
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: result of glmark2 : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/36pxnK7S58/00:02
CheetahPixieB|ack0p I was gonna suggest something like furmark.00:17
CheetahPixieI want you to look out for graphical glitches.00:17
mcmxI'm on 19.04, I just did `sudo apt install python3.8` and then I did `sudo apt remove python3.7` and there's a huge list of stuff that's going to be deleted, this seems wrong. what should I do?00:18
CheetahPixieScreenshot or pastebin please.00:18
mcmxI guess I mis-charactarized the situation a bit00:19
mcmxThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:00:19
mcmxis a big list00:19
CheetahPixiewhat else have you uninstalled recently?00:20
mcmx(grepping for apt-get remove shows nothing libx11-dev a month ago)00:22
mcmxshould be a colon after nothing00:22
CheetahPixieare you sure python3.7 is not essential to the system?00:23
CheetahPixieI don't believe it would be nuking X11 libraries otherwise.00:23
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: ok00:23
mcmxno I have no idea, it obviously shouldn't be but idk if ubuntu is properly set up for the next python version yet00:24
mcmxas in 3.8 and 3.7 are backwards compatible00:24
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: furmark is not compatible with linux i guess00:25
CheetahPixie...it is00:26
CheetahPixieor at least so am I led to believe by some pages.00:26
CheetahPixieWell, gputest has a furmark equivalent.00:27
B|ack0pyes i am running gputest now00:33
CheetahPixieFurmark one?00:33
B|ack0pgputest 0.700:33
CheetahPixieYes, but are you running the furmark one?00:34
B|ack0plinux 6400:34
B|ack0pyes furmark00:34
CheetahPixieBut there are several tests.00:34
CheetahPixieAny graphical glitches?00:34
B|ack0pit shows same triangle for 3 mins00:34
CheetahPixie...you're not running the furmark one.00:34
B|ack0pi downloaded this https://www.geeks3d.com/dl/show/39200:35
CheetahPixieThere are several tests.00:36
CheetahPixieYou're running the wrong one.00:36
B|ack0pwhich one is correct?00:38
UnixEngWhat’s the question?00:38
CheetahPixieFurmark, again.00:38
B|ack0pit addresses the version i downloaded00:39
CheetahPixie...Look inside the folder of the thing you just downloaded.00:40
CheetahPixieThere are several tests.00:40
CheetahPixieRun the furmark one.00:40
B|ack0pit was zip folder and when i extracted there is only 1 file executable which i ran00:41
B|ack0pit says gputest00:41
B|ack0pthere s no furmark executable file00:41
B|ack0pall .sh or related files00:41
CheetahPixieThose .sh files are stuff you can run.00:41
mcmxso how do I undo removing all these packages? or is this fine? https://www.pastery.net/styssk/00:41
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: Yes there are... you can launch the other tests by using "sh start_..." to launch the test00:41
CheetahPixieExctract them all.00:41
CheetahPixiemcmx One more question: did you upgrade Ubuntu versions recently?00:42
CheetahPixieOr by hand.00:42
B|ack0pok found00:42
B|ack0p.sh or so files00:42
pragmaticenigma.sh files00:42
B|ack0pstart furmark benchmark00:42
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: run "sh start_furmark_benchmark_fullscreen_1920x1080.sh"00:43
mcmxno, I've been on 19.04 for a while, I ran an update (like all the update commands) like a month ago00:43
B|ack0phow can i run?00:43
CheetahPixieYou were literally just told how.00:43
Bashing-ommcmx: "and 30 not upgraded." suggest that you need to ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ' - then consider following the package managers advise to "autoremove" .00:44
CheetahPixiemcmx Then I have not a clue.00:44
coz_sh start_...00:44
B|ack0pin terminal00:44
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: You use the terminal to launch these applications... figured that was pretty obvious when someone gives you a text command00:45
mcmxokay thanks00:45
mcmxI'm going to reinstall python3 just to be safe...00:45
coz_B|ack0p, cd to the location of the start file,00:45
B|ack0p:~/Downloads/gputest$ start_furmark_windowed_1024x640.sh00:45
B|ack0pstart_furmark_windowed_1024x640.sh: command not found00:45
coz_B|ack0p, right click that file and check permissions00:46
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: PUT THE EXACT TEXT I GAVE INSIDE THE QUOTES... we can't hold your hand for each and every step00:46
B|ack0p:~/Downloads/gputest$ run "start_furmark_windowed_1024x640.sh"00:46
B|ack0pCommand 'run' not found, did you mean00:47
mcmxI wish there was a program that would let me specify which minor version of some other program I want, instead of having to wait until someone upgrades which minor version a major version points to00:47
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: I said INSIDE THE QUOTES00:47
mcmxmaybe I'd call it a "managare of packages" or something00:47
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: "sh start_furmark_benchmark_fullscreen_1920x1080.sh"00:47
coz_B|ack0p, or try ./start_furmark...........00:48
pragmaticenigmacoz_: Please stop00:48
coz_pragmaticenigma, beg your pardon, no00:48
B|ack0pnot working00:49
pragmaticenigmacoz_: You jumped in the middle and haven't been following along00:49
coz_pragmaticenigma, perhaps BUT I will not tolerate rudeness00:49
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: "sh start_furmark_benchmark_fullscreen_1920x1080.sh"00:50
B|ack0ppc got freeze00:53
B|ack0pi had to hard reset00:53
B|ack0p./start... seems to be working00:53
B|ack0plet me try again00:53
B|ack0pscreen resolution is not 1080p so i will try 1024 windowed00:54
mcmxCheetahPixie: about to restart my machine, if I don't come back, just know I'm cursing your name00:54
mcmxjk, thanks for the help :)00:54
B|ack0pwhen i run the command it gives this error but starts the test anyway: :~/Downloads/gputest$ ./start_furmark_windowed_1024x640.sh00:56
B|ack0psh: 1: aticonfig: not found00:56
B|ack0pcat: /proc/ati/0/biosversion: No such file or directory00:56
B|ack0pis it ok?00:56
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: it is probing for drivers and configuration tools, that is saying that there are no ATI proprietary drivers installed. If you are seeing an a circular "furry" object in the middle of screen floating through what appears to be a tunnel, it is working00:59
B|ack0pCheetahPixie: it gets freezes after starts in few mins01:01
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: it is probing for drivers and configuration tools, that is saying that there are no ATI proprietary drivers installed. If you are seeing an a circular "furry" object in the middle of screen floating through what appears to be a tunnel, it is working01:01
B|ack0pit turns all black window01:02
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: that fury object is not floating, it is stable01:02
B|ack0pit shows 2-3 times and then screen turns all black without windowed mode01:02
B|ack0pit seems something wrong01:02
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: Yes, something is wrong, what graphics card are you using?01:03
furyI'm far from stable01:03
B|ack0pati mobility radeon x130001:03
B|ack0pfury: lol01:03
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: i know very old graphics..01:04
B|ack0pmaybe it cant handle the test01:04
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: if it is more than 5 years old, then the experiences you have described earlier are do to the card not being able to handle the instructions the window compositor is sending01:07
B|ack0pit is 13 yrs old01:08
B|ack0pso ubuntu doesnt support 5 yrs old machines01:09
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: Which is why a few people both today and in the past have suggested you look into running Lubuntu or Xubuntu. Both are developed and desiged to be more compatible with resource restrictive hardware. You had also mentioned you didn't like change. Lubuntu and Xubuntu interfaces have remained unchanged since Ubuntu 12.04. Coloring and some small style elements have been modified, but the overall experience has reamined01:09
pragmaticenigmaunchaged in that entire timeline01:09
B|ack0phow unchanged, they look different01:10
B|ack0pok i will install lubuntu or debian01:10
B|ack0pdebian also using gnome01:10
B|ack0pwill i have similar problems with debian 10 also?01:11
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: In of themselves they have not changed. Lubuntu tends to have a more MS Windows experience and feel, while XFCE has had a more Gnome experience and feel.01:11
coz_there is also Mate01:11
mcmxwell, I no longer have an x server...01:12
mcmxit's just the TTY01:12
mcmxat least my system isn't bricked, which is nice01:12
pragmaticenigmamcmx: Did you run the autoremove function in apt?01:14
mcmxhow do I reinstall all the essential x packages and stuff?01:16
mcmxlike all the default Ubuntu Desktop packages?01:16
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: when you reinstall, do not attempt to install proprietary drivers for your system. your card is old enough that the opensource drivers included with Ubuntu and its flavors will be more than enough to use the card. You will also experience less issues with the opensource drivers with a video card that old01:18
Bashing-ommcmx: Do not know if will help - but : ' sudo apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop ' .01:19
pragmaticenigmamcmx: What Bashing-om suggests will do the trick, ubuntu-desktop is a meta package that defines all the needed packages for Ubuntu desktop gui01:19
mcmxokay thanks01:20
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: except this annoying corruptions ubuntu working fine01:21
B|ack0pi tried 16.04-32bit it worked fine also01:21
B|ack0pi wonder what s the difference with 18.04 and later distros01:21
B|ack0pand 64bit since my cpu is 6401:22
B|ack0pwhen i tried 32bit my cpu was 32bit also01:22
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: what CPU is in that machine?01:22
B|ack0pit was core duo t2400 but upgraded to c2d t7200 few days ago01:23
B|ack0pto be able to install 64bit ubuntu but failed01:23
B|ack0pi mean installed without problem but facing these annoying corruption problems01:23
B|ack0pi have thinkpad t400 with c2d p8400 and gma45 graphics which runs 18.04 without problem01:24
B|ack0pt400 is 2008 model and current machine is 200601:24
B|ack0pthere shouldnt be such difference..01:25
mcmxand we're back, thanks guys01:25
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: That would lead me to believe there is something wrong with the CPU... that is to say, it might have some damage depending on how it was transported and cared for before it went into the current machine01:26
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: how comes?01:26
B|ack0pwell i replaced thermal pads and paste but cpu is super heating01:27
B|ack0pi considered it is normal ..01:27
B|ack0pbut not normal it can easily jump to 80s and i saw 97C01:27
B|ack0pit runs problems normal so i am not sure if it has problem01:28
B|ack0pi installed winxp and can play games on it01:28
B|ack0pdual booting with ubuntu now01:28
coz_B|ack0p, what pragmaticenigma said is certainly possible, I would retstart, go into the bios to be sure that CPU is rgeconiized, and check online to see if bios update is available for that motherboard01:31
B|ack0pcoz_: yes bios recognises cpu and bios is up to date. it was the first thing to update bios after i bought this laptop..01:31
coz_B|ack0p, you may have to update  the bios via windows01:32
B|ack0punfortunately bios latest update was 2011 version01:32
coz_if there is one01:32
B|ack0pcoz_: i did01:32
coz_B|ack0p, ah ok01:32
B|ack0pwhen i first got this laptop 2-3 weeks ago win7 was installed01:32
B|ack0pand first thing when i brought home was to update bios01:32
coz_B|ack0p, was the cpu new?01:33
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: 100'C is where failure would occur (or hopefully gets throttled down) with that specific CPU. So if it is routinely reaching 97'C then it is very likely that the CPU is trying to thermally protect itself from overheating, causing the behavior you are seeing01:33
B|ack0pthen few days ago i ordered used t7200 to make it 64bit01:33
B|ack0pcoz_: no it is old cpu and not new01:33
B|ack0pbut bios recognises01:33
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: well it has been told to me t7xxx series will heat too much after t240001:34
B|ack0pi was expecting high but not 90s01:34
B|ack0pidle is lowest 60-65 degrees01:34
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: the other potential issue is the motherboard may not have the voltages set correctly. Those two processors have very different voltage requirements01:35
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: current temps: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kx4bcpyH6J/01:35
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: i used some softwares to undervolt but it decreases cpu clock about half so i didnt use it01:36
B|ack0pi installed tpfan control01:36
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: The t7200 requires more voltage, if you under voltaged that CPU, there is a high probability that it is damaged01:37
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: disregard the voltage difference, I misread the spec... they have different minimum voltages, they max out at the same high voltage of 1.301:38
