
boingThe bootup process is almost 2 minutes, any help would helpful.03:27
Unit193`systemd-analyze blame`?03:30
boingi havent used Linux in years so may need some help03:31
Unit193mpd and snapd are taking a bit of time, but shouldn't be two minutes.03:34
boingI just removed mpd. Is snapd required?03:36
Unit193Depends on if you use snaps.03:39
MrSassyPantsSo I suppose a recent kubuntu update did this. I get blank screens (energy save style) after 10 minutes. But the kde settings thing doesn't seem to know such a thing03:46
boingUnit193, why are there loops at bootup?03:51
boingGood Night03:55
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
IrcsomeBot<Swift110> Hey04:18
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
=== Guest60110 is now known as lordievader
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Hey guys! I am a filthy dual booter. At the moment I cannot write to my Windows SSD when I mount it while being on Kubuntu 18.04. Does anyone else have that problem?09:18
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Fast Startup in Windows is deactivated.09:19
IrcsomeBot<plyr0> @Linuxophil, Thats weird09:47
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @plyr0, Very much.09:47
IrcsomeBot<plyr0> @Linuxophil, Check if windows magically enabled it again09:48
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> @plyr0, I did. Last time like 10mins ago.09:49
IrcsomeBot<plyr0> @Linuxophil, Oh09:49
IrcsomeBot<plyr0> I saw someone with the same problem in arch group yesterday09:49
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Interesting!09:50
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> btw, here's the line of the "mount" output:09:50
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> seems like Kubuntu decided to mount it as read only.09:51
IrcsomeBot<Linuxophil> Even though dolphin says that it is display and edit for everybody.09:51
IrcsomeBot<plyr0> @Linuxophil, Ooh09:52
BluesKajHowdy all11:06
IrcsomeBotDANIEL SONG was added by: DANIEL SONG11:48
IrcsomeBot<DANIEL SONG> (Photo, 1190x611) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/w6148PAi/file_17102.jpg11:48
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> @DarinMiller @RikMills @Sick_Rimmit can we add the daysandbox bot to get rid of the spammers?11:58
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @bauchhaus, we don't get many, so probaly a bit overkill11:59
IrcsomeBot<Sick_Rimmit> I have no objection to they, but no clue how to do it12:00
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> If we start getting flooded, I'll look into 'measures'12:01
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> I'm admin at https://t.me/OpenStreetMapOrg and https://t.me/puredata . Using that open source bot there and it saves a lot of spam intervention, just the minor inconvenicne that a new member can't post links or images for the first 24 hrs12:02
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> That's the bot: https://tgdev.io/bot/daysandbox_bot12:04
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Thanks. There are many bots designed to protect TG channels. If we get flooded, I will look into it12:12
feodoranwhere can I get the path to the current application launcher icon?12:12
BluesKajfeodoran, are you trying to change the icon?12:28
feodoranI want to use the breeze dark theme, but with the icon from the kubuntu theme12:29
BluesKajfeodoran, you can download more icon themes in system settings>appearance>icons12:34
feodoranwhy download? I already have it. I just need to know its file path12:35
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> @RikMills, just make sure you pick one where zou are sure it isn't doing shady stuff in the background.12:42
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> You removed the spam, but you did not ban the spammer from the group or reported it.12:43
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @bauchhaus, This is why I won't add one in a hurry12:44
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> @bauchhaus, Yes. I  did12:44
IrcsomeBot<bauchhaus> @RikMills, ok.12:45
BluesKajfeodoran, try /usr/share/icons12:46
feodoranBluesKaj: ok with a lot of time I can search there manually ... or I just check the path of the currently setup icon. that needs to be stored somewhere?12:50
feodoranwhere can I the file that describes such a (default) themes?12:54
BluesKajfeodoran, I tried , locate system-settings, you'll get a list in the terminal12:54
feodoranBluesKaj: what do you mean "locate system-settings"?12:55
feodoranoh that is supposed to be a command12:56
BluesKajbecause system-settings is where one can choose the icon themes12:56
BluesKajyes it's a command12:56
feodoranI don't know what icon that is, but this is not the application launcher12:59
tux__hello, i cant either install virtualbox or vmware player on kubuntu 19.10 ... is it possible that the kernel is too new?13:54
