[00:00] i'm on bionic, but after installing the package i still see the following [00:00] silesm: probably the fast way to find out is to apt install linux-modules-extra and try your modprobe again [00:01] `modprobe: FATAL: Module videodev not found in directory /lib/modules/4.15.0-1045-aws` [00:01] oh cripes I only got part of the name :) [00:02] `linux-modules-extra-4.15.0-1045-aws is already the newest version (4.15.0-1045.47)` [00:03] i'm currently trying to check out the bionic source and see if i can find how linux-aws is built [00:03] but i don't really know where to look === realDonaldTaco is now known as DetectiveTaco [00:03] cloning via `git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/bionic` is taking a long time, ha [00:03] silesm: don't do that :) [00:04] it'll take forever.. [00:04] ha :) [00:04] When trying to install Skype (skypeforlinux), I get: ``The following packages have unmet dependencies: skypeforlinux : Depends: libsecret-1-0 (>= 0.18) but 0.16-0ubuntu1 is to be installed''. Any ideas? [00:04] spacetechnician, use the snap version [00:04] https://snapcraft.io/skype [00:04] OerHeks: snap? Is that like different repository? [00:05] 4.15.0-1039.41/amd64-config.flavour.generic:CONFIG_VIDEO_V4L2=m [00:05] 4.15.0-1039.41/amd64-config.flavour.generic:CONFIG_VIDEO_V4L2_SUBDEV_API=y [00:05] that one is maintained by the skype team [00:05] looks like the configs *ought* to be building the module.. [00:05] mhm, and they haven't changed for 1045 presumably [00:05] the other side of this would be if i could get a generic kernel to work on the AWS metal instances [00:06] because i can get the generic kernel to work on the c5 series instances (i.e. c5.large), just not metal (i.e. m5.metal) [00:06] i'm wondering if it's because of lacking support for their nvme driver [00:06] OerHeks: I don't have the ``snap'' executable---so it's like a new package manager? [00:07] silesm: hmm I can't spot videodev in the build logs on https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-security-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/17356701 :( [00:07] sarnold: but it was in the 1039 logs? [00:08] OerHeks: I can only find this: ``snap - location of genes from DNA sequence with hidden markov model'' [00:08] https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-security-team/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/16753408 [00:09] yeah I don't spot videodev in there either [00:09] skype snap should appear in softwarecenter too. [00:09] silesm: you may need to pop into #ubuntu-kernel for this one.. the module isn't in the package I downloaded :/ [00:10] sarnold: thanks, i really appreciate your help! [00:10] silesm: you're welcome, have fun, good luck :) [00:11] OerHeks: I don't see it in ``Software Sources''. [00:11] sarnold: oh, and how did you find those builds/logs? [00:11] silesm: I started from the launchpad page for the linux-aws source package: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-aws [00:12] ahhh => builds [00:13] ``xdg-open'' doesn't work... So how do I access Snap?? [00:13] Is there a static binary that I can simply download? [00:13] spacetechnician: what are you trying to do? [00:13] sarnold: Install Skype. [00:14] spacetechnician: cool; try sudo apt install snapd ; snap install skype -- see if that gets you where you want to go [00:14] libsecret-tools 0.16-0ubuntu1 suggests that you are on trusty 14.04? [00:14] sarnold: Ohh so it's snapd, not snap... I tried searching for it in apt-cache... [00:15] spacetechnician: yeah, snap is for doing DNA analysis :) but you are a space technician, so I wasn't too sure if you wanted to do DNA work or if you wanted to do something else :D [00:16] sarnold: No, just trying to install this stupid Skype on this Ubuntu workstation (I normally use Debian) so that I can chat with an untechnial person. [00:16] * untechnical [00:16] I haven't heard about skype in ages.. intersting to hear it's still around [00:17] trusty tahr 14.04 is dead since April 2019 [00:17] sarnold: Oh, isn't ``WhatsApp'' or something the current fad? [00:17] spacetechnician, you can just install the .deb file, download it from the skype website. [00:17] I use it, no pblm with it. [00:17] spacetechnician: heh could be; I've got that, telegram, signal, google meet, all installed on my phone.. [00:18] sarnold: I've never heard of any of those three services. [00:19] spacetechnician: telegram's by the guy who set up vk.com, signal is by moxie marlinspike [00:19] sarnold: I only know and use Skype, Matrix, and IRC. [00:19] spacetechnician: google meet's already been retired by google, of course, but they keep it around for business or something like that [00:19] sarnold: vkontake? The CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan, et al.) social networking site? [00:20] spacetechnician: yeah [00:21] sarnold: It's interesting, major Matrix chatrooms (Linux, et al.) have like thousands of people, yet there are very, very few discussions... [00:22] spacetechnician: yeah; same funny thing with the matrix bridges into irc.. when the matrix bridge reboots, several thousand clients disconnect, and some channels have seveeral hundred clients disconnect all at once; usually there's only one or two people who actually talk with it though [00:22] s/several thousand/25k/ [00:23] spacetechnician: my personal suspicion is that the matrix bridges don't garbage collect users who quit, like, ever: first, to be more likely to have scrollback when a matrix user joins, second, to give the impression that more people use matrix than actually do [00:23] apparently they clean out inactive connections after 30 days, but idk [00:23] dax: heh, 30d is way shorter than the "never" that I was guessing [00:24] sarnold: Oh, and then there's Discord, of course (proprietary crap). [00:24] dax: Why is that? [00:24] why do they clean them out? or...? [00:24] spacetechnician: heh, I always confuse that one with discourse :) [00:25] sarnold: discord in discourse [00:25] sarnold: doesn't sound like a befitting appellation for a friendly chat community ;) [00:25] hehe [00:26] dax: I mean, so many thousands, yet very little activity. [00:26] I always thought the name felt funny..but hey, puns in computing, long tradition :) [00:26] spacetechnician: oh. yeah, i have no idea how many of their active users are actually active. the numbers never really make sense to me either. [00:29] rooms that aren't bridged to IRC don't ever have idle user cleanout as far as i know, so makes sense that those would be insane [00:29] but yes, there are a *lot* of users on the freenode<->matrix bridge, way more than the activity level would cause one to expect [00:29] (anyway, we're way off-track for #ubuntu...) [00:30] dax: I don't understand the point of consolidating everything to HTTP---why not have specialized protocols? [00:37] sarnold: Oh how wonderful---no obvious executable name, cannot find file listing option in snap man page, and snap repository doesn't have file listing. [00:37] spacetechnician: ugh. how about snap info skype? [00:38] I'd hope just a bare 'skype' would do th ejob [00:38] failing that, snapd works via squashfs mounts; mount | grep squash would probably show you the mount point [00:38] sarnold: nope, doesn't print file listing [00:39] sarnold: Seriously? It doesn't follow FHS? [00:39] spacetechnician: it does not [00:39] Jesus Christ, what is this [00:39] like development testing? [00:40] linux doesn't provide many mechanisms for