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: actually i dont know how to undervolt.. i used a software called NHC something and played some settings01:39
B|ack0pthere was an option to set the voltage about 0.92 something01:39
coz_B|ack0p, out of curiosity, did you purchase this cpu online, given to you, or taken from one of your own systems?01:39
B|ack0pbut when i set it , it decreases cpu clock half01:39
B|ack0pcoz_: i purchased online01:40
B|ack0pbeleive me i found only 2 cpus in same spec in online 2nd hand stores01:40
B|ack0pi was looking for t7600 which is max t60 supports but i could find 2 t720001:40
B|ack0pi ordered online01:41
B|ack0pin my country01:41
B|ack0pin ebay u can find many01:41
B|ack0pbut ebay doesnt work here01:41
coz_B|ack0p, always risky doing that, which country?01:41
coz_ah ok01:41
B|ack0palways risky but for old cpu where can i get else*01:41
coz_B|ack0p, true01:41
B|ack0ppeople sell their laptop when they get old01:41
B|ack0pthey dont keep cpu01:42
B|ack0pand computer stores which trade second hand keeps them01:42
B|ack0pthey keep parts01:42
B|ack0pi am lucky i found t720001:42
B|ack0pi made it to get 64bit support and get laptop faster01:42
B|ack0pand it got faster but more heat01:42
B|ack0pubuntu 16.04 - 32bit ran very laggy with original cpu t240001:43
coz_B|ack0p, and did you try ubuntu 16.04 with the cpu?01:43
B|ack0pand this cpu is lagging on winxp if i connect to internet and open some tabs on firefox01:43
B|ack0pbut in ubuntu it is fine. i can even watch youtube in 1080p01:44
B|ack0pcoz_: i tried live usb01:44
B|ack0pi fresh installed 19.04 but same01:44
B|ack0p04:37 < pragmaticenigma> B|ack0p: The t7200 requires more voltage, if you under voltaged that CPU, there is a high probability that it is damaged01:45
B|ack0pops sorry01:45
coz_B|ack0p, and the live 16.04 usb, did it run well on the new cpu?01:45
B|ack0pi didnt paste it intendently01:45
B|ack0ptouch pad kept it in memory i guess01:45
B|ack0por ubuntu did it itself O.o01:45
B|ack0pcoz_: yes both 16.04/18.04/19.04 runs well with live usb01:46
B|ack0pjust no transparency effects noticed01:46
B|ack0pon dock and top bar01:46
B|ack0pcoz_: are the temps normal? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kx4bcpyH6J/01:46
coz_B|ack0p, I dont use amd, however the highest normal temps appear tp be  95C01:48
B|ack0pit is intel cpu01:48
B|ack0pamd ati is gpu01:49
coz_B|ack0p, ah ok hold on01:49
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: Alpha channeling on that old of GPU is going to be very limited. The Live USB runs with the opensource drivers, which is why it appeared to run without issue. I wouldn't recommend installing any proprietary ATI specific drivers. If you're going after visual effects, the only way to fix that is to buy a newer computer (assuming this is a laptop we are working with here)01:49
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: lol i already have 2 more laptops..01:50
B|ack0pwhy i insist on this old laptop is still i dont consider it too old01:50
coz_B|ack0p, 85C for low end intel cpu, I certainly wouldnt go higher01:50
B|ack0pand problem seems small not major graphical issues..01:50
coz_B|ack0p, you are talking cpu, yes?01:51
B|ack0pcoz_: with pragmaticenigma i am talking gpu but with you cpu01:51
coz_ah ok  got a better picture01:51
coz_B|ack0p, I wish you luck, I have to go01:52
B|ack0pi think problem is old ati cards have bad reputation and dont have enough support01:52
B|ack0pintel cards dont have problem even they are old01:52
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: The "ATI Mobility Radeon X1400" that is in that machine is best served by the opensource drivers. I have a similar class ATI card and the proprietary drivers do the same thing on my machines if I do anything but let Ubuntu run with its default opensource driver01:53
B|ack0phow will i find open source drivers*01:53
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: You won't get all the special desktop effects, but in my opinion better to have a machine that runs, than one that runs with glitches01:53
B|ack0pi installed mesa drivers01:53
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: You don't install any drivers, modprobe will use the best match it has01:53
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: without installing any driver, unity desktop already providing better effects01:54
B|ack0pat least no corruption with unity desktop and lightdm login01:54
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: exactly, which means don't worry about installing any graphics drivers for that machine. What ubuntu already has built in, is good enough for your machine01:54
B|ack0pbut unity feels a bit heavy comparing gnome01:54
B|ack0ppragmaticenigma: what do u think about not viewing on screen indicator symbols such as volume controls ?01:55
B|ack0pthat s another issue01:55
B|ack0pindicator symbols not appearing01:55
B|ack0pnot even in unity01:56
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: Live without them, if the software buttons at least perform there function, then I'd leave it there01:56
B|ack0pyes volume buttons works but it is difficult to get which level of sound i have01:56
B|ack0pi d like to see01:56
B|ack0pcoz_ thanks by the way.. late01:58
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: For ubuntu 18.04 and up, Unity isn't being developed by Canonical anymore. It's now a community effort, you can try the #ubuntu-unity channel for help there and see if they have some options for you01:59
B|ack0ponly 21 ppl in there01:59
B|ack0pother desktops also not developed by canonical02:00
B|ack0pxfce kde ..etc02:00
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: You're now moving off topic02:00
B|ack0pok sorry02:01
pragmaticenigmaB|ack0p: It's not the number of people in a room that you should be concerned about, but the quality of the answers that can be provided. I'm offering a resource that appears to be better suited for your question02:01
B|ack0pthanks i will ask but later..02:01
B|ack0pit s very late here i will go soon02:02
B|ack0pthank you for your helps really02:02
B|ack0pok good nite all02:07
B|ack0pthanks for your supports02:07
B|ack0pand helps02:07
transhumanistHi! VNC-server to vnc-client gets black screen server is on ubuntu 18.04 client is on windows 1002:17
transhumanistthanks in advance02:17
pragmaticenigmatranshumanist: what VNC service are you using on Ubuntu?02:18
transhumanisttightvncserver and xrp02:20
pragmaticenigmatranshumanist: what program are you using for a client on Windows... xrdp is not VNC, tightvncserver and xrdp provide two very differnt services02:22
transhumanistvnc viewer02:22
transhumanistor windows rdp client neither works02:22
transhumanistI would take any known good directions02:23
transhumanistso if you can recommend directions that work for any of them then please share...thanks!02:23
pragmaticenigmatranshumanist: pick one or the other...02:23
transhumanistI have tried like 6 different sets of directions02:23
pragmaticenigmaTo start, Ubuntu Desktop comes with a VNC server already preinstalled and ready to go. It sometimes neesd a small settings file tweak to work with remote VNC clients02:24
transhumanistreally? ok I will look for directions for built in vnc server for ubuntu02:25
pragmaticenigmatranshumanist: If you have installed any VNC servers or RDP servers, uninstall them first... trying one thing, failing and then going on to the next means that you probably have conflicting configurations02:25
transhumanistok will do thanks02:27
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WaVI believe what he was trying to say was he was connecting via rdp and xrdp was forwarding to whatever port tightvnc is listening on, but he couldn't get it working.02:59
WaVI was ironically just reading a thread on that.02:59
=== fling is now known as bedflinger
=== bedflinger is now known as fling
ben-linux23hello all i installed ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS on my hp probook 4530s laptop and i removed gnome because i HATE gnome3 with a dang passion and re-installed unity and now i cant login to my desktop i checked the xorg.0.log it didnt tell me any errors and i can get to lightdm but that's all and now im stuck in a tty talking to you all, so idk what to do04:54
ben-linux23im totally lost as how to log back into unity04:54
ben-linux23and i DONT wanna re-install gnome304:55
ben-linux23and no offense but saying "just re-install gnome" won't help that wont give me what i need/want04:55
ben-linux23and i was following a guide on ubuntuforums for how to re-add unity04:57
ben-linux23*sighs* i guess no one can even tell im in here..05:00
Bashing-om!patience | ben-linux2305:01
ubottuben-linux23: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/05:01
ben-linux23i've been waiting for almost..10 mins, that's rather frustrating sorry05:02
ben-linux23and btw this IS my main machine05:02
Bashing-omben-linux23: No help here from me - but consider that most in the US are now Asleep and in Europe they have yet to wake up :P05:03
ben-linux23yeah i understand..05:03
ben-linux23i just dont have access to another laptop/tower to google/forum check this issue, nor my phone cuz my phone is charging at like 1% rn05:04
Bashing-omben8472: I do not run Gnome nor Unity - but let me see what I can find for us :)05:09
Bashing-omben8472: Might make sure Unity is set from this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM#Changing_the_Greeter .05:19
cfochHello... could you help here with an issue when trying to shrink my Fedora partition from Ubuntu?05:42
CheetahPixiethis is... unusually little traffic07:06
=== sad_ is now known as sanroot
magic_ninjaSo I was looking at Gnome-boxes.07:12
magic_ninjaIs there any way to get some advanced VM config? It doesn't even let you select where the VM file and disk is stored.07:13
feodoranHow does `check-language-support` know which languages are "supposed" to be installed? My system language is en, but it lists de as well. How do I remove a language from that list?07:23
EoflaOEfeodoran: Pastebin the output of "sudo apt list language-pack-*"07:43
feodoranEoflaOE: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TVHnmN566p/07:44
EoflaOEfeodoran: Can you go to "Language support", press the "Install and remove languages", and untick the box which is Deutsch or German?07:46
feodoranWhere do I find ""language support"? Is that a gnome thing? I am using KDE ...07:47
EoflaOEfeodoran: Let me see the alternative for it, or a command. One moment.07:48
EoflaOEfeodoran: You can install language-selector-gnome to get it.07:50
feodoranok, but how do I run it? language-selector-gnome does not seem to be the name of the binary07:52
feodoranok it is gnome-language-selector07:52
EoflaOEOK. Did you see Deutsch or German on the list?07:53
feodoranno it is not enabled07:53
feodoranI guess that is the point: it is not enabled/installed. but for some reason it wants to install that07:54
EoflaOELet me look some more.07:54
feodoranmy "regional format" is german, which is what I want. but not the languages07:55
EoflaOEOK. Got it.07:55
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
cyanidei have two text files, with similar content but on different lines, plus some additions. is there any software that can just find the differences between the two (additions) without including the same stuff but on different lines?08:05
cyanidethe files basically consist of my streaming playlists on two different services (exported to txt)08:05
cyanideso the format is <band> - <song name>08:06
cyanidebut the same songs are on different lines in the text files, so a simple diff tool won't work08:06
EoflaOEfeodoran: Do you mean that you want to remove "de" language from the list, but keep "de" as the regional settings?08:09
feodoranEoflaOE: I am not sure what list exactly this is, but I guess yes08:15
magic_ninja_workanyone familiar with gnome boxes? I'm looking at trying to do some more advanced configuration.08:15
feodoranthe point is: the current setup is fine, but it wants to install some more language packages, which I just don't need08:15
magic_ninja_workIt seems very simplistic. I can't even select where a virtual disk is stored.08:15
feodoranI just want it to stop asking to install those packages08:16
EoflaOEfeodoran: OK. So everytime you install a package using apt it wants to install the language pack? You can put the language pack on hold.08:27
feodoranEoflaOE: no, everytime I reboot I get some annoying notification about "incomplete language support"08:39
Nebihi, im in big trouble after upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04. First only graphic wasnt working. After trying to upgrade with fix missing i rebboted and now do not have ant internet. Not even connection via lan cable.08:58
EoflaOEfeodoran: So do you want to remove this notification without installing support for Deutsch? Or for all of them?08:58
feodoranEoflaOE: yes08:59
Nebisudo lspci | grep Network At first gave me three results. Now it only gives back  network controller intel... 726508:59
EoflaOEfeodoran: OK. But without all language pack support or only Deutsch?09:00
Nebithere was previously some realtek card09:00
