
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> I'm planning on buying an audio interface, which one would work best on Ubuntu Studio?05:50
OvenWerksGo_Diego_Go: That is hard to know. There is the the matter of cost of course but also features required/wished for.06:38
OvenWerksGo_Diego_Go: For most people, a USB audio device makes the most sense.06:39
OvenWerksThere are PCIe devices around but they tend to be more costly.06:40
OvenWerksThere is also the network set of devices with dante, aes67 and AVB devices.06:42
OvenWerksIn general, if the USB device just  work on a mac (with no drivers) then it is USB 2.0 compliant and will work with Linux too.06:44
OvenWerksoften if there is an onboard mixer of some sort, alsa will not be able to control it06:46
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> I see, so if I get a Focusrite Scarlett or a PreSonus, I should be good to go?06:47
OvenWerksOne thing to look out for is the USB mic. There have been a number of people who have bought a USB mic with the thought of using the onboard audio as the output... I would suggest not as one or the other would require sample rate conversion.06:48
OvenWerksI have heard that the presonous is picky about which kind of USB port is used06:48
OvenWerksIt tends to work best with a dedicated PCIe USB port06:49
OvenWerksthe focusrite does have an internal mixer, but recent kernels should have a controller for that worked in.06:50
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> I guess PreSonus is out, I want something ready to go from scratch.06:50
OvenWerksGo_Diego_Go: https://discourse.ardour.org/t/audio-interfaces-under-linux/87896/86 might be of interest.06:57
OvenWerksin particular roll down the page to the bottom06:58
OvenWerksthere are a number of posts by Mikael Hartzell which list different audio devices he seems to have tested in Linux.06:59
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> Awesome, thank you! That's what I needes.07:00
* OvenWerks is off to bed07:00
studiobot<Go_Diego_Go> Nights! Thanks!07:00
studiobot<Scr_i88_leD> I was installing "bionic" when my internet was cut at a crucial moment  … --> it informed me that I should inspect  … /var/log/syslog as I brought up the terminal navigated to the file and my laptop decided to reboot ... The problem is it will only give me the diagnostic screen. (I ran the diagnostic -- all clear) the grub won't load11:49
studiobotand I can't access the command line at all. It keeps cycling back to the same screen. Is anyone able to help with my issue?11:49
trapoAYUDA instale ubuntu studio 19.04 y no puedo encontrar el zoomde escritorio en el administrador de configuración; o que aplicación puedo descargar de la tienda me ayudan porfa14:15
Eickmeyer!es | trapo14:16
ubottutrapo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:16
trapoAYUDA instale ubuntu studio 19.04 y no puedo encontrar el zoom de escritorio en el administrador de configuración; o que aplicación puedo descargar de la tienda me ayudan porfa14:32
Eickmeyer!es | trapo14:32
ubottutrapo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:32
trapoAYUDA instale ubuntu studio 19.04 y no puedo encontrar el zoom de escritorio en el administrador de configuración; o que aplicación puedo descargar de la tienda me ayudan porfa15:00
Eickmeyer!es | trapo No hablo español15:01
ubottutrapo No hablo español: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:01

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