atomically swapping between things; one executable in the filesystem is one thing, but when you've got N executables in the filesystem, there's not many options for swapping them all, at once, in one atomic step [00:40] ``/var/lib/snapd/snaps/skype_85.snap on /snap/skype/85 type squashfs (ro,nodev)'' [00:41] mount points provide some of that flexibility [00:42] Hmm ``/var/lib/snapd/snaps/skype_85.snap: regular file, no read permission''---so I have to execute Skype via snap? [00:42] yes [00:43] you could unsquash it manually, but then you'd lose the seccomp, apparmor, and cgroup sandboxing, if any [00:43] sarnold: ``snap start skype''? [00:43] spacetechnician: I'd have thought just 'skype' would work [00:43] sarnold: Nope; so should I do that start option? [00:43] worth a shot [00:44] error: access denied (try with sudo) [00:44] ew [00:44] Is it safe to run as superuser? [00:45] well.. it should, but it also shouldn't be necesary :/ [00:46] error: snap "skype" has no services [00:46] /snap/bin/skype ? [00:47] hggdh: Thanks! I had no idea that it has a root hierarchy point---so I'll add it to my PATH. [00:48] spacetechnician: IIRC, it *should* be in your $PATH [00:49] hggdh: No, snapd installation didn't append/properly append the global shell initialization file. [00:49] hggdh: No big deal, just needed to know that hierarchy filename. [00:51] spacetechnician: if you look at /snap/bin, you will notice that most are symlinks to /usr/bin/snap (which takes control, and finds the actual program to run (based on the filename) [00:51] sarnold: Damnit! This version of Skype exhibits like the same behavior---freezes at the credentials page :(. [00:52] spacetechnician: argh :( [00:52] sarnold: probably that keyright lib or something problem again---I was hoping that snap would resolve it [00:52] sarnold: It's not printing anything to stderr nor stdout [00:52] spacetechnician: if it helps any... I found, some time ago, that the easiest way to run the current skype (at the time) was to do it under a Windows VM [00:53] how to change dns server? [00:53] sarnold: probably can't run it under gdb [00:53] hggdh: wonderful [00:53] spacetechnician: yeah. Skype for Linux sucks [00:54] hggdh: I remember using Skype for the first time in '06---it worked perfectly, and calls to landlines were free. Then it seemed to deteriorate in stability more and more...and there was in-app malware spreading. [00:55] I used skype on a nokia 770 internet tablet around that time, it was fantastic thing, international calls for reasonable prices [00:56] sarnold: Well, I'm gonna have to teach that person IRC then, unless it's a video call (then use Android for that). Oh well. [00:57] spacetechnician: what a frustrating end of the story :( [00:57] sarnold: On the other hand, we should all be using *proper* protocols and services in the first place, not arbitrary proprietary shit run by some capitalist parasite on their own servers. === shadoxx is now known as HostileButtplug [00:58] spacetechnician: although I agree with the sentiment, please do mind your language here ;-) [00:58] sarnold: Freenode imposes their arbitrary dogma (this time left-wing) upon users, but no-one is forcing one to use Freenode's servers... [00:58] spacetechnician: yeah, when irc is still the go-to communication tool.. [00:59] hggdh: Oh, I didn't realize what the audience of this channel is. [01:02] ubuntu why video card driver [01:03] krukudilo: it depends upon how your dns server is currentnly configured. that's probably in /etc/resolv.conf but not guaranteed [01:05] sarnold, tk [01:05] My graphics card driver does not match [01:06] ubuntu version 18.03 === [1]MrMobius is now known as MrMobius [01:07] Please help me. [01:16] success95: We can try and help - in terninal run ' sudo lshw -C display | nc termbin.com 9999 '. The result is a URL back in terminal, pass that link back here. We see what we are working with. [01:17] anyone ever had all the titlebars and the xubuntu start menu disappear? [01:18] rebooting doesnt fix it [01:27] success95: Is your connection now fixed ? [01:28] yes [01:29] success95: "We can try and help - in terninal run ' sudo lshw -C display | nc termbin.com 9999 '. The result is a URL back in terminal, pass that link back here. We see what we are working with." [01:29] Bashing-om: oh man. what timing. [01:30] sarnold: Your timing is always the better to mine :P [01:31] Bashing-om: success95 is back :D [01:31] and hes gone [01:32] sarnold: Ewwee - we spoke too soon - or he out right lied when He affirmed his connection was now fixed :) [01:32] hehehe [01:50] ERROR 1524 (HY000): Plugin 'auth_socket' is not loaded [01:50] hey [01:50] I have a question [01:50] Is there such a thing as a SNAP Gui manager? [01:51] Hi all. I deleted mysql-server and mariadb-server and /etc/mysql. I re-installed mariadb-server, but the /etc/mysql directory still isn't there. How can I fix this? [01:53] Anyone? [01:54] xrandr: how did you reinstall mariadb-server? [01:55] apt-get install mariadb-server [01:55] xrandr: what's dpkg -L mariadb-server report? I hope /etc/mariadb is in there.. [01:57] nope [01:57] xrandr: how about debsums -ac mariadb-server? [01:57] it doesn't [01:57] hmm [01:57] JFox762: i believe canonical has one but i forgot the name [01:58] xrandr: at least on my bionic, apt-file reports the directory is also owned by mariadb-server-10.1: /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-mysqld_safe.cnf [01:58] sarnold: i finally got a /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/ directory, but it is empt [01:58] sarnold: i finally got a /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/ directory, but it is empty [01:59] xrandr: perhaps you need to re-install the package with the version number too? [01:59] apt install --reinstall mariadb-server-10.1 for example [01:59] ok [02:02] that worked [02:02] thank you [02:03] xrandr: woot :) [02:21] in this manual user could select the type of beep tone on http://www.manualsdir.com/manuals/get?doc=848785&h=4f61c6a6317b140123d67f58af7eb52aadca27d6&open=1#M6.9.81047.Head2.Good.Read.When.to.Indicate [02:21] anyone here have the same experience with this? [03:37] hello. What service is responsible for managing network interfaces on 18 LTS? [03:37] is it NetworkManager or systemd-networkd? [03:40] togaparty: netplan is a configuration generator, for either NetworkManager(desktop), or systemd-networkd (server). [03:41] !netplan | togaparty [03:41] togaparty: Netplan is a network configuration abstraction renderer which uses YAML descriptions of a network to work with either a NetworkManager or Systemd-networkd "renderer". More information at https://netplan.io/ [03:42] yes. it's a config generator [03:42] am I supposed to use that ONLY to manage interfaces on 18.04? [03:43] togaparty: Depends on if a server or a desktop. [03:43] desktop [03:44] togaparty: Then it is managed through network-manager - the GUI. [03:44] i'm also curious, when you first install 18, and do systemctl list-unit-files, NetworkManger is running, but systemd-networkd is not. Does that mean NM is managing interfaces initially? [03:45] oh ok. so it is. and what about on a server? [03:45] togaparty: systemd-networkd is server application. [03:46] ok. So, if on desktop, NM is managing ifs, how come its default configuration file, in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, has a line that says [managed]false? [03:47] oh sorry. [ifupdown] managed=false [03:48] that is confusing [03:48] togaparty: If it wee true then NM expects that "you" "manage" networking :) [03:48] wee/were* [03:48] oh that's what that means?? [03:49] ok. that being said, can you still use netplan to configure your ifs on desktop? [03:50] oh wait duh. you said for either NM or systemd-networkd. ok [03:50] togaparty: Yup - You can take complete control of networking - if you have the knowledge. [03:50] is that the best way to set a static IP? [03:51] my input is not correct. