[00:01] depending on the one you get, could involve rooting, hacking the system to make it think it is the international, then flashing a different Android, then unlocking bootler, then resizing the cache or manually installing [00:07] no 4g in the us, and you may or may not have strange wifi/gps problems [02:36] @mateosalta [no 4g in the us, and you may or may not have strange wifi/gps problems], Probleme resolved [02:36] 4G work perfectly [02:38] Update modem [02:39] (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/59DUBAQa.png [02:58] @Sconio [Probleme resolved], that is excellent news - did you use the script and bin file described at https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2755/meizu-pro-5-flyme-os-to-ubuntu-touch-modem-update-fingerprint-function/2 ? [03:50] has anyone managed to make discord work? The webapp doesn't seem to scale right in morph [04:20] @Sconio [4G work perfectly], hmmm, using the script and modem.bin file linked in the tutorial I was able to successfully update the modem, but performance with Meizu Pro 5 Ubuntu Edition in the USA on T-mobile remains on 3G / HSPA - getting around 1.5mbps download speeds at best (using the NetSpeed app from the Open Store in order tes [04:20] t) [04:28] However my problem of battery vien of this maniplation ... :/ [04:30] I delete version 2017 modem [04:30] Bad result [04:31] Sconio - so you went back to the older modem firmware? What were the commands to do that? [04:38] Ok [04:39] sudo -i [04:39] sudo mount -o remount,rw / [04:40] cd /var/lib/lxc/android/ [04:41] mv /var/lib/lxc/android/system.img.old /var/lib/lxc/android/system.img [04:42] reboot [09:07] I'm trying to edit some video clips I shot with the N5. Does anyone know what the frame rate is? Is there somewhere this kind of info is documented? [11:11] @Sconio [], hm, which service do you use [11:35] @TotalSonic [Mark - in the works with a great deal of focus from the UBports team is support …], Thank you for the update. [12:02] (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/b1mDpx04.zip [12:10] @markvesime [I'm trying to edit some video clips I shot with the N5. Does anyone know what th …], You could check the file (from another computer, e.g. via. `sshfs`) using `exiftool`: … ```$ exiftool xyz.mp4 | grep Frame … Video Frame Rate : 29.842``` [12:10] @markvesime [I'm trying to edit some video clips I shot with the N5. Does anyone know what th …], [Edit] You could check the file (from another computer, e.g. via. `sshfs`) using `exiftool`: … ```$ exiftool xyz.mp4 | grep Frame … Video Frame Rate : 29.842``` [12:12] great, thanks! [12:12] You're welcome. [12:59] painkiller98 was added by: painkiller98 [13:17] Hello :-) … It is possible to do a Android and Ubport dualboot on a smartphone ? :-) … Thank you :-) [13:17] @ian_mcxa [has anyone managed to make discord work? The webapp doesn't seem to scale right …], the discount open source version of it? [13:17] I was just trying the webapp, but if there's an open source version I'd also like to try that [13:18] there is one but i'm not even sure it works [13:18] there isn't really. someone started an app, didn't finish it, and afaik the API is similar to slack where your app is a "bot" so not quite what people really want either [13:18] ah interesting [13:19] @Zak39 [Hello :-) … It is possible to do a Android and Ubport dualboot on a smartphone ? : …], it is not supported, no. but some people have used a hacked MultiROM to do so on Nexus 5 [13:20] @ian_mcxa [I was just trying the webapp, but if there's an open source version I'd also lik …], i think we should ask the devs at discord to make a client for ut, i believe i did start a thread about it on their feedback site [13:23] ok, discord's API seems a little bit better, so you can do some things as a regular user i guess [13:24] @dohbee [it is not supported, no. but some people have used a hacked MultiROM to do so on …], Arf dommage :-/ … It may be very cool to get this function to change between android and ubport :-) [13:25] it's not something we will support [13:53] Can I try Ubport by virtual machine ? [13:54] not currently no. there's no way to run Ubuntu Touch in a VM [13:54] you can try unity8 in a virtual machine [13:57] With my eyesight as it is, I really need larger fonts. Last night I tried to set higher scaling values in UT Tweak Tool, but I found anything larger than the default 28 makes the display expand to larger than the screen such that things on the right margin start getting cut off. [14:00] Ouch :-/ … Can I use ubport on tablet like a computer ? Can I code with Atom Editor ? Create Virtual Machine ? [14:01] first off the os is called ubuntu touch [14:01] @Zak39 [Ouch :-/ … Can I use ubport on tablet like a computer ? Can I code with Atom Edit …], UBports is the community. Ubuntu Touch is the phone/tablet OS. it is not a traditonal linux distro. you can code in atom though if you wish. VM depends on whether the hardware supports it (I'm not sure any currently supported devices do) [14:02] and no, you can't just install it on any arbitrary