08:56
CheezCooler: you need the right libs with it, like libaac and libavc08:56
Cheezbut they are their own packages in apt08:57
Cheeznot some suite of broken crap08:57
sam_newbieEoflaOE, have not try any other mode.. let me give a shot08:57
Cheezthat's how i would do it, but i can't say it's how you -should- do it, i don't use vlc itself on ubuntu.08:57
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Let me know if it worked08:58
AavarI am using backups (duplicity) on my laptop, and I am having problems with restoring a backup. It is asking for a "GnuPG passphrase" and I cant remember that I have set one anywhere. Will it ask for a passphrase even if i have not used encryption? The command I am using is: duplicity restore file:///path_to_folder_contains_backups/ path_where_to_extract_it/08:58
CheezCooler: you could try installing the vlc snap and see if that includes the right stuff09:00
OerHeksvlc should have everything, except drm aac codecs and dvd09:01
OerHeksthat is why it is so populair .. and dangerous09:01
Cheezand the issue Cooler appears to be having is that it does not09:01
CoolerCheez, I am using vlc from snap09:05
CoolerH.264 high profile decoder is required to play the file, but is not installed.09:05
Coolerthis is for a .mp4 file09:06
Cheezhave you tried the vlc ppa / apt?09:06
Coolerwhat is the recommended way to install new codecs?09:07
Cooleron Windows VLC automatically finds and downloads them for you09:08
sam_newbieEoflaOE, I have not tried the bridge or NAT yet, but changed the whole seed file and tried again .. .now it got stuck here for last 4 minutes... still cursor blinks https://pasteboard.co/IrIC4R9.png09:09
EoflaOENo network activity?09:10
OerHeks!info libx264-15209:10
ubottulibx264-152 (source: x264): x264 video coding library. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:0.152.2854+gite9a5903-2 (bionic), package size 883 kB, installed size 3298 kB09:10
sam_newbiemmm weird, i didn't changed any network component...09:11
OerHeks!info libx265-14609:11
ubottulibx265-146 (source: x265): H.265/HEVC video stream encoder (shared library). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-3 (bionic), package size 582 kB, installed size 3477 kB09:11
sam_newbieEoflaOE, i Appreciate all your help, have to goto bed its too late here.. morning have to goto work :S and its 4:10 am...09:12
sam_newbiei will get back to you tomorrow ... with hopefully some update09:12
EoflaOEsam_newbie: Good night.09:12
sam_newbiethankyou again.09:12
Cooleris it just me that this keeps happening to? https://bpaste.net/raw/zpx109:19
CoolerCheez, I installed ffpmeg but it still gives the same error09:19
Coolervlc gives the error09:19
Coolersame error as before09:20
OerHeksseems like you must update your bionic wit apt dist-upgrade first09:21
OerHeks!info libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-009:22
ubottulibgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0 (source: gst-plugins-bad1.0): GStreamer libraries from the "bad" set. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.14.5-0ubuntu1~18.04.1 (bionic), package size 315 kB, installed size 1089 kB09:22
OerHeksand your paste says 1.14.4-1ubuntu1~ubuntu18.04.109:23
CoolerOerHeks, did dist-upgrade09:29
Coolerstill same error09:29
Cooler  404  Not Found [IP: 80]09:29
Coolerand so on09:29
jeremy31Cooler: try changing mirror in software & updates09:30
jpeIs it more secure to run your browser as a snap package? E.g. could it limit browser exploits from affecting the rest of the system?09:31
OerHeksthis guy encountered the same.. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1158477/failed-to-fetch-curl-when-trying-to-install-404-not-found on that ip09:31
OerHeksmight be some uni that puts mirror offline during hollidays09:32
yankovicHi. I try to install ubuntu using preseed method, so I have to repack iso file. And after this Startup Disk Creator can't recognize my new iso: I try to choose my iso on "Source disc image " prompt, but nothing happens. Original iso file is chosen correctly09:55
yankovicWhy is it so09:55
Coolerjeremy31, nope10:50
Coolerthat doesn't help10:50
lotuspsychjeCooler: are you behind router or firewall?10:51
OerHekschanging mirror does not help?10:52
Coolerlotuspsychje, university firewall10:52
lotuspsychjeCooler: edu's can block alot of things..10:53
lotuspsychjeCooler: try a sudo apt update yet aswell?10:53
ayekatthen again, if they get a 404, they're able to communicate with the server, so a firewall shouldn't usually be an issue11:04
