
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:10
Kon-I just noticed a 40% drop in performance between Bionic's 4.18 and 5.0 kernels in Mesa's RADV. Mentioned that in #ubuntu-kernel and apparently there's related discussion here05:56
lotuspsychjeKon-: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/183864405:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1838644 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Booting into desktop results in flickering" [Undecided,Confirmed]05:56
lotuspsychjeKon-: probably a different bug then yours but..05:57
Kon-Yeah, my desktop was stable. I went the whole week on 5.0 and only noticed a problem with the massive drop in Mesa 3D performance in Vulkan05:58
lotuspsychjeKon-: what kind of kernels do you have in your list right now?05:58
Kon-Only the standard Bionic and HWE kernels06:00
lotuspsychjeKon-: booting into 4.18 doesnt give you this issue?06:00
Kon-My issue was fixed by reverting to 4.18, correct. The problem was present on 5.0 when using all available versions of Mesa, so it's not a Mesa problem06:01
lotuspsychjeKon-: could you try a !mainline kernel 5.3 for example as a test?06:01
Kon-I guess I could try ukuu06:02
Kon-Does upgrading to mainline fix your issue?06:02
lotuspsychjeKon-: these kernels fix my issues for me: 4.15 4.18 5.2 and 5.306:03
lotuspsychjeKon-: so it would be nice, if we could prove there's something going on, on specificly06:04
Kon-What's your CPU and GPU, btw?06:04
lotuspsychjeKon-: intel 620 UHD graphics on an intel i5 clevo06:05
lotuspsychjeKon-: but for now, my bug only proves its clevo screen panel related..06:05
Kon-Interesting. All AMD here. Ryzen 7 1700X + Radeon RX 57006:05
lotuspsychjewe have other users with radeon issues too on
Kon-Have any links?06:06
lotuspsychjenot sure bugs were filed for this yet06:06
lotuspsychjeKon-: maybe try the mainline 5.3 first, if that works id advise a new bug06:07
lotuspsychjeKon-: there is also a ryzen bug, think tomreyn knows about more06:10
lotuspsychjebut not sure its related to yours06:11
Kon-Okay, AFK a few but I'll test 5.3 soon06:11
lotuspsychjeok, same breakfast here06:12
lotuspsychjekeep us updated ok06:12
Kon-Sure thing06:12
Kon-lotuspsychje: My issue remains with 5.2.8 from the Ubuntu mainline PPA06:45
Kon-So in my case, not specific to 5.0.0-2306:45
lunahttps://streaming.media.ccc.de/froscon2019/S1#schedule https://www.froscon.de/en/news/today-is-the-day-2/ Linux conference in Germany07:22
EoflaOEhello everyone07:27
lunahi EoflaOE07:27
EoflaOEhi luna, how are you doing?07:27
EoflaOEI am doing fine.07:28
lotuspsychjeKon-: ok tnx for testing mate07:50
lotuspsychjeKon-: maybe you should consider creating a new bug anyway, ubuntu-bug linux07:51
EoflaOElotuspsychje hi07:51
lotuspsychjehey EoflaOE07:51
EoflaOEHow are you doing?07:51
EoflaOEThis kernel issue is weird. On my old PC, the screen doesn't flicker and do anything strange. It only caused 2 mins boot time.07:53
lotuspsychjeEoflaOE: you mean kernel
BluesKajHowdy all11:06
lotuspsychjehey OerHeks11:23
lotuspsychjeKon-: you manage to create your bug mate?11:41
EoflaOEhi lotuspsychje. I mean the kernel 5.2.011:45
lotuspsychjeEoflaOE: ah you are testing 19.10 right11:45
EoflaOElotuspsychje: Yes.11:45
BluesKajEoflaOE, did you get the new 5.2.0-10-generic kernel version?11:52
EoflaOEBluesKaj: Got this version for my VM in my new PC and it did neither flicker nor cause problems. However my old PC stayed on 5.2.0-811:53
lotuspsychjewe have a few reports of  kernel 5 and amd graphics already, waiting for Kon- bug report now :p11:54
BluesKajoh using a vm , not my style11:55
EoflaOElotuspsychje: And my old PC has an Athlon XP 1500+, and AMD Radeon 9200 Series. They did not cause problems, only boot slowdown on the kernel that I was running there.11:58
