
TJ-Guest17: so add the key=value as it says, redo "chroot /target grub-install /dev/sda" or whatever device you're installing to and it should be solved00:00
Guest17Set `GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=1' in file `/etc/default/grub'00:01
Guest17that's what you are talking about?00:01
TJ-Guest17: but note, I think you're missing something there, because the Ubuntu installer does not encrypt /boot/ it has an unencrypted file-system for /boot/ and that should be listed in /etc/fstab00:01
TJ-Guest17: check the fstab, as in "grep boot /target/etc/fstab"00:02
Guest17I mounted my nvme EFI partition in /mnt/boot/EFI is that wrong?00:02
TJ-Guest17: if your chroot /target is actually /mnt then that is almost correct, but no completely. It should be /target/boot/efi (note lower case)00:03
Guest17https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ngBcmCjbMm/  This is my fstab00:03
Guest17sorry I am kind of confused00:03
TJ-Guest17: if you've done "chroot /target mount -a" then every file-system in /etc/fstab that is set to 'auto' mount (the default) should be mounted correctly00:03
TJ-Guest17: see, there it is: UUID=7243a3f3-9bed-40d6-af2f-cf02978078a9 /boot00:04
TJ-Guest17: if you do "lsblk" you'll see that is in a partition outside the LUKS container00:04
TJ-Guest17: That last looks incomplete, it doesn't show the /boot/ mount00:05
TJ-Guest17: how about we start from scratch and I give you the exact commands to execute so you can copy-paste ?00:05
Guest17I don't see a UUID string in there. :(00:06
Guest17sure I appreciate your help00:06
TJ-Guest17: no, use "lsblk -f" to see UUIDs too00:06
Guest17Still no UUID00:06
TJ-Guest17: try "sudo lsblk -f"00:07
flingError: Common start logic: Failed to initialize storage volume "test" of type "custom" on storage pool "default": Idmaps of container &{[{true false 458752 0 65536} {false true 458752 0 65536}]} and storage volume &{[{true false 589824 0 65536} {false true 589824 0 65536}]} are not identical00:09
flingDo I need newer lxd?00:09
Guest17how do I mount "7243a3f3-9bed-40d6-af2f-cf02978078a9 " to /mnt/boot/efi ? Is this waht I need to do?00:09
flingOr is not shiftfs implemented for custom volumes yet?00:10
TJ-Guest17: no it isn't00:10
TJ-Guest17: are you working inside the chroot right now?00:10
Guest17I was, I exited, and the lsblk -f ran and I got uuids00:11
Guest17I am no longer in chroot00:11
TJ-Guest17: right, and the chroot is /mnt/ ?00:11
Guest17the LUKS volume for cryptosetup is mounted in /mnt.  I unmounted /mnt/boot/efi00:11
Guest17*LUKS for root00:12
TJ-Guest17: right, so do "sudo chroot /mnt mount -a"00:12
TJ-Guest17: that should set things up correctly00:12
Guest17ok, should I run grub-something now?00:13
TJ-Guest17: if you do 'lsblk -f' now you should see that nvme0n1p2 at /mnt/boot and nvme0n1p3 at /mnt/boot/efi00:13
Guest17there are two commands, update-grub and grub install. I am confused which one to run00:13
TJ-Guest17: if you see those you can go ahead and do "sudo chroot /mnt grub-install -v |& tee /tmp/grub-install.log"00:14
TJ-Guest17: then do "cat /tmp/grub-install.log | nc termbin.com 9999" so I can check the log file00:14
TJ-Guest17: I think I missed the devicename from that command! It should be00:16
TJ-Guest17: if you see those you can go ahead and do "sudo chroot /mnt grub-install -v /dev/nvme0n1 |& tee /tmp/grub-install.log"00:16
Guest17thanks I think the -v /dev/nvme0n1 is the magic smoke00:16
TJ-the -v is just --verbose :)00:17
TJ-so we know what it is doing00:17
Guest17whoopts, yeah. thanks00:17
Guest17so the only problem I see now is that it appears to have picked up my USB flash drive that I am currently using00:17
TJ-Guest17: looking good "Installation finished. No error reported." ... now finish off with "sudo chroot /mnt update-grub"00:18
Guest17are you familiar with this file output in a way you can quickly establish if there is anything wrong? thanks for your help00:18
TJ-Guest17: I can read those logs in my sleep :)00:18
TJ-Guest17: after that I think you're OK to reboot00:19
Bashing-omGuest17: Peace of mind - TJ- has written more than one book on this subject :P00:19
Guest17OK I will try. I am greatful for your help.  anyway I just wanted to say... there's kind of a minor annoyance with ifconfig missing. I have to use the GUI to set the address, which has a bad user experience (tabs don't work well, it wants an IP address for a route? in separate box. anyone with network engineer experience would know this is wrong).00:21
Guest17then I have to 'ip route delete default' and add my route... with the arcane "via dev ..." syntax (this isn't a cisco router!) and then I have to nuke resolv.conf symbolic link, then create it, and chattr +i fails for some reason -- so every 5 minutes I have to edit the file again. ... can we just put back ifconfig.. and get rid of whatever /etc/re00:21
Guest17solv.conf mess.00:21
NegativeFlareGuest17: you can bring ifconfig back if you apt install net-tools00:21
Guest17not if I don't have an internet connection00:22
NegativeFlareyeah that's true lol00:22
Guest17that's why I felt compelled to bring it up:)00:22
NegativeFlaretrue true00:22
Guest17"Windows has detected a problem with your network. Would you like to connect to the internet to find out why?" flashbackss00:22
TJ-Guest17: no, you don't need to do all that in the network manager's connection-editor, you can correctly over-ride and set routes00:22
goobsCan i legit have a link to the books you've written tj-?00:23
goobsor was that in jest?00:23
Guest17I know, but it should be in a way that -- because I'll forget -- and the knowledge won't transfer to other distros/Unix OS, I have to remember a bunch of one-off steps. I am alreadying remembering one-off steps from o(n^2) platforms00:23
TJ-goobs: I think Bashing-om  is referring to, amongst others, to https://iam.tj/prototype/guides/boot/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Full_Disk_Encryption_Howto_201900:24
TJ-Guest17: NetworkManager is pretty standard across distros aside from reduced-footprint flavours like Lubuntu, Rasbian and so on00:26
FaTaL_GTJ-, any other thoughts? Given the response, I do believe it sees the file and is loading it: 1.)  brcmfmac: brcmf_fw_map_chip_to_name: using brcm/brcmfmac4366c-pcie.bin for chip 0x004366(17254) rev 0x000004  2.) blob line, 3.) brcmfmac: brcmf_c_process_clm_blob: no clm_blob available(err=-2), device may have limited channels available, 4.) brcmfmac: brcmf_c_preinit_dcmds: Firmware version =00:27
FaTaL_Gwl0: Jan 15 2019 14:28:26 version (r666429) FWID 01-9f64541d00:27
FaTaL_GThat matches the file info of the file I put there.00:27
TJ-FaTaL_G: oh, so there was more... it's looking for something 'extra' for channels?00:27
FaTaL_GTJ-, indeed... I'm pretty sure I said that00:27
TJ-FaTaL_G: have you used the 'iw' tool to check what capabilites that device is reporting as having? something like "iw list" to begin with00:28
FaTaL_GTJ-, you might have missed it, but thats what I meant when I said "yea something about channels"00:28
FaTaL_Gyes sir00:28
TJ-FaTaL_G: Yes I must have missed it... end of a very long day here (01:28 right now)00:28
FaTaL_Git gives me the same results it gave me last year, and it does support AP. Thats why I was "assuming" it should work on 18 given it worked on 1600:29
TJ-FaTaL_G: how are you configuring the AP mode, with hostapd?00:29
FaTaL_GTJ-, yes00:30
FaTaL_Gwhen I upgraded, hostapd didnt change, meaning, my config wasnt auto modified00:30
TJ-FaTaL_G: and hostapd fails to configure it? are there additional kernel errors at that point?00:30
TJ-FaTaL_G: have you enabled the debug output from brcmfmac?00:32
FaTaL_GTJ-, strange00:34
FaTaL_GTJ-, I just tried loading it again and it started successfully00:34
FaTaL_Gmaybe because I manually re-loaded the modules... hrmmmmmmm00:35
FaTaL_Geven with those errors00:35
TJ-FaTaL_G: is it possible you're trying to start the hostapd service *before* the module is loaded? how are you triggering the module load? is it automatic via udev or have you added something to the config?00:37
FaTaL_GUmmmmm, thank you and NegativeFlare for your help because I did learn some interesting tips for reviewing errors and handling kernel loads. So so so so much more to learn. I will experiment some more, but very interesting it worked00:37
TJ-FaTaL_G: if the module isn't loaded automatically by udev it should be listed in /etc/modules00:38
FaTaL_GTJ-, I did manually try loading it the other day, it was not loading, so maybe I changed something else. As far as loading on boot, I n33d to go investigate that now because I still get errors trying to ifup/ifdwn br0, which hostapd adds w1s2p0 to00:39
FaTaL_GTJ-, etc/modules is empty00:40
TJ-FaTaL_G: well, if the module doesn't get loaded by udev that is where to list it, but generally udev should load it. The kernel reports the PCI device vendor:device ID to udev which then uses modprobe to load it00:41
neilduganI notice that there some new motherboards are advertised as have GPIO connectors, can these be accessed without special drivers?00:41
TJ-FaTaL_G: that's why modules have a list of aliases - that's the IDs the kernel can match to00:41
TJ-neildugan: that would depend if there is a driver for the GPIO chip in the kernel00:42
