
CC66will someone please tell me how to install multiple instances of this, https://github.com/reactiflux/discord-irc02:01
CC66or could I just create multiple config files and run them,02:02
OerHeksmultiple anoying discord IDs on irc,.. or in multiple channel?02:04
CC66multiple channels and multiple discord servers02:06
CC66not meant to be an annoyance in the slightest ha lol :)02:06
CC66total noob with json and this kinda thing in general altho at least I was able to get the advanced config options to work properly :)02:07
CC66this is also the second time i finally ask and am thinking maybe I have a solution,  lke with tryin to setup sasl earlier02:07
neverbluehi guys, please direct me if this is the incorrect channel. I am generating a very simple website (teaching my son HTML). I have created the folder (/var/www/html) for the site, now I want to apply permissions. I would like him and I to be able to place files in the folder. I want to add his user to read/write, and I can continue to sudo. What do I03:14
neverblue need to run on the folder?03:14
neverbluealso, if I place the permissions on the folder using user:group syntax, how do I determine which group he will use to apply ?03:15
sam_wongI am having trouble with Unetbootin. Does any body has experience of using Unetbootin?04:11
Bashing-omsam_wong: I often see rufus recommended: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/help/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows04:14
sam_wongBashing-om: Do you mean Unetbootin is problematic and suggest another tool?04:18
Bashing-omsam_wong: I have neen around here a spell ,,and yes so I have seen with Unetbootin. However, I can not speak from experience.04:27
sam_wongBashing-om: It seems I have no choice after several unsuccessful attempts but to shift to Rufus04:29
Bashing-omsam_wong: Can not hurt to try :)04:30
catbeardsam_wong: give etcher a shot - https://www.balena.io/etcher/04:30
sam_wongcatbeard: thanks, guys04:31
V7ikanobori: Ah, no .. it worked, sorry. But there were two messages and only one left ;)05:02
V7Morning o/05:02
V7Is it possible to remove such messages from syslog or why do they are posted so frequent: systemd-resolved[30987]: Positive Trust Anchors:...05:04
V7~ each 3 minutes05:04
n8wive got a problem with defining a custom resolution for my nvidia(gt555m) card. My monitors native res is 2560x1440, but the highest one im getting via the nvidia driver(v340) is 2560x1080. Ive tried the xrandr solution (newmode,addmode) without any luck due to error: X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes). According to06:47
n8wthis https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1029095/xrandr-addmode-hdmi-0-1920x1080_30-00-failed/ ,the driver doesnt support custom modes. Any suggestions?06:47
TomyWorki assume that bluetooth issue was patched months ago when it was responsibly disclosed?07:08
TomyWorkthe one that was publicly disclosed on friday, https://knobattack.com07:09
Habbieso, no07:12
Habbienot patched07:12
TomyWorkuhn, wat07:13
HabbieTomyWork, i'm not sure how to be clearer07:14
TomyWorki understand what you said, i just don't know why it wasn't fixed earlier07:14
Habbiethe few lines of irc on that url somewhat explain that07:15
TomyWorkfor some balue of "Bluetooth range"07:16
TomyWorkmy finger need to wake up07:16
TomyWorkwhat is meant by bluetooth firmware, btw. do i basically need to flash the bluetooth chip or is that referring to the binary blob linux uses to access it?07:17
Habbieusually that binary blob -is- the firmware07:18
Habbiethat is not flashed but loaded07:18
Habbieat startup07:18
Habbiebut i can't rule out that some devices could be flashed outside of ubuntu already, and then be safe07:18
Habbiei don't know anything more about the issue than you do now, to be clear07:18
TomyWorkyeah by some definitions firmware is loaded from some kind of storage on the device and run on the device07:19
TomyWorkthen there's the question whether fixing the issue on one side alone is enough to avoid it07:21
TomyWorkit's very unlikely that you'd get firmware upgrades for most gadgets out there07:23
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dionysus69my /usr/bin/env broke after I purge removed system ruby, I am using rvm ...08:25
dionysus69exact error: /usr/bin/env: ‘ruby’: No such file or directory08:25
Habbieenv did not break08:25
Habbieyou don't have a 'ruby' in your $PATH08:25
dionysus69I do, it is rvm ruby though08:27
dionysus69which ruby returns: /usr/share/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.3/bin/ruby08:27
Habbieare you running your script under that same environment?08:27
dionysus69rvm ruby is user space ruby, not system ruby08:29
Habbiei understand that08:29
dionysus69didn't understand the question then, it's first time I ever encountered such error08:29
dionysus69how do I manually remove ruby entry from PATH?08:30
Habbiecan you pastebin a session in which you do 'which ruby; echo $PATH; ls -al $(which ruby)' and also try to run your script?08:30
dionysus69Habbie: https://paste.debian.net/1096511/08:32
dionysus69I didnt understand the last part08:32
dionysus69what do you mean by run your script08:32
dionysus69even apt-get update is throwing that error08:32
geirhaIs your login shell zsh?08:35
geirhaIf so, it might be that PATH isn't exported for some reason08:35
Habbieah - i pondered that, but in bash, it's either exported as is, or not at all08:36
dionysus69yes it is zsh08:36
geirhaI believe zsh has which as a builtin, in which case it can access PATH even if it's not exported08:37
dionysus69but my zshrc is close to stock08:37
geirhawhat does    typeset -p PATH    output?08:37
dionysus69geirha: https://paste.debian.net/1096512/08:39
geirhahm, it is exported, so env should've been able to find ruby08:39
Habbiedionysus69, can you do: sh -c 'which ruby'08:39
geirhaor better:  bash -c 'type -a ruby'08:40
Habbiedid you say the problem was with apt-get?08:40
dionysus69same /usr/share/rvm/rubies/ruby-2.6.3/bin/ruby08:40
Habbiebecause i strongly suspect apt (well, dpkg) does clean PATH08:40
Habbiei then also strongly suspect that your removal of system ruby is not allowed08:40
dionysus69dunno why apt broke, but i guess it is trying to do something with env var which didnt update correctly while purging ruby08:40
Habbiedionysus69, what does 'apt-get install -f' say?08:41
dionysus69same output with bash -c 'type -a ruby'08:41
dionysus69same error /usr/bin/env: ‘ruby’: No such file or directory doesn't go to apt part at all08:41
dionysus69breaks down before that08:41
dionysus69can I just delete usr bin env and reboot?08:41
geirhals -l /usr/bin/env08:42
dionysus69dunno how that works08:42
Habbieplease stop removing parts of your system that it needs08:42
dionysus69i have deleted ruby in past :D didnt know it was needed08:42
dionysus69geirha: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 35000 იან 18  2018 /usr/bin/env08:42
geirhasame size and date as on my 18.04 system08:43
dionysus69I am running 18.04 too08:43
dionysus69how do I download system ruby es deb file08:43
dionysus69and install with dpkg? unless that is also broken08:43
Habbieplease pastebin the apt problem08:44
dionysus69https://paste.debian.net/1096513/ full input putput08:45
Habbiethat's weird, i don't think apt-get relies on ruby on my system08:47
dionysus69I dont think so either08:47
dionysus69env has to be a problem08:47
Habbiethere is no problem with env08:47
Habbiemaybe try strace -ff -o apt-get.strace apt-get update08:47
Habbieand pastebin the files that that writes08:48
Habbieso we can find out why your apt has a problem with your missing ruby08:48
dionysus69same error08:48
Habbiebut now you have a bunch of files08:48
dionysus69that indicated that command fails at zsh level I guess08:48
Habbietry: sh -c 'apt-get update' please08:48
dionysus69same error with that too08:49
dionysus69or in case of bash too08:49
dionysus69do I pastebin those files?08:49
Habbiethen please pastebin apt-get.strace*08:49
ronnieHow to configure network-manager to connect only certain routes with openvpn. When i connect with commandline openvpn and my .ovpn file (with route-nopull) it works perfect (only specific routes are secured). But when connecting with network-manager ALL traffic is secured. I'm using ubuntu 18.0408:49