B|ack0plotuspsychje are you there?11:04
JimBuntuayekat, it's showing 404 because the file literally doesn't exist at that archive, just checked.11:07
OerHeksthat is what i said, packages not up2date11:08
OerHeksc/+ lists11:09
ayekatJimBuntu: yes, so a (user-side) firewall shouldn't be an issue11:09
OerHeksso he has to study at the uni, not update11:09
ejrhi. why am i not permissted to run echo unmute > /proc/acpi/ibm/volume even after i did sudo -i to get root?11:11
ayekatejr: what's the file permissions? what's the error message?11:11
willksmB|ack0p, Hi, do you have a question?11:12
ejr-bash: echo: write error: Operation not permitted11:12
ejrpermissions ar e0 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root11:13
OerHekstry echo "unmute" ..11:13
ayekatthe quotes there won't change anything11:13
Habbie'Operation not permitted' is not the same as 'Permission denied'11:13
Habbiei get the same error here11:14
Habbieejr, do you have any docs that suggest that this should work?11:14
ayekatyeah, on the filesystem level, the write is permitted - but the backing device may simply not support/allow writing a value there11:14
Habbiethe 'beep' file in that dir is writable, for example11:15
Habbie(although i don't know what that does)11:15
ejrwell, i used to be able to edit it to unmute in debian/devuan11:16
JimBuntuejr, "You can use the volume_capabilities parameter to tell the driver11:17
JimBuntuwhether your thinkpad has volume control or mute-only control" You need volume control to be enabled for that unmute command to work.11:17
JimBuntuejr, https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/laptops/thinkpad-acpi.txt    has some details.11:18
ejrok, i will look into that, thanks!11:18
BluesKajHi folks11:20
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: yes, whats up?11:21
B|ack0plotuspsychje hi. i posted my experiences on the bug report about the issue yesterday. i tried live USB  16.04 and 19.04 , live usb is fine but then i installed 19.04 but same thing happened.11:22
B|ack0pthen i updated , and corruption gone. but graphic issue is continuing11:22
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: so the only thing working is 16.04 now?11:23
B|ack0plotuspsychje it is hard to say. live usb working fine without corruption but when i install issues happens.11:23
B|ack0pand there was no transparent effects either so graphics driver issue exists11:24
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: but you didnt install 16.04, just live?11:24
B|ack0pyes just live11:24
B|ack0pis there any option to choose graphics in ubuntu?11:24
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: how about you try unity desktop on your 19.04 or 18.04 as a test?11:25
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: drivers should auto load in ubuntu11:25
B|ack0pthen i need to install 16.04 to try unity11:25
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: no, you can install unity from 18.04 too11:25
B|ack0p19.04 is installed now11:26
lotuspsychje!info ubuntu-unity-desktop disco | B|ack0p11:27
ubottuB|ack0p: ubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (disco), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)11:27
OerHekstransparancy issues with ATI x1300 ???11:28
B|ack0pOerHeks yes11:28
B|ack0palso screen corruption11:28
OerHeksoh but that card is so ancient, not supported for effects AFAIK11:28
OerHeksfrom ATI 5xxxx and up it is oke11:29
B|ack0pso should i throw it?11:29
B|ack0pnot so ancient. it is 2006 made11:29
B|ack0pOerHeks https://launchpad.net/~muerdogan11:30
B|ack0pops sorry11:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1839353 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Login screen and desktop corruption (18.04.2)" [Undecided,New]11:30
OerHeksyes, one can use it as coaster or underlayment to make a table steady11:31
OerHekssorry to tell ya11:31
ubottuOpen driver for AMD cards: amdgpu (cards >= GCN1.2 aka GCN 3rd gen), radeon (older cards). Closed drivers: amdgpu-pro (>= GCN1.2) fglrx (older cards, unsupported by AMD in 16.04+). For info on GCN levels, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_AMD_graphics_processing_units . For fglrx info, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD11:31
B|ack0pif i use it with old distro they are not supported aymore..11:32
B|ack0pso i should use it offline without internet11:32
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: try unity..11:33