neilduganTJ-, ok00:47
TJ-Rojola: not broken apache again? :)00:57
RojolaTJ-, yes, the htaccess password authentication won't work00:58
RojolaTJ-, I just came here to see if there is anything Ubuntu specific I should know00:58
TJ-Rojola: that may need enabling using AllowOverride, see https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/htaccess.html01:00
RojolaTJ-, AllowOverride All  is set in my vhost01:00
Rojolaa2enmod auth_basic   <== apache module enabled01:00
Rojolathe password protection gets ignored without errors01:00
TJ-Rojola: have you put it in a <Directory> context ?01:03
RojolaTJ-, yes, I firmly believe so.  TJ- it's the same vhost you already know from before01:03
RojolaTJ-, https://dpaste.de/78XV/raw01:04
Rojolathe last vhost01:04
TJ-Rojola: Rojola  but you've got "Require all granted" there01:08
Rojolawouldn't the password protection override this rule?01:08
TJ-Rojola: without seeing the .htaccess and which directory it is in it's hard to be sure01:09
RojolaTJ-, https://dpaste.de/082j/raw01:10
TJ-Rojola: looks correct, you'll need to enable debug logging in apache and track if it is reading the htaccess at all, or just ignoring the auth parts I think.01:13
TJ-Rojola: can you get the .htaccess to set some other options that the client can show?01:14
RojolaI can do whatever needs to be done, I have root access @TJ-01:14
Rojolawhat should I add to the .htaccess file?01:14
TJ-Rojola: maybe test with Options +Indexes01:14
TJ-IndexOptions +FancyIndexing01:15
RojolaOptions +Indexes  goes into the vhost, right?01:15
TJ-that would display the list of files if there is no default document (typically index.html)01:15
TJ-Rojola: no, but those in the .htaccess, 2 lines01:15
Rojolasure!  One moment please!01:15
TJ-that should over-ride your Options -Indexes01:15
TJ-Rojola: so if you do now get an index list of files you know the htaccess worked01:16
RojolaTJ-, I managed to lock myself out of the server01:17
RojolaTJ-, I need a moment to gain access01:17
RojolaTJ-, I gained access and added the 2 lines you said to .htaccess01:22
RojolaI do _not_ get a directory listing01:22
RojolaI still get "Forbidden"01:22
RojolaTJ-, adding an "index.html" file shows the contents01:23
Rojolaafter removing "index.html" I get "Forbidden" again rather than a file listing01:23
TJ-Rojola: so you're missing something01:24
TJ-Rojola: have you seen https://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/howto/htaccess.html#troubleshoot01:27
RojolaTJ-, no, I have not read this one yet.  Doing so now01:28
RojolaTJ-, I was focusing on stackoverflow - sorry for that.01:28
RojolaReading now.01:28
TJ-Rojola: note there could be something in the include file: Include /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf01:29
RojolaTJ-, so, I tried adding gibberish to .htaccess  -  no errors01:31
RojolaTJ-, /etc/letsencrypt/options-ssl-apache.conf   has nothing with AllowOverride None in it01:31
Rojolachecking the access and error logs01:32
RojolaTJ-, I get one error, but it has nothing to do with the .htaccess file01:33
RojolaTJ-, the error only says that I disallowed directory listing, therefore I get none01:33
Rojola>> Cannot serve directory /var/www/vhosts/example.com/htdocs/support/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.php) found, and server-generated directory index forbidden by Options directive01:33
TJ-Rojola: so .htaccess is being ignored... silly question but you *have* spelled the filename correctly? I was caught out years ago by only having one 'c' in 'access' :D01:37
RojolaTJ-, https://dpaste.de/LzKE/raw01:38
RojolaTJ-, welllll....01:39
RojolaTJ-, what would you say, if I told you, that I put everything into .htpasswd ? ;))01:39
RojolaI don't know if I should laugh or cry01:40
Rojolait's so sad and funny at the same time! :|01:40
k_szeHow do I search for providers of pure virtual packages?01:41
k_szee.g. I want to list all packages that provide pdf-viewer01:41
RojolaTJ-, guess what... it works, after naming it .htaccess rather than .htpasswd01:41
Rojolasorry TJ- for all the trouble01:41
Rojolathank you!01:41
TJ-Rojola: oh noes!! hehehehe01:42
RojolaI am really sorry01:42
RojolaI should take more breaks during these computer sessions01:42
TJ-Rojola: you're suffering tunnel vision, I get like that sometimes. Time for a break!01:42
Rojolayes, definitely, I will take a walk around the block now01:42
Rojolathank you TJ-01:43
Rojolasorry again!01:43
=== Evie^2 is now known as EvieEightySix
BluecoatAm I remembering wrong that there's some way to invoke the Ubuntu installer to install to a given partition?02:03
sarnoldBluecoat: are you perhaps remembering debootstrap, to install to a specific directory?02:04
Bluecoatsarnold: that's literally what I just pulled up. :-)  But I also thought there was a way to use the nice GUI.02:05
sarnoldBluecoat: there might be :) it might even just do the right thing..02:06
BluecoatHoof.  The debootstrap is way more steps than I want to spend.  It's up against "tossing an ISO on a stick and reinstalling."02:06
sarnoldheh, I did debootstrap as part of a zfs-on-root-with-luks-encryption and YES it was a huge amount of work post-install to try to make it into a usable system.02:07
sarnold(still not done)02:07
BluecoatWhen the user experience I want is "run from this session so I can keep watching Preacher in a VLC window and then reboot in-between episodes."02:07
sarnoldiso on a stick is going to be WAY faster02:07
sarnoldI love it :D02:07
sarnoldwell.. just how crazy do you want to get? *maybe* you could set up disk passthrough in libvirt, install in a VM, and .. reboot into what used to be a VM. YMMV I've never tried I'm not a lawyer I'm not a doctor etc etc02:08
BluecoatThis season is really driving home that it's a Seth Rogen show. :p02:09
BluecoatAlso that's literally what I'm setting up now.02:09
sarnoldsweet I'd be curious to hear how that turns out :D02:09
Bluecoator at least trying to...02:09
BluecoatOh, it works pretty well.  That's how I normally set up "new installs" if I can't clone them.  Plug in external disk (or mount image), map it into the VM, run installer.02:10
BluecoatThe trick here is that what I want it to do is be able to see my LVM disks (and the underlying storage) and then install itself into a new LVM partition.02:11
sarnoldeep, you're on your own there :D02:11
sarnold(well; maybe someone else here has done that. not me. :L)02:12
Bluecoatbah.  Looks like it's USB stick time.02:15
plongshotIs it possible to simulate a reboot from the command line without actually rebooting? I am working with mount and somd fs options and want to simulate the effects of a reboot on a temp type filesystem without it effecting the applications I have open.02:20
plongshotOr some way to acomplish this?02:21
sarnoldyour best bet is to just issue mount and umount commands that use only the mountpoint02:21
Bluecoatwhat are the effects of the reboot that'll affect the filesystem?  Just unmounting?02:23
plongshotsarnold: thx  Bluecoat:  thought that any kind of shutdown or reboot make everything in a temp filesystem go bye bye (not persist)02:24
Bluecoatplongshot: yeah, but it's not doing anything fancier than calling unmount on all the mounted filesystems.  Unless the filesystem driver is coloring outside the lines, I'd expect mount/unmount would be all you'd need.02:26
plongshotovrelayfs  does not behave in the way I thought that it would.  From reading about it I had come to believe that things in the lowerdir will not persist whilst things in the upperdir do persist. I also thought that things in the merged directory (the mount point) would persist through a reboot (or umounting the overlay).   None of those were true when I tested just now.  Actually, after the reboot, the changes persisted in both the02:29
plongshotupperdir and lowerdir  but did not persist in the merged dir.   This is assuming I'm mapping dir names to the command that was entered to create the mount.  Uhh..  how did I screw up so bad in what I thought I had learned?02:29
plongshotBluecoat: I see thx02:29
plongshotI have to go eat or my fam is gonna kill me but I wish I'd see a comment on that latter post when I came back  (just a wish and a dream)  :p02:30
apetrescSo, I'm trying to grab source packages from eoan for a package (notmuch). I've added `deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu eoan main restricted universe multiverse` to sources.list (and apt update-d of course), but `sudo apt-get -b source -t eoan notmuch` still fails with `E: The value 'eoan' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not available in the sources`02:36
apetrescAm I missing something?02:37
sarnoldapetresc: if you've got the sources set correctly and a recent apt update then you should be able to get the sources with apt-get source notmuch/eoan02:38
apetrescsarnold: Oh indeed, `sudo apt-get -b source notmuch/eoan` did the trick02:42
apetrescSo I guess the `-t` parameter is not current with the latest apt/apt-get?02:42
sarnoldmaybe.. I learned package/release first, so that's what I tested :) heh02:42
apetrescI guess I should update the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Recommended_alternative_to_pinning to use the new syntax, then02:43
sarnoldfirefox-3.0... wow02:45
