
Unit193(Close, but wrong.  Xfconf is amusingly before libxfce4ui)00:00
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfdesktop 4.14.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfdesktop-4-14-1-released-tp55226.html (by Simon Steinbeiss)00:51
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: Xfce 4.14 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-Xfce-4-14-released-tp55228.html (by Simon Steinbeiss)00:51
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Unit193bluesabre: I took about 3, rest are yours.03:34
Unit193knome: Hrm, do you need to also update the link in 'Communication' under the 'dev area'?06:27
knomeyeah, i guess06:30
knomethough it says tracker06:30
knomewhich isn't true06:30
bluesabreUnit193: alrighty, will process any missing throughout the week, thanks for the help!09:34
Unit193parole and catfish are the only ones left. :P09:40
ochosiweee, nice work Unit193!10:03
jphilipzcongrats bluesabre, ochosi, and the entire team for the 4.14 release.12:58
jphilipzlook forward to trying it out in xubuntu12:58
ochosithanks jphilipz - also for your contributions12:59
jphilipzglad to help13:02
jphilipzwhen will the meeting happen so we can finalize the size of the default panel for xubuntu13:03
knomei'm the one to schedule one, but i wouldn't mind of somebody else does...13:04
jphilipzwe also need to decide on the default shortcuts13:07
jphilipzknome: are meeting dates normally decide on the mailing list?13:07
knometeam members schedule them as they see best and people either join or don't13:08
knomegot to run.13:09
knomesee you!13:09
jphilipzbluesabre: when you get a chance, do schedule a meeting to discuss the shortcuts - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2019-June/011819.html13:10
jphilipzwould be good to also discuss the panel's default size - https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2019-July/011825.html13:11
albinardI'm kind of stuck - trying to report bug against Ubiquity in Eoan.15:46
flocculantalbinard: if you come back via irc logs ... what was the problem? and if it's on the minimal doohickey not the standard iso, Unit193 might know if there's a problem16:44
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- Reminder: Next meeting chair is knome17:00
albinardBack after power outage.  Trying to file bug on casper 1.414 in Eoan ISO of 081217:34
Unit193flocculant: No, there's been no Core ISOs for Eoan as something broke them.17:47
albinardYep, I'm testing the real thing, not Core.17:50
albinardIt's just the "No prompt to remove media" after starting the reboot.17:52
Unit193That'd be casper17:57
albinardThought I already filed, doing so again now.18:07
albinardGuess it worked that time.  Wow, power outage hit a big section of Albuquerque, but fixed fast.  Right in the middle of all this!18:14
Unit193Hey so ubottu said I should play it fast and loose, backporting *all* of Xfce 4.14 to Bionic in the 'staging'/backports PPA.  Does anyone disagree with ubottu?21:15
Unit193This specifically would break GTK2 panel pluginss and thunar plugins.21:22
Unit193I'd either skip -terminal or backport vte too.21:23

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