dionysus69Habbie: sequentially https://pastebin.com/5bRpyANW08:51
dionysus692) https://paste.debian.net/1096516/,  3) https://paste.debian.net/1096517/ 4) https://paste.debian.net/1096518/08:52
Habbieok, i see it in 1) and 4)08:53
Habbiebut i cannot explain it, sorry08:53
Habbiedionysus69, head -1 /usr/sbin/apt-get08:54
dionysus69Habbie: weird, why? #!/usr/bin/env ruby08:54
Habbienow try08:54
dionysus69apt-get is a ruby script? who would have thought08:54
Habbie  /usr/bin/apt-get update08:54
Habbieit's not08:54
Habbieexcept on your system!08:55
dionysus69I havent touched that file08:55
Habbiewell, something did08:55
Habbiedpkg -S /usr/sbin/apt-get08:55
dionysus69kde neon here08:56
geirhaI know there are some apt-/dpkg- commands that are written in python, but didn't know there were ruby ones too08:56
dionysus69but base is 18.0408:56
Habbiedionysus69, what does dpkg -S say?08:56
bastiaanquestion about nvidia driver from graphics-drivers PPA: it seems that version 418 is now depending on 430 and kernel 5.0.0. is there a way to prevent this (voor ubuntu 18.04)08:56
Habbieno ubuntu packages provide /usr/sbin/apt-get08:56
dionysus69neon-settings: /usr/sbin/apt-get08:57
geirhaoh my08:57
Habbieapt policy neon-settings08:57
dionysus69got the problenm08:57
dionysus69geirha, Habbie: https://paste.debian.net/1096523/ they check if I am running upgrade by a ruby script08:58
dionysus69thus system ruby is required08:58
Habbieso that's a bug in neon-settings08:58
Habbiewherever it came from08:58
dionysus69I will install ruby with /usr/bin/apt-get install I guess, your tips were invalueable!08:58
Habbieyou should report that bug08:58
dionysus69Habbie: they just didnt consider a scenario where system ruby is missing08:58
dionysus69script should check for other ruby versions, it's a distribution after all08:58
Habbiethat's a bug08:58
Habbiethat you should report08:58
dionysus69thanks allot again!08:59
dionysus69will report08:59
Habbieyou're welcome :)09:00
mysticany essential recommended apps for ubuntu?   i have a nice smooth installation now.. just looking for good apps09:04
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Cheezwell... what do you want to do?09:32
Cheezmystic: you might also want to try #ubuntu-offtopic09:37
mysticanything really, just godo to hasve good working app.. and ok09:39
ayekatmystic: rule of thumb: get clear about what you want to do, and *then* pick the right tools for that - not the other way around09:48
talinhello. i have an ubuntu version of glib, but i'd like to install the same one, but with debugging symbols10:18
ubottuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures10:19
Habbieoh well10:20
Habbietalin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages10:20
manARMyI like Ubuntu. Just one thing I struggle with: ptrace access denied. So gdb needs root10:23
manARMyLucky I have root access here10:24
talinHabbie: thank you10:35
talinheh, i installed openbox, and when i do an ambiguous tab-completion or press backspace when there are no remaining characters in an xterm, i get a super ugly sound and the terminal freezes for like 1 second per letter i input. does anyone have any idea how to identify what package is doing this?10:36
V7Could anyone suggest how to get rid of systemd-resolve's messages in syslog like: https://termbin.com/u2ym11:08
V7Hey all o/11:08
yankovicHi. I try to use preseed file to install ubuntu. I use "d-i mirror/http/proxy string" to set proxy, but after installation is finished and I boot into ubuntu I see that apt is not configured to work with proxy. How I can configure proxy on final system using preseed?11:17
V7Already relinked /etc/resolv.conf and reinstalled resolvconf11:17
V7yankovic: You can add scripts to run after installation11:18
V7This might be the simpliest way11:18
yankovicV7: maybe you are right11:19
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ihatecarsso I finally got ubuntu to work and everything, 18.04 but.... my laptop is an hp omen using a nvidia 1050 mobile graphics card and I've tried installing all the different recommended drivers to no avail.  Everything works fine but I can't change the scaling which is terrible becauae it's in 4k13:07
ihatecarsI can change the scaling from 100% to 200, 300, or 400 ,but nothing in between.  It's terrible, 200 is so large and slows down the pc but 100 is so small.  I looked at a few posts about fractional scaling but none of the solutions worked13:08
EriC^^ihatecars: did you try some different resolution?13:12
ihatecarslmao i just made a small mistake there13:18
ihatecarsEriC^^   in the settings the only option for resolution is 3840x2160, I cannot change it to anything else.  I also tried to to the workaround in the terminal by using some thing I found online but it didn't work either13:20
Cheezhas something just happened to the ubuntu mirrors? i've been using them all morning without issue and now suddenly i'm barely hitting 700Kib/s13:20
Cheezuk.archive.ubuntu.com and archive.ubuntu.com from the uk and from the us are suddenly insanely slow13:20
ihatecarsI also tried the workaround where you increase the scaling to 200 and then use the terminal to zoom out but it doesn't let me because it would "increase the resolution"13:20
EriC^^ihatecars: do you want to try 1920x1080?13:21
EriC^^ihatecars: pastebin "xrandr -q"13:21
EriC^^!paste | ihatecars13:22
ubottuihatecars: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:22
EriC^^ihatecars: are you using sudo with the command or from a root shell by any chance?13:24
ihatecarsshould i have put sudo in front of that13:24
ihatecarsim new to this whole thing13:24
ihatecarsthe command I used was "xrandr -q" without sudo13:25
EriC^^no, that's fine13:25
ihatecarsoh okay13:26
ihatecarsive installed the 430 nvidia driver and i cant use wayland.  Then I purged them and installed the 390 driver and when i rebooted i got a login loop on unity, ubuntu normal and then wayland so I had to reveret to an oklder kernel for this boot13:27
ihatecarsolder as in it was installed 3 hours ago instead of 2 lmao13:28
EriC^^ihatecars: are you using wayland right now?13:30
ihatecarsno I get a login loop on wayland13:30
EriC^^oh ok13:30
ihatecarsim on normal ubuntu right now and then I have unity desktop installed because apparently it was a workaround but it didnt work for me13:31
EriC^^ihatecars: try "xrandr --newmode "1080p" 169.00  1920 2040 2240 2560  1080 1083 1088 1120 -hsync +vsync"13:31
ihatecarsI tried that earlier and it yelled at me13:31
ihatecarsxrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default13:32
beaver_!info linux-image-generic bionic13:33
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB13:33
EriC^^ihatecars: what does "sudo lshw -c video | nc termbin.com 9999" give?13:33
genii!info linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 bionic13:34
ubottulinux-image-generic-hwe-18.04 (source: linux-meta-hwe): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 11 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf; arm64; ppc64el; s390x)13:34
EriC^^ihatecars: hmm unclaimed display is a problem13:36
EriC^^ihatecars: what kernel are you using? "uname -r"13:36
ihatecarsthere is a 4.2 one installed but when I boot into it I get login loops on all three, ubuntu default, unity and wayland13:37
bastiaanI also have problems with nvidia since this week13:40
bastiaanits depending on kernel 5.0.0 causing all kind of problems13:40
bastiaansince last week13:41
EriC^^ihatecars: what does "(cat /proc/cmdline; sudo ubuntu-drivers devices; dpkg -l | grep -E "nvidia|linux") | nc termbin.com 9999" give?13:41
ihatecarsoh yes not 4.2, 5.0, im dumb13:42
bastiaansomeone reading this line?13:43
rafibd01717hi guys13:43
ihatecarsreading what line13:43
bastiaanthanks :)13:44
rafibd01717I use Gimp in Windows. My GIMP was slow in Windows13:44
bastiaanjust wanna be sure I'm not in mute mode here or something.13:44
EriC^^ihatecars: try "cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 999913:44
rafibd01717So that I deleted font cash folder from C:\Users\rafi\AppData\Local\fontconfig13:44
rafibd01717Now I see gimp startup is slow in my ubuntu too13:45
ihatecarscat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 999913:45
rafibd01717I wanna delete GIMP font cash foders in Ubuntu too13:45
