
Benl90hello. I have problem. I done something stupid, really stupid, I do chown -R root:root .* on /root and it change all permission on the OS, now I can't start mysql service and other things. Is there anyway to fix it? Thanks01:03
sarnoldBenl90: /root or / ?01:04
Benl90on folder root, but it impact the /var/lib/ also01:04
Benl90I need to make sure mysql server back online, but now I can't01:04
sarnoldBenl90: if you mean / then you are indeed in trouble01:05
Benl90sarnold, I did it on /root and /var/lib only01:05
Benl90Any suggestion?01:06
sarnoldBenl90: you can ignore /root because everything in there should be root:root01:07
Benl90nah how about /var/lib?01:07
sarnoldBenl90: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/23K6XQ4ZMr/  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/WTTnfP5BQF/  -- this is two machines I've got easy access to01:08
Benl90I've fix the whole permission but still mysql won't run. also there's error on journalctl -xe like this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3k9yJ4bpFc/01:17
sarnoldtry restarting rsyslog and see if you get error messages there01:21
Benl90sarnold, I tried, and nothing error log help https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dr2J9qTyN6/. Any suggestion?01:27
sarnoldBenl90: are there more detailed logs in a /var/log/mysql* or /var/log/syslog?01:28
Benl90no help from mysql/error.log, but some clue maybe on syslog https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/86hcKfVggV/01:31
Benl90apparmor denied operation open01:32
sarnoldBenl90: [ERROR] Could not open file '/var/log/mysql/error.log' for error logging: Permission denied01:34
sarnoldBenl90: you'll have to fix this one first01:34
Benl90sarnold, how to fix it? Ehmm..01:34
sarnoldthe apparmor denial is on name="/sys/devices/system/node/" -- which is probably just mysql trying to figure out what NUMA nodes the system has01:34
sarnoldBenl90: ls -l /var/log/mysql/error.log /var/log/mysql/ /var/log/ /var/  -- and make sure those are correct01:35
Benl90sarnold, to mysql user?01:35
sarnoldBenl90: probably01:35
sarnolddouble-check against a good mysql install somewhere01:35
Benl90sarnold, Ah it's running now. Thank God. Thank you sarnold. But I still worry about the rest of the permission. chmod -R is really dangerous :'(01:39
Benl90I can't think more :'(.01:39
sarnoldBenl90: indeed, there's probably a lot more wrong on this system if you've not yet fixed up the permissions on subdirectories and subsubdirectories etc01:41
Benl90sarnold, Then I must recheck it one by one?01:41
sarnoldBenl90: yup01:42
Benl90sarnold, :'(01:42
Benl90sarnold, Do you ever handle ms sql server on ubuntu?01:54
Benl90The ms sql server also down. maybe with the same reason01:54
sarnoldBenl90: not often, someone seems to ask about it every six months or so..01:55
sarnoldBenl90: do the same thing -- find its logs. if it's not logging, find out why. fix that. iterate. :)01:55
Benl90The log for database 'master' is not available. Check the operating system error log for related error messages. Resolve any errors and restart the database. I can't guess the permission of the ms sql log. Ugh01:59
Benl90sarnold, Thank you. It's running now. Seems the problem really only because of permission. Thank god!02:08
sarnoldBenl90: good news :)02:08
Benl90sarnold, Anyway, is there anyway to fix the permission automatically?03:07
sarnoldBenl90: no; you can try something like a loop over all pacakges and apt install --reinstall -- but I'd like to make clear that I don't know how well that will work out03:08
sarnoldBenl90: that won't fix anything that's created at runtime by programs; it can only fix up whatever might be packaged03:09
Benl90oh so the reinstall is a parameter on the command. Seems the sudo also affected. I really curious. When I did "chown -R root:root .*" on folder /root, why it recursively done to the whole system?03:11
sarnoldit climbed back up and kept going..03:15
Benl90sarnold, ouch..03:15
sarnoldyeah. everyone learns this one the hard way.03:15
sarnoldyours is probably more frustrating than most03:15
Benl90sarnold, anyway why if I use  "chown -R root:root *", it won't touch .git directory or hidden folder I mean.03:16