BluesKajtux__, make sure you give user permissions to the installer bundle then open a terminal where it downloaded and do 'sh VMware-Player-15.1.0-13591040.x86_64.bundle' and follow the instructions14:18
BluesKajalso make sure you have build-essential installed first14:19
tux__BluesKaj: build-essential is installed, there are 2 modules to compile. the 2nd is compiled and the 1st vmware monitor did not work. i could paste the vmware.log if it helps?14:28
BluesKajalso make sure you have build-essential installed first14:28
BluesKajoops , i tried launching vmplayer and it won't won't compile the kernel module here, so no luck for me either on 19.1014:29
tux__do you have 19.10 too?14:30
tux__ok, and does virtualbox work for you?14:30
BluesKaji'm testing the 19.10 devel OS14:30
BluesKajI haven't tried VB14:31
tux__i use the beta of 19.10 from this day. could you try virtualbox?14:31
BluesKajI don't care much for VMs much personally, i just tried vmplayer on 19.10 since you were having an issue, so now we both have it :-)14:32
tux__ok ty then ... that means we have too wait until release?14:33
BluesKajvmwareplayer that is14:33
BluesKajtux__, I think you're right about the kernel being too new14:34
=== andrei is now known as AndrewPashkin
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> Hi ! What do you guys do when the screen freezes & you can't move the mouse to close anything & putting PC on sleep doesn't work.I found a bunch of keyboard shortcuts but they haven't worked so far.Its probably due to "too many tabs syndrome " I've tried tweaking Firefox but that doesn't work.I would like to have an alternative to the power button because apparently that is bad for the PC. Any ideas ?20:36
tomreynShreddies: the first thing to try is to switch to a tty:20:39
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution20:39
tomreynif this doesn't work, use:20:40
ubottuIn an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing slowly, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key20:40
tomreynin fact R, E I are disabled on *buntu* for security reasons, so just S, U, B is enough - and easier to remember, too20:41
tomreyni tend to remind myself using "this situation is SUBoptimal".20:41
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> Great thank you so much.😀Making a note for when it happens next time.Any good option if it decides to freeze when haven't saved the last bit?20:42
tomreynsave your work regularly, use applications which will do so for you automatically20:42
tomreynthe S and U should help you loosing less work, though20:43
tomreynsync (empty write cache to disk) + unmount file systems20:43
tomreynb is just reboot20:43
tomreynnext time when you reboot this way, you may also have a better log of what actually went wrong and caused this situation: journalctl -b -1 -e20:45
tomreynthat's on 18.04 and newer20:45
tomreynthe second parameter is a ONE, not an ELL20:45
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, You lost me there20:46
tomreynShreddies: i'm just saying: (1) note down this command: journalctl -b -1 -e      and (2) run it next time you're back after such a crash to review what may have caused the crash20:48
tomreynjournalctl is a way to view the system logs ("journal" in systemd speak). "-b -1" tells it to show you the logs from just the previous session, "-e" tells the log viewer to jump to the end of this log, which is when the system crashed.20:50
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> If I understand you correctly & then that means you can figure out what happened thanks to the log? (excuse me the total ignoramus when it comes to this stuff)20:53
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, My bad for some reason I didn't see your comment20:59
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> I do have some errors when it boots but they load so quickly I have no idea what gobbledygook  error code is written20:59
tomreynShreddies: *maybe+ you can figure it out this way. it's worth having a look and maybe sharing the log here (by posting it to a pastebin)21:00
tomreynShreddies: during reboot those errors were probaly just warnings that an unplanned file system check has been triggered because the file systems had not been unmounted cleanly21:01
tomreynbut sure, there could be more. how often do those crashes occur?21:01
tomreynkeep typing "tomreyn", i might miss your replies otherwise21:02
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> Less than once a week usually but laptop is new.21:02
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> Oops my bad.not used to this multi user Telegram21:03
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Oops my bad.not used to this multi user Telegram21:03
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, What is a paste bin?21:04
tomreyni'm actually on IRC via the bridge21:04
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:04
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit21:04
tomreynif you like you can post a full log now and i'll have a quick look and maybe suggest a few things to improve upon21:05
tomreynjournalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999921:05
tomreynright after a quick bathroom visit, that is21:06
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, That would be awesome, might take a bit of time since I've never done this before21:07
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Any particular reason for the exclamation marks before words?Is it like an equivalent of bangs in Duck duck go?21:08
tomreyn@Shreddies we have this bot on irc which will spit out explanations on some commands we trained it about. when i type anything with an !exclamation !mark while supporting others i do to to point it out thatthey can get more info on this topic from the bot21:12
tomreyni.e. you can type !bug or !irc or !18.0421:12
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, ahh,thanks!21:13
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, got the infor from Konsole,will send u link shortly21:13
tomreynrunning " journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 " will probably not take you long. it gets the current log, and posts it to a website (termbin.com) which then returns a http address for you to share here21:13
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DXdDjnGhxd/21:14
tomreyn@Shreddies: *this* is the command i suggested for you to run after it crashes. what i would offer to look at now is your full log of the current session, as produced (and automatically shared) by    " journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 "21:16
tomreynoh i see you like to rewrite some bits. just run   journalctl -b    > /tmp/journal     then and edit /tmp/journal to your liking before you'll ost it21:18
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, My bad ,hope I did it right this time https://termbin.com/wrfb21:19
tomreynno worries @Shreddies, and yes, this looks like what i suggested21:20
tomreyni'll have a look. in the meantime maybe you can tell me whether i should use21:20
tomreynor just21:20
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn> oh i see you like to rewrite some bits. just run   journalctl -b    , Dunno what you mean21:21
tomreynto get your attention, since i have no clue about telegram21:21
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, whatever you think is best21:21
tomreynok. i noticed your funny mac address   address fdaa:bbcc:ddee:0:...   from the first log you posted21:22
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @Shreddies  does highlight in green so maybe that's good in case some others are having conversations...21:22
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I don't use MAC it's a Windows PC =S21:23
tomreynokok ;)  checking your logs now21:23
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, LOL reminds of me of my friend who calle dher Wifi CIA Surveillance van =p21:23
tomreyn:) that was quite a trend some years ago. i still think its funny. you have a LENOVO 81F4/LNVNB161216, BIOS 7SCN26WW 10/26/2018  - check lenovo.com for a new bios maybe21:24
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, what is wrong with the 1 I have?21:25
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, 1 of these.Lol should name the wifi free malware & viruses21:28
tomreynnothing specific, i just suggest this generically since often newer firmwares will fix or work around security and other issues21:28
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, on windows only?21:29
tomreynmaybe, i have not checked. so you have a docking station connected. those usually get firmware updates, too.21:29
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, How do I know if I have a docking station,whatever that is =S21:30
tomreynthere's this non standard message on your log. it may be worth searching the webfor: "ACPI Warning: GPE type mismatch (level/edge) (20181213/evxface-792)"21:30
tomreyna docking station is what you conect your computer to when you come home. so you only need to connec thte computer to one periphal device, and not all of your 20 monitors, 10 mice, 3 keyboards and what have you21:31
tomreyn"acpi ABCD0000:00: ACPI dock station (docks/bays count: 1)"  tells me you (seem to) have one21:32
tomreynit's possible this is just a connector to connect to a docking station, though, and you dont actually have one connected21:33
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, why yes I do have 20 fabulous monitors 😆   For  this ACPI Warning: GPE type mismatch (level/edge) (20181213/evxface-792)  it just seems to be results of people having that same line & various problems like wifi (not an issue for me) & some russian https://www.linux.org.ru/forum/security/1498015121:35
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> i915 unable to load firmware  https://github.com/clearlinux/distribution/issues/59121:36
tomreynhmm i'm not that far on your log to see whether this is an issue on yours, yet21:39
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Oh ok,I can wait,just let me know if you want me to do anything,thanks!21:39