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/W6RQ6GT9wR/ [03:51] i am having problems logging in period [03:51] togaparty: "best" is to set the statuc in the GUI connection editor, .. As th how the system chooss which system to manage see: cat /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml . [03:52] and what if the GUI is unresponsive for something like that? what would the 2nd best place be to set a static IP? [03:52] i'm forced tto use the onscreen touch keyboard and i dont wanna. [03:53] Bashing-om: if you were forced to manually configure the option [03:54] togaparty: A tutorial: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2017/12/01/ubuntu-bionic-netplan . [03:56] is it saying 2 methods of input due to it being touch screen too/ [03:56] ah. Here's my confirmation: "Netplan replaced ifupdown as the default configuration utility starting with Ubuntu 17.10 Artful." [03:56] see what i mean it gives me the slash instead of the questionmark. [03:56] thank you Bashing-om ! very helpful. [03:57] cleared up a lot of confusion [03:57] anybody..seveas [03:58] anyone have any suggestions [03:58] comeon [04:00] togaparty: Glad that I could help :) [04:04] hi [04:18] Hey y'all. I recently installed Ubuntu on my system with the "Erase the disk(s) and install Ubuntu) option, and every time I boot, I get "System BootOrder not found. Initializing defaults. Creating boot entry "Boot000#: with label "ubuntu" for file "EFI\ubuntu\shim64.efi" where "#" goes up a number every time i boot. When I very first installed, it [04:18] popped up a big blue menu saying something about MOKs, but I didn't know what it meant so I left it alone. [05:28] say you've got an older install on a different part/volume/whatever and it was installed "with grub". i wanna keep it around but wanna "de-fang" it so it won't be messing with primary boot/more recent grub [05:29] manually purging all the grub packages will prevent you from ever letting you switch to it as primary again so i''d rather not do that [05:34] shibboleth: I do ' sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ' in my secondaries - update grub ' sudo update-grub ' and then finally in the primary ' sudo update-grub '. [05:35] then what happens if i apt-get upgrade inside the secondary and there is a grub update [05:36] won't that mess with the grub in use, installed by the more recent primary [05:37] shibboleth: Only effect that install ,, as os_prober is disabled will not propogate to the primary :) [05:37] it won't mess with grub in mbr or /boot/efi, won't mess with /boot? [05:37] shibboleth: You boot to the secondary and run ' sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober ' . [05:39] will try. thanks. i just get the impression that if the secondaries grub version gets an update it's gonna try to replace the one installed by the more recent primary [05:39] like, package update [05:39] shibboleth: A lot depends on if these installs are on separate drives . [05:39] not diff drives, sep vols [05:40] shibboleth: Yeah ,, then going to still have th issue of last updated grub taking control, You may be interested in: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaintenanceFreeCustomGrub2Screen . [05:41] Howdy Bashing. I'm back again with more Ubuntu problems haha. When you're done with them, mind if I grab your attention for abit? [05:41] Mirit: Sure .. what is up ? [05:42] Lemme scroll up and copypaste, sec. [05:42] I recently installed Ubuntu on my system with the "Erase the disk(s) and install Ubuntu) option, and every time I boot, I get "System BootOrder not found. Initializing defaults. Creating boot entry "Boot000#: with label "ubuntu" for file "EFI\ubuntu\shim64.efi" where "#" seems to change every time i boot. When I very first installed, it popped up a [05:42] big blue menu saying something about MOKs, but I didn't know what it meant so I left it alone. [05:42] Mirit: If recent I cam '/last Mirit ' :) [05:43] Ah :P [05:43] After doing some digging and research it's apparently due to HP's awful implementation of secureboot in their UEFI and I'm trying to figure out how to get around that. [05:44] Mirit: I have no UEFI experience - not the best here to advise on a course of action in this case . [05:44] Ah, that's okay. Thank you anyway :) [05:45] In that case, I'm gonna just keep going at it head-on until I fix it :P [05:48] Mirit, sounds like you need to enter your bios and turn off secure boot install ubuntu then switch it back on [05:49] I'll give that a shot [05:49] I've been driving myself nuts trying to find a bios update for this PC, but can't seem to find one lmao [05:49] you shouldnt need one if i remember right hp secure boot is in the security tab of the bios [05:50] you'll need to disable that to remove the windows boot sector then once ubuntu is installed you can either leave it off or switch it back on [05:50] Mirit: I bet if you were to re-intall Grub to the install would do the trick. [05:51] ^^ thats a better option that reinstalling the entire os [05:51] but still requires secure boot to be off [05:51] Well, see, about that, for some reason when I tried to open things like the wifi settings (since my wifi network is hidden), it would show up on the left like it had opened but nothing showed up. That was on 19.04. [05:51] Mirit: MrCrackPot Good point :D [05:52] the problem is secure boot and its not a problem its doing the job it was built to do [05:52] prevent people from installing a new boot sector or os [05:52] That machine is currently back on Win10 again because I was trying to find a bios flash but to no avail. So I'm gonna have to reinstall linux anyway. [05:52] can i know the machine your using [05:52] hp ??? [05:53] HP ENVY dv6. It was custom built so I don't have a model number beyond that. [05:53] gotta say, just picked up a 7th gen lenovo carbon x1 and it runs ubuntu 18.04 LTS *great* [05:53] sweet machine [05:53] Hi I heard of a new distribution not named ubuntu but using ubuntu with several interesting DEs. (I think it was 5 letters long starting with z .. But that may be wrong.)