
The_LoudSpeakerWhere can I download 19.10 ? To test?04:21
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tjaaltonThe_LoudSpeaker: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/06:35
The_LoudSpeakertjaalton: Thanks!06:36
seb128cpaelzer, hey. Would you have some slot for a (hopefully) not too complicated MIR review? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsys/+bug/1839271 is something we are trying to land for ff still (so in the next week)07:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1839271 in zsys (Ubuntu) "[MIR] zsys" [Undecided,New]07:49
cpaelzerseb128: in a bit I have ~20 packages building and can take a look08:15
seb128cpaelzer, excellent, thx!08:15
cpaelzernever say "not too complicated" that makes extra suspicious08:15
seb128that's why I added the (hopefully) :)08:15
cpaelzerthe last "not too complicated" was triple denied (precheck, MIR check and by security)08:15
seb128but I expect that's going to need a security team review as well, Will pinged them about that before his holidays08:16
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cpaelzerseb128: its getting lat and I still haven't started zsys :-/14:34
cpaelzerI'll keep it open for tomorrow hoping for a day with hupefully much less other breakage14:34
seb128cpaelzer, no worry, thx for keeping it in mind, if it's not tomorrow it's next week don't worry14:36
seb128we are likely going to end up asking for a ffe but it's our fault for getting things uploaded late14:36
The_LoudSpeakerHey! Can anyone tell me whom should I contact to know the procedure to set up an ubuntu mirror in my university?15:43
The_LoudSpeakerThe University will be more than happy to help.15:43
gQuigsThe_LoudSpeaker: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors15:44
The_LoudSpeakerThanks! I will have a look.15:45
roaksoaxbet/win 215:59
dokocoreycb, jamespage: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/437485398/python-cinderclient_1%3A4.2.1-0ubuntu1_1%3A4.2.1-0ubuntu2.diff.gz  when do you plan to drop the py2 stuff?20:11
coreycbdoko: well we had a discussion about that bit in that change. it's not entirely necessary, it's just easier for UCA backports. other than those few BDs we have dropped py2 across the board. we just need to sort out the proposed migration issues.20:34
coreycbwe meaning james sahid and i. if we need to drop those BDs soon as in this release, we can. it's just busy work across a lot of packages.20:35
mwhudsonLocutusofborg: go 1.12.9 already! ffs21:27

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