feodoranEoflaOE: the general idea of this thing looks good: stuff like "thunderbird-locale-en" could be useful. So I would need to configure the list of languages it is looking for. Which is why I asked where that list is coming from.09:02
Nebirtl8111/8168/8411. Actually i saw a post with installing new drivers for it. But now that even elementary lan cable connection is not working im in despair.09:02
feodoran"this thing" being `check-language-support`09:03
NebiDoes someone know what i could do?09:05
NebiUh oh. Nobody?09:11
feodoranNebi: just a wild guess (I don't really know what I am talking about here): since your graphics is somehow linked to the network controller I am guessing you have some kind of onboard graphics based on your chipset? Maybe something about your driver upgrade went wrong? Maybe try again or a different version?09:11
Nebibut how if i dont have internet?09:12
Nebishall i maybe boot with a flash drive ?09:13
feodorandownload the package on a different system and use a USB drive to transfer09:13
EoflaOENebi: Pastebin the output of sudo lshw -C network and see if it prints anything.09:14
Nebiah, im happy, yes it prints the three devices from before. Two are "unclaimed". Cannot pastebin though. Ill try to find a solution via usb...09:16
EoflaOENebi: You can pipe the output of a command to a file to move it to a flash drive using "sudo lshw -C network >& test.txt"09:19
jeremy31Nebi: what does this command show>   mokutil --sb-state09:24
Nebijeremy31 secureboot disabled09:26
jeremy31nebi, try>  sudo modprobe -v iwlwifi09:27
jeremy31Nebi: also    sudo modprobe r816909:27
Nebijeremy31 error could not find module by name iwlwifi, error could not insert iwlwifi09:28
Nebijeremy31 fatal r8169 not found...09:29
jeremy31Nebi: sudo modprobe r816809:29
Nebijeremy31 the same error09:29
jeremy31Nebi: can you use grub to boot into an older kernel?09:30
Nebiyes he offered me a long list. Around v4.4. ...09:30
Nebishall i reboot in one of those?09:31
jeremy31Nebi: try the highest number 4.4 kernel09:31
Nebiok thats 4.4.0-157 generic im booting09:32
jeremy31Nebi: I think your new kernel may not have installed all the module packages09:32
EoflaOEjeremy31: Do you have linux-firmware installed? Check by "sudo apt list linux-firmware". If it shows [installed], that means it's installed.09:33
jeremy31EoflaOE: linux-firmware doesn't contain iwlwifi.ko or r8169.ko09:34
EoflaOEjeremy31: OK.09:35
Nebiahhh internet back. Wifi doesnt work but cable. Graphics not working either09:35
NebiLinux firmware bionic 1.17309:36
jeremy31nebi, run>  sudo modprobe -v iwlwifi09:37
NebiNothing but also no error09:37
jeremy31nebi, check   lsmod | grep iwlwifi09:37
Nebishall i try to install rtlwifi_new? I saw this in a post09:38
EoflaOENebi: OK. Let me know what is your kernel version. uname -a will help.09:38
jeremy31nebi, no as you have intel wifi09:38
jeremy31Nebi: URL from terminal for> dpkg -l | egrep 'linux-image|linux-module' | nc termbin.com 999909:40
jeremy31nebi, this might be easier>  sudo apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic09:42
EoflaOENebi: OK. What's your Ubuntu version?09:48
NebiIt is now 18.04 (previously 16.04)09:49
Nebithe dpkg command did nit gve me anything back09:49
jeremy31nebi, this might be easier>  sudo apt install --reinstall linux-image-generic09:49
Nebiok im trying now treinstall09:50
Nebiokz and now?09:51
jeremy31Nebi: yes09:51
Nebiand while rebboting i just let him rebbot without selecting a kernel?09:52
jeremy31Nebi: yes, let it boot on its own09:54
Nebiok i did. Wifi is now also working. Graphics is last thing :)09:54
jeremy31ok, Nebi I am not good with graphics, good luck09:56
NebiThank you very much Jeremy this already helped me out a lot!!!09:56
Nebiso i shouldnt hit sudo apt upgrade right?09:57
EoflaOENebi: what is your GPU?09:57
Nebicause i didnt do dist-upgrade yesterday09:57
jeremy31Nebi: It may be helpful to join this chat with the other machine.  sudo apt upgrade should be fine09:57
Nebinvidia gtx 1050 mobile09:58
Surfer2011hello is anyone using the openmediavault system?09:59
EoflaOENebi: How exactly do you experience about the graphics issue?10:00
NebiIts not loading at all (login screen) he automatically loads into terminal mode10:02
EoflaOENebi: Is lightdm and ubuntu-desktop installed?10:04
Nebihmm there might be sth with ubuntu-desktop. Sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop gives an error of deoendencies gdm3 and gnome-shell10:06
EoflaOENebi: Pastebin the complete output of "sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop" so I can see the exact error.10:07
EoflaOENebi: OK. What about the output of "sudo apt install gdm3" and "sudo apt install gnome-shell" as separate pastes?10:10
deadromused to have a thinkpad T530 on a dock with 2 external display which worked charm regarding suspend-to-ram and wakeup. now switched to a Dell Precision M4800 and.. suspending works, but on wake-up usually it has to rediscover the USB key/mouse and occasionally forgets one screen. Appreciate advice on what and where I can tweak here10:13
EoflaOENebi: OK. The pastebin of "sudo apt install mutter gir1.2-mutter-2 libmutter-2.0" to see if there are any other errors.10:22
Nebi_Yes, it continues like this. libegl1. then i do this with that one. libegl-mesa0 and libegl-vendor and then I do libgbm110:27
Nebi_For libgbm1 the road stops.10:27
Nebi_it says it is already the newest and lists me about a 100 packages that are apparently not required10:27
EoflaOENebi_: OK. Does "sudo apt -f install" fix dependencies?10:29
Nebi_No, he lists again the entire list of those 100 dependencies that are not required but didn't update or upgrade anything10:31
Nebi_(does someone know how to insert an output from a command (like a URL from pastebinit) into weechat if there is no mouse/graphical display? I can save it to a file but this also doesnt help in this context :) )10:34
Nebi_(just asking because this would accelerate the isnerting of pastebin URLs)10:35
EoflaOENebi_: Can you try "sudo apt update" and "sudo apt full-upgrade"? When they succeed, retry installing ubuntu-desktop again.10:37
Nebi_OK, I'm on it10:38
EriC^Nebi_: /exec -o command should output the stuff in the window10:40
Nebi_EriC^: Thank you! Efficiency just increased by 1000% :)10:44
murlidharhello all. i tried many extensions but i am still not able to remove title bar from many applications even after installing gnome shell extension called unite10:47
murlidharusing 19.04 currently10:48
EoflaOENebi_: Finished?10:49
murlidhartried using no title bar extension too and it didn't me the desired results.10:49
OerHeksmurlidhar, the gnome page suggests it needs x11-utils as dependencie10:49
murlidharOerHeks: doesn't ubuntu run on x11-utils by default ?10:49
OerHeksmaybe not..10:50
murlidharthis unite works on apps like firefox but doesn't work on most apps like terminal too10:50
OerHeks!info x11-utils10:50
murlidhar okay10:50
ubottux11-utils (source: x11-utils): X11 utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 7.7+3build1 (bionic), package size 186 kB, installed size 564 kB10:50
EoflaOEmurlidhar: "sudo apt install x11-utils"10:50
murlidharx11-utils is already the newest version (7.7+4).10:52
murlidhartruly baffles me why it works on some apps and doesn't on some10:53
OerHeksmaybe firefox holds on to its own theming?10:53
murlidharsay like terminal . it doesn't . it doesn't hide the title bar . just moves the buttons to the status bar and nothing else.10:53
murlidhari still the big fat bar :|10:54
Nebi_EoflaOE: No, its at 63%10:55
EoflaOENebi_: OK. Tell me when finished.10:56
shibboleththese systemd updates that keep getting pushed as non-security?10:58
murlidharam i missing something out ? why is the unite extension working for firefox when it has it own themeing and other apps that use gtk doesn't work ?10:59
murlidhargnome is using gtk :|10:59
murlidhari mean gnome shell extentions should work on gtk apps10:59
Nebi_EoflaOE: I'll do! Thank you for helping!11:00
EoflaOENebi_: You are welcome.11:00
murlidharusing unity right now and the maximise works perfectly fine in terminal right now. it removes the title bar and all the menus and title names are in the status bar right now11:07
Nebi_EoflaOE: OK, he crashed when installing at about 30%. dpkg deb error with texlive-fonts something11:08
murlidharit is more practical on small screens because you get to utilize the workable space more effectively. wonder why gnome hasn't thought of this feature when more an more screens are smaller now!11:08
OerHeksmurlidhar, oh, gnome-shell extention on unity ...11:08
Nebi_Sorry, try again.11:09
Nebi_Sorry, try again.11:09
murlidharlogged in  using unity session OerHeks11:09
Nebi_sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts11:09
murlidharOerHeks: if you scroll up a few lines you will know what problems am i having in gnome shell especially when maximising a window.11:10
murlidharsorry for my english . isn't my default language.11:10
* murlidhar is from india11:11
Nebi_Sorry, try again.11:11
Nebi_Sorry, try again.11:11
Nebi_sudo: 3 incorrect password attempts11:11
jeremy31Nebi_: try typing password in terminal11:11
Nebi_E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)11:12
Nebi_E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?11:12
jeremy31Nebi_: did you run the command using /exec from chat?  Some commands might work better in terminal itself11:13
Nebi_Yes, I was trying to output the pastebinit, sorry11:14
EoflaOENebi_: Do you, by any chance, installed any PPA? And hi BluesKaj11:16
BluesKajHowdy folks11:17
BluesKajhi EoflaOE11:17
jeremy31Nebi_: sudo apt install inxi11:18
jeremy31Nebi_: then> inxi -rC0 | nc termbin.com 999911:18
Nebi_EoflaOE: Could be that I installed one yesterday but I'm not sure.11:18
jeremy31Nebi_: then> inxi -rc0 | nc termbin.com 999911:19
Nebi_installing inxi also didn't work11:19
EoflaOENebi_: To be sure, "cat /etc/apt/sources.list && cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.* | nc termbin.com 9999"11:20
Nebi_# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS _Xenial Xerus_ - Release amd64 (20170215.2)]/ xenial main restricted11:21
Nebi_ 11:21
Nebi_# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to11:21
Nebi_# newer versions of the distribution.11:21
Nebi_deb http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted11:22
Nebi_# deb-src http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main restricted11:22
EoflaOENebi_: Not here. Pastebin.11:22
jeremy31EoflaOE: I think /exec -o was used11:22
jeremy31It doesn't pipe correctly to pastebin at times11:23
Nebi_ 11:23
Nebi_## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's11:23
Nebi_## 'partner' repository.11:23
EoflaOEjeremy31: OK.11:23
Nebi_## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the11:23
Nebi_## respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.11:23
Nebi_deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu xenial partner11:23
jeremy31Nebi_: quit weechat and connect again to clear the buffer11:23
jeremy31EoflaOE: wrong entries in sources for updating to 18.0411:24
EoflaOEjeremy31: Ok.11:25
EoflaOEBy the way can you remind me of a command which prints the boot time from the kernel to the login screen?11:27
jeremy31EoflaOE: I don't remember11:28
OerHeksjournalctl -b -0 shows messages from the current boot, journalctl -b -1 from the previous boot11:28
NebiHi again. sorry for the mess11:28
jeremy31Nebi: you did update to 18.04?11:28
EoflaOEThanks OerHeks and alkyone.11:29
NebiYes: I did yesterday an sudo apt-get upgrade and I ended up having 18.04 instea fo 16.0411:29
jeremy31Nebi: the part of the sources list we did see still show 16.0411:29
EoflaOENebi: You might need to switch "xenial" for "bionic" for complete upgrade.11:31
NebiEoFlaOE: you mean to replace in that file "xenial" by "bionic"?11:31
EoflaOENebi: Yes, to get all 18.04 packages and upgrade to it completely. Is that what you need?11:32
NebiEoflaOE: If it works afterwards then yes :)11:32
NebiOK, im on it11:32
EoflaOENebi: When finished, ping me.11:33
NebiEoflaOE yes, i replaced all strings. Hopefully it works as there is also bionic-cran bionic-security etc11:35
LordDoskiashow is one supposed to upgrade drivedb of smartmontools since update-smart-drivedb is not included?11:36
LordDoskiascan i just download the drivedb.h file?11:36
EoflaOEOK. Hope it works. By the way what does lsb-release -r say?11:36
NebiEoflaOE it says 18.0411:37
EoflaOENebi: OK. Is it upgrading now?11:38
NebiReading package lists...11:39
NebiBuilding dependency tree...11:39
NebiReading state information...11:39
NebiYou might want to run 'apt --fix-broken install' to correct these.11:39
NebiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:11:39
Nebi libboost-context-dev : Depends: libboost-context1.58-dev but it is not installable11:39
ioria!info libboost-context1.58-dev11:42
ubottuPackage libboost-context1.58-dev does not exist in bionic11:42
ioria!info libboost-context1.58-dev  xenial11:42
ubottulibboost-context1.58-dev (source: boost1.58): provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.58.0+dfsg-5ubuntu3.1 (xenial), package size 18 kB, installed size 125 kB11:42
Nebisorry again, I thought pastebinit would work now. So upgrade didn't work. It recommended fit broken install11:42
ioriaNebi, that pkg it's not in bionic anymore11:42
ioria!info libboost-context1.65-dev11:43
