
SirKKHOw can i install an old realeas of ghostscript in my system00:06
SirKKId like ghostscript 9.2300:06
SirKKSo?.. Anyone?00:09
SirKKCant believe nobody is answering ubuntu related questions, lulz00:12
geniiI see 9.22, 9.25, and 9.26 but not 9.2300:15
geniiSirKK: Which Ubuntu release are you on?00:15
SirKKIm on 18.04 , id like to try 9.2200:16
SirKKI see the program dev stopped in august 2018 and want to try older versions of ghostscript00:16
geniiSirKK: You can try override with something like sudo apt-get install ghostscript=9.22~dfsg+1-0ubuntu100:16
geniiIf you need it to stay at a particular lower version, look into pinning00:18
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto00:18
SirKKgenii the command is not working, doesent it says 26 is to be installed00:19
genii9.22 is in main. Does: apt-cache policy ghostscript show some different versions?00:20
geniiI'm seeing 9.26~dfsg+0-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 in bionic-updates and bionic-security and 9.22~dfsg+1-0ubuntu1 in main00:21
SirKKNo, only that one00:22
SirKKCan i use the main software with 18.04=?00:22
geniiMaybe try running sudo apt-get update first00:22
geniiSirKK: Yes, I'm on 18.04 and seeing it as an option here to install00:23
SirKKActually, i do see a 9.22 but the source is followe with a 50000:23
geniiMaybe you're seeing a different 9.22 version than me ( I see 9.22~dfsg+1-0ubuntu1 )00:26
SirKKThe following packages have unmet dependencies: ghostscript : Depends: libgs9 (= 9.22~dfsg+1-0ubuntu1) but 9.26~dfsg+0-0ubuntu0.18.04.10 is to be installed00:26
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geniiYeah, that's where it starts now to get into dependency hell00:27
SirKKOk im uninstalling libgs900:27
TowserWhat's a good utility for making a gparted live cd in Ubuntu with minimal disk space?00:28
SirKKNow reinstalling00:28
SirKKWell its weird, 9.22 asks for libgs9 but libgs9 only likes 9.2600:29
TowserWhen making a gparted iso bootable which one do I need x64 or i684?00:31
SirKKFound a deb file00:31
geniiSirKK: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/ghostscript is showing there's also a matching libgs9 version for the 9.22, you would need to install it specifically first like sudo apt-get install libgs9=9.22~dfsg+1-0ubuntu100:31
genii..although it may also have it's own dependencies which are currently at 9.2600:32
geniiAnd yes, it does, libgs9-common00:33
SirKKDependency is not satisfiable: libgs9-common (= 9.22~dfsg+1-0ubuntu1)00:35
SirKKWhat now?00:35
geniiSirKK: Same technique. Install 9.22-specific version of libgs9-common, then libgs9, then ghostscript00:36
genii..every time packagename followed by version with an =versionnumberhere like 9.22~dfsg+1-0ubuntu100:37
SirKKGhostscript 9.22 i had to look for a deb on google, couldnt get it through command line¿ Should i do same?00:37
geniiSirKK: The old debs are in the archives00:37
SirKKarchive manager?00:38
SirKKI found debs on launchpad and i gdebi them00:38
SirKKI have ghostscript 9.2200:41
SirKKThanks genii for walking me through it00:41
geniiSirKK: If you need your version to stay lower than what automatic updates want to install, you should also look at that pinning factoid from the bot00:42
geniiOtherwise every time updates run it will bump up to 9.26 again00:42
SirKKWell that is done somethint to the program i was trying to run the bug is different now00:43
SirKKgenii before deb were opened automatic by software manager when clicked on them, what happened to that?¿00:46
geniiSirKK: I don't know, I always use the commandline00:47
geniiFile manager is supposed to associate gdebi with package files though00:48
SirKKgenii i have pstoedit 3.70 is the one for 18.0400:50
SirKKDo you think i could install 3.73 ? Is the one for ubuntu 19 ..00:50
geniiProbably not00:51
geniiSirKK: I do see a PPA which has pstoedit 3.74-1 for Bionic00:52
genii( as well as for 17.10, 19.04, and 1910)00:53
genii..and 18.1000:53
geniiSirKK: https://launchpad.net/~reviczky/+archive/ubuntu/pstoedit00:53
SirKKYup that worked, so cool00:57
SirKKOMG, the program is working00:58
SirKKSo cool! Thanks genie00:58
geniiGlad to assist00:58
SirKKI dont think it was the ghostscript, i think it was the pstoedit00:58
SirKKReally happy, thanks.01:03
guanohow do I burn a .img file to dvd?01:36
lotuspsychje!burn | guano01:37
ubottuguano: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto01:37
Echo1959any9one awake?01:39
lotuspsychjeEcho1959: start with a question mate01:39
guanohow do I make my bluetooth stereo, it only seems to output in mono01:39
Echo1959jsut checking,...OK, I went to 1904 an dnoticed right off the bat that there are a few things not working such as the web cam.  Is there a fox for the web cam?01:40
Echo1959a fix not a fox01:40
Echo1959lol,..sorry fox.01:41
Echo1959Guano, if its anything like my bluetooth headset, Look in the sound settings and see if there is a switch that takes it to set it to left right channel.01:42
Echo1959If memory serves me right, I havent used it for a couple months but, in mono, you have a mic option too01:43
Echo1959in sterio you have just the two channels, left and right01:43
Echo1959thats my two cents01:43
guanonope iy registers as a headset and is mono, it01:43
Echo1959loo in the settings and see if yo can set it to sterio01:43
guanoit's supposed to be sterio01:43
Echo1959uh huh01:44
Echo1959ive had two sets of headphones and they both regester that way.01:44
guanoand no in settings I can't change it01:44
Echo1959yo ucan set it to either mono with mic01:44
Echo1959sterio and yo loose the mic01:44
Echo1959it might be a limitation of the bandwidth of the bluetooth service01:45
guanoI don't need the mic01:45
Echo1959im not sure01:45
Echo1959i figured that01:45
Echo1959see if yo ucan set it to sterio01:45
Echo1959dose anyone haave any input for the CAM ISSUE?01:46
Echo1959in 19.04?01:46
lotuspsychjeEcho1959: easy on the enter button please01:47
Echo1959sorry,....will do01:47
lotuspsychjeEcho1959: when you ask a question, place details all in 1 line, then be patient until someone can help you01:47
guanook now bluetooth won't turn on or off01:50
Echo19591804 or 1904?01:52
Echo1959now that is a supprise,..."When all else fails,...REBOOT"01:53
guanohow do I update everything?01:56
neilduganI have a libvirt VM... I am using a zfs pool inside that VM... but I can't stop it auto-mounting the pool... I have tried editing /etc/default/zfs and setting the 'cachefile=none' option of the pool... but it is always auto mounting the pool :-(01:58
prestocasoanyone here have any experience with ubuntu on arm?02:11
prestocasoIve got a chromebook plus, and am curious about what options I have?02:12
lotuspsychje!arm | prestocaso02:13
ubottuprestocaso: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.02:13
lotuspsychjeprestocaso: think these days ubuntu install pretty well on chromebooks02:13
lotuspsychjeprestocaso: but ask the channel about the specifics ok, good luck!02:13
prestocasogot it I'll check with ubuntu arm then, thanks02:14
lotuspsychjewelcome prestocaso02:14
lotuspsychjeprestocaso: you could also test a liveusb, see how things work out of the box02:14
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s0rcereranyone experienced problems in 18.04 with video being choppy in we browsers? i tried disabling hardware acceleration and it didnt help02:31
s0rcererchoppy/laggy/freezes up for a second02:32
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: only in browsers or videoplayers too?02:33
s0rcererin web browsers for sure havent tried video play, let me find a video to download and check it quick02:34
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: lets have a look on pastebin with this too please: sudo lshw -C video && uname -a02:34
black_13is there a front end application that uses tesseract ?02:35
s0rcererweb browser02:35
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: wich browser are you on please?02:36
s0rcererfirefox 68.0.202:38
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: ah, the problem is you are on nouveau i think02:38