... One looked like a mac desktop. Does anyone have an idea? [05:53] Mirit, 7246us?? [05:54] Mirit https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/HP-ENVY-dv6-Notebook-PC-series/5296055/model/5316928 [05:55] MrCrackPot: HP ENVY dv6t-7300 CTO Quad Edition Notebook PC is what comes up when I enter the product number shown in the bios. [05:55] altthough before you go updating the bios as i mentioned previously turn off secure boot in bios then reinstall grub [05:55] And in the link you posted, I can't find an actual bios update. Just an amalgamation of other drivers. I'll try the secureboot thing tho [05:56] Mirit: how do I find the windows product key from the ubuntu partition? [05:56] No idea, I'm here for support too. Lmao [05:56] Mirit, for that bios there is no bios update so your good to go turn off secure boot install grub everything should be fine [05:58] tripleb, https://askubuntu.com/questions/953126/can-i-recover-my-windows-product-key-from-ubuntu [05:58] google is your friend [06:01] !google | MrCrackPot not please [06:01] MrCrackPot not please: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. [06:01] lol whats google-fu [06:01] hahaha [06:01] epic [06:02] wouldnt it be better to teach google-fu then [06:02] MrCrackPot: i dont ask here without using google. AND that link doesnt answer, refers elsewhere, and is for a differwnt version of Windows. - Still I appreciate every wonderful person here and all the help I have gotten over the last 12 years and will persist. [06:02] i mean i get a question should be answered but sometimes isnt it better to teach a man to fish rather than give him a fish [06:03] I actually have great fu, google inc. [06:03] tripleb, doesnt matter if its different version theyre pretty much the same [06:03] you just need the locations which are easy to find [06:03] use the tool mentioned then find your windows versions file location and it works [06:04] And sincer thanks. I got bashed an reddit by helping and then saying but here is how to find out yrself. (formatting help) [06:04] tripleb: did the link which the one you were given points to, help, though? https://askubuntu.com/questions/233181/retrieve-windows-8-product-key-from-mainboard - the second answer looks like it could work. [06:04] it works i have this in bookmarks hahaha [06:04] its just the locations that differe [06:05] Ues I read that already. It was lower down in your first link. It said ask in a windows sub. Meanwhile I will phone HP. Windows 10 (not 8) [06:05] tripleb get used to it we get bashed for spoonfeeding bashed for teaching how to and then bashed for suggesting a specific search engine [06:06] what to do [06:06] smile and wave smile and wave [06:07] & just to be helpful, MS now provides oem versions.. Oj if i remember they get a free month so I can use the inside windows instructions ONLY IF it is built into ROM. [06:08] CHANGE: Has anyone used the VM linux now built into Windows 10? In the HP I have Ubuntu cant see anything but a very close wifi. [06:08] While Windows can see 20 netowrks. [06:09] i havent used windows in years linux is my main os has been for more than 20 years [06:09] but you can install ubuntu from the app store [06:09] i did watch a video recently on youtube about it [06:09] !wsl | tripleb [06:09] tripleb: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide [06:10] tomreyn is there a list of commands for ubottu anywhere [06:10] MrCrackPot: i understand. No hard feelings. I remember way back before 6.04 when I had to fight my way through the ingroup or get no help. So I couldnt do it. I am a great fan of this channel. [06:10] !brain | MrCrackPot [06:10] MrCrackPot: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone [06:10] MrCrackPot: ubottu.com [06:10] lotuspsychje, tomreyn thank you [06:11] I say tomreyn thank you too. [06:11] you're both welcome ;) [06:14] !root | MrCrackPot [06:14] MrCrackPot, please see my private message [06:14] lol [06:15] !botsnack [06:15] Yum! Err, I mean, APT! [06:15] probably not the best idea giving me those links haha [06:17] So uh, my goal in using Ubuntu here is to run a server for a game. Specifically, Ark Server Manager through WINE. Do I need to install the "third party applications"? [06:18] Er, rather, "Third party software for graphics and wifi hardware and additional media formats" [06:20] MrCrackPot: All HP computers and tablets that come with Windows 10 installed activate automatically once connected to the Internet to make it easier for you to set up your computer.  Last search was hp.com how do I find product key windows 10 [06:20] Mirit yes. [06:21] no [06:21] tripleb: While I can't help you from the Ubuntu side of things, if you can boot into windows you can get your product key with either BelArc Advisor or MagicJellyBean [06:21] well depends on the server [06:21] Mirit i got my answer and posted it just above [06:22] Wont he be using non-foss media if he goes thru wine? [06:22] Mirit, is the server to play the game or is it so host the multiplayer games [06:22] To host multiplayer servers MrCrackPot [06:22] Mirit: you probably don't need to install the "third party applications" the ubuntu installer offers to install some software through wine, no. note that we do not support software installed through wine here, though. [06:22] then no you dont need any graphics [06:23] you need a copy of the games server [06:23] tripleb Didn't see that you got your answer already, sorry ^^; [06:23] and then recreate the server to suit the game [06:23] MrCrackPot alrighty. I've literally never used wine before haha [06:23] you dont need wine [06:23] what game [06:23] The server manager I use is windows only. and ARK: Survival Evolved. [06:24] Should I use LVM for my ubuntu install? [06:24] Mirit No problem i just wanted you to see the final result. [06:24] https://www.linode.com/docs/game-servers/create-an-ark-survival-evolved-server-on-ubuntu-16-04/ [06:24] Yeah see, the issue with that is I prefer a GUI approach. Command line and faffing about with config files isn't my jam. [06:25] Mirit, depends on how often your going to update and or create backups and or want to re install using an image [06:25] Mirit, then your server is going to be using a ton of processer and ram for no reason [06:25] lagging out your game [06:25] If by for no reason you mean so I can effectively manage settings, update and change mods etc, sure. [06:25] if you want a really smooth experience go for a server set up [06:25] MrCrackPot: doesnt that link say install steam which brings him back to running the game on gui? [06:26] no steamcmd [06:26] different [06:26] hence the cmd [06:26] command [06:26] Ok sorry thanks [06:27] I have six different maps/servers to manage all with their own set of mods. Doing that without a GUI is simply not happening, lol. That's why I want to run ASM through wine. [06:27] could you folks please get back on the channel topic? this is about ubuntu, a linux distro and the software it comes with. [06:27] Mirit, dont be so afraid of the command line its actually much faster than a gui [06:27] sorry [06:27] im off now anyway [06:27] tomreyn Do you have a place I could go to ask about WINE-related topics? [06:27] !wine | Mirit [06:27] Mirit: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [06:28] Thank you and apologies for derailing the channel topic. [06:28] no worries, enjoy your ubuntu. === jmcgnh_ is now known as jmcgnh === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [08:38] Hi! I'm migrating an old server to a new machine running Ubuntu 18.04 (the old VPS provider is phasing out their VPS business, so I had to move to somewhere else). [08:40] On startup, the old setup runs a upstart script which starts a bunch of node.js apps, which are all stored in ~/apps/ [08:40] I'm trying to replicate that script using systemd [08:42] did you mean to ask an ubuntu support question there, maxhawaii? [08:42] I tried to... [08:42] but i guess phrasing a question is even harder than figuring out how to migrate from upstart to systemd [08:43] ehh, never mind, i think i know what i gotta do actually [08:48] systemd.service(5) may be a good place to start if you already got a general systemd overview. [09:01] Hey lotuspsychje, I have updated my system again (basic package updates) and my external monitor stopped working again. I've checked for new nvidia releases but this is not the issue. Any suggestions to how to solve