=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [07:11] i have an severely out of date server on 15.04 and looking for directions of updating severely eol ersions. can someone kindly send me a url? [07:54] calcmandan-tab: is that a test server or production? [08:03] foud it [08:03] found it [08:03] fingers crossed i don't hose my server [08:04] calcmandan-tab: a lot of security flaws have been released since 15.04 are you sure you take the risk of eolupgrade? [08:05] lotuspsychje: not sure what the risk is [08:06] calcmandan-tab: were your servers connected to internet or offline use? [08:06] both [08:06] but not critical [08:06] !usn | calcmandan-tab security risks [08:06] calcmandan-tab security risks: Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates. [08:07] calcmandan-tab: if its for production use, id really reccomend fresh install to be sure your server isnt compromized [08:07] maybe its not, but why take the risk right? [08:07] i did a major scan of the server and i have strong egress rules on the firewall [08:07] i also reviewed its logs [08:08] firewall and proxy logs [08:08] calcmandan-tab: ok then if you know what youre doing :p [08:32] jamespage: did your issue with OVS 2.12 resolve? [09:11] hello, can I disable the network-manager.service, when I do not use the /etc/network/interfaces facility? is it enough to keep just systemd-networkd.service enabled? [09:24] Aison: You mention three different methods of configuring network interfaces here. What do you actually use? [09:24] lotuspsychje: thanks for your help earlier. [09:25] calcmandan-tab: welcome mate [09:25] lotuspsychje: i'm taking your advice as it'll be much quicker to go fresh [09:25] lotuspsychje: and cleaner [09:25] +1 nice choice calcmandan-tab [09:26] night [09:26] take care [09:26] lordievader, i'm only using the systemd facility [09:27] In that case NetworkManager and ifupdown (`/etc/network/interfaces`) can safely be disabled. [09:27] so I placed config files into /etc/systemd/network [09:27] Do make sure the `systemd-networkd` service is enabled and running. [09:28] If you are able to, reboot at least once to check if the configuration is reboot-proof. [09:28] ok [09:28] I just wonder, why networkmanager replaced my reslov.conf by an empty file (except containing # Generated by NetworkManager) [09:29] Because it likes to control it with information either from DHCP or manually supplied. [09:29] If you are doing this remote, make sure you have some backup method of access (IPMI). [09:31] the funny thing is, altough resolv.conf has no nameserver defined, nslookup, dig, etc... is still working. [09:31] is automatically the localhost used if there is no nameserver defined? because i'm running bind on this machine [09:31] The DNS was designed this way. [09:32] As a way to push over people to the DNS (instead of the hosts file) the fall-back default would be localhost. [09:35] lordievader, ok, thx :-) /etc/network/interfaces is read by the network-manager.service or are these two different facilities? [09:36] NetworkManager only reads that file to figure out which interfaces are managed by ifupdown, furthermore it does its own thing. NetworkManager is not configured through `/etc/network/interfaces`. [09:44] brb, reboot server :-D [09:47] lordievader, ok, everything works fine without network-manager.service ^^ [10:02] Good to hear [10:59] argh, why is mariadb logging everything... just deleted a 500gb log file [11:03] oh, somehow general-log was enabled.... === Wryhder is now known as Lucas_Gray [13:32] cpaelzer: yeah, so qemu supported virtio-scsi-blk, but the eoan server livecd couldn't find the disk :( [13:32] i'm being lazy - haven't looked at the available kernel modules yet [13:33] jamespage: cpaelzer mentioned that rharper had suggested you switch to virtio-scsi, did you do so, and did you have any troubles? [13:44] oh you know what - never mind, [13:44] i using the $(*&^&(*#&$(*#&$(* "improved" qemu command line wrong [13:45] man i hate the -device crap. and now, apparently, you have to use *3* pairs of arguments for one stinking drive. lovely [13:45] but, it's working :) now to test discard [13:46] IMHO the cmdline no more is meant to be a human interface [13:46] more for machine generated strings [13:47] I happen to use the most outdated (but easy to remember) arguments as well every now and then [13:47] yeah... [13:49] i