
alentoghostflameOn Ubuntu 19.04, how can I get my RX 5700 to fully work? I tried upgrading to the 5.3 kernel + using oibaf's PPA, but my 2nd monitor is completely black and I think I'm using software rendering00:49
Betalhow I can find from what package is coming libQtMultimedia.so.4?01:10
sarnoldapt-file search is a great tool for that01:11
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pennTellerHi guys, what would be the easiest way to map a three finger up gesture to show all windows like when you click on "activities" in gnome?01:50
Betalwhat/where is pointing an app to load a lib from /usr/local/UbuntuLib ? I can't see nothing related in ld.so.conf.d02:07
sarnoldBetal: what causes you to ask this question?02:10
Betalbecause I just place some .so inside there and the suposed app works02:12
BetalI just found this folder doing a distro upgrade02:12
Betallooks a "i cant update this, lets keep somewhere" folder02:12
sarnoldBetal: if you don't know why that directory is on your system, it sounds very much like malware to me02:14
Betalsarnold: i don't think02:14
Betalsarnold: just did a Ubuntu 12 to 14, and it have this folder with old libs02:14
leftyfbBetal: neither of those LTS releases are supported anymore. Also, "12" and "14" aren't versions of Ubuntu02:16
Betalerm, 12.04.5 to 14.04 so02:16
sarnoldBetal: I strongly doubt any legitimate tooling from debian or ubuntu would use /usr/local/ in this fashion; the stow package is the *only* package I've ever heard of that does anything in /usr/local, and I doubt it would use "UbuntuLib"02:17
sarnoldBetal: there's *seven* hits on google for "UbuntuLib"02:17
sarnoldnone of them are remotely useful :)02:18
leftyfbthere's no results for "UbuntuLib" with apt-file on 14.0402:18
BetalI just did a test, I know this will no be "ubuntu support related" because "old ubuntu" and cross distro test02:18
sarnoldhiding malware in a bunch of libraries in /usr/local/UbuntuLib/ seems the most likely cause of this to me02:18
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Betalbut I installed my app on the Ubuntu 12.04.5, updated everything, upgrade to 14, copy pasted from ubuntu 14 to mint 18 in the same place, and the app that was missing the libQtMultimedia.so.4 start working02:19
Betaland thanks about the apt-file, was great to find packages with it02:20
Coolerhow do I list all Machine Owner Keys?02:35
Coolerand remove redundant ones02:35
Coolerremove old keys02:35
beatleboy07Anyone know how to activate input echo on a telnet session? I can't see what I'm typing when logged in.02:38
sarnoldbeatleboy07: stty echo02:39
beatleboy07sarnold: where would I do that?02:40
sarnoldbeatleboy07: at a shell prompt02:40
beatleboy07I'm using xfce4-terminal.02:40
Coolercan someone tell me which machine owner keys you should have by default on a ubuntu 18.04 installation?02:42
beatleboy07Once I'm in the shell prompt, I don't have echo.02:42
beatleboy07And stty echo is an unknown command.02:42
CoolerI have 3, one from canonical, 2 from something else02:42
sarnoldbeatleboy07: ugh :( no stty? hmmm02:42
beatleboy07When I'm on Windoze and I go in through PuTTY, I have echo.02:43
sarnoldbeatleboy07: how about reset?02:43
Cooleranyone on ubuntu 18.04 ? can you run mokutil -l and tell me how many show up?02:43
beatleboy07I guess that could be a setting within PuTTY? But now on my home system, I don't.02:43
beatleboy07The device I'm in with telnet is very limited.02:43
sarnoldbeatleboy07: ahhhh.. try ^E -- the telnet manpage says that changes a local echo mode02:44
beatleboy07So the echo is dependent on the device I'm connected to?02:45
sarnoldecho is usually handled by the terminal driver of whatever system you're logged in to02:45
sarnoldbut if it doesn't have the interfaces I expect to use to configure those, maybe local echo in telnet can do?02:45
beatleboy07And so I'm not confused, ^E is Ctrl+E?02:46
beatleboy07Or do you mean type in '^E'?02:46
beatleboy07I tried both and it didn't work.02:46
Cooleranyone on ubuntu 18.04 ? can you run mokutil -l and tell me how many show up?02:46
sarnoldbeatleboy07: control+e yeah..02:47
beatleboy07Looks like I might be hosed. Strange though that I get Echo with PuTTY.02:47
sarnoldCooler: sorry mate, both my 18.04 lts machines are legacy boots..02:47
sarnoldbeatleboy07: yeah, that kind of confuses me too. I might suspect the terminal that's sent by the connecting client to influence what happens, but if the device is as simple as I think it is, that feels pretty unlikely..02:48
beatleboy07It's a very simple device.02:48
beatleboy07I can't say much about it because of NDA.02:49
beatleboy07It seems silly, but maybe I need to install PuTTY for Ubuntu.02:49
sarnoldbeatleboy07: hmm.. try this: socat STDIO,echo=1 TCP:whatever:2302:56
beatleboy07Haven't used socat before. Installing now. So try that command in order to connect to the device?02:57
beatleboy07Okay, cool. That seems to work.02:58
beatleboy07It's a little weird.02:58
sarnoldsocat's a crazy impressive tool.. i don't have easy access to exactly what you've got but changing the 1 to a 0 on port 22 worked :D02:58
sarnolderr, rather, echo=0 with port 22 doesn't do local echo, echo=1 with port 22 does do local echo02:58
beatleboy07I type the command, hit enter, it first shows the command I'm about to send and then I have to hit enter again.02:58
sarnoldthat is weird02:59
beatleboy07But it's definitely better than not knowing if I made a typo until I've sent the command.02:59
sarnold(my 'hello<enter>' gets sent to sshd immediately, which reports "protocol mismatch" and kills the thing02:59
sarnoldoh I wonder if that's because you're actually doing TELNET, but by hand. I know there's a handful of extra control messages that socat is probably not going to handle correctly03:00
beatleboy07Yeah. That could be. I'll look into this, but it looks like perhaps this is just opening a TCP socket.03:01
sarnoldit's a lot like nc03:01
beatleboy07It looks similar to netcat.03:01
sarnoldbut has an option for local echo :D03:01
sarnold(in addition to a billion other toggles)03:01
beatleboy07Well, awesome. New tool. Thanks!03:02
sarnoldyou're welcome :) I'm glad something worked out03:02
sarnoldeven if it is a bit weird..03:02
beatleboy07Oh it's a big relief. This is a device that is sending and receiving tons of network packets, so I can never quite tell where I'm typing and what I've typed.03:03
alentoghostflameHey, how would I get Ubuntu 19.04 to actually use my RX 5700 instead of software-rendering everything?03:06
Kon-alentoghostflame: which PPA are you using for Mesa?03:09
Kon-That does seem like it should work03:11
alentoghostflameIm also running the 5.3-rc3 kernel, could that be the issue?03:11
Kon-Most of the benchmarks I've seen were running 5.303:12
Kon-I think that's the only kernel supporting Navi03:12
Kon-You have LLVM 9, right?03:12
alentoghostflamehow would I check?03:13
alentoghostflamenvm, glxinfo says i have 9.003:13
donofriowhich ppa has xfce4.14?03:14