B|ack0pOerHeks i upgraded it to 64bit cpu to install ubuntu 64bit :/11:33
B|ack0pcosted me money :p11:33
B|ack0plotuspsychje i will11:33
=== lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje
daniel_6644Hey Guys, I am having trouble with SSH. I have just disable password authenticatoin and now im locked out. I have the public key from the server but when I login I get the error "Permission denied (publickey)". Any Ideas?12:03
SwedeMikedaniel_6644: did you verify that the public key verification worked before you disabled password auth?12:06
daniel_6644I thought I did12:06
pragmaticenigmadaniel_6644: What you need to access the remote server is your local private key, and have uploaded your local public key to the remote server12:06
daniel_6644is there any way around this or am I screwed12:06
pragmaticenigmadaniel_6644: you are screwed12:07
knstn what's the difference in "apt upgrade" & "apt-get upgrade"?12:07
pragmaticenigmadaniel_6644: Always read documentation twice, top to bottom, especially when it comes to cryptography and authentication stuff12:07
pragmaticenigmaknstn: presently there is no difference, apt is friendly version of apt-get12:08
OerHeksthere are a few advantages in apt, still apt-get works fine12:08
OerHeksfor a good start; apt gives a progress bar.12:09
knstni noticed that, but i also noticed, that with "apt upgrade" it fetches the updates from that gui pop-up, while with "apt-get" it didn't. differenct cache?12:10
knstni thought low-level was dpkg, not apt-get. Anyway, things seem to have changed.12:14
ikanoboriapt is just a prettier apt-get really nothing much changed between them but a more user friendly and commands.12:16
ikanoboriAnd a more unified approach (apt-get vs apt-cache, etc).12:17
ikanoboriSome people say use 'apt' interactively and 'apt-get' in script but eh.12:17
pragmaticenigmaknstn: they use the same cache... apt-get will not fetch software that has version changes that aren't related to security enhancements12:19
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
knstnAh, that was the case. Security updates. Only with "apt" was able to install them.12:41
pragmaticenigmaknstn: No, not exactly... there's a lot more to it, but to put it simply, "apt upgrade" is what you should generally use.12:45
pragmaticenigmaknstn: for more information look at "man apt" and "man apt-get" to see the differences and to see all the different options you can pass to application for different behaviors and package selection12:46
b1ack0plotuspsychje:  i installed unity on 19.04 and no screen corruption both on login and desktop but no transparent effect also. terminal background is white instead of purple.12:46
b1ack0pscreen continues flickering12:46
b1ack0pflickering issue is happening when i attach to external monitor.12:47
b1ack0pwith DVI port12:47
thirashello. Fresh install ubuntu. When I try to `apt install redis-server` it hangs at the settings section. The service doesn't start install fails. There is no systemd service file after installation13:08
thirasany idea what that could be?13:09
pragmaticenigmathiras: For help with Ubuntu server, you may want to ask in #ubuntu-server13:09
thirasthanks pragmaticenigma13:09
zfoousing ubuntu 19.04 and running 'unshare -n' returns 'operation not permitted'13:26
Sven_vBNetwork Manager reports eth3 as successfully connected to the ethernet connection I just configured with static IPv4, the network card LEDs are green (perma) and orange (blinking slowly), does this indicate the ethernet cable is working? because nmap can't find other computers.13:26
zfooI can add the map-root-user option but this then screws up untar operations13:26
zfoomaking it setuid 'chmod u+x $(which unshare)' solves my issue, but is this a good/safe idea?13:27
zfooSven_vB, no just that the PHYs can talk, is the static IP within the same subnet as the network?13:29
Sven_vBzfoo, it should. I copied the config from another host on the target network and just increased the last IP address segment.13:30
Sven_vBwell the other host connects via WLAN, so I better double check13:31
Sven_vByes WLAN and ethernet have the same subnet13:32
zfooare you sure the static IP is unique on the network?13:33
Sven_vBzfoo, it should. I'll check13:33
Sven_vBI'm suspecting the cable mostly because it's custom wired to use just 4 wires (green/orange = 1,2,3,6)13:34
Sven_vByes the IP is unique.13:35
zfoodo you have another cable to test13:38
Sven_vBnot to the target network but I can connect to another LAN to see if the network card is healthy.13:38