rafibd01717how can I do this13:45
rafibd01717Can anyone give me link of the GIMP fontcash folder on Ubuntu?13:45
bastiaan~/.cache/fontconfig ?13:46
EriC^^ihatecars: type "sudo nano /etc/default/grub" edit the line that says "quiet splash nomodeset" to "quiet splash" then save13:46
ihatecarsi swear if that works ima cry13:46
EriC^^dont reboot yet13:47
ihatecarshow do i save the heck13:47
ihatecarsEriC^^how do i save this13:49
EriC^^ihatecars: ctrl+o13:49
rafibd01717Nobody talking to me.. :(13:49
ihatecarsokay thats written out then13:50
ihatecarsrafibd01717 bastiaan was, he said that file location for you13:50
EriC^^ihatecars: type "sudo update-grub"13:50
ihatecarsEriC^^aight done13:51
rafibd01717Ahh I didn't see it13:51
EriC^^ihatecars: type "sudo apt-get purge nvidia*"13:51
EriC^^ihatecars: actually sudo apt-get purge 'nvidia*'13:52
ihatecarswhats the difference13:52
rafibd01717You mean I can delete everything from ~/.cache/fontconfig to get GIMP quick startup?13:52
EriC^^ihatecars: well, if you have a file that starts with nvidia in that dir, bash would expand the word to that, instead of passing the "*" to apt-get13:53
ihatecarsyes that totally makes sense :P13:53
rafibd01717bastiaan inside C:\Users\Rafi\AppData\Local\fontconfig\cache I see .cash7 files.13:53
rafibd01717so this can be deleted safely right?13:54
ihatecarsEriC^^aight its purged13:54
ihatecarsyou gonna have me run the autoinstall or manually install driver13:54
EriC^^ihatecars: autoinstall13:55
EriC^^ihatecars: try sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall13:55
ihatecarsit installed 43013:56
EriC^^this is ubuntu 18.04 right?13:56
EriC^^ihatecars: try booting into 4.15.0-58 see what happens13:57
ihatecarsroger that brb13:57
EriC^^ihatecars: actually hold that thought13:58
EriC^^ah nevermind13:58
EriC^^give it a shot :)13:58
ihatecarsi said brb and went to type reboot but the process was still running XD13:58
ihatecarsEriC^^ can i buy you a pizza14:02
pizzaioloihatecars i'll sell you one14:03
rafibd01717Pizzas are delicious14:03
rafibd01717If I delete all files from ~/.cache/fontconfig folder will it be a skyfall on my head?14:05
EriC^^ihatecars: might as well run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" if it's a new system, get it all up to date if you havent already14:05
ihatecarsso how would i make it boot into the 4.15 every time14:06
rud0lfrafibd01717: dare to try this? https://pub.leopard.ovh/yum.jpg14:06
rud0lfi use this picture to mock italian friends14:07
rafibd01717what are those round things?14:07
EriC^^ihatecars: did you try the 5.0-25 one? it might work too14:07
ihatecarsrafibd01717looks like banana slices14:08
rafibd01717ihatecars I am not going to taste it14:08
ihatecarsno but im gonna try it right now14:09
ihatecarssee if it boots without me javing to go into grub14:09
ihatecarsalso rafibd01717 I feel bad for you youre asking that question and nobody can help you lol14:09
rafibd01717yeah :(14:10
EriC^^rafibd01717: you could do "mv ~/.cache/fontconfig ~/.cache/fontconfig.backup" and see what happens if it goes wrong you have a backup of it14:10
EriC^^i dont think anything bad will happen, usually you're able to delete all configs in your home dir and you'll login, you'll just be missing some custom settings you did and it'd be back to bone stock14:11
rafibd01717EriC^^ Thanks man14:11
EriC^^no problem rafibd0171714:12
ihatecarsso that worked too nice i love this14:12
=== Peetz0r is now known as Peetz1r
EriC^^great :D14:12
ihatecars I get to setup vscode =# =#14:13
ihatecarsI couldnt even get that working on windows XD14:13
EriC^^oh boy :D14:14
EriC^^why don't you like cars? or is it like a sarcastic nick? :D14:14
=== Peetz1r is now known as Peetz0r
ihatecarsEriC^^I made this nick when I was working on my old honda and I had no idea what was wrong with it.  Huge clicking from electric load in the engine bay and no power anywhere.  So I came to irc for help and they didn't know either14:20
ihatecarsEriC^^   but I in no way hate cars, I love them, I was going to school with dreams of being an automotive engineer14:21
bastiaanrafibd01717: I think actually everything in ~/.cache/ folder can be removed without problem14:24
bastiaanas it should be cache and be regenereated14:24
bastiaanalthough it can cost some CPU power or internet bandwidth14:24
rafibd01717bastiaan thanks for the confirmation.14:24
rafibd01717bastiaan is this path same for all versions of Linux distros?14:25
MondoMy default apps do NOT open a file when dbl-click. But, rt-click and open with the same app works!14:26
bastiaanyes, modern ones14:26
bastiaansee https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/file-hierarchy.html#/var/cache/14:26
bastiaanand if you search for ".cache" you'll see the same14:27
bastiaanon that page14:27
rafibd01717bastiaan Thousands of thanks man14:27
bastiaanyw :)14:27
bastiaanEriC^^, ihatecars : btw, my problem loosely related https://askubuntu.com/questions/1166792/nvidia-418-now-depending-on-kernel-5-0-0-on-18-04lts14:30
bastiaanEriC^^, ihatecars : it seems the problem is "nvidia-driver-418" is now depending on "nvidia-driver-430" to "help people migrate"14:31
bastiaanbut as nvidia-driver-418 is a meta package it can be fixed by ignoring the dependency14:32
ihatecarsI don't know anything about ocmputers14:32
Mondo"ocmputers" depend on a system referred to as Occam's razor14:33
ihatecarsI can't make any assumptions about a computer14:36
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MondoMy default apps do NOT open a file when dbl-click.14:49
MondoBut, rt-click and open with the same app works!14:49
BluesKajHi folks15:28
=== beaver_ is now known as beaver^
et09hi - anyone from brazil?  need someone to help me debug SMS to brazil :-O15:44
et09much appreciated, msg me if you can15:45
lordcirthet09, SMS? This is the Ubuntu support channel15:46
mknepperanyone know how to set the priority of a specific program to realtime in the terminal?16:05
Habbiemknepper, i don't know enough about realtime, does 'renice' do the job?16:07
mknepperHabbie, renice does but i think realtime is more on the kernel level, which i why i wanted to set it16:09
jjgalvez6500anyone having trouble updating libreoffice this morning I am getting the following error16:11
jjgalvez6500E: /var/cache/apt/archives/libreoffice-writer_1%3a6.0.7-0ubuntu0.18.04.9_amd64.deb: cannot copy extracted data for './usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libswlo.so' to '/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libswlo.so.dpkg-new': unexpected end of file or stream16:11
ioriaprobably it's a corrupted cache16:14
intellectMy Ubuntu laptop keeps flashing this message16:18
intellectAnd it doesn't go anywhere16:18
mknepperjjgalvez6500, I had a similar issue and just deleted the specific package from the cache16:18
intellectHow can I fix it?16:18
mknepperim not sure how safe that is though and i had clean some stuff up after i did it16:18
mknepperintellect, does it boot into ubuntu?16:19
mknepperintellect, or does it just stay on that screen? cuz i think that's systemd just booting up all the services, but im no expert16:20
ioriajjgalvez6500,  ^ and run sudo apt-get install -f   after that16:20
jjgalvez6500mknepper, ioria, Thanks I'll try that16:20
mknepperioria, do you think 'apt clean' would be useful for jjgalvez6500 after he runs the apt fix command?16:20
Habbieintellect, try hitting enter a few times16:21
mkneppergood luck jjgalvez6500. i wasnt libreoffice for me, i think it was a couple build dependencies for systemd that had gotten angry with me lol but that seemed to work16:21
jjgalvez6500Thanks I'll let you all know how it goes16:22
intellectHabbie: thanks16:22
intellectHabbie: it doesn't work16:25
mknepperintellect whats the error message now? can you post it in a pastebin?16:25
jjgalvez6500mknepper, ioria, thank you that fixed it16:28
ioriajjgalvez6500, good16:28
intellectmknepper: this message is flashing in repeat16:29
mknepperintellect, so it doesn't boot into ubuntu, it just gets stuck on that screen?16:31
intellectmknepper: yes16:31
mknepperhmm. interesting.16:32
mknepperintellect, is this a fresh install?16:32
mknepperdid you update the system or install/remove anything before this started happening?16:33
intellectI 've been using Ubuntu for a few months16:33
