=== RudeViper is now known as ChuckD === ChuckD is now known as ChuckD_ [10:38] do you know theme/style for LXDE like LXQT Fusion [11:37] gmonde75 was added by: gmonde75 [11:51] Fwd from The_LoudSpeaker: A friend of mine has a problem with almost all ubuntu versions. Live usb works fine. Installation also completes successfully and then after rebooting, when he enters password at log in screen. His screen goes blank. [11:51] Fwd from The_LoudSpeaker: He's downloading lubuntu rn. But anyone has any ideas as to why same problem occurs in kde neon, kubuntu, manjaro kde, ubuntu and elementary OS? [11:51] Fwd from The_LoudSpeaker: Works fine with Pop OS. But he's looking for something other than gnome. [12:09] Is Openbox support going to die with LXDE? [12:21] @Thedarkb-X40 [ Is Openbox support going to die with LXDE?], Lubuntu with lxqt also use openbox [12:23] Cool. [12:23] If LXPanel has to go, I'll jump back to fbpanel. [13:26] The_LoudSpeaker: have the freind join #ubuntu sometime with some time to diagnose it [13:28] and provide output of journalctl -b | nc termbin.com 9999 and lspci -knn | grep -A3 VGA | nc termbin.com 9999 [14:25] @tomreyn: I forwarded him the response from #ubuntu. He said he will try and let me know. [22:26] maybe of interest, how a user created another account & created minimal menu for other-user account on 19.04 lxqt - https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2424895 [22:27] I kind of don't like the lobotomised as language [22:29] agreed [22:29] that's maybe because you can write well :) maybe poor choice, but.. [22:30] i think that's how i feel any time i hear someone say "drink the kool-aid." makes my stomache churn.