tomreyni just checked which docking stations are available for your ideapad 330s, but there are actually 021:39
tomreynfor now, just remain connected ;)21:39
tomreynhere's what a dock(ing station) looks like https://www.lenovo.com/us/en/accessories-and-monitors/docking/c/docking21:40
tomreynAKA port replicators21:40
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Is that a bad thing? I haven't needed to connect anything ,maybe in future a DVD drive & USB,nothing fancy...21:40
tomreynno, not an issue at all21:41
tomreynit just means this is not a laptop primarily targetting a business audience basically21:42
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I won't be sequencing DNA or anything so then I can just ignore it I suppose..21:42
tomreynthis *may* be an issue, though:  ACPI BIOS Error (bug): Could not resolve [\_SB.PCI0.LPCB.HEC.ECMD], AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psargs-330)21:42
tomreynrun this: wget -qO- https://termbin.com/wrfb | grep 'ACPI Error:'21:43
ubottuto debug ACPI issues on ubuntu make sure your bios is up to date and follow the procedure here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI21:43
tomreynactually run this: wget -qO- https://termbin.com/wrfb | grep -E 'ACPI (BIOS )?Error:'21:44
tomreynactually run this: wget -qO- https://termbin.com/wrfb | grep -E 'ACPI (BIOS )?Error'21:44
tomreyn... third iteration surely works ;)21:44
tomreynhmm yes this really screams for a bios update21:45
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Did I do it wrong?   wazapp@wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB:~$ wget -qO- https://termbin.com/wrfb | grep 'ACPI Error:' … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FNCL, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FN00._ON, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) â€21:46
IrcsomeBot10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FNCL, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FN00._ON, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FNCL, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) â€21:46
IrcsomeBot10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FN01._ON, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FNCL, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FN01._ON, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-53121:46
IrcsomeBotaug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FNCL, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FN02._ON, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FNCL, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-53121:46
IrcsomeBotaug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FN02._ON, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FNCL, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FN03._ON, AE_NOT_FOUND21:46
IrcsomeBot(20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FNCL, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FN03._ON, AE_NOT_FOUND (20181213/psparse-531) … aug 10 22:29:37 wazapp-Lenovo-ideapad-330S-14IKB kernel: ACPI Error: Method parse/execution failed \_TZ.FNCL, AE_NOT_21:46
tomreynuse a pastebin next time, please21:46
tomreyni just gave you this command to look at the output i've already seen here21:46
tomreynyou're currently being muted, but can talk to IRC (and me) again to shortly21:47
tomreynlatest bios update for your system https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/de/en/products/LAPTOPS-AND-NETBOOKS/300-SERIES/330S-14IKB/81F4/downloads/DS50288421:47
tomreynversion 7SCN34WW 25 Jun 201921:48
tomreynyours is 7SCN26WW 10/26/201821:48
tomreynso v26 vs v34 basically21:48
tomreynyou can talk again now21:49
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, ok,thanks.What would you like me to now? Boot to Windows & update BIOS?21:50
tomreyn@Shreddies: if you wrote anything since you posted the acpi errors here i didnt get to see it.21:50
tomreyni did see what you just asked though21:50
tomreyni only suggest things, you decide what you do. i do suggest you do a bios upgrade. but i cannot tell what this may mean for your support status / warranty.21:51
tomreynnormally, bios upgrades are fine, failed bios uogrades (which are very raare nowadays), where users followed the documentation, result in free hardware replacements.21:52
tomreynthats during warranty period. but that's just generally, check your status with hp / the shop youbought from if you want to be certain21:53
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, ok will try a BIOS upgrade ,I need to be in WIndows to do that though,right?21:53
tomreynyes. there are unsupported ways to do it from linux, but i can't recommend this21:54
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, ok,how do I pick the right one though? Bought the PC abroad & if there are issues I will just do factory reset.Haven't put my files on this PC yet anyway.21:55
tomreynShreddies: there's just one on the page i linked, so not much you can do wrong21:56
