
=== mIk3_09 is now known as mIk3_08
cyphermoxdoko: jdstrand: didrocks:13:01
cyphermoxok didrocks is not going to be there13:02
cyphermoxcpaelzer: I started looking at the bugs earlier, we have a few open13:02
cyphermoxlibheif is still in the list for Security to review13:03
cyphermoxrygel I just assigned to the Desktop team (needs at least a chnge in Recommends, it's trivial, but also a look at some XML code)13:04
cyphermoxgupnp-dlna I would have to look at the comments more to figure out what the next steps are13:05
cpaelzer__cyphermox: am I back13:06
cpaelzer__vpn issues today keep on troubling me :-/13:06
cpaelzer__there is an older MIR on gupnp-dlna13:06
cyphermoxcpaelzer__: ok13:06
cpaelzer__didrocks reviewed and they decided to punt it to next cycle13:07
cpaelzer__have you talked about that in the past?13:07
cpaelzer__as it was later reopened what seems to be a community member?13:07
cpaelzer__I think we should set https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gupnp-dlna/+bug/1785649 back to incomplete13:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1785649 in gupnp-dlna (Ubuntu) "[MIR] gupnp-dlna" [Undecided,New]13:07
cpaelzer__what do you think?13:07
cyphermoxI haven't stalked about it gain with the team13:08
cyphermoxlet's ask seb.13:08
cyphermox(I will)13:08
cyphermoxah, and I will re-review libbluray13:08
cpaelzer__the other one open is libheif13:08
cyphermoxcpaelzer__: still in security review13:08
cyphermoxcpaelzer__: anything on your side for server?13:09
cpaelzer__nothing new13:09
cpaelzer__we have a few on securities queue13:09
cpaelzer__but nothing new opened/closed13:09
cpaelzer__aynthing from you that needs help?13:09
cyphermoxI had opened ec2-instance-connect, it needs help probably13:10
cpaelzer__I had reviewed that13:10
cyphermoxbut best check with fginther or someone in CPC13:10
cpaelzer__as well as security13:10
cpaelzer__and I have learned that rbasak has reviewed it before it was a MIR13:10
cyphermoxbut since I opened it and did the packaging maybe it's best if I don't go review that one13:10
cyphermoxAFAIK those are all known issues, but it's how that package works :/13:10
cpaelzer__IMHO until at least the major issues are addressed there isn't mcuh to do on our side13:10
cyphermoxyeah ok13:11
cpaelzer__fginther should be the right one for driving this via the contact to the upstream authors13:11
cyphermoxokay then, I guess we're through the list13:11
cpaelzer__cyphermox: also the packaging wasn't the big issue13:11
cyphermoxno, I know13:11
cpaelzer__yeah I'm ok for this week13:11
cyphermoxthe scripts are special.13:11
cpaelzer__"special" ... nicely put13:11
dokoouch, forgot ...13:23
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer

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