
dekerhi all, i'm having some trouble with an old kernel module......i've just upgraded to kernel 5.000:47
dekerand now my old wifi driver is not working00:47
dekeri've tried removing it with modprobe -r, no luck00:47
dekersays module is still in use00:47
sarnoldhow'd you get it to load in the first place?00:48
sarnoldyou should have to rebuild for the new kernel.. no?00:48
dekeron my old kernel 4.800:48
dekerjust did modprobe00:49
dekeri was on 4.18.0-25-generic00:50
dekerrunning software updater put me on 5.0.0-23-generic00:50
dekerit looks like as part of the upgrade, the module was built into the new kernel01:07
dekeri'm looking in /lib/modules/5.0.0-23-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/intersil/p54 and it appears to be there01:07
dekerbut the device is not active01:07
sarnolddeker: what module? what device?01:10
dekerit's a Dell Wireless USB card01:11
dekermodule is p54usb01:11
dekeri went from kernel to 5.0.0-2301:11
deker[ 1090.327116] usb 3-2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=001:13
deker[ 1090.327119] usb 3-2: Product: Dell Wireless 1450 Dual-band (802.11a/b/g) USB 2.0 Adapter01:13
deker[ 1090.327121] usb 3-2: Manufacturer: DELL01:13
deker[ 1090.453833] usb 3-2: reset high-speed USB device number 3 using xhci_hcd01:13
deker[ 1090.602668] usb 3-2: Loading firmware file isl3887usb01:13
deker[ 1090.602887] ieee80211 phy1: p54 detected a LM87 firmware01:13
sarnolddeker: hmm, it sure looks like our kernel configs still build p54usb as a module01:14
dekeragreed, and that's why it seems something changed in the new kernel01:15
dekerbecause the device just isn't working01:15
sarnolddeker: can you pastebin the dmesg? (dmesg | pastebinit -- then copy the link in here) -- maybe there's something in there01:18
dekersarnold: sure, happy to01:19
dekeri dunno, maybe the driver is just too old for this new kernel01:22
dekersarnold: any luck?01:28
sarnolddeker: I'm sorry, multitasking fail.. I hadn't made it back around to this channel yet..01:28
dekerno worries, i'm around01:29
sarnolddeker: does that system work well enough to submit bug reports?01:29
dekeryes, i can submit a bug report from it01:30
dekeri'm on it now........got a long ethernet cable stretching across the room for now01:30
sarnoldI mean, that's frustrating, but it does mean the bug report should be a lot better :D01:31
dekeryup true01:31
sarnolddeker: if you would please ubuntu-bug linux-image-5.0.0-23-generic  -- I think that's the kernel package that supplied the kernel you're running, right?01:32
dekerit is, yes01:32
dekerok, sent01:33
dekersarnold: what if i try and remove the existing driver in there and reinstall it?01:35
dekermodprobe -rf p54usb01:35
dekermodprobe: FATAL: Module p54usb is in use.01:35
dekerok, maybe now01:36
sarnolddeker: unloading modules is often unsafe, even if the module lets you01:36
sarnolddeker: do you have the bug number handy?01:36
dekeri don't01:36
dekerit just gave me a button to send01:36
sarnolddeker: hmm. did it open a tab in your browser?01:37
dekerit didn't01:37
sarnolddeker: did it prompt for send now, get an url to open later, open the url now, kind of thing?\01:38
dekerjust two choices, don't send or send01:39
dekermodinfo p54usb01:41
dekerfilename:       /lib/modules/5.0.0-23-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/intersil/p54/p54usb.ko01:41
dekerbrb, let me restart01:41
dekeri'm back01:44
dekereverything seems to indicate the driver is being loaded, but feels like this kernel is too new for it01:45
sarnoldsince the bug repoerter thing didn[t quite work could you file a bug here by haqnd? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+filebug01:45
sarnoldman I slightly moved the two halfs of my keyboard and now I can't type sane01:45
dekeri need to register an account?01:46
dekerok, let me try this in a different way........can i fallback to boot to the old kernel for now?01:46
dekeri don't really get a grub prompt upon bootup01:47
dekerit just seems to load the latest when it boots up01:47
sarnolddeker: holding left shift may get you to a menu; you may have a choice of HWE kernel and non-HWE kernel. select non-HWE01:48
dekerwhat's that?01:48
sarnolddeker: hardware enablement kernel and X11 -- newer kernels to provide more hardware support, etc https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack01:50
dekerok cool, so i'm going with the non-hwe01:50
dekerok, let me try left-shift01:50
dekerbrb, rebooting01:50
dekerok i01:59
dekerold kernel is loaded now02:00
dekerand the device is of course working02:00
dekernow how can i make this kernel the default one to load up?02:00
sarnolddeker: if you remove the HWE kernels, this one should be left over02:02
dekercool, just do an apt-get remove?02:02
dekerok i'm going to run this: sudo apt-get remove linux-generic-hwe-18.04 linux-headers-generic-hwe-18.04 linux-image-generic-hwe-18.0402:05
sarnoldlooks good to me02:05
dekerthank you02:05
sarnold(you may need to remove more and more, but if you don't have the correct non-hwe packages to replace it, it might get *very* drastic.. I'm happy to keep saying YES or NO to further questions)02:06
dekerthanks, greatly appreciate it02:06
dekerlet me reboot and see if that did the trick02:06
dekeri'm back02:10
dekerand seem to be back on a newer kernel02:10
sarnoldhwe kernels or ..?02:10
deker5.0.0-23-generic #24~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jul 29 16:12:28 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:10
sarnoldwhat brought those back. hrmph.02:11
dekermaybe this is a non-HWE version?02:11
dekerand the last command removed just the HWE stuff02:11
dekerinitrd.img-4.18.0-25-generic  System.map-5.0.0-23-generic02:11
dekerinitrd.img-5.0.0-23-generic   vmlinuz-4.18.0-25-generic02:11
dekerlost+found                    vmlinuz-5.0.0-23-generic02:11
sarnoldthose versions correspond to the linux-hwe source package for bionic https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe02:11
dekeryeah, 5.0 files still exist in /booot02:12
sarnoldthe 5.0.0 tree does exist in disco: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux -- but those lack the ~18.04.1 versioning02:12
sarnold(so if your card doesn't work with the bionic hwe kernel, it's not going to work in disco, either, until someone reports the bug and someone fixes it)02:13
dekeri do see some 5.0 traces left02:15
dekerputting together another remove command02:15
dekersudo apt-get remove linux-headers-5.0.0-23 linux-headers-5.0.0-23-generic linux-modules-5.0.0-23-generic linux-modules-extra-5.0.0-23-generic02:16
sarnoldlooks good02:16
MrCrackPotAavar good morning i take my hat off to you sir/ma'am. you have far more patience than i. You spent a good hour + helping that smeg mystic. You deserve a medal for that. some people so self entitled dont want to learn but dont want to pay lol02:17
MrCrackPotYou did ubuntu proud haha02:18
dekerrebooting, brb02:18
FaTaL_GI have an ubuntu machine that was 16.04 running a asus pcie-ac88u (broadcom) and using interfaces & hostapd I ran it as a router AP successfully for over a year. I upgraded to 18.04, now its not working02:19
FaTaL_Ghostapd[18763]: Failed to create interface mon.wlp2s0: -95 (Operation not supported)02:19
dekeralright, i think this is good for now02:24
dekerthanks sarnold for all of your help02:25
dekerthat driver may just be too old02:25
sarnolddeker: *please* do file a bugf report about it ;)02:26
sarnolddeker: otherwise devs may never know ..02:27
dekerbut it's a 3rd party driver.....dunno if there's anything much they want to or care to do02:27
sarnolddeker: it's a driver shipped in our kernel packages, right?02:27
dekerit's not from my understanding02:28
sarnolddeker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Cyb8sTTVnz/ -- this shows a file that I thought was used with your card, in one of our packages..02:29
sarnolddeker: do you have linux-firmware installed?02:29
dekerlet me look02:30
sarnoldI'd hope you wouldn't need to grab a binary blob from some random website..02:30
dekerlinux-firmware/bionic-updates,bionic-updates,bionic-security,bionic-security,now 1.173.9 all [installed]02:30
sarnoldI wish these things had standardized filenames / devicenames of some sort02:33
sarnoldhow the heck are people suipposed to figure out which files ar eused for which dfevices02:33
dekerso how can i tell if the p54 driver is inside linux-firmware?02:33
russwsarnold: machine is functioning well. thanks for asking. Haven't braved the apt upgrade yet (after rolling back to a pre-upgrade zfs snapshot and fsck'ing), but that can wait.02:39
sarnoldrussw: woot!02:40
sarnoldrussw: my new laptop's got the zfs on root but I haven't tried anything fancy with it yet. I'm still in the process of breaking it.,.02:40
sarnolddeker: ugh. no idea. :(02:40
russwsarnold: I have a love affair with zfs. just sayin'.02:41
sarnoldrussw: uhoh. me too. this could get awkward.02:41
russwsarnold: there's enough zfs love to go around. :) Such a great file system. Best day ever when Canonical said "screw it, we're including it".02:42
sarnoldrussw: yeah; I really didn't want to goof around with dkms for my filesystems..02:43
russwsarnold: camping time for me... shutting down. Thanks again for the help earlier. Much obliged.02:48
sarnoldrussw: have fun!02:48
sarnoldcamping.. man that's been a while02:48
FaTaL_Gquestion.... my ubuntu box is the forward facing firewall appliance. When I do updates and reboot, it seems to always request a new ip. is there a setting I can set to have it not request a new ip? persistent mac or something?04:02
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shiftlockboomDoes anyone know if there is a Chinese language IRC channel for  Ubuntu? Or would there be some Chinese speakers here possibly? My friend has started on Ubuntu and she is worried her english may not be sufficient. Thanks.05:05
lotuspsychje!zh | shiftlockboom05:15
ubottushiftlockboom: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw05:15
shiftlockboomthankkz ubottu05:20
jakefbHi, I have just upgraded a server to 18.04 but I am having an issue with systemd-modules-load06:08
lotuspsychjejakefb: come join to #ubuntu-server mate06:08