Benl90sarnold, Does it mean I need to reinstall the OS?03:16
sarnold/root/.???* is the usual fixz03:16
Benl90sarnold, what's .???*03:16
sarnoldBenl90: depends upon how much was changed.. a reinstall might be the easiest way forward, but if you were able to ^C it very quickly, maybe it's more work..03:17
Benl90sarnold, I left it there, at least the OS run for now.03:17
sarnoldhthat limits the expanded files and directories to starting with a period, several chars, and then any number of other chars; it ought to match all the dot files and directories excepting . and ..03:17
Benl90oh the ?? mean minimum character?03:18
sarnold.a or .b or whatever won't match that03:18
sarnoldsortof.. try echo /etc/rc?.d to get a quick idea..03:19
sarnoldor echo /etc/sub?id*03:19
Benl90ah. I see. echo /b??, shows bin03:20
Benl90learn the hard way :'(03:20
sarnoldyup. like I said, everyone does this one sooner or later.03:22
sarnoldyou're lukcy if you do it early on a system that doesn't matter to anyone else..03:22
sarnoldunlucky if your job depends onthe correct working of the machine03:23
Benl90sarnold, The 2nd one :'(03:24
Benl90Because for long time on /var/www/* It never done something harm, and just stop on the /var/www03:24
Benl90at least my boss can present the app to client for now.03:25
Benl90sarnold, does "action 'action 0' resumed (module 'builtin:omfile')" is also an error?03:26
sarnoldBenl90: almost certainly that's rsyslog doing its best to report an error03:27
lordievaderGood morning06:34
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miu5hi, where can i find out what kernel ubuntu-16.04.4-server-amd64.iso ships with by default?09:35
Benl904.14should be10:53
dreugeworstHi all, I have a machine with Ubuntu Server 18.04 installed, and am trying to replace systemd-resolved. I've installed resolvconf, network-manager and dnsmasq. It seems to delegate to dnsmasq just fine, and it seems in turn to call to resolvconf, but resolvconf doesn't work. systemd-resolved found the network dns server fine, but resolvconf only works if I add, say, to resolv.conf.d/head. anyone know what15:06
dreugeworstmight be up?15:06
UssatI would first ask, why ?15:10
dreugeworstI've had systemd-resolved crash and then it gets in a loop trying to restart but unable to.15:15
tomreynthat's bad, and i've never heard of it. did you report a bug?15:17
dreugeworstdid not report one, no, was too preoccupied trying to get the server working again15:18
tomreynwas your system fully updated when it happened? is this amd64?15:18
dreugeworstI updated it a couple of times hoping it would fix the error, it's amd64 yes15:18
tomreynthe crash log should still be present in /var/crash15:20
tomreynhmm, i just looked at previously reported crashes of systemd-resolve on 18.04, and there are none. maybe it's something specific to your system?15:22
dreugeworstno, it seems to be empty. I do have an old syslog with me, it wasn't quite a crash. It starts with 'systemd-resolved.service: watchdog timeout (limit 3min)!15:22
dreugeworstthen it starts killing systemd-resolve processes with signal SIGABRT15:23
tomreynthese looks more like follow-up issues15:23
dreugeworstthen the same happens with systemd-networkd15:23
dreugeworstthe only other problems I see in the log are with snapd15:25
tomreynis this bare metal or a VM?15:25
dreugeworstbare metal15:25
tomreynwas this system upgraded from earlier ubuntu releases?15:25
dreugeworstno, new install15:25
tomreyncan you share a full journalctl -b ?15:26
tomreyn(ideally of a fresh boot, if you'll do.)15:26
tomreynit's not strictly neccessary, just wondering15:27
dreugeworstI'll have a look if it's an option15:27
tomreyninterestingly i find only a single hit for "systemd-resolved.service: watchdog timeout" on the web.15:29
tomreynmaybe there's an issue with the network environment which triggers this.15:29
UssatI have never had something like that happen15:30
tomreynactually google has more hits on this search.15:31
dreugeworstthere's a lot of ssh login attempts happening, looks like a dictionary attack15:31
tomreynwelcome to the internet15:31