device [14:02] and second it only runs on a select few devices atm [14:48] Alo how to anbox access my contact ? [14:49] anbox apps cannot access the UT contacts db currently. you need to install a contacts app in anbox and import your contacts into it for now [14:50] (i think the anbox image includes the lineage contacts app already, no?) [15:20] @dohbee [(i think the anbox image includes the lineage contacts app already, no?)], Yes [16:19] Is it just me missing something or have wayne and joe not done an audiocast in awhile? [17:04] Alex was added by: Alex [17:25] (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/L5bbZgMm.webp [17:45] I'm still trying to get libertine to work, and it seems like the fault is on pulseaudio. [17:47] I see `pa_context_connect() failed: Connection refused` and then the lxc container is deleted. [17:49] i'm pretty sure lxc will not work [17:55] But chroot doesn't work for me, either. [17:55] It doesn't hurt to try fixing lxc in this situation. [17:56] Looks like it's a PulseAudio issue, the audio part failed during setup, and then it self-destructs. [18:03] @ahgdq [It doesn't hurt to try fixing lxc in this situation.], well i don't think unprivileged lxc will work on the kernels available on supported devices [18:04] so really i'm surprised you got as far as you did, what device are you running this on? [18:07] ```hablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ libertine-container-manager create -t lxc -i xenial-lxc … libertine-container-manager:76: ERROR: create(): System kernel does not support lxc type containers. Please either use chroot or omit the -t option.``` [18:08] that's what i get on my nexus 4 [18:08] [Edit] ```phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ libertine-container-manager create -t lxc -i xenial-lxc … libertine-container-manager:76: ERROR: create(): System kernel does not support lxc type containers. Please either use chroot or omit the -t option.``` [18:11] OnePlus3. I think if the kernel supports it, `libertine-container-manager` will default to it. [18:27] oh, it's not a supported device. so probably something else is very wrong there if `-t chroot` also isn't working [18:30] Yup. [18:31] I commented out the pulseaudio related stuff entirely and I can confirm it's not the culprit. The creation process still failed. [18:34] i would suggest that if you want to verify libertine working for that port, you should concentrate on getting the chroot based creation working first, since it is known to work on official devices. [18:37] I've tried chroot and it certainly does not work at all 😁 [18:39] but why not? [18:41] I get a huge influx of "permission denied" errors and then the container self-destructs as usual. [18:42] right, so find out why you are getting those. there is probably something missing or not quite right with that port [18:42] https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/Wv4KFVN15TKMUAKUmZkWWQ [18:43] Something like this [18:43] maybe you could comment on the issue for the port in halium, or open an issue against Vince's repo for it [18:43] 👌 [18:45] given the errors perhaps it is something wrong with the filesystem config for the partition which `/home/phablet` is located on [19:00] ```phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ cat /etc/fstab … --//-- … /userdata/user-data /home none bind 0 0 … --//--``` [19:01] ``` … > mount … /dev/sda15 on /home type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard,nodelalloc,data=journal) [19:01] [Edit] ```> mount … --//-- … /dev/sda15 on /home type ext4 (rw,relatime,discard,nodelalloc,data=journal) … --//--``` [19:03] looks ok i guess [19:07] I'll run it again and save the full log this time. [19:07] :q [19:25] The log is completely messed up and everything is misaligned. I'll need to clean it up first. [19:28] you can probably do `libertine-container-manager create -t chroot -i xenial 2>&1 | tee libertine.log` and pastebinit the log or something after [20:06] This must be the most gorgeous phone with Ubuntu I'll ever have. Funny enough .... can't see anywhere the ADD TO CART button. https://www.joybuy.com/1104324.html?utm_source=omgubuntu [20:07] The Pro 5 can still be had, though the Ubuntu Edition is very rare online [20:07] But if you start reading from about here, you'll see why it might not be the best idea to get one: https://t.me/ubports/223184 [20:08] (Non-Ubuntu Edition) [20:08] Gotcha. [20:10] Thanks for pointing that out. [20:20] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9h9GHJG3vh/ [20:20] @mark alexa [This must be the most gorgeous phone with Ubuntu I'll ever have. Funny enough .. …], you could get an HTC 10 instead, and finish the port. then it will look even better [20:21] The log has been acquired, sorry about the spam inside, I'm not really good at vim and it'll take forever to clean it up. [20:21] ```W: Failure while configuring base packages. This will be re-attempted up to five times. … W: See /home/phablet/.cache/libertine-container/xenial/rootfs/debootstrap/debootstrap.log for details (possibly the