jakefbOkay thanks will do06:08
TJ-18.04 amd64 server, trying to recover after a power-failure, got an OOB serial console, systemd has got to the "Reached Network is Online" (network-online.target) and stopped without any updates, and cannot find a way to force it to drop to console so I can intervene. Any ideas?06:27
basalti got a lot of WARNING: Could not parse desktop file cinnamon-settings-daemon-automount.desktop or it references a not found TryExec binary07:13
basaltExec=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/cinnamon-settings-daemon/csd-cursor does not exists on my system.07:13
basaltis there an tool to cleanup the autostart?07:14
lunahttps://streaming.media.ccc.de/froscon2019/S1#schedule https://www.froscon.de/en/news/today-is-the-day-2/ Linux conference in Germany07:20
AavarAre ppas safe?07:24
Aavarin general...07:24
feodoranHi, a question about the systemd and AMD Ryzen 3000 issue: systemd 243 is supposed to bring a patch to be able to boot. does ubuntu 19.04 already include this patch? it only comes with systemd 240, but maybe the patch is backported? alternatively 18.04 has systemd 237, so it should boot. but does the kernel 4.15 support the new cpu architecture?07:45
TJ-feodoran: you can check the changelog for the latest package, which has a direct link of https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/s/systemd/systemd_240-6ubuntu5.3/changelog07:52
TJ-feodoran: you can find that from https://packages.ubuntu.com/disco-updates/systemd on the right side07:52
TJ-feodoran: looks like 240-6ubuntu5.2 of  9th July  carries those fixes07:53
TJ-feodoran: This fixes AMD Ryzen 3000 series failing to boot (LP: bug #1835809 )07:54
ubottubug 1835809 in systemd (Ubuntu Eoan) "AMD Ryzen 3000 series fails to boot" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/183580907:54
feodoranTJ-: thx, and how would I check if a certain ubuntu-image uses this package version?08:01
TJ-feodoran: the package manifest should list the versions of included packages. Which image exactly, I can link you to the correct place to check08:08
feodoranTJ-: kubu 19.0408:08
feodoranTJ-: I think I found it08:09
feodoranIt only says "240-6ubuntu5", nothing about ".3" at the end08:10
TJ-feodoran: looks like the -server ISOs don't have it. Not sure they will either since that requires a respin08:10
TJ-feodoran: precisely08:10
TJ-feodoran: this is an interesting challenge since usually, for no-LTS releases, there isn't a 'respin' (up to date rebuild) of the installer images, but in this case maybe there ought to be08:11
feodoranwould installing on a different system and then updating work?08:12
TJ-feodoran: I've added a question to the bug report, I'd suggest you subscribe to that report so you'll be informed of any responses08:14
feodoranthis should result in the correct version, but I don't know whether there are any issue with installing an OS on a different hardware you are later using it on.08:14
TJ-feodoran: Yes, that would work... as long as the systemd that boots has the fix08:15
TJ-feodoran: generally (with the exception of proprietary GPU drivers - nvidia!) the install isn't tied to the hardware - it discovers it as it starts and loads correct drivers08:15
TJ-feodoran: so a vanilla installation on an alternative (64 bit) system fully updated first and then moved to the AMD 3000 should boot fine08:16
feodoranTJ-: okay, great. I will try that thank you08:16
TJ-feodoran: I just noticed comment no 8 in that bug report from the release manager (Adam Conrad) saying they won't rebuild the ISO08:18
feodoranTJ-: okay, it basically suggest the install+update on some other hardware option08:19
TJ-feodoran: I have a vague recollection of a kernel command-line option that affects the use of rdrand but need to hunt it out, surprised it wasn't mentioned in the bug report. Maybe it was removed08:21
TJ-feodoran: aha "nordrand" BUT the notes say "RDRAND and RDSEED are still available to user space applications."08:22
feodoranabout the different system: x86_64 is the important thing, Intel/AMD does not matter?08:22
TJ-the architecture is called AMD since they invented the x86_64 architecture and Intel copied it later08:23
BlankspaceI am not able to connect to WiFi. Can anyone help me08:38
BlankspaceSomeone had told me some command to check hardware and software restrictions08:39
BlankspaceI can't remember08:39
BlankspaceOnce I had faced the same issue.08:39
Boyettei have a problem with mono08:41
BoyetteThe following packages have unmet dependencies:08:41
Boyette mono-devel : Depends: ca-certificates-mono (= but is installed08:41
BoyetteE: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt --fix-broken install' with no packages (or specify a solution).08:41
Boyetteapt fix broken also doesnt work08:41
TJ-Boyette: those aren't Ubuntu version numbers08:42
Boyettehow so?08:43
TJ-!info ca-certificates-mono08:43
ubottuca-certificates-mono (source: mono): Common CA certificates (Mono keystore). In component universe, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 15 kB, installed size 87 kB08:43
TJ-!info ca-certificates-mono disco08:43
ubottuca-certificates-mono (source: mono): Common CA certificates (Mono keystore). In component universe, is optional. Version (disco), package size 17 kB, installed size 103 kB08:43
lunaTJ-: https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/xamarin/08:44
TJ-Boyette: presumably you've got them from a 3rd party archive so you'd need to check with whoever manages that/those archive/s08:44
lunai would guess08:44
Boyetteim not aware of that08:44
Boyetteit happend after normal updates08:44
TJ-Boyette: "apt-cache policy ca-certificates-mono"08:44
TJ-Boyette: as you see the package comes from a 3rd party repository08:48
Boyettehow can we clean this up?08:49
TJ-Boyette: determine what mono has broken and repair :)08:50
Boyettehow to repair?08:57
TJ-Boyette: there's some kind of Mono failure, you'll need to ask the mono support about those09:03
Boyettecan we not just remove mono completely09:05
Boyetteand do you know a channel of mono support?09:05
TJ-Boyette: I have no idea regarding mono, it's a Window technology grafted onto Linux09:06
Boyetteremove commands also fail09:07
Boyettefor anything regarding this09:07
BlankspaceMy WiFi is disabled09:08
sirlarkHey folks, I'm trying to setup a wifi access point on a NAS like PC. I've got hostapd up and running, and I've got 6 ethernet ports. I've bridged four of the ethernet interfaces, and the wifi interface into br0 using netplan. I've tried setting up dnsmasq to listen on br0 (I've also tried listening by IP address), and I can succesfully authenticate09:32
sirlark over wifi, but I can't get an IP address. Also, I don't see anything for dns masq showing up in journalctl output09:32
sirlarkSo first question, how can I verify that dnsmasq is actually receiving DHCP requests over the wifi (or at all)?09:33
sirlarkSecond question, where are the dnsmasq logs going in a systemd world?09:34
TJ-sirlark: I'd presume "systemctl status dnsmasq.service" if that is the service you've configured09:37
sirlarkyes, I used 'apt install dnsmasq' and 'systemctl start dnsmasq' to get it started09:39
sirlarkTJ- ^^09:40
TJ-sirlark: is the service running09:45
TJ-sirlark: the log would be "journalctl -u dnsmasq.service"09:45
TJ-sirlark: if the config is bad the service might fail even when you 'start' it09:45
sirlarkTJ- `systemctl status dnsmasq` says it's running09:47
BluesKajHowdy all11:06
=== coffeeguy is now known as zenguy
thothcastel_in ubuntu I am trying to keep the history commands across various ssh sessions plus keep them after rebooting the server11:24
thothcastel_trying this11:25
thothcastel_but not working11:25
thothcastel_anyone familiar with it11:25
thy143hi, i looking for help on an issue i cannot fix.  I created a preeseed file to automate the creation of my LVM patitions using "d-i partman-auto/expert_recipe string", everything works, except i get an error during boot "failed to connect to lvmetad". If i install ubuntu and manually config the same patition sturcutre in LVM no issues. Does anyone11:37
thy143have any suggestions/ideas?11:37
mysticHi, does Ubuntu have a 'internet download manager' style program ?11:46
Habbiemystic, a long time ago i used a browser extension called 'down them all' for that, maybe it still exists11:47
feodorandoes amarok still exists? there is no package available ...11:48
lotuspsychje!info amarok | feodoran11:48
ubottufeodoran: amarok (source: amarok): easy to use media player based on the KDE Platform. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.9.0-0ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 9471 kB, installed size 39489 kB11:48
Habbiemystic, also an apt search for 'download manager' gives a few hits that look useful; and outside of those, i think transmission (which is usually used for torrents) can also do http11:48
lotuspsychjefeodoran: do you have the universe repo enabled?11:49
mysticThanks.  And now this Ubuntu is18 is working well its such a great OS.11:49
OerHeksfeodoran, don't search, ask here first11:49
feodoranOerHeks: why do you think I did not search? I just did not find an answer11:50
OerHeksAmarok was a Qt 4 application, All applications that do not use the Qt 5 toolkit are also being removed from Ubuntu (and Debian).11:52
OerHeksso 19.04 is out of amarok, AFAIK11:52
OerHeksSomeone builded a QT5 version, use this ppa at your own risk https://launchpad.net/~joe-yasi/+archive/ubuntu/amarok-kde511:53
feodoranso currently there is no designated replacement?11:54
lotuspsychjefeodoran: clementine as alternate perhaps?11:55
OerHeksnot sure what is standard in kubuntu now..11:56
thothcastel_in ubuntu I am trying to keep the history commands across various ssh sessions plus keep them after rebooting the server11:56
thothcastel_anyone familiar with it11:56
lotuspsychjethothcastel_: perhaps not really related to ubuntu? try ##linux or #openssh ?11:57
thothcastel_obviously related to ubuntu?11:57
thothcastel_ubuntu is linux11:57
feodoranclementine is available, but Qt4 as well ... seems inconsistent11:57