apetrescHaha true I hadn't considered that part02:45
apetrescThat should've tipped me off as to the age of that article02:45
sarnoldhmm, I wonder, does apt do the same thing?02:46
sarnoldyeah it does. bummer.02:46
plongshotWhy is there an upperdir and lowerdir in overlayfs? Why not just one or the other; or, better yet, just a sigle, generic, mount object?  What is the purpose of having both?03:12
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
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AbhijitHi. is there any tool to randomly select next wallpaper from folder, on each <set_day> e.g. each 7th day or each 30th day etc04:39
chietahow to limit upload and download bandwidth usage of the firefox/other apps?05:06
rodrigoty23does anybody here know if there is a hidden option in ubuntu to prevent a file name of a pdf file from overflowing?05:08
=== martian67| is now known as martian67
=== EvieEightySix is now known as Evie^2
lalitmeeHey guys, do anyone of you use AppImagelauncher?05:49
RandolfI'm trying to add a virtual eth0 interface to Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, but I keep getting "Failed to start Raise network interfaces" error.  I see a lot of documentation online for adding a virtual interface this way, but it just doesn't seem to be working.  How can I make this work?  Thanks.05:51
=== vicamo_ is now known as vicamo
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=== anyone is now known as Guest63806
MudchainsReading articles about landscape i read that landscape supports ldap, but i have never seen those option in multiple installations. How do i configure ldap binding in landscape?06:03
=== Guest63806 is now known as guys
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
WinDozeshello, how do i mount dvd-ram disc?06:14
EriC^WinDozes: click it in file manager06:21
WinDozesproblem is it doesnt appear in file manager; if i insert other dvd type it shows and mounts automatically, but dvd-ram doesnt appear at all06:23
EriC^WinDozes: try "lsblk" does it show next to sr0?06:24
WinDozessr0 show "rom"06:26
WinDozesjust had an idea - maybe its a problem because it is blank disc?06:28
RandolfIs it not possible to add an eth0 virtual interface in Ubuntu these days?07:19
=== bad_cat is now known as ayekat
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DirkosI have this in my FSTab which is mounting fine though: // /media/projects cifs guest,rw,iocharset=utf8 0 007:42
DirkosBut somehow i cant write to the share07:42
ayekatDirkos: you can't write as a regular user, or you can't write at all?07:48
Dirkoscant write at all, can only read07:48
Dirkosi set the force user etc but it is mount as root all the way so that makes sense though07:49
genewitchhttp://projectftm.com/#-cbO5MJsi-L2Z6RWM94L1g ubuntu has some issues08:18
lotuspsychjegenewitch: this is not the complaints channel08:19
lotuspsychjegenewitch: if you think there's a problem with ubuntu & kismet, try to ask a question first?08:23
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
Jfox762i was able to enable hibernate on kubuntu... but the handleLidSwitch doesn't seem to be causing hibernate09:21
Jfox762i edited the logind.conf file, to uncommen #handlelidswitch=hibernate09:21
Jfox762also uncommented #HandleLidSwitchDocked=hibernate09:22
ayekatJfox762: logind.conf doesn't take effect until logind is restarted09:24
Jfox762how do i restart it09:25
ayekatJfox762: (note that if you restart logind, it will most likely also kill your graphical session, so I'd be careful there)09:25
Jfox762i dont have any critical stuff on my pc right now09:25
Jfox762no important work unsaved in other words09:25
ayekatJfox762: well then you can restart the systemd-logind.service09:25
Jfox762systemctl restart systemd-logind.service?09:27
ayekatJfox762: yes, that would be it - but again, expect stuff to awkwardly exit - I don't take any responsibility for stuff breaking09:28
Jfox762still seems to keep sleeping, ratehr than hibernating09:29
Jfox762hibernate does indeed work if i type it into the console09:30
Jfox762it resumes perfectly09:30
Jfox762but when I close the laptop... it merely seems to suspend09:30
ayekathmm... weird09:31
Jfox762that is a cat of the logind.conf09:32
Jfox762let me know if I missed something09:33
Jfox762oh btw, I'm on kubuntu09:33
Jfox762im not sure if it matters09:33
ayekatJfox762: yeah, that looks fine to me - maybe a mere logind restart isn't enough09:33
Jfox762would a restart work?09:34
ayekat(it's been a while since I restarted logind while I was in a graphical session)09:34
Jfox762actual real restart?09:34
ayekatJfox762: like a system reboot? yeah, might work09:34
Jfox762Im wondering...09:36
Jfox762does it suspend first, and then wait a few minutes before deciding to hibernate?09:36
Jfox762it suspended again instead of hibernate :(09:37
ayekatJfox762: nah, it should usually hibernate right away09:38
ayekatmaybe KDE interferes with/intercepts the lid close event and does something else09:39
Jfox762do i need to install the "hibernate status button" for this to work?09:39
Jfox762see when i look into power management, there is no option for "Handle lid switch" to hibernate09:40
Jfox762only suspend, logoff, turn off screen09:40
CoolerZwhere is the print preview button in adobe acrobat reader 9 for ubuntu?09:44
ayekatis that even packaged for ubuntu...?10:00
legreffierCoolerZ: acrobat reader isn't maintained for linux anymore (and since >5 years), you really shouldn't use it.10:17
legreffierwhatever document reader in your desktop environment is probably a way better option.10:17
=== the_ant1 is now known as the_ant
TJ-18.04 GRUB bug, for which I'm trying to come up with a workaround. For a UEFI install grub-amd64-efi-signed package is used which co-exits with grub-pc or grub-efi-amd64, but this breaks encrypted installations since the Canonical -signed grubx64.efi doesn't contain the LUKS, gcry-* or cryptdisk modules. However, wanting to switch to plain grub-efi-amd64 causes apt to want to remove grub-pc. If10:44
TJ-grub-efi-amd64-signed can co-exist why the heck does the unsigned package not do the same? And, short of altering the /var/lib/dpkg/status file to remove the Conflicts/Replaces grub-pc any other way to prevent this?10:44
tomreynTJ-: i was puzzled by this, too, but there is grub-pc-bin10:48
tomreyni assume that's sufficient for bios booting?10:48
TJ-tomreyn: right ... it's weird the dependencies break the symmatry that way though10:48
tomreynyes, not sure why.10:49
TJ-tomreyn: I'm instaling xbuntu to a USB3 'stick' which'll need to be able to boot in either mode ... just annoyed me to have to work around that. I'll lose grub-pc and grub-efi-amd64-signed10:49
Martin00bHey there. I have trouble accessing a freshly setup samba server with authentication (guest access works) I tried my best but couldnt get it to work. then I step-by-step followed this tutorial https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/samba-server-ubuntu-16-04/ and still cannot access the shares from windows with the error msg "\\server\share cannot be accessed. You may not have sufficient rights10:50
tomreynTJ-: hmm right i see how it is bad when you need to support both boot modes.10:50
BluesKajHi folks10:51
TJ-tomreyn: and now another bug/annoyance. grub-efi-amd64 doesn't Conflict/Replace grub-efi-amd64-signed so even with the non-signed package installed grub-install uses the -signed bootloader. Grrrr *steam coming out of ears* !10:58
TJ-grub-install: info: copying `/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi-signed/grubx64.efi.signed' -> `/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi'.10:58
tomreynTJ-: i just suspect this stuff is so complex that those who worked on it found no better way to do it. but it might be a good idea to try reorganizing this from a clean slate.11:04
TJ-tomreyn: this one is an obvious breakage.. if grub-efi-amd64 is installed *after* grub-efi-amd64-signed it should take precedence and build/install the local core image11:07
TJ-Trying to see if grub-install can be 'configured' to ignore the -signed bits11:07
tomreyngood luck there. :-/11:18
TJ-tomreyn: aha, Ubuntu carries a patch to grub-install, and adds "--no-uefi-secure-boot" as well as "--uefi-secure-boot"11:18
TJ-and it works "grub-install: info: copying `/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi' -> `/boot/efi/EFI/ubuntu/grubx64.efi'."11:18
TJ-What was confusing was the grub-install -v log showed it calling grub-mkimage and building the EFI core image and then not installing it, but copying in the Canonical signed core image !11:19
tomreynif you could document all of this it could spare another person going insane.11:21
TJ-tomreyn: well, I have to add this to my Wiki FDE...2019 to complete that for EFI installs11:23
setpillHi all, I understand that the Ubuntu minimal image has an apt rule preventing the installation of docs. Where can I find this rule in the system so that I may disable it?11:23
TJ-setpill: 'docs' ?11:24
TJ-setpill: do you mean the mandb man-pages  or literally the supplementary <package>-doc packages ?11:24
setpillTJ-: I have understood it blocks installing files to specific dirs11:25
setpillIn this case, /usr/share/doc/11:25
TJ-setpill: which "minimal image" are you referring to? The desktop installer option just uninstalls a list of packages11:26
