
SchwarzbaerThanks. Download is nearly complete...00:00
Schwarzbaer...aaand the stick is too small for the Ubuntu image.00:07
sarnoldoh man :/00:07
ausjketrying to get hard drive disk out from a failed-to-boot windows 10, usb will show ubuntu install window, click on boot it will reset the computer and come back to the same grub-GUI but never proceed00:09
ausjkeso cpu and DDR are running fine, hard-drive is irrelevant, what is stopping usb-boot from working, could it be MBR issues? I chose BIOS as legacy-boot and put USB on the first to boot list00:10
bpromptSchwarzbaer:   at the local store, just 3 days ago, 32gbs usb2 stick for $5US00:10
Schwarzbaerbprompt, I'm hoping for that, too, but right now, it's past midnight, no store selling sticks has been open for hours.00:11
bpromptausjke:   are you referring of a dual-boot system? as in the grub menu at the start, or a usb-stick boot?00:14
ausjkejust usb-stick-boot to check as first step, windows10 can ever boot up again, however this is the first time usb-stick can not boot  for me, it just show the bootup-screen and let me choose install/try, then repeat the screen00:15
ausjkesame usb-stick booted up fine on other machines, so bios seemed ok, cpu/ddr ok too, hdd is irrelevant, what else matters here?00:16
bpromptausjke:   sounds like the usb stick itself isn't well burned in, maybe rewrite the iso to it00:17
ausjkedoes usb-boot require a hdd that has a sane system, i should be able to boot with usb-stick even there is no hard drive, right00:17
bpromptausjke:   right, I've run ubuntu on a laptop with no HD at all, runs fine00:18
ausjkeok let me find another usb-stick then00:18
bpromptausjke:   but bear in mind that, when shutting down the "live session", you must let it finish completely, or the usb-stick filesystem goes borked00:19
bpromptsaying that, because some folks might force it by keypresses or holding down the power button00:19
ausjkewish usb has a read-only button or some sort, so it never got corrupetd, like a cd-rom in the old days00:20
bpromptwell, cdrom's didn't have a read-only button, read-only was their only mode00:22
bpromptfloppies had a read-only lock00:23
ausjkeall true, what i meant is if usb can have a read-only mode, i think some SD-card has that too00:25
=== mouses is now known as longcat
NewToLubuntudoes anyone know if an IRC client like pidgin would be an "interface"?01:25
NewToLubuntuI'm trying to figure out whether I can use "Wondershaper" to cap my download speed for XDCC File Transfers01:25
sarnoldNewToLubuntu: wondershaper may be able to help you, but switching to the fq_codel traffic control discipline may help more; wondershaper was amazing stuff when it was new ~twenty years ago, but fq_codel takes those ideas and does more..01:27
sarnoldNewToLubuntu: to answer your direct question, no, your irc transfers wouldn't be an interface as far as wondershaper is concerned01:27
sarnoldNewToLubuntu: it works in terms of eg eth0, wlan0, etc; and works on all the traffic on those01:28
jadaxhey, do you know software for Ubuntu to edit PDFs?01:39
NewToLubuntusarnold do you think using fq_codel could help me shape just irc traffic?01:41
NewToLubuntuI'm hoping just to cap my downloads to 500kb, they're zooming up to 1200 but I don't want to interfere with browsing of those I share niternet with01:41
sarnoldjadax: pdfmod is in the archive. I have no idea if it's any good. I've used pdflatex to *generate* pdfs before, but latex isn't something to undertake lightly01:47
sarnoldNewToLubuntu: ahh, that's a different problem. maybe if fq_codel is running on the router you're using, it might help everyone..01:48
jadaxI would love something with GUI01:48
jadaxso I can drag and drop stuff01:48
jadaxthere's few tools like that on Windows / MAC01:48
jadaxand there's few online tools01:48
jadaxbut I cannot use online ones01:48
sarnoldNewToLubuntu: ooooh, okay, here's an idea. lxd knows how to create containers that can do bandwidth limits https://stgraber.org/2016/03/26/lxd-2-0-resource-control-412/01:48
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bigpichey guys I just did a dist-upgrade to 16.04.6 and now all of my preventative measures try to keep the os from auto importing my zfs pools are not working02:15
bigpici’ve got an ha cluster and now multiple nodes have imported the zfs pool02:15
sarnoldat once??02:15
bigpicall of the zfs services have been disabled in systemctl02:15
bigpici’ve deleted the cachefile02:15
bigpici’ve set cachefile to none in the properties02:16
bigpici’ve told /etc/defaults/zfs to not import the pools02:16
bigpicnothing is working02:16
bigpici don’t know what else to try02:16
binditry to follow this02:18
sarnoldbigpic: hmm, is it maybe sysvinitrc scripts?02:19
bigpicbindi: yea I’ve implemented all of their suggestions already :(02:22
bigpicsarnold: let me poke around brb02:22
bindimight it be in  fstab?02:23
sarnoldbigpic: crontab @reboot entries? udev rules?02:23
bigpicnot in fstab02:23
bigpicroot cron empty02:23
sarnoldbigpic: if you're 100% stuck maybe you could add an auditd rule to log all execve, that might show you the thing02:23
bigpicnot familiar with udev rules02:24
sarnoldbut I gotta say I hope there's an easier way :)02:24
bigpicme too :)02:24
bindicould always ask #zfsonlinux02:25