donofrioso 19.04 is not LTS?04:05
padarcdonofrio, no. 16. 04 is, 18.04, 20.04 etc04:05
padarcevery 2 years there is a lts version.04:06
sad_Why hibernation slow in linux ?04:42
Cooleranyone here on ubuntu 18.04 and have secure boot on?05:18
Coolerplease run mokutil -l and tell me how many keys you find there05:19
Coolercan someone just do one thing please?05:34
lotuspsychjeno swearing here plz Cooler05:34
aavarHi. I finally took the plunge and reinstalled ubuntu. Now I am missing settings from "mouse & trackpad". I only have primary button and doubleckick speed. Missing settings for scroll and tap to click. I think I am missing a package?06:05
Cooleris it safe for me to copy paste .ko files into /lib/modules/5.0.0-25-generic ?06:05
Coolerbecause modprobe looks in that folder for modules to load06:05
Cooler$ sudo modprobe vboxdrv06:05
Coolermodprobe: FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found in directory /lib/modules/5.0.0-25-generic06:05
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V7Hey all06:16
V7rsyslogd: action 'action 4' resumed (module 'builtin:omfile') [v8.32.0 try http://www.rsyslog.com/e/2359 ]06:16
V7Is full of syslog06:16
V7Is it possible to fix that on 18.04?06:16
V7Linux HOST 4.15.0-55-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 2 18:22:20 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:17
AavarI am having touble installing teamviewer11 on my system. It depends on packages not available. How can I fix this? I had it working before, but now I cant remember how.06:34
geirhahave you by chance upgraded from one ubuntu release to another recently?06:41
lotuspsychjeAavar: be careful with teamviewer, there were some recent security flaws with it, maybe check for more safer ways to remote? ssh perhaps?06:50
Aavarlotuspsychje, I know... but I "have to" use it for work. I guess I'll have to remember to dissable when not in use.06:56
Aavargeirha, was that for me? I just reinstalled ubuntu06:56
V7Anyone :)07:24
LinuxNoob911is this a good place to ask basic linux questions? I'm trying to make an ubuntu bootable USB using puppy linux and each method I try fails. Been at it for a day. Is there a linux community that can help?07:25
V7LinuxNoob911: #linux07:26
V7##linux *07:26
V7Also here's a channel for that too07:26
V7'cause you're using ubuntu07:26
V7LinuxNoob911: Have you tried dd?07:27
LinuxNoob911Yep tried dd, ddrescue, unetbootin, and etcher. All failed07:27
V7For example, first format device entirely, "sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/disk bs=512 oflag=sync status=progress"07:28
V7Please, define "failed"07:28
LinuxNoob911Sure. Etcher produced a "something went wrong..." error. UnetBootin created the usb drive successfully, but upon boot, the usb drive could not boot. Same for dd. I know this is not a bios issue because I am using a puppylinux which boots from usb.07:31
V7Do not use UnetBottin. It's deprecatedthough07:31
LinuxNoob911ddrescue I entered ddrescue ~spot/Downloads/ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop-amd64.iso /dev/sdd1, this produced the error: ddrescue: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.6: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6407:32
V7Where you've downloaded ISO?07:32
V7What's the USB/07:32
V7Have you tried another pen drive?07:32
LinuxNoob911Only have two pen drives at the moment. I would install puppy on my hard drive to free up the verified bootable usb, but puppy install produces an error saying no support fr eufi devices07:34
LinuxNoob911usb is a lexmark cruzer 8gb.07:34
V7fr uefi?07:59
AscavasaionI am trying to get XScreensaver to run, but each time I start the machine I am informed that the daemon is not running.  HOw can I get it to run each time I start.  I know it needs to probably go into a file preceded with a .  but I don;t know which one.09:40
TJ-Ascavasaion: Each DE has options in settings/power management to enable/disable Screensaver09:43
pomehatarzeau: thanks for telling where *.desktop files are.10:30
tarzeauwelcome, find or locate would have also told you, or dpkg -L yourpkg10:30
gst568923Hy guys, my intel wifi card not have ciphers for PMF feature (Protected Management Frame). This is a problem of iwlwifi driver or a intel-firmware implementations?11:17
lotuspsychje!rootirc | ir0ng0d11:21
ubottuir0ng0d: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.11:21
ir0ng0dIs kali based on ubuntu?11:28
lotuspsychje!kali | ir0ng0d11:28
ubottuir0ng0d: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)11:28
hayhello, I have a question; I have the LVM physical volume which is of 500 Gig size and one logical volume that is 4 Gig ... what is the easiest way to use the entire disk with that volume? thanks11:40
ayekathay: see lvresize - the -l options might do what you want11:41
hayayekat, thanks11:43
hayayekat, it works, thanks again :)11:45
ayekathay: you're welcome ^^11:45
The_LoudSpeakerRaman Sarda:11:53
The_LoudSpeakerA friend of mine has a problem with almost all ubuntu versions. Live usb works fine. Installation also completes successfully and then after rebooting, when he enters password at the log in screen. His screen goes blank. Nothing works. Not even ctrl-alt-F1/F2.11:53
The_LoudSpeakerHe's downloading lubuntu rn. But anyone has any ideas as to why same problem occurs in Ubuntu, kubuntu, manjaro kde, kde neon and elementary OS?11:53
The_LoudSpeakerWorks fine with Pop OS. But he's looking for something other than gnome.11:53
lotuspsychjeThe_LoudSpeaker: is this a clevo/system76 machine with intel UHD graphics?11:54
lotuspsychjeThe_LoudSpeaker: on wich kernel versions is this happening?11:55
The_LoudSpeakerHis system is a dell inspiron 7576. The issue appears to be on lts versions of the systems.11:57
lotuspsychjeThe_LoudSpeaker: what kind of graphics card in this system please?11:58
The_LoudSpeakerlotuspsychje: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti12:00
lotuspsychjeThe_LoudSpeaker: for the GTX versions we reccomend latest drivers from the ubuntu graphics ppa, first you need to enter system with !nomodeset, then add the ppa and install the latest driver12:00
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | The_LoudSpeaker12:01
ubottuThe_LoudSpeaker: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:01
lotuspsychje!nvidia | The_LoudSpeaker12:01
ubottuThe_LoudSpeaker: For nvidia and matrox graphics cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto . For AMD/ATI graphics cards, see « /msg ubottu ati » and « /msg ubottu fglrxmissing » For the latest Nvidia drivers see https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa12:01
The_LoudSpeakerThanks! I wil tell him. And let you know if it works.12:01
BluesKajHowdy folks12:13
e|fHi. I just bought a Lenovo laptop. Installed Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS on it successfully. But the Wifi won't work. It says "Turn Wifi on" but when I do that nothing happens. I checked the Wifi on the Windows installation that came with the laptop and that works OK.12:18