intellectmknepper: I didn't. But I forced shut down16:33
intellectBecause it sometimes reboot after shut down16:33
mknepperalright, let me look into this. for now try dropping into a ttyl and logging in that way with your userid and password16:34
mknepperthat way we can get some logs and stuff16:34
mknepperintellect, press ctrl+alt+f116:34
mknepperthen login16:34
mknepperlet me know when you're in16:35
dStructhey all.  Is it normal for rpc.mountd to be listening by default?  I don't have or use NFS at all, but I just noticed mountd listening on all interfaces and atleast 5 different random high ports16:35
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
intellectIt doesn't work. Still on the same page16:36
mkneppermkay, new idea. reboot the system and spam the Shift key16:37
mknepperi want to see if we can get to the grub menu and then to the kernel recovery mode16:37
dStructmknepper: did ctrl+alt+F1 or F2 not work?16:38
mknepperhe said it didnt dStruct16:38
mknepperso im going to try and get them into the kernel recovery mode with networking16:38
mknepperget into some logs and run a few maintenance commands and see what's what16:39
dStructyou guys might want to check it wasn't completely locked up, cycling num lock or caps lock usually will give you a clue if the cpu has stopped cycling16:39
mknepperit seems to freeze when systemd initiates the gnome display manager16:39
intellectmknepper: i spammed shift key16:39
intellectStill the same16:39
mknepperit might be the escape key16:39
dStructintellect: did you recently install any driver updates for your GPU by chance?16:39
mknepperlet me double check16:39
mknepperah, okay, its the escape key16:40
mknepperi guess shift is for legacy bios or something and esc is for uefi16:41
dStructmknepper: it depends on if his bios is in legacy mode or UEFI, in legacy bios mode it is the shift key, but given that didn't work he's probably using UEFI so Esc key it is16:41
intellectAdvanced options for. Ubuntu?16:41
dStructyes that lol16:41
mknepperokay awesome, go to advanced options16:41
mknepperdo you see something called recovery mode?16:42
mknepperor recovery16:42
intellectI see 3 recovery modes16:42
dStructyou probably want the one with the highest kernel version16:42
mknepperintellect, select the 5.0 recovery16:43
dStructI would recommend trying to the 5.x recovery one, and if that fails, repeat the process and reboot and choose an older one16:43
mknepperyes, what dStruct said16:43
dStructteam work brother :D16:43
mknepperonce you select that, tell us what it does16:43
mknepperdStruct, hellz yee16:43
intellectIt shows recovery menu16:44
mknepperpick the one that has networking16:44
dStructit should boot into that mode16:44
mkneppertake a picture16:44
scratchyhey hey, anyone else having super slow download speeds from archive.ubuntu.com?16:44
dStructarrow key over it to select the line you want and press enter should boot it16:44
lordcirthscratchy, try switching mirrors?16:45
scratchydownloading this: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz brings max 60kb/sek from several geolocations..16:45
scratchylordcirth: easier said then done ;)16:45
lordcirthscratchy, 100kb/s here16:46
scratchywell, still sucks for net install..16:46
dStructscratchy: mtr is a really helpful tool to identify when there is an issue with a route to something, it may not be the mirror itself but your path to it16:46
scratchydStruct thats why im saying from several locations16:46
scratchyseems the mirror itself..16:47
scratchytried mtr / different isps already though..16:47
dStructmeh, that's probably why there are about 300 mirrors to choose from I guess (yes I'm exaggerating)16:47
lordcirthscratchy, where are you? I use http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca16:47
intellectmknepper: ^16:48
scratchylordcirth: germany / fin im currently netinstalling from16:48
mknepperintellect, use the arrows to select the Networking option then hit enter16:48
intellectmknepper: i did16:49
mknepperokay, login16:49
mknepperif it hasnt already16:49
mknepperintellect, can you take another picture?16:50
mknepperand no, dont hit resume yet16:50
mknepperi want to see what options you have16:50
intellectD: I hit resume already16:50
mknepperoh no lol16:50
mknepperwell tell me what happens16:50
intellectStill the same options16:50
intellectNothing happens16:51
intellectBlank space16:51
intellectI think I reach terminal16:51
mknepperokay good, thats what we want16:51
dStructintellect: try ctrl+alt+F1 or F2, F1-F5 should be spare tty terminals to login from16:51
mknepperi think they're already in a terminal16:51
intellectTerminal is still blinking16:52
mkneppercan you take another picture intellect16:52
mknepperintellect, try ctrl+alt+f216:52
mknepperor f3, f4, f516:52
intellectThat login is still blinking16:54
dStructintellect: the text/console login is flashing?16:54
intellectdStruct: yes16:55
dStructintellect: interesting, are you able to type your login info and get logged in?16:55
dStructintellect: do you have a really large hammer by chance?16:55
dStructasking for a friend16:55
intellectIt only last a second to show16:55
intellectdStruct: to hit my laptop or my head?16:56
dStructintellect: something weird is going on with the graphical stuff, is it a really old laptop?16:57
intellectIt is old16:57
intellectSince 201216:57
dStructintellect: what happends when you hit ctrl+alt+backspace anything?16:57
dStructintellect: and are you able to SSH into the laptop from another device?16:57
mkneppermy plan was to get intellect into a shell to double check for any updates, clean apt and purge/reinstall gdm16:59
mknepperintellect, do the same thing but don't hit resume this timy16:59
dStructmknepper: sounds like a solid plan to me16:59
mknepperintellect, just enable networking and when the options come back up, select root16:59
dStructmknepper: I was thinking more grep "EE" his X log16:59
mknepperintellect, but dont do anything once your in the root shell, root is very powerful and you could mess up your system16:59
mknepperdStruct yeah that too, i want to see his logs16:59
dStructmknepper: really interesting his text console is flashing though, I don't think I've seen that before and I've seen a lot of stuff17:00
mknepperi think something jacked up with the login manager17:00
mknepperive had a similar thing happen to me and i had to redo a couple things17:01
mknepperi also want to see what hardware he has17:01
intellectIntel core i317:01
dStructmknepper: it's very possible, if ctrl+alt+backspace does nothing, and he can't ssh into it remotely, I was thinking he should try a normal boot from his grub menu on kernel 4.18.0-2117:01
intellectmknepper: enable networking?17:02
intellectThen root?17:02
dStructintellect: yes Root17:03
mknepperdStruct is ctrl+alt+backspace disabled for X restart on Ubuntu?17:04
dStructmknepper: quite possibly, I deal with a large range of older legacy software so I keep lots of tricks in my toolbox, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't do anything, worth a shot tho17:05
mknepperdStruct i think it is but there's a way to set it back up, i just dont know how17:05
dStructmknepper: ever heard of MPX, it's pre any UNIX17:05
mknepperintellect, alright, awesome, that looks good.17:05
intellectmknepper: now it is blank17:06
dStructmknepper: yeah it can to rebound in a conf somewhere, I did it once a while back17:06
intellectThe screen is blank17:06
dStructintellect: like the screen went blank?17:06
mknepperthats weird17:06
dStructintellect: if the screen immediately blanked and doesn't come back when you hit a key, you may have some hardware issue going on, like bad ram, or a very corrupt hard drive, but that's pure speculation at this point17:07
mknepperyou can't type anything intellect ?17:07
intellectmknepper: no17:08
dStructand I don't think he would have multiple ttys in root mode right?17:08
intellectI bought this laptop since  201217:08
intellectMaybe too old?17:08
dStructdoes caps lock cycle on/off if you hit it?17:08
dStructit's not that old17:08
intellectOh. It's on17:08
mknepperokay good17:09
mkneppertype this in:17:09
mknepperapt update17:09
mknepperhit enter, tell me what it says17:09
mknepperdStruct do you remember where to pull logs from? it's in /var/log or something isnt it?17:09
