
anon^_^gpg --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com:443 --recv-keys 7EF33F027E9E4869F46F77E34E72F77D7D158F3300:00
anon^_^gpg: key 4E72F77D7D158F33: public key "Launchpad PPA for Micah Lee" imported00:00
anon^_^gpg: Total number processed: 100:00
anon^_^gpg:               imported: 100:00
anon^_^however, apt-key fails00:01
anon^_^sudo add-apt-repository ppa:micahflee/ppa00:01
anon^_^Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.XNiyRBLgEY/gpg.1.sh --keyserver hkps://keyserver.ubuntu.com:443 --recv-keys 7EF33F027E9E4869F46F77E34E72F77D7D158F3300:01
anon^_^gpg: WARNING: Tor is not properly configured00:01
anon^_^gpg: keyserver receive failed: Permission denied00:01
rbasakanon^_^: please stop spamming the channel. You said you had a question. Please just ask it. We don't need a bug report spammed into the channel - we have the bug tracker to record a bug if that's what you want to do.00:02
anon^_^it's a critical bug, i don't have launchpad account00:02
rbasakIt doesn't sound like it meets our definition of "Critical": https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance00:03
rbasakYou can create a Launchpad account.00:03
Unit193I have 18.04, I have tor, gpg --refresh-keys works as expected.00:03
anon^_^Unit193, yes gpg --refresh-keys works, but add-apt-repository is broken00:04
=== awayney is now known as Laney
rbalinthi, how do i resolve circular build dependencies in Ubuntu? Should I just upload a "stage1" source package then, after rdeps are rebuilt, the good one or there are extra steps?10:29
rbalint(i could not find the wiki page for that)10:29
rbalinti'm looking at the loop including golang-google-cloud-compute-metadata-dev10:30
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
cjwatsonrbalint: (at least some) archive admins can inject build-deps to resolve loops10:56
cjwatsonbut will need clear instructions on the sequence10:57
rbasakmapreri: "Default to checking signatures while pulling a .dsc" -> regresses download of some Ubuntu packages. I'm not sure why.11:10
rbasakmapreri: some examples: hoel lyricue net-snmp orthanc-mysql pam-mysql proftpd-dfsg rsyslog11:11
rbasakmapreri: failure example: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/vYH7xNm6Zq/11:12
maprerirbasak: because it makes a lot of sense in debian, but doesn't in ubuntu, which doesn't have an equivalent to debian's debian-keyring.11:13
maprerisome other canonical employee mailed me the other day about it11:13
mapreriso I expect the verification to fail for anything that is not signed by a key in the debian-keyring, which pretty much means ~everything with a direct upload to ubuntu11:13
rbasakI see11:13
maprerirbasak: so I'm thinking of https://paste.debian.net/1095441/ - which should keep the validation enabled on debian only (since it subclasses SourcePackage and overrides the pull_dsc() method with a verify_signature=True)11:14
rbasakmapreri: sounds good11:15
Odd_BlokeOhh, _that_ explains why I've been seeing those failures a lot recently.  I thought I'd screwed up my GPG keyring or something.11:15
rbasakmapreri: can we upload a fix fairly quickly please?11:16
Odd_Bloke(Luckily my strategy of ignoring the problem in the hopes it would go away has paid dividends.)11:16
maprerirbasak: I wanted to finally enable autopktest for ubuntu-dev-tools in the next upload, I was waiting on finding enough tuits to do that11:16
rbasakmapreri: I don't think a fix for this issue should wait for any other changes.11:17
rbasakIt's breaking the majority of people who use the package, no?11:17
mapreriwell, those tools that download source packages, at most.11:17
rbasakSo most (all?) Ubuntu developers then!11:18
mapreriwhich are arguably the most important of them all11:18
maprerilet me see if I can do that all now…11:18
rbasakmapreri: arguably the behaviour is wrong on Debian too - what if someone retires, their key is removed from the keyring, but their last upload remains?11:22
maprerirbasak: well, you proposed that change in the first place11:22
mapreriand added a --no-verify-signature to pull-debian-source to override that…11:23
maprerithis was a little more than a month ago, already forgotten? :)11:23
maprerijust, your change broke the testsuite, but I noticed only after merging.  my change "Default to checking signatures while pulling a .dsc" was a way to fix the testsuite after that11:23
rbasakI noticed --no-verify-signature is attributed to me but I don't remember the detail!11:24
maprerithat was 2017!11:24
maprerisorry, I looked at month and day without year :311:24
rbasakPerhaps I had hit the Debian verification failure case already?11:25
rbasakI'm not sure it was my intention to add additional checking!11:26
rbasakmapreri: looks like it needs SourcePackage.pull() adjusting, not pull_dsc().11:31
rbasakOtherwise the default of True gets passed through.11:31
maprerigood point.  the original report I had was from `backportpackage`, which only uses pull_dsc().11:32
