
=== Mead is now known as mead
=== mead is now known as Mead
azhello, I've noticed that on booting if I have an encrypted partition and I don't enter it's password I get dropped to root shell07:42
azI'll login later to get answer. have to reboot07:49
well_laid_lawnaz:  are you expecting to not have to put in a password ?07:59
azwell_laid_lawn, no but I sometimes turn the computer on and leave it to find it in root shell08:00
azor if any one turn the computer can directly access everything that isn't encrypted08:00
well_laid_lawnfair point08:01
azso what is the next step? should I complain about in the forum or open a bug report?08:03
azmaybe security bug because it allows anyone to wipe the system so easy08:04
well_laid_lawnaz:  how old is your os ?08:06
azwell_laid_lawn, a month or less08:06
well_laid_lawnshould be fixed by now08:06
well_laid_lawnI couldn't find anything else on the net related08:07
well_laid_lawnso maybe try a bug report or the forums08:07
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.08:07
azagainst which package should I report this?08:07
Unit193Is it a busybox prompt/08:08
azno it seems like full root one08:09
azI'm not very sure though08:09
Unit193Try `mount`08:09
azI'll have to restart08:09
azthen if it's busybox or other, what should I do next?08:10
Unit193If it's busybox, there's certainly no bug as you're still in the initramfs.08:10
azelse, I should report it against which package?08:11
Unit193Depends on what stage it's at.08:13
azit's because the home is on that encrypted drive08:13
azso when it's unable to access home it goes there so I think it's pretty in advanced stage08:13
azUnit193, I was able to mount some partitions08:26
azso should I blindly open a bug or there is something else you can suggest?08:27
ubottuError: launchpad bug 1840529 not found09:46
csanyipalI am a new user of Xubuntu, bit long term user of Debian, and Gentoo user.15:25
csanyipalHere on Xubuntu I wish to hear the beep on my Xfce4-Terminal. How to set it up?15:26
csanyipalI installed the beep application too.15:26
csanyipalI set up the xfce-terminal for visible and audible signal too.15:27
csanyipalBut, I can't hear the beep. Why?15:27
csanyipalBye! I must re-login to my Desktop now.15:33
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=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193

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