this ? [09:01] how to delete project on launchpad? [09:02] /join #launchpad and read /topic === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ === zenguy is now known as [zenguy === [zenguy is now known as zenguy [09:17] I have updated my software yesterday and now my ubuntu video card is not working properly anymore. This happend before (2 weeks ago) but was solved by updating the nvidia driver as well. I now don't have an update pending and have no working external monitor. Other than reinstalling the nvidia driver, what are my options? [09:18] caroga: you have ubuntu nvidia drivers or nvidia nvidia drivers? [09:18] caroga: dkms status says what? [09:18] I believe ubuntu, it's from the ubuntu repos [09:18] ubuntu for some reason doesn't manage their package deps with nvidia and linux kernel headers. i'm avoiding that and just using nvidia cuda repo (since 16.04 LTS) [09:18] tarzeau: dkms status states nvidia [09:19] yeah i know, they suck, they break, don't support the latest (immediately), can you copy paste exactly what dkms status states? [09:19] because it matters [09:19] sure, hold on [09:19] Hi guys, I would like to know if the PMF (Protected Management Frame) feature must be implemented in the intel firmware or iwlwifi driver? [09:19] you can run /exec -o dkms status [09:20] tarzeau: it says `nvidia, 430.26, 4.15.0-58-generic, x86_64: installed` and twice `nvidia, 430.26, 5.0.0-23-generic, x86_64: installed` [09:21] caroga: and uname -a sayas? last reboot is how far back? does dmesg -T say anything about NVMI (or similar problems)? [09:21] tarzeau: uname -a `Linux caroga-linux 5.0.0-25-generic #26~18.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Aug 1 13:51:02 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux` [09:21] Last reboot: 30 minutes ago [09:22] caroga: i didn't test 5.x kernel with nvidia drivers yet. i'm still with 4.15.0 there it works [09:22] i know 5.2 has a problem, not sure with 5.0 [09:22] and i also have 430.26 works, on 1080/2080ti, your nvidia card is what? lspci |grep VGA? [09:23] caroga: according to DKMS you haven't got the nvidia module built for 5.0.0-25 [09:23] I have the 1060m [09:23] so i guess my options are to switch back to the previous kernel for now and wait, or should I install the drivers from nvidia's own repo? [09:24] no i think now ubuntu is on par with nvidia repo [09:24] TJ-: is there a way to rebuild the modules for my new kernel, or would that mean reinstalling the driver entirely ? [09:26] caroga: to build for the currently running kernel "sudo dkms install nvidia/430.26" (to build for an installed but not running kernel you'd add the kernel version "sudo dkms install nvidia/430.26 -k " [09:26] Can someone explain why I am able to install any distro and use any resolution except KDE where I am stuck at 800x600 resolution? [09:27] caroga: it's possible the build failed when the current kernel was installed. When you build it manaully you'll get to see an error report with the path to the log file to see what went wrong [09:28] timplaz: presumably the KDE installer is missing something? Do you mean kubuntu ? [09:28] `sleep infinity` is undocumented (in `man sleep` at least) [09:28] TJ-: I will try this then. thanks so far. [09:29] TJ-: it instantly outputs the following after running `sudo dkms install nvidia/430.26` -> `Module nvidia/430.26 already installed on kernel 5.0.0-25-generic/x86_64` [09:33] hans_: it does "...here NUMBER may be an arbitrary floating point number..." - infinity (positive and minus, and NaN are all valid. See "man 3 strtod" [09:34] caroga: oh... you didn't show -25 in your earlier report [09:34] caroga: is it loaded? "lsmod | grep nvidia" [09:34] caroga: any boot-time problems? "journalctl -b -p warning" [09:35] TJ-: I did, with uname -a, when tarzeau asked me. But no worries. I will check. I think it was loaded, hold on [09:35] caroga: no, I meant your "dkms" list didn't include showing that module for -25, only -23 [09:36] TJ-: lsmod output http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TRQxJbkhmG/ [09:37] TJ-: journal output http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yC9NHf264v/ [09:38] I find it weird that I see nouveau in the output while I have that disabled. [09:40] caroga: I don't see nouveau mentioned, and it shows nvidia loads: "NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module 430.26 Tue Jun 4 17:40:52 CDT 2019" [09:41] TJ-: could that be related to a simple Xorg.conf nvidia drivers used to be real fussy about? [09:41] are they still fussy i should ask [09:41] caroga: lsmod shows that system has hybrid GPUs (Intel + Nvidia) so I suspect that is part of the issue [09:41] TJ-: prime-select query shows nvidia is selected. Also when I run nvidia-settings it gives me all nvidia related options. [09:41] caroga: look at the Xorg log, usually Xorg.0.log, possibly in $HOME/.local/share/X11/ I think [09:43] got it, what am I looking for specifically ? [09:48] TJ-: I could also try and reboot into the older kernel right? If that works, I am more than happy to do that for the time being? [09:48] caroga: errors (EE) or warnings (WW) - you already say lots of CRTC errors reported by gnome-shell in the journal [09:50] TJ-: `cat Xorg.0.log | grep -iE '\(WW|EE\)'` -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CtmnSbRzQt/ [09:51] caroga: nothing amazingly concerning there so looks like it's related to gnome or display settings somehow [09:52] TJ-: I noticed that the `xrandr -q` output lacks a lot of ports. [09:52] TJ-: I will reboot into the previous kernel, see what happens. [09:53] caroga: is it possible that Xorg log is old and the system has actually switched to using Wayland? check the timestamp on that Xorg.0.log make sure it is current [09:53] TJ-: `ls -la` -> `aug 15 11:11 Xorg.0.log` [09:54] caroga: that looks current unless its a year old! [09:54] TJ-: my thoughts exactly ;) [09:55] TJ-: im going to reboot, brb [09:55] why is "sudo" and "su - root" different? [09:55] or "sudo -s" [10:00] TJ-: it now works. [10:00] TJ-: I booted into 5.0.0-23-generic (instead of 025) [10:02] TJ-: Anything I should look into for now, to see what the differences could be ? [10:02] caroga: hmmm... something weird there. if the only difference is the kernel version that suggests some kind of regression [10:02] I'm asking a friend of mine to hook up a monitor to his device, he's also on -25 with 430 [10:07] Why cam I install any distro (ubuntu, Arch,Kali...ect) and use any DE (XFCE,MATE,Budgie...ect) and be able to change resolution but when I try KDE I am stuck with 800x600 only? [10:08] TJ-: my friend connected his monitor and it works flawlessly. So yeah. We got that. [10:08] TJ-: I haven't made any changes other than rebooting into the previous version [10:17] timplaz, KDE with Ubuntu? Which version and what graphics card? [10:19] hello, where does the system usually keep it's `*.desktop` files that one could use via xdg-mine to bind to MIME types? [10:24] pomeha: /usr/share/applications/ [10:28] Client: HexChat 2.14.2 • OS: Ubuntu "disco" 19.04 • CPU: AMD A8-6410 APU with AMD Radeon R5 Graphics (2.00GHz) • Memory: Physical: 3.8 GiB Total (3.2 GiB Free) Swap: 925.0 MiB Total (925.0 MiB Free) • Storage: 0 bytes / 0 bytes (0 bytes Free) • Uptime: 43m 19s [10:32] Howdy folks [11:12] how can i specify onlt tcp port: ufw allow in on ens18 from IP/32 to any port 106/tcp ? [11:13] it says: ERROR: Bad port '106/tcp [11:18] HexaByte: according to the man-page you