tomreynso download both 7scn34ww.txt and 7scn34ww.exe from https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/de/en/products/LAPTOPS-AND-NETBOOKS/300-SERIES/330S-14IKB/81F4/downloads/DS502884 then read the instructions in the .txt file21:58
tomreynhere's the downloads overview for yyour model https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/300-series/330s-14ikb/81f4/downloads21:59
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Thanks!22:01
tomreynShreddies: wait a sec22:01
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, sure22:01
tomreynwhile you're on windows, also install the Intel ME patch22:01
tomreynintel ME is a minimal operating system running on your CPU whenever it has power connected (i.e. also when the computer is shutdown). so you always want to have that patched.22:03
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, by downloading from the link above? or is this separate issue?22:04
tomreynyou have the bios downloads (txt and exe) as i pointed out before, and you have the separate intel ME downloads (txt and exe) from https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/products/LAPTOPS-AND-NETBOOKS/300-SERIES/330S-14IKB/81F4/downloads/DS50409022:04
tomreyndownload all four files, read .txt files, follow instructions there using the .exe files22:05
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/7sme04ww.txt22:06
tomreynyes, that's one of the two txt files22:06
tomreynand one of the two files regarding the intel ME firmware patch22:07
tomreynif anything is unclear, please ask22:08
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I'm really confused22:08
tomreynhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Management_Engine explains what Intel ME is22:08
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> how do I add a screenshot?22:09
tomreynsorry for confusing you. you can just do the bios upgrade for now, if it helps22:09
tomreynupload to imgur.com, then post the url here.22:09
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> Anywho it says this ME is only for Lenovo ideapad 330S bla bla loads of numbers22:10
tomreynisnt that what you have then?22:10
tomreynhere's what i gatehered from your log earlier: <tomreyn> [..] you have a LENOVO 81F4/LNVNB161216, BIOS 7SCN26WW 10/26/2018  - check lenovo.com for a new bios maybe22:11
tomreyn81F4 does seem to point to lenovo ideapad 330S 14 inch22:12
tomreynyou can probably confirm this on the bottom of your computer22:12
tomreynprobably also on the bios22:12
tomreyn(bios setup screen)22:13
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> (Photo, 387x153) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/p0CjpoKt/file_17109.jpg22:13
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, they don't match up fully22:13
tomreynwhat does it say on the bottom of your computer  /  in your bios setup screen then?22:14
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, will check!22:14
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, 330S 141KB,nothing more specific22:15
tomreynbut that's exactly what it says on the prompt22:16
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, my bad,I was looking for the entire sequence,so I have the right one! yay!22:16
tomreynthe rest there are other compatible models22:17
tomreynyes you should be good22:17
tomreyni'm quite convinced its the right model, also most likely this bios upgrade would fail (before it actually starts flashing) if it was a different model.22:17
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, thanks! How do I do that ? Please load default in BIOS setup menu before executing this program.22:17
tomreynbut the risk is totally with you, of course22:17
tomreyndo you know how to enter the bios setupscreen?22:18
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @Shreddies, I'm willing to give it a shot!22:18
tomreynlike right after powering on?22:18
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> F something22:18
tomreynprobably, i don't now the exact key combo22:18
tomreynif you're lucky it says so at the time. or after hitting escape.22:19
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, ok so I can't install it until I leave the "main screen" for a black screen?22:19
tomreynmost of the time "delete" (del) key or an F key get you there22:19
tomreynhmm not sure what you mean by "leave the main screen for a black screen"22:20
tomreynmain screen of what?22:20
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, when I installed Kubuntu I had to use bios ,so I think I can do it again22:20
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, general windows ,for the "old looking" one https://img.purch.com/o/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5sYXB0b3BtYWcuY29tL2ltYWdlcy93cC9wdXJjaC1hcGkvaW5jb250ZW50LzIwMTUvMTAvMTQ0NDk1MDg1Ni02NzB4Mzc2LmpwZw==22:21
tomreynokay, cool. so the .txt file you're reading suggests you enter the bios setup and select the option to reload setup (vendor) defaults22:21