dStructyes X.log or X.log.## I think17:09
dStructcould also be /var/log/gdm3, depends on how he's setup17:10
intellectmknepper: what should I type now?17:11
dStructhe doesn't have networking enabled in root mode17:11
mknepperhold on, we'll enable it, let me look it up17:11
intellectBecause there's no Internet connection with it17:11
intellectShould I connect with Internet?17:12
dStructintellect: do you use your ethernet cable to get internet?17:12
intellectdStruct: phone data17:12
dStructintellect: a dialup modem?17:12
intellectMobile data17:12
mknepperintellect try this17:12
mkneppertype this in service network-manager start17:12
mknepperoh wait, you dont have internet on it?17:13
dStructmknepper: unless he's using netplan :D17:13
intellectmknepper: should I connect with Internet?17:13
dStructintellect: yes17:13
t3rminalHey folks. I'm hoping someone knows what I am doing wrong.17:13
mkneppersure, whats up t3rminal17:14
mknepperill see if i can help17:14
t3rminalHi mknepper, I've got a headless server running ubuntu 16.04 and I have a SAMBA share configured. Its working fine for everything apart from symlinks which don't show up when I open the samba share on my mac.17:15
lordcirtht3rminal, the symlinks just aren't there?17:15
mknepperoh man intellect thats a lot of package upgrades lol17:16
t3rminalyes they dont show up on the mac.17:16
mknepperah, thats out of my specialty t3rminal wish I could help17:16
intellectmknepper: what should I do now?17:16
dStructmknepper: probably start with a apt upgrade?17:16
mknepperintellect enter this17:17
mknepperapt upgrade17:17
mknepperwhen it prompts to upgrade, hit -y17:17
mkneppersorry, i meant hit the y key17:17
t3rminalI used the 'ln -s' command to create them and they seem to have been created correctly.17:17
dStructintellect: watch for any errors about packages not being ok17:17
mknepperyes, keep an eye on that17:17
mknepperim thinking this will probably fix a lot of your issues17:17
mknepperbut we'll see17:17
t3rminalIt's ok mknepper, thanks for tryin17:17
dStructt3rminal: do you have follow symlinks = yes defined in your conf?17:18
t3rminalhi dStruct, the bottom of my smb.conf has this in it17:19
t3rminalfollow symlinks = yes17:20
t3rminalwide links = yes17:20
t3rminalpath = /media/storage17:20
dStructt3rminal: in the [share] section?17:20
t3rminalread only = no17:20
dStructt3rminal: perfect, and do you have appropriate permissions that samba would be able to share those linked directories?17:20
mknepperintellect might want to grab some coffee, not sure how fast your internet is lol17:21
dStructmknepper: lol17:21
mknepperwhen its done upgrading type this in: reboot17:21
mknepperlet us know what happens17:21
intellectmknepper: 275 kB/s17:21
mknepperbrew a whole pot17:21
dStructt3rminal: also be careful pasting multiple lines in here, Drone will hurt you17:21
lordcirth!paste | t3rminal17:22
ubottut3rminal: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:22
t3rminaldStruct, I can't see any issues with permissions17:23
t3rminaldStruct, Drone has offered me there advice.17:23
dStructt3rminal: so in your samba conf follow symlinks and wide links are in what [subsection]17:24
mknepperdStruct do you use any recent distros regularly? i know you said you use legacy stuff, im just curious. do you have a distro at home you use?17:24
dStructmknepper: I run 18.04 LTS on most things, I used to be a mirror maintainer for the Gentoo guys for about 4-5 years, I've run FreeBSDx 1.x-5.xish, Debian obviously, TurboLinux back in the day, and I currently work on SystemV and MPX daily at work17:26
dStructoh and Deadra.. I mean RedHat 2.x and up, Fedora, Cent etc17:26
t3rminaldStruct, it's pretty much at the bottom of smb.conf17:27
mknepper18.04 LTS is pretty good, my favorite next to 10.04 LTS and 16.04 LTS17:27
lotuspsychje!discuss | mknepper17:28
ubottumknepper: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:28
mknepperoh snap, i didn't know there was another channel for that. ty.17:29
dStructt3rminal: make a section called [global] and put under it follow symlinks = yes, wide links = yes, unix extensions = no, on 3 separate lines17:29
scratchyis it possible with preseed to switch the mirror?17:30
dStructt3rminal: when you're done, save it, and restart the samba service with sudo systemctl restart smbd17:31
dStructscratchy: you should be able to just edit your sources.list to change the mirror17:32
t3rminaldone dStruct but they still aren't there.17:33
dStructt3rminal: you have a very stripped down samba conf, you might want to try making a backup copy of your current config and starting over with a default samba config, add in your shares and make sure those lines I gave you are in the [global] section, did you restart smbd?17:34
t3rminaldStruct, I backed it up before I started tinkering thankfully17:35
t3rminaldStruct, I backed it up before I started tinkering thankfull17:35
t3rminalThe samba conf is the standard one that was created when I installed it. I've just added to it.17:36
t3rminaldStruct, can you point me towards a default smb.conf thats correct please?17:37
dStructt3rminal: it should have been included when you installed it, locate samba.conf and you might find one in /usr/share I believe17:38
dStructt3rminal: or actually it would be smb.conf not samba.conf17:38
t3rminaldStruct, thats the one I edited. It was in /etc/samba/smb.conf17:39
t3rminalif I do 'locate smb.conf' it gives me some other locations for the file17:40
dStructt3rminal: under each of your shares add guest ok = yes and restart smbd again17:44
dStructt3rminal: then check on your Mac by hitting Command+K and type smb://your_server_ip_or_name17:46
intellectmknepper: ^17:52
dStructintellect: select Yes17:52
mknepperselect yes intellect17:53
dStructintellect: if you select the No option it will continue to prompt you for every service it restarts during the upgrade process, usually not necessary17:53
* intellect nods 17:53
t3rminalstill no luck dStruct17:54
dStructt3rminal: ok, so can you see the server from your Mac at all?17:54
dStructt3rminal: how are you connecting to it, command+k?17:54
t3rminalI can access it without any problems and I can see all the files in the folder apart from the symlinks17:54
intellectmknepper: this message again17:55
dStructmknepper: probably try normal boot now?17:55
t3rminali'm connecting to it via command+k yes17:55
dStructt3rminal: are you logging in with credentials, or just browsing as a guest user/no login?17:55
intellectmknepper: normal boot?17:56
dStructt3rminal: ok I believe your issue is probably permissions related, are you able to give one of the directories in question 777 permissions?17:57
mknepperintellect yes, though if its still acting weird you might need to do a full reboot17:57
mknepperbut yeah, go for it17:57
t3rminallets have a go17:57
intellectmknepper: it shows terminal now17:58
intellectBlinking terminal17:58
dStructt3rminal: it also could have to do with the symlinks you have that appear to be pointing to themselves in the same directory, that's not good to have17:59
intellectmknepper: I think it needs full reboot then18:00
mknepperyeah probably18:01
mknepperif this doesn't work we're going to try something else18:01
mknepperintellect full reboot it and see what happens18:01
dStructt3rminal: also in your smb.conf it wouldn't hurt to add browsable = yes to each [share] and restart smbd again18:01
intellectmknepper: I don't have  the Ubuntu software stick18:01
t3rminaldStruct what do you mean by them pointing to themselves?18:02
dStructintellect: it's possible the first round of upgrades didn't fix the broken package18:02
intellectmknepper: dStruct I forced shut down and now it works!18:03
intellectThank you so much, guys18:03
dStructintellect: nice, congrats!!18:03
* intellect hugs mknepper and dStruct 18:03
dStructt3rminal: in your paste, I see 3 files that appear to be symlinked incorrectly18:04
dStructintellect: does the graphical login work?18:04
intellectdStruct: yes18:04
mkneppervery welcome intellect  :)18:04
dStructintellect: well I'm glad it's working, I know how frustrating that can be18:04
t3rminaldStruct, I thought I pasted my smb.conf?18:05
dStructt3rminal: you did, along with some ls -lh's18:05
mknepperintellect enjoy your system. i was thinking either you needed an update or gdm jacked up. have fun! :)18:05