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blue1I can't get xfce to save the desktop environment.  It's a duplicate of this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-session/+bug/1215182 which still exists in 18.04 lts -- are there any work arounds?02:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1215182 in xfce4-session (Ubuntu) "xfce 4 session manager does not save session" [Undecided,Fix released]02:46
wjlafranceHello, I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 with a ZFS root. I hadn't rebooted my computer in a month or two, and now I'm hanging on `Begin: Mounting 'tank/ROOT/ubuntu-1' on 'root//' ...`. I've tried an older kernel and booting from another drive in the zpool.02:58
wjlafranceI ran the live USB and imported the zpool and drives are online.02:58
wjlafranceAh, it wasn't hung. It sprung back to life several minutes later.03:01
NewToLubuntuI can't really make sense of those instructions to figure if i could apply it to my program03:01
NewToLubuntuperhaps tere is a way I could rank my PC low-priority03:01
NewToLubuntuso if anyone needs bandwidth they get it first03:02
tertl3hey guys03:02
tertl3Gentoo user here03:02
sarnoldwjlafrance: woah really? did you perchance have a bunch of deletes or dataset removals pending?03:02
sarnoldwjlafrance: is there anything funny in zpool status? zpool history?03:03
wjlafrancesarnold: I had a drive failure and had to resilver 700GB or so onto it. I guess I haven't rebooted since that resilver.03:03
sarnoldwjlafrance: hmm. I don't think I would have expected that to be a factor.. but I"ve not yet lost any drives..03:03
wjlafranceHard drive failures: those who've had them, and those who will. :)03:04
sarnoldI had a fantastic drive failure back around 2000 :)03:04
Randolfwjlafrance: One of my clients has a computer from the 1980s that's still running Windows 3.10 with IVR software on an old MFM or RLL drive.  No bad sectors yet.  :D03:04
sarnoldI just meant I've never had to resilver anything..03:05
sarnoldmy drive failure was great; it was a firewall machine, and I rarely used it directly; I had an open ssh to it from my desktop, and some programs worked, some programs didn't, and I didn't touch it because it was finals week..03:05
RandolfIt seems that WINE can actually run Windows 3 programs without any trouble.  So, making the move as soon as I can get a voicemodem that's compatible with the old software.03:05
sarnoldturned the thing off for winter break, and it never booted again. I took apart the drive for fun, and there were deep grooves ground into the platters. very neat.03:06
sarnoldRandolf: cripes, that seems unlikely :)03:06
Randolfsarnold: Yeah, but I do have a supplier who has been searching through the depths of his old stock for his last voicemodem that plugs directly into a PCI port (his inventory report indicates there is one) which will cost a whole $13 or so.  I expect it should work just fine under Ubuntu at least.03:08
Randolfsarnold: Wow, that's a nasty failure indeed.03:08
sarnoldRandolf: I blamed logging every denied packet. hehe03:09
sarnoldRandolf: $13 sounds like a pretty good price for one of those :D03:09
RandolfLogging every denied packet?  Whoops!  Oh well, running a Bitcoin node seems to destroy hard drives pretty quickly too.03:11
RandolfIt would depend on how much logging was going on I suppose.03:12
sarnoldwell, it was 2000. kinder gentler internet.03:12
RandolfOh yeah.  And no Bitcoin back then either.03:12
=== aleph- is now known as Gilfoyle-
ga_sk8erok im  registered04:34
ga_sk8erim  having issues with my sound.  my mic works fine but my headphones wont give sound04:35
ga_sk8eri cant even test my speakers. it wont try to  play a sound04:39
sarnoldga_sk8er: my audio just kinda owrked, so it's hard to suggest things to try..04:41
sarnoldga_sk8er: I think I see people report success with pavucontrol04:41
ga_sk8erweird.  i  tried everything i  could for 30 mins. i  even did the alsa mixer. all  i did was plug it into  the back  & it works. i  guess my front ports dont work in linux04:50
sarnoldga_sk8er: weird indeed04:50
sarnoldhello JPSman04:50
ga_sk8eri tried the back  before...weird pc04:50
JPSmanSo, my laptop went through an update recently, and now the volume control on the front no longer works.  Question, how can I see a list of the packages and kernel updates that were most recently applied ... so that I can start to chase down this issue?04:50
sarnoldga_sk8er: did you see any different outputs in dropdown lists for an output selector?04:50
sarnoldJPSman: /var/log/dkpg.log04:50
ga_sk8erwith a laptop,  make sure the mute button isnt pushed04:50
ga_sk8erusually "Fn"  & another key04:51
sarnoldhah, great point :)04:51
ga_sk8erlol 1 time my mom  accidentally hit airplane mode button.  she couldnt figure why she lost internet04:52
padhuHi ubuntians04:53
JPSmanhuh --- now my custom hotkey of super + F3 no longer launches my terminal ....... but my ctrl-alt F2 functionality is finally back....04:54
JPSmanso - there is no mute FN on this puppy05:01
JPSmansoooooo this fixed it..... https://askubuntu.com/questions/461093/volume-buttons-not-working-in-14-0405:20
JPSmanThank you sarnold!05:20
sarnoldJPSman: ugh. ew. I'm sorry that's still around :(05:22
