
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:16
dufluMorning oSoMoN07:16
oSoMoNhey duflu07:16
seb128gooood morning desktopers07:30
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:30
marcustomlinsonmorning oSoMoN duflu and seb12807:30
oSoMoNhey marcustomlinson07:30
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ?07:31
seb128hey marcustomlinson, how are you?07:31
marcustomlinsonseb128: Thought it was Friday for a moment, but otherwise, good thanks :P you?07:32
oSoMoNseb128, très bien, j’ai dormi plus que d’habitude, et toi?07:32
seb128good, it's friday!07:32
seb128oSoMoN, ça va bien aussi :)07:32
seb128marcustomlinson, or sort of, thursday is an holiday and I swapped it for tomorrow :)07:32
marcustomlinsonseb128: oh yes :)07:32
oSoMoNsame here07:34
marcustomlinsonseb128: your day off tomorrow isn't on the holiday calendar, naughty naughty07:35
seb128marcustomlinson, tell that to my slacker of manager who isn't around this week :p07:36
dufluMorning seb128 and marcustomlinson07:36
seb128joke aside I can't approve it a formal swap but I can at least add it to the calendar :)07:36
seb128marcustomlinson, it is now :)07:37
marcustomlinsonseb128: and balance is restored to the world07:37
RAOFBah! Stupid colord autopkgtest.07:47
RAOFIs `# GLib-GIO-DEBUG: _g_io_module_get_default: Found default implementation local (GLocalVfs) for ?gio-vfs?` likely to be the underlying cause of a failure?07:48
seb128RAOF, hey, it shouldn't... do you have the full log?07:50
RAOFNot to hand, sorry. There wasn't anything else interesting in there as far as I could tell, though.07:52
RAOFI guess I'll need to poke a bit deeper too work out what's happening.07:56
seb128RAOF, did it fail because of stderr output which isn't allow or what?07:56
RAOFNo, the test itself fails.07:56
RAOFTimes out trying to add a profile from a client-provided fd07:57
RAOFYo, Laney!08:09
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:11
dufluHi Laney08:13
seb128duflu, so, pulseaudio ... I asked the Debian maintainer about the new version, his reply was to add me to the salsa group and tell me I was welcome to update there. Also he said he would be happy to move the vcs on salsa/the same infra as Debian, wdyt?08:15
dufluseb128, can you rephrase that last part?08:16
seb128duflu, he suggested hosted the ubuntu branch on https://salsa.debian.org/pulseaudio-team/pulseaudio directly08:17
seb128rather than launchpad08:17
* duflu looks at the Launchpad rep08:17
seb128well I say I would ask around08:17
seb128I will rather send an email, I guess it also impact other team since we have snap branches and such08:18
dufluseb128, I think we have too many contributors to the Ubuntu branches, and too many Ubuntu branches to bother moving them all to a different server, without good reason08:18
seb128duflu, right, good point08:18
seb128I will still send an email but I tend to agree with you08:18
seb128meanwhile I got access to the Debian vcs, so I will get the update done there08:19
seb128then we can update eoan by rebasing08:19
dufluseb128, I just wanted to minimise duplication so that meant waiting till a pristine tar (even prerelease) was done08:19
seb128right, well I can do that part now08:20
seb128so we should be good08:20
seb128k, on that note, dropping offline to go back from coffee (stupid laptop battery is already flat agian), brb08:22
seb128k, and back08:37
Laneyhey RAOF seb128 duflu08:39
Laneyseb128: batteries suck08:39
seb128hey Laney08:39
seb128indeed :-/08:39
oSoMoNricotz, good morning! FYI I'm working on the thunderbird 68.0 update09:27
ricotzoSoMoN, great :)09:30
seb128oSoMoN, would be useful if you join #debian-gnome on OFTC and state there that you are working on an update when you start on one, to avoid work duplication (thanks Laney for pointing that out)13:38
seb128(there was no duplication so far so no worry, it's just safer this way)13:38
oSoMoNseb128, ack, will do13:48
oSoMoNI'm calling it a day and disappearing for 4 days, have a great week-end everyone!16:30

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