
lordievaderGood morning06:06
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
Greyztarhello,is there a way to run a local program over ssh on remote ?Say if i dont have tar installed on remote i could use the local machine tar ?Or is sshfs the way to go and then run local tar on that mount?10:17
lordievaderThe other way around is a lot easier, running remote programs 'locally'. I think sshfs is the easiest in this case. You could do some piping magic with ssh, but that is a lot more complex.10:48
Greyztarprobaly yes thanks for help ill try fiddle around with it some more11:40
_KaszpiR_Greyztar what's your problem exackly  because it sound like a typical XY issue12:56
Greyztar_KaszpiR_: heya,im just fiddling with my phone now to be honest,but i had another use case aswell some time ago on my server and always wonders about the possibilities,sometimes theres not an possibility to add apps either so would be nice to use local apps instead,as of now i want to use adb shell through ssh to backup some apps only on my phone,was just curious though if it was possibel thorugh normal means like a switch or so nothing big 13:07
mmercerwanshey folks -- whats the normal way to set net.ifnames=0 during *install time* so that you dont have to go reconfigure the system after the fact?  have not found any decent configuration on doing this on ubuntu via preseed14:04
mmercernvm, finally found it14:26
catbadgermorning all14:56
ncuxoHello I have a question in regards of my home network15:26
ncuxoi'm wondering if I should get managed lvl3 or lvl 2 switch15:27
mmercerncuxo: depends on what youre doing and whats going to handle your l315:28
ncuxoI have a ubuntu server with a couple of vms15:28
ncuxoone of them is pfsense15:28
ncuxowhich is managing my network15:28
mmercerok, if youre using pfsense as your outer, then you only need l215:28
ncuxoI need the switch to install poe cameras15:28
ncuxoand 3 workstations15:29
mmercermost l2 switches wont do poe15:29
ncuxothats the whole point for the switch15:29
ncuxoso I need to go with l3 then ?15:29
ncuxoalso is it okay to use a switch that is no longer supported ?15:30
ncuxoI can get a cheap Cisco Catalyst 3750G-48PS Switch15:30
ncuxobut they are discontinued and no longer supported15:31
mmercer 'ok'... sort of... if its an isolated device....  but if youre putting it on the net running dated ios, etc... youre just asking for trouble15:31
mmercerwhy dont you look at the ubnt gear ?15:31
mmerceryou could get the es8 and have 4 poe ports with vlan support15:31
mmercerfor ~$11015:32
ncuxoI have 18 cameras so I need at least a 24 switch15:32
ncuxobig house ...15:32
ncuxoplus I'll need some ports for routers to expand my network around the house15:33
mmercerwithout knowing your cameras and things, id steer clear of the 3750 unless youre using it specifically to study for your cc* -- id look at something like:  GS724TPv215:37
ncuxothis is the link for the cameras15:43
ncuxothe think with the cameras is that I dont need any fancy ports like fiber just plain rj45s15:44
mmercerim going to back out of this one.  good luck :)15:48
ncuxothx tho :)15:54
brycecpaelzer, 2nd upload of exim4 went through.  no idea what happened to the 1st.16:46
brycedraft of FFe for php 7.3 transition, feedback welcome --  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-defaults/+bug/184033017:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1840330 in php-defaults (Ubuntu) "[FFe] PHP 7.3 transition" [Undecided,New]17:38
sdezielbryce: that plan looks good to me. I'm looking forward to having PHP 7.3 in 20.04/19.10 !17:46
brycesdeziel, thanks17:49
brycefinal ffe bug, submitted - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php-defaults/+bug/184033417:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1840334 in php-defaults (Ubuntu) "[FFe] PHP 7.3 transition" [Undecided,New]17:50

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