[00:36] anastasiamac: did you want to update those links within juju help bootstrap? [00:39] timClicks: i would have liked to changed that bootstrap help but it looks like rick_h wanted to deal with this bug so i left it to him [00:39] ok [00:40] timClicks: i commented on it with my suggestion and m happy to take over but did not want to step on anyone's toes... i'll wait until he wakes up :) [00:40] looks like I didn't get all of the emails [00:41] oh mayb need to update/fine tune ur subscriptions? [02:01] thumper: updated https://github.com/timClicks/juju/tree/develop-docs--readme-upgrade [02:01] timClicks: cool. I'm just trying to focus on another problem just now [02:01] with you later [03:39] babbageclunk: that edit to the release notes implies that you tracked down the missing vmdk issue? [03:40] timClicks: yeah, the culprit was a jenkins cleanup job. D: [03:40] babbageclunk: :/ [03:40] phew, I guess? [03:41] wallyworld: PTAL https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/10533 [03:57] wallyworld: hey with your Azure SDK updates in the azure provider code, is this line in the release notes still current "Note that not all Azure subscriptions support bootstrapping to all regions."? Is it possible to be more specific? [04:32] have expanded the release notes - appreciate any feedback https://discourse.jujucharms.com/t/1889 [09:03] manadart, did you get ineffassign a glance, so we can attempt to merge? [09:19] stickupkid: Yes. [09:32] manadart, ta [09:33] stickupkid: Approved it. I'm not such a fan of using "var (" for a couple of vars in methods. It adds lines for no real gain in readability. But it's taste I guess. [09:33] blame ian [09:34] i like them in dense code, as it causes them to indent in one, so stands out when reading [09:50] manadart, "FAIL: model_test.go:238: ModelSuite.TestUnitReturnsCopy" <- it no worky [09:50] stickupkid: Let me see. [09:52] stickupkid: Gah. Line 255 should be "c.Assert(u2.Ports(), gc.DeepEquals, ch.Ports)" [09:52] manadart, i'll fix [09:53] manadart, ta [09:54] * manadart nods. [10:51] achilleasa, approved your pylibjuju changes [10:54] stickupkid: do we have a plan for the integration test timeouts? Also, should I upgrade my python and regenerate the clients? [10:55] achilleasa, "Also, should I upgrade my python and regenerate the clients" no need [10:56] achilleasa, "do we have a plan for the integration test timeouts" - travis is flakey for us, so i'm not sure atm [10:56] stickupkid: so I can go ahead and land the PR then, right? [10:57] achilleasa, yeap, gogogogogogogo [11:07] fixed the final ineffassign failing tests, let's see if it merges! [11:22] anyone know how to rename the default model name on bootstrap? [11:24] hostedModelName - "-d" "--default-model" [12:07] happy monday [12:08] stickupkid: yea, isn't it a bootstrap argument? [12:27] stickupkid: achilleasa can you please check out https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/issues/341 while you're in the space? [12:30] rick_h: sure thing [13:56] achilleasa, it's when bootstrapping to aws [13:56] achilleasa, fails pretty easily [14:08] did github settings get replace with actions, or am i just blind? [14:09] settings for a project [14:09] hml: settings are over to the right [14:09] actions are in the middle it looks like [14:09] hml: but if you just have write access you might not have access to settings [14:10] hml: but given that the webhook was already setup you shouldn't need to update it? or maybe if the key isn't right I guess [14:10] rick_h: i can’t see anything called settings. and the links on the discourse page give me a 404, so must not have permissions [14:11] hml: probably then [14:22] hml: Approved your merge patch. [14:23] manadart: ty! [14:47] achilleasa, https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/342 [14:48] stickupkid: looking in a few min [16:35] rick_h, what do you think about doing the following - https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/342 [16:36] rick_h, like https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/342/commits/56435ab446889b16b3b7a448d74e07e21e9a6b25#diff-f1d141997568394b3d1de502a0ce201eR71 [16:42] stickupkid: let me look sec [16:45] stickupkid: wfm [16:45] rick_h, right, i'll clean up the tests and get it passing [16:46] stickupkid: just one note on the wording of the error, I'd just say "must be an integer" [16:46] stickupkid: vs "of type integer" or whatnot [16:46] but that's just to make my brain happy [16:46] sure, i'll change it now [17:07] review? https://github.com/juju/names/pull/95 [17:10] hml done [17:10] hml: hah, it never even had a makefile? [17:10] stickupkid: ty - adventures in merge jobs on old… [17:10] rick_h: forget makefile… no depenency mgmt [17:11] hml: hah [17:11] dark corners of juju land [17:11] rick_h: yup… juju spelunking :-D [17:13] stickupkid: there’s some cleanup jobs missing for some of the stuff you and achilleasa are working on… found a bunch of old containers on goodra