ubottulibboost-context1.65-dev (source: boost1.65.1): provides a sort of cooperative multitasking on a single thread. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.65.1+dfsg-0ubuntu5 (bionic), package size 6 kB, installed size 50 kB11:43
jeremy31Nebi: did you do a sudo apt update after changing sources file?11:44
jeremy31please don't use /exec -o11:44
Nebijeremy31: yes, i did a sudo apt update afterwards. No I'm never again using /exec -o11:45
NebiShall I try fix broken install?11:47
EoflaOENebi: See if it does anything.11:47
NebiNo it ended quickly with an error again of texlive-fonts...11:48
tomreynIIRC the textlive-fonts package is broken11:49
tomreyntexlive-fonts-extra rather11:52
tomreynhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/texlive-extra/+bugs lists several packaging related issues.11:53
tomreynNebi: if you're trying to solve this still, please post:   sudo /bin/true && cat &>/tmp/aptlog < <(sudo apt-get -qqy update 2>&1; apt-cache policy 2>&1; sudo apt-get -syV full-upgrade 2>&1;); nc termbin.com 9999 </tmp/aptlog; rm /tmp/aptlog11:54
tomreynalso    nc termbin.com 9999 < <(lsb_release -ds;cat /proc/{version,cmdline};echo "$XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ($XDG_SESSION_TYPE)";)11:54
OerHekswine, webupd8, ubuntu-toolchaim, audi-dev.. a ppa-circus12:04
OerHekseven lucid/partner repos..12:05
Nebithere was a typo in the first one: termbin.com/htoz12:08
Nebishall I remove or purge texlive for a starters?12:11
NebiOerHeks: Concerning the lucid one: yes, there was once a package I needed and that was not available for xenial12:12
ioriai'd check first my sources.list12:13
OerHeksioria, have fun with termbin.com/htoz12:13
ioriaOerHeks, yeah12:14
EoflaOENebi: Are you removing lucid partner repos?12:19
NebiEoflaOE OK, I remove it out from the sources.list file. I do anything to repair this!12:20
EoflaOENebi: Ok. Pastebin the output of "sudo apt update && sudo apt -f install"12:21
BluesKajNebi no need to remove the deb from the sources.list, just comment the line with a # in front12:23
Nebithe other command is still running12:26
EoflaOENebi: OK. Three repos that you have aren't signed.12:27
EoflaOEBut waiting for the other command to produce pastebin.12:27
ioriauniverse and multiverse ?12:32
tomreynthis is 18.04.*0*12:33
tomreynkernel from april last year12:34
tomreynconsider reinstalling12:34
ice9how to mirror desktop to smart tv?12:35
EoflaOEice9: Is your port HDMI or DP?12:36
ice9EoflaOE, i got HDMI but i want to do it over wifi12:36
tomreynso WDS / Miracast12:40
ioriasudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite  /var/cache/apt/archives/texlive-fonts-extra-doc_2017.20180305-2_all.deb12:42
tomreynice9: first first out what your smart tv supports there, then see if you can find an implementation on ubuntu. here's what's available in terms of WDS: https://github.com/intel/wds12:42
tomreyn*first find out12:43
EoflaOE"sudo apt -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" full-upgrade" in case this error appears in multiple packages.12:43
Nebiioria: paste.ubuntu.com/p/yXcjFzYtkj/12:44
ioriaNebi, did you run the cmd ?12:45
Nebiioria: yes the command you posted with dpkg12:46
NebiEoflaOE: that command somehow didn't work for me. Im looking again for some typos12:47
ioriaNebi, and that's the output ?12:47
Nebiioria: ?m gonna check12:48
ioriaagain :   sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite  /var/cache/apt/archives/texlive-fonts-extra-doc_2017.20180305-2_all.deb12:48
NebiIoria: Ah its a pastebinit issue.12:49
ioriaNebi, sy, afk, good luck12:50
NebiIoria: OK, thanks.12:50
Nebiit says dependency problems12:51
EoflaOENebi: Ok. After installing this dpkg, can you retry upgrading? Use the command that I posted above.12:51
tomreynit helps a lot to have direct or remote access to the system you're trying to fi when you're on the support chat here. i.e. consider connecting to it via ssh or join the chat from the system to be fixed using irrsi (if temrinal only) or https://webchat.freenode.net/ubuntu (or hexchat) on a GUI.12:52
NebiEOflaOE: paste.ubuntu.com/p/kSksJDxtWp/12:54
NebiOk, im having 6 more minutes, then I have to run on the train.12:55
NebiShall I come on another time?12:55
EoflaOENebi: You can come on anytime.12:56
Nebitomreyn: So I better install irrsi instead of weechat?12:56
NebiIm terribly sorry for this messy situation. I'm trying to learn where I can so that something like that doesn't occur again.12:57
EoflaOENebi: OK. When you can get back to your broken system you can come on.12:58
NebiOK, thank you very much for all your help!12:59
EoflaOEYou are welcome.12:59
lotuspsychjeanyone noticed gdm3 asks password on bionic on random times, even when the user settings are set to automatic login?13:01
EoflaOElotuspsychje: When you unlock your screen does it give you password prompt? Or is it randomly appearing?13:03
lotuspsychjeEoflaOE: its after cold boots, randomly13:04
=== Flexman is now known as Guest46138
EoflaOElotuspsychje: One detail: Does it prompt you to enter the password right after booting to desktop?13:11
Surfer2011can someone help me with rsnapshot? it creates a ton of subdirectorys in my backup folder how can i prevent this?13:12
lotuspsychjeEoflaOE: yes after a cold boot, it asks me a password where it should actually log me in automatic13:12
EoflaOEPastebin the output of /etc/gdm3/custom.conf13:17
lotus|NUCEoflaOE: http://dpaste.com/15A6GTG13:20
=== lotus|i7 is now known as lotus|NUC
EoflaOElotuspsychje: You should replace "AutomaticLoginEnable=True" with "AutomaticLoginEnable=true".13:22
tomreynlotuspsychje: this happens when the password synchronization between seahorse / gnome-keyring and shadow / pam fails, i think13:22
hsnI have no /dev/psaux but i have ps2 mouse and did modprobe psmouse13:24
lotus|NUCtomreyn: aha, that could sound logical13:24
tomreynSurfer2011: those subdirectories is how it works, it creates hard links as a means of deduplication13:24
Surfer2011i know but /sharedfolders/0_LaCie/Backups/daily.0/Backup_Bilder/sharedfolders/0_BilderDocker/Bilder/....    i basically wanted a backup of the "Bilder" folder ... why will it "copy/create" the entire path to this folder also?13:25
tomreynlotus|NUC: try "Passwords are not remembered" at https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GNOME/Keyring#Passwords_are_not_remembered13:26
tomreynif that's what fixes it then i was actually wrong about a synch taking place there. but it still helped me finding this ;)13:27
tomreynZaZaGX: hi, got any ubuntu support questions?13:29
ZaZaGXhow is the new 18.04.3?13:29
tomreyn!discuss | ZaZaGX13:30
ubottuZaZaGX: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!13:30
ZaZaGXi want to know if its good before i go back13:30
OerHeksnobody can tell how 18.04.3t performs on your system, i have no doubt it works fine13:31
tomreynSurfer2011: hmm, i haven't used it recently, but i imagine it should not be neccessary. maybe you provided absoute paths when you ran it but should have provided relative paths?13:32
ZaZaGXwell, the last 18.04.2 when it goes into screen saver mode. it messages up my firefox and corrupted my kwordquiz flash card files.13:32
lotus|NUCtomreyn: under seahorse passwords, there an folder icon login, unlock at login level. so your theory could make sense heh?13:33
ZaZaGX19.04 fixed it, but i get once in a while freezes13:33
EoflaOElotus|NUC: Did you replace "True" with "true" in the "AutomaticLoginEnable"? Seems like the probing issue.13:34
Surfer2011tomreyn: i found the solution, it uses the --relative flag of rsync  .... you can explicitly control the portion of the pathname prefix that --relative saves by inserting a ./ at the desired cut-point13:34
Surfer2011:-) thanks13:34
lotus|NUCEoflaOE: well, weirdly when i ubuntu-bug gdm3, it asks to attach custom.conf to the bug as it was modified...13:35
lotus|NUCEoflaOE: and i never manually configged it, nor fool around with seahorse13:36
EoflaOElotus|NUC: Then something is wrong somewhere.13:38
lotus|NUCEoflaOE tomreyn so maybe i should actually file anyway? automatic login should just work on LTS right?13:38
EoflaOEBut auto login should work on all the versions. You can file it anyways.13:39
gst568923hi guys, i just installed ubuntu 19.04 from scratch. In the setup phase, when selecting the device where to install the boot loader, I selected the device "/dev/sda2" which would be my efi partition. However among the selections I could also choose the device "/dev/sda". My question is: given that my system is UEFI, what would have happened if I ha13:47
gst568923d selected the "/dev/sda" device for installing the grub?13:47
tomreynlotus|NUC: yes, just file it if there's no duplicate, yet, or just file it anyways and look for a dupe afterwards.13:49
lotus|NUCtomreyn: yeah, didnt find any dupes relevant13:49
tomreynSurfer2011: oh, good you found that. :)13:50
lotus|NUCFaTaL_G: can we help you?13:51
ice9is it possible to connect to wifi ap while using intel wds?13:51
OerHeksgst568923, did you boot ubuntu in UEFI mode?13:51
gst568923OerHeks yes13:52
tomreynlotus|NUC: so this login prompt only pops up during gdm login? if so, i got you wrong there. i was thinking you were saying it also randomly pops up durng gnome-shell use.13:52
OerHeksoke, then sda should be fine13:52
FaTaL_Glotus|NUC, that wasnt intentional13:52
lotus|NUCtomreyn: no, its only at gdm3 level (normal login)13:53
tomreynoh ok, sorry13:53
FaTaL_GI'm looking for a little help getting my broadcom adapter to work on 18.04 as an AP. It worked fine on 16.04.13:55
hexhaxtronI'm using a behringer usb guitar link, qjackctl and rakarrack to play the electric guitar. Anyone knows how to increase the volume of it?13:56
tomreyngst568923: chances are the same would have happened (as a result of bug 1396379)13:56
ubottubug 1396379 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "installer uses first EFI system partition found even when directed otherwise" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139637913:56
gst568923tomreyn I wanted to understand better why I am shown in the ubuntu installer (in a UEFI system) the "/dev/sda" device that is usually used when installing the grub on the MBR13:59
OerHeksgst568923, if that machine is UEFI, it should have GPT, not legacy MBR14:00
tomreyngst568923: i assume this boot loader target device selection logic has just not been adapted for uefi, yet. and what OerHeks says.14:01
gst568923OerHeks tomreyn if the machine is BIOS MBR then the grub I would have installed on "/dev/sda" while (in my case UEFI) I selected the EFI partition "/dev/sda2" but the ubuntu installer I selected by default "/dev/sda "14:03
_UsUrPeR_Hey all. I just created a LVM partition yesterday created from two pv LVM paritions. I created it as a GPT partition which is roughy 4TB in side14:03
_UsUrPeR_err size14:03
_UsUrPeR_I can't seem to mount it after reboot14:04
_UsUrPeR_I'm trying to mount it as an ext4 partition, and it's saying that it doesn't recognize an ext4 partition14:04
_UsUrPeR_though it was working prior to reboot14:05
_UsUrPeR_any help would be appreciated14:05
_UsUrPeR_I'm running 16.0414:06
leftyfb_UsUrPeR_: why not just reformat it?14:06
_UsUrPeR_leftyfb, I transferred a bunch of files to it14:06
TJ-gst568923: regardless of BIOS or UEFI mode, it requires "grub-install /dev/sdX" *not* /dev/sdXY14:06
_UsUrPeR_leftyfb, like... I'd used it quite extensively14:07
_UsUrPeR_It's a GPT partition14:07
Surfer2011how can i speed up the windows preview/thumbnails of my samba share which is on a ubuntu server?14:07
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, you're aware you can't mount LVM on boot directly, without an initramfs?14:07
TJ-_UsUrPeR_: you've got too many "partitions" in that description :)14:07
_UsUrPeR_one moment.14:08
_UsUrPeR_where do we paste here?14:08
TJ-_UsUrPeR_: it normally goes disk > partition > PV > VG > LV14:08
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, got it, thx14:08
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, could you take a look at this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/k93Jmt6G4r/14:09
_UsUrPeR_err someone - https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/k93Jmt6G4r/14:09
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, it's definitely not a boot drive14:10
_UsUrPeR_it's a repo for camera footage14:10
gst568923TJ- I installed on "/ dev / sda2" because the ubuntu installer said "select the device to install the boot loader" and for what I know, in an UEFI system the boot loaders reside in an EFI partition14:10
tomreyngst568923: ok. is there an unsolved issue other than the one which has been reported in 2014, still?14:11
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, um, why is camera_repo GPT? Do you want partitions inside LVM inside partitions?14:11
gst568923tomreyn What do you mean?14:11
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu,  there was an issue with going above 2TB which it seemed was resolved by GPT14:12
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, not sure if that was correct or not14:12
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, you don't want/need to partition LVs, you just create more LVs14:12
tomreyngst568923: i mean: do you still have a question about this?14:13
TJ-gst568923: grub-install only wants the whole device name, not a partition. In UEFI mode it then looks for the EFI-SP and ensures it is mounted at /boot/efi/14:13
