[06:47] anyone else experiencing sporadic pxe booting working/not working? [08:05] Bug #1839860 opened: cloud-init error while MAAS commissioning (PXE phase) P9 Witherspoon [12:24] Bug #1840029 opened: Prettify "Conflict" error message shown in MAAS when using external authentication [14:03] Bug #1840041 opened: Add ability to add brief notes and a method to display them when a machine is marked broken [14:39] Bug #1840049 opened: [UI] When changing configuration of an Interface, one has to enter the config twice [15:45] Bug #1840058 opened: Events sent during commissioning/deploy may be recorded as 'node status' events [16:48] Bug #1837903 changed: [2.6] preseed uses region controller as http_proxy where rack controller proxy should be used [21:21] Bug #1840084 opened: [2.6] Redfish interface to BMC controller fails with stack trace in rackd.log