sarnoldJPSman: I'm glad you got there though, thanks for pasting back the workaround05:22
JPSmansure thing :)05:23
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SuperLagis there something I can pass to apt when I'm doing a full-upgrade that will imply "yes" to the "start services" question I get with a pink screen?06:36
ducasseSuperLag: i'm guessing you could use -y, but thhat would answer 'yes' to everything06:37
SuperLagducasse: I pass "apt -y full-upgrade" but that doesn't deal with the confirmation required to start services (or not).06:41
SuperLagAllen: hi06:48
SuperLagAllen: bye :)06:48
omega_doomhello. Recently i have made some update and now i have weird color in opengl and crashes. How can i identify what was updated and unroll it?07:03
u0_a159__I dont know sorry07:03
beatleboy07Okay, this is maddening. Anyone have suggestions on how to get a Redragon Perdition mouse programmable? I've tried using PlayOnLinux to load the software, but I can't actually program it.07:25
beatleboy07It's the only thing that I seem to still need Windows for.07:26
=== clownfishhuman_ is now known as clownfishhuman
kevin91Hi everyone !Has anyone already seen an online foss reservation module that can be used for sport classes. My wife is a yoga teacher, I developed her website and she'd like her students to book their classes online. I do only see very expensive modules and not even sure it respects privacy for everyone. Some fo them I've seen does not propose any l07:44
kevin91oyalty cards system allowing to book 10 or 20 courses for a reduced price and reminding you how many courses left you have.07:44
=== Humbedoo` is now known as Humbedooh
Ascavasaionkevin91, think you are in the wrong channel.07:49
Ascavasaionkevin91, Maybe try a java, asp, perl, etc channel07:50
hortielwhich ports are close by default08:01
hortielI did iptables -S , and it shows allow for allow by default08:01
hortielso clearly ports are open but internet says ubuntu closes all ports by default?08:02
lotuspsychje!firewall | hortiel08:05
ubottuhortiel: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo08:05
ducassehortiel: the firewall is unconfigured by default08:06
lotuspsychjewelcome decorumvelox08:20
azhello, what is the package I should report when there is an issue right before the login screen?08:33
lotuspsychjeaz: that depends what this issue is exactly, what happens to you?08:33
azlotuspsychje, I'm getting dropped to root shell when I fail to enter my encrypted home directory password08:34
lotuspsychjeaz: you entered the right password?08:35
omega_doomHi. It was safe boot that caused problem with opengl. If I forgot that I turned of the safe boot I would not know why i have crashes.08:35
azlotuspsychje, no. sometimes I leave the computer open and it just drop there08:36
lotuspsychjeomega_doom: what kind of graphics card do you have?08:36
omega_doomIf I forgot that I turned on the safe boot I would not know how to fix it.08:36
lotuspsychjeaz: not sure sorry, encryption is not really my expertise, maybe someone else knows08:36
lotuspsychjeaz: maybe if you can catch logs out of /var/log volunteers might help to debug better08:37
omega_doom@lotuspsychje: It's gforce 640mx.08:38
omega_doomHow is safe boot affecting graphics? Is it affecting dtivers?08:40
lotuspsychjeomega_doom: nomodeset is not fully using the card, meant for debugging things08:41
omega_doomlotuspsychje: nomodeset? What is it?08:44
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | omega_doom08:44
ubottuomega_doom: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter08:44
lotuspsychjeomega_doom: can you pastebin: sudo lshw -C video plz?08:44
omega_doomlotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/bsRQZ4bG08:49
lotuspsychjeomega_doom: nvidia model doesnt show so it seems, can you pastebin: nvidia-smi08:50
omega_doomlotuspsychje: But how are nomodeset and safe boot connected?08:51
omega_doomlotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/xkRe3hpN08:52
omega_doomnvidai 940mx08:53
omega_doombad with numbers08:54
lotuspsychjeomega_doom: allright, so your card is an optimus, are your graphics working properly right now or not?08:54
omega_doomlotuspsychje: Yes, it's working properly in safe boot off mode.08:57
lotuspsychjeomega_doom: safe boot isnt meant for working daily, what happens when you boot normally? black screen?08:58
omega_doomNo, everything works fine but when i boot in safe on mode then 3d is not working properly.09:00
omega_doomsafe boot on.09:01
omega_doomit's a bios setting.09:02
omega_doomOr maybe it's secure mode. I need to check it again.09:03
omega_doomyes, it is secure boot that's messing with 3d.09:08
lotuspsychjeomega_doom: right, uefi settings can influence hardware indeed09:08
omega_doomhmm, uefi is mysterious beast. Where can i read about it?09:12
lotuspsychje!uefi | omega_doom09:12
ubottuomega_doom: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI09:12
omega_doomok, it's what i suspected. There are not signed drivers in ubuntu and secure boot doesn't work correctly with it.09:15
=== Alina-malina_ is now known as Alina-malina
omega_doomOr do i need to add keys in order secure boot could't work correctly?09:20
nd__On 18.04, how do I ensure that wireguard's wg0 device is up on (re)start? `/etc/network/interfaces.d/wg0` didn't work, same for putting it in `/etc/network/interfaces`.10:30