lotuspsychjeEoflaOE: been of bionic for long time on an amd 3200+ and ati card, was working like a charm on 2g ram :p11:58
lotuspsychjetweaked to the max of course + ssd11:58
EoflaOElotuspsychje: Nice. Athlon XP, 64, or II?11:59
lotuspsychjeEoflaOE: https://www.cnet.com/products/abit-kv8-max3-motherboard-atx-socket-754-k8t800/ was my mobo12:00
EoflaOElotuspsychje: And this is my mobo (Close to KT4AV): https://www.cnet.com/products/msi-kt4av-l-motherboard-atx-socket-a-kt400a/12:04
lotuspsychjenice, im an msi fan too12:05
EoflaOEThanks. Haven't updated its bios yet.12:06
TJ-heads-up on a weird issue I struggled with for about 8 hours with a failed server boot, dropping to emergency.target. System has pretty standard non-encrypted LVM but (unusually) uses one LV for /usr/lib/ which requires manual intervention in initialramfs (cmdline += 'break=init', 'lvm vgchange -ay; mount /dev/dm-X /usr/lib') then Ctrl+D to continue. Systemd drops to emergency shell due to fstab UUID=13:43
TJ-devices not being found because udev for some reason did NOT create the symlinks in /dev/disk/by-uuid/ for the LVs.13:43
TJ-There were 2 problems. the dev-disk-by--uuid-$UUID.device unit missing (causing time-out) which prevents the systemd-fsck@$UUID.service which prevents the usr-local.mount which prevents local-fs.target !13:44
TJ-the first problem is/was that cmline += "fsck.mode=skip" is seeminigly ignored by systemd-fsck and doesn't prevent the fsck jobs being created. I got around that eventually by editing /etc/fstab for the problem mounts and changing the passno (last numeric value) to 0 and then 'systemctl daemon-reload'13:46
TJ-tried manually adding the missing symlinks under /dev/disk/by-uuid/ but that didn't solve the issue.13:46
TJ-/lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage-dm.rules is supposed to create the symlinks but 'udevadm trigger' nor 'systemctl restart systemd-udevd' caused creation or fixed the missing .device jobs13:47
TJ-eventually I de-activiated/re-activated the problem LV and the job was created and the mount succeeded with "lvchange -an VG/LV && lvchange -ay VG/LV"13:48
tomreynif any of you know how to support ciby in #ubuntu, please drive, i'll remain clueless on nvidia until nouveau gets reworked with the new documentation.19:25
lotuspsychjetomreyn: think i already pointed him to latest drivers last time for that rtx19:26
tomreynoh. well looks like ciby forgot then.19:26
tomreynit may require more than just switching drivers, though? such as editing xorg.conf or changing configurations on the nvidia settings gui19:27
OerHeksmaybe disabling nouveau is a solution https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-disable-nouveau-nvidia-driver-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux19:28
lotuspsychjei see bashing-om still messing with xorg alot, but i dont think thats the way to go anymore19:29
EoflaOEhi lotuspsychje19:30
lotuspsychjehey EoflaOE19:30
EoflaOEhow are you doing?19:31
lotuspsychjeall good here19:31
lotuspsychjeuh-oh .23 bugs are flowing in.. bug #183972919:32
ubot5bug 1839729 in acpi (Ubuntu) "Suspend regression on Kernel 5.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183972919:32
EoflaOElotuspsychje: Seems bad. Let me see how sleeping works on my old PC.19:34
EoflaOElotuspsychje: Made my computer sleep, and my hard drive and monitor is turned off. Let me wake it up.19:36
EoflaOEWorks perfectly. I think the 5.0 is unstable. Am I right?19:37
lotuspsychjewell, all kinds of bugs showing up, like on any kernel19:37
tomreyn18.04.3 with 5.0 kernel works fone on this intel system i'm currently using. i dont think there are *generic* issues. but there could be with a given cpu generation.19:43