lotuspsychjee|f: whats the chipset of your wifi card please12:19
e|fhow do I find that out. Would you give me the terminal command please12:19
lotuspsychjee|f: sudo lshw -C network12:20
e|f"Dual Band Wireless-AC 3165 Plus Bluetooth"12:20
lotuspsychjee|f: intel?12:21
e|fBluetooth itself seems to work ok, to add to that12:21
lotuspsychjee|f: weird, those are mostly working out of the box, are you dualbooting uefi mode?12:21
e|fi even tried reinstalling ubuntu from my burned DVD iso and made sure the wifi part of installation went ok12:22
ioriae|f, can you paste dmesg | grep iwl ?12:22
lotuspsychjee|f: try fastboot & secureboot OFF and compare please, uefi settings can influence hardware12:22
e|fioria: loaded firmware version... detected Intel... base HW address.. Selected rate control algorithm... renamed from wlan012:24
e|fi can't paste as it's another machine and it's not connected to the internet12:24
e|falso all i use here is Wifi... no ethernet... so i can't just check for software updates etc... otherwise I would've12:25
ioriae|f,  lsmod | grep ideapad12:25
e|fideapad_patop 36864 0; sparse_keymap 16384 1 ideapad_laptop; wmi 28672 1 ideapad_laptop; video 49153 2 ideapad_laptop, i91512:27
ioriae|f,  rfkill list all12:27
e|f0: ideapad_wlan: Wireless Lan soft blocked: no hard blocked: yes; 1: ideapad_bluetooth Bluetooth soft blocked: yes hardblocked: yes; 2: hci0: Bluetooth soft blocked: yes hard blocked: no; 3: phy0: Wireless Lan soft blocked: no hard blocked: no;12:29
e|f(hope i typed that out ok)12:30
ioriae|f,  echo "blacklist ideapad-laptop" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/ideapad-blacklist.conf    and reboot12:30
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ioriae|f,  if it does not work, just remove that file (/etc/modprobe.d/ideapad-blacklist.conf)12:31
e|fok... i ran those commands and rebooting now12:32
e|fthanks so much for the help, btw12:32
ioriait's ok12:32
e|fwow... progress... now i see a list of availables12:33
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ioriae|f,  you probably  need to set ssid and passphrase in network-manager12:35
e|fi tested it - opened up a firefox and went to google.com12:36
e|fk now quick give me your home address so i can post you a crate of beer12:36
ioriahehehe no problem12:37
e|fyeah cool... apt, software updates, browser ... all works12:38
e|fthank you so much :) bye ~~~12:38
ausjkewhenever i logged into ubuntu server 18.04.3, the prompt report "8 packages can be upated; 8 updates are security updates", what are those? as I have cron to apt-update daily and it came out clean after manually checking, so nothing to update, but when I login it always reported something to be updated, I checked sources.list (used the default) and for sure security line is there too12:42
ausjkespent 30 minutes to check aroud crontab etc, come out clean, but confused by this "misleading" info?12:43
ioriaausjke, sudo apt list --upgradeable12:44
ausjkeioria: it showed up some security update at a different kernel revision12:46
ioriaausjke, can you paste it ?12:46
ausjkelinux-generic/bionic-updates,bionic-security amd64 [upgradable from:]12:46
ausjkeuname -a12:46
ausjke4.15.0-55-generic #60-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 2 18:22:20 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:47
ioriaausjke, you need to run apt full-upgrade if you want the new version12:48
ioriaithink you want12:48
ausjkei kind of see the problem12:48
ausjkecronjob will apt-update once, then wait for a day12:48
ausjkehowever this one apt-update packages first without upgrading the kernel, a following up crontab will do that, so, for cases like this I need two apt-update in a row?12:49
ausjkejust run the cron commands again and it fixes it12:49
ausjkedon't know what apt full-upgrade, isnt it the default? why do I want a partial upgrade ever12:50
ausjkea while ago i had issues with apt in crontab and was suggested for scripting i should always use apt-get instead, apt is designed for interactive usage really,12:51
ausjkebut apt-get does not have full-upgrade...i guess i will just run it twice in cron each time then12:51
ausjkei do apt-get autoclean etc of course12:52
Habbieausjke, doesn't apt-get dist-upgrade do the job?12:52
ausjkeHabbie: that's very intrusive, i dont want to dist-upgrade blindly12:53
Habbieausjke, they're the same thing12:53
ausjkeHabbie: then i shall do neither in cron :)12:53
Habbiei haven't read everything, is there a reason you're not using unattended-upgrades?12:54
ausjkeanyway the right way to upgrade for me: run it twice, check if a reboot is needed, if so reboot, and run cron @reboot too, to make sure an always updated server12:54
leftyfbausjke: running apt update twice does nothing. The difference is running apt update vs apt full-upgrade (dist-upgrade)12:55
leftyfbsorry, update/upgrade12:55
gst568923what is the equivalent apt-get command to search (into description and name) for example "nvidia" in synaptic?13:10
Habbiegst568923, apt-cache search13:10
EriC^gst568923: apt-cache show nvidia13:11
EriC^(if you want more details)13:11
gst568923Habbie I have try dpkg-query -l | grep "nvidia" but not all relevant packages are shown13:14
Habbiegst568923, that just shows what you have installed13:14
gst568923Habbie your command return me `N: Impossibile selezionare le versioni dal pacchetto "nvidia" poiché è virtuale, N: Nessun pacchetto trovato"13:14
Habbiegst568923, that's the error from 'apt-cache show', i said 'apt-cache search'13:15
gst568923Habbie sorry I refer to EriC^13:16
gst568923Habbie apt-cache search nvidia return me also the package not installed, I have need only installed13:17
Habbiegst568923, add --installed13:20
luixalI'm having trouble making a bridge working with kvm. If I use a network like it works like a charm, but when I try to use my physical network, to make my VMs reachable from the network it always says "Network is already in use by interface X". If I ifdown interface X and retry, it shows the same message, related to another device. Any idea on how to solve it? Thanks!13:22
gst568923Habbie `apt-cache --installed search nvidia` where I wrong?13:22
luixalI'm running ubuntu 18.04 and configuring the bridge using netplan (which seems to be doing it right...)13:22
Habbiegst568923, oh, indeed, that does not work13:23
gst568923Habbie not works, but in the `man apt-cache` there is the installed option13:24
luixalHabbie, if you're looking for searching installed packages: apt list --installed will list all installed packages, apt list --installed package_name will look for that one :)13:29
Habbieluixal, gst568923 is asking :)13:30
luixalups, miss-follow the conversation, sorry13:30
gst568923luixal I have try `apt list --installed | grep "nvidia" > packages` this command show me 23 packages but when I search with synaptic (description and name) the word "nvidia" show me 30 packages13:33