uwe__Client: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU         540  @ 3.07GHz (2,88GHz) • Memory: Physical: 15,2 GiB Total (1,8 GiB Free) Swap: 3,1 GiB Total (3,1 GiB Free) • Storage: 400,3 GB / 486,0 GB (85,7 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV200 QW [Radeon 7500 LE] @ Intel Corporation 1st Generation Core i3/5/7 Processor Reserved •10:36
uwe__Uptime: 1h 25m 28s10:36
bramgnnd__: `systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0` is what i use on fedora. You could give it a try.10:37
nd__bramgn: I found this and tried it, it might work. It's a bit magic, so I'd prefered to understand what it does, instead of integrating it like that into my chef recipes… I thought there might be an easy solution… probably a yaml file somewhere in `/etc/netplan` or something.10:49
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BluesKajHi all11:15
bramgnnd__: well enabling services in systemd is not magic. It basically creates a symlink at the appropriate place.11:17
choiceHow do you intall gksu these days? Or is there an aternative command now?11:59
ioriagksu is dead12:00
choicewhat lives?12:00
choiceI want to put a root terminal into my Gnome menu.12:05
choiceWould pkexec be the right thing for that?12:05
ioriatry first nautilus-admin12:06
choiceWhat is that?12:07
ioria!info nautilus-admin12:07
ubottunautilus-admin (source: nautilus-admin): Extension for Nautilus to do administrative operations. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.3-1 (bionic), package size 7 kB, installed size 56 kB12:07
choiceThat is not what I want.12:07
choiceI want gnome-terminal to run as root.12:07
choicepkexec seems to work fine for mate-terminal.12:13
gagan662Hi, I have a situation where i want all of my traffic from linux box to be forwarded to mac machine.12:17
gagan662I'm not able to implement this scenario with IPtables.12:17
gagan662could someone please advise .12:17
ikanoboriWhat have you tried?12:28
ryusakuare you able to delete a file, that is owned by another user, if you are in a group that has rwx on the folder that that file resides?12:58
ryusakuyes, you are13:00
B1ack0phi. i have bluetooth device plugged to my laptop internally (thinkpad x61) but ubuntu 18.04  doesnt detect bluetooth device13:26
B1ack0pis it possible bt device is stuck off somehow?13:27
B1ack0pand how can i unblock/turn on it?13:27
FreeBDSMhow does "~" gets resolved into path to home dir of a user?13:50
FreeBDSMwhat if I create a new user with non-standard home dir, how will then other users' shell know that "~anotheruser" is at that arbitrary path rather than at `/home/anotheruser`? Does it read `/etc/passwd`?13:52
=== Lord-Kam_ is now known as Lord-Kamina
raidensnakeany idea how I can get ubuntu working on the pi 4?14:03
raidensnakeI can't even get it to boot14:04
dbensonHi all, after apt-get removing update-notifier I now have a long list of no-longer-needed packages that apt wants to autoremove.  Looks like the system will break if I do that.  Any advice?14:16
ioriadbenson, can you paste the packages list ?14:29
ioriadbenson, and btw, removing update-notifier just removes the ubuntu-desktop metapackage (not the DE itself)14:30
dbensonThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: blender-data brasero brasero-cdrkit brasero-common breeze-icon-theme catdoc create-resources devede dvd+rw-tools dvdauthor dvgrab ffmpeg2theora gimp-help-common gir1.2-ges-1.014:37
dbenson gir1.2-javascriptcoregtk-4.0 gir1.2-soup-2.4 gir1.2-webkit2-4.0 gnustep-back-common gnustep-back0.27 gnustep-back0.27-cairo gnustep-base-common gnustep-base-runtime gnustep-common gnustep-gui-common gnustep-gui-runtime gpick growisofs gstreamer1.0-gtk3 kaccounts-providers kactivities-bin kactivitymanagerd kde-cli-tools kde-cli-tools-data kdeconnect kded5 kdenlive14:37
dbenson kdenlive-data kpackagelauncherqml kpackagetool5 krita krita-data libaccounts-glib0 libaccounts-qt5-1 libblosc1 libbrasero-media3-1 libc-ares2 libdc1394-utils libdcmtk14 libebur128-1 libepub0 libfakekey0 libges-1.0-0 libglew2.1 libgnustep-base1.26 libgnustep-gui0.27 libgstreamermm-1.0-1 libiso9660-11 libjemalloc2 libjs-jquery-ui libjsoncpp1 libkaccounts1 libkf5activities5 libkf5auth5 li14:37
dbensonsorry, i'm not sure how to paste that many lines in irsii...14:38
ioriadbenson, has nothing to do with removing update-notifier14:38
dbensonmay have been update-manager14:38
dbensonthe system wants to remove ~800MB of stuff.  regardless of how it happened, how can i fix?14:39
ioriadbenson, install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop14:39
dbensonok, will try now14:40
ioriadbenson, those looks like kde pkgs14:40
ioriadbenson, i suggest to check /var/log/apt/history.log to know the exact cmds you ran14:42
dbensonioria, so that will reinstall everything, including the stuff i wanted removed.14:42
ioriadbenson, a bunch of them are KDE ...14:42
ioriadbenson, you probably removed something else14:43
dbensonioria, found this: apt-get remove update-manager update-manager-core update-notifier update-notifier-common ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk14:46
ioriadbenson, you remove blender, krita, kdenlive... etc. etc.14:47
dbensonit was a fresh install yesterday evening, other than those pkgs, i added vlc and irssi14:47