bet there's a front-end out there that parses easier to remember cmdline to qemu cmdline :) maybe i'll turn my 'kvm' script into one [13:50] "-virtio-scsi-drive x.qcow2" -> if=none,id=hd,file=x.qcow2,format=qcow2 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi --enable-kvm -device scsi-hd,drive=hd [13:50] meh [14:23] hallyn: just wait till you start allocating io-threads to each of your devices =) [14:30] rharper: i've always assumed this was all jsut an attempt to force us to use libvirt :) [14:35] hallyn: heh, no, that was when they stopped allowing folks to query features via the cli; wanted folks to use qmp to "discover" features; [14:36] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qemu/+bug/1716028 [14:36] Launchpad bug 1716028 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "qemu 2.10 locks images with no feature flag" [Medium,Fix released] [14:36] half-lol :) === Tornevall is now known as Guest64769 [17:19] rharper: so - all that, and discard is not working for me! hm. [17:29] ok, so i see - it doesn't shrink the file of hte qcow file, but it re-uses the discarded space (so create 1G, rm 1G, create 1g doesn't take up 2 G) [17:29] "could be worse" [17:30] it could also be better.. if those bits on disk really aren't needed it'd be nice to zero em out for rebalancing :( [17:40] sarnold, as a one-off, you can use qemu-img convert to produce a shrunk file [17:41] lordcirth: yeah.. bummer that it takes that kind of effort though :( if the vm actually went to the effort to issue a discard call, that information is already sitting there.. [17:52] hallyn: what's your cli look like ? [17:53] kvm -drive if=none,id=hd,file=x.qcow2,format=qcow2 -device virtio-scsi-pci,id=scsi --enable-kvm -device scsi-hd,drive=hd -m 4096 -drive if=none,id=hd2,file=y.qcow2,format=qcow2 -device scsi-hd,drive=hd2 [17:53] rharper: ^ [17:56] I started using raw [17:57] you need: -drive if=none,id-hd,file=x.qcow2,format=qcow2,discard=unmap,detect-zeroes=unmap [17:57] and you're running fstrim in guest and checking on host afterward ? [17:58] well, at least the discard=unmap; I've not yet tested the detect-zeroes either, but I suspect that may be helpful for guests which zero block space [18:01] i thought about detect-zeroes, but my reading of the manpages suggested that all of that would default to what i wanted [18:01] oh, maybe not - maybe htat was seen as too much perf impact? [18:01] yeah, running fstrim in guest then checking host [18:07] hallyn: which version of qemu ? [18:12] hallyn: I would try being explicit; I see some references to enabling discard by default, but the man pages don't indicate the default discard mode on -blockdev or -drive, or if the defaults are the same; =( [18:32] rharper: QEMU emulator version 4.0.0 (Debian 1:4.0+dfsg-0ubuntu5) [18:33] i added the discard and zeroing options, same behavior [18:33] maybe i needed to wait longer? :) that would make sense [18:34] i assume detecting zeroes takes some time [18:41] hallyn: I don't think so; it should be immediate, fstrim in guest to host should result in a punchole syscall to the file on the host ; have to tried raw vs qcow2? [18:43] no [18:44] i suppose this could be qcow2 bogosity [18:46] * rharper tries it out locally [18:54] rharper: yes! raw works [18:54] at least, with simple ext4, lemme try lvm now [19:02] rharper: yeah, even lvm thinpools shrink that way. [19:03] whodathunk raw format works better for shrinking size than qcow2 :) [19:03] (we all know - you would :) [19:03] hallyn: it's working for me (xenial qemu 2.x) on both qcow2 and raw; [19:03] thanks rharper [19:03] hm [19:03] ext4 on both filesystems [19:03] lemme repeat on qemu 4.x [19:03] qcow2 doesn't work for me, but that's probably ok [19:04] how is your qcow2 built ? base image or layered with a backing file ? [19:04] just a base qemu-img create -f qcow2 x.qcow2 10G [19:04] yeah [19:04] same here in my tests [19:20] hallyn: so, on qemu 4.0 I see almost *no* trim in the qcow2; so I suspect there's some additional flags that need set on the qcow2 -drive parameter [19:20] so that confirms what you see [21:41] in some circles that would be called a regression :) [22:55] Hmm, one VM at work (running on KVM) now fails to boot with 4.15.0-58-generic. Still fine with 4.15.0-38-generic, and even more weirdly, other 32-bit VMs using 4.15.0-58-generic boot just fine on the same host.