
ColonelPanic001in case people weren't around last time I asked.13:52
mrgoodcatColonelPanic001: does that happen every time you open a second session?13:56
ColonelPanic001it seems to be width dependant13:57
mrgoodcatare you wondering how to stop the stuff on the right side from happening, stop the green, or both?13:57
ColonelPanic001so if I narrow the window, that's when the extra green window list appears13:57
mrgoodcatwhat about the green 't]' in the first window li9st?13:58
ColonelPanic001Yeah, basically I'd like it to do nothing - the top image is what I'd prefer it to do13:58
ColonelPanic001the first green prompt is fine13:58
ColonelPanic001basically everything in the first image is how I have it configured13:58
mrgoodcatits fine that just the last 2 characters are green?13:58
ColonelPanic001well, there's that second prompt, and the gree "extra" window list13:58
jrwrenwow, now launchpad needs to sunset bazaar and the world will be complete15:18
jrwrenif anyone is interested in learning Go, the first meetup in ann arbor of the new a2go group is Sept 10 and we are focusing on getting started.20:11
cmaloneyThat's awesome that it's getting some nrew life23:25

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