intellectdStruct: yeah. My deadline to submit exam question papers is today and it happened suddenly. Heh18:05
intellectmknepper: thanks18:06
t3rminaldStruct oh yeah. oops18:06
t3rminalI did wonder why the full path wasn't showing on the right.18:06
dStructt3rminal: I would unlink those, and then probably sudo systemctl restart smbd, and then try smbclient -L localhost and see what you get18:08
t3rminaldStruct, I've just recreated the symlinks and they now seem to be showing up18:13
dStructt3rminal: nice!  you'll probably want to lock down those shares a little better now that it's working, wide links = yes is not a safe thing to keep turned on really18:14
dStructt3rminal: take away/disable things one by one, and restart smbd after each change, and test on your Mac to make sure it doesn't stop working for you18:15
t3rminaldStruct, what is the issues having wide links = yes18:18
dStructt3rminal: it allows symlinks to be followed outside of the share itself, so you could accidentally allow someone to go to directories you might not want them in18:22
dStructt3rminal: for example creating a symlink to /etc inside a share would allow someone to read and possibly even write to files in there18:22
t3rminalI'll look into that. Thanks for the help dStruct18:25
dStructt3rminal: sure thing, I'm glad I could help18:26
rexwin_I don't get IPv4 address in my virtual ubuntu machine?18:32
acawleyrexwin: what virtualization software are you using?18:39
acawleyIt sounds like you might need to tweak the network setup on the VM (Host side)18:40
acawleywhat network conf does it have currently on vmware?18:40
acawleyalso do you have a DHCP Server (built into practically all routers) which is actually dishing out IPv4 addresses to devices?18:41
acawleyI take it other devices on your LAN obtain IPv4 addresses automatically? (if so then those will be issued to them via a DHCP server)18:41
rexwin_VMnetDHCP and VMnetNAT was disabled and all is well now18:46
acawleythat's cool, glad to hear you got it working!18:47
pjsanyone recommend software (or website) where I can edit pdf forms? like, fill them out. I can't seem to find something that runs in Linux to do this18:48
pragmaticenigmapjs: Please use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel for software recommendations18:49
V7Hey all18:50
V7Could anyone suggest how to get rid of systemd-resolve's messages in syslog like: https://termbin.com/u2ym18:50
V7Already relinked /etc/resolv.conf and reinstalled resolvconf18:50
pragmaticenigmaV7: You might want to try asking in #ubuntu-server18:51
V7Roger that18:52
V7Thank you pragmaticenigma18:52
bernyrdI have issue with pppoe19:20
bernyrdI run pppoeconf and get it set up well, provide what I know to be correct user and pass. I check the secrets files. But when I run `pon dsl-provider` I either get eventually nothing in `plog` or `Timeout waiting for PAD0`19:21
bernyrdI read this maybe is ISP issue, but I have no way to prove, and obviously is never their fault19:23
bernyrdthey keep telling to use provided modem, but it can't do what I need...19:23
ioriabernyrd, why you don't use the DSL  oprion in NM ?19:23
bernyrdis server install19:24
ioriai see19:24
bernyrdvery sleek,very shiny. much blinking cursor.19:24
bernyrdI am very confuse because exact net setup used to work19:25
bernyrdthis is 90% of what makes me think ISP issue, I hear about long live connections that are not possible to resume due to modem bugs19:25
ioriabernyrd, well, you basically just set the interface, (eth0),username, password  and leave the others to default19:26
ncuxoGreetings everybody19:26
ncuxoI have a question in regards of boot19:27
ncuxocan I move boot directory on a removable flash19:27
ncuxofor extra encryption security?19:28
acawleyinteresting idea, although probably overkill, would it not be possible to just encrypt the boot partition in situ?19:30
bernyrdioria yeh unfortunately I do not find much more troubleshooting info19:30
acawleyI'm not that well up on encryption on Linux, but I would have thought that may be possible?19:31
ncuxoacawley:  can I encrypt boot?19:31
ncuxoI thought boot has to be unencrypted19:31
acawleyothers will know a lot more about that then me!19:31
acawleyAll I know is that today at work I setup a Fedora system and enabled Encryption as part of the process19:31
acawleywhen it boots it pretty quickly asks me for my decryption passphrase.19:32
acawleyioria: would I be right in thinking that would have the boot partition encrypted? (default Fedora & choosing to encrypt during setup)?19:32
ioriabernyrd,  i suggest you check your logs (dmesg, journalctl, syslog)19:33
acawleyI know it isn't strictly Ubuntu, I just figured if Fedora was implementing encryption at boot then likely Ubuntu would be able to do the same19:33
ioriaacawley, right, not deafult in ubuntu (you need manual work)19:33
acawleyOK, cool, it wasn't default in Fedora either, but it was just one mere tickbox away during the partitioning setup screen19:34
ioriaacawley, and you should know that an ecrypted boot does not grant 100% security19:35
ncuxoioria:  so external boot is more secure?19:35
acawleyncuxo: have faith in proper encryption, when done correctly and you use a decent/strong password/phrase it is solid and secure.19:36
lordcirthStrong passphrase is the most important bit. Your next concern should be malware, as it would bypass all of that.19:37
ncuxowell my passphrase is 40 symbols generated from a random password generator19:37
ncuxoit took a while to remember19:37
ioriadoes not matter19:37
acawleyioria, by that do you mean that I shouldn't take for granted that if my boot partition is encrypted I shouldn't assume other areas like /home are?19:38
ioriancuxo, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKeiKYA03eE19:38
acawleyI suppose one of the best tests would be to take the drive out of the system and connect it to another and attempt to try and retrieve data myself without using decryption passwords19:38
ncuxoioria: not something I want to hear19:39
ncuxobut thanks I will definitely try to improve19:39
lordcirthncuxo, none of this is a reason to not use FDE.19:39
lordcirthJust know that nothing is a silver bullet.19:39
ioriaacawley,     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKeiKYA03eE19:39
acawleyjust loaded that, thanks, I will watch19:39
ncuxobut how are all the servers protected19:39
lordcirthncuxo, what servers?19:40
ncuxogenerally speaking19:40
lordcirthncuxo, well, generally servers should be in a physically secure room, in which case disk encryption is a lower priority. You can encrypt your data drives, so that you can replace / RMA them, and keep the keys on the root SSDs. We do that on some machines.19:42
lordcirthOr you can put the keys on a USB stick, or require them to be typed in on boot, or unlock the server via ssh.19:42
ncuxowell how can I prevent someone accessing my data then ?19:43
ncuxoI thought FDE is enough19:44
acawleyIt likely is *done right*19:44
acawleyioria, nope to what?19:45
ioriaFDE is enough19:45
ioriais just raisonnable enough19:46
acawleyok, ok, maybe I wasn't thinking about it litterally enough - I mean you'd probably have better security encrypting a particular volume or partion on a use-case basis,19:46
iorianope again19:47
acawleydecrypt briefly when you need to put something in or access data and dismount/encrypt when done19:47
ncuxoioria: I'm also encrypting some folders19:47
acawleyioria, well I suppose you would need to define "enough" to have a real answer.19:48
ioriaattacks are hw-based nowadays, not software19:48
ioriathey chabge the chip pins behavior19:48
lordcirthncuxo, you need to define your use case and threat model if you want a specific answer.19:49
acawleynot from the kind of people we use FDE to protect against at our work. You've devised a state of the art imaginary attacker who doesn't frequent my area19:49
acawleywe use FDE to guard against the common criminal who may rob our gear at night,19:49
acawleyyes we have alarms, locks and more in place to protect it but FDE is another tool.19:50
ncuxoI want the government not to be able to decrypt my drives19:50
acawleyIt will stop your common criminal from reading potentially sensitive data from those drives19:50
lordcirthncuxo, then you should move to a country where that government can't kidnap and beat you.19:50