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: wich drivers showup when you: ubuntu-drivers list ?02:39
s0rcerernvida - 340 && nvidia-drover-39002:40
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: ok, lets try: sudo apt install nvidia-driver-390 and reboot please02:41
s0rcererkk its downloading02:41
s0rcererrestarting it02:48
s0rcererno video now02:51
s0rcererscreen is black02:51
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: sudo lshw -C video again please02:51
s0rcereri cant, the screen is black02:52
s0rcerercant see nuffin02:52
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: cant boot into desktop?02:52
s0rcerernope cant see terminal either02:52
s0rcererimma try to force a reboot once02:52
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | s0rcerer to get in02:53
ubottus0rcerer to get in: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:53
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: or shift hold at boot to enter grub, and safe graphics mode02:53
s0rcererokay the force reboot worked02:56
s0rcererand the video card thang fixed it02:56
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: nvidia-smi to see if it worked02:56
lotuspsychjeshould show your active driver & chipset02:57
s0rcerergeforce gt 750m02:57
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: driver 390 also loaded?02:58
s0rcereryes ty02:58
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: great, do you know howto handle optimus?02:58
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: with nvidia-settings you can choose between performance mode (nvidia) or powersaving mode (intel) now, hence your graphics needs03:00
s0rcereroh ok i see what your talkin bout03:01
s0rcererim in the settings box03:01
s0rcererwhich is better to use?03:01
s0rcereri dont do anything other then youtube and watch a movie on it here and there03:02
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: well then you might wanna chosoe intel, for daily use and powersaving03:02
lotuspsychjetest it out, if your happy with YT performance there03:02
s0rcerercool seems to work fine with intel03:04
s0rcererthank you03:04
lotuspsychjegreat, np03:04
lotuspsychjes0rcerer: remember for your card you have optimus, its better to use the nvidia driver in the future03:04
guanohow do I write a .img to ubs bootable?03:07
guanothe image writer doesn't work it says my usb isn't bbig enough when it is03:09
lotuspsychjeu0_a143: can we help you?03:18
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lotuspsychje!ask | luke104:27
ubottuluke1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:27
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nt0how much trouble is it to upgrade from one ubuntu release to the next?04:59
fructosent0: Depends on how you quantiy "trouble"05:00
nt0fructose: i am building a qemu vm for use in my gentoo host05:00
nt0not sure whether to use LTS and forget about it or use the new hotness and upgrade come january if i'm still using it05:00
nt0i.e. i have a lot of fun tinkering with OSes and coding05:01
fructosent0: LTS is very slow to update. Upgrades are generally not complicated05:01
nt0i was already leaning towards 19.04, think this seals the deal05:02
neverbluehi guys, I have installed VMWare, to host my Ubuntu VM. After a certain inactivity, I am left with a screen showing the date/time. Icons in the top right. How do I log on at this point ?05:08
neverbluewow, really, you have to pull the page up ?05:15
neverbluethat is disappointing05:15
fructoseneverblue: Huh?05:15
Mcl0vinhowdy folks05:22
Mcl0vinI am running live from sd card on a laptop. when i try and choose to install the setup complains about there is no cd05:22
Mcl0vinI tried to mount -t vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1/cdrom and still no luck any help would be appreciated05:22
amosbirdwhat command can I use to show current primary screen's resolution other than xrandr (which is slow)05:22
nt0Mcl0vin: the kali image you have probably doesn't have the required drivers in its initramfs05:23
Mcl0vinnt0: thank you, I installed if from kali website. which image would you suggest i should download to be able to install05:25
nt0Mcl0vin: just use a usb stick if possible and save yourself this headache05:25
Mcl0vinnt0: don't have one :(05:25
nt0Mcl0vin: do you have a cd that you can burn?05:25
nt0Mcl0vin: i'm not sure what to do then.  probably should keep it in #kali as this doesn't have anything to do with #ubuntu05:26
nt0ubuntu might have a few OT channels where you can ask, though05:27
AscavasaionHOw can I start a daemon at startup?  I want xscreensaver to start automatically each time I boot.05:41
lotuspsychjeAscavasaion: startup items create: xscreensaver -nosplash05:42
Ascavasaionlotuspsychje, Where do I do that so that it runs each time?05:43
lotuspsychjeAscavasaion: startup items05:43
AscavasaionLet me try...b rb05:48
Ascavasaionlotuspsychje, Think I got it sorted.  Thank yo9u06:03
lotuspsychjewelcome Ascavasaion06:06
blogtenhello lotuspsychje... are you around?06:15
blogtenwell, maybe that user is not around.06:17
blogtenin any case, I just upgraded a Supermicro to 18.04 LTS from 16.04 LTS, and now the console monitor does not display anything at all (after the BIOS and boot sequence do display, of course).  swapping ttys with the keyboard: no difference.  I can ssh into the box, there are no obvious errors (dmesg).  I suspect a kernel mode set may be the problem (06:20
blogtenNVIDIA GTX 660), but adding nouveau.modeset=0 to the kernel boot options does not fix the problem.  the latest NVIDIA drivers are installed, from the PPA source.  what else should I look at?06:20
ducasseblogten: if you are using the nvidia drivers then a nouveau option will do nothing06:24
blogtenindeed, has no effect.  what else could I be doing wrong here?06:24
blogtenI just verified that NVIDIA 430.40 (installed) does support the GTX 660 in the box.06:25
ducassereplace nouveau.modeset=0 with nomodeset06:25
blogtensec, will try06:25
blogtenthe box is rebooting now, we'll see06:26
blogtennothing at all after the machine boots.  no grub menu (set to "menu" rather than "hidden"), no ttys.06:31
blogtenjust went through dmesg and syslog.  nothing interesting wrt video card.  the NVIDIA driver does load.  the monitor will blink with a white line during the boot process for an instant, but that's about that.06:32
ducassecan you try another version of the driver?06:34
blogten16.04 was working well with 418.  will try rolling back to that one (although I installed 430 because 418 wasn't working after the upgrade).  sec...06:35
blogtenin fact, let me try booting the machine without NVIDIA drivers first06:36
blogten(thank god I can ssh into it)06:36
ducassegood idea, try nouveau if you haven't already06:37
blogtensorry, what is nouveau exactly?  btw the machine has never had a desktop installed, and I'm not interested in that... it's a server box06:37
ducassenouveau is the open source nvidia driver06:38
blogtenok, so now there's no NVIDIA driver.  no grub menu visible, no tty visible, nothing.  just blank.  not even a blinking cursor.06:41
blogtendmesg says some stuff about a vesafb, makes note of video modes and so on.  seems to be "working", the values make sense, but still there's nothing on the monitor.06:43
AavarI am trying to install libpng12 (for teamviewer12) and it gives me a weird error. Is there a simple way to force this or something? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/j57k2Kh88t/06:45
blogtenyou sure you want the 32 bit version of that?06:46
Aavarblogten, yes06:47
AavarI know it will be messy, but I really need TW11 for work...06:47
blogtendoes /lib/i386-linux-gnu exist?06:48
blogten(btw that's where my ideas run out)06:48
Aavarblogten, yes it does :)06:49
blogtenI wish I could be of more help, alas no such luck :(06:53
blogtenand of course that directory is writeable and all that, yes?06:53
Aavarblogten, yes07:08
AavarI do believe my system was upgraded from 18.04 before I reinstalled. Maybe that has something to do with it... I will try in a vm07:09