fluitfrieslol are you guys talking about replacements for itunes :P11:58
lotuspsychjefluitfries: clementine is adviced for a nice integration to syn apple devices11:59
fluitfries@lotuspsychje i have grabbed Clem and also Nightingale...  thoughts on that?12:00
thothcastel_lotuspsychje: thanks for the ##linux links12:00
feodoranwhy itunes?12:00
thothcastel_I don't know why but although I haven't ever connected to the ##linux channel12:00
thothcastel_I am unable to12:00
thothcastel_it says it is by 'invite only'12:00
mysticthink you have to be registered, i can get in ther efine if im signed into irc12:00
thothcastel_is there such a channel for question around IRC itself?12:00
lotuspsychjethothcastel_: you might need to !register to join some channels12:01
thothcastel_mystic: are you able to invite me from there please?12:01
mysticif i knew how12:01
thothcastel_ok, I have had this irc account for a long time12:01
thothcastel_and I happen to have this username registered without the underscore12:01
thothcastel_but for whatever reason it keeps on adding the _ to my username12:01
thothcastel_even though I identified myself12:02
mystichow do i invite?12:02
lotuspsychjethothcastel_: please focus on ubuntu issues only in this channel12:02
lotuspsychjethothcastel_: for register help join #freenode please12:02
thothcastel_lotuspsychje: thanks for the freenode link12:03
fluitfrieslotuspsychje: i have 2 main requirements to replace itunes-> Smart Playlists, and compat with iPhone 5   if you know of anything other than Clementine to look at lmk thanks12:03
lotuspsychjefluitfries: clementine & banshee for apple sync12:04
murlidharhi all12:05
murlidharhow to bring the old look back ? i mean the window title used to be in the top panel instead of the border of the app. especially when the app was maximised12:06
fluitfrieslotuspsychje: thanks m812:07
lotuspsychjemurlidhar: start from the beginning please..your ubuntu version? what did you do exactly?12:07
lotuspsychjefluitfries: welcome12:08
mysticsounds like maybe you turned off title bar in the settings fluitfries?12:09
=== thothcastel_ is now known as thothcastel
murlidharlotuspsychje:running the version that was released in april . the old ubuntu distro looked different . the title of an app used to be in the status bar .12:09
EoflaOEYou mean 19.04?12:10
murlidharlotuspsychje: also the maximise , minimise and close buttons were in the top status bar even when it was not maximised.12:10
murlidharEoflaOE:  yes12:10
OerHeksmurlidhar, if you want to return to unity, install ubuntu-unity-desktop, logout, change DE, and login.12:11
OerHeksor get used to gnome312:11
fluitfriesmystic: i think you meant to @ murlidhar12:11
murlidharOerHeks:oh. didn't know by default its not running unity anymore.12:12
mysticSorry yea..12:12
EoflaOEmurlidhar: Starting from 18.04, GNOME is used. Earlier versions used Unity12:12
murlidharEoflaOE: oh . i didn't update for a long time . rather i didn't use my desktop for a long time.12:13
EoflaOEmurlidhar: OK. Is Unity installing?12:14
murlidharso there are no two ways about getting the title into the status bar / top bar ?12:14
murlidharEoflaOE: haven't tried yet but being an old desktop i don't want to run too many things on it .12:14
OerHeksmurlidhar, nope, and the placement of min/max/close cannot be changed in gnome3 either12:15
OerHeksit is by design12:15
fluitfriesmurlidhar: sounds like you should be running xubuntu/lubuntu on that machine12:16
murlidhari thought having those buttons in the top bar would maximise / utilise the workable space in the desktop screen12:16
murlidharfluitfries: :D probably12:16
EoflaOEmurlidhar: Unite extension might meet your needs, but require x11-utils.12:17
murlidharfluitfries: running on intel core2duo processor. think 2gb ram.12:17
murlidharEoflaOE: unite extension ? hmmm let me apt-get search for it then12:17
murlidharoops apt-search it is12:18
murlidharmy bad12:18
fluitfriesmurlidhar: i might get in trouble for recommending it but linux lite is a nice packaged version of ubuntu i use to save time on old laptops12:18
fluitfriesim sorry its packaged xubuntu12:18
murlidharhmmm ok12:18
murlidharlet me see. at the end of the day all are linux distros so thats ok to recommend stuff that is linux ;)12:19
ioriamurlidhar, give a look at this : https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1517/window-title-in-topbar/12:19
EoflaOEmurlidhar: If you can't search for it using apt, you can either use Software center or go to https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1287/unite12:19
murlidharbeen using ubuntu since feisty fawn version :D12:19
murlidharchanged a lot since then but then i used to use desktop a lot more than now12:20
murlidharEoflaOE: thanks i will check it out12:20
murlidharIntel® Core™2 Duo CPU E7500 @ 2.93GHz × 212:24
murlidharram 2 gb . better if i install xubuntu maybe12:24
murlidharioria: gnome extensions are new to me  . actually just discovered but i find it creepy when it is opened in firefox and not in gnome-epiphipany12:34
murlidharwish there was a dedicated app rather than opening in a web browser. that too shell extensions.12:35
ioriamurlidhar, epiphany-browser it's still available in disco12:36
murlidharioria: yes and i tried it as well but says shell extension is not found in my desktop12:37
murlidharioria:We cannot detect a running copy of GNOME on this system, so some parts of the interface may be disabled. See our troubleshooting entry for more information.12:37
EoflaOEmurlidhar: Can you try installing it through software center? You should be able to find by writing "unite extension"12:39
ioriamurlidhar, you probably need gnome-shell-extensions and chrome-gnome-shell (for FF)12:39
ioriamurlidhar, and gnome-tweak-tool12:40
murlidharioria: yeah . will try that . thanks a lot.12:41
murlidharEoflaOE: yes . will try12:41
tekisuihello fellow buntians12:41
EoflaOEtekisui: Welcome. Any questions? Or watching?12:42
tekisuiwell am tuning this 2nd hand laptop a bit12:42
tekisuiome ound issues12:42
tekisuiii just would warn for the 18 version12:43
tekisuiit seems unstable12:43
EoflaOEtekisui: 18.04 or 18.10? Also, explain in one line so we can better understand.12:44
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt12:44
tekisuithe lts12:45
OerHekstekisui ^12:45
tekisuithe software centre failed12:45
tekisuiso am sticking to 16.0412:45
tekisuitill another lts12:45
EoflaOEtekisui: What happens when you try to do anything in your Center?12:45
tekisuiit just fails to start12:45
tekisuihad a hassle trying with terminal and all12:45
tekisuibut ubuntu works now and i have sound and wifi :D12:46
tekisuiall i had to do was install tearfree for the amd radeon video card12:46
tekisuistill soundcloud gives some bugs, but i guess this laptop is too old to run it12:46
dlfnmwill eoan have mate 1.22 (or 1.23)?12:50
dlfnmthe version in sid is like 2 years old12:50
tekisuigoodday :)12:57
thothcas1elchannel list12:57
gst568923hy guys, I would like install ubuntu 19.04 from scratch, when I boot ubuntu 19.04 from usb drive and I click on "try ubuntu without install", the distro recognize me correctly two wifi adapter (internal pci and usb). I would like to know if when I boot the distro from usb and I click "install ubuntu directly" (no try ubuntu) the installer will reco13:36
gst568923gnize me the wifi usb adapter to be able to connect to the SSID and install package updates?13:36
lotuspsychjegst568923: wich chipset is your wifi adapter?13:37
gst568923lotuspsychje ath9k_htc13:37
tomreyngst568923: usually yes. but not all wireless chipsets are or are fully supported out of the box. just give ita try. if they work (as in you can both connect and transfer data / load a web page) in the "try ubuntu without install" mode, they should also work for the installer.13:38
tomreyni'd expect ath9k_htc to work out of the box13:38
ikocevskiHi, can someone help troubleshoot my Ethernet connection?13:40
tomreyn!details | ikocevski13:41
ubottuikocevski: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:41
ikocevski19.04 I can see that network manager says Wired connected but I can't access the internet13:41
tomreynikocevski: do you know what dhcp is?13:42
ikocevskiAutoconfig in my head13:42
ikocevskiWhen I see that13:42
gst568923lotuspsychje tomreyn I wanted to understand if I configure the network correctly (SSID connection) with the usb wifi adapter by clicking on "try ubuntu" and once ubuntu is started I click on the desktop: "install ubuntu", the installer will be able to access the network to download the packages or will you ask me to look for the network card and st13:43
gst568923art a new connection to the ssid?13:43
ikocevskiSo, connecting on windows works and Linux doesn't13:44
ikocevskiI had a power outage and now no internet on it13:44
tomreynikocevski: i suggest you just open "nm-connection-editor" and delete the existing network connection profile. then create a new one.13:45
tomreyngst568923: you can do it this way, or you can enable the network connection after starting the installer13:46
tomreynboth should work fine13:46
ikocevskiDidn't work13:46
ikocevskiStill says connected but no internet13:47
ikocevskiAnything else?13:48
gst568923tomreyn so you're telling me: first I try out if starting the installer directly, the network card is recognized; if not, I try to start "try ubuntu" and from there connect to the network and start the installer. right?13:48
ikocevskiPing duckduckgo.com 1 packets transmitted 0 received 100% packet loss13:50
ikocevskiPing Google.com actually works13:50
ikocevskiWtf is this13:51
ikocevskiApt update works13:52
ikocevskiIs firefox tripping?13:52
tomreynikocevski: ping -c3
tomreyngst568923: yes, this sounds like a good approach to me13:55
ikocevskiWorked fine 3 transmitted 3 received13:55
tomreynikocevski: so you have a resolver issue.13:55
gst568923tomreyn last question: if even the second attempt fails, will ubuntu install itself anyway without updating the packages?13:55
tomreynikocevski: you can reach ipv4 addresses but not resolve hostnames to ip addresses13:55