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I donwloaded & when installing in Setup it said : 1. This package is built for Lenovo ideapad 330S-14IKB/15IKB only, do not try it on other machines. 2. Do not change the default installation path. 3. System will automatically reboot after BIOS update, Please save and close your opening documents before update process beginning 4. Make sure the battery is fully charged and AC adapter is plug-in before you updating BIOS 5.22:22
IrcsomeBotPlease load default in BIOS setup menu before executing this program.22:22
tomreynon this very screen you just posted, on the bottom lines, it says "F9 Setup defaults." this is basically what you're supposed to do there.22:22
tomreynit's just a safety measure. i don't think its really needed, nd would personally skip it if the system was running stable (like yours is). but then, its your warranty, you choose ;)22:24
tomreynyour bios will look more like this https://lnv.i.lithium.com/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/66583iBAB649E9F83489C1/image-size/original22:29
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, In  Bios what do I do next?22:30
tomreynhit F922:31
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Load optimal defaults?22:33
tomreynIrcsomeBot: yes22:35
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Now what?22:36
tomreynIrcsomeBot: save and exit22:37
tomreynthen boot to windows again, do the bios upgrade22:37
tomreynyou notice none of this has anything to do with kubuntu, right ;)22:38
tomreyni'm happy to help, though22:38
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Great thank.Yeah I applaud you 👏👏👏👏👏22:38
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I realised yeah when booting into Windows ha ha22:39
tomreynif anyone watching thinks we should keep it out of this channel (due to off topic), just say so, thanks22:39
tomreynthere's sadly no bios guide for your model from lenovo. apparenlty they no longer consider it neccessary to document those22:40
tomreynthere's a nice hardware servicing guide, though, if you ever get bored22:41
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, That sucks .shutting down after updating22:41
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I never get bored.but thanks anyway22:41
tomreynwhat you did on windows was really just to 'stage' the bios upgrade. it just places the upgrade file on the mainboard, which is read by the upgrading utility on the next boot22:42
tomreynit'll now flash it, showing progress bars22:42
tomreyni think the progress bar will fill twice. after that, it'll reboot again and maybe once more22:43
tomreyn...before it boots the OS again22:43
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, So far it's round dots going in a circle "Getting windows ready. Don't turn off computer "22:44
tomreynoh then it does the flashing from windows actually, ok22:45
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, While I wait.I was thinking to thank you I could send you something from Sweden if you wanted I'm just not sure how comfortable you are with giving your address to a stranger on the Internet... or I could donate to Kubuntu if they accept PayPal22:47
tomreynthe bios you have can actually be upgraded from windows, from an uefi shell, and from linux, too. but lenovo only supports it from windows, since they only sell those models with windows and so it's their best compromise between having to support as few systems as possible and making it easy for the end user.22:48
tomreynShreddies: heh, that's kind of you. i appreciate the gesture, but don't spend your money on me. you're welcome to support your local linux users group or some needy person in the streets, though.22:49
tomreynmediciens sans frontieres is also a great cause to donate money to.22:51
tomreynbut yes, kubuntu as well, of course. most if not all of the flavours are all volunteer driven after all.22:53
tomreynhttps://kubuntu.org/contribute-to-kubuntu/ -> Donate to Kubuntu   has a paypal form22:55
tomreynShreddies: is it still going then?22:56
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, It automatically booted to kubuntu then loaded some more on windows22:57
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn> https://kubuntu.org/contribute-to-kubuntu/ -, Ok thanks!22:57
tomreynat least before the bios upgrade, your system was also affected by bug 1726159 - which is not actually an ubuntu bug, but a firmware issue, i think22:59
ubottubug 1726159 in linux (Ubuntu) "PCIe BUS Error causing really slow laptop performance" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172615922:59
tomreynShreddies: thanks for donating! :)22:59
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Ok well good to update anyway23:00
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, You're very welcome! What do I do now on windows?23:00
tomreyni'm trying to say this issue may have been fixed by the bios upgrade you just did23:00