AavarMaybe this is a good job for a container...07:10
blogtenside comment: maybe one day, some day, there will be some general emphasis on making things simpler rather than more complex.  that would be nice, for a change.07:14
Aavarblogten, yeah :D07:20
blogtenbtw, nice: ubuntu 18 came with a gcc version that produces code that is about 5% faster than before (whatever was the gcc for ubuntu 16).07:22
V7Hey all o/08:58
V7What could this be and it's full of syslog: https://termbin.com/r09l08:58
V72331 lines in log08:58
V7Thank you for any suggestion :)08:58
ikanoboriYou have things in your config file that were removed for your version of rsyslog.08:59
V7ikanobori: Whu ones?09:01
V7Which config file I mean09:01
ikanoboriThat depends on the version of rsyslog you're using and what's in your configuration file, the omfile things are described here: https://www.rsyslog.com/doc/v8-stable/configuration/modules/omfile.html09:02
V7Thank you very much. Diggin in09:02
ikanoboriIs how I found that link, by the way.09:03
ikanoboriThere's a few things online about those types of errors and they all relate to rsyslog misconfiguration.09:03
ikanoboriPerhaps some lines stayed when you updated or such.09:03
V7Already checked that link before, but didn't help09:05
* V7 reads about omfile configuration above09:05
blogtenhi, why would the GRUB boot menu not even display?  (it's not set to "hidden")  I suspect an NVIDIA issue, but the system worked better with Ubuntu 16 and since upgrading to Ubuntu 18 I can only interact with it via SSH...09:10
V7#grub ?09:12
V7ikanobori: Thank you, it seems you were right. It was configuration.09:12
ikanoboriNeat :)09:13
blogtenmaybe lotuspsychje knows the answer LOL09:18
FreeBDSMhello. Help me unscrew my system: doing `apt update` and `apt upgrade` resulted into `Failed to restart lvm2-lvmetad.service: Unit lvm2-lvmetad.socket is masked.` for me. I've googled the problem and found some solutions: 1. `sudo systemctl unmask  lvm2-lvmetad && sudo systemctl enable lvm2-lvmetad`. Since `systemctl status` on that unit didn't say it was masked, `systemctl unmask`ing it didn't help.  2. `sudo apt purge lvm2 && sudo apt09:29
FreeBDSMautoremove && sudo apt install lvm2` - I've ran this and the problem only seems to be gone, but it mutated:09:29
FreeBDSM`apt update` tells me I've got 4 wine packages to update, but `apt upgrade` tells me: `The following packages have been kept back:    winehq-staging   0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.` and doesn't upgrade those 4. Why?09:30
blogtenare those being held back at a certain version, i.e. marked "do not upgrade"?  I had one of those problems before (not using ":" in aptitude), and it was a huge mess until I figured out where so many conflicts were coming from...09:33
EoflaOEFreeBDSM: About the held back packages, you can do "apt full-upgrade" to force upgrade of held back packages09:33
EoflaOEAlso, check the packages state like blogten said. You might have put them on hold.09:34
blogtenhere's another one that's interesting... uninstalling the 304 NVIDIA driver leaves broken symlinks behind, grrr...09:35
manit023Is anyone successfully able to use google-drive-ocamlfuse with ubuntu?09:59
FreeBDSMblogten: how to check if those packages are marked so?10:04
blogtenan easy way: sudo aptitude, then grep for the package names (type /, then put in a regex).  when you find them, look at the first column.  are they marked "h"?10:05
FreeBDSMaptitude is not installed :)10:06
blogtenman dpkg-query is your friend then10:07
FreeBDSManyways, `apt full-upgrade` results into the same10:07
blogtenlooks like dpkg-query l regex, then looking at the status column for "h"10:08
blogteneh, dpkg-query -l regex, then...10:08
FreeBDSMblogten: it's ii10:08
blogtendoes it say that for winehq-staging?10:09
FreeBDSMfor all 4 of them10:10
FreeBDSMwinehq-staging, wine-staging, wine-staging-amd64 and wine-staging-i38610:10
blogtenwhat package repository are those coming from?10:11
blogtenyou just upgraded the Ubuntu release, no?10:11
blogtenif you type in lsb_release -a, what's the code name in your system?10:13
FreeBDSM18.04, it's bionic10:13
blogtenin /etc/apt/sources.list, is there an entry for the wine PPA for bionic?10:14
FreeBDSMafaik it was 18.04.2 just yesterday10:14
blogtens'ok, it's bionic anyway10:14
blogten(maybe there's an entry for wine, but for e.g. xenial)10:15
FreeBDSMnope, just these 2: `deb https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu/ bionic main` `deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu bionic stable`10:15
blogtenwhat's in sources.list.d?10:15
FreeBDSMno wine stuff there10:16
blogtenok, somehow those packages got installed... if you got them from the relevant PPA (like one of those you mention there), some configuration file somewhere should know about that PPA...10:17
FreeBDSMI've been using winehq-staging and successfully updating it multiple times. Only this time I got this error :(10:17
blogtenis apt aware of the relevant PPA?...10:18
FreeBDSMthose packages were installed not somehow, but manually by me, I did it consciously10:18
blogtenwell, where is the config data for said PPA?  I would have expected that to be added to the system10:19
FreeBDSM`apt update` returns this among the rest: `Hit:8 https://dl.winehq.org/wine-builds/ubuntu bionic InRelease`10:19
FreeBDSMwhat config?10:19
blogtenhuh, I wonder how it manages to know that... but in any case it seems like it's pointing to bionic.10:19
FreeBDSMit knows that by the line in /etc/apt/sources.list10:20
FreeBDSMit's not a ppa10:20
blogtenaw crap I missed the first line :(10:20
blogtensorry, I thought it wasn't there for some reason10:20
FreeBDSMno worries10:20
blogtenthat's why I was wondering how did apt know about the package source if it wasn't listed anywhere (which it was anyhow)10:21
FreeBDSMthe only solution I see for now is purging winehq-staging and then re-installing it10:21
FreeBDSMis it an error in their repo?10:28
FreeBDSM`sudo apt install -y winehq-staging`: `The following packages have unmet dependencies:  winehq-staging : Depends: wine-staging (= 4.14~bionic)`10:28
blogtenhuh, what is wine-staging?10:30
FreeBDSMa sub-package for winehq-staging10:30
FreeBDSMapt search finds it just fine10:30
blogtenis winehq-staging the main package one is supposed to install?10:30
blogtensounds similar to trying to install NVIDIA drivers using something other than nvidia-driver-xyz10:30
blogtenone *can* do that, but it's not what one might want...10:31
FreeBDSMblogten: yes, winehq-staging is the main10:31
blogtenno idea then10:31
V7ikanobori: Hah. Didn't10:33
V7Same messages10:33
FreeBDSM`apt-cache showpkg winehq-staging | pastebinit` -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cgcvc8Yff3/10:36
FreeBDSMlooks not so fine10:36
FreeBDSMor I don't know how to read it10:36
blogtenhmmm aren't those a whole lot of duplicates?10:37
ihatecarsHey guys so I tried to install Ubuntu and bricked my computer:)10:38
blogtenhow do others that work well look like?10:38
EoflaOEihatecars: Explain how did you brick and what happened.10:39
FreeBDSMblogten: IMO it's some recursive dependency issue10:41
ihatecarsI manually partitioned and then it told me to install I would have to restart. On restart it got stuck on the blank purple screen for about 5 minutes so I rebooted and it gave me long black screen with a "kernel panic: unable to mount root on block [0,0]10:41
blogtendo you recall how the boot partition was specified?10:42
ihatecarsThen I went into advanced grub options and clicked the recovery mode for that kernel and it gave me an even longer white text on black screen of commands and errors with a trace error10:42
blogtensounds like some of the problems I had when I was asking the Ubuntu installer to do silly things like the wrong boot partition etc.  remember you can restart the installer, tell it you want to try Ubuntu for a bit, that boots a working Ubuntu system, you can open a terminal, and then see what the installer did (and presumably fix it)10:44