Eduard_MunteanuLVs are the equivalent of partitions.14:13
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, okay, did not realize that.14:13
TJ-gst568923: same as in BIOS mode with grub-pc, grub-install when seeing a GPT disk label then looks for a BIOS Boot partition GUID to put its core image into14:13
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, I guess I should probably remove the files off the data I moved over to it, but I need help mounting the ext4 partition in there. What am I missing?14:14
Eduard_MunteanuThe only exception would be when provisioning space for VMs, then you could give them LVs to use as whole disks.14:14
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, oh, this is in vmware.14:14
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, didn't realize that was importent to mention >_>14:15
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, the VM is running on esxi 6.714:15
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, you can use loopback to get at the partitions, it might be a bit slower though.14:16
gst568923TJ- I understand, but so what should I do in my case? the system seems to start quietly in dual boot14:16
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, speed's not an issue. I just need to recover the files. How do I do that?14:16
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, losetup -P -f /dev/camera_repo/camera_repo14:17
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, then you should get multiple /dev/loop0p* or something like that for each partition inside.14:18
=== gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, there's only one partition, showing /dev/loop0p114:19
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, you should do  modprobe loop max_part=10    before that14:19
gst568923TJ- I had a doubt: if the grub-install requires only "/ dev / sda" as a parameter, why did the ubuntu installer show me the list of all partitions (including the efi) to install the boot loader?14:19
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, now you can mount that14:19
TJ-gst568923: I would expect the installer would default to the raw device /dev/sdX but it provides options for unusual scenarios14:20
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, that worked. Thanks a million. Next question: what's the best way to provision this LVM for >2TB?14:20
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, err <2TB partiton14:22
gst568923TJ- however it is confusing. now in my case what should I do?14:22
TJ-gst568923: in almost every case the installer should be pointed to the whole disk device, not a partition14:23
TJ-gst568923: so if you've told it to do "grub-install /dev/sda2" I would assume it'd refuse since grub-install would know that was incorrect14:24
gst568923TJ- In the path "/boot/efi/EFI/" I have three folder "BOOT" "Microsoft" "ubuntu"14:25
TJ-gst568923: right, that's the EFI System Partition (EFI-SP) mounted there14:25
TJ-gst568923: it may be the installer corrected the device it was aimed at... I don't use the installer although I know most of its source-code so it is possible it detects and fixes that as a user error rather than failing mysteriously14:27
gst568923TJ- in the folder BOOT there is: BOOTX64.EFI fbx64.efi mmx64.efi14:27
TJ-gst568923: that's the removable media path (used for devices that are hot-plugged into a UEFI system) for when there is no PC UEFI menu entry stored in NVRAM - as there obviously cannot be for optical media and USB boot devices14:28
brutserwhen i try to cryptsetup my drive when installing ubuntu (from shell), i get : WARNING: Locking directory /run/cryptsetup is missing! < is this a critical problem for the encryption?14:28
gst568923TJ- in the ubuntu folder there is: BOOTX64.CSV grub.cfg grubx64.efi mmx64.efi shimx64.efi14:28
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, to clarify, I was having an issue provisioning this LVM for <2TB. GPT seemed to solve this, but it wouldn't mount after a reboot14:28
TJ-brutser: are you working manually in a chroot there?14:29
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, err actually, different question: why didn't this GPT partition mount and become available to utilize after it worked the first time around.14:30
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, is there some fstab entry I neglected?14:30
brutserTJ-: i interrupt the installation process (alt+f1) and go to shell, there i install what's needed for cryptsetup and continue, but i get that warning ^14:30
gst568923TJ- can I feel comfortable? I would like to check the logs in / var / log / installer ...14:30
ioriabrutser, run ' sudo blkid  '(maybe you have same UUIDs )14:30
TJ-gst568923: that looks correct. The point of /EFI/BOOT/BOOT${architecture}.EFI is the PC firmware has that path hard-coded and can therefore boot from a device that has no entry in the PC's internal boot menu14:30
TJ-brutser: It sounds like you're not correctly setting things up, have you read my crypto-installer guide for FDE on the Wiki?14:31
brutserioria: just checked, but no14:31
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, and again, thank you for your time and effort in helping me out. It's greatly appreciated.14:32
brutserTJ-: i searched a little, maybe i came across it <14:32
TJ-brutser: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201914:33
TJ-gst568923: you can check the UEFI has an entry in its internal boot menu with "efibootmgr -v"14:33
Eduard_MunteanuNo problem.14:35
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, if you give the LV to a VM, it will use it like a regular disk.14:36
gst568923TJ- in the `efibootmgr -v` I have two entries of ubuntu, first referred of \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi and the second \EFI\Ubuntu\grubx64.efi14:36
brutserTJ-: tbh, i am trying to implement a fde with debian, with the help of your guide and others, i do an expert installation in debian and then install all possible packages for the shell, then i just exit to the shell and the cryptsetup is giving that warning14:37
brutseris /run/cryptsetup needed for the encryption to work, or can i continue WITH this warning in place?14:37
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, :V okay, wait. You're saying that I can add this as a drive file in vmware? I had never considered that as an option.14:37
TJ-_UsUrPeR_: it may help to realise that whether it is a whole disk, a partition, an encrypted volume, or an LV, these are all *block devices* and you can put whatever you want inside them, including other block devices ad-infinitum14:37
_UsUrPeR_TJ-, indeed, that does help. Thanks.14:38
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, yeah, that will probably work. Some open source virtualization software also does that.14:38
TJ-_UsUrPeR_: in other words /dev/sda > /dev/sda2 > LUKS /dev/mapper/crypto (PV) > LV (myLV) are all jsut block-devices14:39
brutserTJ-: if i do a cryptsetup for the 2nd time, it works < maybe it needs to create hook or something14:39
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, shut my mouth. I'll check it out after i transfer files off the LVM/GPT/ext4 mess I made :)14:39
TJ-_UsUrPeR_: PV is a 'tag' (metadata) on some block device put doesn't create a block-device itself, a PV is made part of a VG (Volume Group) which again isn't a block device itself, but any LV (Logical Volumes) are block devices14:40
TJ-s/put doesn't/but doesn't/14:40
Eduard_Munteanu_UsUrPeR_, unless you have certain performance requirements, it might be more convenient to simply use a file for the virtual disk.14:41
Eduard_Munteanu(and unless you're running on btrfs in the host, which requires disabling CoW on that file for good performance)14:41
gst568923TJ- this is `cat syslog | grep "grub-installer"`: https://pastebin.com/zMy5aGxK14:43
_UsUrPeR_Eduard_Munteanu, naw, this is just a jbod collection of failing hard drives I am using to store surveillence video on14:45
fleabeardhello, is there an extension for chromium that will allow me to install gnome extensions? Trying to install dash to dock extension but the website says it can't detect my gnome install.14:47
TJ-gst568923: it 'feels' wrong but it looks like grub-install *thinks* it was successful. Without testing that in a virtual machine I can't be sure though. As I said, check what was added to the system boot menu with "efibootmgr -v"14:48
gst568923tomreyn as for yesterday's speech: if you can start "try ubuntu" and connect to a wifi usb adapter and then start the installer, I can confirm that it worked14:48
ioriafleabeard, https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/gnome-shell-integration/gphhapmejobijbbhgpjhcjognlahblep14:49
gst568923TJ- I told you, two ubuntu entries were added14:49
TJ-gst568923: I must have missed that... can you pastebin the output? (I'm multi-tasking here!)14:50
fleabeardthanks ioria!14:51
amosbirdHello, any pulseaudio users?14:54
amosbirdso how does this fail to set the default sink?  set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo14:54
amosbirdall streams are using index 0 sink while alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo is of index 114:54
fleabeardI just added a ntfs drive to my fstab, is there a command to pick it up? Like mount -a or something to have it automatically update the fstab entry?14:56
Eduard_Munteanufleabeard, mount -a  will mount it unless it's marked as noauto14:57
fleabeardoh I guess it is mount -a lol14:57
fleabeardthat was a complete guess by me!14:58
Eduard_MunteanuOr you can just mount /mnt/mountpoint14:58
fleabeardthanks Eduard_Munteanu14:58
gst568923TJ- have you checked the pastebin link?15:01
TJ-gst568923: I haven't seen one (for the 'efibootmgr -v' )15:02
gst568923TJ- I send you on DM15:12
TJ-gst568923: oh... my client is set to block those, I only use public channels15:13
kyle__Has anyone actually had success using the in-repo binary nvidia drivers on 18.04?15:15
gst568923TJ- there is two entry: Boot0002 ubuntu* -> \EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi Boot0004 ubuntu -> \EFI\Ubuntu\grubx64.efi15:16
OerHekskyle__, sure, but there are many nvidia cards, what is your issue?15:17
kyle__OerHeks: When I install the binary drivers out of the tree, X uses a simple framebuffer driver.  Not nouveau and not the nvidia one.15:17
TJ-gst568923: right, but I was interested to see the device entries, I already know what the paths are. the device entries will indicate if grub-install self-corrected the /dev/sda215:18
kyle__ubuntu-drivers devices shows two versions of the binary drivers it thinks are compatable, and from what I know of the card, they should be15:18
ioriakyle__, lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D' | nc termbin.com15:19
TJ-kyle__: you can double-check that by comparing the PCI vendor:device ID with the modalias defined in the control file of the packages for those 2 versions15:19
kyle__You can netcat to termbin.com?15:20
gst568923TJ- these are the string relative a ubuntu: https://pastebin.com/fwA0DuCD15:20
kyle__Damn that's cool15:20
TJ-kyle__: see e.g. "apt-cache show nvidia-driver-415 | grep Modaliases | less "15:20
ioriakyle__, lspci -k | grep -EA3 'VGA|3D' | nc termbin.com 999915:20
kyle__Any particular port on there?15:21
kyle__Ahhh :) there we go15:21
TJ-gst568923: those look correct, the "(2,$UUID)" is the partition number and UUID. What is strange is having 2 identical names so it'd be impossible to tell them apart15:21
TJ-kyle__: another 'trick' to show just PCI VGA device class: " lspci -nn -d ::0300 "15:22
gst568923TJ- in fact when I start the pc, in the grub only a  ONE ubuntu entry appears, I think it automatically selects the boot loader if I have enabled the secure boot ...15:23
AavarHow come samba mounting via Nautilus is much slower than if I mount via terminal? If i play a video direcly from nautilus it skips and stops, but if I mount via the terminal first it works great...15:25
kyle__Sorry, I guess I don't know how to read the lspci output to match up with the modaliases from the driver15:26
ioriakyle__, paste the url15:26
ioriakyle__, nothing in use ...15:27
gst568923TJ- what do you think about it?15:27
ioriakyle__,  dpkg -l | grep nvidia | nc termbin.com 999915:28
TJ-gst568923: that may be correct since Secure Boot mode should use the shimx64.efi *but* also it may jsut be that entry (0002) is set as the default15:29
kyle__Does it need the nvidiafb module loaded for any of this to work?  Or any specific grub settings?15:29
gst568923TJ- BootCurrent: 000215:30
TJ-kyle__: this command is a way to grab just the Vendor:Device ID for a VGA class device:  " lspci -nn -d ::0300 | sed 's,.*\[\(.*\)\].*,\1,' "15:30
ioriakyle__,   cat /proc/cmdline  (you can paste here)15:30
TJ-gst568923: right, what about BootOrder though, does it start with 0002 ?15:30
kyle__BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-5.0.0-23-generic root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root ro quiet splash vt.handoff=115:31
ioriakyle__,   lsmod | grep nvidia15:31
kyle__First thing I checked, it's not there.15:31
gst568923TJ- BootOrder: 0002,0003,0004,0001,0000   (0003 is windows 10 004 ubuntu ...)15:32
TJ-kyle__: "journalctl -b -p warning"15:32