dbensonunchecked blender during install.14:47
ioriadbenson, those are kde apps14:47
dbensonioria, i have xfce desktop14:48
ioriadbenson, you should have told before :þ14:48
dbensonioria, hold on...this is ubuntu studio, could that be the issue?  maybe this is the wrong channel for help...14:49
ioriadbenson, did yoiu run  the cmd  :  apt install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop or not ?14:50
dbensonioria, will do now...14:50
ioriadbenson, don't do it14:50
ioriadbenson, it's not your desktop env14:50
Sebastienhe dun it14:51
Sebastienhe most likely did14:51
Sebastienbecause you made him assume he had to do it14:51
ioriamy bad14:51
dbensonioria, sorry i switched terminal windows and could not see irc...14:52
ioriadbenson, ubuntu-desktop installs Gnome3 not xfce14:52
dbensonioria, after running that command it fetched like 251 pkgs then hit this:14:52
dbensonErr:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu disco-security/main amd64 firefox amd64 68.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.19.04.114:53
ioriadbenson, firefox is 68.0.2+build1 now14:53
dbensonioria, so apt-get update first?14:54
ioriadbenson, yes, but don't install ubuntu-desktop14:54
dbensoncan i simply "unflag" the packages so they aren't autoremoved?14:54
ioriadbenson, you can reinstall them manually .... but why ?14:55
dbensonioria, maybe the question i should ask is what is the correct way to remove update-manager/notifier  without orphaning all the other packages on the system?14:58
ioriadbenson, look: on Ubuntu (idk varaints) removinf update-notifier removes just the ubuntu-desktop metapkg not the whole DE14:59
ioriadbenson, don't know if you get me15:00
dbensonioria, kinda...it's a meta pkg that is essentially a big list and should be safe to remove.  i think this may be an issue specific to Ubuntu Studio.  i at least have some better idea about it now.15:02
ioriadbenson, if you are on ubuntu-studio you might need to install --reinstall ubuntustudio-desktop not uubntu-desktop15:03
dbensonioria, that looks better...  here is what it wants to reinstall after that cmd:  blueman bluez firefox pulseaudio-module-bluetooth ubuntu-release-upgrader-gtk ubuntustudio-desktop update-manager update-manager-core update-notifier update-notifier-common15:05
ioriadbenson, run this :   dpkg -l | grep desktop | nc termbin.com 9999   and paste here the url you got15:06
=== beer is now known as Guest22249
dbensonioria, https://termbin.com/r0ex15:07
ioriadbenson, sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntustudio-desktop15:08
Guest22249how can i install discord on lubuntu 18.04.03 lts15:09
cnnxhow do i increase the font in gnome in ubuntu 18.0415:10
cnnxim on a new laptop at 1080 resolution15:10
cnnxeverything is tiny15:10
dbensonioria, done... what apt command can i use to check if it worked?15:11
ioriadbenson, worked what ?15:11
dbensonioria, to see if the long list of pkgs for autoremove is still there...15:12
ioriadbenson, sudo apt update15:12
Bashing-omGuest22249: Comfortable with a snap install of discord ? then see: https://ubuntu.com/blog/discord-is-now-available-as-a-snap-for-ubuntu-and-other-distributions .15:13
dbensonioria, the big autoremove list is still present. guess that didn't fix it...15:14
ioriadbenson, paste it (not here)15:14
Bashing-omGuest22249: Be aware that a snap is containerized and has nothing to do with the Apt package management system.15:14
Guest22249ok thanks for the warning15:15
dbensonioria, https://termbin.com/jxqic15:17
ioriadbenson,   install --reinstall ubuntustudio-graphics15:18
ioriadbenson,   then do the same for ubuntustudio-audio15:19
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
dbensonioria, ok15:20
ioriadbenson,   ubuntustudio-video   and ubuntustudio-audio-plugins15:20
dbensonioria, doing them now...15:20
dbensonioria, after all those here is result: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 199 not upgraded.15:22
ioriadbenson,  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade15:22
dbensonioria, ok15:22
ioriadbenson,  what's your kernel ? uname -r15:23
dbensonioria, will check after upgrade...15:25
parak0vskyi need eq that i can control trough midi interface for all the output audio of the system15:26
parak0vskypls share suggestions for the ways to achieve that15:26
ioriaback in 20min15:26
prophecy04Hello everyone.  I have name ideas for code releases of future ubuntu versions15:27
prophecy04anyone interested?15:27
Bashing-omprophecy04: That ^ subject belongs in the #ubuntu-offtopic channel :)15:29
beer_  15:30
BluesKajparak0vsky, pulseaudio has an eq app in the repos, but I'm not sure whether it has midi output control15:34
parak0vskyinstalled eq15:35
parak0vskygonna try to find the way around that15:36
dbensonioria, uname output:  Linux dbenson-ws 5.0.0-13-lowlatency #14-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Mon Apr 15 15:37:57 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux15:36
dbensonioria, after upgrade the system looks good... thank you for saving me from a reinstall.  i see you are away, i have to head to work but hopefully you'll see this when you return.  thank you again, cheers!15:37