package makedev is at fault)``` [20:22] though i suppose that may no longer exist at this point [20:24] so yeah, i don't know what's going on there exactly. is your storage full? do you have some weird permissions for stuff inside phablet home dir? [20:24] I'll need to set up something to repeatedly copy debootstrap.log to somewhere else as fast as possible. [20:25] you could just manually run a debootstrap command as libertine runs it, too [20:25] which might give more info [20:26] ```phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ ls -lha … total 228K … drwxr-xr-x 15 phablet phablet 4.0K Aug 12 16:13 . … drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4.0K Aug 12 00:11 .. … drwx------ 30 phablet phablet 4.0K Aug 12 13:46 .cache``` [20:27] I haven't messed with any permissions so far, and the storage is certainly not full. [20:27] `df -h` is what you'd want to see how much space is available on your partitions [20:28] anyway, i can't solve your problem for you. i'm just pointing you in directions to look where it could be the issue [20:28] you're trying to use an experimental feature on an unsupported device. i don't have that device, and libertine works fine on supported devices, and on x86 [20:29] so there must be something either wrong with the port, or specifically with your phone perhaps. maybe try in https://t.me/UBports_porting and see if someone else with an op3 has the same issue [20:30] Sure, I'll try to save the debootstrap log first. [20:31] Thanks for the help so far, I'm fully aware of the fact that I'm running this on an unsupported device. [21:53] (Photo, 1920x1080) https://irc.ubports.com/UxhD8I0y.png [21:54] GIMP running in Libertine Container using the Color 48 theme to make icons usable on a mobile device - https://bitbucket.org/paynekj/paynekj-gimp-scripts/raw/2e8e87faf5eaaf6036e0d8b68ff9f6f37a3f0421/themes/Color-48.7z [21:55] you still need to use an external bluetooth keyboard with GIMP on the phone in order to have the gui respond [21:56] [Edit] you still need to use an external bluetooth keyboard for GIMP on the phone in order to have the gui respond [21:56] Nice [22:02] In order to install this theme I had to extract the 7z archive on my computer and upload the folder to the phone. Then I had to go into `home/phablet/cache/libertine-container/xenial/rootfs/usr/share/gimp/2.0/themes` rename the "Default" theme folder as "Old Default" - and then paste in the Color 48 theme folder renamed as "Default" ( [22:02] because trying to change the theme from Gimp's gui would just crash it) [22:03] Also to get the GTK menus to be sized to be useable on phone it is important to: create a file named .Xdefaults in a text editor (tedit is a good Ubuntu Touch native one for this) with a single line "Xft.dpi: 300" - or whatever other dpi value which you prefer. Save this to the home directory of your chroot environment (.local/share/li [22:03] bertine-container/user-data/xenial/ in your normal home directory) . [22:03] [Edit] Also to get the GTK menus to be sized to be useable on phone it is important to: create a file named .Xdefaults in a text editor (tedit is a good Ubuntu Touch native one for this) with a single line "Xft.dpi: 300" - or whatever other dpi value which you prefer. Save this to the home directory of your chroot environment - usually [22:03] `.local/share/libertine-container/user-data/xenial/` in your normal home directory). [22:03] [Edit] Also to get the GTK menus to be sized to be useable on phone it is important to: create a file named .Xdefaults in a text editor (tedit is a good Ubuntu Touch native one for this) with a single line "Xft.dpi: 300" - or whatever other dpi value which you prefer. Save this to the home directory of your chroot environment - usually [22:03] `.local/share/libertine-container/user-data/xenial/` in your normal home directory. [22:04] [Edit] Also to get the GTK menus to be sized to be useable on phone it is important to: create a file named `.Xdefaults` in a text editor (tedit is a good Ubuntu Touch native one for this) with a single line `Xft.dpi: 280` - or whatever other dpi value which you prefer. Save this to the home directory of your chroot environment - usual [22:04] ly `.local/share/libertine-container/user-data/xenial/` in your normal home directory. [22:52] TheMrZero was added by: TheMrZero [22:55] Taim010 was added by: Taim010 [22:56] @TotalSonic [GIMP running in Libertine Container using the Color 48 theme to make icons usabl …], Not sure I'd call that usable :p [23:05] @TotalSonic [], i'm think the different windows could be different surfaces xD [23:06] Vlad Mirson was added by: Vlad Mirson [23:07] @dohbee [Not sure I'd call that usable :p], yup - it certainly is seriously cluttered - but if you need to do some basic edits or conversions it can be done [23:07] Hey. I just installed UT on Nexus 5. I am very wondering if: I can install on it Firefox browser. [23:07] [Edit] Hey. I just installed UT on Nexus 5. I am very wondering if: … 1. I can install on it Firefox browser; … 2. If my Nexus can be set in Desktop