
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
Spass[m]knome: torrent links for LTS are broken, we should change them to 18.04.3 point release - https://xubuntu.org/download/15:31
Spass[m]I tried to edit the site, but I'm not sure what do to with [torrents release=18-04]15:33
Spass[m]ah I know, I needed to edit it in the Releases section15:34
Spass[m]it works now15:35
Spass[m]so we're fine :)15:38
knomethanks Spass[m] 15:42
Spass[m]sorry for the false alarm ;) I forgot about that Releases section for a moment, my bad15:45
Spass[m](I mean, that torrent links are there also)15:45
flocculantSpass[m]: I always used to get that trouble - could never find it in the docs either :p18:24
flocculantthanks for doing it for people18:25
albinardUnsure whether to file bug on test of ISO 080821:44
Unit193What's up?21:46
albinardAfter installing, didn't see "Remove media and press Enter" prompt, might have pulled the USB too soon.21:46
guivercalbinard, i noticed the messages had changed (and seemed to be different depending on hardware (uefi/bios most probably; some said to just re-start machine [no enter to [reboot] so i just used sysrq-reisub & noted in (for most part) in test summary - saw it on more than just xubuntu too22:47
albinardOkay, thank you! I just wasn't sure at this stage of the build whether it would rise to the level of a real bug.22:50
guivercalbinard, i was thinking 18.04.3 (190801, 0803 & 0805 RCs) & this was #xubuntu ; sorry maybe ignore my last ^22:52
Unit193Heh, "whoops"!22:52
albinardI probably should have waited to test until after the Xfce 4.14 release.22:55
Unit193That's getting close now, isn't it? :D22:56
Unit193I'll have so many more uploads to do. :(22:56
albinardSympathetic noises.22:57

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