ihatecarsI used free space to make 2 ext4 partitions.  One efi at 256 mb then the main at 10000 mb10:44
ihatecarsAnother weird thing10:45
ihatecarsWhenever I reboot it goes to purple. I've gone into system files and windows is gone. I can't boot from the USB anymore either. If I remove the USB the computer boots straight to the grub command line with a black screen but if Ileave the USB in it goes to the purple grub menu, not command line10:46
gst568923Hi I have installed chrony and I have edited the configuration file placed into /etc/chrony/chrony.conf but I see that there is also the same configuration file located in /usr/share/chrony/chrony.conf. The file have same MD5 checksum, I would like to know what is the difference?10:46
ihatecarsNot system files, systems options and boot options alongside bios10:46
FreeBDSMoh my god10:47
ihatecarsWhen I go into boot options and choose the SanDisk USB or notebook boot option they both show no is found10:47
ihatecarsNo os found, and then my os manager is now Ubuntu10:47
blogtenbecause of the purple, I would have said you need nomodeset as a kernel option10:48
ihatecarsI'm just extremely confused because the manual partitions I set had no space used on them and I can't load up my computer any which way. I'm assuming my only option is to rewrite a Windows iso to the USB or Linux iso to the USB and try again10:49
ihatecarsI tried nomodset, no avail10:49
blogtenbut I don't know what to make of that inability to mount the root device, that sounds like a partitioning issue10:49
ihatecarsI read forums and it says something about initfrms file missing (not entirely sure on the spelling of that)10:49
blogtenwell ok so if it can't mount the root device, what is grub passing to the kernel for the root device location?10:50
blogtendoes that place exist?10:50
tomreyndid you have multiple ESPs by chance?10:50
ihatecarsDo you think if I mount a new iso on that flash drive via Rufus I'd be able to boot the PC? Or have I messed with bios or something?  I'm kinda not tech literate at this level lol10:50
ihatecarsHow do I check for the root device location10:51
ihatecarsAnd what are esp's10:51
blogtenyou said you looked at the kernel options?  look somewhere close by, there should be something like root=/blahblah... so, does that exist?10:52
blogtenmaybe you created the partition for the system (the 10000mb one), but did not provide its mount point...10:52
ihatecarsOh no10:52
ihatecarsI used a mount point of / for the one10:53
ihatecarsIdk about the other though I forget10:53
blogtensurely there's a way to see what that is if you use the Ubuntu installer USB stick, then select the option for trying Ubuntu right from the USB stick you just booted10:53
ihatecarsAnd I didn't look at the kernel options I don't think.  I looked at the two boot options. There was the Ubuntu I tried to install and then the same Ubuntu with (recovery mode) at the end10:54
tomreynESP is efi system partition, i.e. is there another partition (e.g. on another storage) which also has something like the "efi at 256 mb" you created?10:54
blogtenalthough I haven't done this, I'd like to believe it's possible to enter some advanced grub mode and see the entire kernel command line10:55
ihatecarsI mounted the iso using Rufus. It won't let me try Ubuntu anymore, just boot in it. It installed it no problem but won't reboot10:55
Habbieblogten, yes, push 'e' on the grub menu10:55
ihatecarsYes I can get that e grub command line10:55
ihatecarsIt won't let me boot from the USB anymore as if it wrote onto the USB as well10:55
blogtenyou can verify whether that happened by comparing the contents of the USB stick to the original ISO10:56
ihatecarsHow do I do that without a computer lmao10:57
blogtenhow are you typing this please?10:57
ihatecarsCell phone10:57
blogtenoh dear10:57
blogtenCall a Friend?10:57
ihatecarsIt's like 6 am10:57
blogtenok, more like Sleep a Bit, *then* Call a Friend? :)10:58
ihatecarsAnd I just moved here I know no one. Maybe when my roommate wakes up in a few hours. If I can't get it working by tomorrow I'll just go over to the it desk at school and use their computers but I wanted to see if I could do anything without booting10:58
blogtenman that's tough10:58
blogtenanother option: a local hackerspace10:58
ihatecarsIt's not like a necessity. I just feel stupid lol10:58
blogtenmeh, it happens to all of us at some point10:59
ihatecarsI work at a makerspace but it's 20 minutes away10:59
FreeBDSMhow come apt install fails?10:59
EriC^^FreeBDSM: pastebin the error10:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:59
blogtenI have no idea FreeBDSM, I've been messing with this nvidia / grub / kernel thing for hours and although I've learned a lot I still haven't found even how to track down what is not working10:59
FreeBDSMwhat was the trick with some ix.io11:00
ihatecarsWhat does Nvidia have to do with anything11:00
EriC^^FreeBDSM: command | nc termbin.com 999911:00
blogtenthe trick with some ix.io?11:00
FreeBDSMEriC^^: https://paste.ee/p/QMXrT11:00
blogtenihatecars: that's what *my* problem has been since late last night11:00
blogtenstill no idea of what's wrong11:00
FreeBDSMthere's some pastebin like ix.io or something like that, and one can just cat < to there or something11:01
ihatecarsI heard Nvidia is a terror to get working with Ubuntu11:01
ihatecarsSo that's why I installed Ubuntu on my hp omen, my only computer. Because I do love a challenge11:01
blogten"E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." --- which ones?11:01
blogtenmaybe there's a way to find which ones are broken (not held), then reinstall those (or purge or something), then install what you need...11:02
EriC^^FreeBDSM: what does "sudo apt-get -f install" give?11:02
EriC^^FreeBDSM: which ubuntu is this? 18.04?11:02
FreeBDSMEriC^^: same error11:03
blogtengetting my other linux box to work with nvidia was a bit of a pain, but it was the first time I did an install like that.  once it worked, then it was fine.11:03
FreeBDSMEriC^^: btw, `apt-cache showpkg winehq-staging | pastebinit` -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cgcvc8Yff3/11:03
EriC^^FreeBDSM: type "dpkg -l | grep -v ^ii | nc termbin.com 9999"11:04
FreeBDSMEriC^^: I have 0 held packages11:04
ihatecarsSo I have a command line at grub, is there anything I can do11:04
ihatecarsLike just to try before I go to bed lmao11:04
EriC^^FreeBDSM: yeah, lets see how the dpkg status is first and then proceed, waiting your paste11:05
FreeBDSMEriC^^: `dpkg -l | grep -v '^ii' | nc termbin.com 9999` -> https://termbin.com/gw2mp11:05
ihatecarse actually edits the boot commands but c opens up a boot command line11:05
FreeBDSMbtw, how to remove configs for packages I don't intend to ever install again? I mean the ones marked as 'rc' by `dpkg -l`?11:08
ihatecarsUpdate: I ran the "date" command and it returned today's date and time so the computer isn't completely bricked as of yet11:08
EriC^^ FreeBDSM: looks clean, why is "sudo apt-get -f install" failing? or did you add something to the end of that command after install?11:10
FreeBDSMEriC^^: oh, I thought I was supposed to add winehq-staging11:11
FreeBDSMEriC^^: without giving any package names - this results into `0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.`11:12
EriC^^FreeBDSM: ah ok cool11:14
EriC^^FreeBDSM: try "apt-cache policy winehq-staging"11:14
EriC^^look at candidate11:14
FreeBDSMCandidate: 4.14~bionic11:19
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: dependency issues mostly arise when you have messed with external ppa's11:20
FreeBDSMlotuspsychje: how could I've messed up?11:23
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: lets see your sources.list?11:30
FreeBDSMturns out the problem is that wine changed the dependencies11:30
FreeBDSMit now depends on libfaudio011:30
FreeBDSMwhich is not in their repo and not in any repo at all!11:30
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: are you using wine from apt, or did you add a wine ppa?11:31
FreeBDSMlotuspsychje: I use their repo11:31
