
=== Morfeus^ is now known as Guest78193
=== Guest78193 is now known as Morfeus^
=== Morfeus^ is now known as Guest87054
The_LoudSpeakerHii! I am a new lubuntu-member and I would like to request an ubuntu cloak. Here's a link to my launchapd profile: https://launchpad.net/~theloudspeaker22:36
daxel or Unit193: ^, reminder i need to be told what cloak and that _ isn't a valid cloak char22:38
daxThe_LoudSpeaker: one sec, just poked a couple of people to look at it :)22:38
The_LoudSpeakerdax: Thanks! I will be here.22:39
The_LoudSpeakerdax: Can I come back later? It's 4.30 am according to my time.23:00
daxThe_LoudSpeaker: that's fine, you don't need to be online for it. if i end up finding one of them i'll memoserv you to let you know it's done23:00
elhi i just got to keyboard23:02
daxoh nice23:02
eli forget what our policy is for nicks that need replacement chars.23:02
daxi note that their LPID is the same as their accountname but without the _ so maybe go with that23:02
elThe_LoudSpeaker: can you group either theloudspeaker or the-loudspeaker to your account so we can use one of those. neither is reg'd.23:02
The_LoudSpeakerI will group theloudspeaker23:03
dax( /nick theloudspeaker, then /msg nickserv group)23:03
The_LoudSpeakerjust a sec23:03
elok, dax ubuntu/member/theloudspeaker plz.23:03
=== The_LoudSpeaker is now known as theloudspeaker
theloudspeakerel: done!23:04
daxel, theloudspeaker: and done :)23:04
eland added to lp group23:05
=== theloudspeaker is now known as The_LoudSpeaker

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