[05:43] morning [08:40] o/ [08:42] \o [11:32] 😈 [11:59] =^..^= [16:24] Ahoy [16:25] Something up with gb.archive.ubuntu.com today? Getting 60K/s at best from it [17:28] Hello, I've got a Star Lite laptop that shipped with linux and some of the vendor-specific libraries are not upgrading correctly. sude apt-get update produces some errors including: unable to open '/usr/share/themes/StarLabs-Dark/gtk-3.0/assets/bullet-symbolic.svg.dpkg-new': No such file or directory. I've not moved anything. [17:32] which release is it running? [17:33] try running "cat /etc/lsb-release" [17:39] sonia83: ?