
mwhudsonhow do you edit a patch with git-dpm?22:57
mwhudsonoh rebase23:06
anon^_^hi, had a question about a really nasty upstream bug23:51
ubottuDebian bug 898085 in dirmngr "gnupg: gpg --search-keys and parcimonie don't work: Tor misconfigured/keyserver EPERM" [Important,Fixed]23:51
anon^_^if tor is installed in 18.04, it breaks gpg add key functions23:53
anon^_^not documented very well at all23:53
rbasak!ask | anon^_^23:54
ubottuanon^_^: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:54
anon^_^dirmngr by default passes all key lookups through tor, the key lookup process fails completely even if adding "SocksPort 53 IPv6Traffic" to /etc/tor/torrc then restarting tor23:56
anon^_^create $HOME/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf, add "no-use-tor" parameter to .conf, save, then reload dirmngr23:58
anon^_^results in the following23:58

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