
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
=== vicamo_ is now known as vicamo
RikMillsrbasak: hi, is there any progress on fixing systemd -> udisk2 post install failure in armhf lxd autopkgtest runners? now seeing this impact tests on latest KDE framewworks07:35
RikMillsrbalint ^^^ I mean!07:35
rbalintRikMills, i'm bisecting the regressions and will upload a package in much better shape today/tomorrow09:48
RikMillsrbalint: thank you10:12
=== ricab is now known as ricab|lunch
ricotzdoko, hi, are there built gcc-7 packages which are working on there own? it seems packages from ubuntu-toolchain-r/test are relying on later uploads12:27
ricotzah sorry, for 16.04/Xenial12:27
=== Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray
=== ricab|lunch is now known as ricab
dokoricotz: no, but you edit debian/rules.defs and regenerate the control file13:46
ricotzdoko, I assume with_common_libs and with_common_pkgs are the important vars in this case?13:49
dokoricotz: but why would you need that?13:50
ricotzdoko, I am trying to build libreoffice (6.3 requires gcc 7) on xenial13:51
ricotzand avoid interferences with newer commons libs13:52
ricotzor is there still a chance that xenial will receive such a toolchain update?13:53
ricotzlike bionic getting gcc-813:53
dokono, bionic was already released with gcc-813:56
ricotzhmm I see13:58
GunnarHjHi mapreri, did you see my latest mail last night?14:49
mapreriGunnarHj: I did, but I'm caught up in something else today15:02
mapreriso it's there, in my inbox15:02
GunnarHjmapreri: Ok, good. Let's talk when you have a minute.15:10
mapreriI have a minute right now, but not much more15:20
mapreriGunnarHj: i.e., bring your query ;)15:20
GunnarHjmapreri: Not much of a query, really. Just hoping that you'll find the time to upload the backports based on current eoan. The reasoning is in the mail.15:22
mapreriGunnarHj: aye, I think I will.  Maybe tonight or tomorrow.15:23
GunnarHjmapreri: Sounds great! See ya.15:23
juliankLaney: That black thing looks really interesting, I'm about to run it on python-apt15:29
juliankIt's a shame there's no git-black which only formats the hunks you are changing15:29
juliank(Like clang-format does for C(++); what we use in apt to progressively fix formatting)15:30
Laneyjuliank: why you highlight me?15:36
Laneybut thanks for pointing me to it, TIL :P15:36
juliankLaney: Wasn't it you who pointed me to it?15:36
juliankthen it was ahasenack?15:36
* juliank is confused15:37
ahasenackwhat did I break?15:37
* ahasenack reads15:37
juliank_someone_ mentioned black to me at debconf in hacklab15:37
dokotsimonq2: please could you change all the kde-l10n-* packages to b-d on python3 instead of python?15:38
juliankbut who?15:38
connor_kI tidied up a package's debian/patches/ directory and added a few other patches to resolve build issues. However, creating a debdiff from the *.dsc files that resulted from `debuild -S -d` is only creating a debdiff that sees my changes to the changelog, but none of my other patches. The only notable difference from my usual workflow that produces "correct" debdiffs is that I renamed some of the patches in debian/patches16:03
connor_kand updated the series file accordingly. Does anyone have a suggestion for where I could begin troubleshooting this?16:03
rbasakconnor_k: did you make sure that quilt was fully popped before changing the patches in debian/patches/ and the series file?16:25
rbasakI'm not quite sure how not doing so would give you exactly the behaviour you describe, but if you didn't do that then you'd certainly end up in trouble.16:26
connor_krbasak, aha! Thank you! I "started over" after backing up my changelog and debian/patches directory, did a quilt pop -a, and copied in my backed up changes and the debdiff certainly looks more correct16:31
connor_kthank you very much :-)16:31
rbasakconnor_k: you're welcome!16:31
bdmurrayrafaeldtinoco: Could you answer rbasak in bug 1810857?17:09
ubottubug 1810857 in cloud-utils (Ubuntu Disco) "Typo in cloud-guest-utils: "reserveration-id"" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181085717:09
rafaeldtinocobdmurray: sure17:10
vorloninfinity, stgraber, kees: TB meeting?19:01
mapreriGunnarHj: looks like I also had to add -backports to the package, I didn't realize u.U19:14
GunnarHjmapreri: Do you mean the first line in d/changelog? In that case I follow you.19:17
GunnarHjmapreri: Ok, I see that it's in both the -proposed and -backports new queues. Then we have spread our bets, so to say. ;)19:38
GunnarHjmapreri: Anyway, thanks! That will be easy to sort out.19:39
GunnarHjbdmurray: Do you have time to remove a couple of uploads which ended up in the wrong pocket?19:41
bdmurrayGunnarHj: Depending on what you mean, I'm not an AA.19:56
GunnarHjbdmurray: Ah, I thought you were. It's ibus-avro, which was just uploaded to the xenial/bionic/disco new queues. It's intended for the -backports pocket, but was first uploaded by mistake to -proposed too. So if you have the necessary access, it would be great if you could delete them from -proposed.20:01
seb128GunnarHj, I can do that20:01
GunnarHjseb128: Ah, nice!20:01
seb128GunnarHj, mapreri, bdmurray, done20:03
GunnarHjseb128: Thanks!20:03
mapreriseb128: well, you rejected everything :D20:06
mapreriguess I'll re-upload the -bpo ones20:06
GunnarHjI think seb128 needs some sleep. :)20:07
maprerialright, back afk! o/20:08
seb128GunnarHj, mapreri, sorry, I didn't know backport was in the same queue, I though those were 2 buggy uploads20:09
seb128I see it's reupload so we should be good :)20:09
GunnarHjseb128, mapreri: Right, now all is as it should be. Thanks!420:10
tsimonq2doko: Don't quote me on this, but those are KDE 4 and should be nuked anyway.23:39
* sarnold runs to wikiquote23:40
Unit193sarnold: Why there when you can just remove them with 'tsimonq2 says these can be removed'?23:44
sarnoldUnit193: so it can be mirrored everywhere!23:44
Unit193Might as well send something to ubuntu-devel-discuss while we're at it.23:46
tsimonq2My personal opinion is that we should have nuked all of Qt 4 anyway cycles ago.23:49
Unit193But that kills so much stuff!23:56
tsimonq2Bah. :P23:59
Unit193I'm kidding, barrier is a good replacement.23:59

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