StAugustine_Hey guys, anyone have any experience troubleshooting Thunderbolt2? See this thread: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1164357/trying-to-troubleshoot-elgato-thunderbolt-2-dock-on-imac-12-2-ubuntu-19-0413:56
ikocevskiNow what13:56
tomreynikocevski: did you modify network or resolver configurations before these issues started occurring?13:57
lotuspsychjegst568923: do you have access to cable network there?13:57
tomreyngst568923: you can install offline, yes13:57
ikocevskiEtc resolv.conf says nameserver options edns013:57
ikocevskiedns0 is red in vim13:58
ikocevskiNo, didn't mess with anything before just had a power outage while the computer was on13:58
gst568923lotuspsychje not really because the router and the desktop are in two different rooms, that's why I wanted to know if the usb adapter wifi was recognized13:58
lotuspsychjegst568923: well like tomreyn said, atheros should be automatic recognized, some cases might need a newer firmware..13:59
tomreynikocevski: reboot your router13:59
lotuspsychjegst568923: make sure you have backups, and test is your best approach14:00
ikocevskiresolvectl status says no on all settings except DNSSEC NTA14:00
gst568923lotuspsychje the ubuntu installer recognize the wifi SSID hidden?14:00
gst568923lotuspsychje or rather say: does it also give me the possibility to connect to the hidden ssid?14:01
lotuspsychjegst568923: your wifi ssid is a hidden one?14:01
gst568923lotuspsychje yes, I wanted to know if at the time of choosing, during the installation phase, the wifi network also gives me the possibility to insert a hidden ssid?14:03
lotuspsychjegst568923: maybe your case choose the try ubuntu mode first, make sure you are connected to your hidden ssid first, then start the setup from the live try14:03
tomreynor just give things a try, don't spend too much time discussing ;)14:06
ikocevskiRebooted it doesn't work14:06
gst568923lotuspsychje yes in case it does not work the first attempt I try as you are telling me. Which I then read that the hidden SSID is easily detectable with a wifi client deauthentication attack. I would like it if this attack also works with clients that use PMF (protected management frame)14:06
tomreynikocevski: which dns servers do you see listed on  systemd-resolve --status14:08
tomreynikocevski: and what did you reboot there?14:09
lotuspsychjegst568923: dont worry, nobody is gonna attack your live setup..14:10
ikocevskiOn enp3s0 current DNS server
ikocevskiDNS servers: the same as above and
ikocevskiJust turned off and on the router with the hardware button14:11
ikocevskiYou said reboot the router14:11
tomreynikocevski: right, thanks for confirming14:12
gst568923lotuspsychje I wondered only if it makes sense to hide the SSID, given that this type of attack exists to detect it14:12
lotuspsychjegst568923: lets not discuss that here, focus on ubuntu issues instead14:13
ikocevskiThis is taking too long14:14
tomreynikocevski: i assume those dns servers were provided to your computer by your internet service provider via DHCP, which would be fine. but apparently they don't work? you can try   systemd-resolve duckduckgo.com14:14
gst568923lotuspsychje ok, thanks. i will install ubuntu shortly, if there will be problems i will let you hear in this irc channel14:15
tomreynikocevski: what is taking too long?14:15
McErroneousHi , i think this page contains a misleading link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR , the broken/misleading/unfinished link beeing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/starcraft.man/Sandbox#Restoring14:16
lotuspsychjeikocevski: if you want help from volunteers, please detail your steps14:16
gst568923bye bye14:16
ikocevskiOkay that shows some IP addresses14:16
tomreynikocevski: you know we're all volunteers here, right?14:16
ikocevskiI go in detail as much as I can on a phone keyboard14:17
tomreynikocevski: so apparently rebooting the router helped14:17
tomreynikocevski: i assume things are fixed by now14:17
=== thothcas1el is now known as thothcastel
ikocevskiInformation acquired via protocol DNS in 3.6ms says besides the IP addresses14:18
tomreynikocevski: does browsing the web work fine now?14:18
=== thothcastel is now known as thothcastel4
ikocevskiBut why14:18
ikocevskiIt works now14:19
ikocevskiBut how14:19
ubottuPlease try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.14:19
OerHeksinteresting ...14:19
ikocevskiI restarted the router and computer multiple times before asking for help here14:20
tomreynthe power outage must have caused some issues on your router, which required giving it a kick. this happen.14:20
tomreynhmm ok, then i don't know what solved it, and then i'm not certain it's actually solved.14:20
ikocevskiFirefox connects fine14:21
ikocevskiSo it's solved14:21
ikocevskiAh, okay then thank you14:21
tomreynfor now, yes. it ight happen again, whatever it was..14:21
tomreynhave a good ride.14:22
ikocevskiThanks again.. bye14:22
=== StAugustine_ is now known as StAugustine
StAugustineCan anyone help out troubleshooting a Thunderbolt 2 Dock? All pertinent info is at: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1164357/trying-to-troubleshoot-elgato-thunderbolt-2-dock-on-imac-12-2-ubuntu-19-0414:26
lotuspsychje!info bolt | StAugustine did you try this?14:30
ubottuStAugustine did you try this?: bolt (source: bolt): system daemon to manage thunderbolt 3 devices. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 89 kB, installed size 342 kB14:30
=== thothcastel4 is now known as thothcastel9
agoodmhi im running into an odd issue where virt-manager is taking 10 minute or so to open via x forwarding14:32
tomreynagoodm: why dont you run it on the client you*re working on?14:57
EmmaTis it possible to install ubuntu to a usb ? and launch it from various computers?15:04
EmmaThow about drivers ? won't it use the drivers for the computeer it was first installed on ?15:04
lotuspsychjeEmmaT: drivers are loaded as modules, adapts itself on the system15:19
rapidwaveI've a dilema. Software updates keep failing because mono-gac isn't configured and a bunch of mono dependencies. I've tried removing mono completely, purging it, fixing missing...everything leads to it saying dependencies are missing15:46
OerHekslast post, sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq mono-roslyn mono-devel15:50
brunchHi I need to install ubuntu to boot from external drive to use on a lent laptop. Is there any "non-live" ubuntu image I can just dd?15:50
OerHeksbrunch, no15:51
brunchso the best option would be to just use the live iso and install my tools there?15:51
OerHeksjust boot the iso, and select the exernal drive as trarget, make sure grub is on that target too15:51
brunchdamn, then I'd need an auxiliary drive to boot from for the installation process, right?15:52
OerHeksusb/dvd, yes15:52
OerHeksor a memory card15:52
brunchWell thank you OerHeks, it's best to know "you can't" early :)15:53
OerHeksbrunch, unless grub is already on that machine, then you can idoboot15:53
brunchthat machine is probably some random windows laptop15:53
OerHeksoh oke, these are your options then15:53
brunchmy intention is to just skip its hard drive altogether and run from external drive15:53
chandanahello world15:56
EoflaOEWelcome chandana.15:59
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hortiellibreoffice --writer newfile; this does not open a newfile named with the same name? so how do i do that16:57
alkyoneDoes the file exist?17:03
tomreynyou answered past the 3 minute attention span17:04
alkyonemy bad17:04
tomreynobviously!!11 ;)17:04
IsntFunnyHey everyone, i am trying to get a wifi card working. lshw says it's disabled and ifconfig doesn't show it. What can i do next? Its an Qualcomm Atheros chip17:16
EoflaOEIsntFunny: Does nmcli radio wifi on do the job? Or no? This command usually let me access WiFi on the console.17:18
IsntFunnynmcli not found17:19
chietaIsntFunny /usr/bin/nmcli17:19
EoflaOEYou're on Ubuntu Server. Am I right? If so, install networkmanager to get it.17:20
IsntFunnyI have no internet :)17:20
OerHeksyet, you are here..17:21
alkyoneThen why setup wifi?17:21
OerHekswhat card is it? lspci or lsusb will tell17:21
IsntFunnyBecause i want internet?17:21
alkyoneGet internet first then set up wifi.17:21
chietahttps://dpaste.de/Sb0D i want to the power button don't shutdown the box but ask first what to do17:21
IsntFunnyalkyone dude are you stupid? I have no ethernet connection and need to set uop wifi to get internet17:21
IsntFunnygosh, think some more17:22
OerHeksIsntFunny, are you stupid?17:22
alkyoneCan't you use a cable?17:22
IsntFunnyIts a Qualcomm Atheros AR9287 (168c:002e)17:23
IsntFunnyAnd again: i only have wifi, i don't have any ethernet connections available in my current situation. sorry alkyone but you didn't know the full situation and i am stressed a bit17:24
lotuspsychjeIsntFunny: can you pastebin your dmesg please17:24
IsntFunnylotuspsychje not really possible without a network connection17:25
lotuspsychjeIsntFunny: drag it to an usb stick? pastebin to your current irc?17:25
OerHeksalkyone, lotus, 2 antenna issue.. https://askubuntu.com/a/103617817:26
EoflaOEIsntFunny: Is your WiFi adapter one antenna or two? Also, is rfkill list say anything about WiFi if it is blocked or not?17:27
IsntFunnyEoflaOE two, rfkill not installed17:28
EoflaOELet me look some more. Meanwhile does your adapter have 1 antenna?17:28
EoflaOEOK. Allow me a few minutes.17:30
EoflaOEIsntFunny: Does the qualcomm adapter use any driver? sudo lshw -C network17:33
agoodmtomreyn, because the vm box is headless.  Turns out I made a snafu in my firewall scripts and forgot to add rules to allow ipv6 loopback17:37
IsntFunnyEoflaOE not sure... where exactly should i look at in the lshw output?17:38
IsntFunnyit says logical name: wlp3s017:38
EoflaOEIsntFunny: In the "configuration:" section, you can look for "driver=ath9k". Is it found?17:39
IsntFunnyi tried iwconfig but it says wirless-tools are missing. i guess those are mandatory, right?17:39
IsntFunnyEoflaOE yes, ath9k is there17:39
EoflaOEIsntFunny: Yes. They are mandatory.17:40
IsntFunnyDamn... Okay is it possible to install deb packages by stick? probably complicated with all the dependencies right?17:41