maprerirbasak: could you please confirm that https://paste.debian.net/1095443/ works for you?11:43
Odd_BlokeDo we have any policy about what level of logging should be written to the journal (vs. a package-specific file in /var/log)?11:45
rbasakmapreri: confirmed. Reproduced in a fresh eoan container, and I patched /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ubuntutools/archive.py directly with your patch, and pull-lp-source started working on a problem package.11:47
rbasakIncidentally it looks like pull-lp-source is still on Python 2, but I would leave that for now.11:47
maprerimost of ubuntu-dev-tools is still py211:50
mapreriit's not a difficult task to migrate it, but requires someone to do it11:51
maprerion that regard, I hoped ddstreet merged his fork that did over a year ago before…11:54
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
maprerirbasak: uploaded, let's see how this goes.11:58
rbasakmapreri: thank you for looking at it so quickly!12:04
rbasakAnd sorry for the fallout. I'm not trying to punish you for looking at my MP, honest :-/12:04
mapreridon't worry for that bit :)12:06
hallynhm, 'pull-lp-source qemu' on eoan fails on checking the signature12:19
hallyncpaelzer: ^12:21
rbasakhallyn: see above!12:23
hallynoh? sorry :)12:24
hallyn(finally reading the backlog) zomg12:29
* cpaelzer read the backlog as well now ... oO12:37
hallynit seems to imply that .dsc's didn't use to be verified before?  that surprises me12:38
hallyncpaelzer: so, actually, i was wanting to lok through the source to see - should virtio-blk storage be enabled ?12:41
hallyni'm not finding it in the manpage, at any rate, maybe it's just not there12:42
cpaelzerhallyn: I think it is enabled by default, IIRC we have no delta12:43
maprerihallyn: it doesn't really make sense to verify a signature on a ubuntu's .dsc, because ubuntu developres can just change their gpg key whenever they want.12:43
cpaelzerlet me check12:43
mapreriand they are not collected on a keyring either12:43
hallynmapreri: well, but they do keep them on launchpad no?12:43
maprerithere is no trust path to them, etc12:43
hallyn"it's better than nothing"12:43
mapreriwe still have no keyring to give to gpg12:44
hallyni wonder how big it would get if we were to just rsync a tree of all the ubuntu developer's pubkeys from lp :)12:44
hallyn(as a sidestep to apt-get update if you have ubuntu-dev-tools installed)12:44
cpaelzerhallyn: yeah I see virtio-blk.o build and linked - so default-on/no-delta is correct12:45
cpaelzermaybe we miss a new manpage since you expect that one?12:45
hallyncpaelzer: great, thanks!  i'll do some more testing12:45
hallyni just thought checking the source would be easier12:45
hallynbut, it wasn't :)12:46
hallyni dunno - upstream might just not stick every blockdev type in the manpage.  i just thoght they used to12:46
cpaelzerok, let me know if you find something missing12:47
hallynwill do, thx.  (it'll be later this afternoon, unfortunately)12:48
cpaelzeras long as you give me a highlight I can collect it the other day then12:48
hallynwhat i'm looking for is, having an lvm thinpool, i want to be able to dd if=/dev/zero of=/xxx bs=1G count-2;  rm /xxx, fstrim -v /, and then have the backing store be trimmed.12:49
cpaelzerso you look for discard being passed on?12:51
cpaelzerthere is one discard option at -blockdev and more depending on the format (e.g. qcow2 has more)12:52
hallyncpaelzer: well, no - apparently (according to the interwebz) virtio-blk only supports discard with linux 5.0, which I'm not using yet;  and is obsoleted  virtio-scsi does support it.12:58
hallynbut when i did 'man qemu-system-x86_64' i didn't find any reference to it. but then virtio-blk also doesn 'tshow up, so i guess it's just not ther.e  it's probably fine :)12:59
cpaelzeryeah virtio-scsi is what rharper recommended to jamespage recently for discard as well13:00
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
rbasakhallyn: the problem with best effort for signature is that you can't rely on that for scripting. Otherwise something will inevitably fail.13:30
rbasakIt could be written to validate against the apt repository signature in the common case that the source package version being downloaded is available in an apt repository I suppose.13:31
rbasakBut that would need implementing, and it'd have to be a different code path from the general path of being able to grab any version published ever.13:31
rbalintcjwatson, thanks! and is injecting ppa-built build deps preferred over doing the loop breaking in -proposed?13:31
cjwatsonrbalint: I think so13:34
rbalintcjwatson, ack, will go that way then13:36
rbasakSubject: [proposed-migration] mysql-8.0 8.0.16-0ubuntu2 stuck in eoan-proposed for 13 days.13:53
rbasakI know. Please stop spamming me.13:53
rbasakFive today so far :-/13:53
xnoxforce-skip-test uploader/rbasak/all14:01
Laneyrbasak: Can't immediately see from code inspection why that's happening, so I'll add a bit of debugging...14:22
