
=== jakob is now known as georg_119
lordievaderGood morning06:34
=== rynot is now known as cart_man
memphistohi. it seems my battery percentage is dropping while on charger after yesterdays update... it says charging but it goes down...maybe its counting how much is left to 100%. Anybody has this?08:02
memphistoit's new laptop..https://pastebin.com/kkHBUvMb08:04
memphistosorry, got diconnecte... about the battery percentag08:13
lordievaderDoes the `energy` value go up?08:28
memphistono, it seems it goes down08:42
memphistoill try booting with older kernel08:43
memphistoand will get back08:43
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hewigood afternoon, I have questions about korganiser, is this the propper spot?11:59
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BluesKajHey folks12:10
=== ctr is now known as asdff
CAKEI keep getting sudo apt install cowsayE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:10
aedigitalpackagekit.service or15:11
aedigitalapt-daily-upgrade.service probabilly is active15:11
CAKEhow do disable it15:11
CAKEim a linux newbie also15:11
aedigitalsearch in google for systemctl15:12
BluesKajunattended upgrades runs in the background after logging in sometimes15:12
geniiOr if you wait a while it will finish using apt and it will free up again15:12
CAKEive waited15:12
CAKEoh now it works15:13
tomreynpiece of CAKE!15:13
CAKEok I googled systemctl15:13
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=== Guest15432 is now known as il
ilwhen i reboot i go to tty and i cant open graphical interface15:19
aedigitalafter login in tty try startx or startx -- :215:22
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=== anon121 is now known as rogelio
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crydotsnake-MHello Everyone! :).16:59
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
jubo2kubuntu 19.04 locking screen even if being explicitly instructed in "Energy saving" not to do it22:44
jubo2anyone have any idea. System is supposedly fresh22:45
Dragnslcrjubo2- check System Settings -> Desktop Behavior -> Screen Locking23:56
DragnslcrSearching for "lock" in System Settings also shows it23:57

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