EoflaOEIsntFunny: Move the deb files to your stick and install them using "sudo dpkg -i /path/to/*.deb" You should mount the stick manually before installing.17:43
EoflaOEAlso, iwconfig only connects to WEP networks. I suggest installing nmcli by downloading every dependency to your stick and installing them. nmcli supports wpa2.17:45
IsntFunnynmcli is the network-manager right?17:45
IsntFunnyalright, will try my luck, thanks17:46
EoflaOEYou're welcome17:47
IsntFunnydoes nmcli support 5G too?17:47
EoflaOEIt should. I don't have any network which is 5ghz so can't confirm.17:48
IsntFunnyoh well my wireless card can't do 5ghz anyway.. nevermind17:49
IsntFunnyGot nmcli running but it tells me: Secrets were required but not provided. command: "nmcli device wifi connect "SSID" password "wpa2 passphrase"17:55
EoflaOEDid you write them in a correct format? And did you put double quotes around SSID, and the password?17:58
IsntFunnyexactly as i wrote it here, yes. with quotes17:59
EoflaOEHave you turned the WiFi on using "nmcli radio wifi on"?18:02
AppXprtHey I'm having trouble mounting an XFS volume? I have xfsprogs and xfsdump installed and even have the xfs module installed, loaded and verified with lsmod18:14
AppXprtI get unknown filesystem type 'xfs'18:14
AppXprtI have restarted after installing xfs stuff18:14
EoflaOEAppXprt: Pastebin the output of "ls proc/filesystems | nc termbin.com 9999"18:16
lotuspsychjeAppXprt: see also: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XFS18:16
AppXprtit has xfs in /proc/filesystems18:17
OerHeks xfs_check device18:17
EoflaOEThanks hggdh, was on Android but reconnecting using PC.18:17
AppXprtit's saying it has a realtime subvolume18:18
AppXprtrealtime device init failed18:18
EoflaOEAppXprt: Have you loaded xfs module? "sudo modprobe xfs"18:18
AppXprtxfs is loaded18:19
AppXprtand this is for sure an XFS volume as I see XFSB at very beginning of partition18:20
EoflaOEAppXprt: You can confirm if the module is loaded by "lsmod | grep xfs".18:23
AppXprtI guess you didnt read where I said XFS was loaded like 3 times18:23
lotuspsychjeAppXprt: easy, he's trying to help you18:24
lalitmeeHey Guys, I am having a little bit wierd problem in Lubuntu 18.04, when I try to close any window by Alt + F4, sometimes window closes but all of the keys doesn't work in the file system and sometimes the Alt + F4 keys doesn't work to close the window.18:25
tomreynAppXprt: be sure to mount both the actual xfs file system and its realtime subvolme18:27
AppXprtyea but how do you do that18:27
tomreynmount -t xfs -o rtdev=/dev/sdXN /dev/sdXO /xfs18:27
tomreynsdXN is the partition of the RT subvolume18:27
tomreynsee also xfs(5)18:27
lotuspsychjelalitmee: works here on my 18.04 on gnome18:28
AppXprtcant read superblock on /dev/sdb2 (XFS partition) using suspected rtdev=/dev/sdb3 and /dev/sdb4 (only other partitions besides swap)18:30
lotuspsychjelalitmee: maybe you could try a journalctl -f and start a program from terminal, then try to close with alt f4, see if you can catch errors18:30
lalitmeelotuspsychje: journalctl -f, what it will do?18:31
tomreynAppXprt: maybe it was stored on a different storage?18:31
lotuspsychjelalitmee: its kind of a live tail or journal errors, 'maybe' you can see relevant errors there18:32
AppXprtHmm maybe but when I string a dump of the partition it has files and data18:32
lalitmeelotuspsychje: let me try18:32
tomreynAppXprt: which ubuntu and kernel version are you running there now, and which was this file system properly used on previously?18:33
AppXprtpartition is on an embedded device and I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 on 4.15.0-55-generic18:34
AppXprtwell the hdd is from an embedded device18:34
AppXprtI can get the mount command to almost work but then bitches about not having my mount point target location in /etc/fstab oO18:34
AppXprtlike /media/username/xfs: can't find in /etc/fstab18:35
lalitmeelotuspsychje: I tried opening vscode from terminal and it got open and then closing by Alt + f4, it also worked. But I am facing this issue with my video player that is Lubuntu's default video player18:35
lotuspsychjelalitmee: so its only the videoplayer that doesnt close, or other programs aswell?18:35
lalitmeelotuspsychje: I think its the problem with only video player.. Just now I tried with some other programs and all of them worked18:37
tomreynAppXprt: run with sudo18:37
AppXprtlol yea I always do with mount18:37
lotuspsychjelalitmee: ok, thats very weird indeed18:37
lotuspsychjelalitmee: remind me lubuntu's default videoplayer again?18:38
tomreynAppXprt: you may also need a newer kernel (!hwe) since rtdev is somewhat new18:38
AppXprt4.15 isn't new enough?18:38
tomreyni do not know, i'm guessing based on https://lwn.net/Articles/747633/ and its and Ubuntu 18.04's publication date18:39
lalitmeelotuspsychje: GNOME Mpv18:39
lotuspsychjelalitmee: and did it work before on your videplayer?18:39
AppXprtdoing a dist-upgrade18:40
tomreynAppXprt: xfs_info for more info on the data partition18:40
lalitmeelotuspsychje: sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't18:40
lotuspsychjehmm ok tnx18:40
lotuspsychjelalitmee: a reboot doesnt fix this?18:40
tomreynAppXprt: installing the latest pending updates is certainly a good plan. but this wont raise the kernel version18:41
lalitmeelotuspsychje: I think the problem is only when the video player is in full screen18:41
AppXprtxfs_info gives: /dev/sdb2 is not mounted XFS filesystem18:41
tomreyn(other than patch level)18:41
AppXprtyea I already did an upgrade and dist-upgrade, I guess I have to reinstall to bring kernel up?18:41
lotuspsychjelalitmee: ah, that sounds like fullscreen is overriding the F-key close18:41
tomreynah right xfs_info only works once mounted, sorry18:41
tomreyn!HWE | AppXprt18:42
ubottuAppXprt: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:42
lalitmeelotuspsychje, its only in full screen. I just tried it worked but after that movement to other files stopped working by left and right buttons18:42
AppXprtI have an ubuntu with 4.1918:42
AppXprterr 4.1818:42
tomreyngrep CONFIG_XFS_RT /boot/config-$(uname -r)18:42
lotuspsychjelalitmee: what i 'think' is you need to exit full-screen first to be able to close...but not sure18:43
AppXprtok doing hwe update18:44
lalitmeelotuspsychje: but earlier in my old system with same Lubuntu version this problem wasn't there. I don't know its with this only18:44
lotuspsychjelalitmee: just tested on vlc here, and i can exit it in full-screen..18:44
lalitmeelotuspsychje, thats why I just installed vlc18:45
lalitmeelotuspsychje, actually I read somewhere that vlc is not good for your operating system? Is it? Do you know something like that?18:45
lotuspsychjelalitmee: holdon, let me install mpv18:45
AppXprtrebooting that machine on new kernel18:46
lalitmeelotuspsychje, you are also using Lubuntu?18:46
lotuspsychjelalitmee: i use vlc & smplayer, never had issues18:46
lotuspsychjelalitmee: no, ubuntu-desktop18:46
lalitmeelotuspsychje, then I think I will also use VLC now18:46
lalitmeelotuspsychje, have you used Linux Mint?18:47
lotuspsychjelalitmee: we cant support mint here, only vanilla ubuntu flavours18:47
AppXprtwhoops xorg crash, but I can still work in tty's18:47
lotuspsychjelalitmee: just tested gnome mpv, i can close it with alt f4 in fullscreen18:47
AppXprtoh wait, it came up18:47
lotuspsychjelalitmee: could you try to create a new user please, and see if you can close it there?18:48
lalitmeelotuspsychje, okk no problem. I have installed vlc and I will use it now and it is working properly.18:49
AppXprthmm can't read superblock on /dev/sdb218:50
lalitmeelotuspsychje, actually closing is working but keyboard keys are not working after closing the video player from full screen. I am not able to move to next and previous video by using left and right keys18:53
ioriaAppXprt, run a check on it18:53
lalitmeelotuspsychje, no problem. thank you so much for help. I installed vlc. I will use it.18:54
lotuspsychjelalitmee: i found this, but i also tested on 18.04 and works for me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-mpv/+bug/172018819:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1720188 in gnome-mpv (Ubuntu) "gnome-mpv freezes when closing with ctrl+q" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:07
lalitmeelotuspsychje, can you help me in solving this error. Actually I am using zsh in my terminal and I use autojump to jump directly to directories. I don't what is this error but whenever I open a terminal or a new Tab it gives me the error. I have attached the gist https://gist.github.com/lalitmee/87eb32fa474836fff4a42f02173baf7519:08
lotuspsychjelalitmee: sorry zsh is not my expertise, maybe someone else can help with that19:09
tomreynask in #zsh ?19:10
lalitmeetomreyn, oh yeah. thanks19:11
tomreynand certainly provide the code, not just the error message19:11
cibyok so a while back i came here because i had a problem with my screen resolution, either the screen is zoomed in or wont let me change to a higher resolution... the problem is back again. this is my first time starting ubuntu with this new gpu i got, is that the problem19:15
tomreynwe might be able to tell you if you tell us more about your new gpu19:16
cibyits an rtx 207019:16
tomreyn...and your ubuntu version and kernel19:16
tomreynnc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";)19:17
cibyubuntu 18.04.2 LTS19:18
EoflaOEciby: And what was your old GPU brand? Nvidia or AMD?19:18
tomreynwhich nvidia model did you have then?19:19
cibygtx 1050 ti19:19
tomreynstart by installing the pending ubuntu updates19:19
cibydoes "check for updates" in settings do this19:20
tomreynyes it should19:20
cibysays its up to date19:21
coz_dist upgrade19:21
tomreynhmm can you do it on a terminal?19:21
lotuspsychje!uptodate | ciby19:22
ubottuciby: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.19:22
cibyill see if i can19:22
ioriaciby, sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade19:22
OerHeksdoes that rtx 2070 have HDMI and DP ?19:23
cibyyes, im using DP19:23
OerHeksoke :-)19:23