TJ-setpill: I'm not aware of any options to delete parts of packages, that'd break dpkg/apt in horrible ways11:29
TJ-setpill: /usr/share/docs/<package>/ contains things like the changelog11:30
setpillTJ-: I am having trouble installing a package specifically because of this (suspected) rule, hence why I am trying to disable it.11:30
Habbiein powerdns, we've had to move sql schemas away from the docs because of some images doing this11:31
Habbiesetpill, please look through /etc/dpkg11:33
setpillHabbie: perfect, thanks11:34
setpillpath-exclude=/usr/share/doc/* found in /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes11:34
Habbiei just found it too11:34
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TJ-setpill: I've just downloaded and mounted the ubuntu-18.04-minimal-cloudimg-amd64.img  and it contains all the expected files in /usr/share/doc/11:35
setpillTJ-: `cat /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes`11:35
HabbieTJ-, if it's anything like the debian-slim images on the dockerhub, there is some content in /usr/share/doc but any packages you install will not get docs - because of that rule that setpill pasted11:36
setpillTo be fair it's poor packaging to blame here for breaking upon not being able to install docs, but still :)11:36
Habbiei'm not sure i agree11:36
Habbiebut as i said, this has inconvenienced me before11:36
TJ-setpill: 527 files under /usr/share/doc/11:37
TJ-setpill: there is no rule to prevent installing in that path11:37
TJ-Habbie: oh, thanks for the clue... you learn something new every day! setpill  see the file  etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/excludes  :)11:39
TJ-setpill: specifically " path-exclude=/usr/share/doc/* "11:39
HabbieTJ-, :)11:44
cmg0x1ethere we go11:51
lotuspsychjecan we help you cmg0x1e11:52
cmg0x1ehad a question here... i'm trying to kill a few zombie instances without killing my active shell, i've got pts/{8-32} zombies11:53
cmg0x1eany "easy" way to do that?11:53
tomreyncmg0x1e: zombies can not be killed, are dead already (thus the name), they can be cleaned up by ending / killing the parent process. if that's immediately your shell (no intermedia processes) then you have no other options.11:59
Habbieif that is your shell, there's something wrong with your shell12:00
cmg0x1eit's hung sessions tomreyn12:00
cmg0x1econnection dropped on my end, but they didn't clear12:00
tomreynso which state are they in?12:00
tomreynso just proceesses waiting for input, that's not zombies12:00
OerHeksps aux | grep Z # to see zombieprocesses;12:01
cmg0x1eyes, but connections been dead for about 4hrs12:01
tomreynif that's ssh shells, reconfigure their timeouts, and kill the processes you can no longer control12:02
tomreynuse a terminal multiplexer to no loose control over a remote shell. until then, maybe use reptyr -T as a dirty hack to try and regain control once lost.12:06
cmg0x1eissue is my internet connection is 2mb down at home, so it's dying easily12:06
JimBuntucmg0x1e, a multiplexer that I like and suggest is tmux12:07
cmg0x1ei'll have to look into tmux, never used before12:07
conjohi all please help me out how can i go about updating only one program using terminal i would like to update only youtube-dl-im familiar with sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -y but not how to update only the one12:10
conjothanks in advance12:10
B|ack0phi. thunderbird is asking for owl subscription what is that?12:11
OerHeksconjo, change your offensive name, please, thanks12:11
cmg0x1eanother question, if I want to force a program to open on just one monitor (laptop) as opposed to external... I've tried running DISPLAY=":0.0" $COMMAND, but it's not working12:11
B|ack0pbefore i was use to add my outlook email without problem.. but now it is asking me to pay12:11
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: are you on ubuntu or debian this time?12:11
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B|ack0pon ubuntu on my other device12:11
B|ack0pi have 3 laptops12:11
Habbienojimonicous, does ubuntu even have a newer version of youtube-dl for you?12:12
B|ack0pand yes debian also didnt fix my graphics problem unfortunately on my old laptop :/12:12
nojimonicousgood question i jumped ship for ages and am only back tonight12:12
B|ack0pi mean it is not distro issue it is my old laptop12:12
B|ack0pbut now i am on my other laptop on ubuntu12:12
Habbienojimonicous, 'apt-get install youtube-dl' would upgrade just youtube-dl, if there is an upgrade available12:12
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: yeah, we already know this12:12
nojimonicousthank you Habbie12:13
B|ack0plotuspsychje: i will probably replace mainboard with intel gpu probably it will work better than ATI12:13
lotuspsychjeB|ack0p: lets not discuss that here12:13
B|ack0pnow can we get my first question?12:13
B|ack0pthunderbird has a new feature it seems named owl and it is asking me to pay on a free linux12:14
B|ack0pisnt it dilemma?12:14
leftyfbB|ack0p: add your account using IMAP or POP. Thunderbird has never supported an Exchange account without the use of a third party service/addon12:15
B|ack0pleftyfb: but before there was no own addon12:15
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leftyfbB|ack0p: Thunderbird has never supported an Exchange account without the use of a third party service/addon12:15
B|ack0pyesterday i ran sudo apt update and upgrade then i faced that own addon12:15
B|ack0pleftyfb: right but that third party addon was free before12:15
leftyfbB|ack0p: ok, that has nothing to do with Ubuntu or Mozilla Thunderbird. Contact the addon developer12:16
nojimonicousHabbie whats going on here what am i doing wrong https://imgur.com/a/YG22kjL12:16
Habbienojimonicous, you are doing nothing wrong; debian/ubuntu ship youtube-dl, do not update it, and disable the automatic updater12:17
Habbienojimonicous, which means youtube-dl, as shipped by debian/ubuntu, is pretty useless12:18
Habbienojimonicous, i installed the new version in my homedir myself12:18
Habbienojimonicous, but i'm on debian - for ubuntu, it's likely you can find a ppa with a newer version12:18
nojimonicousthanks for all ur help12:18
Habbienojimonicous, https://launchpad.net/~nilarimogard/+archive/ubuntu/webupd812:19
lotuspsychjenojimonicous: and keep in mind adding ppa's could be a security risk too12:19
nojimonicousmaybe i used it on manjaro before cuz cant remember any issues in the past12:19
Habbienojimonicous, hmm, that one is outdated too12:19
Habbiemanjaro is rolling, means it always has the newest of everything12:20
nojimonicousgot me stumpd then but i have in the past had success using youtub-dl (many distro hops ago lols)12:20
lotuspsychjeHabbie: not sure advising external ppa's is a good idea in the support channel, hence we reccomend to use the official repos12:21
B|ack0phope ubuntu software store doesnt become commercial..12:21
lotuspsychje!discuss | B|ack0p12:21
ubottuB|ack0p: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!12:21
cmg0x1eok.... so I've tried wmctrl to move an application out of view of the desktop to the desktop with no success, any ideas?12:21
Habbielotuspsychje, i was wondering about that already, won't do it again - it's a good policy12:21
nojimonicouscheers re the ppa warnings lotuspsychje12:21
nojimonicousbut i really like using this program and find that i have no privacy (really-just the facard of it)12:22
nojimonicousif someone wants to pwn me and they got skills n time im toast12:23
lotuspsychjenojimonicous: focus on ubuntu support questions please12:23
nojimonicousroger that thanks all for ur help12:23
B|ack0pok removing that addon fixed problem..12:24
TJ-cmg0x1e: does the application have an 'icon' on the taskbar? if so bring up its context menu (right-click ?) and choose move then use the cursor keys12:33
TJ-cmg0x1e: alternatively if you can Alt+Tab to give the application focus, blindly press Alt+Space to bring up it's Window menu, press down-cursor 4 times so it should land on the "move" option, press Enter to activate it, and then use cursor-keys to move the window12:35
cmg0x1eit doesn't12:35
cmg0x1eTJ- on alt-tab I can see it12:36
cmg0x1ebut I can't see the context menu / window menu12:36
cmg0x1eah there we go!12:36
nojimonicousHabbie, you made my night thanks again https://imgur.com/a/Dai6OBa12:36
cmg0x1ethanks TJ-12:37
Habbienojimonicous, great :)12:37
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pomehaUbuntu 16.04, `apt install -y python3` resulted into python3 being installed, but no symlink for python, what do I do?13:12
pomehashould I manually create the symlink?13:12
Habbiepomeha, 'python', if it exists, should be python 2 - breaking that assumption might break various things13:13
OerHekswhich python313:13
pomehaOerHeks: ansible doesn't use python3, it tries python13:13
pomehaHabbie: alright, thanks13:13
Habbieyou can tell ansible which interpreter to use for a remote server13:13
Habbiethat's the one indeed13:14
OerHeksremove ansible and: pip3 install ansible13:15
HabbieOerHeks, what good would that do?13:16
HabbieOerHeks, presumably ansible is not installed on this machine at all13:16
OerHeksi think it wil set python3  env straight13:17