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: then contact them please, we only provide help from the official ubuntu way11:31
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: i can still help you get rid of the ppa and straight your dependencys11:32
FreeBDSMyeah, I just thought the issue is in apt, turns out the issue is just in apt being too stupid to show the real problem11:32
FreeBDSMlotuspsychje: wine in ubuntu's repos is old as hell, and thus of almost zarro value to me11:33
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: apt reacts on what the user does, if apt has issues, the user messed up in most cases11:33
lotuspsychje!latest | FreeBDSM your own choice11:33
ubottuFreeBDSM your own choice: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.11:33
ubottuStable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates11:33
blogtenhey lotuspsychje, I'm having trouble with an nvidia card in another Ubuntu server box... upgraded from 16.04 to 18.04, and I can't get even grub to show up on the console (even with nvidia drivers uninstalled).  what should I look into?  I've been at this since last night.11:33
lotuspsychjeblogten: lets continue in #ubuntu-server11:33
FreeBDSMlotuspsychje: no, I didn't mess up this time. It's wine guys that did. The only beef I have with apt is that it failed to show the real problem.11:38
lotuspsychjeFreeBDSM: adding an external ppa's we dont reccomend, so you kinda messed up there :p11:39
FreeBDSMInstead of showing me why winehq-staging REALLY can't be installed, I had to try to install wine-staging in order to see what fails with: it's wine-staging-amd64, which then I had also try to install in order to see that it's the damn libfaudio0 package that is a dependency that is neither in winehq repo nor in ubuntu's repo11:40
jeremy31FreeBDSM: https://forum.winehq.org/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=3219211:45
FreeBDSMalready bashing about that on #winehq11:47
=== lotus|i5 is now known as lotuspsychje
FreeBDSMholup, it looks like apt is actually shit: `apt` fails to install `winehq-staging=4.12~bionic` because of `wine-staging=4.12~bionic`, which in its turn fails due to `wine-staging-amd64=4.12~bionic`, BUT that package doesn't really fail to install at all! So I've managed to install `winehq-staging=4.12~bionic` by manually installing its deps first! Ridiculous! you_had_one_job.jpg12:06
BluesKajHowdy folks12:06
FreeBDSMsup Kaj12:07
BluesKajhi FreeBDSM, just morning coffee atm, and you?12:08
FreeBDSMBluesKaj: just learned that apt is shit12:08
BluesKajhow so?12:09
M_aDBluesKaj: ---> <FreeBDSM> holup, it looks like apt is actually shit: `apt` fails to install `winehq-staging=4.12~bionic` because of `wine-staging=4.12~bionic`, which in its turn fails due to `wine-staging-amd64=4.12~bionic`, BUT that package doesn't really fail to install at all! So I've managed to install `winehq-staging=4.12~bionic` by manually installing its deps first! Ridiculous! you_had_one_job.jpg12:10
M_aDjust before you joined the channel :)12:11
tomreynthis doesnt seem to be a support topic, unless you actually want to understand it, in which case you'll need to provide more context12:12
tomreynalso, please mind the language12:12
FreeBDSMsorry, just sad/angry12:13
BluesKajmaybe wine-staging-amd64=4.12~bionic is sh*t12:13
FreeBDSMnope, installed it just fine12:13
FreeBDSMapt fails to resolve deps properly12:13
BluesKajsh*t happens, nothing's perfect12:17
BluesKajespecially with ppas12:19
EoflaOEhi BluesKaj12:21
BluesKajhi EoflaOE12:21
V7hi BluesKaj and EoflaOE12:22
EoflaOEHi V712:23
BluesKajhi V712:23
blogtensome progress on that NVIDIA mess: do not decode the frame buffer above 4gb...12:54
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=== Guest13552 is now known as Fuchs
zteamHi, I'm trying to run my two screens in mirror mode, but if I do Gnome Screen settings doesn't allow me set the refresh-rate, at present Ubuntu is trying to ouput 120 hz signal to my 60 hz TV13:43
EtuaHello, I am currently trying to install Ubuntu on my desktop however during boot I see the following error "device descriptor read/64, error -32" and the OS eventually boots but by that time the mouse and keyboard loose the power and reconnecting them does not help. Is it necessary hardware issue or maybe my UEFI is malconfigured? Please note that I have already tried to use other USB sticks and USB ports.13:51
zteamEtua, Try selecting ACPI=off from Ubuntus bootmenu13:57
aldcorI just downloaded ubuntu server 19.04. I have this exact problem but solutions mentioned in this site does not help me. https://askubuntu.com/questions/927355/ubuntu-apache2-defaultruntimedir-must-be-a-valid-directory-absolute-or-relative/110857114:02
=== Simon_NL is now known as SimonNL
yeti-after doing dist-upgrade from 16.04 all the way to 19.04, i'm having this issue now: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5QFQtkrTnB/14:37
yeti-can anyone help14:37
ioriayeti-, that ppa (https://launchpad.net/~jonathonf/+archive/ubuntu/ffmpeg-4) does not support disco 19.04; maybe purging it helps14:41
yeti-i've cleared out all the old PPAs14:42
ioriayeti-, apt-cache policy libavformat5814:43
ioriayeti-, for some reason it wants to install from that ppa ; maybe you know why14:45
yeti-ioria, how could i make sure i cleared out all the info from that PPA?14:46
ioriayeti-, paste dpkg -l | grep ffmpeg14:46
yeti-nothing there14:47
ioriayeti-,  ppa-purge ppa:jonathonf/ffmpeg-414:47
yeti-Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: jonathonf ffmpeg-414:48
ioriayeti-, maybe you need to enable again that òppa14:50
ioriayeti-,  check /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:50
yeti-ioria, yeah i've checked and nothing is in there14:51
ioriayeti-,  check /etc/apt/sources.list14:51
yeti-https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kGFmPvR9B9/ that's all it has14:53
ioriayeti-,  no backports ?14:53
yeti-ioria, how could i check14:54
ioriayeti-,  you changed it14:54
ioriayeti-,  that's not a default sources.list14:54
yeti-oh yeah, would that affect it?14:55
ioriayeti-,  sure; try this dpkg -l | grep 0york114:56
ioriayeti-,  yeah, purge those pkgs14:57
ioriayeti-,  try this too :  dpkg -l | grep york14:59
yeti-oh wow, that cleared it up14:59
yeti-yup that cleared it up, thanks so much ioria15:02
ioriayeti-,  no problem; well done15:02
nevervilleSo I fucked up a major way, my arrogant ass installed openct from git (unknown repo), and that created a something called openct-tool, not as that is not working I need to remove it but I can't.15:17
nevervilleMay I know workarounds for this issue.15:17
lotuspsychje!language | neverville please15:17
ubottuneverville please: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:17
nevervillelotuspsychje, ubottu sorry. Wilco.15:18
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
nevervilleSo I am reasking this again. I installed openct from some unknown git repo today, and it was not working, but after installing it gave two files in /usr/bin (executable) for openct-tool and openct-control and both of them are not working. Now I have a workaround in mind but to make it work I want these old things gone, and I can't find a uninstall.sh file in that git repo, how can I fix this?15:21
lotuspsychjeneverville: does apt give you errors?15:21
nevervillelotuspsychje, yeah...15:21
lotuspsychjeneverville: could you pastebin please, volunteers could take a look15:22
nevervillefirst of all in ubuntu 18.04 openct is not a standard package15:22
nevervilleOne sec15:22
EtuaThanks, I'll try that15:23
nevervillelotuspsychje, openct could not be installed mate, so that's why I had to git it. And now I am in deep trouble.15:24
lotuspsychjeneverville: thats just your dirs showing, doesnt apt show errors when like updating?15:24
nevervilleNo no nothing like that.15:24
ducasseneverville: did you use make to install?15:25
ducasseneverville: try 'make uninstall' as root15:25
lotuspsychjeneverville: also we try to focus on ubuntu issues here, troubles from git you can also report to the maintainer to make the git better15:26