acawley^ and intercept your every communication19:50
lordcirth$5 wrench attacks are a thing.19:50
acawley^ lol yeah :/19:51
ncuxojournalism is not easy19:51
acawleyUse Tor Browser or TAILS live OS for net browsing19:51
acawleythat isn't going to help you with disk encryption, but just a heads-up for a bit of additional privacy/anonimity when surfing the web19:52
ncuxoI do that but I need to store the information somewhere :D19:52
bernyrdshould I be more afraid of $5 wrench or $10 wrench19:52
ncuxothis is why I'm interested into FDE19:52
acawleyI'm still a Windows user part time, I use VeraCrypt there, is it available for Linux?19:53
ioriait was, iirc19:53
ncuxoioria: this is why I moved to linux https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lU7YQA72PP419:57
ioriancuxo, ok19:58
GivenToCodeanyone run ubuntu 18.04 via community AMIs on EC2? I am seeing shutdown (stop/terminate) hang for about 4 minutes without any shutdown hooks activating on the instance (ie systemd) and then ec2 forcing termination20:08
GivenToCodethis is reproducible on new 18.04 community amis on at least t3 and m5 instance types, but not t2.20:09
acawleyncuxo & ioria, I'm a gd way through that Defcon21 vid and tbh I'm conmfortable with the first 6 or 7 attack vectors he mentions. They feel somewhat weak to me and I know in the past 6+yrs since that video the industry20:17
acawleyhas made good moves toward mitigating much of the problems that would make them possible20:17
acawleylike reducing the use of Thunderbolt, Firewire and slowly rolling out things like Secure Boot & UEFI etc.20:18
acawley+ some of those attacks actually involve a root compromise just to steal my encryption keys. I'm sorry but if you've got root on my box then it's game over anyway and I'd expect someone with root on my running sys to have that degree of access,20:19
acawleymost of what I've heard so far doesn't worry me. Don't get me wrong if I had highly sensative secrets that could potentially put my life endanger and I thought state actors were out to steal those secrets then I would be a lot more paranoid and careful than I am day to day.20:20
acawleyInteresting video though - thanks for sharing (I'm still watching it!)20:20
ncuxotbh if my pc is in a hidden room and I power down the whole electricity when the raid occurs I don't see how they are getting my data20:23
ncuxothey will still need time to find it20:23
ncuxodisassemble it and do whatever they need to extract the data20:24
JimBuntuGivenToCode, I do, but not 18.04 and never experienced such failures using <18.04 AMIs20:26
JimBuntuGivenToCode, 16.04 is still LTS, for a bit, maybe use that for now?20:27
misternumberonehi, i am experiencing this bug in 19.04 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-settings/+bug/1822937, they say it was fixed in nvidia-settings (418.56-0ubuntu2). but i have nvidia-settings (418.56-0ubuntu1) and apt upgrade does not update the package; is there a correct way i can download the patch?20:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1822937 in nvidia-settings (Ubuntu Disco) "NVIDIA settings won't write to /etc/xorg" [Medium,In progress]20:27
JimBuntuGivenToCode, I am pretty sure though, people would love if you could post logs from that for the community to look at... maybe a log server so you can get stuff as close to final shutdown as possible?20:28
=== im0nde_ is now known as im0nde1
systestIs it possible to configure systemd to use specific DNS hosts for some domans?  My first thought  was to simply rip out systemd-resolved and replace it with somthing  like powerdns-recursor but it woudl be nice if there were a simple config solution20:34
leftyfbsystest: run your own DNS server somewhere and create forwarders/stubs20:40
systestmuch too much effort and would be problematic as I would have to setup a DNS infrasstructure everywhere I wanted to host systems (or allow access in across the net, which won't work on some of my environemnts)20:42
systestbut appreciate the reply20:43
dStructsystest: you can configure DHCP to hand out different name servers to various hosts, or like leftyfb said, you'd have to run your own DNS probably20:48
systestI don't control  DHCP, AWS does ;-)20:49
systestbut interesting thought20:49
dStructsystest: was not aware it was an EC2, if you setup a private network you can control the dhcp, costs a little bit extra but maybe $1/mo or something, but we are getting off-topic here20:49
dStructsystest: what are you trying to do?20:50
systestPowerDNS makes this trivial.  Just add a line in a config `somedomain.com=`20:50
systestShort version, we use hashicorp consul/vault20:50
systesthas a slick DNS  interface, i.e. you can make DNS queries and it returns service locations, key/values etc20:51
dStructsystest: I'd say probably take this convo over to #ubuntu-offtopic as it's a little out of scope for here20:51
systestwell, given this is a systemd problem figured it was on topic20:52
bernyrdI was checking issues with PPPD. I get no PADO packet. But I see no errors in dmesg.20:53
bernyrdNot sure what else to check20:53
systestbut fair enough, simple answer is probably to replace the systemd-resolver20:53
bernyrdpppoe-discover gives https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/ioctl-siocgifhwaddr-session-0-no-such-device-555814/20:53
bernyrdeven when supplied with right if20:53
dStructsystest: yeah I mean if it's a configuration type of thing with resolved or systemd then by all means :D20:54
GivenToCode@JimBuntu, I was working with the systemd folks to get logs but it really does appear something blocks for 4 minutes and then ec2 pulls the plug so there isn't much logging20:55
GivenToCodeI also didn't find a repo of sorts to log an issue for the EC2 AMI20:55
systestdStruct, that was my orignal question.  I want to configure systemd to send requests related to a specific domain to a specific DNS server.  Dosn't look like that's easy to do though20:55
JimBuntuGivenToCode, maybe try to stick with what it is that's blocking, that should show in the logs. I figure. Sorry, I can't be of much more help. I bet someone here will be, or possibly over at #ubuntu-server as I bet they would see this more often, even if it's the desktop version AMI you are using20:57
AavarAfter a reinstall of my system I can't reenable or log in to my google account in "online accounts". Where are these config files kept so I can remove them and start fresh?20:57
ncuxo Aavar or just stop using google :D20:58
ncuxothey are the evil20:58
Aavarncuxo, I know, but I haven't found a good provider yet... I guess they have captured me with their freebies...20:59
AavarI think maybe I found a solution though.20:59
dStructsystest: it's been a while since I messed with that kind stuff in resolved but let me take a peek at it real quick and refresh my memory21:02
systestdStruct, thanks21:03
CarlFKhttps://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/greasemonkey/  "add to ff" is disabled  - #greasemonkey said "ask in #ff" and no one is home over there...   so.. anyone here have some ideas?21:05
CarlFKhmm, seems same with all the addon's I go to21:06
dStructsystest: well the quickest thing that pops out at me is you can set a dns server per iface, so in theory if you were you prop up a vif or iface alias or something like that, maybe even a vlan you could set dns server per interface21:06
CarlFKdStruct: i du know bout that... dns starts with etc/resolve.conf - I don't think theres a per/iface21:08
systestdStruct, that just pushed the problem to "how do you configure the system to use a separate interface for DNS queries for some domains".  The more I look at it, the answer is "replace systemd-resolved" with a more configurable tool21:08
systestbut I do appreciate your taking the time to look/reply.  thanks much21:08
dStructsystest: hmm interesting, now I kinda want to do it, just to prove it can be done lol21:09
systestTell you what, I'll pop back in tomorrow and link to my solution, you can tell me if there's a simpler way ;-)21:10
dStructsystest: sounds good to me :D21:10
systestnow, if I can just find a simple way to find out what DNS servers were returned with the DHCP lease, other than `cat /run/systemd/netif/leases/* | grep DNS`21:11