TJ-gst568923: better to use the search pattern with apt command itself, as in "apt list --installed 'nvidia*'13:54
gst568923TJ- works but results are less13:56
lafferwhat's the recommended way to install virtualenv for python3. "sudo apt-get install virtualenv" or "pip3 install virtualenv"?13:57
TJ-gst568923: those are the *installed* packages, drop the "--installed" if you want to list *all* packages that start with "nvidia"13:59
gst568923TJ- xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, vdpauinfo... not have a nvidia word but have nvidia word in the description and than appears on synaptic results14:01
TJ-gst568923: ahhh, in which case "apt-cache search nvidia"14:02
gst568923TJ- I try it but it's not complete14:02
TJ-gst568923: what are you trying to do?14:02
gst568923TJ- I'll explain, I open the synaptic program and search for the word "nvidia" by setting "Description and name" as a search. Now I wanted to know what is the equivalent of this procedure on the terminal, in order to print the list of packages (the same as those shown by synaptic)14:06
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seanrdevCan your EFI partition be on a Logical Volume?14:15
seanrdevNevermind I don't think it's supposed to be14:17
lordcirthseanrdev, no, EFI only understands vfat, no fancy bits14:18
Guest33553hi why WUBI installer is no longer used any more?14:29
lordcirthGuest33553, well, it was always kind of hacky and dependent on Windows to not break it14:29
Guest33553lordcirth: does WUBI installer use some kind of loop device?14:30
lordcirthGuest33553, it made a file on the Windows NTFS partition, which it mounted as a loop device, yeah. IIRC.14:32
Guest33553yeah it seemed problematic if it running as a standalone windows application.14:35
lordcirthIt's not a Windows application exactly; it boots from it's own bootloader entry, it just loads the file as it's root device.14:36
gst568923In the description of nouveau-firmware package "This package is temporary; the nouveau drivers will soon be able togenerate this data on the fly." means that MmioTrace command is optional to extract the firmware?14:36
TJ-gst568923: that takes a bit of work! but this should do it:  awk 'BEGIN{IGNORECASE=1} {D=0} /^Package:/ {P=$2}  /^Description/ || /^ / {D=1} ( $0 ~ /nvidia/ && D==1) || P ~ /nvidia/  {print P} ' /var/lib/apt/lists/*{Packages,Translation*} | sort | uniq14:40
[itchyjunk]Hi, i've disabled all the "auto update" type option i can find on my firefox. Studies, autoupdated etc etc. How can I stop it from doing this ? https://imgur.com/a/Rlxex5S14:41
Guest33553oh it not running while windows is running ? I had a wrong impression?14:41
lordcirthGuest33553, no, it's not a virtual machine. The file is just embedded in the existing partition, so you don't need to repartition.14:43
lordcirthGuest33553, if you want a VM, you can use Virtualbox.14:43
leftyfb[itchyjunk]: Firefox will not auto-update itself in Ubuntu, if it's installed through the Ubuntu package management14:44
[itchyjunk]leftyfb, it came when i installed ubuntu 18.04. I didn't manually install firefox.14:44
leftyfb[itchyjunk]: then there's no need to "disable" anything14:45
[itchyjunk]leftyfb, as you can see, i get that "updated in the background" message once in a while.14:45
Guest33553lordcirth: i'd use WSL rather than VM14:45
leftyfb[itchyjunk]: probably from Ubuntu package updates14:45
lordcirthGuest33553, if WSL is enough for your use case, sure.14:45
[itchyjunk]leftyfb, i have set those to manual and haven't update then in at least 2 weeks.14:45
[itchyjunk]Why would firefox say it updated in the background and crash now?14:45
Guest33553lordcirth: what is the principle behind WSL? curious..14:46
leftyfb[itchyjunk]: why are you insistent on preventing any sort of updates?14:46
lordcirthGuest33553, Win10's kernel has the basic syscalls needed to run Linux processes in a separate namespace. Kinda like LXC? I'm not familiar with it, though.14:47
[itchyjunk]leftyfb, so that's the answer to how do i stop firefox from silently updating in the background?14:47
leftyfblordcirth: the new WSL uses a proper linux kernel14:47
lordcirthoh, interesting14:47
gst568923TJ- no, the command list also the package not installed14:47
leftyfblordcirth: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/05/ubuntu-support-windows-subsystem-linux-214:48
lordcirth[itchyjunk], most likely you made a mistake disabling automatic updates. That being said, you should be doing updates.14:48
[itchyjunk]lordcirth, what type of mistake? So i can correct it and make sure firefox isn't doing any background updates.14:48
TJ-gst568923: it is meant to , it searches all the package lists that Apt has fetched14:48
thsnr[itchyjunk]: it's not firefox updating itself, but Ubuntu updating it. you can check the logs at /var/log/apt/history.log to confirm14:50
gst568923TJ- I only need those installed that contain nvidia in the description14:50
leftyfb[itchyjunk]: care to inform us why you want to disable updates? That's typically a bad idea.14:50
[itchyjunk]thsnr, is there a way for me to tell ubuntu not update firefox?14:50
TJ-gst568923: the shell gives you the power to filter the list in any way you like as you can see from what I've done with 'awk'. You could compare that list with installed packages and just print the matches14:51
[itchyjunk]leftyfb, i don't want things updating itself without me telling it to.14:51
TJ-[itchyjunk]: FF about:config app.update.auto14:52
thsnras mentioned, not updating your software is a bad idea (for over 2 weeks). not updating your browser is an especially bad idea14:54
kxslhow do i tell what drive is connected on ata20.00? kernel is giving errors about it, but they're too obtuse i can't tell what hardware is causing them14:55
[itchyjunk]thsnr, i don't mind updating as soon as the update comes out. as long as i get a pop up message or something. firefox just crashes tabs and asks to be restarted and doesn't recover all tabs which has caused issues14:57
leftyfb[itchyjunk]: put all the changes you made to FF back. None of those affect the application getting updated. Ubuntu packages won't get automatically updated either unless you have unattended updates enabled15:01
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TJ-kxsl: this may help: "ls -l /dev/disk/by-path/*ata* "15:05
kxslTJ-, that doesn't work. i need to find what's connected to ata20.0015:14
ioriakxsl, dmesg | grep ata2015:14
TJ-kxsl: if there's no symlink there mentioning the device the kernel couldn't get that far, because udev creates a link there once the device is added. You'd expect e.g. "/dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:1f.2-ata-1 -> ../../sda"15:15
TJ-kxsl: otherwise do as ioria  suggests, you'd expect something like "ata1.00: ATA-9: SanDisk SSD i110 128GB, i221000, max UDMA/133"15:16
kxslthat helped a little thanks. it says its atapi: marvell virtuall15:18