nevervillemake unistall was sucessful.15:26
lotuspsychje!uptodate | neverville try this15:27
ubottuneverville try this: To ensure you have all the latest known patches and security updates for your ubuntu installation, please update with the following command: `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade`. See also !upgrades and !security; you may also need to run `apt full-upgrade`.15:27
nevervilleBut I have one question is openct-tool and openct-control come with Ubuntu?15:27
lotuspsychje!info openct15:28
ubottuPackage openct does not exist in bionic15:28
lotuspsychje!info openct-tool15:28
ubottuPackage openct-tool does not exist in bionic15:28
lotuspsychjeopenctm-tools exist on repos15:29
nevervilleUnistall was sucessful, but openct-tool and openct-control still present in the /usr/bin dirs'15:30
ducasseas lotus said we don't really support random git repos15:31
nevervilleSolved it, looks like I installed it twice.15:32
Etuazteam, Unfortunately turning ACPI off did not solve the issue.15:47
ioriaEtua, what version of ubuntu and  can you select 'Try ubuntu without install'  ?15:52
Etuaioria, I tried to install 19.04 and I can select the option to try Ubuntu without install.15:54
ioriaEtua, and mouse and keyboard work there ?15:54
EtuaThey do work when I use the USB port from the device that also is SD, CF etc. card reader so I do not connect the pendrive directly to the motherboard. However when I connect the pendrive directly I works differently.15:56
EtuaThe difference is that when I connect the pendrive differently it looses the power during setup and I need to unplug it and then plug again to load the menu.15:58
lotuspsychjeEtua: what kind of brand/model of computer is this?16:00
Etualotuspsychje: It is Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3 rev.4 motherboard. I even updated the firmware today but it changed nothing.16:01
lotuspsychjeEtua: so if i understand well, some usb ports dont feed your usb's after boot?16:02
tomreynside note: there are rev 4.0 and 4.1 of this mainboard16:03
Etualotuspsychje: If I connect the USB with OS image indirectly (to the device with cardreaders) I can boot to the menu without additional intervention. When I connect to any other port I have to unplug the device and plug it again because it looses the power and the menu cannot load. Replugging fixes that.16:05
EtuaBy plugging the device indirectly and using UEFI mode instead of legacy I managed to boot Ubuntu and Kubuntu (without installing)  but that's all I can achieve because at that point I can't use a mouse nor keyboard anymore.16:06
lotuspsychjeEtua: can you see if this matches your experience? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174923716:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1749237 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "External usb 3.0 harddisk not detected by default on 16.04.3" [Undecided,Expired]16:06
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
tomreynis the card reader (usb hub) externally powered?16:07
Etuatomreyn: It is connected solely to the motherboard (permanently mounted in the computer case) but I don't remember how it is connected internally.16:09
SimonNLEtua: if it ends up in the part where the slots are probably pci16:11
Etualotuspsychje: I don't think so because as far as I understand in that case the device received electricity ("keeps flickering") and I loose the power completely which is easy to tell because all the lights go down.16:11
EtuaSimonNL: Possible I'll try to confirm that. Also take note that no matter where I connect the USB with live image I get the message about error -32 that I mentioned.16:13
EtuaI don't really suspect faulty hardware because Windows installer from USB works with any port. During loading a mouse and a keyboard turn down for a few seconds but then they are operational again which does not happen with Ubuntu.16:17
EtuaThe card reader is IBOX ICKWFR055 so it should be connected via pci.16:19
EtuaHow can I edit boot options with UEFI boot where I don't have F6 option?16:27
tomreynEtua: press escape to bring up the grub menu (if it doesn't show by default, i don't rmemeber)16:29
tomreynthen 'e' to edit16:29
Etuatomreyn: Thanks, I wonder whether combining UEFI boot, card reader and turning off ACPI could change anything.16:33
tomreynEtua: i didn't read the beginning of your probleem descritption and thus cannot really comment. also what i *did* get to read did look like firmware or hardware issues to me, but that's just a first impression, of course.16:35
Etuatomreyn: Basically my problem is that the devices loose power during boot preventing me from installing the system, I get a hint of "device descriptor read/64, error -32" for which I could not find any resource relatable to my case and it seems that Windows installer does something better which allows it to use keyboard any mouse so I don't think it is hardware fault.16:39
tomreynEtua: that or your mainboard firmware just treats windows systems differently.16:40
tomreyna (USB) device descriptor read error is a form of I/O error (during device initialization).16:41
tomreynEtua: which ubuntu version and variant are you trying to install there?16:42
tomreyncan we see the full log, on a !pastebin ?16:42
Etuatomreyn: I don't know. The only option in my UEFI menu which mentions Windows is set to "Other OS" (other than Windows 8).16:43
Etuatomreyn: It's Kubuntu and Ubuntu 19.04. How would you like me to dump the logs?16:45
tomreynjournalctl -b | nc termbin.com 999916:45
EtuaAt which point of setup should I write it?16:47
tomreynEtua: if the system is still able to run commands after the issue occurs, then do it after you reproduced it, otherwise do it after just booting up the live / installer iso16:48
tomreynpanther_3: in the future, you could use the /ping command to test your connectivity. alternatively, you could do the "dot test" on a less busy channel, such as #panther_3 - I'd prefer that over here, since it does not needlessy trigger channel activity.16:51
Etuatomreyn: The problem is that the last point when I can use the keyboard is choosing whether to use Ubuntu without install, install etc. just after that I loose the power. Can I write the commands you mentioned before that point?16:52
tomreynEtua: at this very point (or a little earlier) you can switch to a text !tty and run the command there16:53
tomreynEtua: make sure the system has network connectivity already, though16:54
tomreyn!tty | Etua16:54
ubottuEtua: To get to the TTY terminals 3-6, use the keystroke Ctrl + Alt + F3-F6 respectively. Ctrl-Alt-F2 or Ctrl-Alt-F1 will get you back to your graphical login (Ctrl-Alt-F7 on 16.04). To change TTY resolution, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution16:54
panther_3tomreyn: How can I use Tor?16:54
panther_3]I mean for my IP stuff?16:54
tomreynpanther_3: which ubuntu version are you running?16:55
panther_3tomreyn: Actually, I am on Mac. But I have used Tor and Learned about their routing before. But I need to know how to use tor to Hide my IP in IRSSI on my terminal16:56
tomreynpanther_3: if by "on Mac" you mean that you don't run Ubuntu Kinux, then you're asking this on the wrong IRC channel.16:57
tomreyn*Ubuntu Linux16:57
mmysticHi, where should I ask to get an update (apparmor-tools) ?17:01
EoflaOEmmystic: Get an update? Explain more so we can understand more.17:01
Etuatomreyn: Honestly I did not manage to switch the terminal at a window between choosing to boot Ubuntu in GRUB and the problem because it seems that the loss of energy is triggered immediately after choosing to boot the OS.17:03
mmysticEoflaOE: I found a bug on aa-genprof (apparmor-utils not -tols) that was been already fixed in the apparmor-utils 2.13.3 but now I have apparmor-utils 2.13.2 than I need the update17:04
EtuaI also noticed that when I switch the USB port of the keyboard or the mouse after the OS has been loaded they start to glow for a second but they are not active during this time and they go off just after that. Maybe the OS does not recognise them as proper input devices.17:05