TJ-Hmmm, on 18.04 'ntfs-config' "Suggests: disk-manager" but cannot find anything that Provides  disk-manager13:17
pizzaioloTJ- what are you trying to do, mount an NTFS drive?13:19
TJ-pizzaiolo: no, install packages13:21
TJ-pizzaiolo: seems like it may be a leftover in the 18.04 package from earlier releases13:21
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x000yo how do I increase the sensitivity of my external touchpad, the magic trackpad 2 ?14:14
tarzeaufor x or wayland? try playing with xset14:15
setpillHabbie: FYI https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-docs.html#additional-documentation states "Packages must not require the existence of any files in /usr/share/doc/ in order to function."14:24
Habbiesetpill, ah, thanks!14:24
oikasdAnyone know how to resize an open window of xfce-terminal?14:38
TJ-oikasd: Alt+Space > Resize  or drag a corner after grabbing (the 1-pixel wide) border !14:43
Habbieoh alt+space is neat, thanks14:43
thsnryou can also just use alt+right click instead of trying to hit the 1 pixel border14:49
Habbiehmm, that does nothing in my gnome14:50
thsnrhold alt, hold right-click, drag. it might be xfce-specific though14:51
Habbieprobably then14:51
oikasd@thsnr Thanks15:10
colinshotsHi, I have a question about getting Evolution reminders working. Is this the right channel?15:13
Habbiecolinshots, just ask your question15:17
colinshotsSo, because Google closed down API access from Google Calendar to Ubuntu, I had to import my calendar into Evolution via iCal. I've noticed that it imported without any reminders set on any events. Also, Evolution doesn't appear to be providing "a default reminder before every new appointment" even though I have the option set and that calendar che15:20
colinshotscked. Is there a trick to get imported iCal calendars to have default reminders set for events?15:20
transhumanistif I have 3 nvidia cuda 9.0 9.1 9.2 run files do i have to extract 9.0 and add in 9.1 and 9.2 to the code or can I install sequentially the 3 run files?15:22
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banehey guys... so i just got a tower with a nvidia gtx 1660 and the resolution is super messed up after initial install. I then issued 'ubuntu-drivers devices' and nothing came up15:39
banethen i added the ubuntu graphics driver ppa15:39
baneissued the command again15:39
baneit says i have two drivers basically15:39
bane"nvidia-driver-430" and also driver "xserver-xorg-video-nouveau"15:40
baneso it looks like it's common for an os to have multiple driver sets? one that handles the directly communication with the driver i.e. nvidia-driver-430 and then another driver which interfaces with the user15:40
banekinda bridging the gap?15:40
banejust a little confused here15:40
OerHeksnouveau is what you are using now, nvidia is the prop driver15:43
OerHeksubuntu-driver autoinstall # and have fun15:43
octav1aI am trying to install imagemagick on 18.04 ; it seems that the binaries are not getting installed somehow. I am not able to see/run the 'magick' command, and "dpkg-query -L  imagemagick" just gives things in /usr/share/doc and /usr/share/bug. Does anyone know if the package name has moved or something?15:49
OerHeks!info imagemagick15:51
ubottuimagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs -- binaries. In component main, is optional. Version 8: (bionic), package size 13 kB, installed size 115 kB15:51
OerHeksit should work, reinstall perhaps?15:51
pragmaticenigmaoctav1a: Why aren't you installing ImageMagick from apt?15:52
pragmaticenigmaoh, missread15:52
octav1aI am installing with $ apt install imagemagick15:52
octav1aactually, it was already installed15:52
pragmaticenigmaoctav1a: What does "whereis convert" return?15:53
tomreynbane: nouveau is the open source nvidia driver. until very recently (and actually still, but the situation improved), insufficient documentation was available to support this hardware properly in an open source driver, so only basic support is available with nouveau. "nvidia" is the proprietary driver series, which comes in different development branches (usually indicated by those three digits), some of which work for some but not other nvidia15:53
tomreynhardware. on ubuntu, those proprietary drivers can be installed using "ubuntu-drivers" (as you since found out).15:53
octav1apragmaticenigma: convert directs to a binary15:54
octav1ais it just that the 'magick' binary is renamed 'convert' in deb systems?15:54
octav1a(to answer specifically: convert: /usr/bin/convert /usr/share/man/man1/convert.1.gz)15:54
pragmaticenigmaoctav1a: I have only ever known to use "convert" in the different platforms I have used: noteably CentOS and Ubuntu15:55
pragmaticenigmaalso Windows15:55
ioriaoctav1a, there is no magick command, afaik15:55
octav1awas looking here: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/command-line-processing.php15:55
ioriaoctav1a, maybe you want to run 'display' from terminal15:55
pragmaticenigmaoctav1a: The documentation on their website hasn't been updated in a very long time15:56
octav1aok, very well15:57
octav1athanks for letting me know the correct command ; the google search returned that website as a result so that is where I started looking.15:57
pragmaticenigmaoctav1a: Though I could be wrong. It is also possible that Distributions build it so that it is backwards compatible with older implementations15:57
tomreynbane: so if you need more than basic performance, your approach should be to first research which 'nvidia' (proprietary) driver series best supports your hardware, then see how you can get it installed and working properly.15:59
pragmaticenigmaoctav1a: Found your answer. The documentation you found pertains to ImageMagick 7.x series. Ubuntu is presently on the V6.x series. In version 7, the CLI has been entirely re-written and new commands were offered. See "Command Changes" here: http://www.imagemagick.org/script/porting.php16:02
octav1aok, awesome, at least its not the reverse16:05
quippyI'm having an issue where Gnome's lock screen in 19.04 sometimes freezes when I come back from suspend. I can move the mouse and switch to a virtual terminal, and killing gdm logs me out and lets me log back into the GUI, but I lose my session. I'm not sure what process in modern Gnome is responsible for the lock screen, or if there are log files I could potentially investigate so that I have something to search for on Google. Has anyon16:12
quippye experienced something like this, and could maybe help me troubleshoot?16:12
banesorry for the long reply guys16:14
baneLol, i was away from my desk, but very good to know16:14
brenster21so I have a dumb question I got a directory that is full of tv downloads and hardlinks. is there a command for deleting all the hard linked files in a directory?16:14
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quippyyou could probably use find to narrow down to only hardlinks and then just rm16:16
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: You could try using the find command. I found this article using a web search, perhaps it will help: https://linuxcommando.blogspot.com/2008/09/how-to-find-and-delete-all-hard-links.html16:16
Some_PersonI'm wondering if I should install the HWE stack on my work laptop or not16:16
brenster21that could work16:17
pragmaticenigmaSome_Person: Are you experience any system reliability issues?16:17
banetomreyn: really appreciate the advice, i'm going to the solution OerHeks mentioned 'ubuntu-driver autoinstall' and see what happens16:17
banehoping that i don't need to blacklist any nouvea drivers16:17
Some_Personpragmaticenigma: Lately I've noticed a weird issue unlocking my PC, but overall, not really16:17
brenster21but the issue then becomes that I have multiple files with singular hardlinks16:18
pragmaticenigmaSome_Person: Unless you have something that specifically needs the HWE kernels, or system crashes from kernel issues, I wouldn't recommend it16:18
Some_Personpragmaticenigma: Okay. I guess I'll stay on GA then. Thanks16:19
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: Read the article link I mentioned...16:19
brenster21i am reading it pragmaticenigma16:20
lotuspsychjequippy: problems after coming back from suspend often are caused due graphics drivers or acpi issues, did you have the same on LTS?16:20
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tomreynbane: nvidias' user space utilities usually create an xorg.conf file, which forces X to use the 'nvidia' driver, so haveing nouiveau installed next to nvidia drivers should not be an issue, i think. but then i really lack first hand experience.16:20
quippyI never installed the LTS lotuspsychje -- I'm a Gnome boi and I came back to Ubuntu only when Gnome came back. Graphics are just Intel integrated, are otherwise not giving me problems. Notably the machine comes back fully from suspend -- it's only the lock screen that freezes.16:21
banetomreyn: ah i see. will eventually need to add support for opengl and cuda as well16:22
baneso that will be interesting16:22
lotuspsychjequippy: maybe try a: journalctl -f and go into suspend and come back, see if you can catch useful errors16:22
quippythe last time that it happened I checked journalctl and I saw a javascript error emitted from Gnome Shell but I'm not sure if it was related? Years ago gnome-screensaver was the arbiter of the16:22
