
RikMillscrydotsnake-M: sorry, I didn't manage to get on the website last night. I will try to later today09:21
crydotsnake-MNo Problem ! 😄 RikMills 09:24
crydotsnake-MThanks !09:24
IrcsomeBot1<RikMills> https://twitter.com/kubuntu/status/116375173129496166409:57
BluesKajHowdy all11:30
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
RikMillsyakuake 19.08.0 is into Eoan (it has blur config, which people seem obsessed with)20:33
crydotsnake-MCool :))20:33
RikMillskdenlive 19.08.0 is also in as, people want the latest on that AWAYS20:34
RikMillsthe rest of apps 19.08 I am holding back, as we won't get more than one bugfix update in time for Eons if we update them all20:35
RikMillsshipping a .1 bugfix release whne there is a .2 and .3 to come in a distro release is not great20:36
RikMillscrydotsnake-M: I will get to those screenshots, I promise. I just keep getting backlogged20:37
RikMillsafter feature freeze on Thursday, that should ease somewhat20:38
crydotsnake-MCant wait to see 19.10! :D. Its okay Rik! :)).20:38
crydotsnake-M * Cant wait to see 19.10 and Help Testing on it ! :D. Its okay Rik! :)).20:38
RikMillsditto. :)20:40
crydotsnake-MFor Example i found a bug on 19.10. Who can i Report that?, on Launchpad?.20:42
RikMillsit depends very much on what the bug is. some might be a KDE bug that requires reporting on their tracker, which we then link a launchpad bug to. Some may be purely a distor issue20:43
crydotsnake-MOkay. Anyway, i cant wait to test it! :). Are there big changes for Kubuntu in 19.10?.20:45
RikMillsNothing huge. We get new plasma/apps/frameworks. We have always tried to be a fairly conservative implementation of the KDE stack. No HUGE hacks or changes.20:48
RikMillswe don't provide the near 'vanilla' Neon does, but nor do we go a bit off the wall that some plasma distor can20:52
crydotsnake-MOkay. Anyway it sounds nice! :))20:54
crydotsnake-M * Okay. Anyway, i cant wait to Help testing! :). Are there big changes for Kubuntu in 19.10?.20:54
RikMillsI think keeping Kubuntu going as a flavour for Ubuntu is important. OK, there is Neon (which I also help with), but a great KDE desktop should be available on stock Ubuntu. which i why I help do this20:58
RikMillshelp making that happen is invaluable :)20:59
crydotsnake-MI agree! :))20:59
crydotsnake-MI would also like to contribute very much there !21:00
crydotsnake-MMy KDE Shirt is on the way to Germany, so the little first thing is done! 😎21:02
RikMillsin the next few weeks/months or whatever, we can work out how to do that21:02
crydotsnake-MThis would be cool! :)21:02
RikMillsfor record, even packaging is not that hard once you get your head round the debian weirdness21:02
RikMillsmy coding skills are ###t, but I can package!21:03
crydotsnake-MOkay :o. But it would be very cool, to be a KDE Developer like you are! :).21:03
RikMillsit is still very weird to hear that I am!21:04
crydotsnake-MWhat do you mean?21:04
RikMillsI joined this channel in 2016 just trying to help test things. as I was a bit worried about the future of Kubuntu 21:06
crydotsnake-MI want to do the same! :). I want to do more things for Kubuntu in the Future!.21:07
RikMillsnow I am a Kubuntu developer and MOTU, and Council member21:07
RikMillsit sorta snowballed!21:08
crydotsnake-MOkay. Would be amazing to be a part of Kubuntu, cuz i really like the Project and also KDE Ofc!.21:08
RikMillsbecoming an official kubuntu member requires sustained contributions, so we can't make that happen too quick. we value very much people who are working towards that though :)21:12
genii /me gets reminded about some email about IRCC elections he should probabl look at21:12
geniiI might also need more coffee21:12
crydotsnake-MI understand that! RikMills :). 21:13
RikMillsgenii: ooooooooooooooh. coffess21:13
* genii slides RikMills a nice strong one21:13
RikMillsat least I didn't type 'covfefe'21:14
crydotsnake-MCoffee is very important for programmers!.21:14
RikMillsmight have to leave it tonight though, as need the sleep soon :(21:16
RikMillsthat is painful21:16
crydotsnake-Mi need also sleep.21:16
RikMillsKubuntu is to blame for countless lost hrs of sleep on my part, as I want to get things finished :)21:18
RikMillslabour of love I guess21:18
crydotsnake-MI think too! :D21:18
* RikMills heads off to try to sleep21:22
crydotsnake-MGood night! :)21:22
RikMillssometimes this doesn't work, and IO end back on in here in an hrs time :P21:22
RikMillsbut I can try at least :P21:22
crydotsnake-MThats right! :)21:23

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