TJ-kxsl: another possibility is "ls -l /sys/class/scsi_generic/" => " sg0 -> ../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.2/ata1/host0/target0:0:0/0:0:0:0/scsi_generic/sg0"15:19
TJ-kxsl: but this all assumes the block device was able to be created (sda == sg0 )15:19
kxsli don't know. computer keeps going to emergency mode and this is the closest thing to an error i can find15:20
ioriakxsl, have you run a fs check on it ?15:22
ioriaand ?15:22
kxslall clean15:22
ioriakxsl, then check your fstab15:22
kxslive already commented out all the drives i dont absolutely need to boot15:23
TJ-kxsl: did "journalctl -xb -p warning" not help?15:23
genii...maybe you shouldn't comment out the / mount in the fstab15:24
kxslall i did before this started was install updates and remove a failed drive. no idea what i would look for in fstab since i haven't touched it in months15:24
kxslthis time i booted. i changed a setting in the mobo firmware to check and update marvell rom15:25
TJ-kxsl: did you remove the wrong drive? :)15:27
TJ-kxsl: how many drives, what config? RAID ?15:27
dmp2006im new here15:29
dmp2006just wondering, how do i turn off screen reader?15:29
kxslno, i removed the right drive for sure. 1 ssd boot drive (REQUIRED), multiple other drives, one is /home, the other are just data drives, but there is a RAID in there15:29
dmp2006i cant shut the damn thing up lol15:30
TJ-kxsl: it seems strange you get an ATA error after performing a hardware change... If you're sure you replaced the failed device with a good one I'd bet you've not correctly reconnected the data link or power to it15:30
TJ-dmp2006: how did you enable it in the first place? which screen-reader are you using?15:31
TJ-dmp2006: usually those options are in Settings > Accessibility15:31
ioriawhat's that ? orca ?15:31
dmp2006i was using a bluetooth speaker and then it started15:32
dmp2006i think its orca15:32
ioriadmp2006, ps -a | grep orca15:32
ioriadmp2006, ps -A | grep orca15:32
dmp2006do i put that into terminal?15:32
dmp2006k, one sec15:33
dmp2006do i put the output here?15:33
ioriaso, it's running ?15:33
lordcirth!paste | dmp2006 if it's more than a few lines:15:33
ubottudmp2006 if it's more than a few lines:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:33
dmp2006all i got is ( 7012 ?        00:01:22 orca )15:34
ioriadmp2006, killall orca15:34
dmp2006k, one sec15:34
dmp2006omg it worked!15:34
dmp2006i had it on for 3 days and it was driving me insane15:35
dmp2006thanks for the help!15:35
ioriano prob15:35
dmp2006i might save that command as well15:35
dmp2006just in case15:35
dmp2006still, thanks for the help, i got to install some stuff, bye!15:36
kxslit looks like there's a job trying to run for one of the non-critical drives preventing the booting, but why?15:37
lordcirthkxsl, if there's a drive listed in fstab, without noauto or x-systemd.automount, then boot will wait for it15:42
kxslwhy is that a problem just now?15:44
kxslnoauto sounds like it wont be mounted at all, which NOT what I want.15:48
pragmaticenigmakxsl: noauto means that the device, if present, will not be automatically mounted. It then means the fstab entry is used to define other options such that the user can easily mount the device later with the missing parameters, such as credentials, but the mount point and other options can be saved15:58
kxslthat's absolutely a no go then. these drives have been in the system for YEARS. they have the right mount options16:00
kxslproblem may lvm. the raid is present, but the vgs and lvs don't appear16:02
lordcirthkxsl, perhaps I misunderstood your previous messages. I thought you meant that you had removed a drive.16:53
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bernhard_hi, any idea why adjusting brightness via my laptop keyboard lags for 1 second after the key stroke18:07
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pragmaticenigmaenoq: Please refrain from changing your name right after you ask a question. As for your question, depending on your computer, if the "soft keys" are not routed through the bios, then it may take a moment or two for Ubuntu to execute an application that triggers the change.18:14
enoqpragmaticenigma: yeah, my irc client is buggy18:16
enoqnot even sure if I'm authed18:16
lamurian_Hi, is there any way to change screen brightness without X? Currently running tmux in tty and still struggling to change the brightness18:17
pragmaticenigmalamurian_: If you have an Intel based graphics chipset, this may work for you: https://askubuntu.com/a/14926518:18
Habbieenoq, you are authed - otherwise you could not have joined #ubuntu18:18
enoqok, weird because I can't join #archlinux it seems18:19
TJ-lamurian_: echo $VAL > /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness  where $VAL is between 0 and /sys/class/backlight/*/max_brightness18:19
pragmaticenigmaHabbie, enoq: #ubuntu does not regularly require registration to join. When spammers become an issue, the moderators will temporarily activate the registration flag on the channel. But it only lasts for 24 hours18:20
TJ-lamurian_:  e.g. to push it to max, with an intel backlight controller:  "  echo $(cat /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/max_brightness ) > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness  "18:21
Habbiepragmaticenigma, ah! then i must have picked this up during such an event18:21
lamurian_thanks for the suggestion pragmaticenigma, unfortunately it doesn't work since I'm not connected to X. Using xbacklight gave me error -118:24
lamurian_TJ-'s answer works like a charm though!18:25
lamurian_But I'll need to run it as root everytime. Still, it works so I'm happy haha. Thanks guys18:25
pragmaticenigmalamurian_: That was further down on the page that I linked to ;-) glad it worked18:25
pragmaticenigmalamurian_: You could create an alias or bash script to store the commands in, such that you could trigger it and then be prompted for your root password... you could also setup sudo to not require a password for that particular command18:26
lamurian_whoops didn't read it thru the end :p I guess it's all there and laziness just hit me hard18:27
lamurian_I agree, I think configuring sudo not to prompt password to this particular command makes more sense18:27
TJ-lamurian_: if 'root' bothers you add a udev rule to set a different group as owner, and the modes to g+rw, and ensure your user is in that group. Or just use " echo val | sudo dd of=/sys/class/backlight/.../brightness " and add an entry into /etc/sudoers.d/yourrule that allows your user to run "dd of=/sys/class/backlight" woth NOPASSWD18:28
TJ-lamurian_: there may also be a dbus method you can use which wouldn't require privileges18:29
lamurian_Cool! So let me summarize the solution: with X -> use xbacklight or xrandr; otherwise -> directly change the value within /sys/class/../brightness. Command can be written as an alias in .bashrc or as a script. Workaround for su privilege: use NOPASSWD in sudoer file or set dbus.18:35