tomreyni've recently seen more reports about issues with Xeon E3-1200 v5/E3-1500 v5/6th Gen19:44
lotuspsychjeamd cards also with kernel 5 issues19:44
tomreynyes there were some. of those i chatted with, one was with a very very new hardware, this wasn't a regression. and i think there was someone with an older one, and someone with a 'contemporary', both of which had problems, and i think at least one of them had those after the kernel abi bump19:47
lotuspsychjecan someone continue with ciby, think he might have some apt issues before the nvidia driver19:49
lotuspsychjenite nite19:49
jeremy31not even 10PM there19:50
tomreynhe gets up early19:53
jeremy31I am usually awake at 4AM without an alarm clock19:59
OerHeksnvidia and tomreyn is not a match :-D20:19
TJ-Only because he secretly causes its firmware to be changed to coreboot :D20:20
tomreynOerHeks: if you can help this poor soul, feel free! i'm not sure what i'm suggesting is the right thing to do, just following up on what lotuspsyche said really20:26
jeremy31could always ping cryptodan, he was good with Nvidia20:27
tomreynchances are i successfully sent him into nirvana now and he wont get back anyways, since recovery has has no gui20:28
tomreyn...or it just works20:29
OerHekschihuahuas can fly20:43
tomreynanything can, with sufficient external acceleration.20:46
tomreyngo cannon fodder, go!20:47
jeremy31I am glad cows don't fly, birds are enough of a problem20:51
OerHekscows don't fly?20:53
OerHeks.. and from what planet you are?20:54
Bashing-omBirdie birdie in the sky - why did you do that in my eye. I am not mad and I won't cry .. but sure glad cows do not fly :P20:55
EoflaOEhello Bashing-om20:55
Bashing-omEoflaOE: :P Pleased to read you here also :)20:55
jeremy31OerHeks: Must be the part of the planet with higher gravitational forces20:56
EoflaOEHow are you doing?20:56
OerHeksoke, i am @ planet Pluto20:57
Bashing-omEoflaOE: I have spent 3 hours this AM on UWN - more than my share has been done .. if Gdoc does not get completed .. I will run with what is.20:57
tomreynoh the dog planet20:57
EoflaOEOk. After 2-1 minutes it will be Sunday on my timezone.20:58
tomreyndoh 3 hours... impressive, but also something i'd not want to do myself.20:58
OerHeksBashing-om, blacklop with his ATI  X1300??22:25
OerHeksthat would not run youtube properly AFAIK22:25
Bashing-omOerHeks: Yup ! real real old hardware :(22:27
Bashing-omOerHeks: I ran that driver on this box for a while .. performance was dismal - newer Nvidia :)22:27
OerHekshe upgraded his CPU ...22:34
OerHeksodd thing to do22:34
Bashing-omOerHeks: This may be a can-of-worms to de-cypher :(22:35
TJ-knowing the user and the issues they bring up the cause is 'user' tampering with things they do not understand the implications of!22:38
jeremy31B|ack0p seems to be a never ending issue22:40
Bashing-omjeremy31: The hope is that he will learn  and become of some value :P22:44
OerHeksBashing-om, remember crazy tux?22:44
TJ-I have an observation that is rarely wrong; any user with a 'l33t hax0r' nickname has no idea what they're doing22:46
=== jeremy31 is now known as j3r3my31
OerHeksnoob, or the word bloated..22:47
j3r3my31like me?22:47
=== j3r3my31 is now known as jeremy31
TJ-jeremy31: no, a nickname that hints at being some kind of coding ninja/hacker22:51
jeremy31Most of my stuff on github are ugly hacks22:54
TJ-ahh but you *can* hack, you're not just posing22:54
jeremy31Some of it is just to add dkms support that actually works22:58
OerHeksguys, name 3 more .. boat anchor, coaster, doorstopper23:00
jeremy31support vampire23:01
jeremy31pixie is going to town on B|ack0p23:06

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