brenster21pragmaticenigma I could probably run find /path/to/folder/* -xdev -samefile file1 | xargs rm16:22
quippydangit I meant to hit backspace16:22
quippylol I saw your message and went to rewrite what I was saying lotuspsychje16:22
quippybut anyway, yeah, just some random javascript errors from Gnome Shell16:22
lotuspsychjequippy: could you pastebin for us please?16:23
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: possibly, I'm not quite sure I understand why you have so many hardlinks... I rarely use them, instead using symlinks which are easier to identify and remove without risk to the original file16:23
tomreynbane: 'nvidia' drivers should support opengl once they're installed. cuda, however, can apparently be more tricky. good luck!16:23
quippyI'm going to see if I can recover the error from last time lotuspsychje and then I'd be happy to do so16:23
baneLol thanks16:23
brenster21pragmaticenigma it was due to sonarr/radarr going wild and me being an idiot when i first set them up16:24
quippybane, I joined late, but just wanted to quickly chime in that if you're setting up CUDA I was not able to do that on 19.04 and needed to install the last LTS on a spare machine to get CUDA working under Ubuntu16:24
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: ah... that would make sense16:24
lotuspsychjequippy: lol, you just said to me you never installed LTS16:25
brenster21I am currently hoping i accidently have radarr/sonarr copy a bunch of movies instead of hardlink them. that would be a bloody pain in the ass.16:25
quippynot on this machine lotuspsychje :P16:26
quippysorry, I did abbreviate the truth for the sake of describing this problem xD16:26
quippyI installed the LTS on a different machine with a GPU for a Tensorflow project16:26
quippyand I haven't used Ubuntu on the desktop since old Gnome versions.. I use it on servers all the time16:27
quippyevery version since 5.04 on servers :P16:27
banequippy: hey thanks bud, yeah i'm on 1804 and everything seems to be working okay now with the nvidia-430 driver16:27
baneit's a gtx 166016:28
baneconfiguring it for a scientist who will be doing alot of gpu work with opengl and cuda16:28
baneso not sure what extra packages i may need to install :3 but any recommendations would be amazing16:28
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: I would highly encourage you make a back up of those files if you can. Something like rsync I believe can copy only the original files and ignore symlinked and hardlinked files16:28
brenster21Pragmaticenigma I am probably going to do that, but i just had a harddrive die and am short on space for a while (luckily i had just backed it up)16:29
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: good job on keeping back-ups!16:29
quippynaturally now I can't reproduce the bug I came in here to ask about..16:30
brenster21I would love to say thank you but it was a complete coincidence. I had decided to reorganize my downloading setup and have dedicated drives and then after i moved the stuff the drive crashed. (i lost my anime collection)16:30
quippyI feel that, I lost my music collection doing something stupid a few years ago16:32
lotuspsychjekeep it support related guys16:32
TJ-brenster21: "find /path/ -links +2 -ls" should list all entries with 2 or more hardlinks (no good on some non-linux file-systems like vfat though)16:33
TJ-brenster21: directories will have at least 2 hardlinks so you might want to add "-type f" to that16:33
brenster21TJ- thank you I will keep that in mind as I debate on what to do.16:34
brenster21First I need to make sure i ahve the room to move everything to the other drive and there are no copies. Hardlinks shouldn't take up space right?16:34
TJ-brenster21: correct; it's just more than 1 dirent pointing to the same inode16:34
brenster21okay then16:35
quippysymlinks are generally more resilient though16:35
quippythe underlying implementation is different, but symlinks work across drives/partitions and hardlinks do not16:35
brenster21dumb question would it be possible to write a script that could replace copies of files with hardlinks? (this is for radarr/sonarr that makes hardlinks not symlinks)16:36
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: I wouldn't recommend using hardlinks... but there are file deduplicating programs that will perform that16:36
lordcirthbrenster21, it's certainly possible, but you should use an existing tool16:36
TJ-brenster21: if you use rsync's "--inplace" it won't create duplicates, see "man rsync"16:36
lordcirthjdupes is an excellent file dedup tool16:37
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: I use a program called fslint that gives an nice gui for manging duplicate files16:37
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: for commandline, I use fdupes which can run more unattended and do the same thing16:38
lordcirthpragmaticenigma, jdupes is a lot faster16:38
pragmaticenigmalordcirth: same command structure?16:38
brenster21I will check them all out issue is they have have gotten renamed but it would be helpful16:38
lordcirthpragmaticenigma, similar, but read the manpage.16:39
pragmaticenigmabrenster21: These applications don't use the file names, they use file checksums to find duplicates16:39
brenster21great :)16:39
brenster21gonna go read up on them all16:39
Sven_vBlooks like I accidentially launched a few processes on my local X via SSH forwarding. how can I kill all remote processes that use my X session?17:21
HabbieSven_vB, disconnecting ssh should do the trick17:24
mknepperso im having an issue compiling systemd from source - everytime i try to build the source in the ubuntu repos for systemd I get the error: debian/rules:302: recipe for target 'binary-arch' failed17:25
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krobzauranyone know how to take a directory of firmware files and package it up into a simple .udeb file?17:42
krobzauranyone know how to take a directory of firmware files and package it up into a simple .udeb file?17:43
lordcirthkrobzaur, why do you need to do that?17:44
TJ-krobzaur: edit debian/control, add "Package-Type: udeb" and rebuild17:46
TJ-krobzaur: assuming debian/rules uses dh (debhelper) it'll be done automagically17:46
krobzaurTJ-: hmmm I tried that but it doesn't seem to be working17:48
krobzaurTJ-: what command do I need to execute specifically once I've added that entry? Do the entry need to be at any particular location in the file, or just anywhere?17:49
TJ-krobzaur: I'm assuming you've created, or copied from an existing similar package and edited appropriately, the ./debian/ directory and required files. In which case from the base directory of the source "fakeroot debian/rules binary" which'll create the .udeb file(s) in ../ (parent directory)17:51
TJ-krobzaur: look at "linux-firmware" for how it is done17:51
TJ-krobzaur: all the packaging logic is in ./debian/17:51
krobzaurTJ-: Hmmm, okay, but that build a .deb, not a .udeb17:59
TJ-krobzaur: not if you've added "Package-Type: udeb" into a binary-package definition in debian/control18:00
krobzaurTJ-: I believe I did that correctly. mind if I pastebin my debian/control file?18:01
krobzaurTJ-: Or is it just giving it a .deb extension even though its actually a .udeb? A bunch of /usr/share stuff is included in the resulting .deb which I do not want18:01
TJ-krobzaur: sure18:03
TJ-krobzaur: debhelper will automatically handle producing the .udeb with the files listed in the associated .install file. E.g. for "Package: example-udeb" you'll have a 'debian/example-udeb.install' listing the files to install18:05
krobzaurTJ-: https://pastebin.com/xfi5eSHi18:05
krobzaurTJ-: Yeah I have my debian/install file set up correctly, all the firmware files are in there. There is just some extra stuff I don't want.18:06
TJ-krobzaur: "Package-Type: udeb" belongs to the *binary* package declaration NOT the *source*18:06
krobzaurTJ-: Hmmm, ok this is know to me so I don't quite understand what you mean18:06
krobzaurTJ-: hmmm. Do I just change the "Source: nic-firmware" entry to "Binary: nic-firmware" ?18:07
TJ-krobzaur: something like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6ZpxCxFDJt/18:08
krobzaurTJ-: Thanks! So I just run the fakeroot command you mentioned earlier with that control file?18:10
TJ-krobzaur: yes18:10
krobzaurTJ-: Hmmm, it just outputs the string "dh binary" without building anything. Does the debian/rules file need to be executable or something?18:13
Sven_vBHabbie, thanks, then those processes are probably sth. else.18:13
krobzaurTJ-: I might have gotten it working by executing "dh_builddeb"18:14
TJ-krobzaur: well, depends on what you've got in debian/rules makefile18:15
TJ-krobzaur: debian/rules is a regular Makefile18:16
TJ-krobzaur: did you use "dh_make" to create the ./debian/ directory template files ?18:17
krobzaurTJ-:  yes18:18
krobzaurusing "--single" and "--createorig"18:19
TJ-krobzaur: and "yes" to debian/rules being executable18:20
krobzaurTJ-: I'll paste my rules file, one moment18:20
TJ-krobzaur: why don't you tar.gz the entire source tree and I'll build it here to check18:21