lamurian_Really appreaciate your help TJ- and pragmaticenigma :)18:35
TJ-lamurian_: if you're in a tty but there is an Xserver running (on display 0) you can also do "DISPLAY=:0 xrandr ..." or any other X program that needs to know which DISPLAY to configure18:37
TJ-lamurian_: most X/GUI applications will take a --display/-display/-d option directly too; check the relevant program's --help/-h18:38
enoqpragmaticenigma: thanks for the hint, had to reconnect with polari18:38
lamurian_I see.. so I assume X instance is somehow(?) connected with currently running tty, even if it's on a different login session18:40
lamurian_That makes me wonder with what I may did wrong with my script though18:40
lamurian_So I wrote a script to notify me regarding my battery status. The idea is to send notification if the battery reaching certain threshold, with different threshold condition according to the bat status (charging / discharging)18:41
lamurian_And the script should be able to recognize whether or not I'm using X18:42
lamurian_It runs just fine when I execute it directly from shell (both in tty and in X session)18:42
lamurian_However, when I try to run it using systemd timer, it only give me a notification when I'm on X session18:43
TJ-lamurian_: are you aware of laptop-mode-tools package? That is designed to trigger the kind of scripts you're talking about18:43
TJ-!info laptop-mode-tools18:43
ubottulaptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Tools for Power Savings based on battery/AC status. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.71-2ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 83 kB, installed size 378 kB18:43
pragmaticenigmalamurian_: Some applications are also able to seek out an X session on a local machine. Example: I can execute x11vnc remotely in an SSH session, to turn on remote desktop on my computer, so I can remote desktop in.18:44
lamurian_nope, it's the first time i hear about it. I always use tlp for power management18:44
lamurian_That's a good clue though, I'll read about laptop-mood-tools18:44
TJ-lamurian_: see http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/en/man8/laptop_mode.8.html18:45
FreeBDSMwhat happens when I do 'sudo reboot'? does it kill all process nicely or not?18:53
sarnoldit should start nicely and then escalate to not nicely18:54
pragmaticenigmaFreeBDSM: It is the same command that is executed when you click the "reboot" command from within Gnome, KDE, or any other desktop environment18:55
FreeBDSMdo I need to manually stop docker containers before a reboot?18:55
FreeBDSMfor max niceness18:56
FreeBDSMor it doesn't matter?18:56
pragmaticenigmaFreeBDSM: It couldn't hurt to spin those down before rebooting. The docker manager will receive a signal from the reboot command to shutdown. But it doesn't hurt to manually shut them down in case one causes a system hang during reboot18:57
rememberYouhi friends, I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and I would like to install my GTX 1050Ti graphics card to be able to enjoy the 1920x1080 resolution. Any idea how I could properly do that?19:24
Bashing-omrememberYou: As easy as ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall ' , assumming that there has been no other Nvidia driver installed prior to this.19:26
rememberYouthank you19:27
Bashing-omrememberYou: :D19:27
rememberYouI've just read someone that advised `apt-get purge nvidia-*` and then do `apt-get install nvidia-375`, but this thing just missed up all the resolution19:28
rememberYouI know that many packages exists, so well ; thanks to confirm what I though :P19:28
Bashing-omrememberYou: Lemme check what the correct driver is. And yes - Must purge the old driver and config files before inslling another driver.19:29
ioriarememberYou, and 375 is just a transitional package for nvidia-38419:30
rememberYougood to know, thanks for sharing19:31
ioriarememberYou, and 384 is a trans to 39019:31
Bashing-omrememberYou: Nvidia recommends the 430 version driver: https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/149138/en-us . What release are you running ?19:32
ioriathat would be thebest19:32
rememberYouBashing-om: ehm, it's the "Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS (Bionic Beaver)" one19:34
ioriaoh, also 435 available19:34
iorianot for bionic, tho19:35
rememberYoualright, so if I resume, I try with `ubuntu-drivers autoinstall` and if something go wrong, I can do `apt install nvidia-430` right?19:37
rememberYouthanks you once more, you're awesome guys19:37
crisedI have a problem with a large HDD, it has nothing but files (Ubuntu is not installed there). I run fsck and it says there are no problems. However, I can't read all the data19:38
crisedHow can I read all the data?19:38
Habbiecrised, can you clarify "I can't read all the data"?19:39
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-430 bionic | rememberYou19:39
ubotturememberYou: Package nvidia-driver-430 does not exist in bionic19:39
crisedHabbie: there are some files that I can't read19:39
crisedi.e. some files in some directories19:39
Habbiecrised, yes.. how does the reading fail?19:39
OerHekscrised, and what filesystem is there?19:40
crisedHabbie: system stucks reading19:40
Bashing-omrememberYou: ^^ that driver will have to obtained from our trusted PPA as of now .19:40
OerHeksoh, then you do not own the folders/files19:40
rememberYouah ok, I will then19:41
ioriaBashing-om, i have it in bionic-updates/restricted19:41
Bashing-omioria: :) good to know .. we need to adjust our bot ^^ ?19:41
ioriaBashing-om, something changed : https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2019/07/install-nvidia-driver-update-ubuntu-its19:41
Bashing-omioria: Noted :) thanks .19:42
crisedOerHeks: Ideas?19:43
OerHeksif the files list with sudo ls, then the data is oke19:43
OerHeksyou just don't own them, chown -R $USER:$USER perhaps19:44
crisedOerHeks: file lists19:45
crisedOerHeks: files are there19:45
crisedOerHeks: this is not a file privilege problem19:46
OerHeksuse paste.ubuntu.com for more details, what does ls -la give? ( on those files you cannot read)19:50
crisedOerHeks: e.g. there is a file that I can't read it, cp just stucks19:50
crisedI run a `cp` command to copy a file, and then it stucks19:51
sarnoldcheck dmesg?19:51
crisedsarnold: IO error19:52
crisedsarnold: https://gist.github.com/crised/ddfc1debaa6023b2c6fb06547d36d5f919:52
sarnoldcrised: this is a seriously unhappy hard drive. I hope these copies are part of making sure your backups of its data are recent and up to date19:53
sarnoldcrised: it might be other hardware as well, but harddrive is most likely19:54
crisedsarnold: yes it's HDD19:54
sarnoldcrised: you may be able to use dd_rescue or ddrescue to copy off what you can from the unreadable files. Those tools will skip blocks that can't be read, and fill those blocks with zeros. that might be enough to recover some things, might not be enough for others19:55
crisedSMART overall-health self-assessment test result: FAILED!20:04