kyle__nvidiafb is blacklisted (by default?) in modprobe.d/fb-blacklist for some reason15:32
TJ-gst568923: OK, so firmware will always start 0002 by default15:32
ioriakyle__,   maybe update the initramfs ....15:32
TJ-gst568923: so if you interupt the firmware and use its manual boot menu I'd guess you'll see two "ubuntu" names and not know which is which, aside from hoping the first is 0002 and the second is 0004 :)15:33
kyle__ioria: I've done that as well.15:34
kyle__I'm goign to try without the nvidiafb blacklisted.  Although I don't know why that would be an issue or required?15:34
kyle__Unless it's not just a simple framebuffer15:34
ioriakyle__,  i think the point is that nvidia it's not loade15:34
TJ-kyle__: you've got a different problem, so we need to see the kernel's log, show us "pastebinit <( journalctl -k )"15:35
gst568923TJ- what do you mean with "manual boot menu"? I start the PC and UEFI firmware load the grub with only ONE entry of ubuntu showed15:35
ioriakyle__,   after that  paste   cat /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf | nc termbin.com 999915:35
TJ-gst568923: there's a "hotkey" you can press at power-on that shows the firmware's manual boot menu where you can select which entry to start. Often that is F10 or F11, but is usually shown on the power-on screen15:36
kyle__There's no nvidia graphics drivers.conf?15:37
kyle__Curious and curiousr.15:37
gst568923TJ- yes I understand what you mean, in my case it seems to me that it is F12. So how many items should appear with the manual boot menu?15:38
TJ-gst568923: well in theory one for each entry that efibootmgr shows plus entries for each removable media device (DVD, USB, etc.) - if you have Legacy/CSM/BIOS support enabled you may see 2 entries for each device, one for UEFI boot mode and another for CSM/BIOS boot mode15:40
gst568923TJ- I mean: should two ubuntu entries appear as shown in efibootmgr?15:41
kreyrenWhat version of nvidia-driver is available atm?15:43
TJ-gst568923: I would expect so but who knows? there's nothing in the UEFI specification about the boot menu15:43
OerHekskreyren, for Blackop?15:44
lotuspsychjekreyren: that depends on your chipset15:44
OerHekshe knows he is running an ancient x130015:44
kreyrenOerHeks, nope i just joined if it's about different user15:44
kreyrenlotuspsychje, assuming system that supports nvidia-driver-430 ?15:45
lotuspsychjekreyren: ubuntu suggests a reccomended driver for the specific chipset normally: ubuntu-drivers list15:45
lotuspsychjekreyren: its up to the user, to choose wich one to install15:46
gst568923TJ- to control it I have to restart the PC, however in the next IRC session I'll let you know15:46
kreyrenso i can use nvidia-driver-430 on demand?15:46
OerHeksstill a debian issue, does not know ubuntu-driver list :-D15:46
ovalseven8Does somebody know why the last line does not work in apache? https://dpaste.de/wJ0O/raw15:47
ovalseven8Want redirect "https://domain.tld/thread-(digits).html" to "https://domain.tld/index.php?thread/(digits)"15:48
gst568923TJ- thanks anyway for the support, I was a debian user but I switched to ubuntu because in IRC sessions at least we can talk while on debian they all seemed irritated: D15:48
TJ-gst568923: hehehe you should see us steam behind-the-scenes sometimes15:51
gst568923TJ- I would like to ask you one last thing, do you know something about PMF (protected management frame) with network manager?15:53
kyle__OK.  My attempts so far have been to manually run, "apt-get install nvidia-driver-430", and when that didn't work, puring, then running.15:54
kyle__"ubuntu-drivers autoinstall"15:54
kyle__With update-initramfs -kall -u and a reboot between each of course15:54
kyle__Is there some step missing I need ot run to generate that modprobe file?15:54
lotuspsychjekyle__: whats your chipset please?15:54
TJ-gst568923: only in terms of the source-code, I've not used that functionality.  https://github.com/NetworkManager/NetworkManager/commit/acb70d84f9cc58cb09e02d68d01660f6d5087b3415:55
coventryI'm running virtualbox in fullscreen mode on ubuntu, and the host panel bar across the top of the screen often persists, obscuring the view of the guest display. Is there any way to disable display of the top panel, ideally only while in a fullscreen virtualbox window? Example: https://imgur.com/a/OzXxMdf I want to get rid of the gray bar at the top, which contains the date on the right hand side.15:56
lotuspsychjekyle__: i think 430 is a bit high for your card, what other drivers does: ubuntu-drivers list show?15:56
kyle__coventry: IIRC there is if you launch the display for that VM from the command line, but not launched from the GUI.  This was > 5 years ago though, so it might have changed15:57
kyle__lotuspsychje: nvidia-driver-39015:57
lotuspsychjekyle__: try to switch to 390 and reboot please15:57
kyle__Which I attempted to switch to after the first failure, using the software-update gui15:58
coventryThanks, kyle__. Do you recall any details of how to invoke it from the CL to achieve that?15:58
kyle__(which was the only way I knew of to poke at it)15:58
lotuspsychjekyle__: try it from terminal, you might see releavnt errors15:58
kyle__coventry: It was burried in VBoxCLI --help somewhere15:58
gst568923TJ- I have followed this guide to check if my wifi adapter support PMF https://fedoramagazine.org/troubleshoot-pmf-f28/ and effectively there is the entries: * CMAC (00-0f-ac:6) * CMAC-256 (00-0f-ac:13) * GMAC-128 (00-0f-ac:11) * GMAC-256 (00-0f-ac:12)15:59
gst568923TJ- but Network Manager not enable it (ps: my modem-router support PMF)15:59
kyle__it removed the old driver, I see no errors or warnings in the dkms modules or the update-initramfs stages.  rebooting16:01
kyle__Same situation16:04
lotuspsychjekyle__: what was your original issue please?16:06
kyle__The binary nvidia drivers won't load16:06
lotuspsychjekyle__: is your system up to date?16:07
kyle__Honestly it looks like it's not including the nvidia module somehow.16:07
lotuspsychjekyle__: ok, could you pastebin your dmesg plz?16:08
lotuspsychjekyle__: do you single boot ubuntu or dualboot with another Os?16:09
kyle__Single boot16:09
ioriakyle__, why don't you start over... purge all nvidia drivers and see if at least nouveau  get loaded16:09
lotuspsychjegood idea^16:10
kyle__nouveau mostly worked, but I can flip back if it will make it easier to move forard16:11
ioriakyle__,  nouveau was ok ?16:12
lotuspsychjekyle__: sudo apt purge nvidia* to fallback to nouveau as ioria reccomends16:12
kyle__It doesn't support all the stuff for tensorflow, and it won't wake up one of my monitors, so i wanted to flip to the official driver16:12
TJ-kyle__: and others, note in the kernel log "Aug 11 10:35:35 leela kernel: nvidiafb 0000:01:00.0: BAR 3: can't reserve [mem 0xf0000000-0xf1ffffff 64bit pref] "16:12
kyle__What is the kernel module name for the proprietary driver?"16:13
TJ-followd by "kernel: nvidiafb: cannot request PCI regions"16:13
kyle__I see this when I look for things named nvidia16:13
kyle__TJ-: I unblacklisted the nvidiafb driver, thinking maybe it would help.  but purging now.16:13
TJ-kyle__: earlier there is "kernel: pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 3: assigned to efifb"16:14
TJ-kyle__: right, not having nvidiafb will help but the problem appears to be that the nvidia driver doesn't attempt to load (we'd expect to see some NVRM: messages even if it tries and fails)16:14
TJ-kyle__: when you think its ready to test, first do "dkms status" and ensure the nvidia kernel wedge is installed for the kernel version you'll be booting16:15
ioriakyle__,  would be useful having the nvidia-driver-XX install output16:15
kyle__Should I rebooted into the nouevau first?16:18
kyle__Or not neccesary16:19
lotuspsychjekyle__: reboots are reccomended after driver switching16:19
tomreynalso     grep -F 'ACPI BIOS Error (bug)'    your dmesg16:21
ioriakyle__,  you're not using wayland , right ?16:21
kyle__ioria: right, not wayland16:29
kyle__That took a few minutes, as nouevou decided it didn't have any dispaly modes over 640x480, and I had to remmeber how to convince xrandr >_<16:30
ioriakyle__,  but nouveau has  loaded ? and do you still have a xorg.conf somewhere ?16:31
kyle__I'll look for the xorg.  In the meantime, here's the output of the nvidia driver install http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SW4BJWXRrH/16:32
kyle__dkms-status say: root@leela:~# dkms status16:33
kyle__nvidia, 390.116: added16:33
ioriakernel headers for this kernel does not seem to be installed.16:33
ioriabetter, Module build for kernel 5.0.0-23-generic was skipped16:33
kyle__Well hell...16:35
ioriakyle__,  you miss something (about your kernel chain)16:35
kyle__I honestly though A) I had them, and B) it would have errored out if it tried to build and I didn't.16:35
=== Guest25997 is now known as Morfeus^^
ioriakyle__,  dpkg -l | grep 5.0.0-2316:36
kyle__Yeah, I just installed them, and it triggered the dkms build16:36
kyle__And dkms status now says: nvidia, 390.116, 5.0.0-23-generic, x86_64: installed16:36
* kyle__ sighs16:36
kyle__I really should have caught that earlier.16:36
kyle__:) Thank you so much for your help all16:36
ioriakyle__, your kernel is in a bad shape :þ16:36
nicomachus390? that's a bit old.16:37
lotuspsychjenicomachus: not for his card16:37
lotuspsychjenicomachus: 430 would be a bit overkill16:37
kyle__ioria: Nah, its' not in bad shape, i just had to use a newer than stock kernel for this box when I got it, because it's a ryzen, and with the stock kernel it didn't consistently display on boot16:40
kyle__So I couldn't interact with it to unlock the disks16:40
TJ-kyle__: glad you finally figured it out :)16:44
MikeRLUgh. I'm having an issue doing rsync to do a backup to an external HD. I typed in "sudo rsync -r -a /bin "/media/mike/Linux Backup/bin/"" and all I got was a broken symlink.16:59
MikeRLAny ideas? I use rsync every few months so my brain isn't working so well, sadly.16:59
MikeRLI read up the man page, too.16:59
rapidwaveWhat is the best gaming API that is cross-platform, but also low lurning curve?17:31
OerHekslow lurning curve, interesting..17:37
XeryaXalrighty... ive got a unique one....17:40
XeryaXwhen i am copying files from one machine. (using rsync) they start out really effing slow (per file) like 88k/sec  -- then 10s later, i get full wire speed 176MBytes (not bits) / sec I cant seem to find the IO issue... ive tried from multiple disks, so it isnt the drives, ive tried USB, ive tried direct attached, etc.... somewhere in the system is17:40
XeryaXcausing this (ubuntu 18.04)17:40
TJ-XeryaX: sounds like the initial file transfer is being done in parallel with the checksumming, have you enabled verbose output from rsync?17:42
XeryaXyeah, seems like it slows at "calling match_sums" on each file... doing some googling17:49
=== Morfeus^^ is now known as Morfeus^
kjdgood day all18:31
cbthree has anyone here running Ubuntu 19.04 and owns a Samsung Chromebook 3 managed to get its internal microphone working?18:36
cbthreeno one?18:53
=== Mr-Potter is now known as MrPotter
=== MrPotter is now known as MarkPotter
tomreynyou may have better chances getting support if you dont just address the potentially tiny subset of people here who have both this very computer model and this very issue.18:56
kismet1234cbthree, is there logs18:56
kismet1234tail syslog18:57
cbthreenothing in the logs18:59
ioriacbthree, i don't know that device, but there is a magic tool (hdajackretask - in alsa-tools-gui) that was useful to me in the past: you check  Show unconnected pins ans set the mic as Int mic or similar19:03
kismet1234cbthree, suppose it needs an ubuntu proprietary driver or so ?19:13
AHemlocksLieI'm running 18.04 LTS Ubuntu Budgie, and I'm having an issue with severely restricted desktop resolution, 1280x800 down from 3440x1440. When I rebooted to Windows, it couldn't actually bring up the display once I got to the login screen, but that was fixed by changing DisplayPort ports on the GPU. I suspect hardware issue with my AMD RX 580, but not sure how to diagnose. What should I look at to investigate the problem?19:14
tomreynAHemlocksLie: journalctl -b19:18
tomreynmake sure you configure windows to shut dwn cleanly and fully . by default it will not, which can cause such issues.19:19
kinghatdoes chrome still need a startup flag for dark ui or is there a system flag now?19:21
tomreynAHemlocksLie: https://superuser.com/questions/1152001/shutdown-windows-10-truly-for-a-dual-booting-system19:21
tomreyn!info chrome19:22
ubottuPackage chrome does not exist in bionic19:22
TJ-!info chrome-browser19:23
ubottuPackage chrome-browser does not exist in bionic19:23
TJ-where'd it go?!19:23
TJ-!info chromium-browser19:24
ubottuchromium-browser (source: chromium-browser): Chromium web browser, open-source version of Chrome. In component universe, is optional. Version 76.0.3809.87-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 (bionic), package size 55969 kB, installed size 188738 kB19:24
tomreynit was never there. just chromium19:24
TJ-hehehe I got there eventually19:24
AHemlocksLietomreyn, the issue began in Linux. I tried to launch a game, but it kept crashing, I figured two weeks of uptime was enough, so I updated and rebooted, but it hasn't been right since.19:24
AHemlocksLieBut I will look into that just in case.19:24