zfoomight be worth trying to narrow down the issue13:39
JimBuntuwe see you chonto. This channel is for volunteer Ubuntu support. Please conduct tests elsewhere.13:41
afidegnumhello, what's the best tool for sound mixing similar to virtualDJ in ubuntu?13:43
leftyfb!ot | afidegnum13:44
ubottuafidegnum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:44
OerHeksmixxx is an option, https://www.mixxx.org/ https://launchpad.net/~mixxx/+archive/ubuntu/mixxx13:50
Sven_vBsolved, it was an electrical problem on one of the wires.13:51
Sven_vBzfoo, thanks for your help :)13:51
chontoi'm really very new to ubuntu and irc... are there are good channels for general discussion and off-topic chats that someone could recommend?13:53
zfooSven_vB, you are welcome13:53
afidegnumi did13:54
JimBuntuchonto, /msg alis list $topic               where $topic is the topic you want to find channels for. Also... #ubuntu-offtopic13:55
chontothanks much13:55
zfoochonto: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList13:56
chontoi'll try off topic first13:56
OerHekscarefull!!!! 18.04.3 LTS Is Out14:01
OerHeksstill 1.9 gb  http://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04/14:03
oderushi. i have compiled 2 programs that I want to use, and they do work but there is no install candidate, so i cannot make install. where should i put these programs in the filesystem so that they are installed?14:33
javaJakeoderus: most software come with documentation on how to install. I would follow that. If you can't find that, and if the program you made only has a single binary, then installation is fairly easy: if you want it to be available for just your user, I personally recommend adding 'export PATH="${PATH}:${HOME}/bin"' to your .bashrc file and making a ~/bin folder and placing the binary there; otherwise, place it14:36
javaJakein your /usr/local/bin.14:36
OerHeksAnd there is /opt/  if you have really no clue14:37
tarzeauoderus: what is your programs called?14:38
oderustarzeau: etherterm, and netrunner14:38
javaJakeoderus: I also personally dislike using 'make install' on any system with a package manager because 'make install' will litter your system with files in places that the package manager won't expect, causing conflicts down the road, especially during upgrades. Also, there's usually no easy way to track which files got installed, where, and how to remove or upgrade them manually without careful, manual visual14:38
javaJakeinspection. If you know what you're doing, then you already knew this, though. :)14:38
OerHeksmake uninstall usually takes care of that..14:39
oderusjavaJake: yes true. these programs are both "modular" so you can put them and run them from anywhere, but they are more than just the binary14:39
tarzeauoderus: which is hardly ever setup14:39
javaJakeOerHeks: in my experience 'make uninstall' is either incomplete or missing.14:39
javaJakeOerHeks: though I have had good luck there once in a while.14:40
OerHeksdepends on the source, ofcourse, we don't know14:40
oderusis my home directory safe to place a program in?14:42
tarzeauoderus: absolutely14:43
oderustarzeau: thank you14:44
FreezeSHi guys! I'm trying to install 19.04 desktop amd64 as a KVM guest and after the initial menu, the points keep moving but nothing happens. If I click on Del, I get these errors: https://imgur.com/a/89uAK9w15:04
FreezeSthe host is 18.04 installed with software raid (19.04 doesn't have alternate installer and could not create 2 efi partitions)15:05
EoflaOEFreezeS: Have you verified the ISO health?15:12
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:12
FreezeSEoflaOE: yes, I have. I just tried with 19.04 server and get the same errors15:13
FreezeSthis is the beginning: https://imgur.com/a/qSweQou15:13
FreezeS18.04 worked without a problem15:13
FreezeSALT+CTRL+F2...3...etc do not work, how can I get more info?15:14
EoflaOEFreezeS: And the results were different? Or the same as one provided?15:16
FreezeS19.04, both desktop and server are the same15:16
FreezeShow can I start it in a more verbose mode?15:19
Exagone313Hi, I'd like to generate an xorg.conf file from current config to use it on another OS, and so I understand what is different there also (probably getting different graphical driver settings by default).  How can I do that?  Thanks or your help.15:20
EoflaOEFreezeS: Reboot and when it reaches the human and keyboard icons, press the arrow key, and it should pop up the language list. Select yours, open and close the Advanced options, and remove "quiet" and "splash."15:25