need to use "proto tcp" not / for that style of rule [11:18] TJ-: thank you so much [11:44] hey guys, i'm having some trouble start a pm2 service with systemd [11:44] it was working fine a week or so ago, but now it's not starting [11:44] any ideas what could be the problem? [11:45] linuxconformer, you may do well to post the output from starting the service via pastebin or paste.ubuntu.com as a start [11:45] linuxconformer: why don't you look at the logs? [11:50] JimBuntu, HexaByte: Error: ENOSPC: no space left on device, write [11:50] Well, that seems like a no brainer. [11:55] JimBuntu: i think one of my log files is way too big, let me see if i can identify the cause [11:58] JimBuntu: apparently not [11:58] i ran ncdu, but i have a lot of free space remaining [11:59] linuxconformer, you might need to double check where the logs are being written as well as anything else for said service is being written. While you may have normal space available, perhaps it's not using that normal space for one thing or another. [12:00] linuxconformer, check df -i [12:02] ioria why not df -h ? ;) [12:02] he already checked with ncdu for disk space [12:04] you can get 'no space left' when inotify watches are exhausted [12:04] only using 36% of disk space [12:05] i.e. none of my partitions are close to 100% [12:05] linuxconformer, i told : df -i [12:06] ioria: could it seriously be a inotify issue? [12:06] idk [12:06] ioria: what am i looking for? [12:06] with df -i [12:06] the inodes [12:07] Is there a german ubuntu channel? I can't find one in the list. [12:07] !de [12:07] In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis! [12:07] ioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cffPFGXcwj/ [12:07] Thank you! [12:08] linuxconformer, it's ok [12:08] no problem there right? [12:08] linuxconformer, lsof | grep inotify | wc -l [12:11] ioria: lots of "lsof: WARNING: can't stat() overlay file system" and "lsof: no pwd entry for UID 70" [12:12] linuxconformer, are you on livecd ? [12:13] ioria: what's this? [12:13] i'm on an openstack instance [12:14] linuxconformer, ah, no idea then, sy [12:14] btw, i have this error in journalctl -> "Unknown lvalue 'OnUnitInactive' in section 'Timer'" [12:15] Hi, do you know if it's possible to install ubuntu on another hard drive, from an already installed ubuntu, without an USB drive? [12:22] I have an ssh process ('right' tunnel) that doesn't seem to work. How come the process is not dead? [12:24] is there a way to attach terminal to such a process to figure out what's on it's screen? [12:27] pomeha: try 'strace -p ' [13:15] HEllo people where do i drop my otf or ttf file is it in /usr/share/fonts? [13:18] yakiza, hello, systemwide in /usr/share/fonts/truetype, or on user level in ~/.fonts/truetype/ >>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts [13:20] OerHeks: i see inside truetype i see they have unique folders with the otf,ttf inside is this the way ill have to follow too? [13:21] yakiza: Take a look at the link OerHeks sent you, that should help you make the right decision [13:21] yes, each font has its own folder, iirc [13:30] yakiza: reboot [13:31] Or yakiza ... As was now said twice: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts [13:32] You would see all the instructions you need, including the command to enable the new fonts [13:33] does anyone knows where i can find more screensavers? [13:33] pragmaticenigma: i followed it and runned the chacing thing too [13:34] yakiza: Then you might not have a compatible font file, If you followed everything here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts#Manually [13:36] Remy^: This channel focuses it's efforts towards support topics related to Ubuntu and software distributed through its official channels. For software recommendations, including how to find more screensavers, please use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel. Also note, screensavers have been largely removed from Ubuntu as most screens do not require them. [13:37] tnx, ..okay! [13:40] Hi, since the latest Ubuntu PHP package security release we're getting tonnes of Signal 11 core dumps from PHP-fpm and command line, has anyone else come across this since yesterday? === beaver is now known as beaver^ [13:53] How do I add JDK so that I can use sudo update alternatives and change whenever I can? [13:54] I see some folders are there /usr/lib/jvm [14:04] Hi! Is one pattern of badblocks -wsv enough? [14:08] Wingy: That would entirely depend on your usage case, really only you can determine what is efficient and accurate enough for your needs. If you are requesting opinions, please consider asking in #ubuntu-offtopic instead. [14:10] JediMaster: I have not seen the behavior you're describing on my server. [14:11] pragmaticenigma: Thanks! I'll let the second pattern finish and call it good. [14:13] pragmaticenigma, found the problem, it turned out to be a New Relic php package causing it after much digging through core dump backtraces. They've pulled the package we had installed, re-installed the latest version (which is older than what we had) and it's fine now [14:14] Just happened to come out about the same time [14:14] JediMaster: You may want to reach out to New Relic regarding the module and inquiry why they might have pulled it. With the PHP updates, their code might be vulnerable to an exploit after that PHP patch was applied. [14:22] viju, openJDK ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java [14:22] oracle jdk is gone from the ppa, install manually [14:31] i did sudo apt-get install libhiredis-dev and installed everything - but when i do #include in my c++ program i get: fatal error: hiredis.h: No such file or directory. Why can it not be found? [14:43] diverdude, try with [14:43] ioria: ah thanks [14:43] ok [15:08] Are the Changelogs for the FIPS versions of libssl1.0.0, openssh-server, libstrongswan, and strongswan for the fips and fips-update repos. Someone is trying to convince me they are "fully patched". I don't believe them. And I'd like to see the Changelogs so I can determine if the FIPS versions they have cover certain CVEs. [15:08] Are those changelogs publicly available, even though the packages are by paid subscription only? [15:11] i find this FAQ https://docs.ubuntu.com/security-certs/en/fips-faq [15:11] SKaplan: https://ubuntu.com/blog/fips-140-2-certified-modules-for-ubuntu-16-04-lts [15:12] I've seen the FAQs. I don't want the FAQs. I want the changelogs. [15:13] SKaplan: try reading the FAQ OerHeks posted [15:13] "Are the FIPS modules a drop in replacement? Yes, the FIPS 140-2 certified modules should be a drop in replacement." Incorrect. The FIPS packages are versioned differently than the non-FIPS packages, so it's not a 1:1 replacement [15:14] Additional hiccup, I don't have the FIPS subscription myself. It's not my machine I'm checking. [15:15] SKaplan: https://ubuntu.com/support/contact-us?utm_source=insights&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=fips [15:15] But it's a changelog. The package itself may be proprietary, sure, but I don't understand why the Changelog would be. === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka [15:59] hi everyone [16:03] I have Ubuntu 18 TLS Server running, and I would like to make a complete backup of my system + user data + conf. What tools would you recommend? ----- I have tried, "respin", "Distroshare" [16:03] !backup [16:03] There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup, !borg, and !cloning [16:03] !cloning [16:03] To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate [16:03] the USB flashdrive boot system does not have the system files during the boot drive build process [16:06] use an ubuntu live server or mor conveniant a live desktop [16:12] OerHeks do you have a website URL, also keep in mind that I have to use the Terminal commands only to execute the backup. [16:13] see ubottu [16:13] you will need a browser to visit those [16:17] I'm unable to get my touchscreen working on my Lenovo / Yoga 12. I'm running 19.04. Can anyone help with this issue? [16:18] The touchscreen works fine with a live Ubuntu USB, however, once installed it doesn't work. === dan3wik is now known as dan2wik === panorain is now known as popgreen [17:17] can anyone suggest a good gui to pdftk ? [17:17] how do i use auditd to log all commands entered by all users on a system? [17:19] I see directions for the root user here: https://serverfault.com/questions/470755/log-all-commands-run-by-admins-on-production-servers [17:19] don't know how to extend to all users though [17:28] transhuman: Look at the man page for ausearch [17:29] !info pdfchain [17:29] Package pdfchain does not exist in bionic [17:30] oh, old stuff https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pdfchain [17:33] magic_ninja_work: This channel focuses its efforts on supporting existing software that is already installed on your machine. If you are looking for recommendations or opinions for software, please use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel. [17:35] transhuman: https://whmcr.com/2011/10/14/auditd-logging-all-commands/ or https://www.scip.ch/en/?labs.20150604 you should try clicking on more than 1 google result to find answers [17:37] thanks for that leftyfb, that link never came up in any of my searches. Good old google telling us what they think we want to see instead of what we are looking for :-) [17:37] transhuman: I searched for "ubuntu auditd log all commands" [17:38] ah ok thanks [17:39] google is only as smart as the person making the query [17:40] google will be ai someday, and do our thinking for us [17:41] lets not go there pragmaticenigma, everyone already knows your smarter than the rest [17:41] you're [17:42] leftyfb: you too [17:42] bing me [17:42] * compdoc waves his hand and says "you are the bing" [18:06] How can I make ubuntu accept the third mouse button as a scroller? [18:10] Have you guys managed to get the Ubuntu Studio package to work on regular Ubuntu? [18:11] onomatopie: A button doesn't scroll... it's a momentary switch, you need directionality to scroll, which a single button isn't going to be able to do [18:12] pragmaticenigma: I want to toggle the scroll on and then move the mouse [18:12] joeri: Do you have a particular issue you are working with that needs support? If not come join #ubuntu-discuss for discussions [18:12] Wait whoops is this the support channel? [18:13] onomatopie: https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/mouse-middleclick.html [18:13] onomatopie: It's a per application setting that determines how the middle mouse button is interpreted. [18:15] joeri, check out #ubuntu-studio, one needs to add https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/BackportsPPA [18:19] Can anyone help me get my touchscreen working on my Yoga 12 / Ubuntu 19.04. I'm unable to find a solution. [18:20] pragmaticenigma: Good pointers, thanks.. It's helped [18:21] k00l3th4n: for touch screen you might want to test unity [18:22] I have a bit of a sloppy solution for something that I'd like to try and improve: remote desktop. Initially I tried xrdp, but it doesn't display what's going on in the local session; it opens a new session. I have installed vino (the VNC server for those unfamiliar) on ComputerA (for this particular example), and when I am in a remote location I access ComputerA via SSH and enable a SSH tunnel. [18:22] After that is done, I use whatever VNC client on the computer I'm currently on (usually TightVNC) to access the VNC server via the SSH tunnel. All works well. Only problem is, I have to set my computer to auto-login my user name in order for the Vino server to start (in the event of a power outage or unexpected system restart) [18:23] My question is, assuming that xrdp cannot view the local session like Vino does (if it can, then how?), then is there a way to turn Vino into a service instead of a start program AND enable the tunnel as well? [18:23] I've read so man Ubuntu forum threads that my head is spinning. [18:24] lotuspsychje, I didn't know Unity was still a thing. I can't understand why it works with a live USB, but not once installed??? [18:24] WaV, I would back up a bit: Are you sure that you need remote desktop? Do you need a full desktop, or just one window? [18:25] k00l3th4n: i presume you talk about ubuntu-desktop with gnome right? [18:25] I don't necessarily NEED remote desktop. Its more of a convenience than anything. But I usually only work with 2 GUI programs at most, and I prefer that they were in the local session. [18:26] lordcirth, Yes, Gnome DE is correct, running the latest 19.04 build. [18:26] k00l3th4n: what you could do, is test this on LTS to compare [18:27] k00l3th4n: and/or install unity desktop and also test there [18:27] lotuspsychje, Yes, I'm thinking of doing that. I'd have to switch out my SSD to test this theory. I don't want to override my current system. [18:30] WaV: If the remote computer is on the same network you could use something like X-Forwarding in the SSH session to allow the program to run on the remote machine, but would render the GUI locally on the client/guest machine [18:31] WaV: A change was made in nearly all the Desktop Managers that makes it difficult for any remote viewing application (xrdp, vnc) service to start serving before a user has authenticated on the local system. [18:31] pragmaticenigma: If I were to access the computer remotely, 9.9 times out of 10 I would be in a remote location and not in the network. [18:32] pragmaticenigma: As a security measure I'm assuming? [18:32] WaV: That's not what they were addressing, but to a degree yes [18:33] WaV, so, if you were to ssh -X to the machine, and run your programs, would that work for you? [18:38] lordcirth: Idk, I've never tried X11 forwarding, but I'm assuming if I did it that way it would open another GUI instance of the program as opposed to using the already open local GUI instance? [18:38] WaV, generally yes [18:39] Ok [18:39] It generally works a lot better than remote desktop, though. You could kill the old one before starting yours. [18:39] It wouldn't be an ideal solution for me, but yea that's an option [18:46] WaV: There is one caveat with x11 forwarding (X-Forwarding) is that it works best on high speed connections. Usually a local network. Over the internet, depending on the application, there will be considerable amounts of lag [18:49] Isn't that just as true with VNC, though? I found VNC barely usable over 100Mbit LAN [18:50] VNC works fine for me, tbh [18:50] the way I have it implemented is not ideal, but it works. [19:01] lordcirhh, A bios update fixed the issue. [19:03] k00l3th4n: nice to know, you got a full working touch on gnome now? [19:05] alias please="sudo" [19:06] lotuspsychje, Yep, all is working. [19:06] k00l3th4n: wich device/brand is this please? [19:17] lotuspsychje, It's the Lenovo Yoga 12. [19:18] lotuspsychje, It's a 2015 model, but it's one of the