deadromwhen resuming from STR the laptop's docking station does not wake the displays fast enough. ubuntu starts and falls back to one screen (I have 2). Any idea how to prevent his?19:24
deadrom*this even19:24
AHemlocksLiejournalctl -B doesn't *seem* to be showing anything particularly alarming... Header issue google reports as pretty normal...19:25
tomreynAHemlocksLie: lower case B19:25
tomreynfeel free to share it: journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999919:26
AHemlocksLieer, yeah, that's what I used, sorry19:26
AHemlocksLie"PKCS#7 signature not signed with a trusted key" looks like it might be an issue...19:26
AHemlocksLiehttps://termbin.com/q3bs is what I've got19:28
tomreynthat's probably secure boot related, unrelated to this issue.19:30
AHemlocksLieAnd I don't think I even have secure boot enabled, though I could be wrong19:31
jeremy31AHemlocksLie: check in terminal>  mokutil --sb-state19:32
All9sHello everyone!19:33
tuxihi is there any good compiler for a beginner available in ubuntu?19:33
AHemlocksLieSecureBoot disabled, Platform is in Setup Mode... Setup Mode doesn't sound like the best19:34
All9sHow would I automate the bare metal installations of 20 machines?19:34
OerHekslandscape, puppet, chef, many options19:35
kinghatya i was talking flags for the ui that are not startup flags, chromium.19:35
ubottuLandscape makes the management and monitoring of Ubuntu systems simple and effective by combining world-class support with easy to use online management tools. https://landscape.canonical.com/19:35
AHemlocksLieAh, no, just sounds like SecureBoot is pretty thoroughly blanked... Hm... lsmod shows amdgpu loaded, so that's getting in the system okay...19:36
AHemlocksLie"kernel: [1331706.380276] gldriverquery[9974]: segfault at f0 ip 00000000f55d5440 sp 00000000ffebc450 error 4 in amdgpu_dri.so[f4510000+2c46000]" in /var/log/kern.log, now this looks relevant19:41
jeremy31AHemlocksLie: Setup modes means that there are no factory  secure boot keys found19:41
tomreynAHemlocksLie: when was kern.log last written to, though?19:48
AHemlocksLietomreyn, today around the time of my most recent boot19:49
tomreynoh ok19:50
tomreynyour system did report a budgie crash to daisy.ubuntu.com (resulting in data stored at errors.ubuntu.com)19:50
AHemlocksLieOh, but it looks like that specific segfault I mentioned is from about 5 hours ago. Would have been while my system was still up originally, before I had the game problems and after the last time I'd played successfully19:51
tomreynx-www-browser https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/$(sudo cat /var/lib/whoopsie/whoopsie-id)19:52
tomreynthis lets you view what was recorded19:52
AHemlocksLieLooks like I've been having budgie-core crashes for a while19:54
AHemlocksLie10 most recent span back to early March, so if that's it, this card has been on a slow burn for a while. Seems a little unlikely. Anything else of note is at least a month old19:55
AHemlocksLieI can't seem to find any real indication that there's currently an issue with the system, but 1280x800 is definitely not normal19:56
evaluateFor the netboot image, the kernel and initrd are available online as well (e.g. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/). Are these also available for the live-server image?19:57
tomreynAHemlocksLie: does "xrandr" list the higher resolutions as available, and can you use it to switch to these?19:58
tomreyn(note this may crash budgie again, so save your work first)19:58
AHemlocksLietomreyn, nope, it doesn't list anything about 1280x80019:59
AHemlocksLie*anything above.19:59
AHemlocksLieLists about 10 resolutions total, some with an assortment of what I assume are refresh rates20:00
=== BurekzFinezt is now known as Burek
tomreynAHemlocksLie: i'm not sure how to debug this. what you could try is to run the default ubuntu 18.04.3 from a live usb and see whether you can get the proper resolution there.20:03
tomreynyou can also try the !hwe kernel and X on your current system20:03
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:03
=== viv`d is now known as vivid
tomreynAHemlocksLie: finally, what might help is the amdgpu.dc=0 !kernelparm20:04
tomreyn!kernelparm | AHemlocksLie20:04
ubottuAHemlocksLie: To add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters20:04
TJ-AHemlocksLie: tomreyn  did you notice "Aug 11 14:06:14 mikey-MS-7693 kernel: amdgpu 0000:01:00.0: Invalid PCI ROM header signature: expecting 0xaa55, got 0xffff"20:08
AHemlocksLieTJ-, googling suggests that's fairly common and not problematic20:09
tomreynTJ-: a, no, missed this one20:09
TJ-AHemlocksLie: I tend to agree with you but wanted to be sure you'd considered it20:10
omega_doomhello everyone!20:11
TJ-AHemlocksLie: a VGA BIOS option ROM doesn't really count on EFI systems anyhow20:11
tomreynso there's https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=98798 about this20:11
ubottuFreedesktop bug 98798 in Driver/AMDgpu "Invalid PCI ROM header signature: expecting 0xaa55, got 0xffff" [Normal,Resolved: notourbug]20:11
omega_doomHow can i disable/remove audio devices that not used anymore?20:12
TJ-AHemlocksLie: Can I suggest to reboot into the GRUB shell (tap Esc repeatedly to get the GRUB menu then press 'c' to get the command shell) then use the command "videoinfo" in GRUB to see what  UEFI tells GRUB about available modes20:12
omega_doomI have multiple audio devices and looks my ubuntu hangs when i play music.20:13
AHemlocksLieTJ-, okay, I'll do that and depending on output, trying tomreyn 's idea for the kernel option20:13
TJ-AHemlocksLie: the important part from Linux side is what the monitor reports in the EDID, which should be reported in the Xorg.log20:14
omega_doomI have found info that pulse can't handle multiple audi devices.20:15
AHemlocksLieOkay. I'll be back in a few minutes20:15
AHemlocksLieEh, I'll check that first20:15
TJ-omega_doom: well that sounds like bad advice - if something 'hangs' there's a bug at kernel level I'd expect20:16
AHemlocksLie"[  2278.799] (EE) AMDGPU(0): drmmode_do_crtc_dpms cannot get last vblank counter20:16
AHemlocksLie" maybe something...20:16
TJ-omega_doom: I have a Digital Audio Workstation with lots of audio devices20:17
AHemlocksLieOnly EE entry in Xorg.log20:17
TJ-AHemlocksLie: yes indeed, lets see the entire log in a pastebin please20:17
AHemlocksLieTJ-, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YXcNPt6tgs/20:19
AHemlocksLieDefinitely seeing references to resolutions up to my max 3440x144020:20
tomreynAHemlocksLie: maybe you could uninstall the software which provides amdkcl.ko and see whether this makes the higher resoultions work again?20:21
AHemlocksLieAnd looks like EDID stuff, so if I understand correctly, that suggests Linux is, in fact, receiving the proper max resolution, but the GPU/its driver won't offer resolutions that high20:21
TJ-AHemlocksLie: is the monitor a G-Story 35" 120Hz 1440p Curved UWQHD Monitor20:22
tomreyn(i suspect this is amdgpu-pro?)20:22
AHemlocksLieThat's pretty close. I don't think it's G-Story, and I wanna says it's 100Hz, not 120, but the rest is about right, yeah20:22
AHemlocksLieAnd yeah, I'm using amdgpu-pro20:22
omega_doomI will tru to update ubuntu.20:22
TJ-AHemlocksLie: I was going by "GS35UCR"20:23
tomreyntry with just amdgpu then20:23
AHemlocksLieTJ-, that sounds like a pretty reasonable model number, though I don't recall off the top of my head. And the stats are pretty accurate for the most part20:24
TJ-AHemlocksLie: silly question but have you recently changed the displayPort cable?20:25
omega_doomThe problem is i have audio devices in the sound property thah no longer active.20:26
omega_doomusb audio devices that i don't have anymore.20:27
omega_doomI think pulse is confused by those not valid devices.20:28
omega_doomAnd i don't know how to remove them.20:28
AHemlocksLieTJ-, no, it's the same one. In the initial diagnosis, I swapped ports, and that didn't help in Linux. It did seem to help with Windows, though.20:29
TJ-AHemlocksLie: woah! "Using hsync ranges from config file" ... can you show us "pastebinit <( find /etc/X11 /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ -ls )"20:29
TJ-AHemlocksLie: if there's some config limiting h/vsync frequencies it would cause this20:30
TJ-AHemlocksLie: oh, add this path too: "/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d"20:31
tomreynomega_doom: see if you have any of the listes listed unter SYNOPSIS on the pulse-client.conf(5) !an page20:31
tomreyn*!man page20:31
tomreyn!man | omega_doom20:31
ubottuomega_doom: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/20:31
AHemlocksLieTJ-, didn't find /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/, but seemed to get the rest. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/X7cFt8Nq2p/20:32
gst568923Hi guys, I have installed ubuntu 19.04 with network manager 1.16.0-0ubuntu2 and I would like enable PMF for my connection. I have run: `nmcli connection modify <MY-SSID> 802-11-wireless-security.pmf required` but journald return me "Activation: (wifi) couldn't build wireless configuration: 802-11-wireless-security: Supplicant does not support PMF"20:32
gst568923 ps:(My Modem-Router support PMF, I tested it!)20:32
TJ-AHemlocksLie: and now "pastebinit <( grep -r  . /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ )"20:33
omega_doom@ubottu What?20:33
AHemlocksLieTJ-, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j3S8BXnN5N/20:34
TJ-gst568923: "supplicant" means wpa_supplicant, OR the kernel driver for the device20:34
All9sI think I want an Ubuntu tattoo.20:35
gst568923TJ- "state change: config -> failed (reason 'supplicant-config-failed', sys-iface-state: 'managed')"20:36
OerHeksAll9s, yes? https://lamiradadelreplicante.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Ubuntu-tattoo-624x416.jpg20:36
TJ-AHemlocksLie: nothing there I was expecting (a "Section Monitor") but the "Using hsync ranges from config file" means something - we need to find out what/where this "config file" is20:37
All9sThese are stickers, OerHeks20:37
OerHeks* ask your parents first20:37
TJ-AHemlocksLie: Try " grep -rn 'Section "Monitor"' /etc/X11 /opt/amdgpu* "20:38
AHemlocksLieTJ-, nothing20:39
omega_doomtomreyn: i don't see files that mentioned in the pulse-client.conf.20:40
TJ-AHemlocksLie: and we're not sure how accurate that message is - does it mean a real file in the file-system or is it referring to the EDID from the monitor20:41
omega_doomI tomreyn: I see different files in the ~./config/pulse/ - tdb, sink, source, cookie.20:42
gst568923my wifi adapter support cipher for PMF as described on https://fedoramagazine.org/troubleshoot-pmf-f28/20:43
TJ-AHemlocksLie: I wonder if Xorg allows per-user config files20:44
omega_doomI found similar simptoms in the internet. At first ubuntu freezes several times and finally freezes completely.20:44
AHemlocksLieTJ-, I... am not sure. I didn't have to really do any config for my setup other than driver installation and stuff like that20:46
TJ-AHemlocksLie: the only one I can 'find' is $HOME/.local/share/xorg/20:46
AHemlocksLieI've got an Xorg.0.log there, but that's it20:46
TJ-AHemlocksLie: my gut feeling is the EDID reported modelines are being pruned by some over-ride that claims lower h/vsync frequencies20:47
omega_doomThe explanation is that pulse peridically probes all devices and freezes if there are dead ones.20:47
AHemlocksLie...And that log is from early May. So it's not relevant.20:47
AHemlocksLieTJ-, maybe, but seems odd that that would happen somehow. Unless a new package triggered it somehow, but why on earth would a package want to do that by default?20:48
TJ-AHemlocksLie: is it possible you've got both amdgpu and amdgpu-pro installed and they're mixed up? I say that based on the files in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and the Files modules paths of /opt/amdgpu{,-pro}/20:48
TJ-AHemlocksLie: try to find out what those directories belong to (package). As in "dpkg -S /opt/amdgpu-pro/" and "dpkg -S /opt/amdgpu/"20:49
TJ-AHemlocksLie: if they're from Debian packages that'll report which packages20:49
AHemlocksLieTJ-, I don't think so. I have installed both, but I had some issues with the newest driver when I installed it like a month ago or so, and I ripped EVERY driver package out and reinstalled the older one20:50
AHemlocksLieBut it's not impossible I missed something. I'll look at that.20:50
TJ-AHemlocksLie: well, those paths were listed in files from /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20:51
TJ-AHemlocksLie: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-amdgpu.conf:Section "Files"  lists both those paths20:52
AHemlocksLieTJ-, they do seem to report different packages, typically all -pro's from amdgpu-pro/ and regulars for amdgpu/. Not sure if they're dependencies, though. The driver package installs a slew of prerequisites.20:52
TJ-AHemlocksLie: I don't know if that is meant as in the amdgpu-pro is a superset of amdgpu and therefore it just adds its extras in the amdgpu-pro path20:52
AHemlocksLieTJ-, I suspect that's what it is, -pro as a superset with added functionality20:53
TJ-AHemlocksLie: if they're Debian package you can check with "apt-cache show amdgpu-pro" and look at the "Depends:" list20:53
TJ-(Assuming "amdgpu-pro" is the package name of course20:53
AHemlocksLieTJ-, first dependency is amdgpu, so looks like it20:54