gvvg_Hi - I just upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04 and I'm trying to get php working with apache - I've followed a few sites and I still can't get apache to use php - it always shows the source code - any suggestions?16:03
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OerHeksmaybe you need libapache2-mod-php16:06
gvvg_ii  libapache2-mod-php                    1:7.2+60ubuntu1                            all          server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module) (default)16:06
gvvg_ii  libapache2-mod-php7.2                 7.2.19-0ubuntu0.18.04.2                    amd64        server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (Apache 2 module)16:06
gvvg_OerHeks: could there be a conflict?16:06
OerHeksare those both installed?16:07
OerHekswhat guide do you follow?16:07
gvvg_first it was an upgrade then I follwed the guid to install php7.2 so maybe 7.0 was already installed16:08
gvvg_do I need to uninstall?16:08
OerHeksnot sure about this, i guess you need the 7.2 version16:09
gvvg_can you suggest a good link to install php7.2?16:23
gvvg_for use with apache2 under ubuntu 18.0416:23
potatoe_I've a weird issue - I can't connect to 80 and 443. iptables is flushed, hw firewalls are turned off. listening on any other port works, just not on those two16:33
potatoe_no processes are listening on those acc to netstat, and I can listen on them using nc -l 80 for example16:34
potatoe_but I can't connect to it from another host, packets are getting through though (tcpdump)16:34
potatoe_anyone knows whats up?16:34
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stoissHi everyone. Im having a problem. I have a webserver that have its data folder on a usb mounted harddrive. However if i reboot the ubuntu the webserver wont work unless i click the harddrive to acess it16:53
stoissit almost seems like its not actually mounting until ive manually entered the mount once. But it sits there in my thunar ( xfce4 ) just fine so it is mounted.16:54
peqstoiss: you'd need to add the drive to /etc/fstab for it to be automatically mounted.17:00
stoisspeq,  well it is added. thats the problem i think17:04
stoisshere is is /dev/disk/by-label/Lager /media/Lager auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,noauto,x-gvfs-show,rw 0 017:05
EriC^^stoiss: noauto is in the options, which means it wont automount17:07
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stoissEriC^^, so you mean i should add the noauto so it doesnt automount but just mounts ?17:07
stoissah i see it now. i have auto and noauto17:07
stoissallright ill try a reboot and see if that works17:08
gagan662Hi, I have a situation where i want all of my traffic from linux box to be forwarded to mac machine.17:11
gagan662I'm not able to implement this scenario with IPtables.17:11
stoissWell holy fstab. it worked. Thanks EriC^^17:12
gagan662could someone please advise .17:12
stoissgagan662, wouldnt that just be setting your macs Ip as the gateway ?17:13
EriC^^no problem stoiss17:15
gagan662Let me give it a try. ip route add default via <mac ip> ?17:15
gagan662stoiss: ^^17:16
stoissgagan662,  well to send all your data by default to the mac youd need to set the route to that ip as default. which is what a gateway is17:16
stoissurgh. doing a remote upgrade is always a gamble17:18
boblamontin Lubuntu, with pcman fm, you can do right-click, open with... and then add a custom command line. Is there a way to permanently add that custom command to the context menu for that type of file? (in this case, I want to have "file-roller -h %f" an option for archives)17:24
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ioriaboblamont, you can create a paraller file-roller2.desktop , modify the Exec line; add it to the context menu17:26
boblamontioria: ok, thanks!17:27
boblamontioria: the original has %U as a parameter,  should I keep that ("file-roller -h %f %U") or just use ("file-roller -h %f")? From what I can tell, the %U allows it to open multiple files at once, but I don't know if that will work when creating the directory with the name of the file... should I use %u and limit it to a single file to be on the safe side?17:35
KunaPrimehello is teher a way how to remap ctrl+, to ctrl+[17:36
ioriaboblamont, sy, don't remember; just try the variables17:37
KunaPrimepreferably using something robust and WM independent17:37
boblamontok. I'll see if %U can handle multiples17:37
ioriaboblamont, but if you set the worng one, it won't show up in the context menu picker17:37
boblamontioria: that's good, right? then I'll know not to use that one?17:38
ioriaboblamont, i'd try with '%f'17:39
kyle__I seem to have developed a slight case of stupid today.  Moving my install to a new drive: for luks+efi that should be a small vfat partition and a whatever partition encrypted with cryptsetup luksformat, and then a grub install to the efi partition.  Right?17:41
boblamontI tried file-roller -h %f, file-roller -h %f %U and file-roller -h %f %u ... the first one opened stacked extracting progress windows, the second did it in sequence but created duplicate ghost directories that wouldn't open and vanish when refreshing the window and the third sequentially extracted each file into a directory with it's name... so it looks like I want %u17:47