dreugeworstyeah, I installed sshguard, didn't think it would be the issue15:31
krintax56Guys, I'm installing Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on HP DL380 G6 using ethernet. During setup when I go to Network connections and configure to use DHCP it says timed out. Now I configured DHCP IPv4 to be manual but I can only "Continue without network". Help! https://imgur.com/a/RoWKQdl https://imgur.com/a/3tCUYGW15:32
dreugeworstwell, I'll continue with a manually configured dns server for now15:32
tomreyndreugeworst: maybe just look at     dmesg --level=err,warn    and see if you have any serious issues which occur before it.15:34
tomreynkrintax56: which ubuntu 18.04 server edition (the default, or alternative) and which exact version (18.04(.0),, 18.04.1, 18.04.2, 18.04.3) are you installing?15:35
tomreynkrintax56: can you select the enp2s0f0 device and select "info"?15:37
krintax56Sorry for the bad quality picture.15:38
tomreynworks for me.15:38
tomreynso somehow it failed to configure, i guess. are you able to configure it properly if you reboot and then don't try dhcp but immediately configure it statically=?15:39
tomreynalso can you say which values you entered during static configuration?15:40
tomreynkrintax56: i assume you have verified this NIC actuall yhas a link?15:41
krintax56What is NIC? Noob to linux and server stuff?15:42
tomreynnetwork interface card15:42
krintax56Ah yes it has. I actually installed CentOS 7 and it worked fine. Now I need Ubuntu and I get this.15:42
tomreynactually "network interface controller"15:43
krintax56Yes it has.15:43
tomreynplease consider the other approaches i discussed above, too:15:44
tomreyn<tomreyn> so somehow it failed to configure, i guess. are you able to configure it properly if you reboot and then don't try dhcp but immediately configure it statically=?15:44
tomreyn<tomreyn> also can you say which values you entered during static configuration?15:44
krintax56https://imgur.com/a/3tCUYGW here is the static config: https://imgur.com/a/3tCUYGW15:44
krintax56i actually haven't setup the IPv4 because I don't know what values to use.15:45
krintax56I mean IPv6*15:46
tomreynkrintax56: okay, i don't think you made any mistakes there, or none that i can see.15:48
tomreynkrintax56: i suggest you try rebooting and reconfiguring it.15:48
tomreynin the meantime i'll see if i can reproduce15:48
krintax56I just did that, still I can only see the Continue without network button.15:49
krintax56Maybe I should setup the IPv6 too?15:49
tomreynit should not be neccessary, i think15:49
tomreynif you have another network interface connected, maybe try configuring that instead.15:50
krintax56I don't have.15:50
tomreynthen i'm afraid i can only suggest you try the alternative server installer at this time.15:51
tomreynor install offline15:51
krintax56What is install offline, like continue without network then try to connect?15:51
tomreynyou would then need to configure dhcp in your environment, or configure the ip address statically on the server after reboot.15:52
krintax56Okay, I will continue without network from here.15:53
tomreynalternate server installer https://ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads#alternate-ubuntu-server-installer15:53
tomreynkrintax56: i'm trying to reproduce this here (in a VM), but am not having much luck. once i finish manual configuration of the network interface the "continue without network" option on the bottom of the screen always switches to "done", i.e. network configuration succeeded. but, differently to yours, my 'info' screen also has all the details i entered. yours is basically empty, suggesting network interface configuration did not succeed.16:12
tomreynit'd be great if you could report this as a bug (run "ubuntu-bug subiquity" after installation, from the rebooted system, after configuring the network manually).16:12
tomreynbug reporting requires a one-time registration with the ubuntu SSO which also enables you to use the ubuntu kernel livepatch and other services.16:13
tomreynreporting a bug guides you through this rather quick process16:14
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