FreezeSEoflaOE: getting this now: https://imgur.com/a/5al9guz15:27
shurwitzHello, is this right channel to ask a question about an issue using subiquity15:29
EoflaOEFreezeS: Is it on a VM or on the PC?15:30
FreezeSit's on a vm (KVM)15:31
unimatrix9hello all15:31
unimatrix9my snap is using the wrong version of python , can i change that somehow ?15:32
unimatrix9the snap installed program that is15:32
ioriaFreezeS, can you try with the disco mini.iso  ?  http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/disco/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/15:33
zeroesHow package manager know each package's component (main, contrib, non-free)?15:35
BluesKajzeroes, it uses /etc/apt/sources.list15:38
FreezeSioria: mini.iso installs without issues15:41
ioriaFreezeS, i see15:41
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magickeranyone help me with a kernal /boot space issue? (no matter what I purge apt constantly  regenerate a while bunch of initrd.img- files every time any install / upgrade etc its attempted)15:42
zeroesBluesKaj: the sources.list just have a list of uris and their components. e.g. "deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster main"15:42
zeroesBluesKaj: i would like to know how components are used (e.g. buster and main)15:43
BluesKaj!repository | zeroes15:44
ubottuzeroes: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.15:44
shurwitzI have a situation wihere the live-server installation fails to recognize my Samsung NVME drive.  Can anyone help with this15:47
zeroesI have figured it out ^^. I suppose package manager use components like this: uri/dists/bionic/{component1,component2} to retrieve packages.15:54
magickeryes yes yes :  update-initramfs -d -k 4.2.0-15-generic is the magic command16:05
matuwhat is the best nodejs IDE available on ubuntu that works out of the box please?16:43
matui want something that is available from the official repositories16:43
matuatom is not available from the repo and was already arghing about spellchck that was not working during the first launch16:44
JimBuntumatu, this is the wrong channel to ask for opinions like that, please try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss16:45
parak0vskyhow to make ubuntu shortcuts to work in any keyboard layout?16:56
parak0vskygnome shortcuts16:56
kinghatis there a command for system info like the system info gooey?17:01
kinghati guess there is neofetch but is there something already installed?17:02
zfookinghat, there are multiple commands you could use, depends on what you're looking for: ps, top, htop, df17:03
sam_newbieEoflaOE, i changed NIC to Bridge or NAT instead of hostonly but no luck.. Can someone please help me whats going on? https://pasteboard.co/IrLJnUD.png17:04
sam_newbiei'm trying to install ubuntu from my PXE server17:04
kinghatzfoo: like general system info kernel, cpu, etc info17:05
hyperqbeI managed to break my Ubuntu server and now I'm not able to connect to mssql. service status shows that server is up and running but any attempt to login via sqlcmd or remotely is rejected :(17:10
NorthwestVeganhyper, are you talking about mysql?17:12
NorthwestVegancan you do sudo mysql -u root17:13
hyperqbeit's mssql, not mysql17:14
NorthwestVeganokay i have no clue then17:14
hyperqbeI get this:17:17
hyperqbeSqlcmd: Error: Microsoft ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server : Login timeout expired.17:17
hyperqbeI enabled firewall earlier today17:17
hyperqbebut they disabled it17:17
NorthwestVeganhyper, why dont you try an nmap -p <whatever>17:18
NorthwestVegansee if its actually open17:18
hyperqbehyperqbe@slaro:/opt/mssql/bin$ nmap localhost -p 143317:22
NorthwestVeganso is the port open or closed?17:23
hyperqbelooks closed, obviously17:25
NorthwestVeganwell, then i would say thats your problem17:25
hyperqbebut ufw is disabled17:25
NorthwestVeganyou can do ss -ltp also17:25
NorthwestVegansee if the sql service is listening on that port17:25
hyperqbeLISTEN       0             128                             *17:27
hyperqbeonly get this for ms-sql-s17:27
NorthwestVeganwell, it looks like it is in fact listening then17:27
NorthwestVegandid nmap actually say STATE closed?17:27
hyperqbePORT     STATE  SERVICE17:28
hyperqbethat's when I used command "nmap localhost -p 1433"17:28
NorthwestVegantry nmap -p 1433
hyperqbewhen I used the actual IP of server "nmap -p 1433" is said open17:29
