
lotuspsychjetjaalton: think this commit could be related to the flickering bug? https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=24411507:02
tjaaltonlotuspsychje: so if you blacklist that module, do you get the same issue on 4.18?09:05
lotuspsychjetjaalton: 4.18 works without flickering, should i try a blacklist on
tjaaltonlotuspsychje: my point was does 4.18 regress09:07
tjaalton5.3 has 62b1b3b3b6d3ef309:07
tjaalton62b1b3b3b6d3ef3 r8169: don't activate ASPM in chip if OS can't control ASPM09:07
tjaaltonmaybe that "fixed" it for you09:07
lotuspsychjeor on 4.19 it also flickers, i could try a blacklist there?09:08
tjaaltonthat commit was added in 4.2009:08
lotuspsychjetjaalton: so that doesnt prove why 5.0 doesnt work?09:08
tjaaltonmaybe not09:09
lotuspsychjei could try blacklisting it on 4.19 and 5.0 ill see what happens ok cant harm to try09:11
tjaaltonand you have that hw?09:12
tjaaltonas in, is the module loaded now09:12
lotuspsychjewhats command again for modules09:12
lotuspsychjedescription: Wireless interface09:13
lotuspsychje       product: Wireless-AC 926009:13
tjaaltonthere you go09:14
lotuspsychjeill test it a bit later, ill ping you after ok09:15
tjaaltonlsmod|grep r816909:15
tjaaltonr8169 is ethernet, not wireless09:15
lotuspsychjetjaalton: so this is another bug then?09:39
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@Rootbox:~$ lsmod|grep r816909:40
lotuspsychjer8169                  81920  009:40
tjaaltonloaded but not used, lspci -k should show if you have the hw10:33
tjaaltonthough having it loaded usually means that..10:33
jeremy31Is the used by result accurate?  I am using USB wifi and I see ath9k_htc              77824  010:45
tjaaltonah, it shows how many modules use it..11:07

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