mode. [23:08] well yes and no [23:08] firefox is not built for ut but can be installed in libertine [23:08] @Vlad Mirson [Hey. I just installed UT on Nexus 5. I am very wondering if: … 1. I can install o …], Firefox runs horribly slow and is crash prone on UT. Insructions on how to install it if you want to see for yourself is at https://blog.arubislander.nl/2018/10/running-firefox-in-1604-libertine.html?m=1 & https://github.com/jdonald [23:08] /firefox-armhf/releases [23:09] @Vlad Mirson [Hey. I just installed UT on Nexus 5. I am very wondering if: … 1. I can install o …], [Edit] Firefox runs horribly slow and is crash prone on UT. Instructions on how to install it if you want to see for yourself is at https://blog.arubislander.nl/2018/10/running-firefox-in-1604-libertine.html?m=1 & https://github.com [23:09] /jdonald/firefox-armhf/releases [23:09] and desktopmode can be done via a slimport adapter [23:10] When I said desktop mode I did not mean to connect Nexus to any other device. I meant just to have on Nexus screen desktop mode. [23:10] ohw that can be done via ut tweak tool [23:10] @Vlad Mirson [Hey. I just installed UT on Nexus 5. I am very wondering if: … 1. I can install o …], a nice alternative to the Morph browser using an alternate take on the QTwebBrowser is at https://open-store.io/app/demobr.mateo-salta [23:10] You can reduce scaling. But UT is not a traditional linux distro [23:11] or you know change usage mode [23:11] pretty sure he means windows mode [23:11] @Fuseteam [pretty sure he means windows mode], Which is useless at native scaling [23:13] So there is no browser for now for UT with anti-tracking features? [23:13] yes morph [23:13] Really? I did not find this settings there... [23:13] In rc [23:13] pretty sure morph does not track [23:14] @hummlbach [In rc], What is rc? [23:14] @Fuseteam [i'm think the different windows could be different surfaces xD], yeah - this was set in "Single Window Mode" which I found was less crash prone. But in multiwindow mode you could indeed have it set like that if you can successfully navigate switching windows in order to get to different parts of the gui (something that shou [23:14] ld be easier in Windowed mode while sending to an external display) [23:15] or just switch between surfaces xD [23:15] @Vlad Mirson [What is rc?], There a different release channels for ut. [23:15] @Vlad Mirson [What is rc?], release candidate [23:15] @Vlad Mirson [Really? I did not find this settings there...], you can launch a "New Private Window" in Morph's settings [23:15] @hummlbach [There a different release channels for ut.], M-m-m. [23:16] Edge, devel, rc and stable [23:16] @TotalSonic [you can launch a "New Private Window" in Morph's settings], Private Mode it is not anti-tracking mode. [23:16] @hummlbach [Edge, devel, rc and stable], I set "Stable". What shoud I choose instead? [23:17] @Vlad Mirson [Private Mode it is not anti-tracking mode.], ok - well there is no way to do Tor on UT currently [23:17] @hummlbach [Edge, devel, rc and stable], I got you. [23:17] @Vlad Mirson [Private Mode it is not anti-tracking mode.], Okay I was referring to the private mode too... [23:18] Tor - is mostly VPN browsing. I don't need too. I just need Google does not track me, because my company will file a law case against Google. [23:18] So we are (all our company) now traying to ptotect all our devices from being tracked by Google. [23:19] hmmm [23:19] Google Analytics (and other) tracjers are almost in every web-site. [23:20] Firefox has feature with anti-tracking and cookies disableing. [23:20] @Vlad Mirson [Tor - is mostly VPN browsing. I don't need too. I just need Google does not trac …], you could install uAdBlock as a start - I think that might help with some of this - https://open-store.io/app/uadblock.mariogrip [23:21] But there is also Privacy Badger add-on which helps a lot with blocking trackers. [23:21] @Vlad Mirson [But there is also Privacy Badger add-on which helps a lot with blocking trackers …], Interesting article on an experiment done by Gizmodo to try and see if they could rout around all the Google servers and services - https://gizmodo.com/i-cut-google-out-of-my-life-it-screwed-up-everything-1830565500 [23:22] ... not to go to off topic [23:22] [Edit] ... not to go too off topic [23:24] Ok. Thanks guys. I will try to get firefox on my UT Nexus 5 via Libertine. [23:31] Hello guys, first, sorry for my bad english :( Brazillian learning alone.. [23:32] Any of ours have Ubuntu Touch running on an device that comes with Android 8/9 ? [23:34] Unfortunately, no [23:36] @TheMrZero [Any of ours have Ubuntu Touch running on an device that comes with Android 8/9 ?], More specifically, Motorola moto x4 ( a.k.a Payton by Lineage ) [23:36] Still not [23:37] @dohbee any idea how to port halium? [23:37] Solve the issues preventing treble based ports [23:39] So, for short, no lucky for now ? [23:39] Even if my dev is fully officially supported by Lineage ? [23:41] Right [23:42] Only if device came with 5.1 or 7.1 i think it can be ported right now [23:45] =( Ok...