hyperqbePORT     STATE SERVICE17:29
NorthwestVeganokay, then use the actual IP when you try to connect to it with the sql client17:29
hyperqbealso failed17:30
hyperqbehyperqbe@slaro:/opt/mssql/bin$ sqlcmd -S
NorthwestVeganhmm, well i could only guess its something misconfigured with your sql service then17:31
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EoflaOEsam_newbie: Sorry for late response, but can you ping us.archive.ubuntu.com?17:51
hyperqbeahh, it was not to me :D17:52
sam_newbieEoflaOE, no i can't if you remember i only enable "hostonly" adapter i have no clue where this us.archive.ubuntu.com coming from... because i mention kickstart file in pxe configuration so it should look at that file.. and i don't have any line regarding to goto that mirror..18:02
sam_newbieEoflaOE, no problem... i'm trying to figure out since last night where could be the issue..18:03
sam_newbiei changed kickstart file atleast 6-7 times with new settings.18:03
sam_newbiei made sure my pxe configuration file pointing to the right boot images and ks file18:04
sam_newbiei check my vsftpd server to makesure anonymous is enable. selinux disabled and firewalld too.18:04
sam_newbiei can access my ftp server from my windows box on same path ftp://ip/pub/ubuntu18:06
sam_newbiei have no clue where i'm lost.18:06
sam_newbiei restart all services after each changed.18:06
sam_newbiewhich is tftp dhcpd vsftpd18:06
sam_newbieEoflaOE, brb...18:07
hyperqbeis there any way to check what package version I had prior before I used apt-get upgrade?18:30
Adriuhnhyperqbe: apt list should work18:31
Adriuhnhyperqbe: But it will list ALL packages, there might be a better way for checking specific packages18:31
Adriuhnhyperqbe: Actually, you can do 'apt list [package]', so for example 'apt list nano'18:32
sarnold/var/log/dpkg.log perhaps?18:32
Adriuhnsarnold: Hey sarnold, cool to see you here. I still haven't fixed my stupid crontab tmux script thing, I was just about to start tinkering with it again :D18:33
hyperqbeapt list -a lists all available in repo18:33
sarnoldAdriuhn: hey :) still no luck? ugh18:33
Adriuhnsarnold: I did not get that much further where we ended yesterday, just got back from work18:34
sarnoldAdriuhn: aha, cool; I was afraid you'd spent hours fighting it and going in circles..18:35
Adriuhnsarnold: What I ended up trying instead of having a script that runs the tmux command, I tried to run it directly from the crontab, I'm not sure it that will work at all though18:36
Adriuhnsarnold: This is my current string: @reboot sleep 120; cd /root/testserver;  tmux new -s server './start.sh'18:36
sarnoldAdriuhn: and ls -l /root/testserver/start.sh  shows executable, right?18:38
hyperqbesarnold got it from /var/log/dpkg.log18:39
sarnoldgood good18:39
Adriuhnsarnold: It returns this: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 78 Jul 31 17:32 /root/testserver/start.sh18:39
sarnoldAdriuhn: alright, looks good. is the tmux session created? is anything running?18:40
Adriuhnsarnold: I just remember that I didn't test the new cron command yesterday before i went to bed, and I saw that it does not work lmao18:41
Adriuhnsarnold: I changed it to @reboot sleep 30 && cd /root/testserver && tmux new -s server ./start.sh18:42
Adriuhnwhich works in the terminal, so i'll reboot and try now :)18:42
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Adriuhnsarnold: reboot completed and it did not run with that crontab command either :(18:45
sarnoldAdriuhn: alright.. try editing /root/testserver/start.sh and add something like date >> /tmp/server_started immediately after your #!/bin/sh line18:46
Adriuhnsarnold: Anything I should do before just rebooting and checking if it executes?18:48
sarnoldAdriuhn: you *could* try changing the 'sleep 30' to 'sleep 1', and change @reboot to * * * * *  to execute it every minute.. the risk of course is once you get it *working* then you've got to do something to stop it ASAP lest you wind up with a few of them running at once :)18:49
Adriuhnsarnold: I had thought of doing that, and thinking about it for a little longer I know it can't hurt since tmux will just reply that the session already exists so it wont break anything :D18:50
sarnoldoh nice18:51
hyperqbedowngrade didn't work18:52
Adriuhnsarnold: No success :( this is how things are currently looking: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zttjkhSDV4/18:57
sarnoldAdriuhn: is there anything in /tmp/server_started ?18:57