best systems I've ever ran Linux on. [19:44] if I stop apparmor service will all apparmor rules immediately be ineffective? [19:54] Hello! I just Fresh installed a new ubuntu 18.04 and while I was setting up the second monitor it just shows me a black screen. I can move my cursor into the monitor and see it has like a weird ass Black X so I'm guessing the monitor is being read but it seems to be missing something. === popgreen is now known as panorain [19:55] I used the Nvidia Drivers from the Software and updates page as well. and setup the Nvidia X server correctly. atleast I think [19:56] I actually already had this running before but it doesn't seem to work this time around which is crazy. [20:04] Technological: sounds like the X server is fine but the desktop environment doesn't realise the 2nd monitor is there [20:05] Yeah It's odd [20:05] I'm going to try the nomodset fix [20:15] Okay that didn't work [20:17] Technological, is this a laptop? [20:17] Nah It's a Desktop [20:17] some have a FN key to switch internal/external/both [20:18] how about settings > devices > displays? [20:18] The Monitor works. But it just doesn't show a desktop just a black screen [20:18] The settings page does not show my monitor [20:18] but the Nvidia X-server does and I enabled it from there. [20:19] I can move my Mouse cursor into the black monitor and actually see it moving around on the other monitor [20:19] crazy stuff [20:20] Also just to be specific the "Monitor" is a Samsung TV [20:20] Technological: try creating a new user and logging in as that... if it works you've got a local per-user config causing the issue [20:20] alright Let me see [20:23] I am having trouble installing Drupal on Ubuntu [20:24] can someone help me? [20:25] Nah made a new user using the GUI "Users" program and switched users but it remained the same [20:26] freespirit-girl: we can try if you'll provide more details [20:26] freespirit-girl: dpending on what's wrong you might have more luck in #drupal (if this exists), though [20:27] but we can see this as we go [20:28] I don't think they have a channel [20:28] what drupal guide do you follow? [20:28] can you give me a minute so I can log onto my laptop ? [20:29] #drupal does exist and has plenty of users [20:30] #drupal does exist and has plenty of users [20:30] let me look [20:31] before you leave, tell us about the actual problem (and the guide you are following), though [20:32] give me a second and ill tell you [20:32] to be fair it's been a couple minutes [20:38] https://www.supinfo.com/articles/single/7999-setup-lamp-drupal-8-cms-on-ubuntu-1804 === beaver is now known as beaver^ [20:39] I need to download drupal and put it into my localhost [20:41] Hey all, I've got an issue.. QtCreator did not come with Spanish language [20:41] Is there some L10N package for Qt? [20:41] Ubuntu Version is: 19.04 [20:41] (.2) [20:42] actually i do have it downloaded but now i need to configure Clean URLS and UNICODE using my Ubuntu commandline [20:47] do i use this command? [20:47] https://www.supinfo.com/articles/single/7999-setup-lamp-drupal-8-cms-on-ubuntu-1804 [20:49] sorry for the links [20:57] pretty much the same as https://linuxconfig.org/install-drupal-on-ubuntu-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux [21:25] This might be a dumb question -- can I grep for 'ul' and then separately grep for 'check-list' and then ask which files are in both lists? [21:25] like `union `grep ul` `grep check-list`` or something? [21:26] more like union 'grep ul' | grep whatever [21:26] ok ... thanks. [21:29] i have crashed with reset my hdd, now how can i fix if it's possible [21:29] it's a ssd intel [21:29] i mean after reboot i can't use the hdd, it shows 0x81 or something and i cannot add a partition (120gb) [21:30] only 8mb are free for use [21:30] create, [21:30] who knows... [21:33] mustmodify: grep -l can be very handy for this [21:34] mustmodify: grep -l $(grep -rl ul) check-list [21:40] hunh... [21:40] wow that is handy. Thanks. [22:31] If I enter "*.txt" in the file manager search bar, will it literally search "*.txt", or will it give me all .txt files? [22:36] there is no filename containing "*" possible [22:36] and some more funny characters [22:37] is there a way to make my soundcard dive the right audio channel to min/max voltage, i.e. pull/push the speaker membrane innermost/outmost? [22:37] *drive [22:37] like for more than a few ms :)) [22:38] while I wait for smarter ideas, I'll try and craft a minute long audio file with a boring waveform. [22:39] hey, do you know about Ubuntu 18.04 compatibility with Ryzen series CPUs? [22:40] I heard some gossip that Ryzen should run on kernel 5.x [22:40] because otherwise zen 2 is not well supported [22:40] jadax: 5.0 kernels are in 18.04.3 IIRC [22:41] wait, default kernel is 4.18 or something like that, isn't it? [22:41] I'm not next to my Ubuntu system right now, so cannot tell [22:43] jadax: 4.18 is no longer a supported kernel in Ubuntu [22:44] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes that says 18.04.2 is on kernel v4.18 [22:45] new installs get 5.x, old non hwe give 3.18 iirc [22:45] err 4.18 [22:45] I thought 4.15? [22:45] well, I'm really looking into understanding whether switching from kernel 4.18 to 5.x will give me any Ryzen (or zen 2) related changes [22:45] would you know? [22:46] and yes, for ryzen you would want 5.x [22:46] do you know why, specifically? [22:46] no [22:46] but there must be a changelog somewhere [22:46] https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Linux-5.2-5.3-Ryzen-9-3900X [22:47] performance doesn't change pretty much between 4.18 vs 5.x [22:52] jadax: Bios update for the fix: https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ryzen-3000-BIOS-Update-Good . [22:53] I can update kernel to 5.x but I would really like to understand what's going on [22:54] I've been googling around and there are other people who experienced system hangs on light loads (ryzen CPU) [22:54] the thing is - I did OC that system [22:54] and I played with fan curves [22:54] etc. so there's a lot going on [22:54] and I want to approach that methodically in a smart way [22:55] because ultimately I want this system to run OC and I want fans to be quiet (so slow rotating or not at all) [22:55] jadax: ^^ is your bios affected ? [22:55] I have ASRock x570 Taichi motherboard [22:55] and it's been updated about 7 days ago [22:56] I can double check if any updates showed up since on the manufacturer's website [22:56] jadax: ASrock is one of the vendors that have the fix :) [22:56] I was poking around kernel as I heard many gossips/myths that kernel 5.x enables some secret sauce for AMD 3 series [22:56] I just couldn't find any facts on that [22:57] lastest BIOS (well UEFI) on ASRock website is ttis: 1.80 2019/8/8 [22:57] and I already have it installed [22:57] so nothing new showed up since [22:57] 1.80 2019/8/8 [22:59] I'm thinking I will keep dmesg -w (continuous read) + psensor running [22:59] so that way next time I have the system hang I can at least see some logs [22:59] and temps [23:18] guess what [23:18] it's 4:18 Pacific time now [23:18] just like the kernel I'm running [23:18] oooooooo [23:19] update, now it is 4:19 [23:51] how do I get xfce4 in ubuntu 18.04 on my wsl setup (tinyurl.com/donofrioworkdesk - no msstore app so it's manual all the way) I'm 4.12 currently [23:59] donofrio: btw did you mean to share a bunch of photos? [23:59] yah [23:59] its the setup and photo's