boblamonteasy enough to change if I see any bad behavior. thanks for the help! it's so nice not to have to find all the extracted files and put them back into a directory after the fact17:49
ioriano problem17:49
santoshWhat is zsh equivalent of bash's vlc ~/Videos/*{mkv,mp4,mov}*17:51
kyle__santosh: zsh's globbing?17:54
santoshkyle__, yes, how to do it?17:55
kyle__I have no idea, I don't use it enough.  I thought itwas kinda similar though.17:55
santoshI thought the same until today.17:55
kyle__Yeah, I thought it was nearly identical as well.  Humm.17:56
kyle__That might help, but it's not going to be quick to get through.17:56
kyle__Right at the very bottom it might have something helpful though..17:57
gagan662stoiss: it did not work. I deleted the default first then added mac as my gw.18:00
santoshIt will be *(mkv|mp4|mov)* kyle__18:00
kyle__Heh.  With a bad font that would be nearly indistinguishable at a glance.18:01
gagan662stoiss: fyi MAC has ip forwarding enabled18:03
josean66_for enigma 218:40
OerHeksjosean66_, how is that related to ubuntu support?18:40
ChadTaljaardtHello, I am trying to mount my hackintosh efi but im getting the error : mount media/newhd: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/nvme1n1, missing codepage or helper program or other error.18:43
ChadTaljaardtany advice on how i can mount this drive?18:43
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: what command are you running?18:45
ChadTaljaardtsudo mount /dev/nvme1n1 /media/newhd18:45
ChadTaljaardtEriC^^ i just need to mount the EFI of the drive18:45
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: ya18:48
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: type "sudo parted -ls" and paste please18:48
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: why are you trying to mount it btw?18:48
ChadTaljaardti have a issue with my hackintosh and i need to edit the config of the clover installation, but i dont have a way to do it other than mounting the drive and editing it with this pc18:49
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: ah, gotcha18:50
ChadTaljaardtis there a way i can export the result of terminal to a gist?18:51
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 999918:51
EriC^^it should give you a link back18:51
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: type sudo mount /dev/nvme1n1p1 /media...18:53
ChadTaljaardtwoo it works, thanks EriC^^18:54
ChadTaljaardtso the issue was that i didnt specify the partition to mount?18:54
EriC^^ChadTaljaardt: no problem, yeah18:54
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SudiptoGhoshHey, I am noticing something really odd and annoying to the point I'm frustrated. TL;DR Debian is adding -linux to filenames and the original file becomes corrupted. This happens most often when editing c++ files. Any bug or something?19:04
SudiptoGhosh0EriC^^ like main.cpp becomes main-linux.cpp and the og main.cpp misses changes19:08
SudiptoGhoshhappens with vim, vscode, gedit19:08
choiceReminds me of the 500 miles email.19:09
ioriaSudiptoGhosh, never heard; please some details about your system config19:13
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black_13how do I install pyside2 on ubunut 18.0419:46
black_13pip install PySide219:47
lotuspsychjeblack_13: maybe more a question for #python ?20:04
black_13i tried20:04
EriC^^seems a bad internet black_1320:06
EriC^^connection reset by peer20:06
Betalthere is a list somewhere with the release iso and kernel version that is comes with?21:20
jeremy31Betal: have you searched?21:21
Betaljeremy31: yes, I didn't find the dif between 16.04, .1, .2, ..., .5, the release notes just points agains bugs or things related21:24
OerHekshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/ChangeSummary/18.04.3 give updated packages indeed, but21:32
OerHekshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes is updated21:33
OerHeksinfo about current kernels https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux21:35
BetalOerHeks: iam testing 16.04.5, it comes with 4.15.0, but in the lauchpad says Xenial is 4.4.0. is this release using bionic kernel?22:01
raidghostBus 003 Device 002: ID 138a:003f Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS495 Fingerprint Reader (ISnt it suppose to work on 18.04.3) ?22:02
Bashing-om!hwe | Betal22:03
ubottuBetal: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack22:03
OerHeksif you had upgraded from 16.04.0 to .5, you would have 4.4, now you have HWE enabled 16.04.522:04
OerHeksthat gives the backported bionic kernel indeed, afaik22:04
OerHeksraidghost, is 138a:003f in the list on https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui + https://fprint.freedesktop.org/supported-devices.html  ???22:06
OerHeksoh, promissing.. https://askubuntu.com/questions/856150/using-fingerprint-reader-for-hp-probook-138a003f-validity-sensors22:07
ODM0228Can anyone recommend a good channel for computing college students interested in programming?22:08
ubottuAlis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"22:09
OerHeks##programming is a good start22:09
ODM0228Much obliged!22:10
GrandPa-GI am running iftop. I see a number of ip/domains I don't recognize. How do I find out what they are connected to and why?22:19
