[14:03] Hello errbody [15:51] I'm primarily a web developer that's been teaching myself gtk3 and rust. I'd like to start hacking on some of the Ubuntu Studio packages and contributing some patches. Not sure where I can find the git repos. Could somebody point me in the right direction please ? [15:51] *pokes @Eickmeyer* [15:52] damianos: Our repos are at https://launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev [15:53] @teward001: ERR:NeedCoffee [15:53] Thank you kindly sir [15:53] Eickmeyer: ERR:NotEnoughCoffee … In the process of raising the error, another error was thrown: … ERR:ChaosRisesThisDay [15:54] damianos: They're actually spread in several areas on launchpad, but at least they're indext under Code>View Git Repos [15:54] *indexed [15:54] @teward001: oof [15:55] yup [16:03] So out of curiosity, are the packages being delivered via snaps yet? [16:04] Just wondering if that is also something I need to brush up on [16:15] damianos: Not any of the ubuntustudio-* packages, which are the only ones we really touch. [16:16] *sits on Eickmeyer* [16:16] your package has flaws. either that or LP Git is busted again [16:16] probably the second one :P [16:16] What's broken? [16:16] git [16:17] Shocker. [16:17] y'all should run your own git somewhere :P [16:17] but not phab :P [16:17] I've been considering mirroring to github, but that hasn't been a huge priority. [16:17] ewwww github [16:17] Microsoft owns that now [16:18] I have no problem with that. Microsoft drives much of my area's economy. [16:19] So, are we talking something wrong with raysession or what? [16:20] nah just git [16:20] can't review package until git is back [16:20] it's being stupid for me [16:22] I see that. Looks like wgrant posted an issue with it. [16:25] teward: So, uh... bummer with your issues then. [16:25] yep [16:25] but that's only while i'm here at work [16:25] i'll be home and pull it later [16:25] i get to leave in 3.5hrs [16:27] Sweet. [16:33] dszidi was added by: Eickmeyer [16:34] @dszidi Thischannel is bridged to #ubuntustudio-dev. I encourage you to work with OvenWerks on any UI improvements. Pull Requests are nice. :) [16:36] Will do. I will install Ubuntu studio into a VM. I just reloaded my thinkpad so I have to finish getting up and running with my angular stuff. [16:37] Be careful, Ubuntu Studio doesn't play nice in VMs (specifically, the lowlatency kernel). [16:38] Well for UI and cosmetic stuff that shouldn't be too big of an issue. At least not in the beginning [16:38] Well, I hope so. The problem is that it typically freezes on boot. [16:39] In that case, I have another desktop I can load it onto [16:53] Is Carla part of this Ubuntu Studio or is there an upstream project? [16:57] There's an upstream project for that, but I'm the package maintainer. [16:57] Meaning, I don't touch the code, I just touch everything in the debian directory. [16:57] ah, gotcha [16:59] So which UIs do we touch then. Installer and configuration utilities + XFCE? [17:04] Really, the only things we really do any development on are ubuntustudio-controls and ubuntustudio-installer. Everything else is upstream. [17:05] Though, like I said, we do want to fork Non Session Manager. [17:05] Cool [17:06] The Xubuntu team mostly handles xfce. We do handle some of the configuration, but right now that's pretty much set. [17:09] Got it [23:37] @Eickmeyer got the code downloaded now going over the packaging this time [23:38] 👍