Adriuhnsarnold: nope, dir doesnt exist18:58
sarnoldAdriuhn: /tmp ??19:00
Adriuhnsarnold: ls in /tmp/ returns this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/brh4JHWf5V/19:00
sarnoldAdriuhn: ahh okay. funny not what I expected. alright, try this instead: * * * * * cd /root/testserver && tmux new -s server "date >> /tmp/server_started"19:02
sam_newbieEoflaOE, sorry i have to reboot!19:04
Adriuhnsarnold: The date thing, is that supposed to create a log of some sorts? That's what I'm assuming you'er trying to do here19:04
sarnoldAdriuhn: yeah -- a marker of some sort that we can read more easily than cron, heh19:05
sarnoldAdriuhn: maybe cron's logging all the errors to /var/spool/mail/root .. maybe not. it's hard to know with cron :(19:06
Adriuhnsarnold: Actually, do you know of a good alternative of what im trying to do or would sticking with cron be best practice?19:06
sarnoldAdriuhn: well, it's tough to say. systemd timer and service files are kind of a pain to get set up; it's annoying to use several files for a task that takes one line in cron..19:07
Adriuhnsarnold: script didn't run by the way, and /tmp/ looks the same19:07
sarnoldAdriuhn: and I think if you want to *see* this server console at some point, then running it in tmux via cron is the right approach; if you don't care about re-attaching to it, then a systemd unit file would probably be better..19:08
sarnoldAdriuhn: (sorry, I forgot, you're running it once via @reboot, no need for the timer file :)19:08
sarnoldAdriuhn: hmm. which cron file are you editing? how are you editing it?19:09
Adriuhnsarnold: crontab -e, opens in nano19:09
Adriuhnand I'm doing that as root user19:09
sarnoldalright, cool19:09
Adriuhnand based on that info, cron still definitely feels like the right path, if it worked how i expected it to it would've been perfect :D19:10
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MegagolgothI'm looking for v4l2sink from the package gstreamer good plugin20:21
leftyfbMegagolgoth: v4l2sink is not a filename in any of the official ubuntu packages.20:35
JimBuntucorrect leftyfb , but the lib should be provided from the gstreamer-1.0 good plugins20:36
Megagolgothbut it was20:38
Megagolgothnormally it's vaialable on gst plugin good : https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/data/doc/gstreamer/head/gst-plugins-good/html/gst-plugins-good-plugins-v4l2sink.html20:44
Habbiethat .html is in a debian buster package, just as a datapoint20:44
Habbiebut i'm not sure where the plugin is20:44
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sam_newbieEoflaOE, sorry idk why i'm getting disconnection from IRC21:30
sarnoldThu 08 21:20:52 -!- sam_newbie [~alone@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]21:30
sarnoldThu 08 21:29:32 -!- sam_newbie [~alone@75-149-215-149-Illinois.hfc.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #ubuntu21:30
sarnoldyou came back with a different IP address21:30
sarnoldperhaps your ISP forcibly removes your IP address periodically21:31
lain_rHi! I've connected a usb cellular modem ZTE MF823 to an ubuntu 18/bionic box. PPP connection gets up, but then nothing happens: link stays in DOWN mode, the computer doesn't get an IP address (dhclient doesn't even get started) and then the connection times out and gets dropped21:32
lain_rwhen I try to run (# dhclient ppp0) it says "unsupported device type 512"21:33
sexy1233 quick question -- if i wanted to dual boot linux and win10 together, would it be better to have separate drives for each? i want to be able to play games on windows and do coding stuff on linux21:33
Habbiesexy1233, there's no reason to have separate drives, as far as i know21:37
sexy1233Habbie well i read online on multiple forums that win10 has the tendency to mess up linux and corrupt it.21:38
sarnoldback when I dualbooted I definitely did two drives and yanked out whichever drive I wasn't booting :)21:38
Habbiesexy1233, that never happened to me with any windows version, but i do see the occasional report of that..21:39
Habbiesarnold, back when i dualbooted linux and BSDI i had to do that because the scsi bios would crash on reading the BSDI partition table21:39
Habbiesarnold, other than that, i've never had any trouble21:39
sarnoldI *think* this bug report suggests that two drives in one machine at once may actually be *worse* than both on one hard drive https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/139637921:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [High,Confirmed]21:40