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SirKKHello, need help22:40
guntbert!nickspam > nubcake22:41
ubottunubcake, please see my private message22:41
SirKKAnyone knows whats wrong with this command:22:41
SirKK['pstoedit', '-nb', '-dt', '-f', '/home/mrcoffee/autokey3d/branding/branding.eps', '/home/mrcoffee/autokey3d/branding/branding.dxf']' returned non-zero exit status 122:41
SirKKWhy is it not working?22:41
guntbertSirKK: what are your trying to do?22:42
SirKKIts a program called autokey3d22:43
SirKKWhen i run the program i get this error, aparently checking the script, the source of the error is that line22:43
SirKKIf i delete the line the program runs but it doesent render the object..22:44
guntbertSirKK: in that case you should first ask the author22:44
SirKKI mailed him22:44
SirKKThats the program/command that errors: http://www.calvina.de/pstoedit/22:45
SirKKWhen going from svg to dxf22:45
Habbiemost programs tell you why, when they error22:46
Habbieis pstoedit not telling you?22:46
SirKKIll pastebin it22:47
Habbiemight be the reason you don't see anything22:48
SirKKWhat does it mean?22:49
SirKKShould I try and delete that bit?22:49
Habbieincluding the comma just before it22:50
SirKKI tried, it still errors, just gives more information i think..22:51
Habbieoh yes22:51
Habbiei would never expected that to have fixed it22:51
Habbiethis was about getting information22:51
Habbieif i have to guess, /home/mrcoffee/autokey3d/branding/branding.eps is not a valid EPS file22:53
OerHekshttps://github.com/autokey/autokey is the official github22:53
Habbieand ghostscript, which is used by pstoedit, is therefore failing to process it22:53
SirKKOerHeks, they are different programs22:54
coz_SirKK, I came in late, but out of curiosity, how are you starting autokey3d?22:54
SirKKThats the command i use:22:55
SirKKpython AutoKey.py --bumpkey --profile profiles/AB-AB95.svg --definition definitions/AB-E20.scad22:55
SirKKWhat pstoedit is doing is going from template.svg to actual.svg to file.eps to file.dxf , but it comes out of that process with the error..22:56
coz_SirKK, ok, wow, I am not on ubuntu right now, but on Fedora I simply  did a python Autokey3d.py no errors but no UI either22:56
SirKKThats right the command without arguments goes fine for me too22:57
coz_SirKK, is there suppose to be a UI?22:57
SirKKWhen it goes fine it opens openSCAD22:58
coz_ah ok22:58
coz_let me install openscad and see22:58
coz_SirKK, nope no UI22:59
SirKKIf i delete the polyaslines, openscad starts but the key has no blade then..23:00
coz_SirKK, as mentioned, I would speak with the developer on this23:01
SirKKYea I mailed hime, but i am impatient lulz..23:01
coz_SirKK, I somehow think he can fix the issue, and apprentely not an ubuntu specific issur23:02
SirKKCuz i spent the last 24 hours building a new profile and parameters for a new key, and when i finally get to run the program i find its bugged lulz23:02
SirKKpstoedit is givving the error23:02
coz_SirKK, not an unusual problem23:03
VitoGdoes ubuntu work well for stock trading and finance?23:03
VitoGwhich os and distro is best23:03
coz_I don't see why not23:03
coz_VitoG, are you trying different distros roght now?23:04
coz_VitoG, I certainly can not speak to that specific thing23:04
VitoGcoz well im looking at a new laptop with zen+ or zen 223:04
coz_ah ok23:04
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VitoGand i would dual boot an os with windows23:05
VitoGor use vm23:05
coz_VitoG, ok, well you might be better off asking in several channels #fedora, #opensuse, and here23:05
coz_VitoG, maybe someone in one of those channels can speak to this senario23:06
Betaldoes xubuntu use the exact same kernel than ubuntu?23:13
TowserOk so I have Ubuntu installed but the disk partition was recently expanded and Ubuntu doesn't detect it's any bigger, is there a way to fix this or do I have to reinstall?23:23
fructoseTowser: I'd run gparted to make sure what you think is going on is what is really going on23:32
neoromantiqueHi guys, I have an issue with upower23:43
neoromantiqueI have it uninstalled but my laptop still shuts down sometimes at 50% bat (Previously uninstalling upower fixed it until updates brought it back)23:44
neoromantiqueI nvm I have fixed it, it was installed as upower:i38623:45
TowserHow do I get rid of the key on gparted to I can resize my partition?23:45
HabbieTowser, the key?23:46
TowserHabbie the one next the the partition when it's locked23:47
Habbieoh https://askubuntu.com/questions/473478/gparted-has-a-little-key-icon-on-my-ubuntu-partition-so-i-can-not-resize-it23:47
Night_ElfTowser: Is it still mounted? 'umount' it first23:47
de-factoany stunnel users awake? I would like to specify for a client the ALPN for the SSL Handshake with the server23:48
Night_ElfTowser: Check this one here too.  https://serverfault.com/questions/509468/how-to-extend-an-ext4-partition-and-filesystem23:49
Night_ElfBasically. after resizing the partition, you need to extend the filesystem too, to 'map' the free space to the inode table and all the rest of the structures.23:50
TowserOk how much space do you recommend giving it? Bear in mind it might have chromium is built over the top23:55
TowserRight now there's about 30gb total I believe23:57

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