
knightwisehey brobostigon06:34
knightwisehow are you mab06:34
brobostigonmorning, not bad, and you?06:38
knightwisehey brobostigon , at a second hand sale with the wife09:23
knightwisebooped some free wifi in the street and ssh'd into the home machine09:24
brobostigoni hope you find some good things, :)09:26
knightwiseShe's selling :)09:27
knightwisecleaning up the old wardrobe09:27
knightwiseGonna install Kali in a Vm on my lappie and snoop around09:27
zmoylan-picue the hackers soundtrack as the hackers around the world do the big hack in various outdoor settings :-)10:11
zmoylan-pilet's go!10:11
zmoylan-pifor linux magazine fans... remember those, like broken kindles stuck together... :-P https://secure2.linuxjournal.com/pdf/dljdownload.php19:28

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