cibybefore i do anything, why does one command just say "upgrade" but another 'full-upgrade", which one am i doing19:24
cibydoes that stand for something19:25
OerHeksstandard i use dist-upgrade, to catch all packages.19:25
EoflaOEfull-upgrade: It fully upgrades all of the packages to their latest versions19:25
OerHeksdist/full, the later19:25
cibyso ill do that one?19:26
lotuspsychjeciby: did we not already help you laset time, to get latest nvidia drivers?19:27
cibyyeah so i dont know whats up here19:28
lotuspsychjeciby: what does your nvidia-smi say?19:28
cibyi just did the command.. also whats nvidia-smi19:29
lotuspsychjeciby: to see your current driver version19:29
cibyhow do i check it19:29
lotuspsychjeciby: nvidia-smi19:30
cibyin terminal?19:30
lotuspsychjeciby: yes19:30
=== fling_ is now known as fling
ciby"nvidia-smi has failed because it couldnt communicate with the nvidia driver. make sure the latest nvidia driver is installed and running"19:31
lotuspsychjeciby: aha, ubuntu-drivers list then?19:32
cibyi hope this is just because its a new gpu and i need to update again for that19:32
cibyentered "ubuntu-drivers" in terminal, now what19:33
lotuspsychjeciby: ubuntu-drivers list19:33
cibyi hope that isnt the same one as last time19:34
lotuspsychjeciby: ok, sudo apt install nvidia-driver-430 and reboot after install19:34
cibyits saying something about some packages not being installed19:36
cibythink ill need that pastebin thing for this one19:36
lotuspsychjeciby: pastebin yes19:37
cibybut it was like a part of this website19:37
cibywhat was it again19:37
lotuspsychjeciby: you can choose, pastebin or paste ubuntu19:38
cibypaste ubuntu19:38
lotuspsychjeciby: did you add external ppa's of any kind?19:41
cibyidk what those are19:42
lotuspsychjeciby: can we see the pastebin output of: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade19:45
CheetahPixieEvening, folks.19:46
cibyits pretty long... do you want the whole thing19:46
CheetahPixieI was wondering how I go about enabling case-insensitivity on my Ubuntu system.19:46
lotuspsychjeciby: yes, in a pastebin plz19:46
CheetahPixieI see no guides as to how.19:46
CheetahPixieSo... how do I?19:47
CheetahPixieI read something about a casefold mount option.19:47
CheetahPixieTrying to throw that at mount returns the bad option error.19:47
OerHeks case-insensitivit, what do you mean with that?19:48
CheetahPixieA case insensitive filesystem.19:48
CheetahPixieWell, not in its entirety.19:48
CheetahPixieI only need it for certain directories to try to solve Proton issues.19:48
AppXprtHmmm I can mount this xfs and explore the FS Read Only with sudo mount -t xfs -o ro,norecovery,rtdev=/dev/sdb3 /dev/sdb2 /media/username/xfs19:48
AppXprtbut I can't remount to RW?19:48
bpromptCheetahPixie:   I don't think you can on an ext2/3/4 filesystem, is part of the filesystem itself from what I know19:49
OerHeksCheetahPixie, oh oke, tab completion can be set with "set completion-ignore-case on"  https://www.howtogeek.com/267061/how-to-ignore-case-when-using-tab-completion-in-the-linux-terminal/19:49
OerHeksCheetahPixie, i think you want systemwide, so /etc/.inputrc19:49
OerHeksthis should be an option in gnome-tweak-tool :-D19:50
CheetahPixie...I did not mean tab completion.19:51
CheetahPixieI meant file system.19:51
AppXprtnvm got it19:51
CheetahPixiebprompt recent changes in 5.2 should add the casefold option to mount.19:51
CheetahPixieThis allows you to +F a directory to make its accesses case insensitive.19:51
CheetahPixieOerHeks I said Proton, not Bash.19:52
OerHeksoh, not sure that can be done.19:52
CheetahPixiesee what I wrote about the casefold mount option.19:52
OerHeksCheetahPixie, interesting, "CheetahPixie> I read something about a casefold mount option.19:53
OerHeks<CheetahPixie> Trying to throw that at mount returns the bad option error. "  but you did not provide that url19:53
nolnCheetahPixie, ciopfs19:53
tomreynciby: this looks fine. so can you install nvidia-driver-430 now?19:54
CheetahPixienoln Useless to me. I need this for Proton, which means I can't really modify existing wineprefixes that Steam hands out.19:54
cibyi already tried but it looked like something went wrong19:55
CheetahPixieOerHeks http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/ext4.5.html19:56
tomreynciby: that's after installing all those pending updates you just installed?19:56
CheetahPixieLiterally the manpage for ext4.19:56
tomreynciby: please show the command you ran (to install nvidia-driver-430) and the output it produced then.19:57
cibysee paste.ubuntu.com/p/mYH6DMGYKJ19:58
cibythat was AFTER i did the update commands19:58
CheetahPixieI suggest you apt search for the missing packages.19:59
CheetahPixieOr perhaps give us the sources.list.19:59
tomreynso it's still the same output, i see. then run: sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-430 xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-430=430.26-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 libnvidia-cfg1-430=430.26-0ubuntu0.18.04.2) but it19:59
tomreynciby: ^20:00
tomreynignore "but it"20:00
CheetahPixieI get the feeling that this is missing sources.20:00
cibyhold up a minute, im looking at sources.list20:00
cibyin "additional drivers" theres two options20:01
tomreynciby: here's the proper command: sudo apt-get install nvidia-driver-430 xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-430=430.26-0ubuntu0.18.04.2 libnvidia-cfg1-430=430.26-0ubuntu0.18.04.220:01
tomreyngo on20:01
cibyone is "using nvidia driver metapackage from nvidia-driver-430 (proprietary, tested)"20:02
cibythis one is not checked out20:02
cibythe other one that IS checked is20:02
ciby"using X.org X server"20:03
tomreynyou can just upload a screenshot to imgur.com - or list the same uotput using the command line interfaces, ubuntu-drivers20:03
cibyeh ill just see what happens when i use your command20:04
cibyits done doing its stuff, what do i do now20:08
tomreynany warnings or errors there?20:09
tomreynif not, just reboot. if the system doesn't come up fine, boot with !nomodeset or !recovery20:10
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter20:10
ubottuIf your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode20:10
tomreynactually just recovery is fine, it does nomodeset also20:10
cibywarning: the home dir /nonexistent you specified cant be accessed: no such file or directory20:11
tomreynwhen recovery drops yoou to a shell, just type "exit" or ctrl-d20:11
tomreynciby: you'll need to post the full output due to the warnings20:12
cibyoh man20:13
tomreynlife can by tough if you chose to buy nvidia20:13
TJ-ciby: the /nonexistent warning can be safely ignored. The nvidia package .postinst script is creating a system user to run its processes under, which won't have a $HOME, so is using that as a placeholder in the command20:18
cibyam i restarting the computer now20:19
cibyill go ahead and do that20:23
tomreynstill looks like a packaging bug if it prints warnings about an expected situation20:24
tomreynbut certainly nothing critical here, right.20:25
cibyscreen resolution is back to normal thanks20:28
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
OerHeksciby, have fun!20:42
B|ack0pis there /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? if there is i cant find such file..21:43
B|ack0pby default?21:43
TJ-B|ack0p: not unless you create it, Xorg config is mostly automatic although there may be snippets in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/21:44
B|ack0pi installed some graphics drivers and in explanation it says me to edit xorg.conf but there is no such file21:44
B|ack0pTJ-: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sfjXwJdhBD/21:45
B|ack0pi dont understand how to apply this setup: # set up the xorg.conf file.21:46
B|ack0paticonfig --initial --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf21:46
TJ-B|ack0p: generally you can add that fragment as a file of its own, e.g. /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/fglrx.conf21:48
B|ack0pTJ-: how can i add? there is no such file21:50
TJ-B|ack0p:  as I said, you *create* it21:51
B|ack0pi created xorg.conf with nano , and then pasted Section parts21:55
B|ack0pin it21:55
B|ack0pthis https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/C62bs7CjK4/21:56
Bashing-omblazeme8: -Driver "fglrx"- has been depreciated for a few years now - What is it that you are trying to do ?21:57
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Bashing-omblazeme8: Opps ;; sorry for that bad highlight. B|ack0p  ^^ .21:58
B|ack0pBashing-om: i have an old ThinkPad but having issues with ubuntu 18.04-64bit21:59
B|ack0plooks like graphics issue but not sure..22:00
Bashing-omB|ack0p: maybe graphic's driver issue: what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?22:04
Bashing-omB|ack0p: FYI the AMD drivers are now in the kernel,22:05
B|ack0pBashing-om: i reported bug about my issues: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/183935322:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1839353 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Login screen and desktop corruption (18.04.2)" [Undecided,New]22:10
B|ack0pBashing-om: "sudo lshw -C display" shows: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VGkGPbc7gv/22:11
Bashing-omB|ack0p: "configuration: driver=radeon" The driver is loaded .. for your dispaly effects - if you create a new user account - is the desktop good for the added user ?22:16
B|ack0pBashing-om: never tried adding user22:16
B|ack0pdid u read bug report*22:17
Bashing-omblazeme8: Yup I read the report - still - isolate to a config issue in your present account - if the desktop is good in that added user's account then there is a config issue in "your" account.22:18
B|ack0pBashing-om: let me create another user then22:21
B|ack0pBashing-om: i created new user.22:22
Bashing-omB|ack0p: L) fastest and easyest way to start the troubleshooting .. be aware however I do not run Gnome as my DE and I may not be of much further help.22:23
B|ack0pby the way i installed unity-desktop, i dont see any corruption on unity but i am having other issues.. it just doesnt feel stable22:23