Laneythis is https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu/tree/britney2/policies/email.py#n176 if you want to play along at home14:23
LaneyI forgot about that exciting calculation we have there14:24
LaneyAt 13 days age the threshold should be 11 days, and that's what is in the cache14:27
* Laney blames computers14:27
Laneyit's not every run either14:33
GunnarHjHi rbasak, do you possibly have time to consider this:15:13
rbasakGunnarHj: I suppose I should, as a Bangla speaker!15:24
rbasakIt sounds perfectly fine to me, but I need to check if it needs one DMB member or a quorate number to approve.15:24
rbasakIIRC it should be PPU though, rather than personal-* packageset entry15:25
GunnarHjrbasak: Had no idea that you speak Bangla. :) I mentioned this to Łukasz when he sponsored the addition of the package, and he thought that the packageset would be fine.15:27
rbasakHe doesn't seem to be online right now15:29
GunnarHjrbasak: Right.15:29
rbasakIf you're curious, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/KnowledgeBase#Personal_packagesets_and_glob_expansions is our documentation on that.15:29
rbasakBut this is something we should be able to sort out ourselves and tell you technically how we're achieving it.15:29
rbasak"This is defined as the set that the DMB has agreed that Gunnar may upload, which includes individual packages to which he has PPU, as well as glob expansions."15:29
rbasakOK, I'm wrong.15:29
rbasakI think we need to treat it as a PPU application though15:30
GunnarHjrbasak: With a voting round then?15:31
rbasakIIRC, yes, but I'm just trying to find documentation to confirm.15:32
* rbasak prefers to be consistent about these things15:32
rbasakI don't see it being a problem to add you though - makes perfect sense to me.15:33
rbasakAnd nor do I want to make you write up a tedious application or anything.15:33
rbasakGunnarHj: I can't find any documentation on an exception so I think a vote is required. Let me add this to our meeting agenda.15:35
rbasakGunnarHj: IMHO think your email request is sufficient.15:35
GunnarHjrbasak: Ok, that works for me. It means that I'll need to bother my sponsor an extra time, but that's how it is.15:36
GunnarHjrbasak: Since you are a Bangla speaker, it would be nice it you could install the package and let me know how useful you think it is.15:39
rbasakGunnarHj: I'd be happy to give it a try, but my literacy skills are quite poor and rusty. My spelling is atrocious :-/15:41
rbasakI did say speaker, not writer or reader :-P15:41
GunnarHjrbasak: Your view would be much more valuable than mine, anyway. I can type বাংলা, but that's about it. :)15:43
rbasak(incidentally the Ubuntu Mono font completely screws that up)15:44
GunnarHjrbasak: Yeah, even I realize that it doesn't look right.15:46
rbasakThere's a complexity that some Indian writing systems have (Bengali, Devanagari, maybe some more) that vowels appear around consonants. It was never obvious to me which way round Unicode expects them to be encoded for all cases, and it's really common to see rendering get all confused.15:48
GunnarHjrbasak: I have seen some Ask Ubuntu questions about problems with such languages in e.g. gnome-terminal. Sometimes I point them to konsole, which seems to handle it better.15:53
Locutusofborghello, do we have some sort of way to know all the delta one particular developer introduced in Ubuntu wrt Debian?16:54
LocutusofborgI would like to know how many gcc-9 fixes I did, since now they should go in Debian (including wl-asneeded ones)16:54
Locutusofborgand do some NMUs there16:54
rbasakThe changelog?16:56
rbasakClearly that's not the answer you're looking for, but I'm not sure what I'm missing.16:56
rbasakOh, you mean across all packages?16:56
rbasakThe sponsorship miner perhaps?16:56
rbasakAlso grep-merges might be helpful.16:56
Locutusofborgrbasak, grep-merges shows only outdated stuff?16:57
rbasakThere's also https://launchpad.net/~/+uploaded-packages16:57
rbasakLocutusofborg: yes, good point16:57
Locutusofborgrbasak, problem, is that I keep my merges up-to-date :p16:58
Locutusofborgbut yeah, I can look for gcc-9 bugs in Debian and compare with rmadison the Ubuntu version16:58
Locutusofborgstarting from there maybe16:59
rbasakOr grep your mailbox for queue accepts?16:59
Locutusofborgcat page |grep "ftbfs with GCC-9" |cut -f 2 -d ":" |cut -f 1 -d "]" > list16:59
Locutusofborgthis might work17:00
Locutusofborgrbasak, doesn't help in general17:00
LocutusofborgI'm not the only one who did fix ld-asneeded stuff17:00
rbasakI'm not sure I understand the general specification for your request17:00
LocutusofborgI want to start from *my* packages, but it is a good time to send all this kind of delta we have17:00
Unit193Is X-GNOME-Gettext-Domain a thing?22:17
Unit193(codesearch didn't really pick up anything.)22:29
Unit193https://launchpad.net/builders/lgw01-amd64-046 and a couple others seem a bit stuck.  I could build that package on an old P4 in about two minutes. :323:49

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