tomreyni suggest you do the intel ME upgrade as well23:01
tomreynand once that's done, boot to ubuntu again and get us another log to see if it helped anything:   journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999923:01
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, How do I do that?23:03
tomreynShreddies: i explained earlier, but maybe it was too much at once. let me repeat:23:05
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Have Intel pentium gold (sticker) Feel free to quote yourself23:05
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Yeah it definitely was tmi at once23:06
tomreynintel ME downloads (txt and exe) from https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/products/LAPTOPS-AND-NETBOOKS/300-SERIES/330S-14IKB/81F4/downloads/DS50409023:06
tomreyndownload both files, read .txt file, follow instructions there using the .exe file23:06
tomreynhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Management_Engine explains what Intel ME is23:07
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, had  a read,just got more confused,oh dear23:08
tomreyni didn't get the pentium gold sticker reference / joke, but ... i do not crave for one ;)23:08
tomreynokay let me take a look at the .txt as well, a sec23:09
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I was being serious,there is such a sticker on the laptop23:09
tomreynsorry to hear this ;)23:10
tomreynso in the .txt at https://download.lenovo.com/consumer/mobiles/7sme04ww.txt only read the UPDATE INSTRUCTIONS23:10
tomreynwhich is porbably already not easy.23:11
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, yeah I got stuck Before updating to this firmware, if you are using Intel Active Management …   Technology, Intel Small Business Technology, or Intel Standard Manageability, …   you should first unprovision your system by downloading and following the …   instructions available on the link below: …      https://downloadcenter.intel.com/search?keyword=unprovisioning%20tool …   *If these technologies are not config23:11
IrcsomeBotyour system, you can disregard …    above information. …   *After unprovision and MEFW update, you can then re-provision your system.23:11
tomreynyesthis is really for very advanced users23:11
tomreynso, your computer has the ability to be remove controlled even when its powered off23:12
tomreynbut this functionality requires to be enabled in the bios first of all23:12
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, what should i do next,it just goes on about more complicated stuff23:13
tomreynhas your computer ever been remotely controlled on purpose by a support technician, like in an enterprise / company envirnoment?23:13
tomreynhave you been working in an environment where you would have other staff service cmputers remotely?23:14
tomreynwith this computer, that is23:14
tomreyni'm asking this because that's what this .txt file is asking you about23:14
tomreynjust in more convoluted words23:14
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, took it out of the box like 15days ago ,then installed Kubunu on my own,nobody else has had access23:15
tomreynokay, cool, then you can safely skip the preparational steps and you can just run the .exe23:15
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, nice!23:16
tomreynmake sure your computer is plugged into power23:16
tomreynah crap you probably need to install the windows driver first23:16
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I got the lenovo bios thing again,was it the wrong link? https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/se/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/300-series/330s-14ikb/81f4/downloads/ds50409023:18
tomreynoh you got it running already? that's cool, if it works23:18
tomreyni just assumed that you'd need to install a driver beforehand, in which case the ME upgrade would have failed23:19
tomreyni.e. would not have started23:19
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, It says are you sure you want to update BIOS for this machine23:19
viewer|73I'm having a problem with kmail connecting to Gmail.  Was working for years up until two days ago...23:20
tomreynBIOS? weird. are you sure you ran the correct .exe?23:20
viewer|73Akondi resources for Google services is temporarily disabled.23:20
tomreynShreddie: can you confirm you were running 7sme04ww.exe now?23:20
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, 7sme04ww(2)23:21
tomreynviewer|73: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=215&t=15391223:23
tomreynShreddie: yes. 7sme04ww.exe23:23
tomreynShreddie: so the prompt is just weird, they must have done copy + paste there.23:23
tomreynkeep going23:23
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, ok,so I repeat the whole process again?23:24
viewer|73tomreyn: Thanks for the link.  I guess that's one more major incentive to move off of gmail then.  I'll try to get it to forward to another account.  Thanks for the help.23:25
