
* tomreyn admires TJ-'s patience01:44
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:50
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
lordievaderGood morning06:20
lotuspsychje!info kismet bionic08:21
ubot5kismet (source: kismet): wireless sniffer and monitor - core. In component universe, is optional. Version 2016.07.R1-1.1~build1 (bionic), package size 1203 kB, installed size 4833 kB08:21
BluesKajHi folks10:51
marcoagpintoHeya!!!! A cola demon!14:21
pragmaticenigmaWARNING! WARNING! This a cola free zone!!!14:23
OerHekssystemctrl status colad.service14:27
marcoagpintoBluesKaj!!!! Hello!!!!14:41
BluesKajhi marcoagpinto14:42
hggdhmorning folks14:43
BluesKaj'Morning hggdh14:43
marcoagpintohey hggdh14:43
lotuspsychjehey hggdh14:44
marcoagpinto"of Fire and Light"15:07
marcoagpintogood metal15:07
lotuspsychjeflickerfree on 19.10 to come16:29
OerHeksfedora ... you?16:30
lotuspsychjeno, its linked from omgubuntu16:30
lotuspsychje News from omgubuntu: Ubuntu 19.10 Will Offer a Flicker Free Boot (For Some Users, Anyway) <http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/d0od/~3/n3hdU9dFcuQ/ubuntu-flicker-free-boot>16:31
lordcirthWhile that's cool, it's way down my priority list...16:36
marcoagpintoBuaaaaaaaaaa... I need to reboot... my PhD software fragmented all the RAM :(17:03
lordcirthfragmented your RAM?17:05
lotuspsychjepacman did it17:05
marcoagpintothe tool is so heavy on system resources :(((((17:25
marcoagpinto4 GB is too little for it17:25
tomreynit must have been a boot sector virus!18:42
tomreynon drive a:18:42
marcoagpintotomreyn: ????18:52
tomreyni'm joking about old computer issues.18:56
marcoagpintobecause A: and B: are floppy drives18:57
tomreynyes, and for the most part, boot sector viruses, are a thing of the past, too.18:57
tomreynat least currently.18:57
tomreynyou're probably not using huge pages with 4 GB of total physical memory19:02
marcoagpintotomreyn: It is Windows 10 not Ubuntu19:10
marcoagpintoand I store most of the data in multidimensional arrays that eat all RAM19:11
marcoagpintothe software no longer works in 32-bit, but only in 6419:11
marcoagpintoalthough I have removed a field from some of the arrays19:12
marcoagpintobut they are still huge19:12
marcoagpintothen, they are also structured, for example:19:12
marcoagpintoanyway, I found a way of reducing RAM usage by removing a background image and replace it with a smaller picture, but the design guy made the GUI for free, so I can't ask much from him19:14
marcoagpintoit is my PhD afterall19:14
JimBuntumarcoagpinto, reduce your screen resolution and reduce RAM use even more :-)20:18
marcoagpintoJimBuntu: What?! The software was suppose to use at least 1080p20:27
marcoagpintobut I only have 1366x76820:27
marcoagpintoso, part of the options are semi-cut in the window20:27
tomreynhehe, TJ- is dealing with the same level of expertise in #ubuntu as i have been for the past 3 hours in #kubuntu21:55
* tomreyn ran out of patience again21:55
sarnoldtomreyn: heh, you're both machines :)21:55
tomreynmachines would just do it, i want to shout right now21:56
sarnoldhm, maybe the computers scream back at us, but at 2ghz rather than 2khz where we could hear it..21:57
tomreynthey just randomly draw more power to pay it back to us21:58
tomreynand transfer out unique ad id and browser fingerprint over 2khz to our android phones, right21:59
sarnoldoh is *that* how that works..22:00
jeremy31It all goes along with the implant in your brain22:00
TJ-Have you noticed you can make 'smart' phones sulk if you cut off their network facilities, and refuse to allow 'fine' GPS service?22:01
jeremy31TJ-: figure out the grub issue from earlier today?22:01
TJ-jeremy31: remind me which one! :D22:02
TJ-oh... yeah... sheesh, so many things being juggled I'd entirely forgotten about that, seems like months ago22:02
jeremy31TJ-: I think is was USB and trying to use Legacy and EFI boot22:02
tomreynthere was someone claiming it was this way sounds transferred to android) on some security mailing list some 2 or so years ago. maybe this was around the badbios revelations, i don't rmemeber.22:03
tomreynsarnold: ^22:03
TJ-jeremy31: grub-efi-amd64 Conflict/Replaces grub-pc but grub-efi-amd64-signed ... doesn't22:03
sarnoldI've heard about some ultrasonic advertising identifiers before..22:03
tomreynyes thats what i read, too22:03
TJ-When your dogs start insisting on buying tat from Amazon you know there's ultrasonic ads!22:04
tomreynbut there didn't seem to be any hard evidence then22:04
jeremy31TJ-: Not sure what grub efi I have installed but the drive still works in Legacy and EFI mode22:04
tomreynhehe tj22:04
TJ-jeremy31: it works, but it annoyed me the -signed (which does the same thing as the unsigned) gets to co-install with grub-pc but unsigned doesn't22:05
TJ-jeremy31: oh! you've made me realise I forgot something vital! I didn't check grubx64.efi was copied to the removable media boot path - doh!22:05
jeremy31TJ-: did a dpkg -l | grep grub  and I see no sign of grub efi22:06
TJ-jeremy31: grub-efi-amd64{,-signed} are the 2 required for UEFI boot22:06
jeremy31TJ-: It was installed first(grub-efi-amd64) and I added the bios_grub partition later22:07
TJ-the installer only uses grub-efi-amd64 which is useless for 18.04 FDE (won't work) so I needed to replace the boot-loader with the locally built one, but that requires using "grub-install --no-uefi-secure-boot ..."22:09
TJ-oops, s/only uses grub-efi-amd64-signed/22:10
jeremy31I didn't try with FDE, I just was trying to get a SSD with a Linux install to work with an older laptop22:12
TJ-interesting, booting the same installed USB device in a VM, it is blazing fast as an IDE disk but quite slothful as a virtio disk22:16
TJ-also IDE is UEFI boot, VirtIO is BIOS but that shouldn't make a difference22:16

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