B|ack0pi like to stick to original as ubuntu comes with gnome now22:23
CheetahPixieOerHeks Dug up some extra info.22:24
B|ack0plet me restart and come with new user ok?22:24
CheetahPixieTo support casefolding on my Disco install, I need a 5.2 kernel first of all (as I knew before), but I also appear to need a newer e2fsprogs package out of the Eoan repos.22:24
CheetahPixie1.44.6 does not have casefolding, but 1.45.2 does.22:25
CheetahPixieAnd 1.45.2 is indeed what is currently bundled in Eoan.22:25
Bashing-omCheetahPixie: I have 19.10 installed in a test bed .. solid as a rock so far . maybe consider installeing Eoan ?22:26
OerHeksoke, so the feature is so new, i had not read about it too..22:26
TJ-casefolding was introduced to ext4 in v5.1rc322:28
OerHeksTJ-, info: CheetahPixie  needs this for Proton, which means I can't really modify existing wineprefixes that Steam hands out22:30
TJ-what is Proton?22:31
B|ack0pBashing-om: no difference22:32
B|ack0pi couldnt get login with new user22:32
B|ack0peven i type password it kept saying invalid password22:32
OerHekssteam play https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/22:32
Bashing-omB|ack0p: Password: check that caps and num lock are not active for the keyboard :) Or active as required !22:33
B|ack0plet me try again22:33
B|ack0pBashing-om: ok now switched to new user22:36
B|ack0pand no desktop corruption22:36
B|ack0pbut some other issues still exist22:37
Bashing-omB|ack0p: That ^ confirms is a config issue in "your" account. But I have no experience with Gnome to advise where to look :(22:38
TJ-$HOME/.xsession-errors ?22:38
B|ack0pBashing-om: but it has issues since fresh install today..22:39
B|ack0pnot edited config22:39
B|ack0pi will try something.. brb22:39
B|ack0phow can i get back default gnome lock screen? it seems after installing unity desktop it is gone..22:42
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B|ack0pBashing-om: wrong alarm :( it doesnt work with new user either.. previously i forgot to change desktop to default from unity .. unity is fine but issues are with gnome22:47
=== j3r3my31 is now known as jeremy31
B|ack0pi mean with unity i dont have corruption but gnome..22:48
OerHeksi am surprised that ATI x1300 still works22:48
CheetahPixieBashing-om Would if I wasn't questing for 30 days of uptime right now. Well, perhaps 31/32 days...22:48
B|ack0pOerHeks: yes at least it works but not properly..22:48
OerHeksit is good for 2d, not even youtube22:49
B|ack0pyoutube works, netflix works, other videos works..22:50
B|ack0pjust gnome doesnt22:50
B|ack0pi even play games on winxp22:50
CheetahPixieTJ- It's a Wine branch/superset offered by Valve for their Steam Play compatibility feature to run Windows games on non-Windows platforms.22:50
B|ack0pi sometimes regret not buying the model with Intel GMA.. they say Intel works better22:50
CheetahPixieIt also somewhat follows Wine's own versioning scheme.22:50
B|ack0pi thought ATI is better than Intel22:51
CheetahPixieProton 4.11, for instance, is based on Wine 4.11. Proton 4.2, Wine 4.2...22:51
CheetahPixieWith an extra dot for Proton patches.22:51
B|ack0pbut maybe i can replace motherboard with other 2nd hand thinkpad22:51
CheetahPixieB|ack0p You might be confusing AMD and ATI here. Terascale != GCN.22:51
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: what?22:51
B|ack0pATI is brand of AMD as i know?22:52
CheetahPixieAMD bought ATI.22:52
B|ack0pyes i know22:52
CheetahPixieBut this happened so far back that, if you have an ATI branded GPU, it is not the GCN architecture which was made/pushed out under AMD leadership, and after ATI products started to be badged under AMD.22:52
B|ack0pOerHeks: is my issue hopeless?22:52
Bashing-omB|ack0p: NO - AMD bought out ATI years ago .. and completly changed things :)22:52
CheetahPixieWhich means you most likely have Terascale or earlier.22:52
CheetahPixieWhich is... not exactly supported today in Ubuntu.22:53
CheetahPixieFor something this old, I would suggest Debian instead.22:53
B|ack0pBashing-om: how many years ago? hope before 2006 :p22:53
B|ack0pbut it seems not helping my issue22:53
B|ack0pso what can i do?22:53
CheetahPixieIt would explain why your hardware is broken on GNOME, this being a lack of support.22:53
CheetahPixieDid you try a different desktop?22:54
B|ack0plenovo bought thinkpads, amd bought ati ..22:54
B|ack0pi have ibm model with ati22:54
CheetahPixieYes. This is very old.22:54
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: yes unity working better but slower22:54
B|ack0pand some issues22:54
CheetahPixieYour only real chance of getting good drivers for that stuff these days is by switching over to Debian.22:54
B|ack0pif it was Intel GMA was it better?22:54
CheetahPixieAnd the unstable branch thereof.22:54
CheetahPixieIntel's own integrated GPUs have for a while been *relatively* the same, enough so to be covered by one driver.22:55
B|ack0pIntel GMA 950 vs ATI mobility radeon x130022:55
CheetahPixieThis driver recently got an upgrade, namely SNA, which speeds 2D things up a metric crapton, and makes them sorta semi usable for Youtube in my own experience.22:55
B|ack0por 945. not sure22:55
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: but i can watch HD youtube videos?22:56
Bashing-omB|ack0p: Were me with nothing to loose - I would start all over from a new fresh clean ( verified md5sum) install. I did run that X1300 driver for some time - I now have a new(er) nvidia card that runs circles over that ATI card !22:56
CheetahPixieYou won't be able to watch *anything* approaching HD on either.22:56
B|ack0pBashing-om: this is the desktop now: https://i.postimg.cc/SNb5LbMP/Screenshot-from-2019-08-11-01-49-18.png22:56
OerHeksLenovo ThinkPad T60 screen resolution 1400 x 1050 ..22:56
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: trying is free22:57
CheetahPixieThere's also that.22:57
CheetahPixieTrying is free, but if your screen doesn't even do HD... what's the use?22:57
B|ack0pOerHeks: not mine. mine is standart 1024x76822:57
CheetahPixieWell, the use is cleaner video due to higher bandwidth limits on higher resolutions22:57
OerHeksoh.. yeah, x130022:57
CheetahPixiebut your hardware most likely does not have even close to the grunt to actually decode that resolution.22:57
OerHeksboat anchor, coaster, doorstopper22:58
B|ack0pi opened 1080p video on youtube.. playing but not actually 1080p for me ofcourse22:58
CheetahPixieAnd if you can *do* 1080p on that screen, and it isn't hiccupping to kingdom come, then you're good at least for that.22:59
CheetahPixieI would also suggest h264ify if running Chrome.22:59
CheetahPixieMeans you'd get properly accelerated video.22:59
CheetahPixieto be expected, except at that point you may as well ask kdenlive to export to .pptx.22:59
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: https://i.postimg.cc/9QgHYNVq/Screenshot-from-2019-08-11-02-00-02.png23:00
CheetahPixieSure, but how smooth is it?23:00
B|ack0pno lagging.. heating a bit but not lagging23:01
B|ack0pvery very smooth23:01
CheetahPixieNo dropped frames?23:01
CheetahPixieI wonder what glxinfo shows...23:01
B|ack0pthat s why i insist about desktop issues..23:02
B|ack0pi dont still beleive ATI x1300 that bad..23:02
B|ack0pi read some reviews comparing Intel GMA and ATI shows much better with 3D support23:02
CheetahPixieIt is.23:02
CheetahPixieWith 3D support.23:02
CheetahPixieIt is a faster chip overall than Intel's own integrated stuff.23:03
CheetahPixieBut these days? It's still bad.23:03
B|ack0palso this laptop is sold about 3k USD when it first released23:03
CheetahPixieYes, and?23:03
B|ack0pit was great laptop23:03
CheetahPixieDoesn't mean it's great now.23:03
B|ack0pand what?23:03
CheetahPixieThe fact it sold for 3K new means nothing.23:03
B|ack0pnot now but it is still hard as rock and usable23:03
CheetahPixieThe fact that it *was* great means nothing.23:03
CheetahPixieIt's usable, yes.23:03
CheetahPixieBut by today's standards, it's slow.23:03
CheetahPixieI can use a Pentium 3 just fine.23:03
CheetahPixieBut it's slow.23:03
B|ack0pi upgraded CPU to c2d with 64bit support23:03
B|ack0pbut somehow ubuntu 64bit doesnt work23:04
B|ack0pi beleive other retros may work23:04
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: this is not slow beleive me23:04
CheetahPixieIs the laptop UEFI capable?23:04
CheetahPixieOh, it is slow. Believe you me.23:04
B|ack0pjust having awkward issues..23:04
CheetahPixieAwkward issues mostly relating to age, I would guess.23:04
B|ack0pit s linux not windows23:04
CheetahPixieLinux is not a literal savior.23:05
B|ack0plinux always smooth comparing windows23:05
B|ack0pand it is fast23:05
B|ack0pi feel the difference now23:05
B|ack0pit s as fast as my other x230 laptop with i523:05
CheetahPixieIt is always smooth, but the fact your hardware is so old that it is **no longer supported by Ubuntu proper** should give you a clue or two about its age actually being a potential factor for your issues.23:05
CheetahPixieAnd no, it's not "as fast".23:05
CheetahPixieIt's much slower, if actual work is being done.23:05
B|ack0pi am not doing 3d modelling right now23:06
B|ack0pi want desktop works properly23:06
CheetahPixieThen your only real option is newer hardware, or not using Gnome.23:06
B|ack0pand i insist on ubuntu 64bit not other distro :/23:06
CheetahPixieThen you're stuck with what you have.23:06
CheetahPixieBut out of sheer curiosity23:06
CheetahPixiepastebin the result of this command: glxinfo | head -n 35023:06
Bashing-omB|ack0p: Another thought - Trying to cram 7 pounds of sugar in a 5 pound sack ? How much ram is on-board ? as ubuntu needs 4 Gigs for a good experience.23:06
B|ack0pi guess ubuntu following trend also..23:06
CheetahPixieFollowing what trend?23:07
B|ack0p4gigs wow23:07
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: fancy modern trend23:07
CheetahPixie"fancy modern trend", as in?23:07
B|ack0p2gb iso with a lot of needs23:07
B|ack0pbecoming heavy OS23:07
CheetahPixieUbuntu is built for modern systems.23:07
CheetahPixieI've been telling you to go for Debian for a while now.23:07
