
nils_am I correct in assuming that users are created before disk-setup is run? If I needed to put the home directories for users on a different device then I should have the device mounted and formatted in bootcmd?07:23
felipe_1982_I am running bookhook scripts in AWS, and the "echo" is not getting logged in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log as the documentation would suggest. Running Amazon Linux 2.08:03
Odd_Blokerharper: Hmm, I was going to suggest cc_growpart/cc_resizefs for the partition expansion question from yesterday, but it looks like cc_resizefs _only_ resizes the root FS.11:46
lfainWhat is the recommended way to access vendor data in a pre-installed cloud-init script? Right now, I get it by calling but I'm looking for a generic method that will work with any datasource type.13:03
Odd_Blokelfain: o/ What do you mean by a "pre-installed cloud-init script"?  You may want to look at `cloud-init query`.  (Run `cloud-init query -a` to see all the instance-data.)14:08
rharperOdd_Bloke: yeah,  it's always been root volume only;14:17
rharpernils_: look at /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg , 'cloud_init_modules' shows the order in which they run;  users-groups is next to last, and runs after disk_setup and mounts; which you'll need both to create the disks/partitions to hold the user dirs and then mount entries to mount before the user is created.14:19
nils_rharper, it may be the ancient version bundled with CentOS, in my case users-groups is last in cloud-init-modules, mounts is first in cloud-config-modules14:23
Odd_Blokerharper: Right, but growpart supports non-root volumes, so the discrepancy caught me off-guard.14:24
Odd_BlokeI guess at _first_ boot, you generally won't have filesystems on anything but your root volume.14:24
rharpernils_: that's ... odd14:24
Odd_Bloketribaal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1839854 <-- as a CloudStack(-ish) operator, I'd love your thoughts on this bug14:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1839854 in cloud-init "CloudStack provider cannot determine correct metadata IP with multiple network interfaces" [Undecided,New]14:25
rharperOdd_Bloke: it's possible that secondary disks could be partial, but unlikely; the resize was mostly about using cloud images overtop a later device14:25
lfainI made a custom image where I put a script in the /var/lib/cloud/scripts/per-instance/ folder. This script uses parameters that I provide via the meta data.14:25
rharperlfain: you may want your script to read /run/cloud-init/instance-data.json then; that has the instance metadata available14:26
lfainrharper: I forgot to write that the image is based on CentOS7 with cloud-init v.18.2 installed. Therefore, I can not run "cloud-init query"   and the /run/cloud-init/instance-data.json also is not available.14:39
lfainIs there a way to install latest cloud-init on CentOS7? I didn't find RPMs for it.14:40
rharperhttps://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/g/cloud-init/cloud-init-dev/   we do have daily rpm builds;14:40
rharperhas 19.214:41
lfainThank you, rharper. I'll try 19.2. If I run into a problem, then I will return back to my current method (that I don't like...)14:45
rharperlfain: cool!14:48
=== lfain1 is now known as lfain
AnhVoMSFTHi folks, I have a CI build failed for this MP https://code.launchpad.net/~vtqanh/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/369785 but the link does not work for me so I can't see what went wrong17:04
rharperAnhVoMSFT: let me see and I'll let you know17:51
AnhVoMSFTthanks rharper18:01
rharperAnhVoMSFT: looks like a harness issues, I'll rerun the job18:06
AnhVoMSFTrharper I got disconnected from IRC but it looked like CI build failed again18:34
rharperAnhVoMSFT: yes, tracking issue down on our side18:34
rharperI've poked at jenkins; so this next run should work; but you won't need to do anything; we'll make sure it runs to completion , and if there's an issue in the branch, I'll let you know18:35
Odd_Blokerharper: blackboxsw: What is the relation between /v/l/cloud/instance/user-data.txt and user-data.txt.i?18:46
AnhVoMSFTthanks rharper18:52
rharperOdd_Bloke: I'd have to look, I thought it was something to do with mime wrappers18:59
rharperah, userdata_raw => user-data.txt ,   "processed user-data" => user-data.txt.i19:00
rharperOdd_Bloke: see cloudinit/stages.py:def _store_userdata()19:00
AnhVoMSFTlooks like it passed this time19:08
rharperAnhVoMSFT: yeah, I'll review19:18
Odd_Blokerharper: Did you get to the bottom of that mkdir cloud_tests error?19:21
rharperOdd_Bloke: yes; lxd snap on the host needed someone to sudo mkdir a path that we use19:23
rharperI suspect the upgrading/updating may have removed it from the common dir19:23
Odd_BlokeAha, OK, thanks!19:23
Odd_BlokeGlad I asked, else I was going to spend 3 hours on triage today. :p19:24
blackboxswrharper: Odd_Bloke care if I publish cloud-init to eoan again (now that Azure v2 networking is landed20:16
blackboxswor shall we wait on OCI20:17
blackboxswOdd_Bloke: LGTM https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/371053 minor comments/questions for clarification but nothing blocking21:20
Odd_Blokeblackboxsw: Good points, I'll fix those up first thing tomorrow.21:42

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