crisedsarnold: output from smartctl :(20:04
sarnoldcrised: sounds about right :(20:06
afidegnumhello, i can't right click on my laptop, i just installed Ubuntu 18 on my toshiba20:08
afidegnumwhat's the needed driver for this ?20:08
leftyfb!yymm | afidegnum20:14
leftyfb!yy.mm | afidegnum20:14
ubottuafidegnum: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle20:14
jrgrsyslog keeps giving that error when i try to install it20:19
jrgit started during an update. it seems rsyslogd is there and it starts but i can't quite figure out where dpkg is broken trying to install it20:20
Bashing-omjrg: What shows ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt install --reinstall rsyslog ' ?20:24
jrgthe above20:24
Intelohow to check the version of an application installed or not installed?20:36
Bashing-omIntelo: 'apt policy <package>' .20:38
Bashing-omIntelo: :)20:40
InteloI have ubuntu 18 LTS, how do I update to 19 because I need redmine version and bundler above than 3.4.4-1 (which is the currenty redmine version in ubuntu 18)20:41
Bashing-om!info redmine disco20:42
ubotturedmine (source: redmine): flexible project management web application. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.0.1-2 (disco), package size 1025 kB, installed size 8837 kB20:42
InteloBashing-om,  this info is for which ubuntu version?20:43
Bashing-omIntelo: "4.0.1-2 (disco)," is 19.04 .20:44
Bashing-om!upgrade | Intelo20:44
ubottuIntelo: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:44
InteloBashing-om,  how can I upgrade 18 to 19? I hope this will auto upgrade my redmine too?20:44
Bashing-omIntelo: Upgrading to 19.04 you leave the LTS path . then on a 6 month upgrade path :(20:46
Intelo6month what</20:46
InteloBashing-om,  # lsb_release -a20:48
InteloNo LSB modules are available.20:48
Bashing-omIntelo: 18.04 is supported for 5 years - 19.-4 has 9 months support, 19.10 had 9 months support.20:49
Intelothats ok. I want to upgrade from 18 to 19, what command?20:49
leftyfb!yy.mm | Intelo20:49
ubottuIntelo: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle20:49
Intelothats ok20:50
leftyfbIntelo: there is no version "18" or "19"20:50
Intelothats ok. I want to upgrade from 18 to 19, what command?20:50
OerHeksset the upgrade to any new version, in updates?20:50
leftyfbIntelo: there is no version "18" or "19"20:50
Intelo18.x to 19.x20:50
Intelo18.x LTS to 19.x20:50
leftyfbIntelo: what version of Ubuntu are you running20:50
OerHekssure you can find the update settings20:50
Intelodo you want me to rephrase?20:50
Inteloleftyfb, I have 18.x something20:50
InteloOerHeks,  isn't there a command to do that?20:51
Intelojust dist upgrade?20:51
leftyfbIntelo: lsb_release -a20:51
InteloNo LSB modules are available.20:51
leftyfbIntelo: sudo lsb_release -ds20:51
InteloUbuntu 18.04.3 LTS20:52
leftyfbIntelo: https://www.howtogeek.com/351360/how-to-upgrade-to-the-latest-version-of-ubuntu/20:52
leftyfbIntelo: top result on google for "ubuntu how to upgrade"20:52
Inteloits a server20:53
leftyfbIntelo: you know, it's helpful when you provide all pertinent information up front20:53
Intelohm.. ya but I am reading it20:53
leftyfbIntelo: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/installing-upgrading.html20:54
compdocif its a server, 18.04.3 LTS is the best choice20:54
leftyfbcompdoc: why do you think you need a newer version of redmine 3.4.4-1?20:54
leftyfbsorry, Intelo ^20:55
Intelocompdoc,  ya20:56
zmcI accidentally messed up my /etc/pulseaudio/client.conf and reinstalling pulseaudio didn't bring it back.  How can I regenerate this file as it was on the install?20:57
Intelobut my redmine is having old rails. My ubuntu has new bundler. so they clash. I am upgrading to solve issues as upgrading OS will upgrade redmine and rails20:57
Inteloleftyfb,  compdoc ^20:58
afidegnumhow do i symlink a win executable file? both single or double quotes generates an error wine "~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files (x86)/VirtualDJ/virtualdj.exe"21:03
OerHeksodd, bionic gives the latest ruby on rails
leftyfbOerHeks: the latest is 5.2.321:05
rypervencheafidegnum: Can you show us the full command you're trying to run?21:05
leftyfbOerHeks: https://github.com/rails/rails/releases21:05
afidegnumi have an exe file,21:08
afidegnumwhen i manually chmod to the location of the .exe file and run wine on it, it works,21:09
afidegnumwine virtualdj8.exe21:09
afidegnumbut due to its long path, i wanted to symlink into /usr/bin so i can run it as a program from the dash21:09
afidegnumor cli21:09
OerHeksdont worry about long paths21:12
maakuI just installed a firefox update on ubuntu 19.04, and now firefox won't load web pages21:19
maakuI'm not sure where to report this error (or how to, without a web browser)21:20
OerHeksrename the ~/.mozilla folder and start FF again?21:21
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OerHeksand ~/.cache/mozilla21:22
maakuthanks I'll try that21:22
maakuOerHeks: worked, thanks21:23
OerHekshave fun :-)21:24
afidegnumsudo ln -s ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files \(x86\)/VirtualDJ/virtualdj8.exe /usr/local/bin/dj21:32
afidegnumit doesn't work21:32
afidegnumwhat's the correct symlinking ?21:32
obxI need to know if I can install an Ubuntu with few problems on a Mac pro 1,121:34
foophoofI have a problem where after I unlock my screen, everything is black, except the cursor which still shows up. Everything is still running (I use i3, if i switch to the workspace i know Spotify is in and hit space, music starts playing again), but no apps are “visible “. Any idea how to debug this? Restarting works and I can switch to a tty for commands, but I’d rather fix the problem so I don’t have to restart21:37
foophoofafter locking my screen for a certain amount of time.21:37
foophoofI’m guessing it’s some interaction between X, i3, graphics drivers and xsecurelock (which i use for screen lock)…21:38
lafferate amanha gente21:39
katnip`can someone tell me the cli command to see if i am running 18.04.3 ?21:46
Habbiekatnip`, lsb_release -ds21:47
Habbiekatnip`, i think21:47
katnip`yes it is, ty21:48
davido_On a dual boot windows / ubuntu system my initial setup had a larger Windows partition than I preferred due to unmovable files. I've been able to resolve that and shrink the windows partition further. now I'd like to expand the ubuntu partition. However, the logical layout puts the reclaimed free space ahead of the start of the Ubuntu partition. Is this a problem, or is it possible? Perhaps I'm better off22:05
davido_just establishing this reclaimed space as a new partition and mounting it. Suggestions?22:05
Mathisendavido_, it should be doable if you boot from a live dist of some kind.22:14
Mathisenbut i would recommend backing upp important stuff just in case22:15
afidegnum     reboot22:25
davido_I guess my concern is more around the issue of the free space being before the existing partition, not after. So I'm not appending space to a partition, I'm prepending it.22:30