fuxxyI'm running a windows DNS domain on my local network. In an Ubuntu minimal install, NetworkManager receives a DNS nameserver from DHCP, but doesnt pass it to /etc/resolv.conf. Instead, the local-caching DNS stub is used. How can I make NetworkManager use the DNS server on my network instead of
mmysticEoflaOE: as I see on /usr/share/doc/apparmor-utils/changelog.Debian.gz the mainteiner should be Jamie Strandboge <jamie@ubuntu.com> than I try to write him.. ?17:06
EoflaOEmmystic: Yes, you can try, since he is one of the devs, looking at @ubuntu.com part.17:07
tomreynEtua: before we spend a lot more time on this, maybe just try installing ubuntu 18.04.3 instead (and upgrade if desired).17:07
mmysticEoflaOE: thanks17:08
EoflaOEmmystic: You are welcome. Thanks for finding a bug in a package.17:09
Etuatomreyn: I wish I could but I have struggled with this problem for years and tried different distros and versions during that time (including Ubuntu LTS) but no one has been able to solve all my problems. Something like two years ago I got the peripherals working on some Arch-based distro but I could not connect to the Internet. The Ubuntu suggests that it can connect but I can't install it.17:11
EtuaSo I can try 18.04.3 but I don't think it will help.17:11
Etuatomreyn: In a masterstroke I connected all 3 devices to the same USB port via special device and it allowed me to use peripherals with Ubuntu booted.17:17
tomreynEtua: well, it's difficult to help diagnose this until you can get a shell on some ubuntu system (and make input to it, either through locally attached periphals, on a serial console, or via a network shell.17:17
Etuatomreyn: I have access to shell and working Internet connection. What would you like me to send now?17:21
Etuatomreyn: I found your previous message. Here you go: http://termbin.com/mt3u17:26
EtuaI suppose that the logs are a bit different because I had the mouse and the keyboard connected to the one working USB port which means that some of the error messages were not displayed during startup.17:27
tomreynEtua: i'm looking17:34
=== ctrlbreak_MAD is now known as ctrlbreak
javorI guess most of you use LUKS?17:42
tomreynjavor: no polls here, please, if you have a question about your (prospect?) ubuntu installation, feel free to ask.17:44
javortomreyn, ye I've q. What is proper setting name for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX when using full disk encription (with boot)17:45
javorcryptosetup or cryptsetup?17:45
tomreynEtua: so other than the line you mentioned earlier, "usb 3-4: device descriptor read/64, error -32", which is followed by "usb usb3-port4: attempt power cycle", you also have this for the USB 2 hub: "applying AMD SB700/SB800/Hudson-2/3 EHCI dummy qh workaround"17:45
javorI mean cryptodevice or cryptdevice (sorry)17:46
tomreynjavor: i don't think you need to pass an option on this parameter. you need "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" in /etc/default/grub though17:48
javortomreyn, and in grub.cfg? there is also cryptodevice|cryptdevice line?17:49
tomreynEtua: did you try what i pointed you to earlier (an hour ago)? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Talk:USB_storage_devices17:49
tomreyn-> device descriptor read error17:49
javortomreyn, I'm asking because for ubuntu 18.04 i've cryptodevice and looks all is fine with that but with other distro i had to use cryptdevice. I wonder why cryptodevice is working in ubuntu. maybe this setting is not used in ubuntu?17:50
tomreynjavor: grub.cfg is generated by update-grub from other files, including /etc/default/grub. in a grub.cfg file meant for booting off an FDE (incl. /boot) installation you'd see "insmod cryptodisk" and "cryptmount -u [hash]"17:52
tomreynjavor: the latter is actually "cryptomount -u [hash]" (i missed an "o")17:53
javortomreyn, correct17:53
javortomreyn, and this allows to omit cryptodevice param?17:54
tomreynjavor: i'm not aware of a "cryptodevice" parameter17:55
javortomreyn, ok thanks.17:56
tomreynnot in ubuntu, that is (maybe you're mixing it up with arch linux).17:57
javortomreyn, exactly17:57
tomreynjavor: also note that (at least some months ago, when i last checked) grub-efi-amd64-signed (secure boot signed) did not include the cryptodisk command. so you'd need to use the non-canonical signed grub-efi-amd64 and optionally secure boot sign yourself.18:03
Etuatomreyn: Sorry, I have just noticed your message. I read the content of the Wiki you sent me but I did not how could I apply it without working keyboard. Now that I have a workaround I could try to install the OS and then apply it. What do you think?18:08
tomreynEtua: so the keyboard stops working during grub menu already?18:11
tomreynEtua: if not, try editing !kernelparm to add usbcore.autosuspend=-118:13
tomreynalternatively, this article lists more options you could try after installation https://askubuntu.com/questions/772056/keyboard-stops-working-ubuntu-16-0418:16
Etuatomreyn: No, it stops after selecting the OS but I suppose I should echo inside Ubuntu terminal and not the one from GRUB?18:18
Etuatomreyn: I'll try to install Ubuntu using my workaround and then make the listed changes if the problem persists.18:24
tomreynEtua: you can run the "echo ..." command as provided on the archlinux wiki from a fully booted ubuntu system, or use the !kernelparm i provided at the grub menu18:42
ubottuTo add a one-time or permanent kernel boot parameter see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters18:42
tomreyngood luck with your installation.18:43
Etuatomreyn, Thank you. I'll let you know how it went.18:45
onomatopie /wc18:46
javortomreyn, thanks I was wondering why they said to not use grub-efi-amd64-signed :P18:52
a90chi lspci output gives broadcom bcm43142 wlan adapter but i cant see wifi networks in 18.0419:02
a90cHow to enable it19:03
ayekata90c: what's the output of `ip l`?19:09
a90cayekat i guess i need to install dkm drivers19:12
tomreynright, sudo apt install broadcom-sta-dkms19:12
ayekatpossibly - can't really tell without any information19:13
ayekatbut if that's common for that model, why not ^^19:13
a90cYes can i use dkm drivers on 5.0 kernel?19:14
tomreynnot sure, just try.19:16
Etuatomreyn: It turns out that after installing Ubuntu the problem is still there. I'll start with the echo command from the Arch wiki.19:18
leonarduswhat version was wayland the default display server?19:21
lotuspsychjeleonardus: you mean gnome19:21
leonardusno, wayland19:21
lotuspsychjeleonardus: wayland wont be default on 20.04 neither19:22
leonardusin one of the ubuntu versions, wayland was default, I just can't remember which19:22
tomreyni think 17.10 is correct, !releasenotes would tell19:22
lotuspsychjewelcome acawley19:40
acawleyI'm looking for a little help on Ubuntu if that is OK?19:40
acawleyI'm relatively new to IRC as well, so please bear with me!19:40
acawleyI've just updated Ubuntu 18.04 and it installed some new BIOS Firmware / Secure Boot setup, after a reboot WiFi isn't working,19:40
acawleyIt warned part-way through the update that some third-party device drivers might not work afterwards but it was a bit too late at that stage to warn me!19:41
acawleyI'm wondering if anyone here might be able to offer a bit of advice or assistance in troubleshooting?19:41
ioriadisable secure boot ? :þ19:41
acawley^ I did have a brief look in my BIOS and I think I saw the option to disable it as being greyed out / unavailable, but I could check again19:42
acawleyI didn't know if Ubuntu would freak or not boot if it was disabled,19:42
ioriacheck again, please19:42
acawleyI have a boot manager in place which gives me the option of Ubuntu or Windows 10 (which I hate and I'm stuck on now ;-( )19:42
acawleyI will do, I will have to reboot the system I'm on so I will go dark, but I'll be back19:42
acawleythanks for your time and help,19:43
=== rud0lf is now known as cobman