CheetahPixieBut you insist on running distributions that assume the hardware that they run on is modern, and not 10+ years old.23:08
B|ack0pi dont want but i will try that23:08
CheetahPixieYou want to run hardware this old, you want to run distros specifically made for hardware this old.23:08
CheetahPixieOf which the Ubuntu family is *not* one of.23:08
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: i beleive there is simple solution for that.. but nobody bothering since it is 10+ yrs laptop23:08
CheetahPixieThe simple solution is switch distributions.23:08
CheetahPixieIt's not that we don't bother because the hardware is old.23:08
jeremy31Or upgrade video card23:09
CheetahPixieI in fact *do* bother to do this stuff myself.23:09
B|ack0pBashing-om: i put 4gb ram but chipset limits max 3gb23:09
B|ack0pjeremy31: i wish but it is onboard23:09
CheetahPixieThat's not the chipset's fault.23:09
B|ack0pthey say so not an expert23:09
CheetahPixieThey who?23:09
CheetahPixieYeah. I can tell you just from what I know about how 32 bit works as a whole that that is indeed not the case.23:09
CheetahPixiePart of the 2³² address space used by 32 bit systems is occupied by system ancillaries.23:10
CheetahPixieThis is things like the GPU.23:10
B|ack0pbut i upgraded to 64bit cpu23:10
CheetahPixieYou're still running a 32 bit system.23:10
B|ack0pi installed 64bit linux23:10
CheetahPixieOS != processor.23:10
CheetahPixieYou said you couldn't install 64 bit?23:11
B|ack0pyes T7200 c2d is 64bit23:11
B|ack0pi didnt say that23:11
CheetahPixieYou did.23:11
CheetahPixieAlso, I'm still waiting on the glxinfo pastebin.23:11
B|ack0pi said i upgraded to 64bit cpu23:11
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: what s the command to get it?23:11
CheetahPixieglxinfo | head -n 35023:12
CheetahPixieCheetahPixie 23:11:25Also, I'm still waiting on the glxinfo pastebin.BB|ack0p 23:11:27i said i upgraded to 64bit cpuCheetahPixie: what s the command to get it?CCheetahPixie 23:12:14glxinfo | head -n 350Unread MessagesBB|ack0p 23:12:45ok1168 people herehttps://i.postimg.cc/fWHytPNv/image.png23:13
CheetahPixiewoah, whoops23:13
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tSJsXzWqm6/23:13
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: i mean doesnt work properly with this awkward issues23:14
B|ack0prunning 64bit at the moment. i didnt say i couldnt install23:14
CheetahPixieSo do you know what OpenGL GNOME depends on?23:15
B|ack0platest fancy graphics cards?23:15
CheetahPixieWhat OpenGL version GNOME depends on.23:15
CheetahPixieIf it depends on anything newer than 2.1, then you're out of luck with GNOME.23:15
B|ack0pi dont know23:15
CheetahPixieWhich means that those graphical issues might be a result of your GPU being literally incapable of doing the stuff that GNOME is requesting.23:16
B|ack0panother thing insisting about latest 64bit is ubuntu is going to finish 32bit support23:16
B|ack0pso instead of giving up ubuntu i may give up gnome23:17
B|ack0pbut i will push for solution23:17
B|ack0pabout original built23:17
CheetahPixieI would suggest trying Lubuntu, or the LXDE session thereof.23:17
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: did u check glxinfo?23:17
CheetahPixieI looked over it.23:18
B|ack0pOpenGL version string: 2.1 Mesa 18.0.523:18
CheetahPixieAnd it's telling me that your driver/hardware is only capable of up to OpenGL 2.1 or GLES 2.0.23:18
CheetahPixieWhich means: if something requires GL/ES versions newer than this, your computer will not run it successfully.23:19
CheetahPixiehttps://wiki.gnome.org/GraphicsRequirements Taking a look over this, and I see there are three required extensions not bundled in any OGL spec.23:20
Bashing-omB|ack0p: +1 on (l)ubuntu - or (x)ubuntu - both are "Lubuntu is a faster, more lightweight and energy saving variant of Ubuntu using LXDE, the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. It is targeted at "normal" PC and laptop users running on low-spec hardware."23:20
CheetahPixie...of which you have all three. hm.23:20
B|ack0pBashing-om: i tried lubuntu and i didnt like it..23:21
CheetahPixieWhy not?23:21
B|ack0pi am use to original ubuntu23:21
Bashing-omB|ack0p: I personally run a varient of xubuntu - because I do like it :P23:21
CheetahPixieExcept Gnome is commonly regarded as a bad overall DE.23:21
CheetahPixieAnd the "I do not like it because it is not familiar to me" excuse is not really valid.23:22
B|ack0pnever mind.. if my specs cover all 3 requirements why not working?23:22
CheetahPixieYou probably had the same feeling coming from Windows, yes?23:22
CheetahPixieWell, it would be great to have a copy of your Xorg.log.23:22
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: only feeling with windows is old games now working on 1023:22
B|ack0pthey didnt include something in their kernel which makes playing old games possible.. i dont know23:23
B|ack0pthat s one of the reasons i got this old laptop to install xp and linux23:23
CheetahPixieAs in, you probably disliked GNOME coming from Windows because you were not used to it.23:23
CheetahPixieSame deal from GNOME to any other desktop.23:23
CheetahPixieIt's a learning curve, as everything is.23:23
B|ack0pwell i like gnome in ubuntu 10 era, then i didnt like unity..23:24
B|ack0pnow i like unity and dislike gnome23:24
B|ack0pi just dont like radical changes..23:24
CheetahPixieI mean, I migrated to KDE due to limitations in both GNOME and Unity.23:24
B|ack0pfor example (i know off topic) but lenovo dramatically changed thinkpads design which i hate23:24
CheetahPixieThe thing that would probably perform by far the fastest on your hardware might be Wayland anything, including KDE.23:25
CheetahPixieBut for simplicity's sake, I'd highly suggest either XFCE or LXDE.23:25
B|ack0pi m beginner so i dont know the difference. i just look at design mostly23:25
B|ack0pi like ubuntu desktop design all purple and orange colors23:25
CheetahPixieSo why not theme LXDE/XFCE to match?23:26
B|ack0pif i can23:26
B|ack0pyesterday i tried to install xubuntu desktop23:26
CheetahPixieYou can.23:26
B|ack0pand ambiance theme23:26
B|ack0pbut it doesn look original23:26
B|ack0psome icons correct some not23:26
CheetahPixieNo theme looks original.23:26
B|ack0plooks like patched old cloth23:26
B|ack0pi dont like it23:26
CheetahPixieWhat are you expecting?23:26
CheetahPixieDid you try xubuntu-session?23:27
B|ack0pi d like light weight desktop with ubuntu theme23:27
CheetahPixieSo... Xubuntu or Lubuntu.23:27
B|ack0pi tried desktop only23:27
CheetahPixieThey both have Ubuntu themes.23:27
B|ack0pif i install lubuntu can i make it look exactly ubuntu?23:27
CheetahPixieWell, not the orange color stuff, but they do indeed have a complete theme.23:27
CheetahPixieExactly like Ubuntu, how so?23:27
CheetahPixieSide bar and all?23:27
B|ack0pand colors23:28
CheetahPixieThis is like asking for a Mars bar and expecting it to be Snickers23:28
B|ack0ptop bar icons i mean.. not folder.23:28
CheetahPixieNeither has a fixed "top bar".23:28
B|ack0pis there any cure for my current issues?23:28
CheetahPixieChange desktops or distros.23:29
B|ack0pnot that23:29
CheetahPixieOr give me the xorg log as I asked for earlier.23:29
B|ack0pi mean real solution23:29
B|ack0phow to get it*23:29
CheetahPixieYes, the real solution is change desktops or distros.23:29
CheetahPixieI'm not joking.23:29
CheetahPixieIt's located in /var/log.23:29
B|ack0pi installed many drivers23:29
B|ack0pto try23:29
CheetahPixie>many drivers23:29
CheetahPixieAnd therein lies your issue.23:29
B|ack0pxorg0 - 1?23:30
B|ack0pold ?23:30
B|ack0pthere are 3 logs23:30
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: yes i had to try what i can get.. but nothing fixed23:30
B|ack0pit is same corruption since i fresh installed23:30
CheetahPixieA mess of drivers might be a big part of this issue.23:30
CheetahPixieXorg.0.log and Xorg.1.log.23:30
B|ack0pthis is xorg0: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gM9SfsStqP/23:31
B|ack0pthis is xorg1: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bnTd8MnFcx/23:32
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: did u read my bug report?23:33
* B|ack0p brb to kitchen23:33
=== bildramer1 is now known as bildramer
CheetahPixieDoes it contain anything of any detail?23:34
CheetahPixieMy second hunch might be that you're running on Wayland.23:37
CheetahPixieBut considering it probably doesn't ship by default, this is unlikely.23:38
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: back23:39
B|ack0pit is not wayland23:39
B|ack0pit is default ubuntu23:40
B|ack0pfresh installed today.23:40
B|ack0pand after that i installed unity and some drivers to test23:40
CheetahPixiewhich drivers exactly?23:41
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/183935323:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1839353 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Login screen and desktop corruption (18.04.2)" [Undecided,New]23:41
B|ack0pi dont remember which drivers now..23:43
B|ack0psomething about frgl23:44
CheetahPixieDo not try to install those on anything new.23:45
CheetahPixieThat is asking for issues.23:45
CheetahPixieAlso, the reason you're missing transparency is definitely the age of the relevant hardware.23:45
B|ack0ptransparency came back with fresh install23:46
B|ack0pit didnt work on live usb but fresh install brings back transparenc23:46
B|ack0pwallpapers, icons and texts are getting corrupted and i cant get on screen indicator symbols working23:47
CheetahPixieI mean23:47
CheetahPixieat this point, it seems like that old GPU might be dying.23:47
OerHeksjust accept it is not worth the time and effort23:47
TJ-corrupted display can also be due to extreme (VRAM) pressure23:48
B|ack0pi still think ubuntu denies this laptop..23:48
TJ-I've seen that in the past with nvidia GPUs and KDE compositing for example23:48
B|ack0pand another issue with external monitor23:49
B|ack0pok sorry bothering you with my issues..23:49
CheetahPixieright now, I would suggest you run a suite of GPU testing tools.23:50
B|ack0pwhich one?23:50
B|ack0ptesting with glmark2 now23:57

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