dStructsystest: wireshark21:12
dStructor tcpdump (easier but harder to read)21:12
systestCreative, but I think `netplan ip leases eth0` is a bit simpler and doesn't require root ;-)21:16
Aavarwhat is the default mail-client in ubuntu?21:24
lordcirthAavar, Thunderbird, last I checked21:24
Aavarlordcirth, ahh... makes sense21:24
dStructsystest: is there a particular reason using static hosts entries wouldn't work?21:42
mustmodifyis there some pipe command that will add "CRLF" instead of ... whichever one linux does?21:45
mustmodifyso that I can `cat file.txt | crlf` then copy/paste?21:45
dStructmustmodify: either sed or awk can probably (probably sed)21:46
vellumy raspberry pie wont show on screen..22:35
velluive tried everything, i think i need a 3 amp charger22:35
vellui have a 6 amp charger but it doesnt work22:35
velluhow can i setup ssh or vnc blindly no screen22:35
velluSomeone please help22:36
deltabvellu: can you connect by ssh?22:50
deltabaiui the default username and password are 'raspberry' and 'pi'22:50
velluhow can i setup ssh when i dont see anything22:50
velluhow do i enable it in config22:50
deltabdo you have a screen connected?22:52
velluno i cant get it to work, my charger isnt succifent enough22:55
vellui need and micro usb to type c adaptor22:55
velluso i can get my real charger, then the screen will work22:55
vellucan i configure ssh in config connected to my laptop22:56
velluthe memory stick22:56
deltabit should be possible, but I don't know how22:57
EriC^^vellu: i dont think you could get more power if you use micro to type c23:00
EriC^^vellu: you could mount stuff and edit the configs23:01
velluno my charger has type c output and my cord is type c - micro usb23:01
cibyive tried to put ubuntu into sleep mode like in windows 10 before but when i start it back up the screen is completely blank. why23:03
EriC^^type "sudo parted -ls" and pastebin vellu , with mem stick attached23:03
EriC^^ciby: try some acpi_osi tricks and/or a different kernel23:04
vellui dont think its because of software23:04
velluits lack of amps23:04
vellui read that its usual23:05
vellui burned the images correctly and have fat format23:05
EriC^^vellu: ok, still want the paste though23:07
deltabciby: /5923:07
cibydidnt mean to do that?23:09
deltabciby: right (I was thinking of what to say, then EriC^^ said something more useful)23:11
vellumy friend is bringing me a charger23:13
velluthis is purely scientific, not enough amps23:13
EriC^^vellu: the screen has a microusb input?23:13
EriC^^ah nevermind23:14
EriC^^so you need a type c to type cord is what you're saying23:15
cibywhat is acpi_osi23:18
cibyfirst time hearing of this23:18
velluyes i need a cord with two type c ends, because the charger is retarded23:19
velluif i make mysel that wire cut two usb type c's and solder them23:20
deltabciby: ACPI is the modern equivalent of BIOS: software built into the motherboard that controls the hardware and is specific to how your computer was built23:20
velludo you guys believe that we actually live in a simulation23:21
cibyreally... i thought all motherboards had bios23:21
cibyvellu do you know about the golden ratio23:21
cibythat studd really messed me up23:21
velluits everywhere23:21
vellusame as our dna is code23:21
cibythats one thing i see as proof that everything is fake23:22
velluthere are actually philosophical zombies, but consciousness can shift bodies23:22
velluspooky subject23:24
vellui like cleverbot23:24
vellutell me what should i study23:24
vellucomputer science? or AI?23:25
VigdisHi, I have a physical disk (data disk, not OS disk) I'd like to move from a physical machine to another. The disk is entirely used by lvm. Should I take stuff from /etc/lvm? Or can I just move it and the other machine will see everything?23:29
whgiiiIMHO CS learn the basics and with a solid foundation you can specialize in any field you want23:29
vellui should23:30
vellubut i have adhd23:30
velluright now i am under the influence of concerta23:30
whgiiidon't we all :)23:30
SpiritHorsevellu: we are all adhd brah23:31
velluits the only way i can focus really.23:31
velluit sucks23:31
deltabVigdis: depends on how you have it set up. Run lsblk, pvdisplay, lvdisplay23:31
velluI browse deepweb commonly23:32
vellufor drugs for conecentration etc.23:33
velluthere are evil sites that i would like to burn23:33
SpiritHorsetoo much creepy shit23:33
SpiritHorseI'm all for a good time, but some of the stuff there is just...... yeah, no.23:34
deltabthat's dark web; deep web is just sites you have to log into23:34
velludont touch the bad stuff just browse drugs :D23:34
Vigdisdeltab, here's the output https://chown.me/indigo/185e1f6467b39c8fcd92256a10a2c727202261fd2111d62beb8fe7efed413f3823:34
SpiritHorsewell I was looking at some of the stuff, I was just curious about the weed23:34
SpiritHorsethat's about as hard as I go... but next thing you know, I see... well,23:35
SpiritHorsehad to reinfect my computer23:35
velluyeah.... breaks my heart when evil shit shows up but i dont browse /fap/23:35
SpiritHorsefuck it, I did, once.23:36
velluforgive yourself dont be paranoid23:36
velluits just an moral dilemma dont think it too much it doesnt define you23:37
velluGod loves you23:37
SpiritHorseah not the first time I've seen some stuff on the internet23:38
SpiritHorsefrom the land of 2400bps, I'll be good :23:38
velluJust ask for help if you think you need it, consciousness knows if somethings wrong and needs fixing23:40
vellui call god Conscniousness23:40
Vigdisdeltab, any tip?23:41
SpiritHorsevellu: properly filed in roledex.23:41
dbabadali need help vellu23:41
velluwhat help do you need23:41
dbabadali need you to purify me from my anxiety23:41
vellu:( thats bad, have you tried meditation23:42
velluif its really bad you need medication and psychotherapy23:42
dbabadali tried all of those23:42
vellui have anxiety too so i know23:42
velluhave you tried some calming herbs23:42
dbabadali take medication but im just getting worse23:42
SpiritHorsedbabadal: deep breaths and meditation (try it, really)... have been pretty meta on my anxiety23:42
SpiritHorselike, 90 minutes23:43
velluwhat medication you have?23:43
dbabadali have Anafranil, Seroquel23:43
dbabadaltwo more i dont recall23:43
SpiritHorseyou need some haze and some kush23:44
dbabadalSpiritHorse>: would you teach me how to meditate23:44
velluyou need Diapam or xanax23:44
dbabadalyeah I take xanax too23:44
velluthere are guided mediatations on youtube they are very helpful23:44
SpiritHorsedbabadal: hmm.. I'm unqualified to do that... but what I can do is point you into some videos and blogs I have used that helped me.23:44
dbabadalSpiritHorse>: that would be kind of you23:45
deltabVigdis: sorry, reached the limit of my lvm knowledge23:45
Vigdisok thanks :)23:45
vellui wonder why doctors dont give you the help you need, one pill can cure the panic23:45
velluor liquid diazepam23:45
dbabadalvellu: well doctors are not as philanthropic as they seem23:46
velluthey dont know what it feels like23:46
vellui like psychologists23:47
velluthey are not so high and mighty and drug discussion is of the table23:47
vellui would like to be a psychologist maybe someday and try to help people23:47
vellubut at the same time i would like to study computer science or AI23:48
velluim an open dude i can talk about anything if someone needs help23:48
dbabadalvellu: thats a good intention to have, most people get into psychology this way, but they dont know what they are getting into, for how much it is intoxicated by academic doctrines23:49
vellui have seen some shit, seriously23:49
youtahWow. Upgraded from 18.04.2 to 18.04.3 and everything on my machine went to $#%@23:49
velluSome bad people23:50
youtahAudio good bye. Cant open youtube. Spotify is broken. Localectl settings FUBAR.23:50
youtahanyone have any ideas on how to "reset" user settings? For like... everything?23:50
youtahNuked basically anything that was cached23:51
vellujust create a new user23:51
youtahbrowser settings, etc23:51
youtahvellu, I'll try that23:51
youtahwhat a pain23:51
argusbr? past23:52
argusbrhow to solve https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZMRBX6jybJ/23:52
dbabadalvellu: i sent you a private message, is that ok?23:52
velluyes its okay23:53

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