acawleySorry I'm not sure if my messages made it through a couple of minutes ago?19:53
acawleyAm I still in "notice" mode or can people see my messages?19:54
acawleyhello anyone?19:55
ioriaacawley, we see you19:56
jeremy31acawley: what?  Does anything not work?19:56
acawleyahar! thank you19:56
acawleyioria - it worked! thank you19:56
acawleyDisabling Secure Boot helped me get WiFi working on Ubuntu 18.04 again19:57
jeremy31acawley: What wifi?19:57
acawleyyep :D19:57
ioriaspeak with jeremy31 , he can explain more19:57
acawleyI'm on a Dell Latitude 558019:57
acawleyno Intel I think19:57
acawleyI went hunting on Dell and Intel's site for Ubuntu drivers but I couldn't easily find any19:57
=== cobman is now known as rud0lf
jeremy31acawley: post URL from terminal for>  lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 net | nc termbin.com 999919:58
acawleyUbuntu 18.04 and my WiFi has been working on this Dell Latitude 5580 has been working for many months without issue,19:58
acawleybut tonights "Secure Boot" update from Ubuntu broke WiFi on Ubuntu 18.04 and Kubuntu19:58
acawleyjeremy31, could you please explain to me what the last "nc" section of that command does?19:59
acawleyoh, does that send the results to somewhere and then gives me back a URL?20:00
acawleysorry just being cautious20:00
jeremy31netcast IIRC, it sends the results to a site like pastebin and it will post the URL with results in terminal20:00
acawleythat is superb! I didn't even know that was possible,20:00
acawleyvery clever20:00
jeremy31acawley: ubuntu has pastebinit program but I don't think it is installed by default20:01
acawleyshall I sudo it do you think? or OK without?20:01
jeremy31acawley: no sudo20:01
acawleyCan I just say - Thank you for your time and help!20:01
jeremy31acawley: >  modinfo iwlwifi | nc termbin.com 999920:02
acawleyHow long would a typical termbin link like that ^ stay valid for? Do they typically expire after x days?20:02
UbuntuNoob911Hey y'all, I got the Unbuntu installed and running on me laptop. Tryin to set up proton vpn, havin problems! But I might be able to do the GUI way if I can make the right icons appear in the title bar system tray. I'm missin that updown icon that lets ya do things with vpns that I see on the instruction website (https://protonvpn.com/support/linux-vpn-setup/) why's my updown missing, and how do I make it appear? Even the20:03
UbuntuNoob911system program don't seem same as in the instructions. I'm fixin to add a new connection like it says in step A1 on the instruction site. But that updown icon is missin, and my wifi icon in the title bar don't let me add no new connections20:03
jeremy31acawley: They eventually expire, I am not sure what time limit it has20:03
acawleyI'm going to learn more about termbin, could be a great training tool,20:04
jeremy31acawley: Your internal wifi should work with Secure Boot enabled as that info shows you are using a signed kernel module20:04
acawleyI don't know what to say jeremy31 it just didn't seem to work after enabling it. Would it be typical to have to run commands after the reboot to renable it or something?20:06
acawleyI tried turning on/off Airplane mode to try triger it into searching for WiFi networks20:06
acawleybut it didn't seem to have any joy20:06
acawleyalso used ifconfig and ping to determine I wasn't really connected20:07
jeremy31acawley: It should have worked.  I wonder if the module crashed because of power management?20:07
jeremy31acawley: Do this next command, reboot and enable Secure Boot and see if wifi works>   sudo sed -i 's/3/2/' /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/*20:07
acawleyok, I will have to save the output to a file as I wont be able to come back on here if it isn't working,20:08
acawleythen I can reboot, disable and retrieve the output if I need to,20:08
acawleyok, back in a few minutes. Thanks again.20:08
jeremy31acawley: run the command before reboot20:09
acawleyoh right, sorry20:09
jeremy31the output of command isn't needed20:09
jeremy31acawley: if wifi doesn't work check>   lsmod | grep iwl20:10
acawleyis that command replacing 3's with 2's?20:10
acawleythe sed one that is20:10
jeremy31see if iwlwifi is loaded,  the command changes 1 line in a file to keep Network Manager from enabling wifi power management20:10
UbuntuNoob911Hey jeremy, that network manager, I think that's what I'm lookin for20:12
UbuntuNoob911but I wasn't sure if you talkin to me20:12
UbuntuNoob911or acawley20:12
jeremy31I was chatting with acawley20:12
acawleyI see what it changed now jeremy31, thanks, I'm just gona reboot in a sec and give it a go20:13
jeremy31UbuntuNoob911: You should be able to find Network Manager and add connections if needed20:13
UbuntuNoob911Yeah, I was thinking that20:13
UbuntuNoob911so I entered into search20:13
UbuntuNoob911But it don't come up20:14
jeremy31On Ubuntu 18.04 with gnome I think it is in the settings near the button to power off or reboot20:14
acawleyOK, I'm back with Secure Boot enabled and WiFi working!20:15
jeremy31acawley: Good20:16
UbuntuNoob911tomreyn,searching that that "nm-connection-editor" give me no search results20:16
jeremy31UbuntuNoob911: type it in terminal20:16
acawleySo changing "wifi.powersave = 2" from 3 to 2 did the trick?20:16
jeremy31acawley: It could have as I have seen the wifi power management crash some wifi before20:17
acawleyah right I see,20:17
acawleythat is really good - thank you ever so much20:17
acawleyI have to dash now, but thank you, thank you!!20:17
acawleytake care20:17
=== vivid` is now known as vivid
UbuntuNoob911ey, cool, typing in terminal pulls up network connections.20:18
jeremy31UbuntuNoob911: is there a + somewhere on that window to add a new connection?20:19
UbuntuNoob911jeremy31, yeah, down in the corner, a plus button, lets ya choose da connection type20:20
UbuntuNoob911I see vpn on there and that's what I'm looking for so I think that'l work20:20
UbuntuNoob911ah, no, I don't see "Import a saved VPN configuration"20:21
UbuntuNoob911but there's a create button that seems to do some things20:22
UbuntuNoob911ya just having a hard time matching my ubuntu 18.04 with the directions for option A on https://protonvpn.com/support/linux-vpn-setup/20:23
UbuntuNoob911I like having a vpn though so I gatta figure it out20:26
GDSanHeya i need some help in Ubuntu 18.04, I'm trying to set up Dovecot and Postfix and the Dovecot directory (/etc/dovecot) wasn't created even after re-installing dovecot. Any tips?20:44
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Yossii have a server at home that consistently comes up with an old ip address (192.168.3.x) instead of the one in the correct address range (192.168.1.x). this means its unreachable after a reboot untill i drag out a keyboard and screen and run sudo dhclient -r enp4s0 and sudo dhclient enp4s0 . im looking for either a way to have it come up correctly in the first place or to run my fix-it script on boot20:55
Yossiubuntu 16.04.620:55
AavarYossi, how have you set up the new ip?20:59
Yossii got rid of an old router and connected it to a new router that gives out a diferent range20:59
Yossieverything else on the network is cool with this. even another ubuntu server. but the other server is 18.04.321:00
AavarYossi, and it is set up with dhcp? I guess the machine is set up with a fixed ip?21:01
Yossii dont think it set to static, but possible it was done a long time ago. how check?21:01
Yossialso, why does my fix-it script work then?21:01
AavarCan you please paste your /etc/network/interfaces21:01
AavarYossi, your script works because you tell it to look for a dhcp server.21:02
Yossioh wow. theres the problem right there. Thanks! someone (probably drunk me) edited /etc/network/interfaces21:03
AavarYossi, :)21:03
deadromhello all. Dell M4800 mobile workstation, intel Wireless 7260 module, which by spec should be ac+bt. not seeing bt devices while lspci lists the module.23:01
deadromcould the device / function be disabled?23:01
rakibulhello all, can I ask a git and pass related question here?23:53

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