
pavlushkahey groudon_ , give us some sign that your stay here is on purpose18:59
-ChanServ:#ubuntu-bd- pavlushka set flags -AOViov on u-la-la19:13
LjLhey NickServ why do i need to know about flag changes20:59
pavlushkaLjL: howdy21:19
pavlushkaLjL: you know the answer of your question right?21:20
LjLactually i don't, but i do know NickServ can't answer it21:20
LjLi would have to ask some of those shady staffer types21:20
pavlushkaLjL: the channel log mode is verbose, that's the reason21:21
pavlushkaLjL: just to make it sure no one does anything silently21:21
* LjL has flashbacks of when he had access to that UbuntuIrcCouncil user21:22

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