TJ-AHemlocksLie: Totally different tack. Hardware: I presume the GPU is a discrete PCIe adapter ... I've seen strange issues like this when the adapter isn't fully home in the motherboard slot. Right now I'd pull the GPU and reseat it and ensure it isn't slightly 'up' at one end of the slot, and that the card can't be levered by the cable connections20:55
TJ-AHemlocksLie: and triple-check the cable connector is fully home in the socket on the GPU back-plane20:56
AHemlocksLieTJ-, This has some entries I found interesting https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Y9nxkQcjgX/20:56
AHemlocksLieTJ-, specifically the parts about "Not giving standard mode: <various higher resolutions though not quite max>"20:57
AHemlocksLieThey also look like comments, though, so not sure what that's about20:57
TJ-AHemlocksLie: hmmm, interesting... now where'd I put your Xorg.log!?20:57
AHemlocksLieTJ-, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YXcNPt6tgs/20:58
omega_doomIs it safe to delete files in the ~.config/pulse?20:58
jeremy31omega_doom: just rename that folder to be safe as it should be re created when pulseaudio is started20:59
omega_doomjeremy31: I did it and it's ok but i still see dead devices in the sound setings.21:02
jeremy31omega_doom: you have to reboot or restart pulseaudio21:03
omega_doomI have two devices that have same "Analog Stereo Output"21:03
TJ-AHemlocksLie: the getedid reports a single hsync "Horizsync 160-160"21:03
omega_doomOne is usb audio that i no longer use and second is headphones that i use.21:05
AHemlocksLieTJ-, hmmmm looking into it, I can't find anything from within the last 5 years discussing horizsync values. Everything references packages that seem to have been dropped21:08
AHemlocksLieI'm gonna reboot and check out things in GRUB and maybe try that kernel param someone suggested21:11
AHemlocksLieBe back in a few minutes21:11
TJ-AHemlocksLie: before you go...!21:12
AHemlocksLieTJ-, oo just in time21:12
TJ-AHemlocksLie: I'm using a modeline calc to check the EDID21:12
TJ-AHemlocksLie: at http://www.epanorama.net/faq/vga2rgb/calc.html  and entered the details for the first 3440x1440 mode getedid reported21:12
TJ-AHemlocksLie: if correct, that calculator says: "Horizontal sync frequency is 148.1 kHz.  --- if the monitor is only offering 160-160kHz we might have found an explanation21:13
omega_doomI rebooted but still see not used devices in the sound setings.21:13
TJ-AHemlocksLie: the values I've entered to get a matching modeline are: pixel clock: 524.26 Horiz: 1440 48 32  20 polarity 1, Vert: 1440 3  13 21 polarity 0  which gives Modeline "3440x1440"   524.26   3440 3488 3520 3540   1440 1443 1456 1477  +hsync -vsync21:15
TJ-AHemlocksLie: that matches the getedid "Mode 0" 524.26 3440 3488 3520 3540 1440 1443 1453 1481 +hsync -vsync21:16
TJ-AHemlocksLie: well almost!21:16
AHemlocksLieTJ-, it seems really odd that I would suddenly struggle to match the rates my monitor offers after so long...21:17
TJ-AHemlocksLie: correction for Vert: 1440 3 10 28 polarity 021:17
OerHeksomega_doom, pacmd unload-module module-udev-detect && pacmd load-module module-udev-detect  >>> https://superuser.com/questions/845645/pulseaudio-how-to-rescan-audio-devices21:19
TJ-AHemlocksLie: Are you aware that EDID is stored in an EEPROM and can be re-programmed. There was a time when it was relatively common for EDID to actually get corrupted and could be reprogrammed over the link. The checksum here matches so that is unlikely but I feel that 160-160kHz is a big clue... does the monitor have multiple DP inputs and if so maybe they report different EDIDs21:19
AHemlocksLieTJ-, No, just one DP port. 3 HDMIs, not sure if I have one that'll support the resolution and refresh rate21:20
AHemlocksLieTJ-, I want to say I specifically got a DP cable because of that21:20
TJ-AHemlocksLie: looking at the Xorg.log pastebin, line 377 lists some weird resolutions not including the 3440x1440 but later (presumably after you unplug/plug the monitor) at line 620 we see the expected modes reported21:21
AHemlocksLieTJ-, since this lacks timestamps, I assume the entire log is from one boot, in which case the cable was never tampered with.21:24
omega_doomOerHeks: this is odd. Now all devices have been duplicated.21:25
TJ-AHemlocksLie: interesting, so every few seconds the monitor is re-appearing and the GPU is querying the EDID then?21:25
AHemlocksLieTJ-, I ran into the issue in Linux, booted to Windows to see if it had issues, too, to test the hardware, and it DID have trouble presenting ANY screen at all, just toggling the monitor in and out of power saving with a "no display" message or something like that. When I swapped ports on the GPU, I got the Windows login in a seemingly appropriate resolution, so I rebooted to Linux, where it hasn't been touched since21:25
TJ-AHemlocksLie: 2271, 2274, 2278, 2286 (timestamp seconds since kernel started )21:26
OerHeksjust delete the ~/.config/pulse directory, it will be recreated21:26
TJ-AHemlocksLie: that's revealing since we know the Xorg log reports no DPMS (Display Power Management System)21:27
AHemlocksLieTJ-, and 3188. And now I'm rechecking it and finding new entries at 7293 and 755421:27
TJ-AHemlocksLie: "[    47.760] (II) AMDGPU(0): DPMS capabilities: Off" but getedid reports "Option "DPMS" "true""21:28
AHemlocksLieTJ-, and recalling get-edid | parse-edid doesn't seem to be causing a new entry, suggesting it's something else21:28
TJ-AHemlocksLie: I'm beginning to suspect the monitor is the problem21:28
AHemlocksLieTJ-, oh really? So you think I should boot over to Windows and see for sure if it's working properly there, then?21:29
AHemlocksLieTJ-, and if getedid reports it as true, wouldn't that suggest the monitor is properly reporting, but the driver isn't properly handling it for whatever reason?21:30
omega_doomOerHeks: I tried to delete it but it doesn't help. Now i see three device instances in the sound settings.21:30
TJ-AHemlocksLie: I've just found a review on Amazon for the G-Story and it mentions "Small con: Only hdmi 3 does full 4K 60hz"21:33
TJ-AHemlocksLie: and goes on "I ended up buying a switch so that I could plug my PS4 Pro and Xbox One X into that port"21:34
TJ-AHemlocksLie: see https://www.amazon.com/G-STORY-3440X1440P-Eye-Care-FreeSync-Certificated/product-reviews/B078LWVWX321:34
AHemlocksLieTJ-, https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=31005 this is my monitor21:34
TJ-AHemlocksLie: looks identical inc. the stand21:35
AHemlocksLieTJ-, could be the same manufacturer for different brands, but the logo in the bottom middle is different at least21:35
TJ-AHemlocksLie: logos are easy to change ... however, I'm reading the manual for your model, and I wonder about the "Set 2" > "Free Sync" option that affects the DP (page 14)21:41
AHemlocksLieTJ-, settings haven't been touched in months, but I'll see what it's set to21:44
AHemlocksLieTJ-, yeah, Free Sync is still enabled21:45
TJ-AHemlocksLie: they're the same monitor, compare the full/detailed specs on your seller's web-page to this one https://drop.com/buy/g-story-35-120hz-1440p-curved-uwqhd-monitor/details#details21:45
TJ-AHemlocksLie: you'll see the info is identical including formatting of text - always a massive clue that they come from the same ODM21:46
omega_doommy ubunti freezed again. Only hardware reboot helped. Help!21:46
AHemlocksLieI've had 3440x1440 with 100Hz on this DisplayPort since I got it a year ago21:47
AHemlocksLieTJ-, so I don't think the port is an issue. This is a very abrupt change from what was perfectly functional21:47
TJ-AHemlocksLie: OK but something has changed. I'm trying to locate reports of the same monitor where we can compare EDID/Xorg with yours, hence its helpful to know the monitor is sold under different labels21:49
AHemlocksLieTJ-, unless you want me to check something first, I'm gonna try a couple things that need a reboot. Would be back in ~5 minutes21:54
FaTaL_GgI'm looking for a little help getting my broadcom adapter to work on 18.04 as an AP. It worked fine on 16.04.21:55
omega_doomi don't understanf why i see those usb audio devices.21:55
TJ-AHemlocksLie: go ahead :)21:55
AHemlocksLieTJ-, okay, cool, be back soon21:56
omega_doomI also disable other AudioIPCServers. I hope it will help.21:59
AHemlocksLieTJ-, so I'm over in Windows, and it had the same issue again with not being able to get a screen up until I unplugged it and plugged it back in, but this time I used the same port. That seemed to make the difference22:06
AHemlocksLieTJ-, however, upon logging into Windows, which is further than I went last time, I got an error for AMDRSServ.exe, which obviously isn't for Linux, but does suggest AMD related issues still22:07
omega_doomthis is starnge again. There were 3 AudioIPCServers but now there are only 2.22:07
AHemlocksLieI'm gonna try to launch a resource intensive game and see what that does, might take a minute to get it loaded up22:07
AHemlocksLieI am getting the full 3440x1440, though22:08
AHemlocksLieAnd 100 Hz22:09
TJ-AHemlocksLie: check the Windows Event Log(s) for clues about that error and maybe others22:15
TJ-AHemlocksLie: Have you changed any settings in the PC's firmware, especially around power management?22:16
AHemlocksLieTJ-, I had not touched anything of the sort. And performance seems just fine under Windows once I got past the initial issue. Next time I boot over to Linux, I'm gonna try that there and see if it helps22:19
TJ-AHemlocksLie: it certainly seems like a hardware issue of some sort22:22
AHemlocksLieTJ-, yeah, I can't decide if I think you're right about the monitor or not. It seems pretty reasonable. Unfortunately, I don't have a spare to test with. And I don't seem to be getting any driver errors or anything on Linux22:22
AHemlocksLieTJ-, but I don't normally get that AMD error, though I can't tell what it's for exactly, so it might not be very significant22:23
TJ-AHemlocksLie: have you tried reseating the GPU adapter yet?22:23
AHemlocksLieTJ-, I have not. I was curious how performance would be under Windows.22:23
TJ-AHemlocksLie: the other thing you might consider is the power adapter for the monitor. There are so many variables in situations like this. Do you have any other PCs you could connect and boot with a LiveISO simply to see what EDID is initially returned (since the Xorg.log didn't report the 3440x1440 modeline initially but did later but would only choose 1280x720 )22:25
AHemlocksLieTJ-, only one error logged in Event Viewer in the last hour... Flagged as an application error, though, from WMI, not sure what that is. Doesn't seem to suggest anything related... "Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003.22:26
AHemlocksLieEvents cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected." If that means anything to you.22:26
AHemlocksLieI assume it's ignorable, though22:26
TJ-AHemlocksLie: the PC/GPU doesn't need to drive the monitor at that resolution, but checking the returned EDID would be useful22:26
AHemlocksLieTJ-, might be able to hook up to my laptop. I'll try that in a sec. Gonna boot back to Linux and see if the reconnect helps.22:27
TJ-AHemlocksLie: Event doesn't look related, seems like an SQL query of the Windows Management Instrumention database22:27
AHemlocksLieTJ-, so I ran videoinfo from GRUB, and it only gave four resolutions, the largest being 1280x1024, which is slightly larger than the old 1280x80022:34
AHemlocksLieTJ-, And replugging didn't matter, reran the command after replugging to the same results. But now I'm up to normal resolution in Linux.22:35
TJ-AHemlocksLie: that would likely be a standard VESA mode22:35
TJ-AHemlocksLie: "normal resolution" being ?22:36
AHemlocksLieTechnically had to manually put it back once I logged in, but the login screen was standard resolution again, so I think that was just "memory" of the last used setting22:37
TJ-AHemlocksLie: oh, so its working to the preferred mode now22:37
AHemlocksLieTJ-, yeah, but seems to only do that if I un/replug it like I had to do under Windows. So something's still screwy, but I can at least force normality22:38
AHemlocksLieReally wish I could figure out what's causing the problem... If it's hardware, it's been about a year since I got it, so warranty may be ending really soon22:39
TJ-AHemlocksLie: I wonder if you could trigger that from software? When it's on a lower resolution do something like "xrandr --output DP-0 --off && xrandr --output DP-0 --auto" (I can't recall now what the actually output name should be so correct that!)22:40
=== BurekzFinezt is now known as Burek
AHemlocksLieTJ-, maybe, but I hate to hack in something like that if I don't really, really have to22:41
TJ-AHemlocksLie: it's as a test to see if you can replicate the unplug/replug just in software22:41
TJ-AHemlocksLie: if you can that suggests the problem isn't hardware22:41
AHemlocksLieTJ-, the fact that this problem sprang up on both OSs simultaneously with an identical fix suggests it's not software, I would think22:44
TJ-AHemlocksLie: right but xrandr might be poking the GPU in the correct way, if it is a GPU issue22:44
TJ-AHemlocksLie: the only way you're going to pinpoint the cause is by a process of elimination, through tests.... or some extreme good luck!22:45
=== SuperL4g is now known as SuperLag

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