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Doing that again 1. This package is built for Lenovo ideapad 330S-14IKB/15IKB only, do not try it on other machines. 2. Do not change the default installation path. 3. System will automatically reboot after BIOS update, Please save and close your opening documents before update process beginning 4. Make sure the battery is fully charged and AC adapter is plug-in before you updating BIOS 5. Please load default in BIOS setup23:26
IrcsomeBotmenu before executing this program.23:26
tomreynShreddies: if you confirmed the "are you sure you want to update BIOS for this machine" prompt after running 7sme04ww.exe and saw the firmware update taking place, then there is no need to repeat it now.23:26
tomreynif, however, youcanceled at this prompt, then you should run it again23:27
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @viewer|73, If you're interested in ProtonMail https://protonmail.com/support/knowledge-base/transitioning-from-gmail-to-protonmail/23:27
tomreynviewer|73: i'm surprised it took another incentive when there are so many already. ;)23:28
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, ok,already did that & entered bios & rebooted a few minutes ago when I asked about Kubuntu having PayPal (if that's the process you are referring to?) ,so what's next?23:29
tomreynShreddies: so just to confirm: you did two firmware upgrades, right?23:30
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, define firmware update please23:31
tomreynShreddies: you did one "BIOS upgrade" and one "Intel ME firmware upgrade"?23:32
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, not the intel because it seemed to be the exact same file as the BIOS one23:32
tomreynbios upgrade: https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/products/LAPTOPS-AND-NETBOOKS/300-SERIES/330S-14IKB/81F4/downloads/DS502884  file names are 7scn34ww.*23:34
tomreynintel me firmware upgrade: https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/gb/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/300-series/330s-14ikb/81f4/downloads/ds504090  file names are 7sme04ww.*23:34
tomreynsimilar file names, but not identical23:34
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, thanks! because there were 2 links about Intel Management Engine you gave me & I didn't know which...23:35
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, running this one is ok? 7scn34ww.exe23:36
tomreynmy understanding is that you already ran 7scn34ww.exe but you have not run 7sme04ww.exe23:36
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I ran 7sme04ww,nothing else23:37
tomreynwell then do the other, too23:37
tomreyn7scn34ww.exe now23:38
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> (Photo, 414x178) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/hvuTL0uE/file_17113.jpg23:39
tomreyni assume you wont know whether you have intel optane storage?23:40
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, you assume correctly!23:40
tomreynokay, let me check your linux logs on this again23:42
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, thanks!23:42
tomreyndo you know whether you have more than a single storage on this computer?23:42
tomreynyour sda disk on linux is an sk hynix ssd, so not intel optane memory23:42
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I think I did something with asigning different areas on Hard drive for Kubuntu & WIndows23:43
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, so I proceed with installation good sir?23:43
tomreynyou only seem to have this one storage. so i'd say you're good to go, yes23:44
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, I supposed I do this delightful bios thing again?  Please load default in BIOS setup menu before executing this program.23:44
tomreynup to you23:45
tomreynyou did it previously, so it's safe to assume they're still set to defaults23:46
tomreyni should say it's approaching 2 am here and i should leave by then23:46
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Nearly 2am here also.in BIOS. Do i just click save & exit?23:51
tomreynIrcsomeBot: if you are doing the vendor setup defaults again, it's still F9, then, F1023:53
tomreynShreddies: sorry, this was to you ^23:53
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Then run exe. file  then I'm done?23:55
tomreynShreddies: i assume you successfully upgraded those two firmwares then. the idea of doing this was to improve your kubuntu eperience. we could review your kubuntu system log quickly once this is done23:56
tomreyn<tomreyn> and once that's done, boot to ubuntu again and get us another log to see if it helped anything:   journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999923:56
tomreyn^ quote from earlier23:57
IrcsomeBot<Shreddies> @tomreyn, Is this normal? Eh insyde H 20FFT flash firmware tool loading new bios image done23:58
tomreynyes, insyde is the company who does your bios for lenovo23:59

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