sarnoldHabbie: bsdi bsdi? or bsd, i ? :)21:40
Habbiesarnold, bsdi bsd/os the closed source stuff21:40
sarnoldoh you said it twice, actual bsdi :)21:40
sarnoldneat :D21:40
Habbiesarnold, for which X was commercially licensed so i applied my msdos game cracking skills, that's where i learned to gdb :>21:40
sexy1233another question, would there be any negative effect of running linux on an ssd21:40
sexy1233i'm planning on buying an ssd just for linux21:41
Habbiesexy1233, it will be very fast21:41
sexy1233ok sounds great21:41
sarnoldHabbie: oh! that would indeed be a great way to get good at gdb fast :)21:42
sexy1233sarnold Hey, you mentioned you physically unplugged the drives that you weren't using? Should I do that on a dekstop or just leave both plugged in at all times?21:42
sarnoldsexy1233: it's probably a bad idea to do that to the drive connectors21:43
mysticwill ubuntu 18 still be stable once it adopts some of 19's system stuff?  19 not good for me21:43
sarnoldsexy1233: i'm sure they're meant to be plugged and unplugged one hundred times, not ten thousand times :) heh21:43
sam_newbiesarnold, i m using connection in library, probably they do have some policy.21:46
sarnoldsam_newbie: aha that seems likely indeed21:46
sexy1233hey if i absolutely knew nothing about programming/coding/etc how would i go about getting into sysadmin/pentesting?21:47
sarnoldsexy1233: the times they are a changing. the way I learned was reading HOWTOs and linux adminstrator guides and so on, but those may not be very useful for a world of kubernetes, istio, docker, containerd, libvirt, xen, openstack, etc etc21:54
sam_newbielater guys.21:55
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eps_delgood afternoon22:33
eps_delI'm wondering if anyone has had issues with the touchscreen capabilities22:34
eps_delI was scrolling down using my touchscreen to read22:34
eps_deland outta nowhere it stopped working22:35
eps_deleverything else works great22:35
eps_delI have 19.04, dell inspiron 1322:35
eps_delit looks like it restarted...22:37
eps_delworks again now22:37
eps_delanyone had any experience with issues related to touchscreen? any pointers/websites that talk about it and how to fix linux related issues with touchscreen?22:38
mystichow to cenrter my taskbar icons in ubuntu 19.04?  they are going from top down at the moment, and the top icon is obscured by the top bar23:00
mysticanyone ?23:03
parsnipsomeone knows of a cli tools that has like user defined man pages for their one-offs, etc?23:06
parsnipcan't remember where i saw it23:06
parsniphmm, maybe it was sman23:10
mysticHow to center my taskbar icons in Ubuntu 19.04?  They are going from top down at the moment, and the top icon is obscured by the top bar.23:10
FaTaL_Ganyone have any suggestions on what to look at next to discover this syslogerror:  " brcmfmac 0000:02:00.0: Direct firmware load for brcm/brcmfmac4366c-pcie.clm_blob failed with error -2"23:11
FaTaL_Git worked fine on 16.0423:11
FaTaL_GI updated to 18.04, and now it doent work ..... the same way..... I dont use NetworkManager, but I noticed that network-manager seems to be able to use it23:12
Bashing-omFaTaL_G: brcm is a Broadcom WIKI driver ? Then see: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1052403/how-can-i-fix-broadcom-driver-wifi-with-4-15-0-xx-kernel-on-ubuntu-16-04 .23:16
Bashing-omWIFI * See where My Mind is at :P23:16
jeremy31FaTaL_G: That file doesn't even exist in upstream linux-firmware23:25
OrcD3vilhaving a little issue installed 19.04 nvidia 970 when it tries to boot blank black screen.  ctrl alt f2 doesn't work.  booted live cd edited /etc/default/grub trying to sudo update-grub2 getting error23:50
OrcD3vilmounted the partition says /usr/sbin/grub-probe error failed to get canonical path of '/cow'23:51
Bashing-omOrcD3vil: From the install's grub boot menu - can you not boot up from a "recovery" console ? And what has grub got to do with a nvidia graphic's driver ?23:54
OrcD3vilBashing-om, all tutorials i can find say to add nomodeset to grub23:55
Bashing-omOrcD3vil: That too is one way .. booting in recovery sets "nomodeset" :)23:55
OrcD3vilwhen i restart the PC it goes past BIOS POST to blank black screen23:56
Bashing-omOrcD3vil: See if this helps - soon as the bios splash posts - spam the escape key ( EFI system ) . Do you now get the grub boot menu ?23:58
OrcD3vilspamming Esc does nothing23:59

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