krobzaurTJ-: Oh, I think a lot of the tooling expects the "debian" directory to be all uppercase18:21
krobzaurTJ-: Interesting, it's working now but I had to make a symlink called "DEBIAN" pointing to my "debian" directory.18:23
TJ-krobzaur: no, in fact, I've never seen it in upper case18:23
TJ-krobzaur: I think capitals are used in docs to make it clear what is being referred to18:23
krobzaurTJ-: interesting. I promise you making that symlink just fixed everything though18:23
TJ-krobzaur: huh, what file-system are you using?18:23
krobzaurI know have a udeb with exactly the contents I want, but I find this very mysterious18:24
TJ-krobzaur: you're not the only one!18:24
TJ-I've been packaging for Debian/Ubuntu for 15 years and never come across a package using "DEBIAN", it's always "debian"18:25
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krobzaurTJ-: I'm using ext4 in a virtual machine on ubuntu 16.04.118:26
krobzaurTJ-: I can tar up my directory and upload it somewhere if you want to take a look.18:26
TJ-krobzaur: yes, please do18:31
krobzaurTJ-: I'll record a quick shell session to show you the problem as well. Let me just finish my original task and I'll come back to that, if that's alright with you18:31
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V7Hey all19:26
V7Could anyone help with ecryptfs?19:26
EriC^^!ask | V719:31
ubottuV7: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:31
V7Roger that. Of course.19:31
V7When logging in firstly using local access to machine and then via SSH it shows one files in home dir.. When logging in firstly using SSH and then locally it shows other ones. What could this be?19:31
EriC^^V7: ssh is key auth or password?19:32
V7Also, it's in /etc/ssh/%u19:32
EriC^^V7: it can't decrypt the stuff using keyauth, needs the login password19:32
EriC^^V7: maybe you could put a script that runs the decryption somewhere and asks for the login pass later, that way you avoid the bots19:33
EriC^^there's probably a standard way to do ssh + ecryptfs online somewhere19:33
V7Thank you. I'll dig deeper19:47
lordcirthYou can also change ssh/pam to require key, then password, I believe.20:03
V7The key already is password protected20:05
V7The key is already *20:06
V7Although, doesn't that mean that it just is being decrypted locally and then transfered?20:07
sirlarkHi there, I'm new to systemd; I've just installed ubuntu server 18.04 (bionic) and then installed lxqt - but I'm getting no output. My monitor shows the console text on boot, then the flip to frame buffer happens and the monitor signal dies because I have a GMA500 intel card with a known bug. But I've been able to get past that to the GUI in the li20:12
sirlarkMainly, I'm looking for the logs for X20:13
V7sirlark, check out logs via systemctl, journalctl or "service status"20:30
lordcirthV7, yeah, a password on the key is entirely different than sshd requesting a password.20:39
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AavarCan someone on 19.04 please pastebin the contents of /etc/os-release?21:23
OerHeksAavar, why?21:27
AavarOerHeks, I think mine is fucked for some reason. Do you know what package that file is part of?21:30
jeremy31!language | Aavar21:30
ubottuAavar: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:30
Aavarjeremy31, sorry21:31
TJ-Aavar: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SwWz5yTzYR/21:31
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TJ-!info base-files | Aavar21:32
ubottuAavar: base-files (source: base-files): Debian base system miscellaneous files. In component main, is required. Version 10.1ubuntu2.6 (bionic), package size 58 kB, installed size 382 kB21:32
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Aavartj tnx21:33
codecutterwhen i look up hisotry ctrl+r i get a bunch of gibberish block text, how do i make my shell sane again? text seems to be from pasting into a mysql console  https://pastebin.com/wjBrdns021:33
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TJ-Aavar: you can find out such things with "dpkg -S path/to/file" for an installed package, or using "apt-file search path/to/file" for any package in the archives21:33
of_the_cloudsI'm thinking of making a dual boot of Win10 and Ubuntu21:34
AavarTJ-, cool. thanks21:34
of_the_cloudsi have an Acer E15 E5-576G-50EN. Is there anything I should be aware of before installing Ubuntu?21:34
of_the_cloudsMy laptop has Nvidia MX15021:34
TJ-of_the_clouds: Acer's have had some problems with UEFI/Secure Boot and the firmware refusing to 'trust' non-Windows boot loaders21:36
of_the_cloudsSo how do I deal with that?21:36
OerHeksthat mx150 is supported by nouveau and the 384 driver and up https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/120917/en-us21:37
TJ-of_the_clouds: *if* your system is affected, it means after install you'll not be able to select/boot the installed Ubuntu. That can be solved in the firmware's own setup by 'trusting' the linux EFI boot-loader files.21:37
of_the_cloudsOerHeks so that means I'm not going to come across GPU driver issues?21:37
OerHeksgpu no, but BIOS/uefi maybe, see TJ-21:38
of_the_cloudsHow do I do that TJ-21:39
of_the_cloudsHow do I make sure my system is not affected?21:39
of_the_cloudsI installed Ubuntu before with another Acer laptop and I can't use keyboard during GRUB21:39
of_the_cloudsThat's why I'm being very cautious this time21:39
OerHeksan updated bios can give the option to trust the secure ubuntu boot21:39
TJ-of_the_clouds: If you want more info as to whether that exact model is affected do a web search for that model on site https://askubuntu.com/21:39
WoCis there an easy way to set the default runlevel to 3, or what ever it would be called in systemd ?21:39
TJ-WoC: there are no runlevels :)21:40
TJ-WoC: what is your aim? non-graphical session?21:40
WoCyes, multi user no gui, as it would be in sysv21:40
TJ-of_the_clouds: keyboard issue could be the firmware needs to be told to enable "USB Legacy" support21:41
TJ-WoC: "sudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target"21:41
OerHekssudo systemctl set-default multi-user.target >> https://askubuntu.com/questions/788323/how-do-i-change-the-runlevel-on-systemd21:41
WoCjust killall5 and figure out what to start ?21:41
TJ-WoC: and to change back: "sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target"21:41
OerHeksand back to gui >> sudo systemctl set-default graphical.target21:41
WoCthere is no startx ?21:42
TJ-WoC: "sudo systemctl start display-manager"21:42
of_the_cloudsTJ- idk what to look up in the website. Is there a thread where there's a list of affected laptops"21:42
OerHeksno, restart gdm3 ( for standard ubuntu+gnome3 )21:42
of_the_cloudsOerHeks so after updating BIOS, I should be good?21:43
TJ-of_the_clouds: no, you asked about your specific model so you need to search for articles that mention that21:43
OerHeksof_the_clouds, i mention bios updates, often overlooked, that might fixes things.21:43
of_the_cloudsNothing comes up. Maybe I should be looking up something else. Something less specific21:44
TJ-of_the_clouds: or maybe that is because no one has reported problems and it'll work perfectly21:44
OerHeksjust try the iso in live mode :-)21:45
of_the_cloudsOerHeks me?21:45
OerHeksof_the_clouds, jups, if it boots, uefi is no issue21:45
of_the_cloudsAhh, so that's one sure way to make sure?21:45
OerHeksof_the_clouds, yes, without touching the hdd/ssd/m221:45
WoCk, ty TJ- & OerHeks21:46
of_the_cloudsThere's this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSVV_EoApdo21:46
of_the_cloudswhich seems quite easy21:46
TJ-of_the_clouds: booting ISO in UEFI mode may work whilst booting the installed won't (if it is affected by the 'trust' issue) there are subtle differences in how the boot is done for removable media21:46
of_the_cloudsIs that how usually installation is?21:46
TJ-of_the_clouds: just try it though!21:46
OerHeksi find no obscure posts on  Acer E15 E5-576G-50EN21:47
of_the_cloudsWait, so let's say I follow that tutorial. Basically just making another partition for Ubuntu and then installing Ubuntu on that partition. If anything bad comes up, what do I do?21:47
OerHeks18.04.3 gives kernel 5.0.0-2521:47
of_the_cloudsOerHeks what does that info mean?21:48
TJ-of_the_clouds: do you want an encrypted install? if so reserve space for 2 partitions (1 of ~750MB for /boot/ and the rest for the main Ubuntu OS)21:48
of_the_cloudsEncrypted install? What's the difference between that and having a swap partition and one for main Ubuntu (as the Youtube vid I just sent suggests)21:49
TJ-of_the_clouds: the installer will ask you whether you want encryption and partition things appropriately21:49
TJ-of_the_clouds: you don't need a swap partition, installer creates a swap file nowadays21:49
of_the_cloudsOh, okay, that seems nice. But what does encrypted installation mean?21:50
TJ-of_the_clouds: encrypted means that if the PC is powered off a pass-phrase has to be typed to unlock and get access to the OS and your data... helps in case the PC is stolen whilst powered off21:50
of_the_cloudsAhh, my only concern right now is just installing Ubuntu without errors XD21:50
OerHekshave fun!21:51
of_the_cloudsIs there a way to boot up again in Windows 10 in case something wrong comes up? Let's say my PC is "affected" or let's say something bad happens in GRUB?21:51