sarnoldI've only ever extended by adding to the end.. I suspect that's the only way it's going to work22:30
davido_That's more what I was expecting to hear.  ...it's not wrong to just add another partition and mount it, anyway.22:31
sarnoldmaybe you could get super-tricky and use dd to move data forward in a few chunks -- but it'd be VERY EASY to destroy all your data in the attempt. if you trust your backups.. maybe it'd almost be kinda fun. heh.22:31
davido_Moving it forward seems like it could mess with grub2's expectations.22:32
Habbieas you need a live image to do this anyway22:32
Habbiereinstalling grub is the least of your worries22:32
Habbiei suspect (g)parted can do all of the magic for you (the moving), by the way22:32
sarnoldHabbie: oh cool22:33
Habbiedavido_, is the reclaimed free space bigger than your current ubuntu partition? or, perhaps, bigger than the -used space- in your ubuntu partition?22:33
sarnoldusing someone else's pre-existing tool for the job sounds way better than guessing at seek and and skip and count and so on :)22:33
davido_You may be right. I'd like to figure out where this capability might be documented. I am aware that I'll need to boot from a live usb thumbdrive.22:33
sarnoldHabbie: ha, another good idea :D22:34
sarnoldHabbie: wait, no, a *great* idea :D22:34
Habbiesarnold, initially i was going to unhelpfully offer 'you should have installed with LVM or btrfs' but this is a better version22:34
davido_Yes, I wasn't actually considering doing it manually, I was hoping the answer would simply be that "yes, gParted has you covered. Boot from a live cd/thumbdrive and go for it."22:34
Habbiegparted has all the dialog buttons for doing what you want, but they're greyed out here - then again, i'm not in your situation22:36
sarnoldHabbie: heh I thought about lvm too but (a) I couldn't promise that lvm would actually do this better, I don't know :D (b) probably reinstall just to get lvm now is a bit of  a hassle..22:36
Habbie(a) is easy - with lvm you can just add the free space and not think about it again22:36
Habbie(b) yeah - i'm not aware of good tricks for adding lvm later, other than my question above about used and free space22:36
sarnoldnice nice22:37
=== katnip` is now known as katnip
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=== Guest50583 is now known as katnip`
davido_meh, I usually configure my workstations so that wiping and starting fresh is not too catestrophic. The dual boot component is a little harder because I'm not so sure I could get back to a good state on my seldom-used windows install, but where I already back up home regularly, as well as committing most of my dot files in a repo, I could probably just wipe out the partitions in question, and do a fresh22:42
davido_Ubuntu install, restore home, and be back to mostly normal.22:42
davido_Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I appreciate it.22:43
sarnolddavido_: cool, have fun :)22:44
Habbiedavido_, you're welcome, good luck22:44
alentoghostflameHey, how can I use my RX 5700 on Ubuntu 19.04 instead of using software rendering for everything?22:54
WaVSorry about my other nick guys. Will be stopping now22:59
HaledI can telnet to a given port from a machine, locally, but not from another machine on the lan. ufw is disabled on that machine. What could cause this?23:08
ikkuranusI have several nfs shares mounted to various directories. I also a directory that is from one of the above mounts mounted inside another folder. Upon reboot that last mount does not sucessfully remount. Is there some sort of mounting order I need to follow or perhaps a delay I need to add to that it has time to first mount the nfs share before linking to that?23:08
_merlim_what does i takes to make mouse pointer movement and window dragging movement as smooth as in mac osx ?23:09
BetalHaled: is the first machine telnet still on?23:10
ikkuranusjust pretend that osx doesn't exist that's what the other 90% of the world does23:11
_merlim_I see so much effort spended in eye candy... It was never about eye candiness, but smoothness23:11
HaledBetal: I turn it off from the machine where the service is running, trying to connect to it from the other lan machine23:13
plongshothas anyone connected a bluetooth device from the command line. I have bluez utils instlalled but never used it before. I want to watch some vidoes but it's taking so much time to figure this out. Can someone please help?23:14
jeremy31plongshot: if using 18.04 use bluetoothctl23:16
plongshotsomehow it started working automatically when I unplugged and replugged the jack23:16
plongshotbut the volume is extremely low even though all volumes are maxed out23:17
plongshotI am not with wayland or gnowe (I have only command line to access )23:17
plongshotit is 18.04 dt tho23:17
Guest75157how do I change my nick23:17
plongshotGuest75157: there is #freenode23:18
plongshotthey know23:18
jeremy31plongshot: bluetooth headset?  try the volume controls on the headset if it has them23:18
plongshotGuest75157: wait, which nick?23:18
jeremy31Guest75157: /nick newnick23:19
plongshotjeremy31: It is a bluetooth speaker and the vol is all the way up on the speaker as well as the youtube vid itself (I will test right now w/ a differnt vid to see if it's the vid itself)23:19
=== Guest75157 is now known as JFox762
JFox762oh right23:19
JFox762I was trying to message nickserv, and it wasn't working23:20
plongshotjeremy31: no it isn't the video - the voume is very, very low even with everything I know to access cranked to the max23:21
jeremy31plongshot: I think alsamixer in terminal might work to increase sound level23:22
plongshotI'll check it thx23:22
plongshotjeremy31: was set at like 60% (wow) --heh, thanks for making the soln easy for me ( I really appreciate that )23:25
Haledworks now - I think it was configured at the application level23:25
jeremy31plongshot: hope it works out23:26
alentoghostflameAnyone here managed to use the RX 5700 with Ubuntu?23:26
alentoghostflame*manage to use23:26
pragmaticenigmaalentoghostflame: Are you asking about the ATI/AMD Radeon RX5700 ?23:34
alentoghostflamepragmaticenigma: yes23:43
SchwarzbaerHi. I'm on a Debian right now, trying to create an Ubuntu boot stick for a notebook (####ing b43...). The instructions I find mention a Startup Disk Creator. ...which I doubt comes packaged with Debian. Is it sufficient to `cp ubuntu.iso /dev/sdX`?23:57
sarnoldSchwarzbaer: it should be, I think cp has done the right thing for a while now23:58
bpromptSchwarzbaer:   I've done it with "dd", not cp, but basically -> dd ubuntu.iso /dev/sdX <- yes23:59
sarnoldSchwarzbaer: if you don't have any indication from the usb stick that it worked or not, a quick ls -l /dev/sdwhatever will show the answer -- it's a huge regular file, then that cp is too old; if it's still a block device, then it's good :)23:59

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