
OvenWerksEickmeyer: we do not seem to have Ardour 5.12 available as a backport for 16.04.00:39
OvenWerksEickmeyer: I suggested upgrading to 18.04 as being the better solution.00:48
EickmeyerOvenWerks: Yes. 16.04 is EOL and we don't support it.16:30
tewardEickmeyer: i'll look at raysession tomorrow unless someone else gets to it18:46
tewardi'm dead tired today >.>18:46
tewardand leaving early after my 8 hour day i had to pull off hours this weekend18:46
Eickmeyerteward: Cool. I want to get this in before FF next Thursday (and first day of my vacation). I doubt anybody else will get to it before you, but if you could get to that ASAP I'd appreciate it. :)18:48
tewarddo you have the list of issues vorlon stated with it again?18:49
teward*lost the list when his infra exploded this past thursday*18:49
tewardso I can be thorough :P18:49
tewardunrelated, COFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE18:50
EickmeyerThe only real issue he mentioned was the copyright issue.18:54
EickmeyerAnd the overrides, which have been fixed.18:54
studiobot<teward001> ack18:54
EickmeyerIt wasn't a huge list, teward.18:54
studiobot<teward001> i'll review tomorrow18:54
tewardfor now... *goes to coffee up and finish the day then pass out at home*18:54
EickmeyerOk, get some rest.18:55
tewardGOOD NEWS is the 8 hours work I pulled this weekend entitles me to adjust my work schedule by 8 hours18:55
tewardso either a whole day off18:55
tewardor leave early during the day, etc.18:55
tewardso i get off at 4PM today18:55
teward*is leaving an hour earlier today818:55
tewardfek i can't type18:55
studiobot<teward001> well, regardless18:55
studiobot<teward001> `ImportError: No module named 'coffee'`18:56
studiobot<teward001> oopsies?18:56
studiobot<teward001> `ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'coffee'`18:56
studiobot<teward001> foo18:56
studiobot<teward001> `NameError: name 'bar' is not defined`18:57
teward`[KERNEL ERROR] lp0 on fire` ... oops something I think is on fire?  :P19:12

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