TJ-of_the_clouds: I just did an encrypted install onto a 30GB USB3 flash stick... went like a breeze21:51
TJ-of_the_clouds: with UEFI each OS is independent and adds a boot menu entry into the firmware's own menu21:52
of_the_cloudsTJ- idk what that means T__T21:52
TJ-of_the_clouds: firmware being the PC's UEFI power-up code21:52
of_the_cloudsSo, UEFI is what I have. And each OS gets a boot menu entry.. but if I boot up, GRUB comes up?21:53
TJ-of_the_clouds: it stores a list of the installed OSes so you can use its manual boot menu to choose which to boot, and also sets the 'default' which is started if you don't press the hotkey to use the boot menu21:53
of_the_cloudsI see. I kinda get it now. How do you do that manual boot menu?21:53
TJ-of_the_clouds: it goes PC-UEFI-boot-manager > OS Boot loader > OS  so for Linux it is UEFI > GRUB > Ubuntu21:53
of_the_cloudsHow do I get to that? Coz before, I've had a year-long headache coz I was stuck with GRUB lol21:54
TJ-of_the_clouds: when the PC powers up the display should show the hotkeys you can press, often it'll be F2 for Setup and F10 or F11 for Boot menu21:54
of_the_cloudsAhh, is there a way to choose what OS Boot loader to use?21:54
TJ-of_the_clouds: but, read the PC's user manual - we're not clairvoyant!21:54
TJ-of_the_clouds: if you choose Windows it'll use the Windows boot manager not GRUB21:55
of_the_cloudsSo "boot menu" = PC UEFI Boot Manager?21:55
of_the_cloudsI really never have seen that before21:55
TJ-of_the_clouds: as I said, UEFI makes each OS independent21:55
of_the_cloudsI've only seen OS Boot Loaders. I've seen the one with Windows and GRUB21:55
of_the_cloudsI didn't know there's something before those21:55
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:56
TJ-of_the_clouds: yes, UEFI boot manager has to be triggered by you pressing a hot-key on almost all systems. Otherwise the default entry (the first in the UEFI BootOrder) will be started21:56
TJ-of_the_clouds: advice: Just Do It"!21:57
TJ-of_the_clouds: in the time you've been asking questions Ubuntu could have been installed and running for 1/2 hour :D21:57
of_the_clouds(Thanks, by the way, at this point I think I have "enough" ways to have some sort of route to get back to Windows in case something bad happens)21:57
of_the_cloudsAaaaaa, I don't want another year-long headache so I'm being VERY cautious, hahahah21:57
of_the_cloudsI don't wanna mess up my computer just because I wanted my interface to look like Mac, haha, but of course the functionalities and the "coolness" that comes with having Ubuntu as your main OS are good too21:58
TJ-I prefer the console; allows me to get much more done than any GUI21:59
of_the_cloudsAh, I'm learning how to code too btw! :D22:00
of_the_clouds(hold on, haha)22:00
of_the_cloudsSo I just press "OK", restart, and see for myself the UEFI boot manager?22:01
of_the_cloudsOr is that option for Windows OS Boot Loader?22:02
of_the_cloudsOooof, NVM, it seems it's for the Windows OS Boot Loader22:06
raidghostive tried to get my bluetooth working on ubuntu 18.04.222:46
raidghostFigured out that i maybe had to upgrade the bluez from 5.48 to 5.50. No changes.22:46
raidghostSo i dont understand why bluetooth is working on 16.04 but not on 18.0422:47
jeremy31raidghost: post URL from terminal for>  lsusb | nc termbin.com 999922:48
raidghostjeremy31: i have integrated bluetooth chip22:52
raidghostno usb22:52
jeremy31raidghost: 99% of bluetooth devices are shown on lsusb, the rest are SDIO22:53
sarnoldare you sure? a surprising amount of the time 'internal bluetooth' is just hooked up over usb, because usb is everywhere22:53
raidghostsarnold: ive seen the bluetooth chip its the same brand ans my wifi chip22:53
OerHekslspci or lsusb would tell22:54
raidghostit does not say anything about bluetooth at all22:54
jeremy31raidghost: just post the info I asked for, please22:54
raidghostjeremy31: the first one you asked for: https://termbin.com/j0ov22:56
jeremy31raidghost: now> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net | nc termbin.com 999922:57
raidghostjeremy31: https://termbin.com/0gdum22:57
jeremy31raidghost: not sure why the bluetooth chipset isn't getting found in lsusb22:58
raidghosti find it weird. Since the same brand and model and stuff ive got 16.04 on, it just works out of the box23:00
raidghostI dont have the laptop here, since at parents house.23:00
jeremy31raidghost: it is weird, come back when you are using that laptop23:02
johnsmith92Hello! I am running a clean image of Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 2.6.32-042stab134.3 x86_64) and I can't execute apt upgrade because it breaks the machine after rebooting (I can't ssh afterwards)23:03
johnsmith92I am in a VPS in a OpenVMZ environment and when upgrading I get a message saying that libc is not compatible with my kernel23:04
johnsmith92However, if I try to apt-mark hold the libc packages and then upgrade, I get the same problem, what can I do to execute apt upgrade and be able to keep the system working? Thanks23:04
OerHeksjohnsmith92, is that an image provided by your vps vendor?23:04
johnsmith92OerHeks, yes23:05
tomreynplease find yourself a new vps vendor23:06
johnsmith92This is the full list of packages that apt upgrade is trying to upgrade: https://gyazo.com/6771e2a53540641b9003f305de744feb23:06
OerHeksfile a bugreport with them, openVM/vagrant23:06
johnsmith92I must stick to this one, I can bear with not having to update libc6 but i'd like to have the rest of packages updated23:07
johnsmith92is there a way to do so?23:07
OerHeksi just read this https://serverfault.com/questions/978254/downgrade-to-previous-linux-kernel-or-libc6-version-on-openvz-libc6-issue23:10
sarnoldjohnsmith92: please ask your VPS provider to upgrade their kernel23:10
OerHeksfile a bugreport with them.23:10
johnsmith92So I guess there is no other way? Honestly it's a cheap VPS provider and I dont think they will listen to me23:12
sarnoldjohnsmith92: take a look at comment number 18 here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/180484723:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1804847 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd=229-4ubuntu21.8 use of fchownat failes on some systems (openvz)" [Undecided,Fix released]23:14
sarnoldjohnsmith92: I'd be quite worried about a VPS provider that hasn't installed kernel updates for almost nine months23:15
johnsmith92sarnold: is that related to something about symlinks?23:17
johnsmith92Because I am getting some weird errors during the upgrade such asFailed to validate path /var/run/sudo: Too many levels of symbolic links23:18
sarnoldjohnsmith92: I'm not sure if you'd see that specific message or not23:19
johnsmith92thanks OerHeks and sarnold!23:19
sarnoldjohnsmith92: but note that the version number that vasily reports is newer than the version number you've got, and the openvz team released that update specifically because security fixes in systemd needed the new features23:19
sarnoldjohnsmith92: .. and your hoster hasn't provided them yet, so I suspect they're also missing many other security updates23:20
johnsmith92Yes... definitely not the best hoster23:21
tomreyndefinitely one of the worst. you can get better service for free (for a limited time) elsewhere.23:23
johnsmith92indeed, it's like 2 eur/month but has good specs.23:25
johnsmith92They have a debian 9 image too as well and seems that one works well when upgrading, I will contact them about updating the kernel like you guys mentioned23:26
=== Flexman is now known as Guest15840
johnsmith92with a bit of luck i may get ubuntu too23:26
tomreynthe latest ubuntu 16.04 release is 16.04.6. 16.04.1, which yours is based on, dates back to 2016 or 2017.23:29
tomreynthey should long have replaced it, and be running yours with a newer patched kernel.23:30
johnsmith92Indeed, I just filed a ticket mentioning the things you guys said to me23:33
johnsmith92Hopefully if they are not lazy they will fix it23:33
johnsmith92Thanks a lot to everyone23:33
tomreyngood luck there23:35
johnsmith92thank you!23:35
n-iCeany idea?  Cannot access file/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf23:35
Bashing-omn-iCe: Does that file exist ' ls -al /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf ' ?23:37
n-iCeBashing-om: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9594 ene 27  2019 /usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf23:38
Bashing-omn-iCe: Humm - then what is the context in which you get that warning ?23:39
n-iCeBashing-om: running retroarch23:40
n-iCejust running it23:40
OerHeksdid you install the retroarch snap?23:45
OerHekssnap connect retroach:alsa  https://snapcraft.io/retroarch23:46
Bashing-omn-iCe: The only dependency for sound I see is that of libasound2 - ' dpkg -l libasound2 ' shows that it is installed ?23:46
raidghostjeremy31: there is news on the bluetooth issue23:47
tomreynso you are controlling this laptop now?23:48
raidghosti checked for latest bios. and figured out it did have 2016 bios23:49
raidghostSo i grabbed latest 2018, did reboot, and now it works like a CHARM ;)23:49
raidghostBus 003 Device 004: ID 0a5c:21f1 Broadcom Corp. HP Portable Bumble Bee23:49

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